What spinners for pike perch. Spinner tube: types, materials, technological process. Sheer flashing of zander

Now let's move on to vertical baubles. There are a huge number of vertical lures for catching zander, but in principle, they can be divided into two main classes: lures designed for catching active zander, and lures designed for catching passive zander. Accordingly, to summarize, the spinners designed for catching active pike perch have a very active game, and the spinners designed for passive pike perch have a passive game and a very small deviation from the vertical.

Let's take a classic zander lure (Fig. 55-17). The main difference between the pike-perch lure is that it should be relatively narrow. In principle, this is not a dogma, and it is not necessary to get hung up on this, however, the narrow-bodied lure imitates the most familiar zander food.

As a rule, it feeds on sculpin, bleak, smelt, gudgeon. All these fish are rather narrow-bodied, and therefore it is preferable to use narrow-bodied baubles similar to them for catching zander.

This spinner has a clearly defined center of gravity, shifted downwards, and a very narrow tail. If we look in cross section, it is straight and almost symmetrical on one side and the other. By the way, this spinner is made of two metals - on the one hand, stainless steel, on the other, copper. This is done so that when the pike perch grips, when it squeezes the lure with its jaws, we can pull it through a little, and so that the hook can stick into the predator's mouth.

If the lure is just soldered (lead or tin), then the zander's teeth can get stuck in the solder, and especially if we catch on a monofilament and from a depth of about 12 m, then we may not pull the lure even a millimeter in the mouth of the zander, and the fish will not will be intercepted.

The size of the zander hook is very important. As in the balancer, the hook should overlap the width of the spinner by 3-4 mm (Fig. 55-18). Unlike summer spinners, when the width of the tee must match the width of the spinner, here the hook must be larger.

The next moment is the fly. The fly plays a very important role on the spinner hook. First, it attracts zander. During a pause, when the spinner has almost stopped, the pike perch most often attacks directly the fly itself.

In addition, the front sight performs the most important function in the game of spinners. So, if we talk about this spinner, its main secret lies in the fact that it is absolutely symmetrical, and no matter how we play this spinner, it will always deviate strictly along the same trajectory. And the fly will help her deviate, because when the spinner is dropped down, the fly can go both in one direction and in the other. When it goes up, naturally, the windage increases, and the lure will plan in such a way that the fly will be on top of the lure. Then we again raise the lure up, drop it, fly in the other direction. And thanks to its symmetry, the spinner, no matter which way it dives, will work very stably.

One of the most attractive fish zander is considered for fishing. To catch it, fishermen spend a lot of money on effective equipment, high-quality bait and catchy bait. As bait, fishing lures for pike perch are most often used. A wide range of products allows you to choose the right model, taking into account all the wishes and possibilities of the buyer.

What is the best bait to use when fishing for walleye?

Before you go fishing, you should figure out which baubles the zander bites on. The right model will provide excellent results. It is important to understand that the prey has a small mouth, as a result, a large bait will not interest the fish at all.

There are the following types of spinners for pike perch:

In addition, the fisherman can purchase a six-sided lure for pike perch, the unusual shape of which will provide great game and unique sound effects. Sheer baubles for pike perch are no less popular. They show themselves perfectly in practice and have only positive user reviews.

The choice of lures is very large, so you need to give preference to a certain model only after a thorough study of the habitat of the fish and taking into account all the features of fishing.

How to choose the right lure depending on the season?

Experienced fishermen know that depending on the time of year, the behavior of fish changes. Therefore, if in one period a pike perch bites on jigs, then it can be said with confidence that in another season it will not even look in the direction of this bait. Let's figure out which spinners are better to use according to the seasons.

From models of the horizontal type, baubles for pike perch should be selected in the summer

Lures for pike perch in summer should be selected from horizontal models. The product must provide a casting distance with the possibility of good wiring and luring prey to the surface of the water. In this case, the best spinners for zander in the summer will be fluctuating. If the area is clean (there are no thresholds, snags), then it is recommended to use rotating models. They have characteristic moving petals, with the help of which zander are lured. The size of the spinner for pike perch should not be too large, as the fish has a small mouth and simply cannot swallow large prey. It is equally important that the bait is as similar as possible to the natural food of pike perch.

A frequently asked question is: "How to catch pike perch in winter with a lure"? The difficulty lies in the fact that the fish constantly moves in the water in search of food. As a result, fishermen are forced to drill large holes and bypass them as often as possible. When choosing a bait, you need to understand that a sharp and intense movement of prey can frighten off a predator. Therefore, baubles for winter fishing on pike perch should resemble a sleepy, possibly injured fish with smooth and calm movements. Thus, if the fisherman does not know which spinners for pike perch are best used in winter, then you should definitely give preference to vertical-type baits with a lower load.

Another in an efficient way in the cold season, it is considered a mormyshka for pike perch. It attracts the largest, trophy predators. The most productive are the baits of silver, gold and black colors. It is important that the hooks on the mormyshka are strong and sharp.

Fishing for zander in the spring is not particularly effective, since spawning begins at the beginning of the spring period and ends only in mid-May. Nevertheless, some fishermen manage to catch the largest individuals.

Ways to catch pike perch on a lure

Lure fishing is one of the most exciting and challenging activities. In order for the process to complete successfully, it is important to choose a technique that will work at the right time, in the right place.

One of the most exciting and challenging activities is lure fishing for pike perch.

There are two common ways to catch a predator:

  1. It is necessary to measure the depth and lower the bait to the bottom, then raise it by only 50 cm. At this point, fishing will occur. The lure should be raised and lowered with quick movements, but at the end point it should be fixed for a few seconds.
  2. The starting point of fishing is measured and with a sharp jerk the lure rises up, then immediately falls. You need to repeat the movements every 2-3 seconds.

Winter fishing for pike perch on a lure should be accurate, the movements should be smooth and measured, otherwise the prey may be frightened and swim away in the opposite direction.

Lure fishing technique

Not every fisherman knows how to play lure for pike perch in winter. This is a rather difficult process, since during this period the fish is characterized by a sedentary lifestyle and general lethargy. Success fishing depends on the skills and abilities of the owner of the equipment. In addition, the wrong game can not only not attract the fish, but also scare it.

The technique for catching pike perch in winter on a lure is as follows:

  • the product must be lowered to the very bottom, and then raised by about 40 cm. Each action should end with small pauses (3-5 seconds each). Further, the bait again sinks to the bottom with a sharp movement, creating unique sound vibrations and attracting a predator;
  • when the period of dead winter sets in, it is best to use small tosses (by 5 cm);
  • if there is no bite, then the reel brake should be released, then the bait will be free. In the case of moving the spinner, it must be pulled up, while dragging along the bottom and creating vibrations and turbidity of the water;
  • also, in order to raise the turbidity, the lure is shaken from side to side.

The success of fishing depends on the skills and abilities of the owner of the equipment.

Pauses - important point when fishing for pike perch in winter on a lure. They help the fish get used to and prepare for the upcoming attack. Pause length can be adjusted. This factor is influenced by the frequency of biting, the activity of prey and the temperature of the water in the reservoir.

Making homemade spinners

Quite often, fishermen doubt whether it is better to purchase high-quality bait from a well-known manufacturer or make a lure for pike perch on their own. The choice always remains with the owner of the tackle, but making the bait yourself is very simple. The base material can be copper, bronze or stainless steel hex tube. In winter, light shades are considered the most optimal colors of products (steel and stainless steel are suitable).

It is very easy to make homemade spinners for pike perch with your own hands. It is necessary to select a suitable hex tube and cut at the correct angle to achieve the desired size. At the next stage, holes are drilled for the tee and winding rings. In order for the product to serve the maximum amount of time, it is recommended to install high-quality components. The tee can be equipped at the discretion of the fisherman, as an option, have cambric or red wool tassels.

The owner of the tackle can easily make a sheer lure for pike perch with his own hands, as well as turbine lures and other types of baits.

It is very easy to make homemade spinners for pike perch with your own hands

Rating of the best spinners for catching zander

  • spinner "Gvozdik" for pike perch - a classic version of baits, which has a characteristic oval, oblong shape and expansion from the bottom of the product. At great depths, the game turns into a "carnation";
  • spinner "Killer" for pike perch - popularly called "killer". It is used in fast flowing waters and shows excellent play due to the shifted center of gravity to the bottom of the product. This model allows you to catch large zander and pike;
  • bait "Williams" for pike perch - shows an excellent result due to the unique fluctuations in the water and the unique trajectory of the fall of the bait, reminiscent of the natural food of a predator. Each model is guaranteed to last a long time and is distinguished by reliability, excellent technical characteristics;
  • lures for pike perch "Pilker" - made for the purpose of casting over long distances, promising areas of water bodies that cannot be reached even by boat. The advantages of the models are the unique animation of products, versatility (suitable for almost all types of fish), practicality and ease of use;
  • lure "Aigul" for pike perch - a product that stands out with an active hitting game during lifting and a broken line during lowering. The model is suitable for both active and passive predators (especially well used in winter);
  • lure "Admiral" for pike perch in winter - the products are made in large colors and have the maximum resemblance to fry. Each model has an excellent working curve and is designed for cautious and slow-moving winter zander;

  • spinner "Bokoplav" for pike perch - a bait in the form of a horizontal-type fish, which has a tee soldered into the tail, equipped with a brush made of wool. There is another hole in the side of the product, to which the second tee is attached. The spinner has the appearance of a wounded fish, which magically acts on a predator;
  • spinner "Tulka" for pike perch - a product that imitates the food of a predator and has a bright silver color;
  • spinner "Hulk" for pike perch - a unique bait that shows the maximum result in winter;
  • bait "Nurse" - has an unusual bend, while moving it deviates in different directions, due to which it attracts fish. This product is guaranteed to provide a catch to the fisherman.

Many of these baits can be used for other types of fish. In order for the fishing process to bring great pleasure and end in success, it is necessary to correctly select gear and use catchy baubles for pike perch in winter.

Catching zander with a lure can be compared to a real hunt. Predatory fish are not so easy to lure out of their shelters at the bottom of the reservoir, and only real professional fishermen succeed. But beginners are not averse to replenishing their catch with this delicious fish. Let's try to figure out what features a bait for pike perch should have, how to use it at different times of the year, and make a top of the most effective models in this matter.

First of all, you need to decide on a place for fishing. It depends on how successful fishing will be, because pike perch is not found in every reservoir.

Pike perch prefers clean large bodies of water, especially with running water. At the same time, he likes to hide in secluded places like large snags, deep holes or pools. But he will never linger among the thickets, mud, on the muddy bottom. It should also be searched for in various recesses under dams, flooded drainage systems and arms of reservoirs, under cliffs.

It is also important to take into account the time of day - during the day, pike perch can be both very active and completely calm down for a while. Biting is especially good in the early morning, starting from the predawn hour and up to eight or nine in the morning. During the day, activity must be constantly monitored, since pike perch can go hunting both before lunch, for about an hour and a half from 10 am, and in the late afternoon for a short period of time. At night, the bite will absolutely begin again, you need to resume fishing from somewhere around 11 pm, until the predator retires again.

In addition, in different weather and different times of the day, this fish can change the place of hunting. At night, for example, it goes deeper into the water, in which case the pike perch will have to be lured a little longer, driving it to the surface. Young zander most often gather in flocks, and always follow the same route, but larger individuals prefer isolation.

Advice! If you have a permanent fishing spot, try to memorize the routes of zander movement in the pond. They migrate not only during the day, but throughout the seasons, but these routes tend to remain the same.

What kind of lure to use for zander fishing

Lure fishing will be successful only if you choose the right bait. For this fish, those spinners that are usually used for other, larger predatory fish will not work. Since the zander does not have a very large mouth, size is very important in this case - it will not even react to a bait that is too large.

To choose the right spinners for zander, you should pay attention to what kind of fish it eats. Due to the structure of the pasture, pike perch prefers to hunt medium-sized fish like bleak, ruff, vendace, roach and fry of various partial species. From this we can conclude that baubles suitable for catching zander should have the following characteristics:

  • Elongated, streamlined shape.
  • Small size.
  • With more realistic movements and active play, reminiscent of the behavior of fry in the water surface.
  • Mostly silvery in color (this is also due to the appearance of the bleak, although it is believed that pike perch does not react to the appearance of the prey, but to the vibrations emitted by it).

Photo 1. Castmaster will remind pike perch of his favorite delicacy - bleak.

But what kind of spinner is still better suited for a particular reservoir and season, you still have to find out empirically. In some periods, the behavior of the fish differs from the usual, for example, too active play can frighten off the zander, but smooth fishing techniques, on the contrary, will force it to come to the surface and grab the bait.

Advice! Always carry several different types of spinners with you to test the preferences of walleye living in the pond.

Two ways to catch zander with a lure

Catching zander with a lure is not an easy task. Good fishing results directly depend on correct technique fishing. There are two main ways to give a "live" game to the spinner:

  1. We measure the depth of the place of fishing, and then lower the bait to the bottom of the reservoir. After that, we raise the lure from the bottom by no more than 50 centimeters, and it is from here that we start fishing. With intensive movements we raise the bait by 20-30 centimeters, fix it at this depth for several seconds, and then lower it again to a depth of about 20 centimeters from the bottom. We pause again, and then repeat the steps until the pike perch bites on the lure.
  2. In the same way, we measure the starting point of fishing. Now we make a sharp short jerk up, immediately lowering the bait back. We wait 2-3 seconds, and repeat this action again.

The spinner will play effectively under water, luring a predator. But we must not forget that the intensity of movements must be chosen depending on the period of activity of the zander.

The choice of spinners for pike perch depending on the season

As mentioned earlier, the behavior of pike perch at different times of the year can vary significantly. The only period when this fish is practically not active in hunting is spawning, which starts in early spring and ends in early summer. In other seasons, the chances of a good catch are very high. Let's figure out which spinner will be an excellent bait at different times of the year:

  • In summer, you should use a horizontal-type oscillating lure. At the same time, it is better to choose those models that differ in weight sufficient for long-range casting, while it is important that it can be carried along the bottom, luring the predator to the surface. If the reservoir is clean enough from various snags and sills, it is best to use spinners. With them, the chances of attracting zander increase due to actively moving petals.
  • In the autumn period, the zhor of pike perch increases sharply. An excellent time for catching it will be from mid-August to early October. Then the activity of pike perch decreases, flocks go to deeper places, and special deep lures have to be used to catch them.
  • In winter, pike perch constantly moves around the reservoir in search of prey. Therefore, in order to detect flocks, you have to drill more holes and often bypass them. To attract a predator during this period, vertical heavy baubles with a lower load, which carry out swaying (oscillating) movements, are perfect. Here it is already important to take into account the fact that too sharp and intense movements of the bait can easily scare off pike perch, so you should give preference to smooth movements that will resemble a sleepy or injured fish.

Important! Remember that the best bait for walleye fishing will be one that resembles the natural behavior of the prey of this fish as much as possible.

Top 10 spinners for zander fishing

How to choose spinners for pike perch and how to use them, we found out, now we will select 10 the best lures used for fishing this predatory fish:

  1. "Nurse". The name of this spinner is due to its increased efficiency when catching. Due to the peculiarities of the shape with unusual bends, this bait deviates in different directions, due to which it covers a larger fishing area. Hook - tee.
  2. "Vlasovskaya". The curved shape, almost the same as that of the "Nurse", allows this lure to simulate the movements of an exhausted, injured or sleepy fish. It is on such prey that the clumsy and lazy zander likes to attack. The hook can be either a tee or a double.
  3. Lush lure. It is designed specifically for winter zander fishing in the holes. It is heavier, without any special bends, equipped with a tee hook. It is a universal bait that other large fish can easily bite on.

    Photo 2

  4. "Ray". Another universal bait, the peculiarity of which is the center of gravity shifted to the hook. Thanks to this, this lure falls to a new place each time, covering a larger section of the river and increasing the likelihood of luring fish. Most often it is painted in silver, the hook can be single or triple.
  5. Triangular baubles. Because of this shape, this lure is good to use on the course. It gives an active game and bright highlights, which immediately lure the predator. It has an increased weight compared to other models.
  6. "Uchinskaya". This model is also used in the course, as well as at great depths. It is distinguished by increased weight, an unusual shape resembling a canoe, and often a two-tone color. The combination of gold and silver finishes gives interesting highlights that attract fish.
  7. "Boat". Due to the oval shape and slight concavity, such a lure starts a spectacular game as soon as it is immersed in water. The combination of a sharp rise with a smooth swing during a reverse dive, as well as special reflections from brass or cupronickel, immediately attract predatory fish.
  8. "Master". This spinner consists of two parts: the head and tail of the fish. The hook attached at the end also has a bright plumage, due to which, when the spinner is passed along the bottom, it gives the impression of a wounded fish. Very effective for deep sea fishing.

    Photo 3. Spinner "Master".

  9. Rublex Orkala. A very easy-to-wire spinner, which is popular with beginner spinningists. Used for fishing open water, and for winter fishing through the holes.
  10. "Cobra". The shape of this lure resembles the swollen hood of a cobra. Thanks to this, the game of spinners is almost unpredictable and very realistic for a predator. Smooth movements during wiring perfectly lure zander.

Photo 4. Spinner "Cobra".

Almost all such baits are effective not only when catching zander. Therefore, do not be surprised that other predatory fish will also bite on these spinners - perch or pike. But it is these types of spinners that are perfect for such cautious fish with a small mouth, like zander.

For most modern fishermen, zander fishing in winter is a sporty and interesting activity. Moreover, this fish can be hunted throughout the year, and lure fishing adds even more excitement to this business. The power of this striped river predator and its considerable size attract not only beginners and amateurs, but also real pros.

It is always easier to spot zander in open water than to look for it under a thick cover of ice. For this reason, it makes sense for the angler to first clarify for himself the place of fishing, so that in a harsh winter, he does not have to wander through the frost for too long in search of a suitable place, which may also turn out to be very doubtful, and inspect the presence of fish there.

After all, a good catch will be only if a place for fishing is unmistakably chosen. Since this aquatic predator always leads an active lifestyle, he needs to migrate in search of food throughout the reservoir.

That is why his behavior during the cold season becomes completely unpredictable, and a successful outcome of the hunt can only be under such conditions:

Rig features

It is required to equip the bait based on those features, what kind of fish you need to catch.

For example, pike perch weighs approximately 3 kg (larger specimens are also found in exceptional cases), and the choice fishing tackle you need to choose very responsibly, so as not to regret in the future that the fish was missed.

It is important to know that the hooks must not break and have a sharp forearm. It often happens that they are made from fragile material. For this reason, when buying worth checking them out while still in the store.

Sheer flashing of zander

This is the most famous way of fishing. You can fish this way both in winter and in warmer months.

The gear here is quite simple:

  • short (up to 1 m) onboard rod,
  • coil (preferably inertial),
  • fishing line 0.3 (non-braided),
  • tungsten leash.

Catching progress:

How to choose tackle

To date, the choice of spinners special work does not constitute. Fishing outlets are rich in their presence, and the assortment includes spinners of various sizes and shapes. Among other things, now fishermen often come across, for whom catching pike perch in winter on hand-made lures is no less successful than on purchased lures. For catching pike perch in winter, various methods of bait, tackle and balancers can fit. However, based on the time of winter fishing, it is better to select the most catchy spinners that have the following characteristics:

The mass of any of the spinners, if possible, should not exceed 25 g. However, if fishing takes place in a reservoir where there is an intense current, the weight of the bait should be selected based on, how many conditions will require fishing from a fisherman. According to experts, it is best for this predatory fish a bait that has an elongated and narrow shape is suitable.

Spinners are made, as a rule, from materials such as brass, copper. Also, sometimes an alloy of metals is used or simply two plates are combined, and lead is added to burden their weight.

The color of the bait is also important for the flashing of pike perch in winter. The activity of the fish at the time of fishing will be determined by a dull or bright color. It is best to have all kinds of spinners. Winter spinners for pike perch in the cold season should be of the following colors:

  • yellow;
  • white;
  • golden;
  • silvery.

Acid or bright colors will come in handy during the period night fishing , in daylight, you can use dimmer ones.

The best spinners for pike perch

Fishing pike perch on fishing baubles during the cold season is primarily intended for vertical wiring. Each of the baits is suitable for a certain type of fishing. From a huge number modern models fishermen use such as:

In the same way, when catching pike perch in the winter season, such spinners as Vyatskaya and Crooked Knife have proven themselves very well.

How does the shine

After sustaining a five-minute pause, you should wind the fishing line on the reel, and you need to do this smoothly, leading the bait along the bottom. It can also be carried out in jerks, the nature of the movement must be chosen depending on the bite. In severe frosts bait experienced fishermen it is recommended to throw up 10 cm.

With active biting from zander, the number of pauses can be reduced. Often bites occur precisely during pauses, but if you alternate them, launching them in a varied sequence, this game can alert pike perch, and he will prefer not to get involved with a phenomenon that is incomprehensible to him. The movements of the angler during the hunt for a striped predator should be fast and smooth.

To search for fish, holes are drilled, starting from shallow water and gradually rising to the middle of the reservoir. The distance between the holes should be 15-20 meters.

Where to catch zander in winter

As already mentioned, pike perch, especially in winter, actively moves throughout the reservoir in search of food, so the angler faces the problem of finding his place of residence.

First of all, you can pay attention to the following places:

  • eyebrows;
  • deep holes;
  • heaps of stones;
  • places with depth differences.

If you could not find fish there, you can still inspect the old riverbeds. Including it does not hurt to search on an underwater hill. Such places are chosen by pike perch at the beginning of winter.

It is important to know! The striped underwater predator tries to avoid such places where the bottom is muddy, because it is very difficult for him to find food there.

Fishing Tricks

It is difficult to find pike perch alone, so it is better to fish with a company in order to cover most of the water area. The lure should be selected in a variety of sizes, because if you couldn’t catch one, you’ll get another.

The specifics of fishing in the winter months


This month, you can hunt bait for pike perch for almost the entire day. In the morning, the fish are especially active, as a rule, from 6 to 9 o'clock, and in the evening - from 18 to 21 o'clock. It is best to be patient and in no case despair, especially if the bite is not expected for a long time.

Long fishing in one place is not very effective, so it is worth changing the parking lot to look for fish. If we take into account the specifics of zander hunting in December, then in the end you can catch an excellent specimen of such a striped predator.

It is important to know! During the day, pike perch is often very lethargic, especially during the dead of winter, and therefore it will be optimal to catch it in the evening, when the predator swims out of its hiding place to hunt in search of food.

In January

In the middle of winter, this fish is searched for in the whirlpools, and the best time for active fishing - time after midnight.

Under conditions of changing climatic features of our strip, ice melting is often observed in January. If it has begun, then fish should be looked for at the mouths of streams and rivers.

If the ice on the reservoirs is still thick enough, then this month it will be effective to catch pike perch on vents.

In February

This is the most favorable month for zander fishing. February is famous for its sunny weather, and therefore - for the lively biting of fish. At this time, pike perch tries to find different fry for food, therefore it captures its prey in jerks. The fisherman must be ready for this.

The predator tries not to change its usual places, so it must be looked for in the same place where it was in the previous winter months. If the fisherman chose the right place and started biting, then the same picture will occur within a radius of up to 200 meters, which is very convenient for collective fishing.

The game of bait this month must be played smoothly so as not to scare away the fish.

During this period, only the nod changes - it is necessary that it be rigid and metallic, with an angle of deviation not higher than 40 degrees. If these conditions are met, then the bite can be easily tracked.

Attention, only TODAY!

The list of "tidbits" for zander necessarily includes tubular spinners. At the same time, in some regions these baits are considered exclusively as a summer option, while in others they are perfectly caught on the “pipes” from the ice using the sheer lure method.

Varieties of tubular spinners

Self-made bait technology

The undoubted advantage of the tubular pike-perch lure is the simplicity of its manufacture. If it is quite difficult to collect “turntables” and “wobblers”, then tubular baits can be stamped literally in a stream - which means that you can catch them without fear for safety. In crooked places, where pike perch likes to stand, a supply of spinners will come in handy.

  • As a basis for the workpiece, we take an duralumin tube with a wall thickness of about 0.8 mm and a diameter of 8-10 mm.
  • We cut off a fragment of 70 mm from the workpiece.
  • Using a metal saw, we cut off one edge of the tube at an angle of about 70 degrees, and the second - 20-22 degrees. We clean the cut lines with a file and sandpaper, hitting all the burrs and smoothing out the sharp edges.
  • At the edges of the beveled parts, we drill holes with a diameter of about 1.5 mm. We attach a swivel with a winding ring to the front edge (blunt cut). We mount a winding ring to the rear edge for attaching a tee.
  • We equip the bait with a tee. Since we plan to catch pike perch, and its sky is very hard, it is advisable to use high-quality hooks with a perfectly sharp hardened sting.

If we need a loaded bait or spinners with a soldered end, then we do it a little differently:

  • We make a blank by cutting off the edges at the angles indicated above.
  • One or both holes are filled with molten lead. If necessary, put a pellet inside.
  • After the metal hardens, we grind the end parts.
  • We drill holes in the attachment points of the equipment, after which we complete the spinner with a swivel and a winding ring.

Choose best spinning for twitching - in the next article.

The most difficult option is to create a composite spinner:

  • The tubular billet is divided into three parts.
  • On the details we cut out protrusions in which we drill holes.
  • We pass the rivets through the holes and connect all three elements. Such a spinner will not only scour during wiring, but also bend in motion.

This completes the production. Immediately before fishing, you can clean the surface of the spinner from oxides using fine emery. But polishing it is not worth it!

Fishing with a tubular lure

In order for fishing with such a bait to be successful, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • For inactive fish, you can use spinners with a length of 50 mm or more. During the zhor, when the pike perch is active, we hook baubles from 90 to 110 cm on a leash. So we cut off a trifle and lure a larger specimen.
  • When fishing on the current, you should opt for hollow tubes. In calm water, models with a sealed end work much better.
  • When posting this bait, it is worth alternating pauses with periods of active winding. At the same time, the spinner imitates the behavior of a wounded or weakened fish - either it freezes near the bottom at a slight angle, or it starts to scour from side to side, provoking a grip.
  • If there is a large number of gatherings, you can replace the tee with a model with wider hooks and a shorter shank. As a rule, after this, pike perch is detected much more reliably.

Pike-perch lure from a tube is one of those baits that do not lose their effectiveness over time. And let her appearance and loses to branded "turntables" and expensive wobblers, but pike perch grabs it no worse than twenty, thirty and fifty years ago. The main thing is not to skimp in the manufacture and monitor the sharpness of the hooks.