How to fish. Fishing rules. Proper fishing - tips and tricks How to catch fish with a bait

Nowadays it is impossible not to love fishing. This is recreation, sports, entertainment, and solitude in nature, away from the noise of the city. Besides, this good way to independently get a delicious lunch from completely natural, fresh products.


Fishing is an ancient craft. Archaeologists find devices for this fishery that are 30 thousand years old. Compared to those times, today there are a lot of technologies and devices that make the process of catching fish easier, more comfortable and more efficient. There are many benefits for both amateurs and professionals, as well as a significant number of themed clubs, specialty stores. All conditions have been created for those who are interested in this exciting activity. However, many are wondering where and how to fish. More on this later.

How to catch fish in different seasons?

The answer to this question is quite simple. It is as follows. As soon as the sun begins to warm the earth and the first streams flow under the ice of the rivers, the fish, attracted by the warmth, go to the shallows. This is a reliable fact, since the shallows are freed from ice earlier. You should know it. In lakes, ice lasts longer, but there is practically no flood turbidity in them. Therefore, you can start fishing in them earlier. For fishing, you need to choose quiet, calm places located in the sun. They are more suitable for this industry. After all, the fish tends to warm water. So there is always more of it.

When the river opens up, the fish goes to flooded floodplains. However, at this time, the bite is rather sluggish. Because the period of spawning is coming soon. But then the fish, starved in winter, is actively fattened and perfectly caught on a hook. The so-called spring zhor is coming. Suitable bait during this period will be dung beetle larvae or earthworm.

In summer, the fish goes to the depth, namely to the places of the corresponding seasonal habitat. But as before, she goes to the shallows, as there is a lot of food. During the day, if the weather is not cloudy, fishing is bad. Fish bite well either early in the morning, or in the evening and at night.

Fishing is especially bad during the flowering of water. In addition, the bait, which was good in the spring, should be replaced with caddis flies, grasshoppers, bread or cereals. Flying insects are also great. It is better to fish in the early morning or all night from late evening.

In autumn, the water cools and the amount of food becomes less. However, fish actively feed before hibernation. At the same time, she becomes more well-fed. Fishing in this case goes well in the daytime. After all, in order to eat up to the cold, the fish is busy with the extraction of food during the day. Predators bite best on bait or live bait. This is important to know. Moreover, the lure should be used in the off-season, when the object of fishing is not so legible.

By the first cold weather, the fish goes to deep places, preparing for wintering. Fishing conditions are also getting worse: winds blow, rains pour. After all, if you sit on the shore for a long time, you can freeze. autumn fishing rich in catches. But this is only before the onset of frost.

Ice fishing has its own charms. They are to the liking of many lovers of this craft. The cold season does not differ in the abundance of fish. After all, some of the species hibernate, while others are half asleep due to the low temperature of the water. You can not even remember about such fish as catfish, crucian carp, tench and some others until the spring thaw. But, for example, pike, pike perch, perch and dace retain some activity even in cold weather. But at the same time, they do not always come out in shallow water. In winter, their mobility is much reduced.

Fishing regulations

Everyone knows that in the last few decades the ecological situation on Earth has only worsened, and some animal species have simply become extinct. The same goes for fish. Beluga and sturgeon have practically disappeared from the rivers due to pollution of water bodies and indiscriminate fishing, and the number of catfish, pike perch, pike and many others has significantly decreased.

Therefore, before taking a fishing rod and going with it along the river, everyone should learn how to fish correctly without breaking the law. In this regard, there are necessary criteria.

The main points of the fishing rules look like this:

  • Free fishing for private purposes is allowed to everyone, in all water bodies. In addition to reserves, relevant nurseries and private reservoirs.
  • Fishing is prohibited within 500 meters of dams, bridges or water locks. It is also not allowed to fish directly from the structures themselves.
  • Catch for recreational fishing should not exceed 5 kg per person. This rule must be observed. Also, amateurs are not allowed to catch fish with nets and use piercing objects. The use of explosives or toxic substances is also prohibited.
  • Fishing is allowed throughout the year. Restrictions and prohibitions on fishing are introduced only during the spawning period. This is done in order to provide the fish with favorable conditions for reproduction. This ensures the maintenance of its population.

A fisherman who violates existing rules pays an appropriate fine.

Fishing in the river

Running water is rich in various edible animals. But in order not to fail in this case, you need to thoroughly prepare. It is necessary to know what the river chosen for this purpose is. The place of fishing should be studied thoroughly in order to know every bump on the bottom. You also need to prepare complementary foods and know where it is best to fish.

Care must be taken in the choice of gear. In this case, a large rod with a test, weighing at least 50 grams, is suitable. The reel should be chosen based on the size of the potential catch, as well as the thickness of the fishing line. The load here is better to choose heavier.

On the lake

In this case, there are also features. Fishing on the lake is fundamentally different from fishing on the river. In these reservoirs, a different temperature regime due to the immobility of the waters. In summer, the abundance of the catch is greatly influenced by the weather. In any other season, a particularly good bite occurs 2-3 hours before bad weather. Also, during drizzling rains and on windy days, the fish bite more actively. Catching of many species is plentiful in hail, storm winds or when the weather deteriorates sharply. At the beginning of spring, biting on the lakes is especially good in warm weather, and in summer - on a windless cloudy day.

The wind also plays an important role in the lakes. More precisely, its temperature and direction. Warm wind favors the fishermen. Cold, on the contrary, can make fishing unsuccessful. Wind from the north or east is particularly unfavorable. Particularly during the summer.

Also, the behavior of fish depends on the size, shape, depth, type of coastline and other features of a particular reservoir. In some lakes, even a light breeze creates a wave. On others, for example, located in a forest or among hilly areas, water can stand idle for a long time without moving. This phenomenon is called temperature stratification. This is an important definition. It means the division of the lake water into layers of different temperatures. And it is of great importance in the life of the inhabitants of the lake.

If the layers are not mixed, the lower levels run out of air, which is needed by aquatic plants and other organisms closer to the bottom. When they die, they release gas, which in some cases can poison the fish. This is a negative factor.

If there are clear temperature boundaries in the lake, then the fish stays closer to the surface, so deep fishing may not bring results. This is important to know. In such cases, knowledgeable anglers are advised to fish with live bait. Such a bait itself will hold on to the desired temperature layers.

You should be aware that in large stagnant bodies of water there are always small currents. As a result, the fish often stay in those places where this phenomenon is more noticeable.

In winter, lakes are covered with ice much faster than rivers. Therefore, fishing can start earlier. To make winter fishing as efficient and enjoyable as possible, you again need to thoroughly study the reservoir and the features of its regime in different seasons.

To have a rich constant catch, you need to study the reservoir well and carefully monitor the weather. Only then will you know where to fish. In case of failure, you can change the place of this fishery.

How to fish in the sea?

There are also many interesting points here. The sea is diverse and immense. It has always attracted tourists, travelers, fishermen.

Only fishing in the sea is very different from this activity in fresh water. In this case, there are certain requirements.

Firstly, it is absolutely wrong to offer marine fish as bait what their river relatives pecked at well. In this case, an appropriate approach is needed. After all, the local fish lives in much more difficult conditions. There are many more predators here and the rule is: "Eat you or they will do it to you." This should be known. Most marine fish are predators. They are much more active and mobile than freshwater individuals.

A person who wants to try himself in this powerful element should first of all learn more about the fish he is going to catch. You also need to remember about the dangers that await a person: storms, etc.

Tackle should be chosen depending on the type of fish, the weather and the place chosen for fishing. You can get a rich catch if you fish from the shore, it is also recommended to fish from a pier or boat. It's important to keep an eye on the weather. Marine fish are very sensitive to the smallest differences. Therefore, you need to choose good weather for fishing. So there will be no risk to life, and a rich catch is more likely.

Catching fish on a spinning rod

There is nothing complicated here with the right approach. Fishing with spinning is a very interesting, gambling activity, and also, perhaps, more effective than fishing with a simple fishing rod. In this case, you do not need to bother about bait and complementary foods. However, many are wondering how to fish for spinning. In general, this process requires certain skills and a good reaction. Spinning is suitable mainly for predatory fish. Let's take a closer look at this activity.

In this case, the following aspects should be taken into account:

  • Before you fish for spinning, you should approximately determine the depth of the reservoir. Most easy way to do this - throw the lure into the water and count how long it will sink. On average - a meter per second or two counts, with a weight of about 30 grams. At the moment when the load has reached the bottom, the stretched fishing line weakens. The rotating coil is then stopped. The bottom relief can be studied using a spinner with a special lead weight. You need to make several postings and get a certain idea of ​​​​the nature of the hooks.
  • Next, you need to learn how to properly cast a hook that has artificial bait for fishing. It takes a little practice to do this. Next comes the improvement of the skill - an understanding of how hard to cast the lure, when to brake the fishing line. All this will become apparent on a subconscious level with experience.
  • One of the troubles awaiting beginners who are just learning how to fish with these gears is the excess of abandoned fishing line. They can become entangled, resulting in what is known as a "beard". This can take up to half an hour of precious time from the angler. To prevent this trouble, it is necessary to slow down the coil by pressing the edge with your thumb. The spinner should pull out all the feeding line. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise the load will change direction and fly straight into the angler. It is worth starting to slow down when the spinner has not yet reached the water by a meter and a half. In strong winds - earlier. When the bait reaches the water, this is mandatory. So the "beard" is not formed, and the fish is not afraid of the noise from the abandoned spinner. A spinning reel is currently available. Its peculiarity is that when cast, it does not start to rotate rapidly, but unwinds exactly as much fishing line as the lure needs to fly. With such a coil, the possibility of the formation of a "beard" is practically excluded.
  • The main thing in the indicated fishing using spinning is to correctly play the “game” with a spinner. Artificial bait for fish should look like a living thing: change speed, periodically stop, move in jerks, sink to the bottom. Ways to "play" vary depending on the season.

Fishing with a rod

Let's take a look at this process. Learning how to fish with a rod is quite simple. Although more complete success in this regard requires more than just skills. You should know the fish you plan to hook well: its habits, spawning time, feeding. In this case, do not neglect scientific encyclopedias. Everything, of course, will come with experience and observation. However, this will take a lot of time. Rod, hook, line must be chosen wisely.

To figure out how to fish with a bait, you need to consider the following:

You should choose the right bait. In this case, you need to clearly know what you can fish for each type of fish. This choice also depends on the season. For example, in the summer, catching a worm is considered not a very good idea. It is better to take bread, cereals or bloodworms with you.

If the bottom of the reservoir is muddy, then you should carefully throw the hook with the bait. After all, if he gets stuck in the mud, the fish will not notice him.

It is important to know where the fish are. You also need to establish where she goes to feed.

You should study the habits, habits and structural features of the fish in a particular reservoir, as well as what, how and when it eats. You should also know at what water temperature spawning occurs.

In deciding how to fish with a bait, knowledge of the reservoir itself is necessary. By the location of pits, stones, snags, one can quite accurately determine where and what breed lives.

You should also know that fishing rods are summer and winter. This is because different seasons require different baits and fishing methods. Progress does not stand still, so tackle for fishing rods is becoming more convenient and practical.

In general, the behavior of the fisherman plays a very important role. Namely: sharp blows on the bottom of the boat, loud steps along the shore, sharp sounds - all this is not the best way affect efficiency this process. But how to catch fish if she swam away from the place of fishing, frightened by the noise? Therefore, in this case, silence is important condition. The fish usually reacts normally to a calm conversation on the shore. However, from loud screams and sudden movements close to the shore, she will quickly leave the place of fishing. This is a true fact. In this case, the angler will be left with an empty bucket. Loud walking along the shore will also adversely affect the catch, as well as moving shadows near the float.

It is not recommended to fish with several fishing rods at hand. It is unlikely that this will increase the chances of a bite. However, this will cause confusion. For example, when the float finally twitches, the fisherman may simply not understand which line to grab. In addition, in this case, there is a high probability that the gear will get confused.

For serious fishing, it is better to buy a boat. With it, you can engage in fishing not only from the shore, but also throughout the reservoir. For some, this acquisition may seem overhead and inconvenient (problems with transportation and storage). But this is an erroneous opinion. For example, inflatable boats for fishing are great. They are inexpensive and compact.


All of the above will help everyone in deciding how to fish and what is needed for this. In this text, you can get the required information in this area. It should be remembered that fishing is a popular, beloved pastime by many. Therefore, a long training in this craft should be pleasant and exciting. A bad catch is most often blamed on someone who doesn't know how to fish very well.

From this article you will learn how to fish on spinning correctly, it is primarily intended for beginner anglers who are just starting to join this type of fishing. The main purpose of the article is to show how to fish with a spinning rod. Learning to fish, you do it exclusively for yourself, so buying a diploma is absolutely not necessary to show off your skills to friends and acquaintances. But after that you will be able to show off your catch.
First, when you start fishing, you need to know how to cast spinning correctly. The casting of the bait must be carried out, from the side, vertically or in a pendulum way. Lateral and vertical casting is done in order to throw the bait as far as possible, and pendulum for a short distance, where filigree accuracy is needed when casting.

Jig fishing

Probably not the easiest way is fishing with a jig. To do this, use a special lead head, with a silicone bait mounted on a tee hook. The bait is thrown into the water and they try to make small jumps along the bottom of the reservoir. That is, we cast, wait until it sinks to the bottom, make a few turns of the reel handle, and again wait until the bait sinks to the bottom or gets to the fish. The weight of the bait should be such that when falling, the pause is not too large or even insignificant.

Wobbler fishing

The bottom of the reservoir is not always smooth, sometimes there are pits, channel edges, and snags where the cherished fish can be, and for beginners spinning it will be difficult fishing, because in such conditions they can completely lose all their lures and be left with nothing. That's why it's worth catching on wobblers. For example, if you are catching pike in the grass, surface wobblers can be used as poppers. This type of fishing is interesting because here everything happens in front of the angler. the main task make the wobbler move in jerks and create a squelching or gurgling sound that reminds predators of prey. You pull the tip of the rod, choose the slack of the fishing line, and then hook it up and everything is as usual. Wobbler fishing should be carried out in quiet, calm weather.

Lure fishing

When fishing with baubles, the tactics used are the same as for wobblers, throw the lure, carry it in jerks almost to the very feet, where the bite occurs. The bait should be cast along the grass, and choose not very deep places. In such places, pike and perch swim, which will definitely not miss your bait.
As for choosing a place for fishing, everything is simpler here, just go along the river and make fan casts, in places where there is good approach to the river. Do not forget about places with grass, reeds, trees, snags where predators make their ambushes. If there is a bite, then stay in the same place, etc.
This and all that a novice spinning angler should know.

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For effective jig fishing in the current, you need the right gear, the choice of which depends on the strength of the current, the depth at the fishing site and the strength of the wind. For example, a jig on a medium-flowing river requires the use of sinkers with a weight of 10-40 g and a step of 2 g. Incorrect rigging and incorrect rigging weight are the main reasons why a jig can be ineffective.

On small rivers with a weak current, jig fishing can be equally effective both from the shore and from a boat. As for large rivers with medium and strong currents, in such conditions the prospects for fishing from the shore are significantly reduced.

Due to frequent hooks and limited wiring, it is much more convenient to fish on large and medium rivers from a boat.

Tips for jigging in the current:

  1. Use different jig weights in 2 gram increments
  2. When posting, the pause on the fall of the bait should be 2-3 seconds.
  3. The thinner the line, the less it will carry with the flow and the further the cast will be.
  4. On a strong current, you need to avoid the formation of a large arc of fishing line, this will allow the bait to fall to the bottom faster.
  5. Try to fish on the border of the main and reverse currents.

Where to fish

When fishing a deep hole with a jig, it is worth starting from the entrance to it, going downstream by 10-15 m. In such relatively small segments they reach the exit from the hole, but if the place is promising and bites were observed, this section of the reservoir should be fished again along a different trajectory.

Casting direction - downstream or at an acute angle to it. The smaller the angle, the easier it will be to control the movement of the lure.

Shore jig on a small river

Jig casting and wiring

When the bait touches the surface of the water after casting, we close the bail of the line-laying, choose the slack of the fishing line, tilt the rod forward at an angle of about 45 degrees and count the seconds until the sinker reaches the bottom. By fixing the amount of time it took for the load to fall, in the future it is possible to determine the approximate depth in other places.

After touching the bottom with a sinker, we wind the fishing line a little (literally 2-3 turns) and pause. The bait falls to the bottom again, and then the actions are repeated. In this way, classic step wiring is carried out.

If it is possible to control the wiring by the slack of the fishing line, the spinning is kept in line with the fishing line, also observing the tip of the rod. To simplify the task, the use of a fluorescent braid, which is much better visible on a dark background.

If the current is too strong, there is no sagging of the fishing line, and therefore it is necessary to control the wiring only by observing the tip of the rod. In such conditions, spinning can be kept already at an angle to the horizon or even in a position parallel to the shore. Relative to the vertical plane, the rod tip is held at an acute angle of 45-50 degrees so that the line comes out of the rod tulip at a right angle. This position of the spinning will make it easier to track the touch of the bait on the bottom of the reservoir.

Wiring diagram may vary. For example, the following method is considered a classic: 3 turns of the reel, pause, the lure falls for 2-3 seconds and touches the bottom, and then the repetition of all actions. During such wiring, the movement of the bait is a system of smooth jumps at the very bottom of the reservoir.

Another wiring option is as follows: sharply raise the spinning by about 1 meter up and lower it back, taking out the slack in the line with the help of a reel, and then pause for 2-3 seconds. With such actions, the bait rises sharply from the bottom and already smoothly falls back, provoking predators to attack. To achieve the best results, you need to constantly experiment with wiring, not dwelling on just one method.

Jig fishing on a river with a weak and medium current also allows you to use various baits. It can be popular silicones, cheap foam fish, spinners with front loading and others. The choice of lures rather depends on the preferences of the fisherman and their availability.

Equally important is the method of mounting the baits.

There are three main jig installations:

  1. jig head mounting
  2. silicone offset hook,
  3. silicone on a double hook.

We determine the bottom topography

If you consistently make 3 turns of the reel, but the fall time of the bait suddenly increased by 2-3 seconds, this means that you have found the edge and the sinker is falling down the slope into the hole.

Situations are also possible when the sinker touches the bottom almost completely, but the bait immediately begins to drag along the bottom, which is indicated by frequent twitching of the rod tip. In such cases, it is necessary to put a load with less weight or change the place to a deeper one. Or you can try to cheat by casting the rig a little downstream so that the latter pulls on the line and the bait works effectively even with a large sinker.

Jig on the reverse

Sometimes a difficult situation arises when the main strong current passes 50 meters from the coast, and a weaker reverse current flows closer. As a rule, bites occur precisely at their border, where there is often a sharp drop in depth. However, the bait is thrown beyond this border, due to which the fishing line bends: half in one direction, half in the other. For this reason, the control of the bait becomes much more complicated.

To simplify the task of fishing with a jig in such conditions, it is necessary to place the load with the calculation of fishing on the main stream. The border of the jets is thrown only a little, and then the rod is raised high, they are carried out along the edge and the line is quickly pulled out in the absence of bites.

Approximate diagram of fish stops and current directions

Places with snags are quite dangerous in terms of hooks, but at the same time they are quite promising, since many predators like to stand near tree blockages.

When catching snarled areas, it is necessary to more closely monitor the movement of the bait, especially during pauses.

If a hook occurs, do not pull the rig too hard.

The following method of saving the bait from a cliff is very effective: we drop about 15-20 m of fishing line downstream, wait until it stretches, and then make a sharp jerk with the rod towards ourselves. If the first time did not help, the slack of the fishing line is selected and the procedure is repeated.

How to fish for spinning - when and who can you catch?

Spinning is called sports tackle for fishing with the use of artificial or natural lures. This word comes from the English "spin" - to rotate. By itself, this tackle is a rod that has access rings and a mount for a reel on which the fishing line is wound.

  • How to choose spinning? ↓
  • Main selection criteria ↓
  • Spinning equipment ↓
  • When, where and what kind of fish are caught? ↓
  • Pike ↓
  • Sudak ↓
  • Perch ↓
  • Chub ↓
  • How to catch on spinning? ↓
  • Tips and typical mistakes ↓

It is used for catching predatory fish.

The use of this kind of gear, in comparison with the float, requires a very intense and active behavior from the fisherman. The spinning player is required to constantly search for and test various baits, “catching” several areas, experimenting with wiring methods (fast, slow, even or using jerks).

The main task that spinning solves is the ability to cast the bait to the required point of the river or lake.

How to choose spinning?

When choosing fishing accessories, you need to remember that there is no such thing as a universal spinning rod. Some rods are given the term "universal", however, specialized rods have always been considered more convenient.

By choosing this type fishing tackle you need to strive to ensure that spinning is:

  1. Good quality and not fake. You should buy it in a good, trustworthy store. Its price cannot be cheap.
  2. Light. If the weight of the product exceeds three hundred grams, it is not very convenient to use it, its characteristics become worse.
  3. Comfortable. The rod should fit comfortably in your hand. Right in the store, you should install the coil and see what the weight distribution will be, how convenient the control is. In the same place, you should evaluate how high-quality the rod handle is.
  4. Required size. When used on a small river, the length of the rod can be about two meters. Long casts and jigging is best done when the length is more than 2.7 meters. Universal length is considered to be from 2.4 to 2.6 meters.
  5. With good sensitivity. The better the sensitivity of the rod, the more comfortable it is to fish.
  6. with the required test. It is better to choose a product that has a wider test for the lower weight range, for example, 5-25 grams. In this case, you can experiment with different baits, learn how to properly control them, use tackle when fishing in a variety of situations.
  7. With the right order. Many people prefer fast action tackle for beginners. While this limits the weight of the bait and prey, it allows for much more effective control of the bait.

Main selection criteria

The shorter the length, the shorter the casting distance. At the same time, the shorter the spinning, the more sensitive and more convenient it is to use.

Thus, when choosing a spinning rod, the following can be distinguished as the main criteria:

  • length;
  • material;
  • system;
  • test and power;
  • ring type;
  • the specifics of fastening the reel and handle;
  • type or type of structure;

The length can vary from one and a half to four meters. Everything will depend on the specifics of fishing and the possibility of using a boat.

With distant casts, wiring with a powerful current and considerable depth, the use of a heavy lure is required. It is necessary to match the weight of the nozzle and the rod test.

The test refers to the range of nozzle mass that can be used for a particular model. A test of 7 - 30 grams will mean that the smallest mass of the bait that is felt in the event of a cast will be 7 grams.

The maximum upper level is 30 grams. With a heavier bait, the tackle may fail.

Usually the classification of rods is as follows:

  1. Heavy class, with a bait weight of fifteen to sixty grams.
  2. Middle class, seven to thirty.
  3. Easy class, three to fifteen.
  4. Ultra-light, one to seven grams.

Spinning power determines the amount of fishing line used. Too strong fishing line can lead to breakage of the rod in the event of a sharp hook or hook.

Under the system is understood the characteristic of spinning, which affects the short-term reaction with increasing load.

Fast action makes spinning more sensitive. Recently, the plug rod is gradually replacing the telescopic rod, overtaking it in all respects.

There are rods according to the system:

  • slow;
  • average;
  • fast;
  • ultra-fast;

It is determined by the bend of the rod under load. Slow action allows the rod to flex equally across its entire length in the form of a parabola. With a fast system, only the upper section is bent.

The action is influenced by the geometry of the whip and the stiffness of the materials used. Fast action provides large values ​​of taper and wall thickness, as well as increased material stiffness.

The benefits of slow building include:

  1. Improved cushioning when playing prey.
  2. Decreased sharpness when casting, which helps the live bait survive.
  3. Improved casting distance.

Of the materials used for the manufacture of rods: fiberglass and carbon fiber (carbon), the latter is preferred in many respects.

O-rings can be ceramic, silicon carbide and aluminum oxide. Silicon carbide rings are the most reliable.

Spinning rig

The most optimal for a beginner will be light-class spinning, which allows you to feel the bite well and use a large number of different lures.

  1. We choose a reel that should be in harmony with the rod. A reel with a small or medium size is suitable for the light class. The smallest reel is considered to be 1000, containing a hundred meters of fishing line with a diameter equal to one tenth of a millimeter. The 2000 reel contains the same number of meters of line with a diameter of two tenths of a millimeter. The reel should lay the line well. Winding can be in the form of a reverse or straight cone or cylindrical.
  2. We choose the line. It is better to take a soft monofilament, which is best laid on a bobbin. It does not form furrows and twists less. At the same time, with a rigid braid, you can more accurately control the wiring, and the bite will be more sensitive.
  3. We select the fastener at the end of the fishing line. When using monofilament, the clasp at the end of the line must have a swivel. When braided, a swivel is not needed, because it will not twist much.
  4. We choose a leash that should have good strength so that it cannot be bitten.
  5. We choose bait. For example, a wobbler, silicone baits, depending on the fish caught.

When, where and what kind of fish are caught?

About when fishing with spinning is allowed, you should take an interest in the resolutions of the territorial and central authority of Rybnadzor. Different regions may have different kinds of bans.

Catching certain types fish may have their own characteristics.


  1. Pike has won the greatest popularity among spinningists. You can catch it in the lake, on the pond, in the river. She keeps in quiet pools with snags, in thickets of reeds, where you can hide.
  2. To catch it, use a pop-up wobbler. Usually stepwise wiring is used.
  3. Next to the snags, a spinner is better suited. You can attach a twister to it by running the nozzle along the border of the thickets.


  1. In the daytime, pike perch tries to go to the depths, in the evening it hunts in shallow water, where the water is saturated with oxygen and fry live in large numbers.
  2. Pike perch has a narrow throat, so it prefers thin small fish. To catch it, narrow wobblers are used, which are carried out horizontally.
  3. In the case of a fast current, a heavy lure can be used.


  1. A sign of the perch's location is flocks of small fish that begin to jump out of the water and scatter on different sides.
  2. The perch responds well to white or yellow baubles, with which they combine a yellow, red or black twister.
  3. In places where the current is weak, you can fish using one twister. Jerks in the wiring process are very effective.


  1. Chub can be found in areas with a fast current, where there is a lot of oxygen. Often this predator preys on fry at the confluence of fast and slow currents.
  2. As a nozzle, a spinner is used. Spend it evenly or make small jerks. You can use twisters or steamers.
  3. Great importance is attached to the color of the nozzle. During May it should be brown or brown with black spots.

How to catch on spinning?

In order for spinning fishing to be effective, you should skillfully cast tackle, choose a promising place, correctly do the wiring and choose the appropriate nozzle.

Catching and casting technique:

  1. For a correct cast, the line must be wound in such a way that the nozzle drops no more than a meter from the end of the rod.
  2. Next, the reel bracket opens, the fishing line is pressed with the help of the index finger so that it does not unravel.
  3. The rod is retracted, and then the cast is carried out sharply and at the same time smoothly.
  4. As soon as the rod is at an angle of forty-five degrees to the water surface, the fishing line is released from under the finger.
  5. When the nozzle reaches the bottom of the reservoir, they begin to twist the coil, sometimes pulling the tip of the rod.
  6. The nozzle should sink to the bottom, and then rise above it again. It must move like a small fish to force a predator to attack it.
  7. In one place, you need to throw spinning up to five times in different directions, and then move on to another.
  8. In the absence of bites, the nozzle should be changed.

How to fish for spinning from the shore:

  1. For fishing from the shore, spinning of a light class is used, durable and lightweight, with a high throughput of the rings.
  2. Good step-by-step wiring on a powerful river with a distance of seventy meters from the coastline is possible with a tougher tackle (test 30 grams).
  3. Required to apply spinning reel with ease of movement and durability.
  4. Commonly used braided fishing line, which, without stretching, well resists the flow. It makes it easier to lower the nozzle and make cutting.
  5. The leash is used only metal.

  1. Try to constantly change the nature of the game of the bait with step wiring, this will achieve a better result.
  2. Often, a sharp cut is absolutely not needed, it only leads to a rush of the fish lip. Try not to hook at all when fishing with a wobbler. Pike and so well hooked on the tee.
  3. Many beginners over tighten the clutch on the reel. Experience shows that it is better to underdo it than to overdo it.
  4. The mistake of beginners is that, having made a hook, they immediately rush to rotate the coil. First you should feel: how the prey will behave, and then, without fussing, act.
  5. Get more advice from experienced anglers, study fishing forums and good luck will certainly come to you.

In shallow water it is warmer, there is more food, more oxygen, so there are always a lot of fish there. In the coastal zones there are small carp, crucian carp, roach, bream ... Cautious large fish are constantly stranded. Fishing in shallow water near the shore is best with a fly rod or plug, as the most silent gear that allows you not to frighten the fish near the shore.
A lot will depend on the equipment, on the design of the gear. The significance of this for shallow water is increasing.

Features of a fly rod for fishing aground

When catching medium-sized fish from a gently sloping shore, it is necessary to cast farther - at a distance of 12 - 15 meters, to where the fish feels more confident. It is also important that aground fish are especially sensitive to the weight of the thrown load and to the roughness of the equipment. It is necessary to lighten the tackle to the maximum, otherwise the fish of medium and large sizes it is unlikely to succeed not to frighten and hook on the hook.

But always the load should be heavy enough so that the fly rod can easily cast a line 7-9 meters long. Indeed, without the controllability of tackle, there will be no successful fishing.

Swing rigging characteristics

It is known from practice that for a rod with a length of 7.0 m, the working weight of the load is 1.0 grams, and for a rod of 8.5 m, a load of 1.5 grams is required. But this is true if the thickness of the main line does not exceed 0.1 mm, and the wind is not strong.

What kind of rod is needed for fishing from the shore

Many anglers opt for light, stiff "ringing" rods, believing they have better rig control. But a softer action rod is better suited for such conditions.

  • A soft rod of a decent length is harder to damage and will not crack like a hard rod if accidentally hit.
  • Working like a whip, a soft rod allows you to cast the lightest rigs, with a hard one it is much more difficult to do so.
  • Soft rod makes it possible to play big fish without increasing the diameter of the fishing line, compensating for jerks with its flexibility. At the same time, small fish, bending the rod, will give pleasure when playing, and will surprise the neighbors along the shore ....

    Fly rod length

    To fish aground from a gently sloping shore, you need to stock up on at least a couple of fly rods - 7.0 and 8.5 meters, which will allow you to feel confident in the main range of distances - 11.0 - 15.0 meters.

    Use fly rods longer than 8.5 meters with light rigs not worth it, as there is a threat of breakage of the rod during a biting cast, especially in windy weather.

    How to cast a rig with a long rod

    Casting from a gentle bank to a decent distance with a fly rod is performed only from behind the head in the following order:

    • the rod rises vertically upwards, and leans slightly back;
    • a pause is maintained so that the load deviates as far back as possible;
    • with a smooth stroke of the rod forward, the load is sent to the point of fishing over the head.

    Other types of casting light weights with long rods are practically not possible and are not used.

    Are ultralight rigs necessary?

    Is it worth it to make ultra-light rigs for a long rod? The following equipment can be called ultra-light - the diameter of the main fishing line is 0.08 mm and the weight is 0.5 grams.

    As practice shows, such relief does not justify itself, since the equipment becomes non-working due to too little strength and significant entanglement. good result fishing with such equipment is not possible.

    A float for light loads on long rods should be selected with a minimum dead weight. In this case, the large mass of the float increases the risk of overlaps, since the float can splash down first. Models without a significant layer of paintwork are selected, for calm conditions - with a lightweight keel.

    Another way to reduce overlaps is to put a long silicone tube on the keel of the float, through which to pass the fishing line.

    Do you need complex loads

    Also, do not overdo it with complex loads. As a rule, 3 pellets are enough on the fishing line for all occasions. In addition, two of them are constantly nearby. If necessary, the middle pellet is lowered to the undersheath to anchor the rig. Loading options for smoothly lowering a bait with a lot of weights are justified by the risk of overlaps, except perhaps during a good meal ... You can learn more about how to make a leash for a fishing rod.

    Features of using the plug in shallow water

    Practice shows that fish in shallow water are not afraid of a plug rod, fears in this regard are unnecessary.

    The main difficulties with the plug, with a shallow fishing depth, arise due to the relatively short fishing line.

    When winding the plug, it jerks and vibrates, the tip of the plug pulls the snap, resulting in overlaps. This is a serious hindrance when fishing with a plug in small places. But it can be overcome, you need to do the following:

    • Accurately align the installation location of the sliding roller. At the moment the butt of the rod leaves the roller, the center of gravity of the rod should be in the hands of the angler. Then the power of the jerk is much reduced and the rod can be controlled.
    • You need to learn how to wind and remove the plug smoothly, with interceptions, without creating artificial jerks. with my own hands. Naturally, one should not allow the rod to be lowered into the water, as this will scare away the fish in the shallows.

    Plug benefits

    Now about the advantages of fishing with a plug at the same distance of 13 - 14 meters.

    • The tool weight can be reduced to less than 1 gram. Usually 0.4 - 0.5 grams is suitable even in the wind, since the equipment can be held on the wave by the rod itself.
    • With a plug, you can make wiring - twitching, dragging, re-lowering, swimming ....
    • You can fish under trees.
    • You can use the cup to feed very accurately, silently. Including accuracy is ensured with loose feed.

    When fishing with a fly rod in shallow water in still water, casting supplementary feeding in balls is practically not used, since the noise scares away carp fish. As a rule, they are limited to starting feeding in balls, and additional feeding in bulk using a slingshot.

    Plug Disadvantages

    The disadvantage of the plug is the special technique of controlling this tackle, which seems to many anglers to be laborious, boring and slow. Such representations hinder the popularization of this gear.

    Another topical issue for us is the high price of a good pole rod.

    Often the main advantage of a fly rod is also manifested, including when fishing from a gently sloping shore - high-speed fishing. The plug is not capable of this.

    Time will show whether the plug will outperform the fly rod, its direct competitor, in terms of popularity. And now you can arrange an experiment - what will be more effective aground from a gently sloping coast - the speed of swooping with some inaccuracy and rudeness, or the verified slowness of the plug ....

Among the available fishing methods, one of the most interesting is spinning fishing. A variety of predatory fish are caught on spinning, as well as some types of fish that can be classified as peaceful. Everyone today can successfully fish for spinning in any lake, river or bay.

With the help of spinning, you can catch different fish

In this article we will tell you about the features of spinning fishing. various kinds fish, ways to cast a spinning rod, choosing a fishing spot and preparing gear. The information will be useful not only for novice anglers, but also for spinning anglers with some experience.

How to catch on spinning

In order to successfully fish with spinning, you should have at your disposal a suitable rod, own correct technique casting, to know the habits of predatory fish and their habitats. There are many videos on this subject on the net. Well, we will consider the features of catching the most popular types of predatory fish that can be found on our reservoirs.

Nai best time for pike fishing is spring. Spawning in pike begins immediately after the ice melts from the reservoirs, so it is easiest to catch it up to this point. At this time, pike can be hunted in places with underwater vegetation, near driftwood and snags. During the spawning period and 2 weeks after that, the bite sharply weakens. The next 2 weeks are characterized by a real zhor of a predator, which can be caught with any bait. After another 2 weeks zhor stops.

In summer, the pike loses activity, descends into the pits. An exception may be small pike, weighing up to 1 kg, which live near coastal vegetation. In autumn, fish activity increases again and continues until freezing. The advantage when catching pike is given to wobblers and spinners.

The best time to catch pike is in the spring.

Even a beginner who does not have any fishing experience can catch a perch. This predator is ubiquitous, but there are a few small tricks for spinning players:

  • perch avoids fast currents preferring to be near quiet streams.
  • Among its favorite habitats, one can note thickets of reeds from the side open water, neighborhoods of pitfalls and snags, places under trees hanging over the water.
  • Large specimens stay away from the coast, and go hunting in the evening and early morning.

Perch is caught year-round, but spring is considered the best time. On warm days, the bite is activated in the morning, until 10 o'clock. With the onset of darkness, the biting stops. On cold days, perch are less active. Caught on a variety of baits, insects and worms.

You can fish for perch all year round.

Pike perch loves clean water, so it lives in flowing reservoirs, on the river, in lakes with running water. The fish usually keeps at a depth of more than 4 meters. Its parking places can be found near zakoryazhenye places, stone ridges, thickets of underwater vegetation. Active biting of zander begins immediately after the ice melts and continues until spawning. The predator spawns in the second half of April and almost the whole of May. Then, after a two-week rest, he again begins to show activity. The best biting is observed on baits of small size.

In summer, pike perch should be sought at great depths, and even then only in the early morning and at night. In autumn, the peak of activity falls on the period of the formation of the first ice. The best baits jig heads with silicone fish are considered.

Pike perch lives in reservoirs with running water

Predator prefers major rivers, avoiding ponds with stagnant water and narrow streams. Goes out to eat only during the day.

In spring, the asp stays at depth. Active biting begins after spawning. At this time, he goes to shallow places and to snags, where he begins to hunt for fry.

At the end of summer, the asp gathers in flocks and begins an active hunt. Places of accumulation of asp are called boilers. Long-range baits are needed for fishing in places where boilers form, as the predator does not let anglers get too close to itself. In autumn, the fish descends to the depth, where it can be caught on deep-sea wobblers and on live bait. They catch asp with a variety of baits: wobblers, poppers, turntables, jig heads, streamers, etc.

You need to fish for asp in the daytime

In early spring, the catfish leaves the wintering pits on the shallows, to the underwater islands. There he can be tempted by the bait slowly moving along the bottom. In summer, catfish can be found anywhere in the reservoir. But more they prefer whirlpools near steep banks, underwater shelters made of snags or flooded trees. At the onset of the first frosts, catfish go to deep pits.

Fishing for spinning catfish is different from catching other predators. The catfish will not chase a fast-swimming bait, but will prefer its slow movement. Therefore, it is necessary to lead the bait near the bottom and very smoothly. For catching catfish, heavy jig baits, large deep wobblers and large spoons are used.

Catfish prefer pools and underwater pits

The chub does not belong to predatory fish, but, during its growth period, it actively feeds on fry, therefore it is successfully caught on spinning. Prefers small rivers with strong and moderate currents. It feeds near the surface, so the bait must be carried in the upper layers of the water. In spring, the bite of the chub increases as the water warms up, reaching a peak before spawning.

In summer, the chub also behaves actively during the emergence of insects. At this time, he prefers places with whirlpools, near thickets of water lilies and reeds. In autumn, the fish are not active. The best performance is shown by small wobblers and artificial lures. Wiring must be slow.

The chub loves rivers with strong currents.

How to throw spinning correctly

Learning to fish with spinning is quite simple. It is necessary, for starters, to practice on an open place on land, and only then move to a reservoir. Only after the throws from the shore are well mastered, you can move on to flashing from the boat. Consider the main methods of casting bait using spinning. The choice of a particular method depends on the conditions of fishing and your personal preferences.

This is the most popular casting technique that allows you to send the bait a considerable distance. Differs in accuracy.

Before casting, the rod is retracted behind the head. The line with the bait should hang from the tip of the rod by 30-40 cm. The fishing line near the reel is clamped with a finger. At the time of the throw, when passing the rod vertical position, the line is released.

With this technique, you can cast the bait for a considerable distance.

Throwing tackle from under the arm

This type of casting is used in cramped conditions. For example, when fishing from a boat or when there are bushes around the angler. Spinning is retracted in the direction opposite to the hand holding it. It does not provide the desired range, but is very accurate.

Spinning with a bait hanging on a fishing line is set aside. The line is pinched with fingers. With a sharp movement, the rod is thrown forward and slightly up. When its tip is directed forward, the fishing line is released.

In cramped conditions, underhand casting is the most suitable option.

This technique is usually used in cases where throwing over the shoulder is not possible. For example, if there are tall trees behind the angler. Spinning is retracted to the side of the hand holding it.

The fishing line with the bait should be hung from the tip of the rod by 30-40 cm. The spinner takes the rod in a horizontal plane to the side and back. The line is clamped with a finger. When throwing, the rod is directed forward and upward. At this point, the clamped fishing line is released.

Lateral casting does not provide sufficient accuracy in the fall of the bait, but it can be done in almost any fishing conditions.

Side casting is a universal way to cast bait

When can you fish for spinning?

Catch predatory fish spinning is possible at any time of the year with a few exceptions. During the spawning season, a ban on fishing. To save the offspring of fish for the future, it is better to refrain from fishing for this time. Specific dates are set each year.

How to find a fishing spot

You can catch a predator on almost any body of water except artificial. There are certain periods of the best bite. This is the time interval in spring, before spawning, and also in autumn, from the end of August until the onset of frost. The rest of the time, the bite of predatory fish is observed much weaker.

How to find a fishing spot? It is necessary to learn one feature of catching predatory fish on a spinning tackle. If peaceful fish should be lured to their bait, then the predator should be looked for in the reservoir, since it is not attracted to bait from the feeder. Usually the predator stands in an ambush in snags, in thickets of grass, not far from trees hanging over the water. Further from the shore, fish can be found on the edges located on the borders standing water and currents.

In summer, the predator moves closer to water lilies and reed thickets, where fry gather. In autumn, the fry go to the depths, and after them the predator moves away from the shore.

AT summer time fish lives in reeds

Rod and rig selection

Spinning fishing will be successful if the rod and equipment are correctly selected, the necessary artificial bait is used.

First of all, you need to decide on the type of rod:

  1. Plug. Consists of several parts that are connected together during the assembly process. It is distinguished by reliability and high sensitivity, but more bulky than a telescope.
  2. Telescopic. A small-sized and mobile rod, but in terms of reliability and sensitivity it is inferior to a plug-in rod.

You should also consider what kind of fish you are going to catch. For example, when fishing for catfish and chub, the type of rod will be radically different.

When choosing a bait, you should focus on the season. In the spring, during the zhora, brighter and larger baits work better, and in the summer, in the heat, it is better to use smaller ones.

We have analyzed the basics of catching different breeds of predator on spinning, as well as the main methods of casting lures. Knowing the characteristics of the fish you are going to catch, as well as how to catch it in different seasons of the year, you can always boast worthy trophies.

Hello dear readers ""! Today, in some regions, the river has become perhaps the only place where you can sit on the shore with a fishing rod in your hands. Unfortunately, not everyone can correctly choose the "key" to the "harmful" fish. There are several main reasons for this, of which, in the foreground, of course, is the reduction of “tails” (for obvious reasons) and the manifestation of greater caution in the remaining. But despite everything - the fish is still a fish and you can still catch it.

Summary of the article:

  1. Fishing on the river.
  2. Methods of catching fish on the river.
  3. Captivating places.
  4. Bait for the river.
  5. Feed for the river.

Fishing on the river

On our river, people who successfully catch bream, catfish or pike can be counted on the fingers. Basically, these are local old-timers-fishermen who have been fishing in these places all their lives. Most often, one hears only disappointed reviews of anglers on the subject of the topic "there are no fish here."

Until recently, about a dozen years ago, I also thought that our river was “dead”, so I spent most of my time on ponds (rates) catching crucian carp and carp. But due to some circumstances, I switched to river fishing, which I absolutely do not regret, since in some areas I became an expert without exaggeration.

Ways to fish in the river

I single out four ways of catching fish on the river for open water (poaching does not count), namely:

  • spinning;
  • bottom;
  • float;
  • fly fishing.

Each method of fishing is fundamentally different from the others and makes it unique. To master one of them perfectly, you need to spend more than one year. But don't give up right away - to catch pike, bream or catfish it is not necessary to become a professional, it is enough to know the basic principles, and the rest of the experience will come already in the "process", directly on fishing.

Catching fish on a spinning rod

Spinning fishing on the river is perhaps the most active way of fishing. When shore fishing in search of a bite, the angler sometimes travels several tens of kilometers. Moreover, you need high-quality gear that costs a lot of money.

This method is designed mainly for predatory and semi-predatory fish, but there are exceptions in my memory. The main objects of fishing are pike, perch and pike perch, less often - asp, chub, ide, rudd and catfish.

For those who nevertheless decided to engage in this type of fishing, I suggest that you follow the link and read one of the articles in the heading " spinning fishing ".

AT spinning fishing such components as tackle and equipment, time and place of fishing, season and water temperature are extremely important. What is worth only the number of invented snap-ins. A huge field for experiments will not let you get bored even to the "worldly-wise" spinning player.

Fishing with a rod

Oddly enough, but with the right approach to float rod You are guaranteed not to be left without fish. I can say this with 100% certainty. Even on the most “deaf” days, a lively roach or bracken always swam in my cage.

This year I fished with a fishing rod several dozen times and, on average, in 4-6 hours I caught 2-3 kg of roach from the palm of my hand, and sometimes a rather weighty bream and bream came up. The largest bream caught with a fishing rod this season weighed one and a half kilograms. On that day, a puzzled neighbor said to me: “And I go fishing for two hundred kilometers ...”

At this time, many varieties of fishing rods have been invented, adapted to various conditions of the reservoir. You can find them on the website in the "Float fishing" section.

This method requires a thoroughly thought-out approach in choosing a place and the bait used on the hook. In addition to everything, you should be well versed in top dressing.

The basic rule of fishing on the river is how you feed, so you catch.

Fishing on the bottom

This is a separate group of anglers, which includes many subgroups. Of these, three main ones can be distinguished:

  • carp anglers;
  • catfish;
  • bream.

Each subgroup is unique, has its own selection of gear, rigs, baits, and so on. In general terms, you will learn about such gear as a donk by going to the article "".

Our local bottomers practice donk fishing using cheap Chinese spinning rods and set up an average of three to five tackle. The rig is a spring stuffed with pea mastyrka, to which a pair of short leashes is attached. The bait is pierced foam. With the help of this simple equipment, I caught a lot of our local bream and bream.

It has gained a lot of popularity today. It's more modern and more sporty look bottom gear. The main differences between a feeder and a donkey are a special rod and a set of special feeders with different applications.

Catchable places

From the angler you can often hear the expression "catchable place." In our understanding, these are places enviably different from the rest by a large accumulation of fish. The natural question is what characterizes a catchy place and how to find it?

Where to fish on the river?

The first sign of all catchable places is the sufficient availability of a forage base. In other words, where there is food, there will always be fish.

The second characteristic, although not always necessary, is the availability of places for shelter (or ambush). They can be all kinds of algae, snags or trees that have fallen into the water.

And the last, important, although also not always mandatory. There is a popular expression with which I completely agree:

The fish is looking for where it's deeper

With the same total depth of the reservoir, finding even a small local depression at the bottom can bring you an unforgettable bite. Now try to add up all three factors and remember exactly where on your body of water they converge. Complete the natural fishing spot with the right application of groundbait and success is in your pocket. That is, in the garden.

river edge

The edge of the river is the place of a sharp drop of the bottom from the shallows to the depth. These are permanent places of accumulation of fish, and it can be located both at the lower border of the edge and at the upper one. It is searched for by test casts of gear or with an echo sounder.

Dams and dams

Another place of mass accumulation of fish. In our regions, dams are massively occupied by poachers who want quick and easy money. Moreover, the local fisheries supervision forces do absolutely nothing about it. Maybe it's time to start moving? Or try to protect what's left?

Bait for the river

Let's conditionally divide the bait for the river into two groups - live and vegetable. I will not list all types and names of baits, but will go through only the most basic, most catchy ones.

live bait

  1. caddis. One of the smallest and at the same time the most catchy baits. It is caught directly on the reservoir in the bottom algae or bottom debris and is a larva wrapped in a "house".
  2. Bloodworm. Mostly used on winter fishing and early spring. It looks like a small red worm and is the larva of a twitching mosquito.
  3. Maggot. White little agile worms that are fly larvae.
  4. Worm. They mainly use red dung, which have a pungent specific odor.
  5. Crawl out. A large worm almost as thick as a finger. Just a great bait.
  6. Grasshopper. A grasshopper is also a grasshopper in Africa.
  7. Fly. Caught, baited, abandoned. Everything is extremely simple.
  8. Chafer. Used in the spring mainly when catching chub.
  9. Frog. The characteristic of this bait is rare, but apt.
  10. Zywiec. A small fish that is used when catching predatory fish.

vegetable baits

  1. Pearl barley. In my opinion, the best herbal bait.
  2. Corn. Also good.
  3. Peas. It is used for catching larger specimens of bream, carp and crucian carp.
  4. Bread. The crumb is taken and kneaded to a homogeneous mass.
  5. Pea paste. In my opinion, it is also the #1 bait.

You will find the recipe for making mastyrka on the article ""

As for me, when I go fishing, I take boiled barley with me (for a fishing rod, for lure), mastyrka (for a bottom in a spring, for lure) and, if I'm lucky to get it, crawl out (they are eaten by all the fish, which they will be in size) .

Bait for the river

Bait for the river can be both purchased and homemade. The main characteristics are sufficient weight and viscosity depending on the current (to reach the bottom in the right place and ensure proper operation). This is a big topic, which will be discussed in every possible way in the rubric "Bait and bait".

In the meantime, you do not have your own recipes, I advise you to start your knowledge with the simplest - the usual pea butter and produce barley bait mixed with small pieces (tennis ball) of the same butter. Our fish just love the smell of peas and will not bypass your bait.

And finally, the last part of the article, where your comments will go. Supplement articles useful tips. Anything that expands on the River Fishing theme will go here.

P.S. I hope my article "Fishing on the River" helped you. I look forward to your comments, additions and feedback. Special thanks to Igor from Karelia for the photos displayed in this article.

For dessert, I propose to relax a bit and watch a fun selection funny cases fishing. Happy viewing!