What is the name of what tennis is played. How is the ATP ranking calculated? Men's Tennis Association. The subtleties of the submission

It has become one of the most popular and beloved sports, which has millions of fans around the world. The spectacle of the tournaments gathers fans in the stands and at the TV screens, many of whom are not averse to learning to play tennis themselves. This sport is considered aristocratic, since earlier only rich people could play it. Fortunately, now there are no such restrictions, and anyone can learn such a game, the main thing is to know the rules. Below we will try to describe the main tennis rules.

Rule one. Serving in tennis.

The game begins with a serve, that is, putting the ball into play. The serve is considered to have taken place if the ball, having flown over the net, ended up on the territory of the opponent. It begins with the fact that the player throws the ball into the air with his hand, and then, hitting it with a racket, completes the serve. For those who play with one hand, it is allowed to throw the ball up with a racket. The rules allow serving not only from above, but also from below.

By submitting to tennis, according to the rules of the game it is forbidden:
1. Walk or run, thereby changing your location
2. Jump, that is, tear off both legs from the surface at once
3. Step out of bounds
4. Bring the foot over the back line, and even more so step over it
Always serve diagonally. As shown in the diagram, from the first position the ball should fly to the first service field, and from the second, respectively, to the second.

Care must be taken not to go beyond the middle mark and the side line, but also, most importantly, not to step on the lines of their conditional continuation beyond the back border. When playing in pairs, the service position increases by 1.37m in width, since outer sides fenced from the sides with the lines of a steam platform. And yet, during the service in a doubles match, the player who does not serve can be at any point on his court.

According to the rules of lawn tennis, the ball is counted as served, even if it touched any of the service field boundary lines, however, the serve is not counted if:
1. The ball is served incorrectly
2. The ball is served from a wrong position
3. The tossed ball fell
4. Server misses the ball
5. If the ball touched the net post before falling on the opponent's side
6. If the ball hit the net or went out of line
7. If the ball hit a teammate (during doubles)

If the serve is made incorrectly, then the point is not played. After the first failure, the player is given the opportunity to submit again, but if a misfire occurs the second time, then a point is awarded to the opponent.

It is important not to start to kick until the opponent is ready to parry the blow, because such a serve will not be counted and will have to be replayed. The receiver of the serve must indicate his unwillingness to receive the ball by shouting or raising his hand. If the player reported that he was not ready in time, but the serve was still made, then it is not taken into account and requires a second draw from the corresponding ball.
The unwillingness of a player to receive the ball when re-serving is taken into account in rare cases, such as being out of position when trying to save the first shot, or other unforeseen circumstances. Such circumstances include the presence of unauthorized persons on the court or the ball from the first serve that was not removed, the referee's error, and others.

The fact that prevented the ball from being sent to the opponent is regarded as a failed serve and requires a replay, and regardless of whether it was the first attempt or the second, the count of innings begins anew.

Also, the serve is considered invalid if the server catches the tossed ball with his hand instead of hitting it with the racket, or if the ball, properly served, hits the net or its regulator before falling into the opponent's field.
The serve will have to be replayed if the serving player, while the ball has not yet gone over the net, assumes a position that is contrary to the rules when serving, namely, jumps or crosses the lines of the field for service.

Rule two. Change of position when serving in tennis

In any game, the first serve always starts from the first position, and then until the end of the meeting, the players alternate their positions, that is, if at first the tennis player served from the first position, then he will send the ball to the opponent from the second, then again from the first and so on.

If in a doubles or singles game they serve improperly, that is, not diagonally, then the points that have already been played in the process are not canceled, but simply restored in order, but after the completion of the current serve.

At the end of the current game, the opponent serves first in the next one. Players must alternate serves throughout the match.

If the order of serving is violated in a single or doubles match, then the points that have already been played in the process are not canceled, but simply restored to the correct order of serving. Thus, a mistake noticed after the end of the game does not affect the result, and the already changed serving queue remains so until the end of the match.

In the doubles game, there are several rules for the order of service:
1. First, the players decide among themselves which of them will serve first
2. The order is established before the start of each game
3. The order does not change during the entire meeting

If in a doubles game one of the athletes got out of turn, then the points that have already been played in the process are not canceled, but simply restored to the proper order of priority, but after the completion of the current serve.

An important rule in tennis regarding the position of players in a doubles match: each of the two players chooses for himself one (first or second) field for serving, which he cannot change throughout the meeting. At the same time, both before the start of the meeting itself, and a separate game, for each pair, the location of the players for serving is set - one occupies the first field, and the other the second. If during the course of the game the players have changed the fields of service, then the points that have already been played in the process are not canceled, however, after the end of the current game, the arrangement of the players must be restored in accordance with the declared order at the beginning of the game. They act in the same way if the mistake was noticed after the current game.

To determine the side of the field for the competition, lots are thrown before it starts. In this case, the order is as follows: whoever wins the lot, he chooses the side, while his opponent chooses who will serve. Thus, the player who wins the toss has the right to oblige the opponent to choose service or side, but only one.

Rule three. Playing points in tennis

As soon as an error-free service has been made, the point draw begins. It continues by throwing opponents tennis ball through the net until one side wins. The Point Play Rules state that during the game you must be guided by these rules for any actions that are prohibited during this draw. Namely, if during the draw it is noticed that the net is at the wrong height, then the game is stopped, and the point is played again, and only from the first serve. With regard to an incorrect net height noticed after a point has been played, the score will not be annulled and the net height will be promptly adjusted to the correct height.

The ball is counted as reflected only when the player hit it with a racket or any part of the racket, and not with his hand. In this case, it is allowed to transfer the racket from one hand to the other, or hit the ball with a racket, which is clamped in both hands of the athlete.

The ball just served must be deflected by the player between the first and second touchdowns. As a result, all balls can be reflected not only in the manner described above, but also from the summer.

The point is won by the participant, from whose blow the ball landed on the opponent's playing field or only touched the lines limiting the field. A ball that hits an object (except for a net post) beyond the lines that define the playing field is considered a loser. On different courts, a losing ball is determined by hitting various obstacles: into the ceiling and into the walls, if the court is closed, or into the referee's tower, into benches, chairs, and so on.

Landing within the lines of the field, the ball is considered to be correctly deflected, regardless of the fact that it touched the net, the post or flew over the side of the post, it does not matter above or below. However, if during the flight the ball hit the opening between the net and the post, then in any game - singles or doubles, it is regarded as illegal.

Players can deflect balls from the volley, that is, before it touches down and bounces off the ground. Also, since the summer, you can parry blows while outside the playing field, because this is not a violation of the rules, which means that the point draw will not be suspended. An exception is the case of receiving the submission, which is described in detail above.

During a doubles game for any of the players of a particular pair, it is possible to reflect the ball's blows, being on any part of the playing field, with the exception of moments when serving. In order to score a point in a doubles game, one player from the pair must hit the ball. If the ball is touched by both players with rackets, then a point is awarded to the opponent. However, if one player hits the ball with his racket, and the other player accidentally touches his partner's racket with his racket, then the game continues.

A point is awarded to a side if the opponent:
1. Fails to serve correctly in two attempts.
2. Reflect the ball from the serve to its landing, it does not matter in which part of its field the player is located.
3. Reflect the ball, but not to the opponent, but to the side.
4. Hits a reflected ball with the racket twice or first catches the ball on the racket and then throws it to the opponent.
5. Reflect the ball with a racket that is not in the hand, but, for example, thrown into the air.
6. Turns out to be accidentally hit by the ball, reflects or hits the ball with the racket before it lands when receiving the serve. When playing in pairs, this rule applies to two players, that is, the player who did not beat back and did not receive the serve suddenly touches the ball, or the ball hits him, then this side will lose a point.
7. Touches anything other than the ball, the net or its fixtures, or the opponent's territory. In a doubles game, a point goes to the side whose opponents hit the net and fences during the rally or hit the racket over the net on the opponent's side during the rally. It is unacceptable to jump over the net, even if it happened by inertia, and this applies not only to existing boundaries, but also to imaginary ones.
8. Hit the ball before it crosses the net boundary. This rule also applies when the opponent, parrying the blow, transfers his racket or other part of the body through the net to the side of the opponent. Exceptions are cases when the opponent hooked the net after he hit the ball with the racket and ran into it by accident, by inertia. Sometimes it is necessary to touch the net due to the fact that the ball to be hit lands near the net due to strong rotation or wind. Such a ball must be thrown to the other side only with a racket, because if the player touches the ball with anything else, he will lose . He will also lose if he hits the ball into the net from the opponent's side. The opponent will not lose if he reflects the ball according to the rules, and after hitting it, due to inertia, he will hit his opponent through the net. Such a stroke is protected by these rules.
9. Reflect the ball, sent to him by all the rules, after the second landing. In general, the ball, if it lands in bounds, must be returned by the player to whom the ball was intended, regardless of how the ball rebounded after landing. In the event that the ball did not bounce at all, but rolled, the point is considered played and is not subject to replay. In other words, you need to reflect any ball, of course, filed in accordance with all the rules, which is within the playing field. But at the same time, the point is not protected if the reflected ball is not the one that flew and bounced, but the one that could also bounce, because it was lying on the court.
10. Sometimes the referee may interrupt and then resume a point in the event of an unforeseen obstacle in the path of the ball. The rally is resumed with a serve in the same field, and the rally begins without fail from the first serve, despite the fact that it can already be used. Unforeseen, random obstacles during the draw of a point include the same unforeseen obstacles as during the serving. All sorts of accidents that can happen to the player himself are not grounds for replaying a point. Such unpleasant incidents include a fall, a twisted leg or convulsions, a speck in the eye, as well as collisions between players in a doubles game and any interference that occurs through the fault of a partner. For a point to be replayed, the referee must have grounds for such a decision. The decision itself depends on the degree of interference and the significance of the point. If it was difficult for the athlete to deflect the ball, but the interference was not significant and the point will not affect the result, then most likely the referee will decide not to replay. But if, on the contrary, and it is this point that can affect the outcome of the meeting, the interference was not significant, and it was not difficult to reflect the ball, then the point should be played again.

Rule four. Tennis score

Any game always starts the same way - with the serve of one of the players, who throws the ball up and sends it towards the opponent according to the rules for serving, which were discussed above. Thus, if the serve has taken place, the point draw begins and it continues by alternately throwing the ball to each other until one of the parties allows the ball to fall in its half of the field, that is, it cannot reflect the ball. As soon as the first point is played, the fight for the second point begins, and so on, until one side wins the game or game. In order to win the game, a side needs to earn at least four points and gain a two-point advantage over its opponent.

When scoring each game, you need to know some features:
1. For winning the contest for the first point, 15 points are awarded, when the same side wins again, it is awarded another 15 points, thus the score becomes 30 in its favor. For the third point won, the player is awarded another 10 and the total score becomes 40 to 0. With this score, if you win the fourth point, you can win the game.
2. For convenience, the score is fixed by the words "more", "less" and "exactly", so it is important to know the meaning of these words when calculating results in tennis.
The word "exactly" means the same number of points starting from the fourth point, that is, the term "exactly" is not used when the opponents have won one point each and have 15 points each.

Word "more" applies after the fifth point has been played if the server has won a point after the score was tied, i.e. “flat”, or lost one point after the score was 40/15.

Word "less" also used after the fifth point in case the server lost a point after the score was tied, i.e. "flat", or won one point after the score was 15/40.

The following options for scoring are possible: 15/0, 0/15, 30/0, 0/30, 40/0, ​​0/40, 15/15 - fifteen, but not “exactly”, 30/15, 15/30 , 40/15, 15/40, over, under, even, and game. In this case, the score is kept from the points of the server.

When one game ends, the next one begins, and after it, it continues like this until the moment when either side wins the set or game. A game or set is declared won when a side has won six games and gained an advantage over the other by at least two games. That is, in order to win the game, you need to beat your opponent in at least six games. Games are usually scored in an order that starts with a higher score, such as five-three, six-five, eight-seven, and so on.

When the opponents have five games, then the next game won gives one side only a one-digit advantage with a score of 6/5, and if the side wins again, then it wins the set with a score of 7/5. And with a score of 6/5, the losing side can even the score if they win the game, then the score becomes “six” (6/6), and the game continues until the two-point advantage of one of the parties.

If we are not talking about the final of a major championship, then the rules of the competition allow awarding a victory to a side with a margin of one game 7/6. In this case, with the score “by six”, the final 13th game is played. Typically, such a decisive game is played according to a special "tie-break" scoring system, which implies the following single player rules:
1. One point is awarded for a won ball. The player who first scores seven points wins the game, but only on condition that his opponent is two points behind him. Otherwise, the game will continue until the moment when one of the opponents gets an advantage of two points.
2. The play for the first point begins with the service of the player who is to serve in turn, and his opponent must serve in the next two games to play the second and third points. Then each of the players serves in turn when playing the next two points until the winning side of the decisive game, and, accordingly, the set is determined.
3. If an error is found in the order of innings, proceed as follows:
a) If a wrong order is noticed after the first point has been played, it is counted and the correct order of serves is immediately restored;
b) If an incorrect order of innings is noticed after the second point has been played, then the order is left unchanged.
4. To draw odd points, you need to serve from the first zone, and to draw even points from the second.
5. If the fact of serving is found not from the zone from which the serving should be made, all points played up to this point are counted, and the serving order is restored without delay. After every six points have been played and until the end of the game, the opponents must alternate sides of the court.
When the first set ends, the next one begins and so on until the side wins the meeting or match. In order to win a match, a side needs to win in two or three sets, but how many wins in sets are needed depends on the conditions of the competition.

Matches usually consist of three or five games. If the meeting is determined by a draw of three games, then winning in two sets will be enough to win the match, but if the match is of five games, then three sets must be won. It is worth noting that when meeting in a match of three games with a score of 2/0, it makes no sense to play the third set, since for a side to win it is enough to win two sets in a row. They do the same when they play a match of five games: if the side won three sets in a row, then the game is stopped, and the player is awarded a victory with a score of 3/0.

Rule five. Raffle matches at tennis competitions

In each game, after the end of the first game, the sides must change places on the playing court. This rule must be observed in order to equalize the chances of rivals, because the outcome of the match can be influenced by such external factors as lighting intensity, wind strength and some others. Throughout the match, players change places after the first, third, and then each of the subsequent odd-numbered games, as well as at the end of the entire game with an odd number of games. Although, this rule must be followed regardless of the odd or even number of games in the previous set.

In both singles and doubles, the requirements for the serve are the same: it must be made from the required side of the court. However, if an error occurs due to an oversight and the opponents change sides of the playing field in the wrong order, then the score is not subject to revision, the points are not canceled, and the order remains unchanged until the next change of opponents after an odd number of games in this set.

The play of a point does not start without the appropriate permission of the referee on the tower. The player may not start serving until the referee has decided who will serve, and also before the score is announced after the point has been played.

It is forbidden for a player to start the second serve before the referee records the error that occurred during the first serve. In addition, the server is obliged to monitor whether the receiver is ready, because, despite the referee's command, the player who receives has the right to declare that he is not ready. The referee on the tower must carefully monitor the readiness of the receiving player and control that he does not waste time in vain, as well as the serving player, so that he does not rush to serve too much. In case of repeated warnings to any of the players, the referee has sufficient authority to stop the match.

The ball is in play while it is deflected by the opponents in the manner prescribed by these rules. As soon as the referee notices a mistake, he is obliged to fix it with an exclamation or a score.

The referee can fix the end of the draw of a point with a score in cases for which a decision in the form of a referee's exclamation is not provided. Such cases include the ball hitting the net, the lack of actions on the part of the player to reflect the ball, and others. This point end time rule should be referred to for all activities that are prohibited during such play. Prohibited actions are discussed in detail in the point section.

Men's competitions, consisting of three parties, are held without a break. A ten-minute break is allowed at the request of one of the players, and in men's tournaments, which consist of five games, a break is possible only after the third set, but in all women's tournaments it is allowed to take a break after the second game.

By the way, the rules for holding youth tournaments are no different from the rules for adults. This applies not only to breaks, but also to the number of games and the calculation of results. In addition to the breaks established by the rules of the match after the second or third game, there are exceptions - short-term breaks caused by accidental, force majeure circumstances. These include: malfunction of sports equipment or net equipment, malfunction of clothing and shoes of participants, or injury to a player during the game. Usually such breaks do not drag out, they quickly eliminate interference and continue the tournament.

In the event that a player does not have the opportunity to replace the equipment that has become unusable or he is injured and cannot continue the fight, then victory is awarded to his opponent.

To be late or not to come to the tournament for a player means to receive an automatic defeat.

The referee who directs the competition has the right to suspend and postpone the tournament due to poor conditions, such as poor lighting, unsatisfactory conditions of the grounds or bad weather. When the game is resumed, the score is started from the point at which it stopped, and the players are located on the court in the same way as in the interrupted meeting. Exceptions are cases of mutual agreement between players who, with the permission of the referee, have agreed that they will replay the game again.

It is the responsibility of the referee to determine and announce the timing of the daily end of the games in connection with the onset of the evening. Meetings that did not have time to complete before dark, according to the decision of the head judge, can be interrupted or continued, but not more than 10 minutes. After the 10 minutes have elapsed, the game can still be continued, this requires the consent of all participants and the approval of the referee. There is a time limit for meetings that are scheduled to take place in the late afternoon. For example, a three-set match cannot start later than 45 minutes before the daily end of games, and a five-set match later than 1 hour and 15 minutes.

Tennis has one of the strangest scoring systems in the world. sports world, but this is probably the most fun kind of competition. The good news is that once you learn how to calculate the score, you won't have a problem remembering it. Go to step 1 to find out the scoring system in the game called "tennis".


Part 1

Understanding the account

    Feel the difference between a game, a set and a match. Match is a term that refers to all playing time in tennis. It consists of winning three or five sets (depending on your class). Each set is played to a minimum of six winning games.

    Learn how an individual game is calculated. Players serve one game at a time in turn. The winner, as a rule, is the player (or team, if you play in pairs) who has won four goals. Points are played in this way: one player serves and the other beats back; throwing the ball continues back and forth until one of the opponents hits swipe or hit the net. Keep in mind that seven or even more balls can be played in a game, for example, when the first tennis player earns three and the second four more. In this case, each ball won is added to the score of the athletes:

    • 1st ball won is 15 points
    • 2nd ball won is 30 points
    • 3rd ball won is 40 points
    • 4th ball won means victory in the game (that is, its end)
  1. Know how to announce the score when serving. It is the server's job to call out the score during the match so that the opponent can hear it (unless you are playing on professional level where this work is done by the person responsible for the correct scoring). You should always say your points and then your opponent's points. For example:

    • If you have won two balls and your opponent is one, then you must announce: "30-15".
    • If your opponent won three goals and you are alone, then you must say: "15-40."
  2. Understand how each set is calculated. It is played until one of the players or some team (in doubles) won't win six games. At the beginning of the pitch, always state the number of games won by each player or team, starting with the winning ones. For example:

    • If you have won four games and your opponent has won two, then you need to announce the score "4-2" before the game with your serve (that is, when you serve the ball first, and do not return it).
  3. Be aware that in the case of a long side by side game, you need to score more than two points to win. This applies to both games and sets. Here are some examples:

    • If the game score is 40-40, then you need to win two points in a row to win the game (we'll cover this in more detail in step 3 of the next section).
    • If you both win 5 games and the score is 5-5, then you will have to win two more games in a row to make it 7-5 and win the set.
    • If the score is 5-5 and you win the next game, then the score becomes 6-5. If you lose in the next game, the score is again 6-6, and you, again, have to win 8 games against your opponent's 6 to snatch a set victory. Some draws go as high as "12-10" or even more.
  4. Learn to recognize when a match is won (or lost). Depending on the league you play in, you need to win either three out of five sets or two out of three sets. Just like with games and sets, you have to get ahead of your opponent with a double gap. This means matches can sometimes go five out of seven sets, or even seven out of nine if you and your opponent stay close on points.

    Know how to record the score after a match. You need to write the score of each set on a special card. You should always write your score first. For example, if you win a match, your membership card should look like this:

    • 6-3, 4-6, 6-2. This means you won the first set 6-3; then lost the second set 4-6 and won the third set 6-2.

    Part 2

    Understanding terminology
    1. Understand what the term "all" means in tennis."All" essentially means "both" in tennis jargon. If you and your opponent both win by one ball, resulting in a score of "15-15", you can declare: "15-all". The same goes for sets. If you both win in three sets, then say it like this: "3-all" before you start serving.

      Find out what "love" means. And no, we are not talking about romantic or even platonic love. In tennis, the word "love" corresponds to zero in the score. For example:

      • When you didn’t score a single point during your serve, and your opponent won two balls, then this situation can be called: “love-30”.
      • The same goes for games. If you have won three games, and your opponent has not won any, then you need to say: "3-love".
      • At the very beginning of the game, when neither of you has scored a single point, you will be told: "love-all" (which is a great wish before the start of the game).

      Expert answer

      Where did the tennis scoring system come from?

      Professional tennis player and writer

      Peter Fryer is a coach and tennis writer from Derry, Northern Ireland. Shortly after graduation, he became a professional tennis coach and taught tennis for over 13 years. He has been running a tennis blog Love Tennis Blog since 2010, collaborating with the BBC and national media.


      Peter Fryer, professional tennis player, answers: It is believed that the counting system in this game has French origin. For scoring, the French used clock face, hence the numbers 15, 30, 40. 45 was not used, since this number is quite difficult to pronounce during the game. L'oeuf, which means "egg", was used for 0, which was converted to "love".

      Know what the words "deuce" and "advantage" mean. In tennis, when two players reach a 40-40 tie in a match, it's called a "deuce". There are two possible ways to play this position: the person who wins the next draw wins, or plays on "advantage" (advantage of the serving tennis player in one draw, abbreviated "ad"). This means that the tennis player must win both the "deuce" draw and the one following it.

    2. Learn about the concepts of "ad-in" and "ad-out". When the server wins at "deuce", the score becomes "ad-in" (advantage-in, meaning the advantage of the server). If such a ball is won by the receiver, the score is called "ad-out". If one of the opponents wins the "deuce" draw, but does not succeed further with "ad", then the score returns to the "deuce" value again.

      • For example, when you serve, you both won four balls (reaching an equal score of 40-40, that is, “deuce”), then you need to serve again. Let's say you win a "deuce" draw and make an "ad-in" score. If you win the next draw, you will win the match. If you lose the ball, then the score will return to equal “deuce”, and your opponent will have a chance to beat you and get an “ad-out”. At the same time, when your opponent loses "ad-out", everything goes back to "deuce" ... and so on.
    • It makes sense to discuss the scoring rules with a playmate for the first time. Some tennis players ask that the score be called after each ball is played. Others do not want to compete with standard scoring. For example, when someone plays with "no ad", it eliminates the need for a mandatory two-ball advantage, which will allow you to win immediately after reaching the "40-all" score.
    • If you forget your score during a game, pay attention to which half of the court you are playing on. A count that ends in "all" refers to the right side.
    • You don't have to keep score if you don't want to - sometimes you can just have some fun (jumping the ball back and forth between players) by playing a friendly match for fun.

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Rules of the game of tennis in brief

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  Modern rules of the game of tennis, adopted in 2009

For brevity, it is referred to as the ITF. It is this governing body that sets the Rules.

What should be the "correct" tennis court

The dimensions of the rectangular area are firmly defined: for single player- 23 meters 77 centimeters long, 8 meters 23 centimeters - width; pair competitions are held on the court, the width of which increases to 10 meters 97 centimeters.

Exactly in the middle, the court is divided by a net suspended on a cord or cable. Mounting height 10 meters seven centimeters.

The height of the mesh is fixed by a central taut strap. The belt and braid of the upper edge of the mesh can only be white.

All marking lines must be made in a contrasting color so that they are clearly visible. It should be noted that the color of the court is not regulated by the rules. The red courts of Roland Garros or the green grass of Wimbledonoa have the same right to exist.

The width of the marking lines ranges from 2.5 to 5 centimeters. Only the back line can be up to 10 centimeters wide.

  Permanent accessories of the court

In the rules, spectators are classified as permanent fixtures of the court. And it is right! How to play without loyal fans?

Why did Andrew Murray win at Wimbledon? Because the whole United Kingdom was rooting for him, and members of the royal family, the Prime Minister of England, and celebrity friends were present in the audience stands.

  In addition to the spectators on the court, there must be a wide variety of items:

Side and rear railings. They just put billboards on them.

Referee tower and judge on it, on the lines, at the net and near the serving player.

Spectator stands equipped with seats for spectators.

  To play tennis, in addition to the court, you need balls and rackets.

The ball rules are set out in Appendix 1. The choice of balls for the tournament is decided by the competition organizers, who must announce in advance the number of balls for the match and the order in which they will be changed.

If it becomes less elastic during the point, then the point is not replayed. If during the game the ball burst, then replay is possible. In general, tournament balls are selected from a list given in an official ITF document.

- the main weapon of a tennis player

  Requirements for rackets are set out in Appendix 2 of the current Rules.

Only one set of strings is used to create the striking surface of the racket.

Stretch in only one plane.

Can be placed on racket strings, but not in string weave areas.

A player can only use one racket at a time.

Any source of additional energy built into the racquet that affects performance is prohibited.

Otherwise, players are free to use rackets of any manufacturer. By the way, for extra-class players, rackets are created on an individual order, taking into account the anatomical features and features of the game of each athlete.

  How to score in tennis

In tennis, a special system is used to keep score. The game of ball with rackets officially appeared in the UK, therefore, it retains the scoring system adopted in this country.

The main goal of a match between two tennis players or two pairs of players is the task of throwing the ball to the opponent's side in such a way that the opponent cannot beat him over the net. just divides the court in half.

  Tennis uses a three-tier scoring system.

The match is divided into sets, that is, parties.

Each set is in turn divided into games.

There is a scoring within the game.

Every game starts with a serve. The right to serve is constantly transferred from one player to another. Moreover, the serving player can replay the serve once, if for the first time the ball from his strike hit the line of delivery or hit the net.

The second unsuccessful serve is already counted in favor of the opponent. The serving player is behind the back and near the center line, that is, the markings dividing the court lengthwise into two equal parts.

The first serve must be carried out from a position to the right of the center line. The player then moves from the center to the other side. Therefore, the ball, when served, is directed to the diagonally opposite corner of the opponent's field.

  What is game

Translated into Russian "game" - just a game! At the beginning of the game, the score is zero. Won serve - 15 points, lost - the same 15 points, but the opponent. The second serve gives another 15, and the third gives 10.

If one player has 40 points and the other has 30 or less, then the next successful draw leads the player to win the game.

If the score is 40-40, then a successful next serve gives an advantage. The player with the advantage wins the game if his next serve is a winning one.

  How many games in a set

Scoring in a set goes up to 6 wins. However, if the score is 6-5, then another game cannot be avoided, with a score of 7-5, the set ends, and with a score of 6-6, the dispute is resolved in a tie-break.

  Tie-break - a game that resolves a dispute

The game in this case will last until the moment when the advantage of two points is obtained. The serving player is the first to make one serve, while the opponent has the right to two.

The change in the tie-break occurs after two innings, the first tennis player to score 7, with a difference of 2 points, is the winner. Tie-break courts change after 6 points scored.

And the very last set of the match is played without a tie-break.

  Features of a tennis match

Matches can consist of three sets or five. In the first case, the player who wins two sets wins, and in the second - three.

Lines on the court are extremely important. The serving player who steps behind the back line commits a violation: plays on another field. Line on tennis court considered a field.

During the serve, the ball can only be hit after it bounces off the court, but during the game, the balls are also hit in flight. A ball that hits a player does not count.

A tennis player must also not touch the net or rack with his body or racket and hit the ball behind the net line, that is, on the opponent's field.

  Why does scoring start at 15?

The traditional English tennis scoring system is rumored to have French roots. In medieval French monasteries, such a calculation was "tied" to the division of the day into 24 hours.

The monks, probably, every now and then glanced at the dial of the clock on the tower, so as not to miss the time for prayer or a meal. The game could be played up to a maximum of 60 points - full circle dial. A quarter of an hour is 15 minutes, that is, points.

Over time, the number of games in the set was reduced to 6, and the uncomfortable and not very nice-sounding numeral "45" was replaced by a short and elegant "40". So now they think: 15-30-40!

  Tennis match statistics are a source of valuable information

Statistics, in general, is a serious and important science. However, behind the forest of figures, numbers and incomprehensible terms, it is often difficult to see the truth.

In order to understand in a couple of minutes of looking at the statistics, due to what one player defeated another in this particular match, it is necessary to understand the specifics of tennis rules and terminology.

  What is ace and why should they be counted?

Ace tennis players call the pitch, but not any, but the one that went right through. A large number of points received from aces testify to the quality of the game.

There are two options here: either the serving player is a virtuoso of the "cannon" serve, which cannot be "taken", or the receiving player is not in the best shape.

  Double faults in the game

This term refers to a situation where a player, having made an unsuccessful serve, makes a mistake a second time. In this case, a double fault is declared, and the player loses a point.

A large number of double faults indicates the state of the player, at least speaks of his excitement.

  Two types of errors: forced and unforced

Forced mistakes are made because the opponent's blow was too good. Such errors are considered "good".

Unforced errors are considered "bad" because they are made by the player at the moment of full possession of the ball.

By the way, the speed indicators of the court affect the number of unforced errors, because relatively slow surfaces give more time to prepare a hit, and allow you to get to the right point in time. A tennis player “risks” less, and therefore makes fewer mistakes.

Although different kinds unforced errors are different. It's one thing when a player gives a point to an opponent without a fight, it's another thing if even the most offensive "blunders" happen after a series of excellent shots.

Maybe the tennis player was out of breath at that moment after actively running back and forth across the court, and this is what affected the stroke, and not the general class of the player.

In general, it can be said that everything that a player loses is automatically considered either an opponent's winner or an unforced error.

Therefore, statistics on the number of draws, winners and unforced errors give a fairly complete picture of the course of the match.

  The role of referees on the court

The chief referee on the court is considered the highest authority for resolving all contentious issues. His decision is non-negotiable and final.

The referee on the platform decides questions concerning everything that actually happened on the court during the match. If the players do not agree with the decision of the referee on the tower, they have the right to call the chief referee.

Line judges and net judges monitor the events taking place in these areas, they decide on a step or touch on the net. The decisions of these referees are controlled by the referee on the platform.

The head referee or the referee on the platform has the right to interrupt the game due to poor visibility, inappropriate weather or unsatisfactory court conditions.

They also monitor the observance of the Code of Conduct for Players, the continuity of the game and determine the need for electronic review of the controversial moment of the game.

Special words and designations that are very common when playing tennis. A kind of guide-translator that will help you get a little closer to the World of Tennis.

Ace- feed right through. A serve in which the receiver has not touched the ball.

Advantage (more)- designation in the game when a player wins a point with a score of 40-40.

Challenge (challenging)- "video replay" at major tournaments, which the player takes if he does not agree with the decision of the judge on the tower, is carried out using the "Hawk Eye" system

Deuse (exactly) - the score of the players is 40-40.

Double fault (double fault)- two errors in a row on the serve, after the double, the square of the serve is changed and one point is awarded to the opponent.

Fault (error, foul)- Submission error. The player stepped over the line, the ball touched the net, the player did not hit the right square, etc. The tennis player is given the second serve.

Game (Game)- a segment of the game from a score of 0 to a win. 0-15-30-40-game.

Love (zero)- zero point in the game. Love-15-30-40-game.

Match (match)- a set of sets, having won which, the tennis player wins the whole match. A score of 2/0 at the end of the match means that the first player won by taking two sets, his opponent took none. Usually the referee on the tower says at the end of the match: "Game, Set, Match ..." and calls the name of the winner.

Match ball (match ball)- a decisive point, taking which the player wins the whole match.

Net (grid)- the serve was successful, but the ball touched the upper edge of the net during the flight, as a result - a re-serve.

Out (out)- The ball went out of bounds on impact. The point won is credited to the opponent.

Set (set)- a group of 6, rarely 7, won games. The score is kept in units 1, 2, 3,....,7. For example, the score in the set - 6/2 means that the first player won six games, the second one recorded two games in his asset.

Set-ball (set-ball)- decisive point in the set.

Tie Break (Thai Break)- a special game that is played when the score is 6/6 in a set. The score is kept in units: 1,2,3...etc. The first player serves once, then his opponent makes two serves, then two serves each, every 6 rallies a change of sides is made. The winner is the one who first scores 7 points, but with a difference of two goals. If the score becomes 7/6, then the tie-break is played to a difference of two goals. When the final score is indicated in parentheses, for example: 6/2, 7/6 (7:3).

Modern tennis cannot be imagined without a power serve that brings victory points and helps the player to create a psychological mood for the competition by putting pressure on the opponent. This article is dedicated to this element. We will try to figure out what an ace is in tennis. We will find out what are the statistics of the use of this element in men and women.

Execution of the serve

The game of tennis consists of several sets (up to 5 in men), subdivided into games. During each of them, the same participant serves. In the next game, this right passes to the opponent. To win, he needs to consistently score 15, 30 and finally 40 points. With a tie, you need a gap of two winning draws. Therefore, this segment of the game can be quite long.

A well-executed first strike creates a number of advantages. Winning a game on your serve is considered natural. But to take the opponent's serve means to make a break and a serious bid to win the set. This is especially true for men with strokes up to 251 km / h. The official record belongs to Croatian Ivo Karlovic (2011). Although in 2012, in the games of the Challenger series, Samuel Grog filed at a speed of 263 km / h, which, by the way, did not bring him victory in the match.

What are the benefits of serving and what does an ace mean in tennis? By making the first strike, the player has the opportunity to send the ball to any point on the court, giving it a spin if necessary. It is also capable of adjusting the impact force and rebound height. In other sports where the serve is used, an ace is considered to be any winning throw that the opponent failed to complete. In tennis - only one in which the receiver did not even manage to reach the ball with the racket. This definition is given by the encyclopedia of I. Ivitsky.

Submission Requirements

In order to win a rally with the first throw, you need to work out the technique of hitting, gain stability and tune in to the game correctly. The grip of the racquet plays a big role. On it, the opponent tries to guess the nature of the blow. It is no different from a right hand grip. However, with the Western style, it is impossible to spin the ball, which is immediately noted by the opponent. The most convenient is the continental one, which opens the way for maneuver.

It often seems to amateurs that the strength of the blow depends on the power of the hands. Top players really muscle mass the giving hand is noticeably different, which can be seen even with the naked eye. But to give high speed to the ball in order to make it clear to the opponent what an ace in tennis is, it is possible only when using the energy of the body and shoulders due to their sharp turn. It is important and correct to throw the ball to a height of 5-7 cm with a deviation to the right by the length of the outstretched arm. Carelessness can lead to disaster. For insufficient height and amplitude of the throw can lead to the failure of the blow. The key to success is consistency, working out the element in training from the same position and deciding how and to which part of the court the throw will be made before the serve is started.

The most difficult serves for an opponent

Only top players from the first hundred are able to take feeds at a speed of 200-220 km / h. Some girls are able to give such acceleration to the flight of the ball. For example, the Williams sisters, Maria Sharapova, But one blow force is not always enough. It is difficult to receive low serves, in which the ball moves in an arc and is deep in the opponent's field. In order for the judges to count a point, it is necessary to transfer it to the opponent's side, hitting the court or on the line. Hitting exactly the right place, barely touching the line, is a great art. When the ball is twisted, the opponent sometimes does not even react, expecting the ball to go into touch. As a result, he has to experience for himself what an ace is in tennis.

It is difficult to take balls aimed at the opponent's body. He has to jump back to strike back. And he does not always have time to react. Sometimes the server makes a false swing, deceiving the opponent, who rushes to the opposite side of the court from the blow. It is good if all the feints and twisting of the ball are carried out at high speed. Then winning a point is guaranteed. But with a flaw in the serve, you can get hit back right through, which distinguishes real cool players. When executing an ace, the player secures a quick victory in the point draw, but this is always risky. Each server has two attempts at his disposal. If the ball touches the net, the kick is replayed without taking into account this attempt.

What is the strategy for aces and doubles in tennis?

Investing in the pitch, each player understands that it is necessary to provide for possible errors. If both attempts fail, a point is awarded to the opponent. Therefore, it is necessary to minimize the risk. Ace usually happens on the first serve. In case of errors - a spade, missing the court, hitting the net - the player has the opportunity to exercise his right to re-introduce the ball into the game. This is usually a more careful strike. It indicates that the player has lost sight or he is physically tired.

Real masters are able to take risks on the second shot, if they are lucky and a lot depends on winning the ball. Especially on setball or matchball. It is impossible to play the entire duel at the limit of human capabilities. Therefore, each athlete has his own strategy. It includes identifying situations in which an ace is necessary or, conversely, double faults are acceptable. If there is an advantage in the game, you can risk on the second serve to save time and physical strength.

Statistics are kept for each match. It includes winners (actively won balls), first ball percentage, aces, double faults, number of break points won, points won at the net. As a rule, indicators show the advantage of the winning player. According to the results of the matches, the general statistics of aces in tennis are also kept. Who is the leader in this element of the game?

Top performance

The record for aces earned in a game belongs to (USA), Nicolas Mayu (2010), who won the match. With his 112 innings through, he overtook Croatian Ivo Karlovic, whose record was less by 34. This allowed the American to prevail in 92 games, which is also an absolute record. To understand what an ace is in tennis, you need to watch the matches of such masters as Goran Ivanisevic, Ivo Karlovic, Pete Sampras and Milos Raonic. Thanks to the cannon serve, they scored a thousand aces per season. Croatian Ivo Karlovic holds the absolute record. During his unfinished career, he has already become the author of 10,237 aces, breaking the record of the German Sabina Lisicki - the absolute leader in the speed of serving among women (more than 210 km / h). She is also the record holder for the number of aces per match - 27 (2015).

Tennis betting

Tennis is a popular sport among bookmakers, which is actively bet on by forecasters. This is facilitated by a large number of competitions, high odds and the ability to bet on aces in tennis and other elements of the game described by statistics. Tennis is an individual sport, so it all depends on the player himself. Studying his strengths and weak sides, physical condition, mental attitude and statistics, you can make pretty good predictions.