"So persistent and knows what she wants." Bjoerndalen told who their daughter and Domracheva look like. Daria Domracheva and Ole Einar Bjoerndalen: “The moment just came when it was necessary to make a decision Ksenia bjoerndalen patronymic

15.04.2019 - 19:34

eightfold Olympic champion Ole Einar Bjoerndalen's big interview spoke about life in Minsk, his wife and daughter, favorite food, as well as about his career and life after it.

“This is definitely not my idea. I don't dance well. Daria is doing well. We prepared for a very long time, and in the end it turned out great.”

Who is the head of their family

"IN this moment- Kseniya. She is so persistent and knows what she wants. We learn a lot from her, but she should also learn from us.”

Who looks more like a daughter

"On both. In behavior, she is more like Dasha, but also like me, for example, facial expressions.

How Bjoerndalen will react to the fact that her daughter decides to become a professional athlete

"It would be great. Because I have that experience. If she has an interest in professional sports Then of course I'll help her. But it's hard to train when you have such a close relationship and when it's your child. This is a big challenge. You are lucky if everything works out for you. But if it doesn't work, it's not surprising. Oddly enough, sometimes when you are so close, it is very difficult to give the right advice.”

Photo: instagram.com/oleeinarbjorndalen

Do Bjoerndalen and Domracheva want more children

"Certainly. But not too much. I myself come from a large family - we have five children, I also have two sisters. Then we were very good together, but that was 45 years ago. And then it was okay to have big family. Now having more than two children is already a test. So I would probably like just two.”

Photo: instagram.com/oleeinarbjorndalen

27.09.2018 - 18:16

Biathlete Ole Einar Bjoerndalen showed a photo of his daughter Xenia.

The eight-time Olympic champion posted the picture on his Instagram page.

Bjoerndalen told what toys the girl likes to play with.

Ole Einar Bjoerndalen:
Xenya's favorite toys are these baby dolls, they help us a lot during long car trips.

Photo: instagram.com/oleeinarbjorndalen

Xenia is the daughter of Ole Einar Bjoerndalen and Daria Domracheva. On the first of October, the girl is two years old.

Super dad and mom: what Domracheva and Bjoerndalen write about each other on social networks ().

In June of this year, Daria about the end of her sports career. According to the biathlete, she is the best option in which she could combine two important areas of her life - raising her daughter and a sports career. In the spring of the same year, the decision to end his career and Bjoerndalen.

The world is full of good people. New furniture was donated to a family-type orphanage in Zavodskoy District

News of Belarus. As part of the Our Children charity campaign, special attention is paid to orphans and their new parents, the Capital Details program on STV reported.

For one of the family-type orphanages on Goloded, the leadership of the Zavodskoy district made a gift. At sponsorship The large Aleksienko family was given new furniture and a modern renovation was done in one of the rooms.

The family has five children. The youngest is 6 years old.

Elena Tsypylova, Head of the Education Department of the Zavodskoy District Administration:
Parents in a family-type orphanage are parent-educators who are employees of the education department. That is, they are in our state. And assistance in material and technical strengthening, and in recovery - all this is provided by the state.

Natalya Aleksienko, parent-teacher of a family-type orphanage:
The world is full of kind people, and they help. There are people who treat our children as warmly as we do.

Anna Romanenko:
I really like. I really love my mom very much. I am very attached to her and can not imagine my life without her.

In total, about 20 children are brought up in three family-type houses in the Zavodskoy district. No one was left without attention and care during the marathon of warmth and kindness.

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Many were sure that the daughter of Daria Domracheva and Ole Einar Bjoerndalen would be born abroad. They wondered: in the father's homeland in Norway or in Austria, where did the star couple settle?

But the champions, appreciating high level providing medical care, chose Belarus. Dasha could give birth in any maternity hospital in Minsk: in the 5th, in the 2nd, in the Republican Scientific and Practical Center "Mother and Child", but in the end she decided to give birth in the 6th, choosing not the walls, but the doctor. Although the walls in the 6th are the envy of many, on September 1, a VIP department for women in labor was opened in the clinic: 4 studio wards, each 36 square meters, with a kitchen and a bathroom. Inside - a double bed, bedside tables, on the contrary - a leather folding sofa - everything from the manufacturer "Bobruiskmebel". The atmosphere is like not in a hospital: everything is light and airy. On the windows - blinds with the image of a palm and the globe on it.

During the birth of her first child, Darya Domracheva trusted Natalya Odintsova, one of the best obstetricians and gynecologists in Belarus, deputy chief physician for obstetric and gynecological care of the 6th maternity hospital. To date (October 3, 2016 - Ed.), the baby and mother feel good and through Komsomolskaya Pravda convey words of gratitude for their support in this most difficult marathon distance to their numerous fans.

- Daria is a fighter on the ski track, probably a fighter in the delivery room?- "Komsomolskaya Pravda" asked the doctor.

Yes, Dasha is very smart, very courageous, a real fighter, everywhere. The birth took place without anesthesia, for her, as an athlete, there are certain restrictions.

Some, in order to relieve pain, give birth with epidural anesthesia (partial anesthesia, the woman in labor does not feel the lower abdomen. - Ed.), But Dasha?

Without, it is undesirable for her. She endured the whole process of childbirth stoically. And the baby - 3650 - is big enough for her, Dasha is very thin.

- The first birth usually lasts longer than the next, how did Dasha endure the birth?

Daria gave birth absolutely physiologically: not for a long time, but not quickly, on average.

Was Bjoerndalen around all the time?

Yes, he supported her in everything from beginning to end. Both the first and second days - all the time together, - as Komsomolskaya Pravda later found out, only on the third day, on Monday, the famous Norwegian went to the first training session after the birth of his daughter.

- Some were worried: how will he communicate in childbirth, is there still a language barrier?

No barrier - I also spoke English with him. Dasha translated if there were any moments. Yes, everything was clear here.

- On a 10-point scale, you, as a specialist and super professional, what rating would you give to dad, mom and child?

The child is very good, it can't be better!

What about Bjoerndalen? There are men who lose consciousness when they are present at childbirth.

No, he did not lose consciousness, he survived everything very courageously, while showing compassion. He was very supportive and gentle. On a 10-point scale - all tens. These are our golden champions - in everything. It can be seen that they have a very touching relationship, incredible tenderness and compassion, it is clear that this is love, and not just a husband who came as a security guard, as it happens.

- Grandmother has already admitted that the girl is very beautiful, but who does she look more like?

The first feeling - on Dasha, but Ulina's eyes. And today, it seems, she looks more like Ole. But a girl from the Domrachev family. This international child took the best from the Domrachev and Bjoerndalen family.

- Now the fans are trying to convey to Dasha various goodies, what can she do?

They eat what a woman in labor is supposed to eat. On Saturday, we ate rice porridge with chicken with pleasure. Usual hospital food, they have everything you need.

- Is the baby with mom and dad all the time or is she taken away for the night?

All the time with them.

Often the main problem for a woman in labor is her breasts: when milk arrives, she turns to stone, you don’t know what to do with her, while the baby gets used to it ...

Dasha can do everything, the baby sucks perfectly. They do not let the baby out of their hands: either mom or Ole. Very cute touching relationship. Ole, as he took the baby for the first time in the delivery room, did not let go again.

- And what did the famous dad say in the first minutes?

He was incredibly happy, what can I say? We were busy with the process.

- Surely "Wow!"?

Probably, "wow" (smiles). But he did not shout and did not make noise - this is a very responsible business and a very responsible family. Taking into account the fact that this is the first child, you understand how this is all conscious, desirable, how he went to this. He himself is from a large family (five children) - for him and his family it was very important, in Norway - a holiday, as in Belarus.

0 February 11, 2018, 13:00

ABOUT famous biathlete Almost everyone has heard Ole Einare Bjoerndalen. At 44, the Norwegian is the world's only absolute Olympic champion in biathlon. In his homeland, in the city of Simostrand, a bronze monument was even erected to the athlete. Hundreds of articles have been written about Bjoerndalen's sporting merits and described in dozens of interviews. But not so much is known about the athlete's personal life. And she has been very stormy with the biathlete for the past few years. Ole Einar Bjoerndalen, being married and having repeatedly stated that he was going to live a long and happy life together with his wife, fell in love with the Belarusian biathlete Daria Domracheva without memory. We tell about how this love story began, which became fateful for Bjoerndalen, in our material on the site.

Daria Domracheva and Ole Einar Bjoerndalen met at the 2010 Olympics in Vancouver. That year, the biathlete turned 24 years old, and Bjoerndalen celebrated his 36th birthday. Of course, Daria and Ole Einar have known each other for a long time, because the world of sports is rather small. However, the Norwegian has been married to Italian biathlete Natalie Santer for several years, and everything seemed to be perfect in the relationship of the couple.

The romance between Domracheva and Bjoerndalen was first discussed in 2012. The reason for this was his divorce from his wife. They say that at that time the 38-year-old biathlete decided to part with his wife precisely because of his relationship with the 26-year-old Domracheva - in the summer they were together at a training camp in Austria, and then feelings broke out between them.

In October 2012, Bjoerndalen and Santer released a joint statement regarding their divorce:

We must admit that our desire to live a long life together did not come true. Ahead of us is waiting separate life. We agreed that we would say nothing more than this statement. Please respect and understand our desire not to comment on this topic in future interviews,

they said.

Despite the divorce, according to the Italian, she remained on good terms with her ex-husband and even sometimes communicates with him:

We periodically contact, and I am aware of everything that happens in his life,

- she admitted in an interview.

Despite, though not very pronounced, but still publicity, great fame and great public interest, the couple managed to hide their romance for a very long time. Of course, many of their fellow biathletes knew that Daria and Ole Einar were connected by something more than just a professional relationship. And although they tried to keep the secret of lovers as long as possible, it was still extremely difficult not to spill the beans. The first to surrender was the French biathlete Martin Fourcade, who, when asked about Domracheva, answered literally the following:

I have a good relationship with her. True, not as close as those of Bjoerndalen,

he said.

After the 2014 Sochi Olympics, Bjoerndalen and Domracheva spent quite a lot of time in each other's company, although even then their romance had not yet been confirmed. After that, the paparazzi managed to photograph the lovers together several times in an informal setting. But both of them remained silent about their love affair.

When there was nothing to hide and there was no need, Bjoerndalen in the spring of 2016 at one of the press conferences not only confirmed the relationship with Domracheva, but, one might say, shocked the public, saying that he would soon become a father.

In July of the same year, 42-year-old Ole Einar Bjoerndalen and 29-year-old Daria Domracheva got married, which, by the way, each of them reported on their social networks. The wedding, which was attended only by close and native couples, was very modest and took place abroad (where exactly is not reported).

Such a nice day :) (the spelling and punctuation of the author are preserved. — Approx. ed.), — Domracheva commented on the picture on Instagram.

What a wonderful day,

- the biathlete wrote in Norwegian, English and Russian on his Facebook.

On October 1, 2016, Ole Einar Bjoerndalen and Daria Domracheva became parents - the couple had a daughter, whom they named Xenia. After the lovers legalized their relationship, they decided not to hide their personal lives anymore - now there are a lot of family pictures on their social networks, including photos with a one-year-old daughter (although they, like many, don’t show her face).

Now the spouses, according to sources, live in Minsk, where Daria built a luxurious house a few years ago. The biathlete has already managed to fall in love with the local cuisine and began to master the Russian language. According to his confession, he plans to teach his daughter three languages: Russian, Norwegian and English.

This year, Ole Einar Bjoerndalen went to the Olympics for the first time in the last 20 years as a coach, and Belarusian athletes became his wards. Alas, the results that he showed at the last Biathlon World Cup did not impress the representatives of the Norwegian team at all, so they did not include him in the team. However, neither the athlete nor his fans should be upset, because coaching career may be a new stage for him in sports career, and quite successful and significant. But he has already won his main victory - he has become a wonderful husband and father, and this award is perhaps more important than all the gold medals.

Photo Gettyimages.ru/Instagram

And already today, with the assistance of the official payment partner of the Pyeongchang Games Visa, whose team includes the champion, Daria got in touch with SPORT.TUT.BY. She talked about the best psychologist Xenia Bjoerndalen, moments of laughter from Ole Einar and what her ideal day off looks like.

Photo: Reuters

“It was possible to give up, but somewhere inside I knew: I can. That's what happened."

- You are the most titled biathlete in the world. Can you believe it?

Since childhood, she dreamed of becoming a world and Olympic champion, but she never counted titles and did not set herself the goal of breaking anyone's records. When the journalists said that I was now the most titled, it was unexpected and very pleasant. But how it feels… Honestly, the crown does not grow at such moments. Perhaps in many years I will show my grandchildren my medals, then the realization will come.

Judging by the comments of the Belarusians, during the women's relay, the working day in the country froze - on that Thursday everyone watched the race.

My huge greetings to everyone who followed the Olympics and supported us. The girls really tried to please the fans. To be honest, the medal ceremony seemed incredibly short. I wanted to stand and stand on a pedestal and jump for joy together with the girls.

Photo: Reuters

- What was going on inside when you had the coveted fourth gold of the Games in your hands?

You know, there was a feeling of great satisfaction. I understood: “Everything happened and finally the way it should be!”. There were so many difficulties during the Olympics. You could throw up your hands, give up and say: "Ay, everything goes wrong". But we understood that this was the path and the tests that needed and were important to pass. Once again, I was convinced that you should never give up, no matter what difficulties you encounter.

Emil Hegle Svensen admitted that at the beginning of the Olympics he could not understand what was preventing him from winning a medal, and he specifically worked with a psychologist. Who helped you to tune in psychologically?

Throughout my career, I had no experience of working closely with psychologists. I didn’t see the point in changing something drastically to these Olympic Games. I realized that I had enough experience to cope with such difficulties on my own. Somewhere inside I knew: I can. Fortunately, this is exactly what happened.

“When I saw the face of my baby, I understood: the scale of the Olympic hardships is not so cumbersome”

- How did you spend the evenings after the first unsuccessful races?

Our sports regime is quite predictable. After any - successful or unsuccessful race - I returned to my room in the Olympic village, went for a massage, recovered, replenished my energy reserve. And the best emotional relief was calls to Minsk. Ole and I talked with Xenia. When I saw the face of my beloved baby, I understood: the scale of the Olympic hardships is not as cumbersome as it seems at the moment.

Photo: Reuters

Was the atmosphere tense before winning the first Belarusian medal?

When you fail to show the result that you want and can achieve, tension is in the air. It was experienced by every member of our team. Of course, we tried not to show anger and not splash it out on each other. At some moments, a punching bag was missing - it was necessary to give an instant outlet to emotions and leave the negative behind. I confess, it was not easy to tune in day after day, get upset, tune in again and so on in a circle. I am very glad that the fighting spirit was enough to the very end.

- Your mother said that in the evenings she had time to talk with you quite a bit, and then Ksenia took the floor. What is a conversation with a daughter who is only one and a half years old?

These were conversations on topics very abstract from biathlon (laughs). For the first time, Ksenia was left without mom and dad for so long. At first it was a little exciting, but I understood that my daughter was in the safe hands of my mother and my nanny. Talking with Ksenia, I saw that everything was fine with her there and she was not too worried about the fact that we were not around now. Ksenia took the computer, took it with her and showed Ole and me what she had learned in our absence. Communication was almost complete - without bodily contact, but still very emotional. It's great that we live in an age of high technology.

Photo: Daria Buryakina, TUT.BY

- We can say that you still have a personal psychologist.

Maybe you are right. After communicating with our baby, strength and inspiration appeared to go out and fight further.

“If I stay at home on the weekend, I do something cozy - for example, baking”

- How much time will you have to enjoy your home and Minsk?

Very little. The season continues, and a few days after the return we will already go to Kontiolahti. I will have literally one or two days to take a break. In general, my ideal day off should be outdoors: it can be a walk in the woods or a trip to the city. Lying on the couch is not for me. Of course, if it’s pouring rain outside, I can stay at home, but I’ll still be active: I’ll do baking or something else cozy. My crown is pies, which have been associated with weekends since childhood.

Photo: Vadim Zamirovsky, TUT.BY

- Why was the presence of Ole Einar Bjoerndalen in Pyeongchang so significant for you?

Probably everyone understood that Ole was not going as a coach after all. The main preparatory work was done even before the start of the Olympics by those specialists who really were my coaches. Ole Einar went with the team to Korea to support us and suggest right moment from the point of view of an eight-time Olympic champion.

Before the races, Ole worked with our service guys, helping them roll back their skis. In general, he brought practical benefit when there were not enough extra legs and arms. Sometimes he gave advice, although as a professional athlete he understood that in certain situations it is better to keep quiet and just be there. Often the best thing you can do is not blurt out something superfluous.

- And at the same time, he was your main emotional support at the Games.

Certainly. He tried to defuse the atmosphere in our home. In the Olympic village, athletes were accommodated in rooms equipped according to the apartment principle. I.e women's team lived in a three-room apartment. There were two people in each room. Ole Einar also lived with us. In the evenings, the girls and I gathered in the common kitchen, where Ole arranged a moment of laughter. It included funny sports programs Norwegian television, where biathletes also participated. This, of course, discharged and helped to relieve the burden of tension.