The position of the legs during the press. The rules of the leg press in the simulator for women. Step technique. Several ways to get powerful leg hypertrophy or how to increase the effectiveness of the leg press

Among fitness enthusiasts and healthy lifestyle In life, it is widely believed that the leg press in the simulator is suitable for women who want to pump up the muscles of the buttocks in the first place.

This is the best exercise with which you can achieve an elastic buttocks without undue stress. For example, squats with a barbell give a load not only to the buttocks, but also to the lower back and calf muscles.

The simulator is a more gentle way to develop the muscles of the legs, as it supports the back, relieves unnecessary stress on the spine, and helps to properly distribute weight (no need to keep balance).

Proper preparation for the leg press for women

No special preparation is required for the leg press, but a leg warm-up is necessary. Exercises on the simulator can be the final stage of the workout as a whole.

Leg warm-up as preparation for work in the simulator

In order to stretch the muscles of the legs, suitable physical exercise: rolls, squats, jumps, running, lunges. Leg press can be additional exercise in the complex of strengthening and tightening the muscles of the legs and buttocks.

Step-by-step technique for performing a bench press on a simulator

To effectively and safely perform the leg press in the simulator, you must follow some rules. The technique for women is no different from the technique for men.

However, it must be taken into account that leg press exercises affect the muscles of the legs in general, so if you need to pump only the buttocks, you should follow a special technique for performing exercises.

The bench press technique on the simulator is performed as follows:

  1. It is necessary to take a position on the simulator: lie down, tightly pressing your back, buttocks and head, and grasp the special handles on the sides.
  2. Set your feet on the platform in the starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, knees bent at an angle of 90 degrees.
  3. Gently raise the platform with your feet, while the knees should be slightly bent.
  4. Slowly lower the platform and return to the starting position.
  5. Repeat the movements as many times as needed.

When performing the exercise, it is necessary to keep the body motionless and tightly pressed against the back of the simulator. The buttocks should also not rise while lifting the platform.

The platform must be raised and lowered with the muscles of the thighs and buttocks, without affecting the feet. To do this, the heels must be firmly on the platform during the exercise. If it is impossible not to tear off the heels, place the feet slightly higher on the platform.

How to improve the effectiveness of classes

The most important thing in the development of technique is the feeling of how the muscles work.. If there is a feeling of pleasant tension in the back of the thighs and buttocks, then the exercise is performed correctly, the necessary muscles are pumping.

If there is no feeling that the necessary muscles are working, you should either change the position of the legs (move lower or higher on the platform, place the feet closer, etc.), or increase the load both in weight and in the number of repetitions and approaches.

Vitamins and diet are essential to keep in shape

Among the ways to increase the effectiveness of the bench press on the simulator are:

  • changing the angle of the platform (if the simulator provides such a function);
  • holding the platform with straightened legs for 3-5 seconds;
  • diet and proper nutrition– unfortunately, without this it will be very difficult to achieve the desired result.

The effectiveness of classes depends on the desired result and general physical fitness.

Someone needs to get back in shape, tighten their muscles after a break in training, and someone needs to adjust their figure. That is why someone will feel the effect of the leg press almost immediately, and someone will have to work.

Weight and reps for beginners

To achieve a visual effect, that is, an increase and rounding of the buttocks, for women, the optimal number of leg presses in the simulator will be 12-15 times with a weight of 100 kg or more. But this does not mean that from the first workout you should immediately take on heavy loads.

To begin with, you should do the exercise with a small weight, but with a large number of repetitions. For example, 40 kg for 25 repetitions. However, then you can gradually increase the load in weight, but reduce in repetitions, setting as your goal 100 kg for 15 repetitions.

Important to remember! Before the first exercise on the simulator, you need to start by raising and lowering an empty platform without weight to understand the technique. Then you can calculate your working weight and gradually increase the load.

The first load on the legs should be minimal - with an empty platform

Increasing the load is an important component of the effectiveness of the exercise, because without effort, the muscles simply will not begin to grow and will remain at the same level for a long time, even if training is performed frequently with many approaches.

Load on muscle groups

The leg press on the simulator is aimed primarily at the following muscle groups:

  • quadriceps;
  • biceps;
  • buttocks.

For most women, the leg press is effective method tighten the muscles of the buttocks, make the ass more elastic. Inflated and strong legs are of less interest to girls than slender legs with a toned booty.

However, the leg press machine, in addition to the buttocks, develops quadriceps and hamstrings, since all muscles work in combination. The main thing is to correctly distribute the load for the desired result.


The quadriceps or quadriceps femoris muscles are strong muscles hips, which help to flex and extend the knee joints. For many athletes, the development of this muscle is one of the main goals of training, since it is it that keeps the human body in a straight position, allows you to jump and run.

In order to pump up the quadriceps with the leg press, you need to place your feet close together at the bottom of the platform and try not to bend or extend your knees completely.


Biceps or biceps hips are the back surface of the thighs, which allows you to support the body in static position. The biceps of the thighs are inextricably linked with the muscles of the buttocks, so the load on the biceps is partially transferred to the buttocks.

fit slender legs and moderately pumped biceps always attract attention

On the leg press machine, you can develop this muscle group by placing your legs side by side at the top of the platform or with your toes apart shoulder-width apart.


The buttocks include three muscles - large, medium and small - and help work the quadriceps and hamstrings. On the simulator, they are developed along with the biceps, i.e. feet are set at the top of the platform.

Restrictions for injury, illness or pain

In case of injuries and diseases of the legs, joints, spine, it is necessary to limit the exercise. First of all, it concerns the weight load - big weight must be eliminated, and the load should be increased gradually.

You also need to remember about the execution technique: in no case do not fully unbend your knees and do not tear off your heels from the platform, and your lower back from the back.

Carefully! If there is a feeling of pain in the back or knees during training, it is necessary to stop the exercise and report the problems to the trainer.

Judging by the technique, the leg press in the simulator for women is a simple exercise even for beginners to correct the figure and tighten the muscles of the legs. However, there are some coaching guidelines to keep in mind regarding breathing, safety, and completion of the workout.

How to breathe correctly

When you press your legs in the simulator, you should breathe properly. For both men and women, the basic rule applies here: when bending the legs and lowering the platform, inhale is taken, while straightening the legs, exhale.

Proper breathing important when working with any of the simulators

During the exercise, you must clearly monitor your breathing. It should not go astray: breath holding and its frequency (short pauses between inhalation and exit) are unacceptable. Improper breathing can lead to shortness of breath and ineffective exercise.

What safety rules to remember

First of all, you need to take care of the knee joints. To do this, when pressing the legs, you must always keep your knees slightly bent, do not straighten them completely and try not to bend below 45 degrees, especially during the first workouts.

Also, the exercise should be performed with smooth movements, without sharply straightening or bending the knees. Otherwise, the main load will fall on the joints, which can subsequently cause pain, deformation and injury to the knee joint.

In addition, it is necessary to engage in sports shoes, which will help to avoid slipping of the feet on the platform and relieve the load on the joints.

How to end a workout the right way

After working on the simulator, it is necessary to relax the muscles of the legs with the help of simple exercises

It is better to break the training itself into several approaches, that is, to give a break to the muscles several times, restore breathing, and also change the position of the feet to distribute the load on different muscle groups.

At the end of the workout, you can alternately press one leg, which will help increase the load.. You can also complete the exercise by increasing the speed of raising and lowering the platform.

Stretching at the end of your workout

This refers to several exercises to stretch and relax the muscles of the legs, return them to their previous position.

The leg press is an effective exercise, subject to the rules of technique and safety. Of course, in order to achieve the maximum desired result, it is necessary to consult with the trainer and conduct the first workouts under his supervision.

Useful information about leg exercises. Leg press. Watch in the video:

Leg press: important note for women! Learn the secrets from the video:

Leg press technique. Watch video tips:

In today's article, we will talk about such a wonderful exercise as the leg press in the simulator. This exercise should be attributed to the second place after the barbell squat, since when it is performed, not so many muscle groups are involved, but still it does not cease to be effective exercise. The main purpose of the exercise is to develop the front of the thighs, as well as the strength and mass of your legs. The exercise is basic, since several joints work in motion, namely: knee- And hip joints.

This exercise is a great way out for those who do not want or for some reason (injury) cannot load their back and perform squats with a barbell. In this exercise, the load on the spine is very small compared to squats, so it is an excellent choice for those who do not want to overload their back once again.

This information is for informational purposes only. If you have any spinal injuries, you should consult with a specialized doctor before any exercise.


Figure 1. Muscles that work when doing the exercise “leg press lying in the simulator”

This great exercise helps to work out the muscles of the legs well. The main load during the exercise is received by the front surface of our thighs, namely the quadriceps. Also, in addition to quadriceps, the muscles of the buttocks and biceps of the thighs take an active part in the exercise. In addition to the main muscle groups, a large number of auxiliary muscles are included in the work, for example (Figure 1): soleus muscle, long peroneal muscle, anterior tibialis muscle, calf muscle, etc.


Leg press lying in the simulator (correct exercise technique)

1. Lie down in the simulator, fix your body and push your back against the back of the simulator as tightly as possible. If you have the opportunity during the exercise to grab the handles of the simulator, you should use it, as this will help keep the spine and hip joint in a fixed position and avoid injury. If the functionality of the simulator allows you to rest your head on a special roller, you should also use this, it will help to hold the spine and fix the hip joint in the simulator. Feet should be located approximately shoulder-width apart. There are many variations of setting the legs in the simulator, but more on that later.

2. When you take the correct position, you should remove the platform with the weight from the racks and slowly lower it while inhaling to a right angle at the knees or a little lower.

3. As you exhale, squeeze the platform up, while not fully straightening your legs, and always keep your knees at the width of your feet.

1. As we said above, you should press your torso tightly against the back, holding firmly by the handles of the simulator. This will help keep your pelvis from pulling away from your seat and help keep your spine still.

2. Press the platform more on the heels than on the toes, this will increase the load on the thigh muscles.

3. To minimize harmful load on the knee joints, do not straighten the legs completely.

4. Pressing with one leg will allow you to perform the exercise more concentratedly and reduce the load on the joints, and evenly load each leg individually.

5. Never lift your pelvis off the seat.

6. Do not bring your knees together or vice versa, you can not spread your knees to the sides. They should be strictly on the width of the feet.

7. Do not take your heels off the platform during the load.

8. For performing these types of exercises are very convenient and effective With Precor fitness equipment, quality and safety are paramount.


There are several options for performing this exercise, it all depends on the placement of the legs on the platform of the simulator. Different options for setting the athlete's legs allow you to distribute the load on a particular muscle.

If you put your legs above the middle, then the biceps of the thighs and the muscles of the buttocks begin to work harder. If it is below the middle, quadriceps get a big load. A wide stance will concentrate the load on the adductors of the inner thigh, and a narrow stance on the lateral heads of the quadriceps.

There is probably no such person who visits the gym, but is not familiar with the leg press in the simulator.

It is performed by women and men, girls and boys - this is a universal exercise loved by many for working out the muscles of the legs and buttocks, many replace them with a squat.

But is the leg press on the simulator so effective? Will you get the promised effect or is the simulator a dummy?

In this article, we will analyze this movement from all “sides”, which muscles work in the bench press, consider the nuances of the execution technique for women, sitting, standing, how to properly place the legs during the bench press and what the placement of the legs affects!

What is it

leg press(or bench press on the simulator) - i.e. multi-joint (the hip, knee and ankle joints are involved) exercise for the leg muscles in the simulator at an angle of 45 degrees, which consists in bending and then extending the legs.

As a rule, big pumped-up uncles refer to this exercise on the simulator with "cold", assuring that the squat is much more important exercise for weight gain. Well, let's find out!

How much does the platform for the simulator weigh

This is an interesting but difficult question, because manufacturers do not list the weight of an empty bench press platform, and it is not standardized. Here are some examples: the weight of the platform of the BT-202 simulator is 60 kg, in some gyms trainers talk about 25-30 kg.

However, do not rush to rejoice and add these 60 kilos to your working weight. The fact is that the load in in simulators in which the movement is performed at an angle to the base (in this case it is 45 degrees) will be considered as follows: the sine of this angle, i.e. 0.7 times the weight of the platform - i.e. from 60 kg. you will get a load of 42 kg., from 30 - 21.

What muscles work

The platform press can be performed in three positions, which will differ in the angle of inclination and, accordingly, the targeted muscles. What is pumping each of them?

In a classic simulator at an angle of 45 degrees

This is the good old incline press legs (or as they say, on a slope), with a probability of 98% in your hall there is just such a one. It is easy to use, versatile and extremely popular among gym goers.

There will not be much surprise here, however, we will additionally note which muscles in this simulator do not work: this is where the special benefit of the bench press lies. So, the exercise is designed to strengthen:

    on the anterior biceps of the thigh,

    inner and posterior thigh,

    gluteal muscles.

In addition, we want to add that the hip, knee and ankle joints are involved in the leg press.

in vertical

Outdoor leg press machine

In addition to the classic angle leg press, there is also a vertical bench press of a horizontal platform lying down. This is not a very well-known variation and is extremely rare to find in the gym. With the vertical leg press, the platform is perpendicular to your body. The movement is carried out in a short amplitude.

This makes it possible to load lower part quadriceps (teardrop-shaped muscle), which will make the leg more voluminous at the bottom of the thigh, closer to the knee.

If you need just such a load, then you can perform this exercise in the Smith machine, for normal performance you only need the help of an experienced partner who will open and close the safety mechanisms.


Or horizontal leg press. A more common option than the previous one, but not as much as the classic one. The exercise also belongs to the basic ones, the main movement in it is a push. It is used, as a rule, in order to work out the muscles of the anterior surface of the thigh.

So what muscles are involved:

    main- quadriceps ( quadriceps hips),

    synergists- large gluteal, large adductor, soleus,

    dynamic stabilizers- biceps femoris, calf.


    Simple, clear technique. Everything is extremely transparent and understandable. In terms of technique, this exercise is much simpler than squats with a barbell, of course, it lags behind them in terms of performance, but not by much. It is always easier for beginners to learn how to do a leg press than how to squat correctly.

    Great variability. There are several variants of the leg press, in which, with different positions of the legs, the emphasis shifts to different muscle groups.

    Improved blood flow. When doing the leg press, blood circulation in the pelvic organs increases, which leads to the production of testosterone, which is necessary for muscle growth and improved blood flow to the female organ(and as a nice bonus, it also stimulates the libido 😉).

    Exit the training plateau. Due to the inclusion of the ankle, knee, and hip joint in one economical movement, you can take new weight, which is not available while you are in the squat, and thereby give an impetus to strength growth.

    In addition, the body needs an emotional slap in the face, which helps to establish a connection.

    Concentrated study of the muscles of the legs. By performing leg presses, the quadriceps and hamstrings receive a concentrated, targeted load. This is achieved due to the economy and ease of movement (flexion-extension) and the switching off of the muscles of the stabilizers.

Which is better: barbell squats or bench press

We answer the most popular question: what to choose, squat or leg press? What will be more effective for muscle development and growth muscle mass? Which option is suitable for a hernia lumbar spine?

For muscle growth

In general, it is much more difficult to correctly perform squats with a significant weight for you than a leg press. The greater the weight, the more precise the movement mechanics must be. Everything here plays a crucial role, from the setting of the feet and the correct distribution of weight to the position of the shoulder blades.

So the leg press will be easier to play with and put more stress on the muscles: you can do drop sets, fixed negative reps (all of which will be discussed below) and not be too afraid of injury - all of this is much more difficult to do with a squat.

To be honest, there are no normal studies on what builds muscles better, so it seems to us that these 2 exercises are on the same level, with the only difference being that barbell squats are much more technically more difficult and involve more muscle.

On the ass

Definitely, squats have a better effect. The explanation will be 2 paragraphs down!

For problems with the spine

There is an opinion that squats can be replaced with platform presses. Many modern trainers give this advice to people with various spinal problems as an alternative to squats due to the fact that the load on the lumbar spine is reduced.

Let's start with what it is two completely different exercises . If a person really has some problems with the spine, but he still wants to pump his legs, then yes, for a while we can replace the platform squat. But first of all, it is necessary to understand what exactly the problems are.

Attention: our article is not a reason for action or inaction. First of all, your doctor should explain to you what kind of loads are contraindicated for you.

With the leg press, the load is more purposefully placed on the hip joint, on the area of ​​the sacrum, pelvic bones, knee joints. We are not standing while doing this exercise, and stabilizing muscles are not involved in maintaining tone but. Therefore, sometimes the situation can worsen from the leg press, on the contrary. turning on the muscles of the trunk helps to increase the tone lower extremities thereby minimizing injury.

The minimum load on the spine is in the prone position. In a standing position - the usual load, natural. AND the greatest load on the spine occurs in a sitting position. As doctors say, standing is more useful than sitting, but lying down is more useful than standing.

During standing exercises, many muscles are included in the work, including the iliac - lumbar muscles, square muscles waist, gluteal muscles etc. All these muscles help keep the spine in good shape..

Sitting in the simulator, we practically turn off these muscles, which means we increase pressure on lumbar region. So all these “let's pump up the ass in the leg press” do not work - the load on them goes in so far as it will have to be perverted in order to transfer it there.

Very often in people, when performing this exercise, tired neck. Everyone knows that the cervical region is directly related to the lumbar. In this case, do not forget about the neck-tonic reflex: tilting the head back, we automatically increase the deflection in the lower back.

Thus, the standard recommendation for leg presses is to keep your head pressed against the bench. But in this way there will be increased hyperlordosis in the cervical region, the deflection in the lower back will automatically increase, which means an increase in pressure on the intervertebral discs. Thus, this exercise can lead to injury.

If put a small pillow under the neck, the spine will take a more natural position, the lordosis will decrease, the load from the lumbar will go away.

Anyway: with problems, it is better to consult a doctor, and not to perform exercises by reading an article on the Internet.

For diseased joints

We also want to note one more fact: those who say that in the leg press the load on the knees is less than in the squat, they are mistaken.

With hemorrhoids

By the way, they often ask what is better for hemorrhoids, and so, here the answer is very simple: nothing. Strength exercises with hemorrhoids are not prohibited, on the contrary, they are encouraged, but with restrictions and in consultation with a proctologist. Many doctors believe that a complete rejection of physical activity complicate the course of the disease (as in the case of protrusions and hernias of the spine)!

The most important thing is to abandon the loads associated with a sharp rise in intra-abdominal pressure, i.e. those where a combination of strength and speed is required, as well as heavy weights. It is also important not to hold your breath during the entire movement and to perform the exercises smoothly.

Technique: how to do it right

Like and light exercise, but in fact there are many subtleties in its implementation. How to do a leg press on the simulator:


    “Throw” on the simulator on both sides the required weight from pancakes. Advice: always use the same pancakes in all simulators so that the load is the same. Those. no need to hang on the leg press on one side 10 kg with one pancake, and on the other 2 to 5 kg.

    Take a starting position and place your feet shoulder-width apart in the middle of the platform. Tighten your belly. Breathe from your chest. The center of pressure is transferred to the heels.

    Leaning against the platform, slightly feed it with your feet forward, relieving the load from the stoppers. Hold the platform up. The feet should always be firmly on the platform, and the heels should not come off it throughout the entire set. Keep your hands firmly on the handrails - it is easier to maintain a stable body position.

    Slowly lower the cart down to a 90 degree angle at the knee joint.

    Perform lowering while inhaling. This is the negative phase. At the same time, at the lower point, the angle of flexion in the knee joint should not be less than 90 °. Your knees should not rest on your chest.

    Do not lower the platform below- this will force the lower back to break away from the back and take the load, risking injury. Make sure that the lower back is always firmly pressed against the bench.

    Advice: spend on the negative phase about 3 seconds. Count to yourself or out loud 1-2-3, lowering the weight. The bottom line is slow negative movement and powerful positive. You will spend 3 seconds on lowering, and your hips will be bloodshot and groan from satiety with work, but believe me - this is a good stress for further adaptation of the body.

    Straighten your knees, pushing the weight with your heels, then return the platform to the starting position. We do it on the exhale. This is a positive phase. It should be powerful, fast and confident, but very smooth. When moving from a low point, exclude jerks of the body or head.

    Important: Make sure that the knees do not diverge to the sides and do not press against each other during the lift. Press the platform with your heels (press them with force into the platform), but in no case with your socks.

    At the top do not straighten your legs completely keep your knees slightly bent. By doing this, we save our joints and keep the load on the legs throughout the set, which is much more effective.

    We don’t tear our pelvis off the seat, we don’t bring our knees inward, we don’t straighten them to the end, we don’t tear off our heels! This is extremely important point in the correct technique for performing the platform press in any variation and incline!

    Hold onto the handrails for all repetitions.

    Repeat the movement as many times as required.

Lying on your back

The difference between the vertical leg press and the usual, angular one is that the vector of movement changes - in this case, the knees do not fall to the shoulders, but to the stomach. There are also differences in the position of the feet: in order to be safer and to isolate the quadriceps (conditionally, of course), we choose a narrow stance when pressing the platform or neck.

So the technique: feet should be about 30 centimeters apart. Straighten your legs while pushing the bar/platform up. Watch the position of the pelvis - no twists and twists! Lower. Inhalation is done while moving down. Exhale - when moving up.

In a sitting position

This is an interesting option for muscle loading. Due to the fact that the seat and the bench platform are in the same plane, and there is almost no inclination, the amplitude of movement increases up to 10-15 centimeters!

Considered the safest of all leg presses for your lower back.

Be prepared for your working weight to decrease. How to perform:

    Starting position: feet stand on the platform shoulder width apart and at a right angle. The back is tightly pressed against the back of the simulator, hands hold the handrails. The gaze of beautiful eyes is directed forward, the chest is open.

    Inhale and as you exhale, push the platform with your heels, moving it back along the sled, without straightening the legs completely at the knee joints and then return to IP. Repeat the specified number of times.

Setting and position of the legs

As mentioned above, this exercise is very variable and leaves room for those interested. By changing the position of the legs on the platform, we emphasize the load on different muscle groups.

So, what options for setting the legs can be chosen when pressing the platform lying:

    feet shoulder width apart- load on the quadriceps and hips, the safest option;

    feet wider than shoulder width, toes out- the load is shifted to the leading ones, is being worked out inner side hips;

    the legs are narrower than the shoulders and are located at the bottom of the platform- study of the outer part of the quadriceps, a traumatic option;

    feet at the top of the platform, slightly turning the socks to the sides- the traditional version of the leg press lying on the simulator for girls, because. with it, the gluteal and ischio-popliteal muscles of the thigh are more loaded, a moderately dangerous option;

    one leg press- it all depends on setting it around the perimeter, in the classic version, the entire muscle layer of the leg is worked out.
    The option is great for girls to create dream priests. BUT THIS OPTION IS FOR ADVANCED. If you are a beginner, please pass by.

    It may seem that there is no difference - to press with two legs or one. Try it and find out, but believe me, it's much harder than the classic version! One leg press is great way finish off each leg separately and by the way, are you sure that your legs are equally strong? The single leg press is a great way to even out your legs, but there is also a high chance of injury!

Platform press with a focus on the buttocks: for women

The beautiful sex is ready for a lot for the sake of pumping and increasing the center of the universe. Let's take a look at the 4 most popular options for leg presses in the hummer and other machines:

    Leg press sitting in a horizontal simulator. We often see girls in the gym doing a horizontal leg press with a twist to work out the buttocks, but they are categorically against this: firstly, some turn around in such a way that the whole point is lost and you get a banal leg press.

    Secondly, in this position of the hip and lower back, an injury is much more likely, which you then suffer to heal. Yes, and in twisting the pelvis there is no benefit for the buttocks, but there is harm to the sacrum.

    One leg press in the gravitron. Well, firstly, you should not use the simulators for other than their intended purpose, especially, you do not need to play with your knees. The knee joint is a fragile thing, which, however, can desperately ruin your life.

    The knee loves stability, so cross movement (such as cross lunges) is very traumatic, especially if you have any problems or for beginners. We do not recommend this type of exercise to anyone!

    This version of the bench press with one foot of the platform on the buttocks, we consider useless.

    Leg press classic (inclined) with a wide stance. It is believed that if you turn your feet outward at 45 degrees and put your legs wide at the very top of the platform, then the load will be taken over inner surface hips and gluteal muscles.

    In general, they, of course, will be loaded, however, any kind of legs with no matter what position of the legs always loads the quadra more, it will not work to isolate and load the gluteus to a greater extent!

    For this purpose, and are much more suitable.

    Band press. A good option, static tension always adds heat to the muscles due to.

    Worst option: in horizontal press/ in Smith lying down with a wide stance. Only worse. Remember, the fact that this simulator was created for rehabilitation does not mean that you cannot get injured in it, it will not tolerate all kinds of “perversions”.

    We want to especially note that it is dangerous to perform variations of the leg press for the buttocks or hamstrings with a wide stance in the vertical press machine or Smith. The slightest technical oversight will lead to the fact that the coccyx will be twisted and lifted up, and this position of the lower back is extremely traumatic.

    Standing in the Hack car. Here, firstly, we do not understand why this movement is generally called a reverse leg press, if this is a squat - the location of the legs is normal. And secondly, again, we see no reason to do it at all in principle: neither for the buttocks, nor for the development of quadriceps.

    The fact is that the danger of hack squats is that when you perform them, you get an unnatural load on the knee joints. The fact is that when supporting the back, in addition to gravity, the skeleton is also affected by the reaction force of the support.

    When the knee joint is in a flexed position, a force is generated that is transmitted femur and directed horizontally forward. In physics, this force is called "shear force". This load is very specific to the knee joint and most likely leads to knee injury. So it's not worth the risk.

    And yes, the question to answer: which is better, Hack squats or leg presses, the answer is unequivocal: the second option!

    Try drop sets.

    The bottom line is that you perform your working weight for a given number of repetitions. Then reduce the working weight and work another approach without a break. Then again reduce the weight and another approach. Your body will languish in pain, and lactic acid will fill the entire muscle volume until you calm down.

    Don't do calf presses (high stance)!

    Although this option is offered as an option for pumping calves, it is very dangerous and harmful to the knees! You never know, do not pull the weight and the platform will jump off - brrr, even thinking is scary.

    Take a chance and try out the full stop leg press.

    If you are already an experienced visitor to the hall, then this is probably the most brutal training option for you.

    To use this method, you'll need a machine that has range-of-motion restraints to keep the weight from pushing down on you. IN NORMAL WE DO NOT. Also suitable is a machine in which it is not the weight that moves, but the bench on which you sit.

    The main point is to stop with complete relaxation of the legs:

    1. So, first we execute select average weight for 20 warm-up reps. Complete them.

      Increase the weight. Now you need to do 15 regular reps, then immediately do another 5 reps, but use the full stop technique. Lower the weight to the end, relax your legs for a split second, and then squeeze out with explosive force.

      Increase the weight slightly again. Now do 10 regular reps and 10 full stops.

      This set, after which most people fall from the simulator in a practically unconscious state. Add weight again, and do 5 regular reps and 15 full stops.

    What is the difference with the classic version: usually you do NOT lower the weight until it touches the limiters.

What to replace in the hall and at home

In principle, if it’s counting, if you can’t do a leg press, then it’s not at all necessary to replace it with something. As alternatives for leg training, we can offer you the following exercises:

    Squat This is a common, but in our taste, somewhat silly recommendation. Because if you can’t press your legs, then it will be completely impossible for you to squat with a barbell - the squat is much harder and requires more skill and health. So the maximum that can be offered is dumbbell squats.

    As a multi-joint, basic exercise, instead of a leg block press, you can offer , stepping on a cabinet with weights and, but here the situation is approximately the same as with the squat. Especially if you have problems with your back or knees: here the mentioned exercises are allowed only with the approval of a doctor and only without weight.

    What is left for us? In principle, not so little: gluteal bridge, leg swings. These options are also suitable for answering the question of how to replace the bench press at home.

Mistakes with a photo: if your legs hurt after a workout

What are you doing wrong if you have leg pain after the leg press? How to do the exercise correctly (here about the article about):

World record

A little interesting facts: in the leg press, work with a very large weight is possible (unlike the same squats). Pay attention to yourself: we give a tooth that the working weight in the dima with your legs is decently more than in the squat with a barbell!

So, the world record belongs to the American Pat Robertson, who shrugged his legs up to 1225 kg. There are also videos in which bodybuilder Ronnie Coleman squeezed 1024 kg for 8 times. According to some data, incomplete amplitude movements, some athletes can squeeze up to 1363 kg., but there is no evidence.

If your knees hurt after

    As in squats, in bench presses you need to watch your knees - so that they do not "stop" over the line of socks. Place your feet close to the top edge of the platform. If you put them lower, the “care” of your knees is guaranteed to you.

    Place your feet so that you press on the platform with your heels, not your toes. Otherwise, the knee joints will experience a traumatic load.

    Do not try to lower the platform as low as possible. At the lowest point, you will inevitably have to tear your pelvis off the support, and this is a direct threat of injury and subsequent lower back pain.

    Your lower back should be firmly "glued" to the support! First, ask someone to look after you. Let him follow correct technique from the side and will indicate to you the safe boundaries of the bench press.

    Never bend your knees at an angle equal to or greater than 90 degrees. When bending the legs at an angle of less than 90 degrees, the load presses on the knee joint, and if the angle is more than 90 degrees, it can injure.

    Bringing your knees to your chest is not something that is not necessary, but impossible! If this exercise is performed incorrectly, the knees are injured with relatively small weights.. So watch your technique carefully.

The leg press refers to basic exercises, as it involves several muscle groups. First of all, these are the muscles of the thighs and buttocks. The design of the simulator allows movement along a given trajectory. This exercise is suitable for beginners. In addition, when performing a bench press in the simulator, there is no axial load on the spine. This makes it suitable even for people with back problems when squats are off limits.


Irina Pegova shocked everyone with a weight loss recipe:"I threw off 27 kg and continue to lose weight, I just brew for the night ..." Read more >>

Working muscles

When performing a lying leg press, the muscles of the front (quadriceps) and back (thigh biceps) surfaces of the legs, as well as the buttocks, work.

This exercise is performed in special simulator. It consists of a back and platform, which is located at an angle of 45 degrees to the floor. Pancakes are used as weights.

Leg Press Machine

The bench press is similar to squats, as the legs are bent at the knees. The same muscles are involved in the work, but in the simulator the trajectory of movement is set, and top part body is fixed. This allows even people with back problems to do the exercise, when squats are prohibited due to the axial load on the spine.

In addition, in the bench you can take much more weight and build muscle faster. But it is worth saying that squats contribute to a stronger release of testosterone, which is responsible for the growth of muscle mass. In addition, they strengthen the core muscles, developing the whole body.

Depending on the technique of performing the leg press, you can use the quadriceps or buttocks to a greater extent. Girls usually want to pump up their ass without making their hips bigger. Therefore, they are advised to use a wide stance.

Technique with an emphasis on the buttocks

The vector of load on certain muscles in the bench press will depend on the placement of the feet on the platform of the simulator.

If you put them high and wide apart, the emphasis will go to the buttocks, inner and back of the thigh. Narrow setting with a low position of the legs on the platform promotes the development of quadriceps.

Ways to place stops on the platform

For women, the first option is preferable. The execution technique in this case will have its own characteristics. First you need to properly adjust the simulator. Depending on the model, you can move the bench or platform (or both). The main thing is to keep your feet in starting position reached the platform and remained slightly bent at the knees.

Further actions:

  1. 1. It is necessary to hang the desired weight and lie down on the bench of the simulator. The loin should be firmly pressed against the back.
  2. 2. Feet should be placed on the platform as high as possible. Tall people may need to leave only their heels on it. Feet need to be spread wide so that they are at the edges. Hands need to hold the stoppers that block the platform.
  3. 3. Having taken this position, you need to slightly squeeze the platform at the top and turn the stoppers with your palms, releasing the lock. The legs should remain slightly bent at the knees. Hands need to hold on to the side handles, tightly pressing yourself to the bench of the simulator.
  4. 4. After that, you should slowly and under control lower the platform, bending your legs. It is very important to ensure that the knees do not come inward. Otherwise, the load will go from the target muscles to the knee joints.
  5. 5. In no case should you suddenly drop the weight down. You need to lower the platform quite deep, which allows you to make a wide setting. The end point will be the moment when the lower back begins to break away from the bench. This should not be allowed.
  6. 6. On exhalation, it is necessary to powerfully squeeze the platform, resting against it with the whole foot. If you press only with your socks, the entire load will go to the quadriceps. At the top, you do not need to fully extend your knees, as this is harmful to the knee joints.

Leg press with an emphasis on the buttocks

After completing the approach, it is necessary to turn the stoppers with your hands, blocking the platform.

Throughout the exercise, the feet should rest firmly on the platform. If they slip, the weight will fall on the athlete, causing injury. To avoid this, do not take too much weight.

Sets and Reps

The number of sets and repetitions will be different for different people. If the goal is to gain muscle mass and increase the buttocks, you need to do 3 sets of 8-10 times.

The weight in this case should be such that the last repetitions are difficult. But this should not affect the correct execution technique.

If you want to burn excess fat and strengthen the muscles, it is worth doing the exercise in 3-4 sets of 12-15 repetitions.

The bench press should be done in leg training after squats or instead of them, if there are appropriate contraindications. You need to conduct such classes 1-2 times a week. Breaks are essential for muscle recovery.

How to quickly pump up your legs at home and in the gym - a ready-made training program

Types of leg press

In addition to the presented embodiment, there are other types of leg press.

With their help, you can diversify your training program and better feel the target muscles.

One foot

An effective exercise for working out the gluteal muscles and biceps of the thigh is a bench press with one leg. It is performed in the same simulator.

The difference with the standard version will be that you only need to put one foot on the platform. The second should be left on the floor. When lowering the platform, it is important to ensure that it does not touch the knee of the standing leg.

In this exercise, the leg does not need to be placed on the very edge of the platform. The foot should be high, but closer to the middle than in the classic version.

One leg press

In addition, you will have to install less weight. The rest of the execution technique will be similar.

This exercise is not aimed at increasing the muscles, but at their detailed study. In addition, with its help you can get rid of the imbalance in the development of the legs.

With rubber band

Many girls complain that even when doing leg presses with the above technique, they feel more quads than glutes. In this case, in order not to swing the hips, you can use rubber band for fitness. This embodiment will allow you to direct the load on the gluteal muscles.

You need to put on the tape above the knees. When lowering the platform and spreading the knees, the muscles will have to overcome additional resistance. But in this case, you will have to make sure that they do not come down inward.

Band Leg Press

With this embodiment, the gluteus medius muscles receive the greatest load. Their development is very important, as they make the buttocks round at the back, helping to get rid of dimples on the sides.

On the street trainer

If there is no opportunity to visit the gym, you can replace the usual simulator with a street one. It is installed on sports grounds near residential buildings or in public stadiums.

Unlike a standard simulator, there is no movable platform here. The feet are placed on special stands, from which you need to push off, straightening your legs. As a result of the push, the seat of the simulator moves back.

Leg press in a street simulator

The movement should be smooth, without jerks. To protect the joints, you can not fully extend the knees.

And some secrets...

The story of one of our readers, Inga Eremina:

My weight was especially depressing for me, at 41 I weighed like 3 sumo wrestlers combined, namely 92kg. How to remove excess weight fully? How to deal with hormonal changes and obesity? But nothing disfigures or rejuvenates a person as much as his figure.

But what can you do to lose weight? Laser liposuction surgery? Learned - not less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - LPG massage, cavitation, RF lifting, myostimulation? A little more affordable - the course costs from 80 thousand rubles with a consultant nutritionist. You can of course try to run on a treadmill, to the point of insanity.

And when to find the time for all this? Yes, it's still very expensive. Especially now. So for myself I chose a different way ...

The best exercise for muscle growth throughout the body are considered. Unfortunately, this power element creates dangerous compression loads on the spine. Therefore, people with back problems are unable to squat with a lot of weight.

The leg press in the simulator comes to the rescue in such a situation. To perform such presses, a special machine is used, which has an adjustable back and a movable platform located at an angle of 45 °. Due to its design, the simulator almost completely removes the dangerous load from the back, thereby allowing you to safely perform power presses with a lot of weight.

One of the main advantages of bench presses in the simulator is a comprehensive study of the hips. When performed, the main load is received by the quadriceps and, located on the reverse side, the biceps of the thigh. The buttocks and the muscle responsible for straightening the spine are also additionally worked out.

Execution technique

For the exercise to be as effective as possible, you should adhere to correct technique. Let's analyze it in detail:

  1. Set the backrest angle to 45°.
  2. We sit in the simulator and firmly press the lower back against the soft back.
  3. We lean the feet against the movable platform and spread them to shoulder level.
  4. We straighten our knees, raise the weight and remove the stops supporting the platform to the sides.
  5. We take hold of the handles, while inhaling we bend our knees and lower the weight.
  6. We strain the muscles of the legs and, with an exhalation, perform a bench press.
  7. After completing the required number of repetitions, we reduce the stops and smoothly lower the platform onto them.
  • In the upper phase, do not straighten the knee joints to the end. Otherwise, the risk of knee injury increases.
  • In the lower phase, lower the platform as close to you as possible, but only until the moment when the lower back begins to break away from the back.
  • Lower the back of your head to the seat when doing this. This will help keep your spine straight.
  • Do not bring your knees inward and do not lift your heels off the platform when lifting. Otherwise, the risk of stretching the knee ligaments increases.
  • Hold on tight to the handles. Otherwise, the body will shift to the sides and the effectiveness of the exercise will fall.
  • Control all movements. Lower and raise the weight evenly. It is unacceptable to “throw up” the platform with kicks.

Subject to the technique and safety rules, the exercise will only benefit.

Effect of different foot positions

Performing seated leg presses, you can accentuate individual parts of the thigh. For this, different options for the position of the feet are used. Let's consider them in more detail:

  • Wide stance (wider than shoulders). The load is placed on the inner surface of the thigh.
  • Narrow stance (shoulder narrower). Emphasis shifts to outer surface quadriceps.
  • High setting (closer to the top edge). This variation allows you to work out the buttocks and hamstrings.
  • Low setting (closer to the bottom edge). The main work is performed by quadriceps.

Presses in the simulator can also be used to work out calf muscles. To do this, we press the socks to the lower edge of the platform, we leave the heels on weight. We bend our legs and fix them in one position. We carry out pushing the platform with socks.

IN this exercise You can also vary the load by changing the position of the legs:

  • socks apart - works inner part calf;
  • socks are brought together - helps to use the outer part of the calves;
  • parallel setting of the feet - full pumping of the calf.

Presses in the simulator for men and women

The exercise in question is included in many women's fitness programs. Popularity is due to the possibility of elaboration problem areas(inner thighs), as well as a good load on the buttocks.

For men, for the development of strength indicators and an increase in muscle mass, it is recommended to perform slow uniform presses (3x8–10). At the same time, the weight should be selected so that the athlete performs the last 2 repetitions with maximum effort. This is the only way to “break through” the thigh muscles that are unresponsive to training and make them increase in volume.

Horizontal press

It is performed in a weight block simulator. Unlike the machine, where the weight is lifted at an angle of 45 °, here the platform moves in a horizontal plane due to the blocks. This design allows you to pull the hips as close to the body as possible without fear of lifting the lower back and shifting the load on the back. This helps to increase the range of motion and increase the effectiveness of the training.

There are models horizontal trainers, where the athlete lies on a moving base and pushes off with his feet from the platform. When doing leg presses lying on the simulator, the quadriceps receive the main load. In fact, the “lying” variation of the bench press is similar to the hack squat only in the horizontal plane.

Benefits over squats

We list the main advantages of bench presses in the simulator over classic squats with a barbell on the shoulders:

  • Back safety. Exercise can be performed even by people who have problems with the spine.
  • Great working weight. When pushing the platform, you do not need to maintain balance, which means you can take a serious burden.
  • Simple technique. Mastering the bench presses in the simulator is much easier than learning how to squat correctly.

In addition to the above, platform push-ups have fewer contraindications than barbell squats. As a rule, it is not recommended to press the legs with knee injuries and umbilical hernias. In all other cases, bench presses are allowed (subject to strict adherence to technique).