Carp in April what to catch. Catching crucian carp in the spring - features and secrets. Equipping a float fishing rod for crucian carp in the spring

Spring is a rather difficult period for catching crucian carp. The fact is that the fish has just awakened from hibernation and has a hard time coming to its senses, often reluctantly interested in the bait. However, if April has come and with it a great desire to go fishing, then you should not deny yourself this. The main thing is to know and take into account a number of points that will help not to be left without a catch.

Despite the low activity of crucian carp in April, knowing some of the rules for catching it at this time, you can ensure a good catch.

April - it's time for the first fishing trip

In Siberia and in the north of our country, as a rule, almost until mid-April, all reservoirs are covered with ice. In these regions, the first thaws occur just at this time. Therefore, fishing open water starts no earlier than the first of May. Only the early arrival of spring can contribute to the fact that the inhabitants of these territories will be able to sit with a fishing rod on the pond at the end of April.

However, in the south and in the central part of Russia, April is a truly spring and warm month, when you can successfully catch carp. The water in rivers and lakes gradually warms up and is saturated with oxygen, which makes the fish begin to feed. But at this time, crucian carp are still inactively moving around the reservoir. They try to stay mostly close to the bottom and in those areas where they spent the winter.

Successful fishing for crucian carp in April depends on the right gear, the location found on the pond, food and bait.

Where is the best place to catch crucian carp in April

First of all, the spring sun warms up shallow areas, where the depth varies within 30-70 cm. The first underwater vegetation appears here, where the fish are looking for small crustaceans and insect larvae that have fallen into the water. Therefore, on float rod It is best to catch carp in such shallow water.

Since crucian in April is looking for something to profit from near the coast, you can catch it with a bait

It is also good to find a small bay surrounded by reeds, cattail or last year's grass. Very fond of crucian snag, flooded trees or bushes hanging over the water. But on a windy April day, you can get the opposite effect. Since the fish will be frightened by the noise from the vegetation swaying in the wind.

Often in April, especially in the first half of the month, crucian carp still keep at a depth, away from the coast. It can be both large individuals weighing from 0.5 to 1 kg, and small fish collected in fairly large flocks. Hiding in pits and depressions at the very bottom of the reservoir, crucian carp can protect themselves as much as possible. Most of the fish avoid the coastal part, because the water at this time is quite transparent due to the lack of vegetation, and any predator (birds, pike, etc.) can easily notice it.

To the aid of the fisherman come long-distance casting gear. For example, which can be caught in areas of about 30-50 m from the shore. If for you real fishing is only fishing with a float rod, then in order to achieve a good result, you will have to pay special attention to the equipment.

If in shallow water the crucian has not yet begun to peck, then feeder tackle is used to catch it at depth.

Tackle for fishing for crucian carp in April

In the middle of spring, lake fish are distinguished by increased caution. The slightest rustle or improperly assembled tackle can frighten her away. Given the following recommendations, you can effectively catch crucian carp even in early April:

  • Use light floats, weighing no more than 1.5 grams. The color is not very bright, especially at the bottom. In terms of shape, floats with elongated antennas (up to 20 cm) are recommended due to greater sensitivity and less resistance when biting. Thus, such tackle will be imperceptible even for very cautious fish.
  • So that fishing does not end due to a break in the equipment, choose a fishing line with a thickness of 0.14 to 0.18 mm. Tensile strength up to 3-4 kg. Of course, meeting a crucian of this size is a rarity, but catching a kilogram copy is quite real. Considering, moreover, that the fish resists extremely actively in the spring, such a thickness of the fishing line is just right.
  • Don't use a large sinker. To begin with, you can put a pellet weighing 0.3-0.5 grams. If there is no current, and the float does not blow to the side, then there is no need to add a large load. The lower the weight of the sinker, the more inconspicuous the rig is, and the bite itself is much more confident.

Properly selected tackle is the key to successful fishing

  • If you plan to fish with a float rod, then choose the length of the leash based on the strength of the current (if any) and the wind. It is best not to make them longer than 10-15 cm, because the crucian at this time keeps as close to the bottom as possible. The optimal thickness of the fishing line for leashes is 0.1 mm.

If you take into account all these tips, then April fishing will give you pleasure and will delight you with a solid catch.


Catching carp in April is a rather complicated process. The fish are not as active as in summer, so in addition to properly mounted gear and the chosen place, you will need a balanced bait. Otherwise, fishing may end in vain. The fact is that crucian carp can stay literally a meter away from the equipment, without paying attention to it without a bait field.

What is the most effective bait in April when catching crucian carp? What should be included in it? In fact, the same components as in the summer. The main thing is that they emit a pleasant and natural smell. For example, steamed millet, oatmeal, finely chopped canned corn, boiled potatoes, breadcrumbs, black bread, etc. Groundbait with sweet tastes and unusual smells is more suitable for the summer period.

Oatmeal can be used as a complementary food for crucian carp in April

If you use a dry store mix, then be sure to mix it with the ingredients listed above. The best bait has proven itself, made right on the shore with the addition of water from the reservoir itself, where you will fish. It has a more “native” smell for fish and will not scare away its unusual composition. If the bait contains a little bloodworm, maggot or chopped worms, then not a single crucian can resist such a “delicacy”.

Let's move on to one more important point. Bait when catching carp in April should be the same color as the bottom. That is, a little cloudy and dark. A few handfuls of cake or local soil can help with this. Naturally, the bait should not contain bright components, such as green peas, grated berries, etc. We have already said that fish are extremely shy in spring and objects of an unusual color at the bottom can confuse them.


What is the best bite in April for crucian carp? Naturally, these are animal nozzles - maggot and worm. Bloodworm is sometimes an ineffective bait due to the fact that it is present in any pond in fairly large numbers. Often in April, it’s good to catch a “sandwich” - corn + worm or maggot. Large carp are often attracted to bait in the form of small pieces of fat on the hook.

In April, crucian carp will be well caught on maggots

From vegetable baits, we single out bread, in which you can add a few drops of valerian or flavoring with a natural smell - garlic, dill, anise, etc. Rarely, but it happens that at this time the crucian pecks on the dough with the addition of semolina or on the so-called "talker" . A lot depends on the water and the weather. When the water has had time to warm up to 10-15 ° C, then fishing is no longer different from summer fishing. You can try to catch crucian even on pearl barley or steamed peas.

Features of April fishing for crucian carp

If you are going to sit with a fishing rod on the pond, remember that in April, unlike in summer and late spring, crucian carp are not so active in the morning and evening. Best of all, he pecks during the day, when the sun is shining brightly and the weather is warm and calm. It doesn't matter if you fish small pond or a large body of water, bites will be very discreet, in many ways barely noticeable even with a light rig and a sensitive float.

Crucian in April most often attaches itself to the bait for a long time, tasting it. Therefore, the float can swing or sink a little for several minutes, and then rise up again. Be ready to hook the fish, but take your time. In 80% of cases, crucian carp will slowly but surely drown the float and lead it to the side. Do not make too sharp hooking, and the fish will definitely be on the hook.

An important point is the correct fishing of crucian carp, because. he can break easily

I would like to immediately warn you that fishing for crucian carp in April requires special endurance from the angler.

At this time of the year, you should not expect a stable and active bite. Even optimally selected gear, effective bait and a whole arsenal of bait will not insure that all fishing will be reduced to the painful expectation of a bite. But the result is not important, but the process itself!

Be sure to be patient and remember that fishing in April is notable for the fact that you can catch large crucian carp, which will take a special place among all your trophies.

About spring fishing for crucian carp will be discussed in this video:

Carp is a very common fish. Carp lives almost everywhere - you can catch crucian in lakes and ponds, you can catch crucian in slow-flowing rivers, and even in swamps. In terms of size, crucian carp belongs to medium-sized fish and does not exceed 600 - 800 grams in weight. Particularly large individuals of crucian carp can be found in closed and deep reservoirs with a small number of predators. The crucian hibernates in silt, in which unpretentious fish get their food, which should be taken into account when choosing bait and top dressing.

Catching carp in the spring

The active period of life of crucian carp in the spring begins from the time when the water in the reservoir warms up to +15 - + 20 degrees. This usually happens at the beginning of May, however, exceptions are possible - shallow reservoirs with a muddy bottom at the confluence of warmer waters, or for other reasons warmed up earlier than this period. This period is characterized by an increased need for fish in food - after all, spawning is ahead.
  • How to catch carp in the spring
In the spring there is a ban, so we take only one fishing rod with us from the gear. The most suitable tackle for catching crucian carp is considered a float fishing rod. When biting, crucian carp rarely swallows the bait, so the decisive factor for catching fish is dexterous and quick hooking. The optimal characteristics of a fishing rod for catching crucian carp in the spring are as follows: a rod about four meters long, fishing line (the thinner the better, optimally - 0.22 mm for the main and 0.18 for the leash), spinning reel. We put one hook, the float is the lightest.
  • Where to catch carp in spring
The most promising places for catching crucian carp will be shallow places (up to 2 meters) near aquatic vegetation or among writhing. The latter option, however, is fraught with frequent breaks in the fishing line - when playing, a large fish will go to the side, clinging to obstacles. Playing a large crucian is not an easy task, especially when surrounded by aquatic vegetation and writhing. You need to respond to the pull of the fish by pulling the rod towards you, preventing the crucian carp from rushing from side to side. An indispensable item on such fishing will be a landing net. After a large fish, take a short break, abundantly feeding the place of fishing - crucian carp is a shy fish, you need to lure it back again.
  • Bait for carp fishing in spring
Considering the unpredictability of crucian carp, going to spring fishing, you should have a full range of baits with you, but you need to start with baits of animal origin and, above all, bloodworms.
  • Groundbait for catching carp in the spring
Carp should be fed with a mixture of earth (taken from the reservoir) and bloodworms. It is better to use the earth loose and crumbly, so that when it enters the water it creates a curtain of turbidity - crucian loves it. You can also loosen the silt in the evening with a shovel in the place of the intended fishing in order to raise a cloud of silt from the bottom, which contains small organisms - insect larvae, eggs - the carp's favorite food.

Carp fishing in April

Spring fishing for crucian carp can begin somewhere in the second half of April. At this time, it is not easy to catch carp with float rods, the water in the reservoirs is very clear and there is no vegetation for shelter, so the crucian prefers to stay away from the shore. For good fishing for crucian carp in April, it is better to use fishing gum:
  • a load is tied to a small rope and aircraft-model rubber 5–20 m long is attached, then a piece of fishing line 3–5 m long with leashes of 5–7 pieces and a length of 15 to 30 cm is attached through winding rings and a carabiner. Then comes a fishing line with a diameter of 0, 4 - 0.5 mm, and then - either a regular spinning rod with a reel, or a fishing line wound on a plank. For good fishing it is enough to have 10 m of rubber and 300 - 400 grams of cargo.
As a nozzle for catching crucian carp in April, earth or dung worms are usually used, because crucian crucian wants meat, so it is desirable that the worms be large, lively and fidgety. It is not necessary to use bait for catching crucian carp in April.

Often caught in May days large carp. For a good catch of crucian carp in May, it is better to catch in shallow and open areas of the reservoir, crucian swims there to feed and bask in warm water. You can still fish in places where last year's underwater vegetation grew and young algae begin to grow.

The spawning time of crucian carp depends on the air temperature, weather, depth of the reservoir and lasts from 3 to 7 days differently in each reservoir. AT middle lane the main spawning usually falls on the first days of May. After spawning, crucian carp get sick for up to two weeks, and if it is caught, it is either small or spawned.

The tactics of catching crucian carp in May, when the crucian is actively looking for food, differs from the summer tactics, when the angler finds a place and feeds, attracts and successfully catches the crucian from day to day. Parking spring crucian must be sought, like an ide or roach.

Earlier on the topic Carp fishing:

Crucian fish is very popular among Russian fishermen. In April, crucian carp bite well in quiet, shallow creeks. In addition to choosing a fishing spot, you need to consider what to catch crucian carp, what gear to take with you, how and when to feed the fishing spot and do not forget about correct technique fishing this fish.

In April, crucian carp wakes up from hibernation. All lovers of catching this fish go to the reservoirs. We figure out how to make sure that April fishing for crucian carp is successful.

Carp is extremely popular with Russian fishermen. Fishing this fish is always interesting, and if the crucian, as they say, "went", then the catch will almost certainly be impressive. The crucian carp has only one tangible minus - it is practically not caught in winter, leading a sedentary lifestyle at that time and, burrowing into the silt, waits for the ice to come down from the river and spring comes.

Where to look for crucian carp in April

April is considered the beginning of the crucian season. Nature wakes up from stagnation, the water in rivers, ponds and lakes is filled with oxygen and food. Here, the April crucian wakes up and returns to its usual active lifestyle. Considering that crucian carp is a very unpretentious fish and lives in almost all water bodies, it is not difficult to find it in April. Individuals smaller than a palm are active and are well caught already at the very beginning of April, in larger crucian carp, mobility and zhor appear closer to the middle of the month, when the water warms up to 10-15 degrees. The water will warm up most quickly in shallow stagnant pools. It is here that crucian carp will most likely peck better than in other places in April. Depth not more than two meters, Still water, islands of abundant, but not too high vegetation - the place is ideal for catching crucian carp in April. Interestingly, crucian carp are more active in rivers in spring in such places than in lakes. This is also worth considering.

Tackle and bait for catching crucian carp in April

The best tackle for the April crucian carp will be a rather long (around 5-6 meters), but light, float fishing rod. The quieter the casts are, the more chances for a bite, because crucian carp are especially shy in the spring. The fishing line should be thin - from 0.14 to 0.18 mm and tensile strength in the region of 3 kilograms. You don’t need to put a lot of hooks, a single one is enough (from “five” to “tens”, in case a large individual comes across). The float is the lightest and most sensitive, which will not create a lot of noise when casting and will show even a slight bite. The most common option is the goose feather.

With the bait, everything is simple - a hungry crucian in April will swallow a worm with great pleasure. We advise you to use red, dung, which is more

noticeable. The likelihood that this bait will not work is minimal. It is better to feed the crucian in the evening, but if this is not possible, then do it as soon as you get to the place. All kinds of porridge here

they are unlikely to work, but bloodworm mixed with the ground (necessarily from the bottom of the reservoir) can gather a large company in the feeding place. If you still want to feed porridge, then cook barley in advance.

Features of catching April crucian carp

Crucian can peck in the most unexpected way. After sluggish pokes, sharply drown the float, put it down, drag it under the water from the first touch, but, most often, it will lead to the side. It is this bite that is considered classic in crucian carp. After casting, there will be no bites for at least 5 minutes, crucian carp will look at the bait, and then decide to taste it. Patience is important here, crucian carp can peck for a very long time, as if playing with a fisherman. To pull ahead of time means to frighten off the fish. Being late - give the crucian a chance to get the float into the bushes, from which you will have to pull it out. Do not make too sharp cuts, you can just tear off the crucian lip. In spring, it is best to catch crucian carp from the bottom, setting the depth so that the hook is kept 5-7 centimeters from the ground. When you have made a cut, then a large crucian carp will break out with all its might. Do not give him freedom, keep the line tight, otherwise the fish will simply break loose. Breakdowns of crucian carp in the spring are a common thing. Happy fishing!

Unlike a number of other representatives of the carp family - roach, bream, chub, crucian carp is more thermophilic. You should not expect results from catching this fish in early spring, as soon as the ice melts on the reservoirs. On average, it takes 2-3 weeks to activate crucian carp after the release of the water surface from the ice cover - subject to a stable increase in water temperature.

Uncover the rods when the water warms up to at least + 6-7 ° C, and the crucian begins to gradually recover vitality. In the southern regions, the water temperature reaches this mark in early April, and in the middle lane, usually not earlier than the second or third decade.

Where to look for carp in the spring

In spring, the crucian shifts to shallow water, warmed up faster by the sun's rays. It is these zones that should be of interest to the angler, who is counting on crucian bites. Suppose, if the depth in the pond does not exceed one and a half meters, then the most promising areas for fishing in the spring will be areas with a depth of 50-80 centimeters, where the fish are comfortable due to the higher temperature.

In search of a crucian stay, pay attention to the following places:

  • shallow creeks, overgrown by June-July with water lilies, pondweeds and other aquatic vegetation - favorite areas for crucians on summer fishing. Among the rotting last year's plants, crucian carp will always find food, so in the spring you can get to bite in points that are catchy in flight.
  • Coastal area near the walls of reeds and reeds a, attractive fish abundance of food and favorable temperature conditions.
  • Silty stretches with snags sticking out of the water. Korchi is a habitual habitat for crucian carp - in winter there is more oxygen penetrating through the cavities between the ice and snags. Accordingly, the snag opens from the ice earlier and warms up faster. In silt deposits there are many various larvae consumed by fish.
  • floating peat islands. On hot May days, fish can hide under them from the scorching rays of the sun.
  • Ameliorative channels and flooded clearings of peat quarries. In the spring, crucian carp leaves the main swamp for the warm water of the canals, where it often remains to spawn. After spawning, it falls back into the quarry.
  • Streams and rivulets flowing into or flowing out of a body of water. Be sure to check for spills on the stream left after the flood.

When it starts to peck

The perfect place for catching carp
rigging sliding float

Fishing for crucians often occurs in places with an abundance of hooks. In such a situation, the use of blind mounting of the float is problematic. A float floating on the water following a submerging nozzle can catch on cramps or “burdocks” rising in May. Sliding equipment allows you to throw the float straight to the point of fishing. Such floats dangle freely on the line, and when the baited hook sinks to the bottom, the float rises up the line to the stop. Stopper can serve silicone cambric or a special locking knot knitted from a thicker fishing line.

Sinker. The most popular among fishermen since Soviet times are shot weights. The number of weights is selected according to the weight of the float and the desired degree of its immersion. If two or more shots are required, distribute them along the line so that the heaviest shot is closest to the float. This will additionally provide gear with high sensitivity.

Hook. Buy hooks for fishing 3 to 6 numbers according to the domestic classification, and from 8 to 16 according to the international one. Naturally, the larger the carp in the lake or pond, and in the spring it is easy to run into a solid specimen, the larger the hooks should be. With small hooks, gatherings of large grains are inevitable. The main thing is not to overdo it with the size, otherwise the fish will ignore even the most delicious bait, and you will find yourself without a catch.

Baits, baits and lures

In spring, the crucian prefers animal baits: bloodworm, maggot, earthworm or dung worm. But this fish is successfully caught, especially in May, and on vegetable baits. Take semolina with you for spring fishing, from which you can make a chatterbox right on the shore. The semolina mess is screwed onto the hook using a syringe, into which the shaken semolina is first pushed. Long loaf dough, brown bread crumb flavored with honey or sunflower oil, steamed barley also do not interfere.

animal bait

  • mayfly- is a kind of butterfly that lives one day and lays its eggs on the stems of underwater plants and on stones. From these eggs hatch larvae, they are best bait for fish. Often this larva is also called the "grandmother";
  • caddis is also a butterfly that lays its eggs in the water. The larvae are hatched, which are in the capsule for some time, then crawl onto the stems of aquatic plants;
  • Worm- the most versatile bait. They catch any fish. There are several types: dung worms, earthworms, earthworms (creeps out);
  • Mormysh- brown-green amphipod crustacean. It is usually found under leaves of river plants;
  • bloodworm- a mosquito larva, a small dark red worm, is located in the bottom silt. It is very delicate and keeping it can be a problem for the angler;
  • Maybug (Khrushch)good bait for fishing from the surface of the water, especially chub.

vegetable baits

  • Cereal grains- wheat, barley, rye. Grains are taken at the stage of wax ripeness and simply put on a hook, ripe grains are torn open;
  • Kashi- mainly cereal grains are used;
  • Peas- the most delicious bait for fish. Each angler prepares this food for fish according to his own technology. You need to take peas of brain varieties (wrinkled);
  • Dough- any flour is used, except pancake. Simply knead in a bowl, gradually adding water. It is necessary to make such a consistency that it stays on the hook. Flavors are added to attract fish.

With the onset of spring crucian for food begins to approach the shore, here the water is warmer. The main fishing tool is a float rod.

At this time, crucian pecks at:

  • bloodworm;
  • dough;
  • maggot;
  • red worm.

Small individuals peck even on the crumb of white bread, or on flour dough. A worm and barley sandwich may also be interesting.

Most of the ponds in our time are terrorized by rotan, throwing itself at all living things that fall into its field of vision. Therefore, be sure to stock up on a wide variety of plant nozzles - rotan is unlikely to be interested in them.

How to increase the catch of fish?

For 7 years of active passion for fishing, I have found dozens of ways to improve the bite. Here are the most effective ones:

  1. Biting activator. This pheromone additive lures fish the most in cold and warm water. .
  2. Raise gear sensitivity. Read the appropriate manuals for the particular type of tackle.
  3. Lures based pheromones.

Bait for carp

Bait and bait serve simultaneously to attract fish to one place and to accustom them to a particular bait. The food that is scattered during fishing is bait. And which is constantly scattered before catching - a bait. We have .

April days feeding the fishing point is optional, but it will not be superfluous either. Earth is thrown into the water in small balls mixed with breadcrumbs, small bloodworms or chopped worms. Aromatization in April does not play a role.

In May the increase in the activity of crucian carp is proportional to the increase in its capriciousness, so the use of bait becomes appropriate. There are many domestic and imported bait mixtures that work very well for this fish. However, you can also feed the fishing point with “home-made products” proven by many years of experience.

A couple of recipes, perfectly attracting carp:

  1. For a pound of ground seeds with husks, add 200-300 gr finely ground breadings and 100-150 gr semolina as a connecting element. On the shore of the lake, pour water into the mixture in several stages. On the 5-10 minutes leave the groundbait to evenly distribute the liquid over all layers and do other things. Then mix thoroughly so that no lumps remain. If the lure is not too viscous, the balls are easily molded and do not fall apart at the slightest touch, then you did everything right. The output is a balanced feed containing small and large fractions.
  2. For a pound of breadcrumbs you need 200 gr lightly boiled millet 100 gr dry section, 100 gr dry corn flakes. For flavoring, add a couple of drops of anise, dried garlic or vanilla. Further manipulations are identical to those described above. In both recipes, the inclusion of the animal component - bloodworm, maggot, worm, will be advantageous for fishing.

Bait should be appropriate for the conditions and habits of the fish. For fish feeding from the bottom, the bait should be scattered along the bottom. But if surface fish are caught, then the bait should be scattered on the surface of the water.

fishing technique

T The fishing technique in April is characterized by the incessant search for fish. You need to literally sit on the tail of the crucian to provoke him to bite. Feed several points at once and catch them one by one. One tangerine-sized ball of food for each attractive area will be enough.

On warm May days, fish begin to accumulate in their usual habitats, intensively feeding before spawning. Choose a suitable place where, in your opinion, crucian carp is deployed, and pinpoint the area where you will cast the bait. To attract fish and keep them on the bait spot, you need 2-3 balls of bait the size of a medium orange. If fishing is carried out on a small pond with a dense concentration of fish, one ball will suffice.

In moments of weakening of the bite, from time to time throw up lumps of food the size of a cherry and try to tempt crucian carp with sandwiches - all kinds of combinations of several baits and nozzles. In April, bloodworm + maggot is a popular combination, in May worm + maggot, a combination of worm with canned corn, as well as grains of steamed barley with maggot, proved to be excellent.

Video on catching crucian carp in the spring

Watch catching crucian in May for maggots:

Catching crucian carp in April on a float rod with bite signaling devices (bells):

Features of fishing in April

Crucian begins to respond to fishing tricks no earlier than mid-April. On large and deep reservoirs, trying to catch crucian carp in April does not make sense. Look for shallow ponds, swampy spills, diversion ditches of peat bogs and other places where warming up the water encourages the activation of crucian carp.

April days fish do not stay long on one, even the most promising site. The crucian pecks sluggishly, sticks its nose into the bait for a long time, not daring to take it. The reason is not at all the suspiciousness of the April crucian. The fish have not yet entered the intensive feeding regime, and constant movements are associated not so much with the search for food, but with the need to keep warm in cold water.

In April, morning fishing is rarely productive, because after a cold night, the fish need time to replenish their energy. April sometimes best watch fishing begins in the afternoon, when the water temperature reaches its maximum level.

Features of fishing in May

In May, the revival of crucian occurs almost everywhere, expanding the geography of the angler in search of promising places. The fish's appetite flares up, and it becomes easier to seduce her into a bite. Odors spread much better in warm water, which allows the angler to use his imagination in preparing bait mixtures and experimenting with baits.

In May crucian not so much moves around the water area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe reservoir. Occupying their usual areas, crucians feed intensively. The angler does not need to run along the shore, looking for circles on the water. It is enough to occupy and feed the points that worked last summer.

In May, the crucian returns to a typical diet: morning and evening. This does not mean that you can wind up gear for dinner. Try to catch crucians in the midday heat. In the pre-spawning period, the fish are zhor, so the biting in the daytime, although it weakens, does not stop. Spawning in crucian occurs in the third decade of May - early June. At this time, switch to catching other fish.

  • The crucian carp has very tender lips, so do not make too sharp cuts, fraught with the loss of fish. Moderately sharp hooking of a slow action with a rod will save you both fish and tackle.
  • On cloudy spring days, when fish activity is low, try seasoning the bait with an accentuated scent. For example, roll a worm before hooking it in a garlic gruel prepared ahead of time. In May, and sometimes in April, this method works.
  • Cut a platform in the reeds or reeds and feed it for several days in a row. Shortly before spawning, such plots are catchy even without complementary foods, because mass accumulations of crucian carp preparing for the reproductive period are observed precisely in reed beds.

Catching crucian carp in the spring, conditionally, is divided by time:

  1. Catching carp in March last ice and in open water;
  2. Catching carp in early spring in open water in April;
  3. Spring fishing for carp in May.

With the onset of the calendar spring, most water bodies are still under a thick layer of ice, and only with the advent of a steady thaw does the ice begin to melt and gradually disappear. As a rule, in the middle, or at the end of March, the last ice season ends.

The opening of reservoirs from ice occurs at different times depending on the geography of the reservoir and weather conditions - in the south of the country in March, in the north - in April and later. Flowing water bodies are the first to be freed from ice, and the last are medium-sized ponds and lakes.

There is an opinion that crucian carp begins to peck later than other types of fish in spring, but earlier it was also believed that crucian carp are not caught in winter. Fishing for crucian carp in early spring begins in March, even if there is still some ice on the pond. Now, other fish are starting to prepare for spawning, and crucian carp is no exception. By spawning time, crucian carp,.

In March, the water is still very cold, and until it warms up to 5-6 degrees, you should use the thinnest gear, and use any bait with caution - the activity of crucian carp and other fish is not at its best. high level.

The most popular tackle for catching crucian carp in March is a float rod. Feeder should be postponed for warmer times. March fish stick to places near the coast, where the water warms up the fastest. Carp are caught on a float, using a worm, bloodworm, caddisfly and maggot as a nozzle. In early spring, in March and April, crucian carp prefer animal baits.

Carp in the middle of spring - in April

It may be that in April, far from all reservoirs stand still. open water, some anglers are just closing the ice fishing season. Much depends on the region and the vagaries of the weather. For many anglers, April is the opening month of the open water fishing season, and most will only get their summer gear in May.

The spawning of crucian carp will most likely begin no earlier than the beginning of May, at a water temperature of 14 - 15 degrees, and now, he is preparing for spawning and with rising temperatures, his appetite only increases.

Catching carp in April is still fishing in early spring. The flood has not yet begun, the water is usually very clear, and the fish are cautious. If the pre-spawning zhor has not yet begun, the most delicate gear should be used.

As before, the most appropriate tackle for catching crucian carp is a float rod with a deaf snap or Bologna. And if the water has already gone into the meadows, in some places you can also use match tackle for long-distance casting. But the time of the crucian run in the middle lane does not fall out earlier than at the beginning of May and coincides with the time of the beginning of biting fish in closed reservoirs.

Spring move to spawn. Carp fishing in May

Catching in May may coincide with the spring spawning run of crucian carp. When the water warms up enough, large flocks of crucian carp move in search of places for spawning. We can say that in May, carp fishing is just beginning.

Following to the spawning grounds, the crucian actively feeds and pecks along the entire route. Now it can be caught both on float and on bottom gear. In the presence of a current, if the shores allow, you can search for and catch crucian by running fishing in the wiring. Crucian begins to respond well to bait, and if the place is marked by fish bites, you can safely use it.

Spring spawning of crucian carp begins later than roach and other fish of the carp family, when the water temperature in the reservoir warms up to 15 - 17 degrees. This time usually falls at the end of May. White silver carp spawns first, followed by golden lake. Spawning of crucian carp passes quickly, during spawning, crucian almost does not peck, but after a week, the nutritional activity of crucian resumes.

Bait for catching spring carp

As bait for crucian carp, you can use ready-made mixtures or prepared according to your own recipes. The simplest option is a chopped worm mixed in clay.

Bait for catching crucian carp in the spring - a simple recipe:

  1. Loose boiled millet - 900 gr;
  2. Boiled or steamed barley - 100 gr;
  3. Ground cracker - 500 gr;
  4. Cake and ground sunflower seeds - 300 gr;
  5. Wheat bran - 200 gr;
  6. Animal components;
  7. Attractants and flavors.

When fishing for crucian carp in early spring in still very cold water, large fractions in the form of pearl barley and millet are not used. On the contrary, if the activity of crucian carp is at a height, more large fractions can be added to the bait in the form of hercules flakes, pearl barley, canned corn.

Mixing bait

You need to mix the boiled and dry components immediately before fishing in the pond. Barley and millet should be quite crumbly, for which they are cooked in a large amount of water.

  1. First, we mix millet and dry ingredients of the bait, until a mass is obtained, which is molded into balls and gradually crumbles in water. If the mixture is too thick, add more crackers and bran.
  2. Then, boiled barley and animal components are added - chopped worm or maggot - what is also used for the nozzle.

Attractants and flavors can be added to the bait, or mixed with ready-made bait from the store that contains these substances. In cold water, fish are wary of smells, so it's important not to overdo it. The smell of cake or seeds should be enough. In addition, you should not use too much bait, in the spring better fish undernourish.

Carp in the spring on a float rod

Fishing for crucian carp in the spring can be carried out with a float rod of any type. It is important that the rod rig is as thin as possible. Depending on the place and distance of fishing, use:

  • fly fishing rod with a deaf snap or plug;
  • Bologna float tackle with a reel;
  • Match float tackle if long casting is required.

If the place is sufficiently explored, the crucian clings to short distance near the shore - the most the right choice will be easy fly rod with a deaf snap or a plug rod. These are the fastest fishing methods. Bait at the same time works most efficiently, it is only important not to overfeed.

When running fishing, it is more reasonable to use Bologna tackle. It is more preferable if you are looking for fish. This is the most versatile float tackle.

On spills, for example, in meadows, it may be necessary to cast far. Coastal sedge and shallow water often do not make it possible to fish near the shore - here, match float tackle will help out.

Equipping a float fishing rod for crucian carp

Fishing for crucian carp in early spring is carried out in rather cold water, when crucian activity is not at the highest level. Therefore, the equipment of a float rod should be thin and light, as far as fishing conditions allow.

Given that crucian carp is a heavy fish that actively resists when playing, the thinning of the equipment has its limit.

Based on this, you can try to fish with a rig mounted on a fishing line with a diameter of 0.14 mm, and put 0.1 - 0.13 mm on a leash. The carrying capacity of the float is 1 - 2.5 grams. The size of the hook is chosen according to the nozzle - the more compact the bait, the smaller the hook.

Float equipment:

  • Main line 0.12 - 0.18 mm;
  • Leash - thinner than the main fishing line by 0.01 - 0.04 mm;
  • Float 0.8 - 3 grams.

The loading of the float is made adjustable with the possibility of redistributing the sinkers along the descent from a slowly falling nozzle to quick dive to the bottom. In some places, crucian takes only on a fixed nozzle, therefore, the load is divided into the main and “shepherd”.

The difference between a coarse rig and a fine one will be seen in the number of bites and catches - anglers using coarse tackle will simply not see a single bite.

If the crucian is at a great distance from the shore, you can catch it on feeder gear. Catching carp on a feeder in spring differs from summer in more delicate equipment and less nutritious bait consisting of small fractions. Before spawning carp and after it, for catching big fish, you can use snap-ins like .

In order not to overload the page with text, we will leave here a video for beginners to master feeder fishing. In addition, below you will find practical advice on feeder fishing crucian carp in the spring from experienced anglers.

The ABC of feeder fishing:

Video: "Catching carp in the spring"

In order to dilute the boring theory of carp fishing in spring, we have compiled a short list of videos about practical carp fishing in spring with a feeder and a float rod. Here is a video from amateur anglers and real professionals.

Anglers take a different approach to fishing in general, rigs, baits and baits used to catch carp.

Catching crucian carp in the spring - video: