How to get a sports referee category. Judge categories of karate. II. The procedure for assigning qualification categories of sports judges

III. The procedure for assigning qualification categories

sports referees "young sports referee", "sports referee

and "sports referee of the first category"

23. The qualification category of a sports referee "young sports referee" (hereinafter referred to as the qualification category "young sports referee") is assigned to candidates aged 14 to 16 years. This category expires at the age of 16.

24. The qualification category of a sports referee "sports referee of the third category" (hereinafter referred to as the third category) is assigned to candidates who have reached the age of 16 after fulfilling the requirements for passing the qualification test (exam).

Having the sports title "Master of Sports of Russia" international class", "Grandmaster of Russia" or "Master of Sports of Russia" in the corresponding sport.

27. The qualification category "young sports referee" is assigned by physical culture and sports organizations, organizations that carry out sports training, educational organizations carrying out activities in the field physical education and sports, at the place of residence of the candidate or at the place of the territorial sphere of activity of the regional sports federation at the request certified by the seal (if any) and the signature of the head of the regional sports federation, containing information about the last name, first name, patronymic (if any), date of birth of the candidate, fulfillment Qualification requirements (hereinafter referred to as the Application).

The second and third categories are assigned by local governments of municipal districts and urban districts (hereinafter referred to as local governments) at the place of the territorial sphere of activity of the regional sports federation according to the Submission certified by the seal (if any) and the signature of the head of the regional sports federation (with the exception of military applied and service-applied sports).

The second and third categories are assigned by subdivisions of federal bodies at their location on the basis of a Submission signed by an official, an authorized subdivision of a federal body (hereinafter referred to as an official) (for military applied and service applied sports).

The first category is assigned by the executive authorities of the subjects Russian Federation(with the exception of cases of assignment to employees of federal bodies whose belonging to such federal bodies is classified as information constituting a state secret) at the place of the territorial sphere of activity of the regional sports federation or at the location of the division of the federal body according to the Submission, certified by the seal (if any) and signature of the head regional sports federation or subdivision of a federal body.

27.1. The assignment of the first category in applied military and service applied sports to employees of federal bodies whose belonging to such federal bodies is classified as information constituting a state secret is carried out by subdivisions of the federal bodies authorized by the relevant federal bodies on the basis of a Submission signed by an official.

28. Submission, Application and documents provided for in paragraph 29 of the Regulations for the assignment of the third, second or first category (hereinafter, respectively - documents for the assignment of a qualification category, qualification category) are submitted to the regional sports federation, a subdivision of a federal body or an official in the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments, subdivisions of federal bodies, physical culture and sports organizations, organizations engaged in sports training, educational organizations operating in the field of physical culture and sports (hereinafter, when jointly referred to - organization) within 4 months from the date of fulfillment of the Qualification requirements.

29. The following documents are attached to the Submission:

A) a copy of the registration card certified by the seal (if any) and signed by the head of the regional sports federation, subdivision of the federal body or official;

B) copies of the second and third pages of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, as well as copies of pages containing information about the place of residence of the candidate, and in his absence, copies of the pages of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, proving the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation outside the territory of the Russian Federation, containing information about last name, first name, patronymic (if any), the authority that issued the document, the expiration date of the document - for citizens of the Russian Federation;

C) a copy of a foreign citizen's passport or other document established by Federal Law No. 115-FZ of July 25, 2002 "On the Legal Status of Citizens in the Russian Federation" (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2002, No. 30, Art. 3032; 2019, No. 30, 4134) (hereinafter - Federal Law N 115-FZ) or recognized in accordance with an international treaty of the Russian Federation as a document proving the identity of a foreign citizen - for foreign citizens;

D) a copy of a document certifying the identity of a stateless person in the Russian Federation, issued by a foreign state and recognized in accordance with an international treaty of the Russian Federation as a document proving the identity of a stateless person, or a copy of another document provided for by Federal Law N 115-FZ or recognized in accordance with an international treaty of the Russian Federation as a document proving the identity of a stateless person - for stateless persons;

E) a copy of a military ID - for military personnel undergoing military service on conscription (in the absence of a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation);

E) a copy of the certificate "master of sports of Russia of international class", "grandmaster of Russia" or "master of sports of Russia" - for candidates who are assigned qualification categories in accordance with paragraph three of clauses 25, 26 of the Regulations;

G) 2 photographs 3 x 4 cm.

The paragraph is invalid. - Order of the Ministry of Sports of Russia dated November 11, 2019 N 928.

30. Based on the results of consideration of documents for the assignment of a qualification category, the organization makes a decision to assign a qualification category, to return documents for the assignment of a qualification category or to refuse to assign a qualification category.

31. The decision to assign a qualification category is made within 2 months from the date of receipt of documents for the assignment of a qualification category in the form of a document that is signed by the head of the organization.

32. Copy of the document on decision within 10 working days from the date of its signing, it is sent to the regional sports federation and (or) posted on the official website of the organization in the Internet information and telecommunication network.

33. Lost power. - Order of the Ministry of Sports of Russia dated October 26, 2018 N 914.

34. A copy of the document on the decision taken in relation to military-applied and service-applied sports is not posted on the official website of the organization in the information and telecommunication network "Internet", and within 5 working days from the date of its signing it is sent to the division of the federal body or handed over to an official.

35. When assigning a qualification category, the organization issues an appropriate badge and book of a sports judge.

36. In case of submission of documents for the assignment of a qualification category that do not meet the requirements provided for in paragraphs 27 of the Regulations, the organization within 10 working days from the date of their receipt returns them to the regional sports federation, division of the federal body or official, indicating the reasons for the return.

37. In the event of a return, the regional sports federation, a division of the federal body or an official, within 20 working days from the date of receipt of the documents for assigning a qualification category, eliminates the inconsistencies and re-sends them for consideration to the organization.

38. The decision to refuse to assign a qualification category is made by the organization within 2 months from the date of receipt of documents for the assignment of a qualification category.

If a decision is made to refuse to assign a qualification category, the organization, within 5 working days from the date of such a decision, sends a reasoned written refusal to the regional sports federation, a division of a federal body or an official and returns the documents for assigning a qualification category.

43. The decision to confirm the qualification category is made by the regional sports federation or a division of the federal body within 10 working days from the date of fulfillment of the requirements for confirming the qualification category and is drawn up by a document certified by the seal (if any) and signature of the head or person authorized by the regional sports federation or department of the federal government.

A copy of the document on the decision taken within 5 working days from the date of its signing is posted on the official website of the regional sports federation in the information and telecommunications network "Internet" and sent to the organization that assigned the qualification category.

44. Confirmation of the qualification category in military-applied and service-applied sports for employees of subdivisions of federal bodies whose belonging to such subdivisions is classified as information constituting a state secret is carried out taking into account the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of protecting state secrets.

45. A copy of the document on the decision taken in relation to military-applied and service-applied sports on the official website of the department of the federal body in the information and telecommunications network "Internet" is not posted and within 5 working days from the date of its signing is sent to the department of the federal body or handed over to the official.

46. ​​Information about the assignment, confirmation of the qualification category is entered in the registration card and the book of the sports judge and is certified by the seal (if any) and the signature of the head or person authorized by the regional sports federation or a division of the federal body.

47. Upon confirmation of the qualification category, the badge and book of the sports referee are not re-issued.

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ORDER of Rossport dated 07-11-2006 740 ON APPROVAL OF THE REGULATIONS ON SPORTS REFEREES (2020) Relevant in 2018

II. The procedure for assigning the qualification categories "Sports referee of the first category", "Sports referee of the second category", "Sports referee of the third category", "Junior sports referee"

2.1. The qualification categories "Junior sports referee", "Sports referee of the third category", "Sports referee of the second category", "Sports referee of the first category" are assigned in the sports recognized in the prescribed manner.

2.2. Qualification categories, starting with the third, are assigned sequentially (third, second, first, all-Russian).

2.5. The qualification category "Sports referee of the second category" is assigned to citizens of the Russian Federation who have the category "Sports referee of the third category", the practice of refereeing competitions at the municipal level and the subject of the Russian Federation, but not earlier than one year after the assignment of the third qualification category.

2.6. The qualification category "Sports referee of the first category" is assigned to citizens of the Russian Federation who have the category of "Sports referee of the second category", the practice of sports refereeing competitions at the municipal level and the subject of the Russian Federation, but not earlier than two years from the date of assignment of the second qualification category.

2.7. The qualification categories "Junior sports referee", "Sports referee of the third category", "Sports referee of the second category", "Sports referee of the first category" are assigned to citizens by the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of physical culture and sports at their place of residence.

2.8. To assign (upgrade) a qualification category, the submission for the assignment of a qualification category (Appendix 1) shall be accompanied by information on the fulfillment of the conditions for assigning a qualification category in accordance with the Qualification Requirements (an extract from the record card of sports refereeing).

2.9. By sports used for purposes physical training, which are based on the techniques and actions associated with the implementation professional activity engaged in and cultivated only by physical culture and sports organizations of the relevant federal executive body (hereinafter referred to as departmental sports), the procedure for assigning qualification categories up to and including the first category is established by the Qualification Requirements.

2.10. When assigning (raising) a qualification category, the organization that assigned the qualification category shall issue a sports referee book and a badge of a sports judge of the corresponding qualification category.

2.11. Samples of a sports referee book and badges "Young sports referee", "Sports referee of the third category", "Sports referee of the second category", "Sports referee of the first category" are approved by Rossport.

Article 22. Sports titles, sports ranks. Honorary sports titles. Qualification categories of sports judges. Qualification categories of trainers and qualification categories of specialists in the field of physical culture and sports. United All-Russian sports classification

1. The following sports titles are established in the Russian Federation:

1) master of sports of Russia of international class;

2) master of sports of Russia;

3) grandmaster of Russia.

2. The following sports categories are established in the Russian Federation:

1) candidate master of sports;

2) the first sports category;

3) the second sports category;

4) the third sports category;

5) the first youth sports category;

6) second youth sports category;

7) third youth sports category.

3. The following qualification categories of sports referees are established in the Russian Federation:

1) sports referee of the all-Russian category;

2) sports referee of the first category;

3) sports referee of the second category;

4) sports referee of the third category;

5) young sports referee.

4. The unified all-Russian sports classification establishes the norms and requirements, the fulfillment of which is necessary for the assignment of the corresponding sports titles and sports categories for sports included in the All-Russian registry sports, as well as the conditions for fulfilling these norms and requirements. Regulation about the Unified All-Russian Sports Classification, the content of these norms, requirements and conditions is determined, and the procedure for conferring, depriving, restoring sports titles and sports categories according to various types sports.

(see text in previous edition)

4.1. When awarding sports titles "master of sports of Russia of international class" and "master of sports of Russia", a certificate of "master of sports of Russia of international class" and a certificate of "master of sports of Russia" are issued, respectively, as well as the corresponding badges, drawings and descriptions of which are approved by the federal executive body in the field of physical culture and sports.

5. The procedure for assigning, depriving, restoring the qualification categories of sports referees and the content of the qualification requirements for the assignment of the relevant categories, as well as the rights and obligations of sports referees are established Regulation about sports judges. Qualifications for the assignment of the appropriate qualification categories of sports judges are approved by the federal executive body in the field of physical culture and sports on the proposals of the all-Russian sports federations.

(see text in previous edition)

5.1. When assigning the qualification category of a sports referee "sports referee of the All-Russian category", a certificate "sports referee of the All-Russian category" and the corresponding badge are issued, the design and description of which are approved by the federal executive body in the field of physical culture and sports.

(see text in previous edition)

6. Sports titles and the qualification category of a sports referee "sports referee of the All-Russian category" are assigned by the federal executive body in the field of physical culture and sports in the manner established respectively Regulation Regulation about sports judges.

(see text in previous edition)

7. Sports categories "candidate for master of sports", "first sports category" and the qualification category of a sports referee "sports referee of the first category" are assigned by the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of physical culture and sports in the manner established respectively Regulation about the Unified All-Russian Sports Classification and Regulation about sports judges. Sports categories "second sports category", "third sports category", qualification categories of sports referees "sports referee of the second category", "sports referee of the third category" are assigned by local governments of municipal districts and urban districts in the manner established respectively Regulation about the Unified All-Russian Sports Classification and Regulation about sports judges. The sports categories "first youth sports category", "second youth sports category", "third youth sports category", the qualification category of sports referees "young sports referee" are assigned by physical culture and sports organizations, organizations providing sports training, educational organizations operating in areas of physical culture and sports, in the manner prescribed respectively Regulation about the Unified All-Russian Sports Classification and Regulation about sports judges.

(see text in previous edition)

8. Position about the Unified All-Russian Sports Classification, the Unified All-Russian Sports Classification and Position on sports judges are approved by the federal executive body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation.

(see text in previous edition)

9. For persons with outstanding achievements and special services to the Russian Federation in the field of physical culture and sports, honorary sports titles are established. Position on awarding honorary sports titles is approved by the federal executive body in the field of physical culture and sports.

10. Sports titles and sports categories for national sports, the content of the norms, requirements and conditions for their assignment, the procedure for their assignment are established by the executive authorities in the field of physical culture and sports of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, in whose territories the development of national sports is carried out. State authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, in whose territories the development of national sports is carried out, may establish honorary sports titles for these sports. If the development of a national sport is carried out by the relevant all-Russian sports federation, sports titles, sports categories, qualification categories of sports judges for such a national sport are assigned in accordance with parts 6 and this article.

(see text in previous edition)

11. When conferring the honorary sports titles "Honorary Sports Judge of Russia", "Honored Coach of Russia", "Honored Master of Sports of Russia", the certificate "Honorary Sports Judge of Russia", the certificate "Honored Coach of Russia" and the certificate "Honored Master of Sports of Russia" are issued respectively , as well as the corresponding badges, drawings and descriptions of which are approved by the federal executive body in the field of physical culture and sports.

12. The following qualification categories of coaches are established in the Russian Federation:

1) coach of the highest qualification category;

2) coach of the first qualification category;

3) coach of the second qualification category.

13. The procedure for assigning the qualification categories of coaches and the qualification requirements for the assignment of the relevant categories are established by the federal executive body in the field of physical culture and sports.

14. Coaches are assigned the following qualification categories:

1) a coach of the highest qualification category and a coach of the first qualification category - to coaches operating in organizations in respect of which the federal executive body in the field of physical culture and sports exercises the functions and powers of the founder; a coach of the highest qualification category - to coaches operating in organizations in respect of which the functions and powers of the founder are carried out by other federal executive bodies. These categories are assigned by the federal executive body in the field of physical culture and sports;

2) a coach of the first qualification category - to coaches operating in organizations in respect of which other federal executive bodies exercise the functions and powers of the founder. The specified category is assigned by such bodies;

3) a coach of the highest qualification category and a coach of the first qualification category - to coaches who carry out their activities in organizations in respect of which the federal executive bodies do not exercise the functions and powers of the founder. These categories are assigned by the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of physical culture and sports;

4) a coach of the second qualification category - to coaches who carry out their activities in organizations provided for