What kind of sport is good for the spine. What sport is good for the spine. Sports that are contraindicated in scoliosis

The enemy of our musculoskeletal system is the lack of constant training. The likelihood of developing diseases of the spine is proportional to the age of the person. Who stubbornly performs exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back, at the same time “trains” the bone, nerve and muscle tissues. Development muscle corset physical exercise since childhood help to strengthen the child's back.

Form the correct posture

Another important preventive measure is the formation of correct posture and its control. Perform any action, both at work and at home, with a straight back. Do not bend over in forced positions. Weights must be lifted, shifting the effort to the legs, and not to the spine.

There are also three rules to follow:

  • Avoid relaxed (tired) posture.
  • Choose the right mattresses.
  • Try to rest with your back straight.

What sports strengthen your back?

It is recommended to constantly perform exercises to strengthen the back and ligaments of the spine. Walking is the ideal, gentlest and most beneficial sport. Everything is acceptable here: walking, hiking, jogging.

Skiing is very useful. Rhythmic movements during training strengthen the back muscles well, improve their blood supply, and contribute to the nutrition of the intervertebral discs. With this sport, there are no obvious concussions and sharp turns of the spine.

Very useful skis

Trains the muscles of the pelvis, abdomen and back riding. In addition, it allows you to form the correct posture. An alternative could be cycling or an exercise bike. When exercising on a bike or a simulator, you need to lean forward a little and keep your back straight.

Swimming is one of effective types sports that can strengthen your back. For people who already have spinal problems, it is recommended to swim on your back. In this position, the spine is most straightened. In addition to swimming itself, it is very useful to do water gymnastics.

In children with scoliosis, the muscles of the back, abdomen, and muscles on the side of the curvature should be strengthened. As for swimming, the style of each child is selected individually. The breaststroke style is best.

Charging to strengthen the muscles of the back

To strengthen your back muscles, spend at least half an hour a day doing exercises.

Lying on your stomach

It is carried out in 2 stages. Bend your elbows and spread them apart:
1. Try to slowly raise one or the other hand, straightening it.

Straighten both arms.
When performing the exercise, do not throw your head back, look at the floor. Don't strain or stretch your neck. For complication, you can raise straightened legs.

2. From the same position as in #1, lift yourself up and bring your hands together so that your fingertips meet. Look at the floor. Don't hold your breath.

Place your palms on the back of your head. Raise your shoulders. The spine during the exercise should be straight. Hold the pose for a few seconds and slowly lower yourself.

Raise your head, press your chin to your chest. Move up right hand and foot, then left.

Lying on your back

  1. Reliance on the feet and palms, legs bent at the knees at a right angle. Raise your pelvis, tighten your muscles and fix this position for a few seconds, slowly lower yourself.
  2. In the same position, lift and straighten your legs alternately.
  3. Do not change position. Raise your torso, trying to reach your knees with your hands. Hold the position for a few seconds, lower yourself.
  4. Bend your knees and hip joints at a right angle. Raise your torso, at the same time stretch your hands to your knees. Lower yourself slowly.
  5. Spread your legs a little, stretch your toes and lift your head, look at them. Hold the position until aching pain appears and slowly lower yourself.
  6. Do the bike exercise.

Charging ends with stretching exercises

  1. It is performed lying on a flat surface. Stretch your legs and arms, try to stretch your arms, as if stretching your spine, breathe voluntarily.
  2. From that position, pull your knees towards you and grab them while lifting your torso. Try to stretch your spine. Fix the position until the aching pain appears. Lower yourself slowly.
  3. Get on your knees, bend over, forehead should rest on the floor. Stretch your arms in front of you and slowly stretch forward as far as possible.

The effect of training will be greater if you do a warming massage before classes. It is performed according to the classical technique with an emphasis on rubbing. This improves blood circulation, and the muscles before exercise will become more elastic.

Firming back massage

Firming massage is aimed at increasing the tone of the muscular corset. In terms of muscle load, one massage session is comparable to professional training. It follows from this that all techniques should be intense and deep, but not painful. Pain can only make things worse. The patient develops muscle spasm as a defensive reaction. This will provoke the appearance of painful functional blocks in the spine.

A firming massage does not replace a visit sports sections. This is just an effective passive load on the muscles, which must be fueled by cardio loads on the body (biking, running, etc.). Only in this case, the heart will work better and supply blood to the muscles. A massage session lasts approximately half an hour.

Wellness program to strengthen the back muscles are selected in accordance with the diagnosis, doctor's recommendations and level physical training. The main conditions for the effectiveness of classes are a gradual increase in the load on the muscles and the systematic training.

Welcome to the blog page! We continue to analyze the topic "Scoliosis". With scoliosis, an active lifestyle is simply necessary, but not all sports can be combined with such a diagnosis. The question “is it possible to play sports with scoliosis” should be answered only by the attending physician. And in the article we will consider the main prohibited and permitted types of activities that contribute to the correction of scoliosis.

Of course, “possible or impossible” is determined not only by the diagnosis of the disease, but also by the degree of curvature. So, in most cases, with degrees 3 and 4, many sports are banned. Especially, this applies to options where the load on the legs and torso is increased, since when they are bent, they are in increased tension.

  1. Classes in gym with weighting - barbells, dumbbells tremendously increase the load on the spine. In addition, they provoke the development of intervertebral hernias and.
  2. Classes for the flexibility of the spine - these include acrobatics, gymnastics, the load is often not symmetrical, there are sharp movements.
  3. Team types with increased injuries - these include hockey, basketball, volleyball, football. They are not suitable for the same reason as gymnastics - sudden movements and uneven load. And injuries can exacerbate the pathology.
  4. Fencing, shot throwing, tennis - the load increases one-sidedly due to the leading hand, there are also sharp attacks and displacements.
  5. Boxing - in addition to injuries, this sport also forms a stoop due to specific boxing stances.
  6. With scoliosis of the 3rd degree, it is not allowed to run, it can be included in your loads only in the initial stages. It is especially important to limit running during the growth of the child's spine, gradually adding it to physical education. If the growth is completed, then only this type will strengthen the muscle tone, strengthen the back.
  7. Under a complete ban are twisting the body, somersaults and jumps. They affect not only the spine, but also affect the intervertebral discs. Moreover, these exercises are quite traumatic for the back (especially for somersaults).

Whether to go in for sports with scoliosis, one can argue for a long time, restrictions are introduced provided that the angle of deviation is more than 10 degrees. If the degree is less, then there is the possibility of any occupation. And the propensity to progress, on the contrary, implies an earlier introduction of restrictions and a more extensive list of prohibited sports.

Permitted species

The basis of the treatment of scoliosis of the first degree is exercise therapy. Selection of the right physical activity will help to additionally affect the muscles, helping to fight the disease.

What sports can you do?

  • Swimming - it is important to choose right style which distributes the load symmetrically. It can be butterfly, front crawl, backstroke. The breaststroke helps to stretch the spine and strengthen the muscular corset. In the water, the muscles relax as much as possible, and the loads during swimming contribute to the proper formation of the spine and the development of coordination.
  • Bars or horizontal bar - exercises with pull-ups are especially useful. They strengthen the back muscles without loading the spine. And just hanging on the horizontal bar is great for stretching.
  • Fitness - if you do not include weights in the gym, then a well-chosen complex will make not only a beautiful and harmonious figure, but also allow your back to become healthier.

Select exercises for compiling loads only with a sports instructor.

  • Dancing is especially well suited for practice from the very beginning. early age. Dancers are famous for their regal posture, regular exercise forms a strong corset of muscles.
  • Running can be both completely banned and an extremely useful sport. It not only strengthens the muscles, but also trains the cardiovascular and respiratory system. Allowed for 1 and 2 stages. Great for Nordic walking.
  • Cycling is pretty much the same useful view sports, like running, but without undue stress on the spine. They can be used without restrictions.

Equestrianism and scoliosis

You can often hear the word “hippotherapy”, it means the preventive and therapeutic use of equestrian sports as part of the treatment of scoliosis and other problems with curvature of the spine - kyphosis,. The effect is especially noticeable in the early stages.

Riding a horse should be without strong shaking, calm step.

Can children ride horses? The first degree of scoliosis is a direct indication for equestrian sports. It can contribute to a complete stop in the development of curvature. In addition, communication with animals charges with positive, makes the ride even more attractive.

Important: despite the positive reviews, riding is completely contraindicated with curvature lumbar!

How to remove restrictions

  • Of course, sports that are on the stop list for scoliosis are not recommended by doctors, but it is possible to adapt them for diseases of the spine. Competently shifted accents will make them useful, help not to give up your favorite sport due to illness.
  • Short loads - reduce the time of classes, then small deviations from the norm will not hurt when playing football or basketball.
  • Changing the technique itself - somersaults and jumps are carried out in the water, then the load on the spine is minimal. Gymnastics can be done with stretching of the spine on a special supporting equipment - fitball or roller.
  • Instructor for physiotherapy exercises will help to competently perform movements, avoid traumatization, minimizing negative consequences.

Requires mandatory loads, an active lifestyle. Sport is a prerequisite for its correction. Even in severe stages, physical activity brings significant relief.
AT Everyday life It is desirable to adhere to certain rules in everyday life.

  1. Long stay in a static position - and it does not matter, sitting or standing. It is important to take breaks, stretching the muscles every 20 minutes.
  2. Carrying the weight in one hand, it is best to split the weight into 2 packs, creating a symmetrical distribution. A child needs a backpack with comfortable shoulder straps.

To distribute the load, doctors advise to engage in a variety of activities a week.

  • 2-3 times lessons on a horse;
  • 1 time in the pool;
  • 1-2 times exercise therapy;
  • regular massage courses;
  • obligatory control at the attending orthopedist 2 times a year.

Watch a short video where the exercise trainer answers questions.

In the article, we have analyzed what main sports can be practiced with scoliosis. We learned contraindications that depend on the degree of curvature, got acquainted with how to correctly adapt the restrictions during classes. We determined general recommendations for loads on the spine, avoiding asymmetric effects.

This article will end. I hope that while reading you found the information you need. Don't forget to subscribe to new blog posts.

Take care of yourself and your spine!

The most effective way to prevent back pain is regular physical exercises! A good muscular corset and sufficient flexibility of the spine are the basis for the prevention of back pain. Playing sports in diseases of the spine is often quite acceptable, but with a very big caveat and the right choice sport. Of course, illness can force a person to leave their favorite sport. Refusing to submit to circumstances and continuing the studies, it is necessary to know that the disease can take an acute form.

Some sports, such as weightlifting, high jump, wrestling, and javelin throw, place very high stress on the spine. Many athletes with spinal diseases are associated with a deterioration in their physical capabilities and a decrease in results in competitions.

The ancient Greeks said: "Pain is the watchdog of your health", this is a kind of "SOS" for human body. Therefore, listen carefully to yourself during and especially after sports. If there is pain in the head, heart or spine, you should try to remove it at the very beginning - change the position of the body, take a walk, do exercises therapeutic gymnastics. If there is pain in the arm, leg, back, if you feel discomfort after some kind of physical activity, this indicates that the first clinical signs of osteochondrosis of the spine have appeared. It is necessary to take timely measures, otherwise the pain will cause a whole range of changes in the body, which will require serious treatment in the future.

Hockey and football also pose a danger to the spine due to pushes, hits and falls. Team sports are not safe for spinal injuries due to the often high pace of the game and frequent collisions.

This means that persons with spinal disorders are certainly at considerable risk, as the nature of such sports and the focus on the game tend to make the athlete forget about the need to protect the back. In general, we can say that a person with a spinal disease should leave these sports.

Alpine skiing sports are among the most traumatic even for normal and quite healthy people. Descent from the mountain, even with proper shock absorption by the legs or balancing on the board, does not save from multiple microtraumas of the spine due to every second compression (squeezing) of the vertebrae along the vertical of the entire spinal column of the skier. What to say about those who suffer from diseases of the spine.

In this case, skiing from the mountains should be avoided. On the one hand, it does not have a super-strong healing effect on the body, and on the other hand, there is a significant risk of injury to the upper and lower extremities and increases the risk of falls with unpleasant consequences for the spine.

Tennis, badminton and golf develop flexibility of the spine and strength of the muscles of the back and therefore can be recommended during periods of a calm course of the disease. However, do not forget that for people suffering from diseases of the spine, these sports are already fraught with unpleasant consequences, since during the game people have to sharply turn their bodies in different directions, both along the axis of the spine, and making various inclinations in all directions, which, without doubts, can provoke an exacerbation of the disease.

Despite the risk, many people with spinal problems continue to play tennis or golf and do not feel that their condition has worsened significantly. At the same time, many people, getting great satisfaction from practicing such sports, begin to go to doctors and visit masseurs.

In terms of spinal safety, running is not the most preferred sports, because running causes a strong concussion of the whole body. In each running step there is a flight phase when both feet do not touch the ground and the body seems to float in the air. When one leg lands, it bears a load of five times the weight of the body. If you weigh 75 kg, then the load on the foot upon landing will be 375 kg.

With each step, you “throw” your spine up as if stretching an accordion, straining your tendons and muscles, and when you land, your spine contracts and presses with each vertebrae on the intervertebral discs, a huge load also falls on the knee joints.

If you cannot imagine your life without running, then jogging on a soft base is recommended for people with spinal diseases. Avoid running on hard surfaces. It is best to run on a track covered with sawdust, or on any other soft and even ground, in sports shoes with soft and flexible soles. Use shock-absorbing insoles and special sports shoes reducing shock loads on the spine. Rigid soles increase the risk of injury to the legs, feet and spine.

Fashionable now shaping can lead to severe complications of osteochondrosis of the spine. Almost every woman after 30 years of age has pathological changes in the spine, and unregulated physical exercises, strengthening them, can bring not good, but harm. There are movements, such as rotation, which are simply antiphysiological in nature and lead to the fact that the intervertebral disc begins to twist and burst.

Therefore, before you decide to improve your figure, you need to contact a chiropractor. It is enough, depending on the physiological curves of the spine of a particular person, to exclude some exercises, and there will be no harm from these exercises.

Walking in the woods, cycling, swimming or ski trips- these are very suitable forms of recreational activities for people with diseases of the spine.

Swimming is an ideal sport for people who experience back and spine pain.

In water, the load on the spine is practically absent, movements are usually gentle, injuries do not occur often, since collisions and backstabs in water are very rare.

Cross-country skiing, given their powerful health effects, is another recommended sport. They increase blood circulation, well stimulate the activity of the heart, lungs and muscles.

A beneficial effect is also on the bones of the skeleton.

You can also practice the following sports and gymnastics:

Thus, each of those who suffer from back pain should try to find suitable look sports that would not worsen the condition of your spine.

Acute back pain is the most common cause of disability in people under forty-five. And between the ages of forty-five and sixty-five, neck and lower back pain ranks third after heart and joint disease (arthritis). It is safe to say that sixty to eighty percent of the population has experienced back pain at least once.

How much does back pain cost

Scientists once calculated that low back pain syndrome is in third place for patients, as one of the most expensive diseases (after heart disease and oncology). This is associated with significant costs for diagnostics and treatment, for performing operations and compensation for disability, as well as disability subsidies. Back pain causes disability in people in their most active ages of thirty to fifty. This reduces the quality of life of patients, overshadowing the joy of their existence.

To avoid pain

Try to eat rationally, do not overeat. It is important to walk and sit without slouching. Poor posture can lead to increased stress on the lumbar spine. Try to straighten your back, pick up your stomach, straighten your shoulders. Slightly raised head, retracted stomach is the correct posture. Keeping your back means not only providing yourself with the prevention of painful sensations, but also the ability to be able to endure a lot, maintain your dignity in difficult situations.

How to form posture

The means of achieving correct posture has been and remains the formation of a natural muscular corset from one's own trained muscles. Swimming is rightfully considered an ideal sport for the spine and its muscular corset. It is important to understand that certain types sports are extremely harmful to the spine, as they are associated with a large load. It belongs:

  • to tennis;
  • badminton;
  • golf;
  • hockey
  • football
  • jumping;
  • weightlifting.

The fact is that here you have to turn the body sharply, and the inevitable shocks, falls, blows can injure an already unhealthy spine. Macro- and microtraumas provoke back pain, early wear of the spine occurs, and osteochondrosis develops.

If your back is not quite healthy, use:

  • general developmental exercises;
  • stretching exercises;
  • classes on simulators (it is better to pre-carry out cryomassage);
  • water exercises;
  • regular massage;
  • physiotherapy (phonophoresis with mummy ointment).

It is very important to avoid pain during exercise. Increase the range of motion gradually. Doctors recommend doing squats with dumbbells, but if you increase the load, try not to overdo it.

Can you play sports with scoliosis? This question is asked by almost all people who have a lateral curvature of the spinal column.

With scoliosis, the type of sport should be selected depending on the degree of the disease.

Meanwhile, there is no clear answer to this question.

It is necessary to clarify what kind of sport we are talking about and what is the degree of curvature of the spine.

Sports for scoliosis in children

Children's scoliosis, as a rule, is still weakly expressed and has a mild degree.

Sports can play a healing role here. But the question is the same: which sport to choose?

Children with curvature of the spine benefit from sports such as:

Children with scoliosis are not recommended to engage in asymmetrical sports (tennis, badminton, fencing) associated with vertical loads, on spinal column(biking, equestrian sports, running), as well as traumatic (judo, wrestling, boxing). As for football, volleyball, these sports are acceptable if the child sometimes plays them in the yard. But football and volleyball professional level undesirable.


Can you run with scoliosis? This question is often asked by people suffering from lateral curvature of the spine.

The truth is that running should be avoided in stages 3 and 4 of scoliosis, as well as during the period of growth of the body.

With mild degrees of lateral curvature, you can sometimes run at a slow or moderate pace. At the same time, try not to run on paved surfaces.

With scoliosis, it is better not to run on hard surfaces.

A good substitute for running can be for scoliosis. This type of walking involves the use special sticks for additional support, which reduce the load on the curved spine. At the same time, the muscle corset is strengthened, and the overall benefits for the body and for posture are invaluable.

How to choose sticks for nordic walking read

Swimming is the safest sport for scoliosis if the right style is chosen. It is recommended to swim breaststroke on the chest with long slides.
Thanks to swimming, you can get multiple positive effects for the body:

  • natural unloading of the spine;
  • alignment of asymmetric work of muscles, including vertebral;
  • strengthening the muscular corset of the back, limbs;
  • improved coordination.
  • significant instability of the spine (when the difference between the angles of curvature in the supine and standing position exceeds 10 degrees);
  • diathesis;
  • skin infections;
  • epilepsy;
  • heart diseases;
  • colds in the acute stage.

Scoliosis and bodybuilding

The main exercises performed with the curvature of the spine are aimed at strengthening the muscles of the back and chest. Some of them are performed on simulators, some with regular weights.

Thus, simultaneously with the study of the muscular corset of the back, it is possible to unload the spine.

If you simultaneously pump up the muscles of the back, the spine will get unloaded

The main thing when performing bodybuilding elements is to follow the rule of synchronism. Both sides of the body must be equally involved. It is also important to follow the rule of sequence: during the first year of training, weights should be minimal. Otherwise, you will hurt yourself instead of helping.

Scoliosis and fitball

With the help of exercises on a fitball, it is possible not only to prevent pathological changes in the chest, but also to avoid the appearance of respiratory, cardiovascular insufficiency.

Riding with scoliosis is permissible only with the first degree of the disease. Children's scoliosis, which has just begun to develop, can even be stopped with the help of equestrian sports.

With the first degree of scoliosis, you can go horseback riding

However, if we are talking about scoliosis of the lumbar spine, then equestrian sport is generally prohibited (regardless of the stage) in order to avoid aggravating the condition.

yoga for scoliosis

Yoga asanas have a positive effect on the curved spine, even when the disease has reached the 3rd degree. When practicing yoga, the following principles must be observed:

  • sit, stand, lie always in the correct position.

    For correct execution asanas in a standing position, you need to draw in the lower abdomen, as well as the buttocks.

    At the same time expand chest and keep your head upright. You need to sit only with a straight back and neck;

  • smoothness of movement. The muscles of the body should be relaxed;
  • any movement should end with a slow stretching of the spine along the vertical axis.

A set of exercises for scoliosis, see the video:

Charging from scoliosis

Charging is very useful for scoliosis of the spine. Exercises selected by an orthopedist, taking into account the specifics of the disease, can improve the condition of the spine of an adult and a child. You should be extremely careful about the exercises performed, because they should correct the situation, compensate for the curvature, and not worsen it.

A set of exercises should be performed daily in order to have an effect. You need to start with simple elements, gradually complicating the exercises every day.
There is a certain algorithm for performing charging with scoliosis.
First, exercises are performed that prepare the muscles for the load. Then follow the movements performed in the supine position. Then - lying on his stomach, and, finally, in a standing position.
Universal, effective exercise for adults and children - plank for scoliosis.

It is done in the following way. It is necessary to lie on one side with straightened legs, laid one on top of the other. The arm is bent at the elbow, the elbow is under shoulder joint. The lower ends of the shoulder blades must be brought together. Neck, spine, hips straightened in one line. On exhalation, we strain the press, while the coccyx goes forward, we raise the knees and hips from the floor, we focus only on the foot of the lower leg. We linger in the position for 10-30 seconds, slowly lower ourselves down.

Exercise "Planck" is very effective for scoliosis

This exercise can be done first, leaning on the palm, and only then move on to the emphasis on the elbow.


For the treatment of lateral curvature of the spine, 2 types of simulators are used:

  • cardio simulators, the action of which is aimed at improving the work of the respiratory, cardiovascular systems;
  • strength trainers.

Strength training equipment is different.
These include models such as:

  • simulator "Twist". Designed to form hyperextension. Exercises on the "Twist" can remove deformations in the middle part of the back;
  • the T-traction simulator allows you to perform exercises while sitting and standing. It is a lever mounted on a hinge on one side. On the other side are "pancakes".

Power models of simulators allow you to perform:

  • pull-ups for scoliosis from a horizontal block;
  • traction to the chest, behind the head, if the thoracic region is curved;
  • hyperextension (trains the extensor muscles adjacent to the spine);
  • trapeze with dumbbells, barbell.

Women should be very careful when choosing exercises.

A set of exercises can correct spinal deformity, but care should be taken. Women with 2 degrees of scoliosis are strictly forbidden to lift a barbell weighing more than 10 kg, men - more than 20 kg.
Exercises must be performed under the supervision of an instructor.

Thus, sports for scoliosis should be selected carefully, after consulting with an orthopedist. Only he can assess the condition of a particular patient and recommend certain classes, taking into account the individual clinical picture. And then you can improve the condition of the spine, stopping the deformation or even eliminating it. The main thing is not to harm.

Any disease is easier to prevent than to treat. Read more about scoliosis prevention.