What is the name of the game when the plate is thrown. Frisbee - the rules of the game. Different types of Frisbee and their features

Frisbee is a flying disc in the form of a plastic plate that is designed to be thrown at various angles. According to a common version, it was invented by Yale University students who were fond of launching metal molds for baking pies.

Later, a full-fledged photo of which can be seen in this material was developed by a fan of this kind of pastime, Walter Morrison. The author of the invention replaced the metal disk with a plastic plate, adding a dome and a prominent rim to capture the projectile to the design. The implementation of these solutions made it possible to significantly improve the aerodynamic qualities of the projectile.

Frisbee: how to play?

There are two ways to throw a projectile: forehand and backhand. In the first case, the disk is launched with a hand extended from the body, in the second - with a brush, the back of which is located in the direction of the throw. When using both techniques, a good, accurate pass is of decisive importance.

To perform the throw, resort to the movement of the wrist. An important factor that affects the accuracy is the observance of a certain angle of inclination, under which the plate is located at the moment of release from the hand.

Frisbee is a projectile that you need to be able to not only throw, but also catch it correctly. To catch the disk, you need to use both hands. In this case, one has to predict the trajectory under which the flying saucer will tend to the ground.

Frisbee games

Frisbee is usually used for throwing from hand to hand in such a way that the disc does not touch the ground. However, in addition to this, there is a whole host of other, more exciting games with a plastic plate. Among them it is worth noting:

  • Ultimate Frisbee.
  • City Ultimate.
  • Guts.
  • Double disk.
  • Freestyle.
  • Frisbee golf.
  • Dog frisbee.

Consider each of the above games in detail.


Ultimate Frisbee is one of the most popular games in the world. sports equipment. Such an activity requires the participants to have a perfect throw technique, excellent reaction, endurance and speed.

Ultimate is played on a spacious rectangular area with a team zone at each end. One group of players is defending, the other is attacking. The main task is the transfer of a flying projectile to a friend, which is located in the opponent's half of the field. If the projectile hits the target, the team gets a point.

The goal of the defense is to knock down, catch the Frisbee disc or force the opponent to hold it in his own half for 10 seconds. In the latter case, the teams exchange roles.

Unlike contact sports, main principle ultimate frisbee is respect for the opponent. The rules of the game prohibit physical impact on the opponent or team members. In the course of serious competition, it is regarded as a lack of skill, and the player is excluded from the team.

City Ultimate

The game is played in an urban landscape. Similar to the previous version of the game of frisbee, the platform also has a rectangular shape. The only difference is the arrangement of various obstacles along its perimeter and the presence of gates. As the latter, any hill is used, on which both representatives of the defending side and attacking players are located.

In the game, it is allowed to push the opponent away and knock out the projectile from the hands. Given all the above factors, city ultimate can be called an extreme variation of the game of frisbee.


It is a team game that is played up to 21 points. Here the opponents are located in a row opposite each other. The main task of the warring parties is a set of points that are given for the successful reception of the projectile.

Players throw the disc in such a way that the opponent does not catch it. In this case, a point is given to the defending side if the projectile was thrown into a zone inaccessible to the hands.

Double disc

Two people take part in the game, which are located on two square-shaped platforms. Here, two discs are thrown at the same time - one from each side. They throw a projectile so that the opponent does not catch it. At the same time, the Frisbee must fly into the opponent's zone.


For the game, a special flying saucer is used, a photo of which can be seen in this section. Discipline involves both individual and team performance of tricks.

The main goal is to demonstrate spectacular and most spectacular elements, combinations of several feints. In most cases, tricks are performed with a rotating projectile. At serious competitions, freestyle frisbees are evaluated by judges who give points in the category "artistry and complexity of the elements."

frisbee golf

It is easy to guess that, according to the main idea, such an activity is an alternative to playing golf. However, the balls here are replaced by a specially shaped flying disc, and the holes are presented in the form of baskets with nets.

The objective of the game is to complete the course in hole order with the minimum number of shots. As in golf, where, depending on the characteristics of the soil and the desired impact force, separate types of clubs are used, in this discipline, separate types of discs are used. Individual variants of projectiles differ from each other according to aerodynamic parameters.

Unlike previous games, here you need to have not only perfected throwing technique. You also need to think about which disc to choose in a certain situation, and calculate exactly where the Frisbee will fly. All this contributes to the development of strategic thinking.

Frisbee for dogs

The main condition for the game is not only the presence of the appropriate projectile, but also, in fact, a pet. There are several options for competitions in the discipline of dog frisbee. However, a common feature for them is the condition under which the trainer must launch a plastic plate, and the dog must catch it.

A fairly popular option is a frisbee for dogs for a distance. In this case, the winner is the one who threw the projectile the farthest, which managed to catch and return the pet. In the game of accuracy, the dog must catch a flying disc in a certain area. There is also the so-called freestyle dog, where the trainer and the dog together perform all sorts of tricks.


As you can see, throwing a Frisbee is an extremely exciting activity. Despite some uncomplicated projectile, the game has many varieties with rules that are quite difficult to understand.

It is believed that throwing a flying disc subconsciously attracts the attention of others. Practicing with projectile public place, you can quickly form a fun company, find friends. Therefore, the game of frisbee should be considered not only as a good warm-up in the fresh air, but also as the first step on the way to new acquaintances.

Most Russian-speaking people will call such a disk a "flying saucer". Frisbee is the next most popular option. People who play various sports that use a flying disc simply call it a "disc" (At the same time, they can still call a disc "Frisbee", but they will never call it a "cymbal").

Frisbee or frisbee

There are two variants of the Russian spelling of the English word frisbee: through h and through With. In general, the first spelling is more common than the second.

It should be noted that Frisbee is not technically a common name for flying discs, but a trademark of Wham-O. In addition, discs from Wham-O are rarely used in games, discs from Discraft are much more often used.


In the late 40s of the twentieth century, the topic of unidentified flying objects was popular in American society. Walter Friedrich Morrison took advantage of this. He came up with a “flying saucer” that looked like a UFO in 1999 (funded by Warren Frascioni). However, this first disc was unsuccessful. After a series of improvements and experiments, the plastic saucer made by Morrison in the year began to fly well above the ground and turned into a hot commodity, and with his consent, flying saucers began to be produced under the trademark "Pluto Platter" by the Wham-O company in San Gabriel.

At the same time, Yale University students threw tin tin coasters from the Frisbie Pie Company at each other in their spare time. The name "Frisbee" was so popular among students that Wham-O renamed their flying saucers Frisbee. One letter was intentionally changed so that the Frisbie Pie Company could not claim the name.

flying disc games

There are many varieties of disc games. The simplest is the usual throwing of the disc by two or more players from hand to hand so that the plate does not touch the ground.

Ultimate Frisbee

The most popular and well-known team game with a flying disc. The game is very dynamic and spectacular, it requires a good reaction, throwing technique, speed and endurance.

The game is played on a rectangular field with zones at each end. 2 teams play (7x7 on grass, 5x5 on sand and indoors). One team is attacking, the other is defending. The purpose of the attacking team is to give a pass to a player of his team who is in the opponent's zone (in this case, a point is counted). The goal of the defending team is to knock down the disc, or force the offensive player with the disc to hold it for 10 seconds (in hall 8). In this case, the disk is lost and the teams switch roles. You cannot move with the disk, only one player of the defending team can interfere with the player with the disk. Intentional physical contact between opponents is prohibited (eg pushing or blocking).

The most important principle of Ultimate is the Spirit of the Game. Briefly, it can be described as "Respect for the opponent is paramount." Unlike, for example, football, the moral rules of ultimate strictly prohibit deliberate fouls and mockery of the opponent. Such behavior can be interpreted as a lack of sportsmanship.

In addition, there is no concept of a penalty in Ultimate. No one is expected to maliciously break the rules, so there are only light penalties for unintentional infractions. As already noted, in the ultimate, each player is responsible for his behavior on the field. There are no referees to ensure that everyone behaves "like an adult", so the responsibility for calling a foul lies with everyone, not just the victim. That is, you can, for example, declare a foul to yourself (which is not so rare). In Ultimate, the goal is not to win at any cost, it is important that the game is fair and enjoyable. All this is a consequence of the main principle - the Spirit of the game.

City Ultimate

Ultimate game in urban environments, on the playground there are various obstacles. Teams of 5-7 people. Unlike the usual ultimate, there are gates in the game, each team has its own. The gate is some kind of hill. A player from team A must be in the goal of team B, while a player from team A tries to pass the players from his team. A point is scored if the player catches the disc within the goal. Moving around the site with a disc in hand is prohibited. Unlike the usual ultimate, the disc can be knocked out of hand. A more aggressive way to play Frisbee.


Guts - sport game, in which two teams take part, from one to five players in each. The goal of the game is to be the first to score 21 points. Before the start of the game, the teams are placed one opposite the other, at a distance of 14 m. The player must throw the disc at the opponent so that he cannot catch it. In this case, the throw must be made into the zone limited by the outstretched arms of the opponents. If the throw is not executed correctly, the receiving team receives a point.

The players of the receiving team must catch the disc with one hand. If they succeed, then no one is defended, if not, then the team that just threw the disc gets a point.

This game develops discus throwing skills as well as the ability to catch the disc with one hand.

Flaber Guts

Flaber Guts is played by 2 teams of two people each. Teams are placed 1-2 meters opposite each other. The task of one team is to catch the disc with one hand, the task of the other team is to throw the disc in such a way that the opponent could not catch it. The disk must fly with vertical rotation around the longitudinal axis. If the disc is caught with one hand, then a point is scored. The disk can be tamped down with any one part of the body, without pressing it to itself. If the disk is pressed against the body, or taken with both hands, then the transition is going on. Every 5 throws, the teams change places. The game goes to 11 points.

Double Disc Court

Frisbee freestyle

Main article: Frisbee freestyle

Frisbee freestyle is an individual sport, although there are also team competitions.

The goal is to demonstrate a beautiful and spectacular combination of tricks and feints that can be performed with the disc. In the vast majority of cases, all tricks are performed with a spinning disc.

At competitions, all this is evaluated by judges who give points for the complexity of tricks and artistry.

disc golf

dog frisbee

Main article: dog frisbee

The main thing in a Frisbee dog is the presence of not only a disc, but also a dog. There are several variations of dog Frisbee competitions, but the common thing is that the handler must throw the disc and the dog must catch it.

There are competitions for distance (the farther the dog catches the disc, the more points it will bring), for accuracy (the dog must catch the disc in one of certain zones), and there is also some analogue of freestyle Frisbee, in which the dog and the trainer demonstrate various tricks.



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See what "Frisbee" is in other dictionaries:

    Exist., Number of synonyms: 1 disk (28) ASIS Synonym Dictionary. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

    Multiple m. 1. An object in the form of a small plastic disc with curved edges, designed for outdoor play. 2. Playing with such an object (beach frisbee, frisbee for dogs). Explanatory Dictionary of Ephraim. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Efremova

    frisbee- lėkščiasvydis statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Dviejų komandų žaidimas svaidant specialią plastikinę 141–165 g lėkštelę. Žaidžiama 109×35 m arba mažesnėje aikštėje, kurios galuose sužymėtos taškų (įvarčių) zonos. Žaidžia 2… … Sporto terminų žodynas

    frisbee- flying saucer (game) ... Universal additional practical explanatory dictionary by I. Mostitsky

    unchanged; and. [English] frisbee]. A small, lightweight plastic disc with curved edges designed for throwing with an extra twisting motion. ● From the trade name of this product... encyclopedic Dictionary

Frisbees are sports flying discs. There are several varieties of Frisbee games, but the most common, perhaps, is the Ultimate Frisbee (Ultimate Frisbee).

Frisbees are sports flying discs. We owe their appearance to an American named Morisson. In 1948, he saw how students doing an internship at the Frisbee Pie Company confectionery factory threw molds from under branded pies, took and patented this form as a flying disk. There are several varieties of Frisbee games, but the most common, perhaps, is the Ultimate Frisbee (Ultimate Frisbee).

Frisbee ultimate game rules.


The field of play consists of a 64m by 37m rectangle called the playing field, with two 18m by 37m rectangles adjoining the short side of the playing field called zones. It can have any surface, but a short-cut lawn is recommended. The field must be flat, free of bumps and holes, and provide the player with safety. You can also play gym.


They play with a standard disc with a diameter of 27.5 cm and a weight of 175 g.

The form. The players of each team must wear a uniform or other clothing that distinguishes them from the players of the other team.

Game duration

AT full version The game continues until one of the teams reaches at least a difference in score of two points, or until one of the teams reaches 21 points. After the first of the teams reaches the score of 10 points, a 10-minute break is announced.

Beginning of the game

The beginning of the draw of each point begins with the formation of teams on the lines of the zones that the teams defend. The defending team throws the disc in the direction of the attacking team. Teams, according to the rules, have 7 players each (in the hall version - 5 people each).

Intervention. When inserting the disc Players of the defending team may not touch the disc before it has been touched by the opponent.

Check. Each time a player on the offensive team catches the disc in the opponent's zone, the offensive team is awarded a point. The game restarts after each point. In this case, the teams change zones and the disk is entered by the team that earned the point.

Throwing. A player becomes a thrower if he received the disc after a throw, received a pass from a teammate, intercepted an opponent's pass, or if he picked up the disc after a turnover. The defender who intercepts the disc becomes the thrower, but must not throw the disc before establishing the pivot foot. Otherwise, a run will be counted. The pivot foot must not change positions prior to the throw, unless the player is catching the disc while running. Then he is allowed to take the minimum number of steps.

Defender. Only one defender can block the thrower. A player is considered a blocker if he is within 3 meters of the thrower's pivot foot and more than 3 meters of any other player on the offensive team. A thrower blocked by more than one defender must call out (double command).

Transfer of ownership. If the pass at the introduction of the disc is not completed (i.e. touched the ground or something outside the field or intercepted), then the defending team takes possession of the disc and becomes the attacking team.

Replacements. Player substitutions may be made after a point or during an injury break.

Contactless. Physical contact between players is not allowed. It is forbidden to interfere with the movement of players. Physical contact is against the rules.

Violations. Violation occurs as a result of physical contact between players of opposing teams. If the disc is lost as a result of the infringement, then the game is restarted as if there had been no change of possession.

Refereeing. Players are responsible for violations of the rules and boundaries of the field. The players themselves resolve the disputed issues that have arisen.

The spirit of the game. In ultimate, special importance is attached to fair play and skill. Competitive spirit is encouraged, but never at the expense of the players' mutual respect, adherence to the rules, or enjoyment of the game.

"Flying saucer" - that's how our Russian people call the Frisbee. Although the true name of the game - frisbee - is already known to many. This refers to the projectile, presented in the form of a plate. In fact, it is a plastic disc with curved edges. Its diameter can be different: from 20 centimeters to 25 centimeters. This plate is launched and caught. We have to admit, it flies perfectly, thanks to its excellent aerodynamic qualities. In the air, the disk is kept due to the lifting force. You can safely throw the Frisbee at different angles for a long distance. It will fly without problems.

Some people call the flying saucer Frisbee, while others say Frisbee. If you look in the dictionary of English language, you can see the word frisbee. That is, the letter “z” sounds, although, it is worth noting, the “frisbee” option is still more common.

Many are interested in who created such a unique projectile, which is so actively used in games. The Frisbee flying disc is a product that was invented by students at Yale University. Young people, not knowing what to do with themselves, launched molds for baking pies. These molds were made of metal, they did not fly very well, but they still flew. But Walter Morrison made a full-fledged plastic plate. He took a great interest in throwing plates. First, Walter replaced the metal product with a plastic one, and later attached a grip rim and a dome to the projectile.

Today, everyone has the opportunity to enjoy the game of frisbee. it great way have fun with family, with friends somewhere in the yard or in nature. Flying discs are affordable.

Frisbee: ways to throw and catch

Buying a flying disc is not enough. You must first learn what are the ways of throwing a plate.

Poured 2 options for launching a frisbee:

  • Forehand. Take the disc in your hand and launch the cymbal by extending your hand away from the body.
  • Backhand. The disc should only be run using a brush. In this case, the back of your hand should be located in the direction of the upcoming throw.

An accurate pass with any of these techniques is guaranteed to you. The main thing in this case is when launching the Frisbee, choose the right angle of inclination. It takes a little practice - and you will certainly succeed. Only some people get perfect throws right away. As a rule, it takes several minutes or several successful throws in order to subsequently learn how to launch the plate properly. Do not expect an immediate triumph. And then, the unsuccessful launches of the Frisbee always cause a lot of laughter. Therefore, just enjoy, smile, laugh and train with pleasure. If you don't want to face your friends in the mud, go out into the field, onto the road, open space and train yourself. As practice shows, the skill of throwing a Frisbee is developed very quickly. This means that you will need several trainings before you can surprise your family or friends.

Pay attention! It is important to learn not only how to throw a frisbee well, but you also need to learn how to catch the plate correctly.

Frisbee is a projectile with character. So learn to feel it. For correct fishing drive you will need two hands. When you develop this skill, you can try to catch a frisbee with one hand. It's fun. Just try. Over time, you will learn to predict the frisbee's flight path. Believe me, it's easy.

Frisbee: types of games

Once you get a Frisbee, you can play a variety of games:

    1. Ultimate. Frisbee is the most interesting entertainment in this game. A rectangular area is selected. 2 teams are participating. One of them acts as an attacker, and the second defends. As soon as the team manages to get the Frisbee into the opponent's territory, it becomes the winner. One point is given for one pass. When the defensive team intercepts the frisbee, it takes over the role of the attacker.

An interesting variation of the presented game is City Ultimate. All actions are transferred to the conditions of the city - obstacles are built on the site, and the teams have their own gates. Here you can knock out the disk from your hands. Task: to give the frisbee to the participant who is in the opponent's goal.

  • Guts frisbee. This is also a game for teams. All participants line up opposite each other at a distance of 14+ m. Task: throw a frisbee so that the opponent does not catch it. You can catch the plate with only one hand. The opponent did not catch the disk? Your team gets a point. Threw it wrong? Give points to your opponent. When a plate is caught, no one gets points. Goal: score points (21 points).
  • Freestyle. This is an individual game. Your task: to learn how to perform interesting and difficult tricks using Frisbee. Perhaps it will be rolling the disk over the arms and back, spinning the cymbal on the finger, etc. Today, a variety of competitions are held, where they evaluate the skills of those who are fond of freestyle.
  • Disc golf. From the name it is clear that this refers to a game resembling golf. Frisbee replaces balls. The plate must be launched not into the hole, but into the basket. The player's task: to go the whole distance, making skillful frisbee throws.
  • Dog frisbee. Everything is simple here: you throw a disc, and your dog catches a frisbee. This is fun for both pets and their owners.

As you can see, Frisbee is an exciting activity that is suitable for people of all professions and ages. It is suitable for dogs too.

Want to have a great weekend? Take a flying saucer and play with your family, loved ones, friends. A sea of ​​emotions, an ocean of laughter will definitely be provided to you. Just try. It is possible that you will become very fond of the game and learn how to play professionally. Good luck!

What is a frisbee and why there is no court in the cymbal game.

There are no judges in this sport. Even in the finals of the World Cup, the participants themselves frankly admit to violations. This kind of chivalrous behavior is par for the course among Ultimate Frisbee fans who fight with the help of "flying saucers" called frisbees (each of us has held a similar plastic plate on the beach or in the country).

At first, American youth simply threw flying discs, but over time, the most inquisitive minds began to come up with numerous frisbee games. In particular, "Frisbee Golf" is similar to traditional golf. Only frisbees are used instead of clubs and balls, and special baskets are used instead of holes. By the way, the best masters in this exotic discipline today do not live in poverty and earn up to seventy thousand dollars a year in professional tournaments.

But the most widespread around the world is another game - "Ultimate Frisbee" (in free translation - the main frisbee), where monetary rewards are not provided in principle. Columbia High School students invented it in 1968, had their first meeting at the same time, and five years later, the debut match between the teams of two colleges took place. Some of the rules are taken from American football, but (perhaps in protest against the Vietnam War) the students came up with an absolutely pacifist game where any violence is prohibited and even a light touch of an opponent with a hand is considered a violation of the rules. Moreover, the violation should be recorded not by the arbitrator (there are no referees in this game), but either by the injured or the fouled player. The philosophy of "Ultimate Frisbee" is based on the crystal honesty of the players. It is believed that no one will intentionally break the rules - there are not even penalties for this.

In the USA alone, almost two thousand Ultimate Frisbee clubs are now actively operating. And the total number of officially engaged in this sport in the world (Frisbee is fond of about fifty countries) exceeds one hundred thousand people. Organized world federation flying discs (WFDF), which since 1983 has regularly held world championships on outdoors. In addition, there are championships in the beach and indoor versions of the game.

Frisbee penetration into Russia began in the late 80s from St. Petersburg (now the men's teams Yu-Piter, VKM, Sky-project, Sway and the women's Dogma are operating in the city), then Moscow, Veliky Novgorod were conquered , Nizhny Novgorod, Irkutsk, Smolensk, Kaliningrad. In some cities, former basketball players formed the backbone of the Ultimate Frisbee teams. High growth- a solid advantage, because it allows you to catch a frisbee at a height inaccessible to rivals. However, there is a downside to the coin - the ex-basketball players have poor long-range shots, they try to take a short and accurate pass, and give up before a competent defense.
So the St. Petersburg players from U-Peter, who have won all five national championships, are not going to stop there and, despite their average height, still confidently retain their monopoly, regularly smashing both Muscovites and Nizhny Novgorod. The leaders of the U-Piter team took part in the debut for the Russian team at the 2000 World Championship, where our compatriots took 15th place with 19 participants. Four years have passed since then, but the Russians still cannot seriously compete with the Americans, Canadians and Scandinavians. There is a lack of competitive practice in matches with serious opponents. However, the level of individual players is already quite high. At the recently concluded Beach Frisbee World Championships the best player"U-Pitera" Anatoly Vasiliev, as part of the Swedish club, took fourth place, and Natalia Lebedeva, speaking for the Dutch team, became seventh. Russian flying saucer game masters (the players themselves prefer the term “disc”) will try to prove their potential at the forthcoming world championship in Turku in August.

Ultimate Frisbee Rules

The size of the field for playing in open stadiums is 110 meters long and 37 meters wide. The beginning of the draw of each point begins with the formation of teams (7 people each) on the front lines of the zones that they have to defend. The defending team throws the Frisbee in the direction of the attacking team. Whenever a player catches a disc in the opponent's zone, a point is awarded to the team. After that, the team that won the previous point enters the game into the game. In the finals of large competitions, the game continues until one of the teams scores 21 points, and sometimes lasts for two to three hours. Therefore, unofficial matches are played to a lower number of winning points or with a time limit.

The Frisbee is passed to a partner by means of a pass (necessarily through the air) in any direction. Having caught the disk, the player must stop, taking no more than three steps. It is allowed to rotate in place on one leg. The player in possession of the disc (the thrower) has 10 seconds to pass. The defender covering the thrower (blocker) counts from 1 to 10 with a break per second. If the thrower does not throw before the word "ten", the Frisbee goes to the defending team. Only one person can cover the player with the disc, the rest must not be closer than three meters. A frisbee change of possession also occurs if the pass is not completed (i.e. the disc touches the ground, a player on the offensive team drops it, the disc is out of the field, intercepted or knocked to the ground by a player from the other team). In this case, the defending team takes possession of the disc and becomes the attacking team.

Skeet Chief

One of the main enthusiasts of "Ultimate Frisbee" in Russia is Georgy Fedorov, the captain of the U-Peter team and a player of the national team.
- They say that it was you who stood at the origins of the Frisbee in Russia?
- Not. I became interested in this game in 1990, when I was 17. By that time, Frisbee had already existed in the city for about a year. The game was "delivered" by Canadian schoolchildren who came to us on an exchange basis.
- Why were you drawn to this non-traditional sport? Than he better than football or basketball?
— I like that the game is not dirty. Everything about us is based on trust. On the honesty of rivals. Now almost all sports have become brutal - victory is above all, and any noble deed is perceived as something out of the ordinary. I know that now in Sweden public organizations are conducting an experiment, they are trying to instill in children in football and basketball the game without referees. Adults can no longer be retrained, they are used to fouling and avoiding punishment in every possible way for their violations.
- So it is the Frisbee that most of all corresponds to the spirit of fair play?
- It turns out so. We even have a “Spirit of the Game” prize, and for some, winning it is no less honorable than winning a tournament. Although at first the ideals of Frisbee hardly reached colleagues from other regions. The capital's teams came to St. Petersburg for the first Russian championship in the late nineties. Muscovites had never shone anywhere before, but initially they positioned themselves very highly. But in their first match best team lost heavily to the second team of Yu-Piter. And my wards left the field in shock. One guy said that he was jumping for a disc and suddenly got punched in the chest. Following the rules, he announced a foul, and in response he heard: “What foul? Are you a girl? Many Muscovites came from other species and, although they learned the rules, were not going to follow them strictly. They didn’t understand: there is no contact frisbee, and if a person cannot play cleanly, it is better for him to change the field of activity. I am very glad that now the metropolitan teams have rebuilt: some fans of pushing have left, others are acting within the rules. Although there are also unpleasant incidents. Previously, the level of "U-Peter" was much higher than the level of rivals, and because of minor fouls, we did not even argue, we still won. But now competitors have added, and we have to turn