What kind of ice is dangerous to move on it. Safe ice. Rate of ice thickness increase in large reservoirs. How safe ice grows

winter walks, including using snowshoes, snowmobile trips, ice fishing (with or without a car), skiing, skating and playing on ice can be dangerous if you can't determine if the ice is strong enough to support the load. Exist various ways in order to assess the potential reliability of the ice cover, one can observe the color of the ice and examine its thickness, as well as pay attention to external factors such as temperature, local conditions and features. However, completely eliminate the risk during the sports events impossible. When in doubt, don't go out on the ice; and even more so, you should not do it unseasonably early or too late.


    Keep in mind that ice is never completely safe. Weather conditions and subtle or unknown factors can suddenly turn seemingly reliable ice into deadly. Take all possible precautions to prevent accidents and make sure that rescue measures can be taken immediately if something goes wrong.

    Develop an emergency rescue plan. Let your friends know where you are going. In case something unforeseen happens while you are exploring the ice conditions or having fun, you should have an action plan that will allow you to get to without dangerous place where you can get immediate help.

    • Tip for beginners: according to the season, you should be very warmly dressed. Do not neglect water rescue equipment, at least a life jacket, especially if you are testing the ice for strength or going on a snowmobile trip. Keep an ice ax with you, which can help you get out if you get into a hole. Never go on a trip alone, take one or two friends with you. Let people know where you and your friends are and when you expect to return home. This is not the case when you can be carefree and act spontaneously.
    • Carry a spare set of warm dry clothes in a waterproof duffel bag. This will help you reduce the risk of hypothermia by changing your wet clothes immediately. Other useful items in a rescue kit are a blanket, hand and foot warmers, thick socks, extra wool caps, candles, and matches. Get all these things ready for any winter sports like ice skating. See the "Things You'll Need" section for more details.
  1. Understand that the strength of ice is determined by a number of factors, not just one. Its reliability can be judged by evaluating the combination of the following indicators:

    • The appearance of ice - its color, structure and features
    • Ice thickness - for certain types of activities, the recommended thickness is determined, which can be read below
    • Temperature maximum during a certain time and during the day
    • snow cover
    • Depth of water under the ice
    • Pond Size
    • The chemical composition of water - salty or fresh
    • Weather changes in the area
    • Ice cover length
  2. Choose places where the ice is regularly tested for strength by the relevant authorities. Such services may exist at resorts, clubs, national parks, or as part of government agencies. They should take measurements at least daily. Ask the employees of these services about the results of the check, this way you will protect yourself. They tend to use good measuring instruments and have access to research, they also know a lot about the ice and are well prepared for emergency situations. You will save yourself from risky tests of the ice surface for strength and will feel more confident. However, this does not mean that precautions can be forgotten.

    Chat with the locals. If you are a visitor, you should not show any arrogance. Go to a grocery store, fish store or sports equipment store and strike up a conversation, stop by the police station or the fire station and ask about dangerous and safe places in the area. Let them help you now rather than bail you out later.

  3. Examine the ice. Look closely for any cracks, breaks, suspicious spots, or uneven surfaces, and determine its color(s). You can only rely on your own vision . This quick look will help you decide whether to continue your research.

    • If you have any of the following signs, you'd better refrain from any further attempts to enter the ice:
      • Water melting the ice edge or near it
      • Keys gushing under the ice in spring-fed ponds and lakes.
      • The presence of a source or tributary near an ice-covered body of water
      • Cracks, faults or polynyas
      • Ice that appears to have melted and then froze again
      • Rough surfaces that you haven't noticed before, such as bulging ice ridges caused by currents or winds
    • Remember this song: "Thick and blue, proven and reliable; thin and fragile - the path is too risky."
  4. You need to understand the meaning of a particular color of ice. But although this is a very useful indicator, you should not rely on color alone. For example, ice of any color that is exposed to flowing water from below will be more brittle than ice that is not. Usually, according to the color spectrum of ice, you can draw the following conclusions:

    • Light gray to black - melted ice that sometimes forms even when the air temperature is below 32°F (0°C). Unsafe: due to insufficient density, it cannot withstand the load - stay away.
    • From white to dull, opaque, water-soaked snow freezes on top of the ice, forming another thin layer of ice on top. Such ice is too porous, there may be air pockets inside it, so it is often brittle.
    • From blue to transparent - ice of high density, very strong, the safest, if, of course, it is thick enough. Don't risk it if it's less than 4 inches (10 cm) thick.
    • Motley and loose ice, also called "rotten" - not so much because of its color, but because of its structure. This is melted ice. It is treacherously deceptive - it may very well be that it has melted in the middle or from below, although it seems thick from above. It is most common in the spring and can have a brownish tint due to plant pigments, dirt, and other natural materials rising to the surface during the thaw. You don't take a single step.
  5. Check ice thickness. If you have already completed the inspection and everything seems to be in order, you need to verify this by examining the thickness of the ice.

    • Conduct research in the presence of at least one comrade (system of mutual assistance). Put on a rescue suit or other survival gear and use ropes so that your friend can pull you out if necessary.
    • Get on the ice only if the ice edge is strong enough. If it is loose or cracked, for your own safety, it is not worth continuing, because the coastal ice edge is the most fragile.
    • To measure the thickness of the ice, make a small hole with a hatchet or use a hand drill.
    • Learn about safe ice thickness. There are recommended criteria that you need to keep in mind for any action you take on the ice. (Keep in mind that following them recommended, but by itself does not guarantee your safety.) Ice becomes "safe" at a thickness of approximately 4 to 6 inches (10 to 15 cm). Don't even think about going out on ice that's 3 inches (7.5 cm) thick or less. However, even with a thickness of 9 to 10 inches (22.5 to 25 cm), the ice can harbor hidden threats, such as a rushing current that relentlessly erodes the ice from below. In this case, even thick ice can crack at any moment.
    • Under normal conditions, the rules for safe ice thickness are as follows:
      • 3 inches (7 cm) (young ice) - "STAY OUT
      • 4" (10 cm) - suitable for ice fishing, skiing and hiking (supports approximately 200 pounds (80 kg))
      • 5 in. (12 cm) - Suitable for solo snowmobiles and snowmobiles (supports approximately 800 pounds (320 kg))
      • 8 - 12 inches (20 - 30 cm) - can support a single car or a group of people (approximately 1500 - 2000 pounds (600-800kg))
      • 12 - 15 inches (30 - 38 cm) - withstands lung weight pickup truck or van
    • These rules are generally accepted.
  6. Keep in mind that ice thickness is not the same everywhere, even on the same body of water. The reliability of the ice cover is determined not only by color and thickness, but also by a number of other indicators. Consider also:

    • The nature of the body of water: is it a pond, lake or river, and is there a noticeable current under the ice? Does the reservoir have tributaries or a source? This may be cause for concern.
    • The composition of water: is it salty or fresh? Sea ice is usually less durable and, given the same thickness, may not support the same weight as freshwater ice. For more detailed information for exact criteria see external links below.
    • Temperature maximum and time of the year: the temperature is constantly changing. Consider the microclimate in the area. Winter ice is much stronger than spring ice, the latter quickly melts and thins under the sun's rays.
    • Size and depth of the water body: Large bodies of water take much longer to freeze over than smaller ones.
    • Presence of snow cover: snow is a natural heat insulator; under the snow, the ice is usually thinner and less durable.
    • Weight: How much pressure do you put on the ice? Should it only support you, or should it also support your vehicle? Human body and a snowmobile with the same body on it have very different weight distribution parameters.
  7. If you have even the slightest doubt, find an alternative. Ice skating enthusiasts can always use the ice rink or the controlled part of the lake; skiers and snowmobile drivers may be advised to stick to land roads; Pedestrians are also better off avoiding the ice. In any case, they all need to have a rescue kit with them, no matter where they are going to go and how long they are going to be on the road.


    • Remember that well-trodden ice roads and crossings do not make the ice stronger. Routes should be changed regularly.
    • If you NEED to cross a pond on ice, The best way for this - get down on all fours and move, spreading your arms and legs wide. Try to move like a lizard, evenly distributing your body weight. Bringing a long board or pole with you is a great idea. If the ice starts to crack—and you sometimes get repeated warnings—put the pole on the ice and use it to distribute your weight over a larger area.
    • When traveling, treat other people responsibly. If you are the leader (at a school or sports camp, etc.), make sure that your wards do not leave the territory you have defined and immediately return them back. Make sure enough warning signs are in place to prevent skaters and others from making a fatal mistake and leaving the safe area. It is also necessary that a person trained in first aid with a rescue kit be present nearby.
    • Dog sledding on ice is a bit safer because dogs can feel the cracks forming. Still, don't take anything risky, and be just as prepared for accidents as you would be otherwise. winter activities sports.
    • If you must ride thin ice(literally), make sure the water is shallow (i.e. 2 - 3 feet (60 - 90cm)). If you fail, you will be wet and cold, but you will be able to get ashore, despite the discomfort. Of course, this is unacceptable for children.
    • Crossing unreliable ice together is safer on opposite sides of a canoe being pushed across the ice. Don't forget the oars. You may need them on the leads.


    • This article is for residents of countries with cold climates such as Canada, the northern United States, and Russia. If your country or area does not have the usual winter conditions, keep in mind that ice will be unsafe at any time of the year and do not even think about doing any of the above without the advice of professionals, best of all local government agencies authorized to give such recommendations.
    • Never drink alcohol while doing winter sports - wait until you return to your home or country house. Alcohol can cause errors in snowmobile control, increase reaction time, and impair your ability to act quickly in an emergency. Alcohol does not help fight the cold; in fact, it increases heat transfer and can lead to hypothermia.
    • Never ride on ice unless it has been professionally tested and found to be safe. But even if this condition is met, drivers sometimes fall through the ice. If you must drive, be on the lookout - don't drive, roll down your windows (turn up the heater if it makes you uncomfortable) and unfasten your seat belts.
      • Make sure you know how to get out of a sinking car and have discussed rescue procedures with all passengers.
      • Drive slowly over the ice, especially when approaching the shore. Why? The weight of the machine—whether it's a snowmobile, a car, or a truck—presses down on the ice from above. As you advance, this causes a small but sensitive waveform that spreads across the ice in front of you. This wave can bounce off the shore as you approach. Depending on your weight and speed, this circumstance can cause an ice break.
      • Do not take children on ice road trips unless there is no other way to provide the necessary emergency care. You won't have time to think about them when you get out of a sinking car.
    • Snowmobile drivers should not ride on high speed- if they do not see what is ahead, most likely they will fall into a hole, because they will not be able to slow down in time. In addition, on slippery ice, it may be simply impossible to abruptly bypass a polynya that has suddenly appeared. More likely to get into a skid, as a result of which you just fall into the water. Better stay on the beach.
    • Never skate, play, or travel on ice, on foot, skis, or in a snowmobile, at night. You won't be able to see anything if misfortune happens and most likely you won't get help.
    • Don't think that a sudden cold snap makes the ice safer. In fact, in this case, the ice becomes brittle and brittle even faster than during a brief thaw. Always check.
    • The fact that the ice seems safe in the area you surveyed does not mean that it will be so somewhere else in the same reservoir. If you are going to go outside the area you have explored, you must again check or define the boundaries of the security zone.
    • When you move on ski run or snowmobile road, do not use ice-covered streams, rivers, ponds, or lakes as shortcuts unless recognized as such by local authorities and checked daily. People often tend to take short cuts at the end of the day when the athletes are tired and want to get home as soon as possible and it's getting dark; Predominantly accidents happen at this time, simply because you are tired. In addition, the influence of daytime heat is felt towards the end of the day, when the ice becomes the least durable.

As soon as winter sets in, most children, and even some adults, look forward to the ice freezing on the reservoirs. This, of course, is a good opportunity to go ice skating, go ice fishing, but do not forget about safety on the ice during this period. We will get acquainted with the main rules in our article.

Ice formation

With the onset of frosty weather, you should not count on an instant covering of water bodies with ice. This process is lengthy and depends on many factors. It usually begins in November and continues until the New Year. It all depends on the weather conditions, which are different every year.

At low temperatures at night, ice forms, but under the rays of the sun during the day, it begins to become porous from the water that seeps through it. At the same time, the thickness may already be decent, but it cannot be called reliable, so it is important to observe safety measures on ice.

Usually, the freezing of reservoirs occurs unequally over the entire area, first of all, freezing begins in shallow water, along the banks, and then the ice fetters the middle. In various reservoirs, this process proceeds with different speed, for example, on rivers, ice forms more slowly, since this process is hindered by the current. Even on the same reservoir in its different parts, the ice can be of unequal thickness.

Saving life on ice

Almost every year there are situations when the most impatient lovers of ice fishing or ice skating find themselves in a dangerous position, finding themselves in icy water. And all because the thickness of the ice is not taken into account.

For such amateurs, the first thing to do is to study the safety measures on the ice in winter period, and only then go to the reservoir. The most important rule: if you are not sure about the strength of the ice, do not step on it. Sometimes a person begins to understand his mistake, having already found himself on thin ice, in this case, one should try to carefully return in his footsteps.

The snow that lies on top makes it difficult to assess the strength of the ice. Moving, you may not see that the cracks have gone, but it’s impossible not to hear the crunch, so when it appears, you should stop moving and go back.

Safe ice

No safety technique will help on ice if it is not thick enough. The ice cover must withstand the load that will act on it.

Even if you are sure that the reservoir is well frozen, safety measures on the ice in the winter will not be superfluous.

treacherous ice

Specialists even in appearance ice can determine its reliability. More dangerous, and, therefore, thin is considered yellowish or dull white ice. Most often, it has a porous structure, so it cannot be considered reliable.

You need to know: if the temperature does not drop below zero degrees for several days, the strength is reduced by 25%. The thinnest ice occurs even in frosty weather near thickets of reeds, shrubs or trees that grow along the banks.

Particular care must be taken near the ice holes - they can become completely invisible if they are covered with a little snow.

How to make sure the ice is reliable

Finding out whether the ice is strong or not is sometimes possible only by stepping on it. If, after a few steps, small radial cracks are visible and a slight crunch is heard, then in principle you can walk on it, but observe the safety of behavior on ice.

Testing the strength of the ice by jumping on it or stamping your feet is not prudent at all. If, after checking, water protruding from above the ice is found, it is better not to cross in this place. Safety on thin ice must be paramount. You can never predict where you can fall into the icy water.

It is better to go back to prevent an accident, carefully stepping in your own footsteps and not raising your legs high. In the event of a strong crackling, it is better to crawl.

Rules of conduct on ice

In winter, it is imperative to observe safety on the ice. To do this, you must adhere to the following rules:

Sometimes the desire to skate on the newly formed ice, to play hockey is stronger than the feeling of danger, which is why unforeseen situations happen. Safety on the ice is especially important for children who look forward to winter.

for kids

Most children look forward to the winter with great impatience in order to have plenty of sledding, skating, playing hockey, so very often kids neglect all safety rules. Parents have a great responsibility for the health and preservation of the life of the child, so they are obliged to tell their children about safety on the ice in the winter.

On ice, it is studied at schools in the lessons of life safety, before each vacation, class teachers must conduct the appropriate briefing.

First aid on ice

Everyone can find themselves in ice water in winter, so you need to know how to help your friend. Here are the main recommendations:

It is very important that the comrades do not lose their heads in such a situation and, instead of running away in different directions, help their friend.

What to do if you fall through the ice

Often there are situations when a person goes alone to a frozen pond and a tragedy happens: under the fallen snow, an ice hole is not seen, and now the icy water opens its arms. What to do in this case? Here is the algorithm of actions:

Safety on the ice must always be in the first place, under no circumstances should one lose vigilance.

Got to the beach: what's next?

The most important thing after liberation from ice captivity is to warm up faster, so you need to get to a warm room as soon as possible. If you are far from home, you can take advantage of the hospitality of the residents of the neighboring village. If you are very far from settlements, you should always have a set of dry clothes in your backpack, which can save you in such a situation.

At the second stage, it is important to warm yourself from the inside, and in this case you cannot do without a hot drink, so you will have to go home as soon as possible, preferably by running.

Whatever the weather on a winter day, you should not take risks and go to the pond alone. It is especially dangerous to do this with the onset of the first spring days, when the ice begins to melt, becomes loose and fragile.

Behavior on water bodies in the autumn-winter period

To prevent water in winter and late autumn, you must follow some rules of conduct. They are quite simple, but can save a human life:

  1. No need to rush with the appearance of the first ice cover to go to the reservoir.
  2. Ice becomes reliable only with the advent of stable low temperatures.
  3. It is quite dangerous to go down on the ice in unfamiliar places, especially in the thaw.
  4. It is better not to cross the reservoir in places with a large layer of snow, under it the thickness of the ice is always less than in the open.
  5. You should not risk your life by going on the ice at night, and even alone.
  6. Play sports winter Games better on specially equipped rinks to be sure of the reliability of the ice.
  7. It is dangerous to use ice for crossing during spring floods.

Compliance with these simple rules can save a life.

Quite often you can see fishermen who sit on the ice with a fishing rod, and around the thawed patches and polynya, especially in early spring and during thaws. The desire to catch a good fish makes you despise the dangers, but in vain. There are many cases when rescuers had to release unfortunate fishermen from ice captivity. And to prevent this from happening, all you need to do is follow some rules:

Only if you follow these simple rules, you can be sure that winter fishing will end safely.

Winter is good! There is an opportunity to go in for winter sports, plenty of sledding and skating, but you should not neglect the safety rules, especially on frozen ponds. And it is important that not only the safety of children on the ice is ensured, but adults themselves do not forget about caution.

The first rule of safety is not to get on the ice. But what about without winter fishing or ski trip? Therefore, the conversation will be about how to protect yourself from the tragedy on the ice.

Security measures

First, the numbers: officially crossing or moving on ice is allowed if its thickness for one person is at least 8 cm, for a rider - 15, for a car - 30, for a truck - 50, for a tractor - over 60 cm. If the air temperature is above 0 ° C, the thickness ice should be increased by one and a half times. Rescuers say that ice 4-5 cm thick is considered safe for the movement of a single pedestrian at a temperature not higher than - 5 degrees, 8 cm ice can withstand two standing nearby people, 12-14 cm can withstand 5-7 people. by the most safe ice, according to the Civil Defense and Emergency Situations, is transparent ice with a bluish or greenish tint, without air bubbles, formed in frosty, calm and rainless weather. Milky white ice is twice as weak as transparent ice, the most dangerous is spongy ice formed from frozen snow.

Ice thickness can be measured by making zaburs, or with special devices for measuring thickness. The thickness must be checked in the morning and in the evening, and in the thaw - also in the afternoon, i.e. three times per day. Unfortunately, this is often not done in practice, and the risk of tragedy and extreme situations increases dramatically. Take it as a rule: you can start fishing only after carefully measuring the thickness of the ice and in the absence of a storm warning. For those who use the Internet, there are a number of sites that show a picture of the ice cover of water bodies, possible areas of ice breakage or its movement. Also in other media, the situation on the reservoirs and warnings of the Ministry of Emergency Situations are transmitted.

When approaching the ice surface, take a pole or ski to check the strength of the ice in front of you, and while passing doubtful areas, hold them across the body, always keep the box on one strap, so it is easier to get rid of it. It is strictly forbidden to test the strength of the ice with kicks! The safest movement on ice is skiing, preferably not alone, but in a small group at a distance of 3-6 m from each other. bunch. If this is the last ice, then one should not walk on it in single file. Where the first has passed, the second may fail.

Before descending onto the ice, check the place where the ice adjoins the shore: there may be gullies, and there is a possibility that snow puffs close them. In the mouths of rivers, the strength of ice is weakened due to currents.

Weak and fragile ice occurs near driftwood, reeds, any piles, over currents, at the mouths of rivers and streams, under bridges, in narrow channels between wide reaches and between close islands. Over greater depths, ice forms later and therefore it is less durable, therefore it is dangerous even when around at medium depths it seems to be quite reliable. In lakes, spring springs can also be found at great depths. Ice over such places is dangerous. Keep in mind that under snow it grows more slowly than in a snowless space.

Spring ice after a night frost in the morning seems strong, and in the afternoon, especially at the end of freezing, it crumbles and falls through. If the ice suddenly begins to crack under your feet, remain calm, do not panic, quickly, but at the same time, carefully lie down on the ice and crawl to a safe place.

In addition to knowledge of the rules of behavior on the ice, composure, endurance, and most importantly, caution are also needed.

life saving equipment

It is advisable to have personal life-saving equipment with you: vests, bibs or belts. A strong cord 12-15 m long should be at hand, at one end of which a load weighing 400-500 g is attached, and at the other - a loop.

For moving on ice, the most reliable equipment is a swimming life suit. Due to its buoyancy, a sufficiently large survival suit is able to keep a person on the surface, but at the same time it passes water.

You can increase buoyancy by packing your items in airtight plastic bags before putting them in your backpack. Remember that while doing this, the backpack must be tied to the belt, otherwise it may rise above the head in the water.

A long stick with a metal tip is a good tool for checking the thickness of the ice and protecting against immersion in water. Take a whistle with you - its sound will be heard farther than screams.

Actions in case...

However, if you find yourself in this extreme situation and the ice cracked under your feet, the very first thing to do is, without panic, spread your arms wide along the edges of the ice so as not to sink headlong. At this point, a long stick or ski taken from the shore is very useful. If possible, it is necessary to get over to such an edge of the polynya, where the current does not pull under the ice. Trying not to break the edge of the hole, get out onto the ice without sudden movements, crawling with your chest and alternately pulling your legs to the surface, spreading them wide. Do not try to pull yourself up with your hands, the ice will immediately break off under the weight. Once on the ice, you must slowly and carefully crawl away, or you can roll away from a dangerous place. In any case, it is necessary to call for help immediately after falling into the water. Whistle and shout will help you with this. If a person has failed, and you can help him, then immediately shout to him that you are going to help. If he didn’t have a cord in store, you need to give him a belt, a stick, an ice ax handle, skis or sleds, you can grab them more confidently than a hand, besides, approaching an outstretched hand is dangerous by your immersion in water, and saving two is much more difficult. It is worth throwing objects from a distance of at least 3-4 m. Approach the polynya by crawling, it is best to put skis, a board or plywood on the ice to increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bsupport, and crawl on them. Act as decisively and quickly as possible, because the victim quickly freezes in icy water, and wet clothes pull him down. By giving the victim handy tool, drag him onto the ice and move with him crawling away from the danger zone.

After entering the safe area, remove all clothing from the victim and wring it out, if there is no dry clothing, put it back on the old one. You can wrap the victim with a thick cloth or polyethylene, this will give the effect of a greenhouse, and the person will warm up much faster. It is advisable to immediately give him a hot drink.

Dear anglers, be vigilant and careful in your actions on the ice.

Remember! The life of the victim depends entirely on your ability to provide first aid correctly and quickly!

Safe ice, how should it be? How does ice thickness depend on air temperature. Safe ice is a prerequisite for great fishing.

Safe ice is a guarantee of returning from winter fishing. When can you start fishing in the first ice? How thick can ice hold a person? Such questions, of course, are of interest to beginner ice fishing enthusiasts.

How is safe ice formed?

The rainy autumn ends, the air temperature drops below zero. During this period, the reservoirs begin to tighten with ice. Such ice is called surface. It is formed from a huge number of crystals of frozen water.

On ponds and lakes protected from the wind, surface ice is monolithic. It is formed in the direction from the coast to the middle of the reservoir. Ice grows in thickness only because of the crystals formed below. From above, it can only melt. In ponds and lakes, the first ice is distinguished by its increased strength and transparency.

In rivers and large artificial reservoirs, where there is no calm water due to the wind, the resulting ice contains many air bubbles. Therefore, the ice is opaque and relatively weak.

The most dangerous water-snow ice. This ice is formed by mixing water and snow. On the reservoir, it is clearly visible - it has a large porosity and gray color. Such places on the reservoir are best avoided.

Stages of formation of safe ice.

At the first stage, the mass necessary for the appearance of an ice cover is formed.

Primary ice formation:

  • Crystal formation. At this stage, ice needles are formed.
  • Salo education. The moment of formation of ice fat.
  • Mass education. At this stage, ice fat forms large snowfields - snezhura.

At the second stage, the ice cover of water bodies is formed directly.

  • Ice cover formation:
  • The appearance of pancake ice. These are floating individual pieces of ice. Such ice pancakes are very loose and fragile. They cannot be stepped on.
  • Ice crust formation. The crust can be up to five centimeters thick, but will not support the weight of a person.
  • The appearance of a thin layer of ice. This ice is much stronger than previous ice.
  • Appearance gray ice. Such ice is often referred to as young ice. With prolonged frost, gray ice brightens and turns into white ice.
  • Formation of white ice. This is the kind of ice that anglers are waiting for. This is the beginning of the winter fishing season.

Even boldly walking on white ice, do not forget that there is an elastic plate under your feet. Such a plate under the action of loads and currents is constantly subjected to deformation. This is how cracks appear. In addition, the thickness of the slab is not uniform, there are even polynyas.

How safe ice grows.

In calm and quiet weather on lakes and ponds, the rate of ice formation is 2.5 millimeters per day per degree. For example, at an air temperature of minus five degrees, an ice cover 12.5 millimeters thick forms in one day. This is only in theory.

On large reservoirs, rivers and artificial reservoirs, this rule does not work. Large masses of water in deep places cool more slowly than in shallow water, and ice grows unevenly. At the time of freezing often snowing. Even a thin layer of snow slows down the growth of ice.

A thick layer of snow on thin ice melts the ice. Water seeps through the cracks and melts the top layer of ice. This is a very dangerous phenomenon for a fan of winter fishing.

Safe ice. Rate of ice thickness increase in large reservoirs.

Air temperature Initial ice thickness 0 cm. Growth rate, see per day The initial ice thickness is 10 cm. Growth rate, see per day

Thickness of safe ice.

The thickness of the ice cover is rarely checked by anglers, but I think this knowledge can come in handy.

Ice 5 centimeters thick can withstand the average person.

Ice 8 centimeters thick can withstand a person with a load (fisherman).

Ice 12 centimeters thick can withstand a group of people.

What kind of ice can you walk on. Optimum ice thickness

Thin ice can become a serious danger not only for those who love winter fishing, but also for people who want to take a shortcut across a frozen body of water. People don't understand the risks that can come with walking on ice. Therefore, it is necessary to worry about your safety and take all necessary measures.

How to determine the safety of a reservoir

A person who is going to walk on winter reservoirs must know the thickness of the ice cover. It should be at least 7 centimeters, and preferably all 15 cm. Ice can be different types: cloudy or transparent with greenish tints. The latter appears at very low temperatures and weather without wind and precipitation. If this ice has the right thickness, you can safely move on it. When walking, you can hear it crunching. Such a surface is considered safe, since even sections with the thinnest thickness are not destroyed immediately, first they crack.

Milky ice is less safe. It is made up of snow during frosts, therefore it consists of almost only snowflakes. Such a frozen consistency is life-threatening, it can collapse immediately without warning (cracks). The thickness of such ice can be large, but because of its structure, it will be very fragile.

People often ask what is the best optimum temperature to cross frozen ice. A recently frozen body of water can be dangerous, as the thickness of its ice cover has not reached the required value. The freezing point of fresh water is 0 degrees Celsius. Therefore, when you go ice fishing or just for a walk, check the air temperature and pay close attention to the thickness of the ice surface, it must be at least 10 cm, which guarantees safety.

If you, nevertheless, cross the reservoir, then be sure to follow each other one at a time so that, in case of failure, you can save your fellow traveler.

The most insidious ice is the first, so it’s better to wait until the water hardens stronger (the thickness of the ice cover increases) and you can go fishing or walking with peace of mind.

Rules for moving on frozen bodies of water

The best way to be safe is not to go out on the ice at all, but this is not always possible. Sometimes circumstances force us to go on such a walk, and sometimes just the usual desire to go fishing. Is it possible to refuse your passion for fishing.

When for a long time warm weather persists, the ice becomes less dense, respectively, its fragility increases, regardless of thickness.

It is imperative to follow all safety measures.

Consider a few mandatory rules:

  • Determine the color of the ice surface, the higher the turbidity, the more dangerous the transition will be;
  • Never cross the surface of a frozen body of water at night or in conditions of poor visibility. The probability that someone will see you when you fail is zero;
  • Use official ice crossings if available. There are always a lot of people on them;
  • If you are several people, then you need to walk on the ice in a group, keeping a distance of 5-6 meters from each other;
  • Skis can be used to easily cross the ice. On skis, you need to walk with unfastened bindings and freely holding sticks in your hands. A person in skis creates less pressure on the ice surface than a person without skis;
  • If you have any burden with you, hold it so that in case of something (falling through the ice) you can quickly get rid of it;
  • You can take a rope with a large loop at one end and a load at the other. Thanks to the heavy weight, which creates little pressure on the surface of the ice, you can easily get out from under the ice if you fall through.
  • If you go fishing, you need to stop where there are a lot of fishermen. When fishing, you should not drink alcoholic beverages.
  • If the temperature starts to rise, it is better to cancel fishing or walking on a frozen body of water. You can sit out the period of rising air temperature at home.

E These are a few simple rules that will help you in case of crossing a frozen body of water and, perhaps, save your life. Never go out on a frozen surface while intoxicated, which often happens while fishing. Do not let your children play in the water without your supervision. Be careful and value your life and the lives of your loved ones.

Voiced specifically for Rarog Survival