Where to make a complete bike then. Self service bike. Video instruction for maintaining a bicycle for winter

  1. Task 1 of 15

    1 .

    Are the Rules violated in the situations depicted?


    f) tow bicycles;

    Not properly

    6. Requirements for cyclists

    6.6. The cyclist is prohibited from:

    d) while moving, hold on to something else vehicle;

    f) tow bicycles;

  2. Task 2 of 15

    2 .

    Which cyclist does not break the rules?


    6. Requirements for cyclists

    6.6. The cyclist is prohibited from:

    Not properly

    6. Requirements for cyclists

    6.6. The cyclist is prohibited from:

    b) move on motorways and roads for cars, as well as on the carriageway, if there is a nearby Bike Lane;

  3. Task 3 of 15

    3 .

    Who must give way?


    6. Requirements for cyclists

    Not properly

    6. Requirements for cyclists

    6.5. If the cycle path crosses the road outside the intersection, cyclists must give way to other vehicles moving on the road.

  4. Task 4 of 15

    4 .

    What loads are allowed to be carried by a cyclist?


    6. Requirements for cyclists

    22. Shipping

    Not properly

    6. Requirements for cyclists

    6.4. The cyclist can only carry such loads that do not interfere with the control of the bike and do not create obstacles for other participants. traffic.

    22. Shipping

    22.3. Carriage of cargo is permitted provided that it:

    b) does not violate the stability of the vehicle and does not complicate its management;

  5. Task 5 of 15

    5 .

    Which cyclist violates the Rules when carrying passengers?


    6. Requirements for cyclists

    6.6. The cyclist is prohibited from:

    Not properly

    6. Requirements for cyclists

    6.6. The cyclist is prohibited from:

    e) carry passengers on a bicycle (with the exception of children under 7 years of age who are transported on an additional seat equipped with securely fastened footrests);

  6. Task 6 of 15

    6 .

    In what order will the vehicles pass through the intersection?


    16. Passage of intersections

    Not properly

    16. Passage of intersections

    16.11. At the intersection of unequal roads, the driver of a vehicle moving along a secondary road must give way to vehicles approaching this intersection of carriageways along the main road, regardless of the direction of their further movement.

    16.12. At the intersection of equivalent roads, the driver of a non-rail vehicle must give way to vehicles approaching from the right.
    This rule should be guided by each other and tram drivers. At any unregulated intersection, a tram, regardless of the direction of its further movement, has an advantage over non-rail vehicles approaching it along an equivalent road.

    16.14. If the main road changes direction at the intersection, the drivers of vehicles moving along it must be guided by the rules for passing the intersections of equivalent roads.
    This rule should be guided by each other and drivers moving on secondary roads.

  7. Task 7 of 15

    7 .

    Cycling on sidewalks and footpaths:


    6. Requirements for cyclists

    6.6. The cyclist is prohibited from:

    Not properly

    6. Requirements for cyclists

    6.6. The cyclist is prohibited from:

    c) move along sidewalks and footpaths (except for children under 7 years old on children's bicycles under adult supervision);

  8. Task 8 of 15

    8 .

    Who has the right of way at the intersection with the bike lane?


    6. Requirements for cyclists

    6.5. If the cycle path crosses the road outside the intersection, cyclists must give way to other vehicles moving on the road.

    Not properly

    6. Requirements for cyclists

    6.5. If the cycle path crosses the road outside the intersection, cyclists must give way to other vehicles moving on the road.

  9. Task 9 of 15

    9 .

    What distance should be between groups of cyclists moving in a column?


    6. Requirements for cyclists

    Not properly

    6. Requirements for cyclists

    6.3. Cyclists, moving in groups, must ride one after another so as not to interfere with other road users. A column of cyclists moving along the carriageway should be divided into groups (up to 10 cyclists in a group) with a distance of 80-100 m between groups.

  10. Task 10 of 15

    10 .

    Vehicles will pass the intersection in the following order


    16. Passage of intersections

    16.11. At the intersection of unequal roads, the driver of a vehicle moving along a secondary road must give way to vehicles approaching this intersection of carriageways along the main road, regardless of the direction of their further movement.

    Not properly

    16. Passage of intersections

    16.11. At the intersection of unequal roads, the driver of a vehicle moving along a secondary road must give way to vehicles approaching this intersection of carriageways along the main road, regardless of the direction of their further movement.

    16.13. Before turning left and making a U-turn, the driver of a non-rail vehicle is obliged to give way to a tram in the opposite direction, as well as to vehicles moving on the same road in the opposite direction straight or to the right.

  11. Task 11 of 15

    11 .

    The cyclist passes the intersection:


    16. Passage of intersections

    Not properly

    8. Traffic regulation

    8.3. The signals of the traffic controller take precedence over traffic signals and traffic signs and are mandatory. Traffic lights other than flashing yellow take precedence over road signs priority. Drivers and pedestrians must comply with the additional requirements of the traffic controller, even if they contradict traffic signals, traffic signs and markings.

    16. Passage of intersections

    16.6. When turning left or turning around at the green signal of the main traffic light, the driver of a non-rail vehicle is obliged to give way to a tram in the same direction, as well as vehicles moving in the opposite direction straight or turning right. This rule should be guided by each other and tram drivers.

  12. Task 12 of 15

    12 .

    Flashing red signals of this traffic light:


    8. Traffic regulation

    Not properly

    8. Traffic regulation

    8.7.6. To regulate traffic at railway crossings, traffic lights with two red signals or one white-moon and two red signals are used, having the following meanings:

    a) flashing red signals prohibit the movement of vehicles through the crossing;

    b) a flashing white-moon signal indicates that the alarm system is working and does not prohibit the movement of vehicles.

    At railway crossings, simultaneously with a prohibitory signal of a traffic light, an audible signal may be turned on, additionally informing road users about the prohibition of movement through the crossing.

  13. Task 13 of 15

    13 .

    Which vehicle driver will pass the intersection second?


    16. Passage of intersections

    16.11. At the intersection of unequal roads, the driver of a vehicle moving along a secondary road must give way to vehicles approaching this intersection of carriageways along the main road, regardless of the direction of their further movement.

    16.14. If the main road changes direction at the intersection, the drivers of vehicles moving along it must be guided by the rules for passing the intersections of equivalent roads.

    This rule should be guided by each other and drivers moving on secondary roads.

    Not properly

    16. Passage of intersections

    16.11. At the intersection of unequal roads, the driver of a vehicle moving along a secondary road must give way to vehicles approaching this intersection of carriageways along the main road, regardless of the direction of their further movement.

    16.14. If the main road changes direction at the intersection, the drivers of vehicles moving along it must be guided by the rules for passing the intersections of equivalent roads.

    This rule should be guided by each other and drivers moving on secondary roads.

    16 Crossings

    Not properly

    8. Traffic regulation

    8.7.3. Traffic lights have the following meanings:

    A signal in the form of an arrow, allowing a left turn, also allows a U-turn, if it is not prohibited by traffic signs.

    The signal in the form of a green arrow (arrows) in the additional (additional) section (sections), turned on together with a green traffic light, informs the driver that he has an advantage in the direction (directions) indicated by the arrow (arrows) over vehicles moving from other directions;

    f) a red signal, including a flashing one, or two red flashing signals prohibit movement.

    A signal in the form of a green arrow (arrows) in the additional (additional) section (s) together with a yellow or red traffic light signal informs the driver that movement is allowed in the indicated direction, provided that vehicles moving from other directions are allowed to pass unhindered.

    The green arrow on the plate, installed at the level of the red traffic light with a vertical arrangement of signals, allows movement in the indicated direction when the red traffic light is on from the rightmost lane (or the leftmost lane on roads with one way traffic) subject to the provision of an advantage in movement to its other participants moving from other directions to a traffic light signal allowing movement;

    16 Crossings

    16.9. While driving in the direction of the arrow switched on in the additional section at the same time as the yellow or red traffic light, the driver must give way to vehicles moving from other directions.

    While driving in the direction of the green arrow on the table set at the level of the red traffic light with a vertical arrangement of signals, the driver must take the extreme right (left) lane and give way to vehicles and pedestrians moving from other directions.

Hello friends.

It is no secret that a bicycle, like any mechanism, requires periodic maintenance for normal operation.

Once upon a time, its maintenance did not present great difficulties; any boy, even a little versed in technology, could handle this.

Yes, and there was nothing special to service: I lubricated the chain, stuffed lubricants into the rear and front axles, tightened the creaking bolts, that's, in general, that's all.

A modern bike is a completely different matter. So many new parts and assemblies appeared in it that, one might say, it was reinvented.

What in the current bike requires maintenance and how often should it be carried out?

We will talk about this in today's article.

To begin with, I will briefly talk about the frequency of maintenance.

It will be difficult to establish a strict framework for maintenance, because each of us operates the iron horse in different ways, but it can be conditionally divided into a follow-up inspection, in-line maintenance and seasonal maintenance.

Control inspection implies a check (inspection) of the main mechanisms of the bike before leaving.

What we check:

Visually inspect the tires for damage, bumps, protruding cord. If there is a problem, we will replace it.

Check tire pressure and top up if necessary.

Having clamped the front brake, we shake the steering wheel back and forth, while play and beats should not be felt. We feel it - we tighten the upper rolling ring or the cover with the anchor.

holding front wheel between the legs, turn the steering wheel left and right, it should not turn. It turns - we tighten the tightening bolt or the bolts of the steering stem.

Brake system.

We take the wheels off the ground one by one and, turning them slightly, check if the brake pads touch the rim (disc, tire). They hurt - we adjust the tightening of the pads with bolts (after making sure that the wheel does not have the shape of a figure eight or the number 0).

When you press the brake lever (its slight play is allowed), the wheel must be securely blocked, when released, it must be unlocked (do not jam).

Brake pads should not be worn, and the wear itself should be uniform over the entire surface. The thickness of brake pads for disc brakes must not be less than 1 mm.


We raise the rear wheel and slightly rotate the pedals, the chain should not touch the cheeks of the front derailleur, frame, connecting rods, grinding and crunches are unacceptable when switching.

If there are problems, we align (replace) the switch (front, rear), connecting rods, lubricate the chain, adjust the switching mechanism with screws.

Having installed the chain on a large front star, we pull it forward - the links should not expose the teeth by more than half. Otherwise, we tighten (shorten) it with an adjusting screw.

Stream service carried out in more detail, after approximately every 500-2000 km of run.

What we check:

Threaded connections.

Check and tighten all screw connections. While driving, extraneous noise is heard - most likely the connection has weakened somewhere and our task is to identify such a place.


Option "killed" carriage

We take the connecting rods and try to shake them left and right, there should be no play. There is a backlash: in a collapsible carriage - we tighten the cups, in a non-collapsible carriage - we replace the carriage.

In the case when the connecting rods themselves dangle on the carriage shaft, we tighten their attachments to the shaft, it does not help - we replace the connecting rods or the shaft (most likely, the splines are broken).

Wheel hubs.

We hold the bike vertically and try to shake the wheels left and right, there should be no play. There is a backlash - we tighten the flare nuts. It does not help - the bearings may have fallen apart and it is time to replace them.

Chain lubrication and cassette cleaning.

However, I note that you need to lubricate the chain wisely. Too much lubrication, in this case - worse than none at all.

The fact is that a large amount of it attracts more dust, dirt and sand, and they, in turn, wear out both the chain and the cassette, and other related mechanisms (brake discs, gear shifting system, etc.)

Therefore, we lubricate only the pivot joints of the chain. Those. those places that really rub against each other. Excess grease must be removed.

We remove the cassette and carefully, with a brush, we go through all the "evil" places, paying special attention to the spider (on which the stars are fixed). Then lubricate with a thin layer of grease and install back.


Wheels are probably the busiest parts of a bike.

From the factory conveyor, they come out perfectly even and centered, with evenly tensioned spokes.

During operation, the tension of the spokes weakens, beats, figure eights, etc. appear. In addition, from strong blows the axles of the bushings can be deformed, which further complicates the situation.

Timely tightening of the spokes, regular inspection of rims and bushings will allow you to identify a possible problem in advance and eliminate it in a timely manner.


The frame is the load-bearing part of the bike, so it regularly has to withstand heavy loads.

Carrying loads, bumping off-road driving, aggressive driving style - all this shortens the life of the frame, which can cause cracks on it.

Most often, these are the points of connection of the lower tube of the frame with the head tube and the attachment points of the suspension, although everything here depends on the design.

If, as a result of the inspection, we found a crack in the frame, then, regrettably, it is better to replace the frame.

If the frame is steel, you can try to weld the crack with a welding machine, but even in this case, you should already think about purchasing a new one.

Welding an aluminum or titanium frame will cost a decent amount, and the carbon one will only have to be changed.

Riding with a cracked frame is life threatening. At any moment, it can burst completely.

Saddle and seat post.

"Killed" seat tube

In addition to inspecting the main parts of a bicycle, a scheduled inspection is also required by the place with which we are in contact with our own fifth point.

We inspect the saddle for the presence of gusts and delamination of the material. We glue problem areas, hem them, etc. If the problems with the saddle are more serious, we replace it.

We inspect the seatpost for kinks and cracks. If a creak is heard while driving, we remove it (the pin) from the seat tube, lubricate the part that will be in the tube and install it back.

gear shifters.

Checking the condition of the gear switches is reduced to their visual inspection for the absence of obvious damage and checking in motion for the absence of clanging and crunches when shifting gears, as well as their lubrication.

If there is a clanging - most likely, you need to tighten the switch cable, if there is a crunch - we are not switching correctly or the switch adjustment has gone astray.

I will share how to properly adjust the gear shifters in a separate article, so I recommend subscribing to blog updates.

Brake system.

Checking the brake systems, as we said above, should be carried out before each departure.

If there are no problems with the brakes, this is excellent, but despite this, from time to time you need to clean them, replace worn pads, tighten the cables and generally adjust the brakes.

Hydraulic brakes must be bled at least once a season to remove possible air leaks.

Shifters and cables.

Although these mechanisms generally bear little stress, they also require cleaning and lubrication.

We clean and lubricate the shifters, check the cables and shirts for gusts, lubricate with liquid lubricant, trying to get it (grease) under the shirt.

Seasonal maintenance is held twice a year: during the transition to summer and winter periods operation.

During seasonal maintenance, we carry out all the above checks, as well as some additional ones.


In order for it to last longer and not lose its shape after exposure to moisture, we wipe it well, remove dirt and dry it, after which we impregnate special tool to protect leather goods.

We carry out drying without direct exposure to heat (for example, a hair dryer), otherwise the saddle will wrinkle.


Although the suspension elements are protected from external factors by anthers, in the autumn-winter period it becomes more difficult for them to do their job.

The reason for this is high humidity, dirt, salt which is sprinkled on roads and other external irritants.

The gradual penetration of these irritants into the lubrication of the suspension elements can cause (and does cause) scuffing of the mirror surfaces, and this, in turn, has a bad effect on the operation of the suspension.

Seasonal oil changes in the front and rear shock absorbers will help our suspension last longer.

If you don’t have a bike yet, but really want to, I can recommend mountain bikes in St. Petersburg. In addition, on this resource you will find a lot of related bike accessories at reasonable prices.

Which "kind" are you? I propose to write in the comments under the article.

And that's all I have today.

Happy rides.

Sincerely, Sergey Drozdov

P. S. If you have any questions after reading the article, feel free to ask in the comments.

P. P. S. You can find the topics that will be revealed in the near future at. Our bike workshop in Moscow provides quality bicycle repair services. A team of professionals performs a thorough and high-quality repair of any level of complexity.
  1. We produce seasonal maintenance of bicycles. Seasonal maintenance includes the following works: disassembly, cleaning and lubrication of all mechanisms (rear hub, front hub, carriage, steering column) assembly and adjustment. Replacement Supplies: speed and brake cables, correction of "eights".
  2. Forks are serviced: hydraulic and pneumatic (disassembly, cleaning, oil change, oil seals, dampers, etc.).
  3. Hydraulic brakes are being repaired. A full cycle of routine maintenance to restore their performance.
  4. We edit dropouts and forks.
  5. We make adjustment of gear shifting with electronic control.
  6. We repair bushings of any complexity, we replace bearings.
  7. We also perform all other repairs of bicycle equipment: (we disassemble all types of cassettes, cut threads in the bottom bracket assembly, assemble and re-spoke wheels of any complexity.)
  8. We make installation of any bicycle accessories.

* Bicycle repair is carried out in the presence of spare parts in stock.

** For warranty repairs and free Maintenance(applies to bicycles over 5000 rubles within 90 days from the date of purchase) bicycles are accepted on weekdays.

Prices on the site are indicated without discounts!Discount applies to renovations. , except for seasonal storage and installation of accessories!

Installing accessories

1 Installation of quick-detachable plastic fenders (set)250r.
2 Installation of plastic wings (set)400r.
3 Installation of steel wings850r.
4 Bottle cage installation100 rub.
5 Mirror installation250r.
6 Lantern installation100 rub.
7 Installing the bike bag100 rub.
8 Installing the rear derailleur guard350r.
9 Installing a bike computer450r.
10 Installing a child seat700r.
11 Installing child extra wheels600r.
12 Installation of the trunk console (for the seatpost)350r.
13 Trunk installation500r.
14 Installation of a modular trunk700r.
15 Installation of peg (for 2 pcs.)350r.
16 Fitting or replacing a saddle350r.
17 Grip Replacement300r.
18 Installation of horns on the steering wheel350r.
19 Pump installation100 rub.
20 Installing the footrest300r.
21 Basket installation600r.
1 Needle replacement (1 pc)50r.
2 Correction of eights on one wheel (axial runout)350r.
3 Eleps + figure eight correction850r.
4 Side impact fix950r.
5 Wheel assembly with spoke tension 26950r.
6 Wheel assembly with spoke tension 201200r.
7 Wheel assembly when replacing: rims, bushings, spokes 26950r.
8 Assembly of a wheel on hubs with a disc brake950r.
9 Wheel assembly when replacing: rims, hubs or spokes 201200r.
10 Selection of spokes for rim and sleeve100 rub.
11 Umbrella fix + figure eight600r.
1 Bust front wheel hub + lubrication600r.
2 Bust bushing rear wheel+ lubricant700r.
3 Hub adjustment (rear or front)300r.
4 Removal, installation of ratchet, cassettes350r.
5 Ratchet drum or cassette repair700r.
6 Removal, installation of a ratchet (freewheel) on BMX500r.
1 Cartridge Installation250r.
2 Carriage installation (bulk)500r.
3 Carriage adjustment250r.
4 Cartridge replacement700r.
5 Carriage bulkhead700r.
6 Bulk Carriage Override700r.
7 Carriage replacement700r.
8 Broach rods (2 pcs)100 rub.
9 Replacing connecting rods (without shift adjustment)350r.
10 Connecting rod installation (no adjustment)from 350r.
11 Installing the "chain guide" on the carriagefrom 950r.
12 Rockring installation500r.
13 Installing or replacing drive gears500r.
14 Replacing the cartridge (carriage) with the removal and installation of connecting rods1200r.
15 Editing the system of the first complexity500r.
16 Editing the system of the second complexity600r.
17 Editing the system of the third complexity700r.
18 Locksmith work (removal of connecting rods, removal of the carriage)950r.
1 Installing the pedals250r.
2 Pedal Replacement350r.
3 Pedal adjustment (1 pc)300r.
4 Sort out a regular pedal for a new lubricant (1 pc)500r.
5 To sort out the contact pedal for a new lubricant (1 pc)700r.
1 Surface cleaning chain + cassettes + rear derailleur rollers950r.
2 Chain replacement + shorten or lengthen350r.
3 Chain repair (depending on complexity)350r.
4 Chain lubrication50r.

Steering column

1 Replacing or installing a stem350r.
2 Steering column adjustment250r.
3 Steering column bulkhead850r.
4 Steering column replacement (with pressing out and pressing in cups)1200r.
5 Replacing the fork (without replacing the steering column) + cutting the stem950r.
6 Steering wheel replacement350r.
8 anchor pressing250r.
9 Pressing in 2 cups of the steering column600r.
10 Fork cut (according to the desired height)250r.
11 Fork and steering column replacement1200r.
12 Hydraulic pumping seatpost with hydraulic line installation (Reverb)1200r.
1 Brake adjustment (1 pc) v-brake350r.
2 Disc brake adjustment. fur. (1 pc) or editing disc350r.
3 Replacement pads with adjustment (1 brake) v-brake600r.
4 Replacing brake levers (without adjustment)500r.
5 Installing the V-Brake (1 set)600r.
6 Disc brake installation. mechan. (1 set) with cable replacement950r.
7 Installing the V-brake kit (front + rear + adjustment, without handles)1200r.
8 Disc brake replacement. mechan.950r.
9 Installing a hydraulic disc brake (1 set)1450r.
10 Dressing disc/rotor350r.
11 Replacing Disc Brake Pads700r.
12 Removal / installation of the rotor350r.


1 Replacing the rear derailleur (editing the cock, cutting shirts, adjusting)950r.
2 Setpoint switch adjustment (full cycle)500r.
3 Replacing the front derailleur600r.
4 Installation of shifters (shift knobs) for 1 set.300r.
5 Front Derailleur Adjustment350r.
6 Replacing the rear derailleur rollers350r.
7 Replacing the Switch Cable or Jacket300r.
8 Rear derailleur repair or replacement250r.
9 Editing the front derailleur350r.
10 Disassembly/assembly of cable or jacket300r.

Brakes "Magura", "Hayes"

1 Installation of disc brakes (per pair)1900r.
2 Installation of rim brakes (per pair)1200r.
3 Hose replacement350r.
4 Replacement pads (1 brake)700r.
5 Bleeding (1 pc) (without oil cost)850r.
6 Flushing the caliper (1 pc)600r.
7 Adjustment of a brake (1 piece) disk350r.
8 Replacing caliper pistons or overhaul600r.
9 Handle Piston Replacement600r.
10 Bleed cap replacement100 rub.
1 Removal, tube tire installation or replacement, 20", 26", 27.5", 29"250r. 2 Tire inflation, bike tube50r. 3 Removal, installation of a tire with a chamber or replacement of 20", 26" with wheel installation350r.

suspension forks

1 Fork overhaul, oil change (J-TT, C, XC, J-1,2,3,4 Dart)2400r.
2 Fork rebuild, oil change (Pilot, Duke, Psylo, Tora, Recon, Reba, Revelation, Pike, SID, race)3600r.
3 Fork busting, oil change (SID team, World Cup, Boxxer, Domain, Lyrik, Totem, Argyle)3600r.
4 Spring loaded, elastomer forks1800r.


1 Replacement of oil seals600r.
2 Replacing guide rings1200r.
3 Air spring replacement950r.
4 Spring replacement500r.
5 Replacement service kit350r.
6 motion control replacement350r.
7 Changing pants700r.
8 Damper replacement950r.
9 Oil for forks 1 gr.1r.
1 Bicycle overhaulnegotiable
2 Transfer of equipment from frame to framenegotiable
3 Bicycle diagnostics without repair300r.
4 Seat post cutting250r.
5 cut horns250r.
6 Cut the handlebar to the desired length250r.
7 Threading in the frame (under carriage 1.37 36/24)950r.
8 Fork threading 1.1 1/8.1 ¼600r.
9 Air rear shock bulkhead + oil2400r.
10 Bust rear suspension (without removal of feathers)1200r.
11 Bust rear suspension (with removal of feathers)1800r.

The main task of every cyclist is to ensure their own safety when leaving the road. Sometimes a seemingly fully serviceable vehicle may require repair of its individual parts, lubrication of parts, inflating wheels or replacing tires. A professional bike cleaning service before the start of the Veloremont season will allow you to ride without thinking about your safety.

Professional bike repair

Many owners try to repair the bicycle wheel, chain, brakes, etc. on their own. Often this causes great difficulties, because for the correct assembly and troubleshooting of specific problems, certain experience, appropriate equipment and a set of tools are required. In addition, not knowing the features of the production of domestic and foreign models, in addition to one problem, you can create another new one. That is why it is better to leave such a mission to specialists who will do everything to the highest standard.

The personal comfort of the cyclist depends on how his main parts are configured. When adjusting the saddle and pedals, it is important to consider the height of the owner. Surprised that such a detail can also affect the quality of the ride? Masters will help you create the most comfortable conditions for movement and tell you the secrets of bike care.

Do you still doubt whether it is worth contacting a workshop or repairing a bicycle hub, chain, brake system or other things yourself? Then here are a few reasons why it is better to give preference to specialists:

When an unscheduled departure occurred, it turned out that the two-wheeled vehicle needed repair, and the right tools for repairs, no - it doesn’t matter, the workshop will help to urgently put the bike in order, without the need to postpone important matters for later.
The steering wheel does not obey and a strange sound is heard - what to do? Turn to specialists with extensive experience, they will quickly find the cause and repair the highway of a bicycle or other part in a short time.
Do you think professional services are expensive? Then we will please you: sometimes they cost several times cheaper than fixing mistakes made during self-repair.
Did something go wrong again? Qualified support, maintenance of bicycles in the workshop will not give you a reason to worry and will help to extend the life of the vehicle.
Repairing a bike tube may seem like the easiest task that anyone can do. However, it is not. You need to be able to properly remove the tire and tire, diagnose the cause of the malfunction, repair and assemble. This may require special equipment and tools. People who do this kind of work on a daily basis will not make mistakes. Can this be guaranteed? high quality performing repair work the person that first took up this? Most likely not.

Only an experienced specialist, who can be found in the Veloremont service, will allow you to free yourself from unnecessary worries about your safety after performing such manipulations.

Bicycle service

Did you know that a bicycle requires maintenance and diagnostics in the same way as a car? The quality of the ride and the readiness to overcome different routes depend on this.

The bike workshop has a wide range of services and allows you to comprehensively put the vehicle in order. High-level specialists are ready to perform:

checking all parts of the bike for faults and fixing them;
installation of the desired additional equipment, replacement and improvement with accessories, complete modernization of the appearance;
reconstruct old model and make a modern bicycle out of it;
prepare for seasonal trips in a short period of time;
adjust the gearbox, adjust the brake system, check the pressure in the wheels, eliminate the causes of play and uncharacteristic sounds;
repair the carriage of a bicycle;
correct wheel irregularities, replace failed parts with new original spare parts;
clean and, if necessary, repair the bicycle chain;
lubricate moving parts and connections.

Our advantages

Veloremont has been providing professional service and troubleshooting for over eight years. We are ready to take on the work of bicycles of a wide variety of brands and manufacturers. The pricing policy of the company is very loyal, which does not make customers think for a long time where to get their two-wheeled “friend” if they need repair of bicycle shock absorbers or have problems with control. Turning to us, each visitor has the opportunity to take advantage of a number of advantages, including:

diagnostics of all nodes is completely free, while disassembling the vehicle does not have to be done at all;
inexpensive service and low prices to carry out all types of work with a guarantee of quality;
prompt execution of orders, spending a minimum amount of time to put the vehicle in order;
the ability to choose the most convenient service location from five points in Moscow;
delivery of the vehicle to the workshop and back if the client cannot bring it on his own;
departure of a specialist to the house to repair the bicycle pedal, tires, steering wheel and other simple breakdowns.
In addition, we will perform high-quality painting of bicycles in Moscow, the price of which will be more than loyal. Veloremont service will provide everyone with a warranty period for the work performed.

Gift your bike new life and make sure you are comfortable and safe movement in any direction. We will take care of satisfying every wish of our client and turn his transport into a modern bike.

Any vehicle consists of components and parts subject to natural wear and tear during operation. The bicycle is no exception. The more complex the design, the more attention should be paid to caring for a two-wheeled machine. Proper and timely maintenance of the bike can extend the life and reduce repair costs. More importantly, this increases the reliability of equipment and the safety of the owner.

The period of time after which maintenance should be carried out on the bicycle varies depending on the complexity of the design and operating conditions. If, following the example of cars, we start from the mileage, then it ranges from 500 - 1000 km to 1500 - 2000 km. On average, for example, service mountain bike, which includes a bulkhead of all nodes, is recommended to be done at the end of each season.

Significantly reduce the cost of bicycle repair, in addition to annual preventive maintenance, regular inspection of the main mechanisms will help.

current control

A simple check of the technical condition of the most important systems can be carried out independently, without spending a lot of time on it. If the bike is used constantly, then in the morning before leaving, or in the evening, after the end of the trips, it is advisable to check the following nodes:

Steering column - fix the front wheel with a brake, then rock the bike back and forth, keeping your palm at the junction of the cup and the steering column cover. In this place, play should not be felt;

Carriage assembly - holding the connecting rods with your hands, try to shake the mechanism. No play should be felt in any of the joints;

Wheel hubs - holding the bike in vertical position, try to shake the wheels by holding the tire. Backlash should not be felt;

Brake system - raise the wheels one by one and check if the pads are touching the tire (rim, brake disc). Also pay attention to the play in the brake levers - it may be present, but should not be very large. Make sure that the wear of the pads does not exceed the established limits: for rim systems - transverse valleys should be observed, the thickness of the pads for disc brakes - at least 1mm;

Chain - when checking, it should be on a large drive sprocket. Try to pull the chain forward as far as possible. The links should not come off the teeth more than half.

If during the inspection deviations from the norm are found (backlashes, increased wear, etc.), you must immediately fix the problem yourself or contact a workshop where bicycles are repaired with high quality.

Regular maintenance

To increase the service life of components and parts subject to natural wear and tear, regular maintenance of the bicycle will allow. Within its framework, the following works are carried out:

Checking tire pressure - reduced pressure leads to accelerated tire wear, increased rolling resistance, and also increases the risk of rim damage when driving on uneven surfaces;

Checking the rim geometry - if during the rotation of the wheel vibrations of the side surface of the rim (not the tire!) are noticeable, exceeding 0.5 - 2.5 mm, you should contact the workshop, where they will tighten the spokes to eliminate the defect. The runout of the rim leads to disruptions in the operation of the brakes and accelerated wear of the wheel hub;

Checking threaded connections - clean them from ingress of dirt, check if the nuts are loose;

Shock absorbers - clean the anthers from dirt and excess grease falling on them. In oil shock absorbers, the working fluid should be changed on average once every two years. With intensive use - once a year;

Chain - clean and lubricate the links during operation. Replace the chain in time - its resource (depending on the type of bike and its level) ranges from 700 to 2,000 km. Riding with a stretched chain causes accelerated wear on the sprockets (especially the driven unit), resulting in costly repairs.

Preservation - at the end of the season, clean all surfaces of the bicycle assemblies and parts from dirt, lubricate the chain, lower the tire pressure to 1 atm. The frame can be coated with a paint protection agent. It is better to store the bike in a suspended state.