Kefir fungus for weight loss. Nature gives us a chance. Mask for oily skin

If you want to get rid of excess body fat, thoroughly cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, try a diet based on milk fungus.

The milk fungus was discovered through many years of observations of the characteristics of fermentation of milk in various dishes by Tibetan monks several thousand years ago. It was they who managed to bring out the nail-like protein compounds, which subsequently began to be actively and very successfully used in Tibet for medical purposes.

But for a long time no one outside of Tibet knew about the existence of this unique mushroom, the recipe for making healing kefir was kept in strict confidence. Only in the middle of the 19th century was it brought to Russia and Europe.

A drink made with milk fungus is not without reason called a real elixir of youth, since those who regularly consumed it maintained excellent health until old age. This mushroom in Russia was used to treat such serious diseases as rickets, dropsy, tuberculosis, anemia.

Another important and very useful property of the fungus was noted - after the course of treatment, stabilization and normalization of weight occurs. During scientific research it was found that this is due to the positive effect on the body of acetic acid bacteria, which are contained in large quantities in the Tibetan milk mushroom.

Tibetan infusion breaks down fat deposits into simple compounds that are quickly excreted from the body. At the same time, the feeling of hunger is sharply dulled, which greatly contributes to the process of losing weight.

At the same time, the Tibetan milk mushroom perfectly cleanses the intestinal microflora, tones the work of the gastrointestinal tract. With it, you can remove from the body all the poisons that were formed in the intestines due to proper nutrition and taking medications. O useful properties milk (kefir) Tibetan mushroom can be found in the article:

How to lose weight on milk mushroom?

Losing weight with milk fungus is quite simple - drink Tibetan kefir every day after meals in about half an hour. In this case, the last daily portion must be drunk on an empty stomach, before you go to bed, about half an hour - an hour.

Nutritionists say that if you use Tibetan kefir preferably in the morning, you can quickly lose weight. Of course, provided that you give up sweets and flour products.

In order to reduce weight, the Tibetan mushroom is consumed for at least 20 days, and then they take a break for ten days and start drinking kefir again for twenty days. Then another break for ten days. So eat for one year.

It should be noted that at first, some people note a sharp activation of the intestines and, as a result, increased gas formation, as well as darkening of the urine. But very soon, the discomfort completely disappears, the state of health and mood improve significantly, and excess weight gradually disappears.

„ ” advises: very good for health regularly, a couple of times a week, arrange for yourself fasting days based on the same unique dairy mushroom.

The article tells about the beneficial properties of milk fungus and contraindications to its use. You'll find detailed instructions for the care of the fungus, prescriptions for drugs based on it and cosmetics for hair and skin.

Milk mushroom is a unique remedy for many health problems. The use of kefir fungus will help to cope with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, of cardio-vascular system, diabetes.

Thanks to the Tibetan gift, people everywhere lose weight, restore youth and beauty. Milk mushroom is good because it can be grown at home, and you will always have a healing elixir in stock.

The benefits of Tibetan milk mushroom for the body

Many call kefir fungus a true panacea - with so many ailments, it is able to compete. The fungus performs the following work in the human body:

  • cleanses cells of toxins and microbes that have accumulated in the body for many years, detoxifies the body
  • like a broom sweeps the remains of all heavy metals that get inside with exhausts, factory emissions, raw tap water
  • cleans blood vessels, as a result of which the vascular walls become stronger and more elastic, blood pressure normalizes
  • regulates blood glucose levels
  • splits adipose tissue normalizes body weight
  • has a beneficial effect on the skin of the face and body, rejuvenates, whitens, softens
  • improves hair condition, eliminates dandruff, stimulates hair growth;
  • strengthens memory and attention, which allows doctors to recommend the mushroom to prevent atherosclerosis
  • stimulates male potency

IMPORTANT: In addition to the restorative effect, Tibetan milk mushroom treats constipation, allergies, diabetes, kidney and liver diseases, gastrointestinal disorders and many other chronic diseases.

How to use milk mushroom for weight loss?

  • The course of weight loss on the Tibetan infusion lasts until gaining perfect figure. With a large excess of mass, the maximum course is a year. Take the drink in blocks of 20 days, between which you break for a 10-day rest
  • Half an hour after each meal, drink a glass of infusion. At night, drink it on an empty stomach and an hour before going to bed. On an empty stomach, this means at least a couple of hours after dinner.
  • The maximum effect will be achieved when combining a kefir drink with a low-carbohydrate diet.

IMPORTANT: Nutritionists advise drinking kefir from morning to afternoon. At this time, the fungus breaks down body fat more active, which means that the loss of kilograms will pass faster.

Once every 7 days, do days of unloading and cleansing the body, in which you drink only kefir infusion up to 1.5 liters. Divide this amount into equal parts and use instead of meals. If such a menu seems too tough for you, add a few apples and pears to kefir.

Dairy mushroom: diet for weight loss on kefir of Tibetan milk mushroom

Menu for one day diet:

  • Breakfast: fruit (apple or pear), 200 ml Tibetan drink
  • Second breakfast: fruit, 200 ml of kefir on mushroom
  • Lunch: a slice of dried dark bread, a glass of kefir drink
  • Dinner: fruit salad with Tibetan kefir dressing
  • At night: 200 ml of kefir on the mushroom, to which add 1 tsp. natural honey

IMPORTANT: A Tibetan mushroom diet will help you lose weight evenly and without harm to your health. The average weight loss per month will be up to 4 kg.

Positive reviews about the use of fungus for weight loss are centered around its effectiveness. Losing weight managed not only to lose weight and consolidate the results achieved, but also to improve overall health along the way.

In the comments to the instructions for using the drink, people share their impressions about its pleasant taste and undeniable benefits for digestion, skin and hair condition, daily vigor, and ability to work.

Negative reviews can be found regarding the care of the fungus. This product requires a careful and sensitive approach, as well as special conditions for reproduction and growth. With the wrong attitude, the fungus can die or become sick and, therefore, become unusable and even harmful.

How to grow milk mushroom at home?

Milk fungus is a living thing, so it needs to be looked after like a delicate plant. Therefore, tune in to give it 5-10 minutes daily.

Growing a Tibetan product from scratch at home will not work. Look for ads on the Internet, many people sell or give away surplus of their mushrooms.

When the fungus is on your hands, you will need a nightingal spoon of the product. Place milk fungus in 1 liter of raw milk 2.5% or 3.2% fat. Leave the glass container on the table for 24 hours. After this period, take a jar, cover the neck with gauze and pour the fermented milk into it. This will be a useful kefir drink.

Be sure to rinse the grains of the fungus remaining on the gauze with warm (not cold and not hot!) Water and repeat yesterday's procedure: pour 150 ml of raw milk and send to ferment at room temperature.

IMPORTANT: An adult healthy milk mushroom has a color comparable to the color of cottage cheese.

The product grows as you take care of it, new grains appear, which are better not to be thrown away, but distributed to friends in order to improve their health. Advertise in the newspaper or on the Internet, many people are looking for this useful gift of Tibet. After about 3 weeks, part of the fungus will have to be removed. Continue to remove excess product so that its weight is always the same.

Video: Kefir milk mushroom and care for it

Dairy fungus: storage and diseases of milk fungus

You can not put a jar of mushroom in the refrigerator, in the cold it will lose its valuable functions. Live fungus breathes, so leave the container with it open. Keep the product only in a warm room and do not forget to change milk daily, decanting the one that has fermented during the day.

If you know in advance that you will be away from home for several days, make sure that the fungus does not die during this time. To do this, place it in a three-liter jar, into which pour one and a half liters of milk and the same amount of ordinary raw water. Put the jar in a warm place.

Upon arrival, continue to care for the product as before, and use the liquid fermented during departure in masks for the face, body or hair.

With improper care, the fungus can get sick.

  • Mushrooms that have grown too much become empty inside, and they must be replaced with a new portion of the product.
  • Straining the fungus more often than necessary or pouring less milk on it can cause it to become slimy. This product should not be used
  • Use only glassware for the development of milk fungus. On contact with metal, the fungus may stop growing.

  • In the summer, when the kitchen becomes too stuffy, the grains of the fungus can become covered with mucus due to the development of bacteria on them. Make sure that the drink is stored in a dry and well-ventilated area.
  • Mucus is also promoted by washing with ice water.
  • Dying fungus can acquire an unpleasant odor and darken

IMPORTANT: In order to heal your Tibetan product, wash its grains well in a 5% solution of salicylic or boric acid, then dry thoroughly. If these actions do not work, purchase or take a new portion from your hands.

How to drink Tibetan milk mushroom with type 2 diabetes?

With non-insulin dependent form of diabetes mellitus, the use of Tibetan fungus will not only be useful, but invaluable for health. In the initial phase of the disease, there is a chance to be completely cured. This is possible due to the positive effect of kefir fungus on the pancreas, which synthesizes insulin. The dairy product also regulates blood glucose levels.

RECIPE: Prepare 1 liter of kefir drink by adding 2 tsp to milk. Tibetan fungus. You need to drink this amount in 1 day. Divide it into 7 equal portions - approximately 150 ml each. Consume a serving 15 minutes before each meal and drink a cup of herbal infusion after meals. It is best to buy a special collection against diabetes in a pharmacy.

The course of treatment is 25 days, after which a break is made for a month, and the course is repeated.

How to drink milk mushroom with allergies?

IMPORTANT: Kefir fungus is categorically contraindicated in case of bronchial asthma. For any other types of allergic reactions, it can be taken.

Before the start of the allergen season or at the time of an allergic exacerbation, drink 200 ml of the drink daily on an empty stomach three times a day. The course of treatment is a month, after which a break is made for 14 days, and the course is repeated.

The dose for a child with allergies is 150 ml. For the treatment of babies, mother will have to drink kefir, and the baby will receive a valuable substance in the process of breastfeeding.

How to drink milk mushroom with constipation?

Recipe for the treatment of constipation with pain in the intestines.

Place in the finished kefir drink 2 tbsp. brittle buckthorn root, boil the resulting drink, and let it slowly simmer for another 10 minutes. Cool the liquid naturally, pass through gauze. The resulting decoction is taken twice a day before meals.

Recipe for the treatment of constipation with flatulence.

Pour 1 tbsp into 1 liter of kefir drink. onion peel and the same amount of high elecampane root. Boil the mixture over low heat for about 15 minutes, then add 100 g of natural honey to it. Take the resulting drink half an hour before meals, 4 tbsp. up to 4 times a day.

Is it possible to drink milk mushroom during pregnancy?

When pregnant with the intake of Tibetan milk mushroom, you need to be careful.

IMPORTANT: An absolute contraindication to the use of kefir during pregnancy is diabetes mellitus, lactose intolerance, increased acidity of the stomach in the mother.

In other cases, the fungus is allowed, only you need to cook it not with pasteurized milk, but with fresh cow's. It is best to talk about taking the Tibetan mushroom with your doctor, because only he, on the basis of medical examinations, will be able to identify your individual contraindications.

Is milk mushroom possible for children: infants and children under one year old?

Infants are quite capable of getting the properties of the Tibetan drink through their mother's milk. The fungus is not harmful to young children, so a nursing mother can use kefir herself and thereby saturate the child with useful substances.

Children from 8 months old can begin to give a ready-made drink. Just make it according to a special recipe. All you need is fresh natural milk. Reduce the fermentation time from 24 hours to 12-15. Start giving yogurt to your child gradually. In the first days, the dose should not exceed 50 ml, in the future it can be increased to 100 ml.

Milk mushroom in cosmetology

In addition to its healing properties as a food product, milk mushroom is known for its wide application in cosmetology.

When caring for the body and face, it refreshes, tones, softens and nourishes the skin, rejuvenates it, smoothes wrinkles, promotes the regeneration of epidermal cells.

In hair care, the fungus is useful for diseases of the scalp and bulbs, the manifestations of which are hair loss, dandruff, and excessive dryness of the skin. The fungus nourishes the hair, restores their natural health and radiance.

Milk mushroom for the face: masks

Rejuvenating mask


  • vegetable oil - 2 tsp
  • orange - 0.5 pcs

Combine cottage cheese and butter, mix them with the juice of half an orange. The procedure time is no more than half an hour. Remove the mask with a warm compress.

IMPORTANT: Tibetan mushroom rejuvenation treatments will be more effective after a facial massage session or a warm compress.

Nourishing & Whitening Mask


  • dairy mushroom cottage cheese - 3 tbsp.
  • natural honey - 1 tsp

Rub the cottage cheese with honey, spread the mass over the skin, after fifteen minutes, remove the nourishing and whitening mixture with a cool wash.

Mask for dry skin


  • dairy mushroom cottage cheese - 1 tbsp.
  • fat sour cream - 1 tsp
  • freshly squeezed carrot juice - 1 tsp

Mix all components thoroughly, spread on the skin of the face and neck, remove with a cool compress after fifteen minutes.

Mask for oily skin


  • dairy mushroom cottage cheese - 2 tbsp.
  • vegetable oil - 1 tsp
  • cucumber - 1 pc.
  • parsley.

Finely chop the parsley, chop the cucumber on a coarse grater. Combine all the components and distribute the resulting composition over the skin. After twenty minutes, remove the product with a cool compress.

Milk mushroom for hair: masks

Hair loss mask

Once a week, rub Tibetan infusion into the hair roots and scalp, leave for half an hour, then rinse with shampoo.

IMPORTANT: Kefir fungus will be even more effective if you do not wash your hair after using it. cosmetic and egg yolk.

Dandruff mask


  • milk mushroom drink - 5 tbsp.
  • egg yolk - 1 pc.
  • calcium chloride (available at the pharmacy) - 1 tsp
  • lemon juice - 1 tsp

Mix all the ingredients, apply on the scalp and leave until the mixture dries. Remove the resulting crust with a comb with frequent teeth. After the procedure, wash your hair with the usual means.

Tibetan milk mushroom kefir fungus: contraindications

Milk fungus should not be taken if:

  • intolerance to dairy products
  • insulin dependent diabetes mellitus
  • bronchial asthma
  • fungal diseases
  • acute intestinal disorders

Carefully you need to drink kefir drink during the period of drinking alcohol, as well as during the treatment with pharmacological agents.

Video: Kefir mushroom, beneficial microorganisms

In pursuit of slim figure most women (and men too) are trying to find more and more new ways to deal with overweight. But if earlier they tried to lose weight in absolutely any way, now they increasingly began to think about the usefulness of each method. And it's no secret that dairy products are among the healthiest. Is it possible to lose weight with milk derivatives without harming your body? Oh sure! And the milk mushroom is a clear confirmation of this.

What is milk mushroom and what is its use

All of you probably know about such a thing as "kombucha". So, milk mushroom is somewhat reminiscent of it, only it is extracted from milk. Dairy (Tibetan) mushroom was discovered Tibetan monks for a long time, and few knew about its beneficial properties. After the mushroom was brought to Europe, the world learned about its medicinal properties. And besides, it was soon proved that the use of milk fungus has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole and promotes weight loss. Milk mushroom is a small white balls with a diameter of about 4-6 mm, which in the process of growth reach a size of 35-50 mm. Dairy mushroom is the result of a symbiosis of beneficial bacteria and yeast fungi. It contains various lactobacilli, lactic yeast, B vitamins, calcium, iodine, folic acid, etc. Thanks to this composition, milk fungus has healing effect on the body:

  • normalizes metabolism
  • improves the activity of the digestive tract
  • strengthens the immune system
  • promotes resorption of benign tumors
  • kills allergic reactions
  • removes used antibiotics from the body
  • treats cardiovascular disease
  • promotes body rejuvenation
  • increases sexual activity
  • improves memory
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect
  • stops the growth of cancer cells
  • normalizes the balance of intestinal microflora
  • lowers blood sugar (do not use with insulin!)
  • suppresses the feeling of hunger.

A drink prepared on the basis of milk fungus helps to reduce cholesterol and salt deposits. Milk fungus also promotes the breakdown of fats, thus helping to reduce weight.

How to grow milk (Tibetan) mushroom

Growing milk mushroom is quite easy. The only difficulty you may encounter is where to get the starter. You can order a mushroom on the Internet, or ask around with friends. So, to prepare a milk mushroom drink, you will need:

  • 4 tbsp milk mushroom
  • 1 l warm milk

Pour milk into a jar and add milk mushroom. Then cover with several layers of gauze so that the mushroom can breathe. Clean in a warm dark place for a day. After a day, strain the drink through a plastic sieve or gauze. The use of a metal sieve is prohibited, otherwise the fungus may die. The drink should be white in color and taste like kefir. This drink should be stored at room temperature and consumed within a day. You need to rinse the rest of the milk fungus in cool water, remove traces of the old sourdough and reuse it according to the same principle. One portion of the Tibetan mushroom can be used for two months, then the medicinal properties of the mushroom lose their ability.

How to lose weight with milk mushroom

Using milk mushroom for weight loss is very simple. After each meal after 30 minutes, drink 1 glass of drink. For maximum results, drink the mushroom an hour before bedtime on an empty stomach. The duration of this diet is 20 days. Then you need to take a 10-day break and repeat the diet again. Doctors and nutritionists recommend eating milk fungus throughout the year. Of course, you should not rely only on the wonderful properties of the Tibetan mushroom and expect that you will lose weight without adhering to an elementary diet. You need to exclude fatty foods, sweets, starchy foods and alcohol from your diet. By drinking a milk mushroom drink, you can lose up to 4 kg per month. Also, do not forget to spend fasting days. During this period, use only milk fungus and water.

Contraindications to the use of milk fungus

Milk mushroom is really a very healthy drink. It can be used by almost everyone except humans

  • with intolerance to dairy products
  • diabetics and those using insulin.

Do not forget that at first the activity of the intestines will increase and discomfort and gas formation may occur. In addition, the color of urine may change, become a little darker. But soon everything will be back to normal. Do not drink a drink before leaving the house and refrain from drinking alcohol. Before introducing it into your diet, consult your doctor.

Tibetan milk mushroom

Among the huge variety of diets, there is one that will cleanse the body of accumulated toxins and toxins, and then get rid of unnecessary body fat. This is a diet with the help of Tibetan milk mushroom.

Tibetan milk fungus kefir does a great job of reducing fat deposits in the body, as it converts fats into simpler compounds, which are then excreted from the body. When using Tibetan milk mushroom, there is a sharp suppression of appetite, which greatly facilitates the procedure. weight loss.

It is also important that the Tibetan milk mushroom has a beneficial effect on the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract. It neutralizes and removes from the body the very poisons that are formed as a result of the decomposition of food in the intestines, and also relieves the body of the effects of drug treatment.

Normal body weight depending on height, age and gender

Age 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69
Floor M F M F M F M F M F
150 51.3 48.9 56.7 53.9 58.1 58.5 58.0 55.7 57.3 54.8
152 53.1 51.0 58.7 55.0 61.5 59.5 61.0 57.6 60.3 55.9
154 55.3 53.0 61.6 59.1 64.5 62.4 63.8 60.2 61.9 59.0
156 58.5 55.8 64.4 61.5 67.3 66.0 65.8 62.4 63.7 60.9
158 61.2 58.1 67.3 64.1 70.4 67.9 68.0 64.5 67.0 62.4
160 62.9 59.8 69.4 65.8 72.3 69.9 69.7 65.8 68.2 64.6
162 64.6 61.6 71.0 68.5 74.4 72.2 72.7 68.7 69.1 66.5
164 67.3 63.6 73.9 70.8 77.2 74.0 75.6 72.0 72.2 70.7
166 68.8 65.2 74.5 71.8 78.0 76.6 76.3 73.8 74.3 71.4
168 70.8 68.5 76.2 73.7 79.6 78.2 79.5 74.8 76.0 73.3
170 72.7 69.2 77.7 75.8 81.0 79.8 79.9 76.8 76.9 75.0
172 74.1 72.8 79.3 77.0 82.8 81.7 81.1 77.7 78.3 76.3
174 77.5 74.3 80.8 79.0 84.4 83.7 82.5 79.4 79.3 78.0
176 80.8 76.8 83.3 79.9 86.0 84.6 84.1 80.5 81.9 79.1
178 83.0 78.2 85.6 82.4 88.0 86.1 86.5 82.4 82.8 80.9
180 85.1 80.9 88.0 83.9 89.9 88.1 87.5 84.1 84.4 81.6
182 87.2 83.3 90.6 87.7 91.4 89.3 89.5 86.5 85.4 82.9
184 93.1 89.2 95.0 91.0 96.6 92.9 92.8 89.6 89.0 87.3
186 93.1 89.2 95.0 91.0 96.6 92.9 92.8 89.6 89.0 87.3
188 95.8 91.8 97.0 94.4 98.0 95.8 95.0 91.5 91.5 88.8
190 97.1 92.3 99.5 95.8 100.7 97.4 99.4 95.6 94.8 92.9

Infusion (kefir) of Tibetan milk fungus easily reduces weight in obesity. Its whole secret is that it does not break down fats to fatty acids that accumulate in the liver and are again converted into fats there, but it converts these fats into simpler compounds, which then itself removes from the human body.

In order to lose weight, you should drink Tibetan milk fungus kefir daily half an hour after eating before going to bed, and once or twice a week arrange fasting days based on this Tibetan kefir, as well as on apples, pears and honey.

Unloading menu:

  • For the first breakfast (9:00-09:30) - an apple and a glass of Tibetan kefir.
  • For the second breakfast (11:00-11:30) - a pear, an apple and a glass of Tibetan kefir.
  • For lunch (13:00-14:00) - a glass of Tibetan kefir with a slice of black bread.
  • For dinner (17:00-17:30) - pear-apple salad seasoned with Tibetan kefir.
  • One hour before bedtime (21:00) - drink a glass of Tibetan kefir with a teaspoon of honey.

The value of the above diet for weight loss is that weight loss will be stable: about 4 kg per month. In addition, the intestinal flora normalizes, cholesterol plaques are eliminated, the hormonal background returns to normal, and metabolism normalizes. The end result is weight loss.


Rules for the treatment of obesity with kefir fungus.

  1. - Follow the meal schedule by the hour, dividing everything into 6 meals until 6 pm the last meal. Or 4 hours before going to bed.
  2. - After the first week of the diet, switch to a regular diet for a week. And limit yourself to sweet, fatty and starchy foods. Then again diet for a week.
  3. - Before starting the diet fasting day.
  4. - In case of an acute attack of hunger, you can drink an additional portion of mushroom kefir 100 ml.
  5. - In addition to the restriction in food, you need to limit the intake of liquids on diet days to drink no more than half a liter of water (except for the fifth day of the diet where you need to drink one and a half liters mineral water.)

Diet #1

1 day: 400 g of boiled potatoes without salt and half a liter of mushroom kefir. Divide the potatoes into 4 doses, and kefir into 5. Drink kefir before meals, the last portion an hour before bedtime.
Day 2: 400 g fat-free cottage cheese and half a liter of mushroom kefir.
Day 3: 400 g of fruit (except bananas and grapes) and half a liter of mushroom kefir.
Day 4: 400 g boiled chicken breasts without salt and half a liter of mushroom kefir.
Day 5
Day 6: One and a half liters of mineral water without gas.
Day 7: 400 g of fruit and half a liter of mushroom kefir

In 20 days, you can lose up to 8 kg. weight, and in 2 months up to 25 kg.

Diet #2

Adhering to proper nutrition (limiting yourself to sweet, flour, fatty or excluding these foods altogether), drink a glass of mushroom kefir half an hour after each meal. In addition, you can arrange fasting days on mushroom kefir, pears and apples 1-2 times a week.
Fasting day:
Breakfast: A baked apple without sugar and a glass of mushroom kefir.
Lunch: Pear, raw apple, a glass of mushroom kefir.
Dinner: A glass of mushroom kefir.
Dinner: Grated apple salad with carrots, sprinkled with mushroom kefir.
Before bedtime: Half an hour before bedtime, a glass of mushroom kefir with a teaspoon of honey.

More recently, one of the fashion trends in the field of weight loss products has appeared, which is called milk mushroom. It also has the second name “Tibetan milk mushroom” due to the fact that, following an old legend, the discovery of this milk mushroom refers to Buddhist monks, who, with their heightened attention, began to notice that milk fermented differently in different containers and utensils. Certain protein compounds began to appear in one of the curdled milks obtained, which, by the way, are still actively used in medical practice, cosmetology, the food industry and in the field of dietology.

By some scientific data and experiments carried out institutes of nutrition and dietetics, it follows that if regularly include in the diet Tibetan milk mushroom infusions, then you can always stay in excellent physical shape and easy to get rid of extra pounds of the body. Getting rid of extra pounds occurs due to the processes of restructuring the body, since it has influence special acetic acid bacteria contained in Tibetan milk mushroom. Therefore, healing Tibetan milk mushroom drink will have a great help in getting rid of fat accumulations organism.

Useful substances in the milk fungus are able to convert fats into simple compounds and remove them from the human body. In many ways, it facilitates the whole process of losing weight and the fact that the liquid contained in the milk mushroom suppresses appetite very well.

Tibetan milk mushroom is very useful for maintaining organism healthy person:

  • Firstly, milk fungus renders beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora person;
  • second, he able to neutralize and remove all harmful components, which remain in the intestine as a result of decomposition.

Use Tibetan milk mushroom for weight loss should be as follows:

  • you should drink the drink preferably regularly, 30 minutes after the next meal;
  • 30 minutes before a night's sleep, you should drink a drink, and the stomach should be empty, that is, you should not eat any food for two to three hours before this time;
  • milk mushroom should be consumed daily, best time its use is considered the pre-lunch period of time;
  • do not forget about the restrictions on the use of bakery and sweet products.

As a rule, the entire course of losing weight with the help of Tibetan milk fungus should go according to this scheme: we use yogurt from milk fungus for 20 days, then we need to take a ten-day break, then again twenty-day use of kefir obtained from milk fungus. And thus, this mode of alternation continues throughout the calendar year.

It is worth recalling that those who decide to use such weight loss method that he has, as well as all means, have their own characteristics and certain consequences of its use. For example, noted some increase bowel activity. Because of this, it increases flatulence and dark urine. But you should never panic, after a short period of time, there will definitely be an improvement in well-being and mood, the general tone of the body increases. And along with this excess fat will begin to disappear organism.

What is the right way to grow Tibetan milk mushroom?

For these purposes into a half-liter, clean jar add two teaspoons of Tibetan milk spores mushroom, 250 grams of fresh cow's milk, which has room temperature. Followed by cover the jar small segment gauze fabric, for, so that milk fungus can breathe and leave container at room temperature for a day. Milk has time turn sour approximately for 18-20 hours.

You can find out about the end of the fermentation process by the formation of a thick layer in the jar and also by the separation of fermented milk, which will be at the bottom of the dish.

Then, fermented milk necessary strain through a sieve made of plastic. Next, you need to carefully wash the milk mushroom under clean running water and put in a jar bay there another serving of fresh milk. If right do such procedures daily, then milk fungus will live and benefit you for many years.

The prepared kefir drink should not be stored in the refrigerator, only at room temperature, otherwise it will completely lose all its beneficial properties.

Use Tibetan milk mushroom strictly contraindicated for people, which have individual intolerance all dairy products with different types of diabetes, at concomitant use of alcoholic beverages.