Child 3 months massage and gymnastics. Massage for babies with detailed photo instructions. Body exercises

Today's article is a continuation of the topic of children's massage and gymnastics started in previous articles.

Baby massage is the best way helping your child to relax and feel calm.Also, massage helps to improve the sensory perception of the baby.

And we must understand that touch is a form of expressing love for a child, and use this means to establish close bonds with our baby.

Of course, ideally massage and gymnastics it is better for a baby to start doing somewhere from the age of one month. But, if due to some circumstances you have not done this, start doing it now. If you still doubt the effectiveness of massage, I advise you to read the article.

If your baby is three months old, and you have not carried out a complex with him massage and gymnastics from the first complex, you can immediately begin to perform these exercises:

Complex 2 (for babies aged 3-4 months).

Another small digression - before starting the complex, be sure to read

Let's start.

Your baby is already three months old. It's time to replace our usual set of exercises with a new one. This is done for the correct and harmonious development of your baby.

To the reflex exercises that you performed with him earlier, we add passive and passive-active exercises for the torso, arms and legs. Passive exercises are various movements of the baby carried out by adults, but at the same time, the child already partially performs the movements himself, and the adult helps him.

1. Crossing the hands of a child.

The baby lies on his back. Put a finger into the child’s arms, and when he grabs them, spread his arms to the sides (holding them a little with his hands), and then cross them in front of the chest. Do 6-8 times. Then we raise the baby's arms up and down, also 6-8 times. It is very good if your baby resists during this exercise, strains the handles.

2. Bending the legs.

We take the baby's legs by the shins so that the index fingers are on top. Bend both legs at the same time, bringing the hips to the tummy, and unbend. Do 4-6 times. If the baby's legs resist even a little during the exercise - this is wonderful!

3. Massage of the handles.

The child lies on its back. An adult, holding his right hand with his right hand, does each of the exercises 4-8 times - stroking, rubbing, kneading. Exercises are performed in the direction from the hands to the shoulders, which favorably affects the movement of venous blood and lymph through the vessels. We do the same with the second handle.

4. Foot massage.

We do everything the same as in the previous exercise, only with legs. And from the feet to the groin. Also 4-8 times.

5. Reflex turn from back to stomach.

Starting position - baby on the back. We put the index finger of the left hand into the baby's left hand, bent at the elbow joint. With our right hand, we hold our crumbs by the middle part of the lower leg. Slowly and carefully turn the baby, encouraging him to turn his shoulder girdle, torso and head until he turns onto his tummy. Then we return the child to starting position. We do the exercise 1-2 times.

We do the same on the other side, changing hands. Excellent - if the child firmly holds on to the finger of an adult and participates in turns.

6. Back massage.

We put the baby on the tummy. We perform stroking and rubbing - 6-8 times. From the sacrum to the shoulder blades along the spine.

7. Tummy massage.

Baby on the back. We stroke his tummy with our hand clockwise. We do 6-8 times.

8. Foot massage.

This is very useful exercise, since there are many reflexogenic points on the soles of our feet, and exposure to them has a positive effect on the entire body. Therefore, even though the child will be tickled, and he can resist, we must perform this exercise.

The baby lies on his back. In the exercise we use rubbing and kneading. We do each 5-6 times from heels to fingers.

9. Massage chest(vibrating).

Starting position - the baby lies on his back. Gently tap with the pads of your fingers of both hands on the baby's chest. These movements are reminiscent of tapping on the buttons of a typewriter. First, we massage the front wall of the baby's chest, then the sides. The exercise takes 1-2 minutes.

10. After that, we turn the child on the tummy and also perform a vibration massage of the chest from the back for 1-2 minutes.

11. Flexion and extension of the arms.

The baby lies on its back. We perform the exercise alternately with one or the other handle 6-8 times. If the baby's legs resist even a little during the exercise - this is wonderful!

12. Flexion and extension of the legs.

Starting position - baby on the back. An adult holds him by the feet, thumbs on the soles. In turn, we bend and unbend either one or the second leg of the crumb. We repeat 6-8 times. It is also good if the baby resists movements, which means that his muscles are working.

13. Transition to a sitting position.

The baby lies on its back. An adult takes with both hands the torso of his crumbs from the sides. We transfer the child to a sitting position, and carefully lower him back to the back. When we lower the baby on the back, we move one hand to the back of the head and hold the head to avoid bruises. We do the exercise 2-4 times.

14. Stroking hands and feet.

it final exercise of our complex will relax and soothe the baby. We stroke the arms and legs from the bottom to the top, for several minutes.

Dear Parents! Do not skip a set of massage exercises and gymnastics. Do this daily in the morning and afternoon for 5-6 minutes. Make time for this! After all, the benefits of massage and gymnastics for early children childhood cannot be overestimated!

I wish you health, dear parents! Let your children delight you with their health and strength!

Elena Medvedeva.

So, children's massage and gymnastics according to the method of Irina Krasikova for a healthy child aged 3-4 months.

Before that, it will be useful for you to read "", "", and also "", the author periodically refers to it.

II set of exercises for children's massage and gymnastics
Lesson plan

1. Hand massage:

Stroking, 5-6 movements on each hand;

Ring rubbing, 2-3 times;

Stroking, 2-3 movements.

2. Crossing the arms on the chest, 6-8 times.

3. Foot massage:

Stroking, 2-3 movements on each leg;

Ring rubbing, 5-6 times;

Stroking, 2-3 movements on each leg.

4. Sliding steps (with vibration), 5-6 times with each foot.

5. Turn on the stomach, 2-3 times in each direction.

6. Back massage:

Stroking, 2-3 times;

Rubbing with fingertips, 2-3 times the entire surface of the back;

Stroking, 2-3 times.

7. Bending the spine in the supine position (reflex exercise), 2-3 times on each side.

8. The position of the "swimmer", 1 time.

9. Massage the abdomen:

Stroking circular, 2-3 times;

Stroking counter, 2-3 times;

Stroking on the oblique muscles of the abdomen, 2-3 times;

Rubbing with fingertips, 2-3 times the entire surface of the abdomen;

Stroking (all techniques 2-3 times).

10. Raising the head and torso from a position on the back 2-4 times.

11. Foot massage: - stroking, 2-3 times each foot;

Rubbing, 5-6 times each foot;

Tapping, 8-10 strokes on each foot;

Stroking, 2-3 times.

12. Flexion and extension of the feet, 5-6 times each movement.

13. "Walking" - a reflex exercise.

14. Breast Massage:

Stroking, 2-3 times;

Vibration massage, 3-4 times;

Stroking, 2-3 times.

15. "Boxing" - an exercise for the hands, 5-6 times.

16. Exercise on the ball.

The practice of baby massage for a healthy baby aged 3-4 months Irina Krasikova

Now let's move on to a detailed explanation of massage techniques and exercises.

1. Hand massage

Complete 5-6 strokes along the entire length of the child's arm (see I complex No. 1) from the hand to the shoulder.

Next take- ring grinding.

Hold the child's hands (left hand - right, right - left), putting your thumb. Place the thumb and forefinger of your free hand around the child's wrist. Do vigorous ring rubs with an emphasis on outer surface hands (Fig. 25). Thus, in 3-4 turns, move to the elbow, then in 5-6 turns to the shoulder. Repeat this technique 2-3 times. It is desirable that the skin of the child turned pink. It is necessary to finish the hand massage with 2-3 strokes.

2. Crossing the arms over the chest

Place your thumbs in the palms of the child, with the rest - lightly hold his hands. Spread the baby's arms to the sides, you can do this with a slight shaking, then lead them towards each other to the cross on the chest and back (Fig. 26, 27).

When crossing from above, either the right or the left hand should lie down alternately. The pace of movements is slow, avoid sudden shocks. Repeat crossing 6-8 times.

3. Foot massage

Start with 2-3 strokes along the entire length of the leg (see I complex No. 2) in the direction from the foot to the thigh.

Ring grinding is performed as follows. With the thumb and forefinger of both hands, clasp the rings (close one above the other) of the child's lower leg in its lower part. Do energetic divergent ring rubbing and in 3-4 turns move up to the knee along the back-outer surface of the lower leg (Fig. 28).

It is important not to touch the popliteal fossa and not to rub the Achilles tendon. The front-outer surface of the thigh is more convenient to rub with fingertips. Repeat 5-6 times. Complete foot massage 2-3 strokes.

4. "Sliding steps" with vibration

I. p .: the child lies on his back.

Grasp the child's shins so that the thumbs are located on the front of the shins, and the rest on the back. Then, with a slight shaking, straighten the child's leg and, sliding the foot along the surface of the table, bend it (Fig. 29). Repeat the movement with the other leg. And so 5-6 times with each leg.

This exercise, reminiscent of cycling, strengthens the leg muscles well and develops the support reaction. If passive leg extension is difficult (due to increased tone of the flexor muscles), do not rush, postpone this exercise until an older age. For now, you can simply “stomp” your feet on the surface of the table (Fig. 30). Sliding steps are taken slowly and very carefully, without jerking.

5. Turn on the stomach (through the right side - to the left)

I. p .: the child lies on his back.

Place the index finger of the left hand in the child's left palm, grasp his hand with the rest of the fingers. With your right hand, hold both legs in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe shins with a “fork” and, slightly straightening them, turn the child’s pelvis to the left. Immediately after this, the baby independently turns its head and upper part body on the same side. Hold the baby in the position on the side, let him exercise the muscles of the neck, holding the head (Fig. 31). Then bring the child's left hand slightly forward - and the baby is already lying on his stomach. Straighten your arms under his chest, spreading your hands.

The exercise uses the innate vestibular reflex of the location of body parts. When performing this complex movement, the muscles of the entire torso of the child work. The sequence of individual moments is the same as in the independent turning of a healthy older child. Sometimes a 3-month-old baby, during his erratic movements, accidentally throws one leg over the other, and the pelvis turns on its side (I moment). This entails the movement of the head and upper body in the same direction (second moment). The most difficult thing remains: pull the pen out from under you, and the child is on the stomach (III moment).

It is especially important to bring up the correct mechanism of turns, described above, in children who are weakened, premature. These children often turn as follows: lying on their backs, resting on the back of the head and buttocks, bending the spine upwards, which entails the outweighing of the body on the stomach. As a result of such exercises, the deflection of the spine in the lumbar region increases, and this is undesirable.

The turn is performed 2-3 times in each direction. This exercise is very useful and children enjoy doing it, so repeat the turns several times throughout the day. When turning through the left side, change hands accordingly (Fig. 32).

6. Back and buttocks massage

Start with stroking the entire back, including the buttocks. The child is already firmly lying on his stomach, so stroking is performed with both hands 2-3 times (Fig. 33).

Trituration it is better to do it with the pads of slightly bent fingers (Fig. 34). With rectilinear rubbing, while the fingers of the right hand move the skin up, the fingers of the left hand move down, then vice versa, moving along the entire back. With circular (spiral) rubbing, the fingers of the right hand move the skin clockwise, the fingers of the left hand - against.

Rubbing with the back of bent fingers is possible (Fig. 35). It is important that your hands move alternately, otherwise the baby's skin will stretch. It is better to rub the buttocks one by one. End any massage stroking.

7. Flexion of the spine in the position on the side

(cm. I complex number 5)

Move vigorously along the child's spine with the pads of straightened fingers. Repeat this technique 2-3 times on each side.

8. The position of the "swimmer"

I. p .: the child lies on his stomach.

With the index and thumb of the right hand, grasp the bottom of the child's right leg in the lower part of the lower leg, with the rest of the fingers grab at the same level left leg. Then, lifting the child's legs, bring your free hand under the stomach, creating support for it (Fig. 36), and lift the baby above the table. In this case, the child lies horizontally in the palm of your hand, as if on a playground.

The head and upper part of the body are raised, the spine is extended, all the muscles of the back surface of the body are working (Fig. 37). The exercise is done 1 time and lasts a few seconds.

9. belly massage

Start with stroking in three directions (circular, counter and oblique muscles of the abdomen - see Complex I No. 6).

Repeat each movement 2-3 times.

Trituration performed with the pads of slightly bent fingers. First, the reception is carried out with the right hand but in divergent circles, starting from the navel (Fig. 38), then with both hands along the rectus abdominis muscles (Fig. 39). Make sure that the circular rubbing is clockwise and avoid pressing on the liver area. At the end of the massage, repeat stroking.

10. Lifting the head and torso from a position on the back

I. p .: the child lies on his back.

Let the child grasp the thumbs of your hands, with the rest hold his hands. Then straighten your child's arms. With affectionate words and a slight pull on the handles, encourage the child to raise his head and upper body, without bringing him to a sitting position (Fig. 40).

Then slowly and carefully lay the baby, preferably on its side, so as not to hit the back of the head. This exercise is active, very useful for strengthening the muscles of the anterior surface of the neck and abdominals. Repeat lifting 2-4 times with laying on the right and left side.

11. Foot massage

Pat and then rub the child's soles vigorously. The position of the hands (see I complex No. 8). Rubbing is also done with the pad of the thumb. in a circular motion or figure eight. Then rub the outer and inner edges of the foot in the direction from the heel to the toes.

New reception - tapping stop - performed as follows: with the back of the straightened fingers (index and middle) of the right hand, we apply light rhythmic blows to the child's foot (Fig. 41). Repeat this movement 8-10 times in the direction from the heel to the toes and back.

12. Flexion and extension of the feet

Pressing in the area of ​​the base of the fingers on the sole causes reflex flexion of the foot, vigorous rubbing along the outer edge of the foot - extension (see Complex I, No. 9).

13. "Walking"

The innate walking reflex persists in children up to 4 months of age. Supporting the child under the armpits, lead him towards or away from you, slightly shifting the weight of the body from one leg to the other (Fig. 42). Watch for the correct position of the feet (see Complex I, No. 12).

14. Breast massage

Perform stroking 2-3 times (see I complex No. 11).

Vibration massage make it a little more complicated: light, rhythmic pressure with your fingers on the child’s chest while moving your hands from the middle to the side surfaces of the chest. Try not to put too much pressure on the ribs. Repeat this technique 3-4 times. Complete the massage stroking.

15. Exercise for hands "boxing"

I. p .: the child lies on his back.

Place your thumbs in the palms of the child, with the rest - lightly hold his hands. Alternately bend and unbend the baby's arms, that is, when bending one arm, unbend the other, and vice versa (Fig. 43).

When extending, move the handle forward and to the center, slightly raising the shoulder. Thus, imitating the movements of a boxer, slightly turn the child from side to side (Fig. 44). During this exercise, all the muscles of the hands and shoulder girdle. Repeat 5-6 times with each hand slow pace avoiding sudden jerks.

16. Exercise on the ball

Place the child on the ball with his stomach, spreading his legs wide apart. Rock the baby, when moving back and forth, make sure that he rests his feet or open palms on the surface of the table, and encourage him to push himself off (Fig. 45).

For better opening of the brushes, clap the child's hands on the ball. Then put the child on the ball with his back and, supporting him in the chest area, rock him in different directions (Fig. 46).

An inflatable ball is one of the many useful and favorite toys for infants. Put it in the crib at the child's feet, let the baby kick it, training the support of the feet.

We have considered a set of exercises baby massage and gymnastics at 3-4 months according to the method of Irina Krasikova. Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments :)

Lesson plan
1. Hand massage:
- stroking, 5-6 movements on each hand;
- ring rubbing, 2-3 times;
- stroking, 2-3 movements.
2. Crossing the arms on the chest, 6-8 times.
3. Foot massage:
- stroking, 2-3 movements on each leg;
- ring grinding, 5-6 times;
- stroking, 2-3 movements on each leg.
4. Sliding steps (with vibration), 5-6 times with each foot.
5. Turn on the stomach, 2-3 times in each direction.
6. Back massage:
- stroking, 2-3 times;
- rubbing with fingertips, 2-3 times the entire surface of the back;
- stroking, 2-3 times.
7. Bending the spine in the supine position (reflex exercise), 2-3 times on each side.
8. The position of the "swimmer", 1 time.
9. Massage the abdomen:
- circular stroking, 2-3 times;
- stroking counter, 2-3 times;
- stroking the oblique abdominal muscles, 2-3 times;
- rubbing with fingertips, 2-3 times the entire surface of the abdomen;
- stroking (all techniques 2-3 times).
10. Raising the head and torso from a position on the back 2-4 times.
11. Foot massage:
- stroking, 2-3 times each foot;
- rubbing, 5-6 times each foot;
- tapping, 8-10 strokes on each foot;
- stroking, 2-3 times.
12. Flexion and extension of the feet, 5-6 times each movement.
13. "Walking" - a reflex exercise.
14. Breast Massage:
- stroking, 2-3 times;
- vibration massage, 3-4 times;
- stroking, 2-3 times.
15. "Boxing" - an exercise for the hands, 5-6 times.
16. Exercise on the ball.

1. Hand massage
Perform 5-6 strokes along the entire length of the child's arm (see 1 complex No. 1) from the hand to the shoulder.
The next technique is ring grinding. Hold the child's hands (left hand - right, right - left), putting your thumb into it. Place the thumb and forefinger of your free hand around the child's wrist. Do vigorous ring rubbing with emphasis on the outer surface of the hand (Fig. 25). Thus, in 3-4 turns, move to the elbow, then in 5-6 turns to the shoulder. Repeat this technique 2-3 times. It is desirable that the skin of the child turned pink. It is necessary to finish the hand massage with 2-3 strokes.

2. Crossing the arms over the chest

I. p .: the child lies on his back. Put your thumbs in the palms of the child, the rest -
lightly hold his brushes. Spread the baby's arms to the sides, you can do this with a slight shaking, then lead them towards each other to the cross on the chest and back (Fig. 26, 27).

When crossing from above, either the right or the left hand should lie down alternately. The pace of movements is slow, avoid sudden shocks. Repeat crossing 6-8 times.

3. Foot massage
Start with 2-3 strokes along the entire length of the leg (see 1 complex No. 2) in the direction from the foot to the thigh.
Ring grinding is performed as follows. With the thumb and forefinger of both hands, clasp the rings (close one above the other) of the child's lower leg in its lower part. Do energetic divergent ring rubbing and in 3-4 turns move up to the knee along the posterior-outer surface of the lower leg (Fig. 28). It is important not to touch the popliteal fossa and not to rub the Achilles tendon. The front-outer surface of the thigh is more convenient to rub with fingertips.
Repeat 5-6 times. Finish the foot massage with 2-3 strokes.

4 "Sliding steps" with vibration
I. p .: the child lies on his back. Grasp the child's shins so that the thumbs are located on the front of the shins, and the rest on the back. Then, with a slight shaking, straighten the child's leg and, sliding the foot along the surface of the table, bend it (Fig. 29). Repeat the movement with the other leg. And so 5-6 times with each leg. This exercise, reminiscent of cycling, strengthens the leg muscles well and develops the support reaction. If passive leg extension is difficult (due to increased tone of the flexor muscles), do not rush, postpone this exercise until an older age. While you can just "sink"
feet on the surface of the table (Fig. 30). Sliding steps are taken slowly and very carefully, without jerking.

5. Turn on the stomach (through the right side - to the left)
I. p .: the child lies on his back. Place the index finger of the left hand in the child's left hand,
grab his hand with the rest of your fingers. With your right hand, hold both legs in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe shins with a “fork” and, slightly straightening them, turn the child’s pelvis to the left. Immediately after this, the baby independently turns its head and upper body in the same direction. For
hold the baby in a position on its side, let him exercise the neck muscles by holding his head (fig. 31).

Then bring the child's left hand slightly forward - and the baby is already lying on his stomach. Straighten your arms under his chest, spreading your hands. The exercise uses the innate vestibular reflex
location of body parts. When performing this complex movement, the muscles of the entire torso of the child work. The sequence of individual moments is the same as in the independent turning of a healthy older child. Sometimes a 3-month-old baby, during his erratic movements, accidentally throws one leg over the other, and the pelvis turns on its side (1 moment). This entails the movement of the head and upper body in the same direction (second moment). The most difficult thing remains: pull the pen out from under you, and the child is on the stomach (III moment).

It is especially important to bring up the correct mechanism of turns, described above, in children who are weakened, premature. These children often turn as follows: lying on their backs, resting on the back of the head and buttocks, bending the spine upwards, which entails the outweighing of the body on the stomach. As a result of such exercises, the deflection of the spine in the lumbar region increases, and this is undesirable. The turn is performed 2-3 times in each direction. This exercise is very useful and children enjoy doing it, so repeat the turns several times throughout the day.
When turning through the left side, change hands accordingly (Fig. 32).

6. Back and buttocks massage
Start by stroking the entire back, including the buttocks. The child is already firmly lying on his stomach, so stroking is performed with both hands 2-3 times (Fig. 33). Rubbing is best done with the pads of slightly bent fingers (Fig. 34).

With rectilinear rubbing, while the fingers of the right hand move the skin up, the fingers of the left hand move down, then vice versa, moving along the entire back. With circular (spiral) rubbing, the fingers of the right hand move the skin clockwise, the fingers of the left hand - against. Rubbing with the back of bent fingers is possible (Fig. 35).

It is important that your hands move alternately, otherwise the baby's skin will stretch. It is better to rub the buttocks one by one. Any massage should be completed with stroking.

7. Flexion of the spine in the position on the side (see Complex I No. 5)

Move vigorously along the child's spine with the pads of straightened fingers. Repeat this technique 2-3 times on each side.

8. The position of the "swimmer"

I. p .: the child lies on his stomach. With the index and thumb of the right hand, grab the child’s right leg from below in the lower part of the lower leg, with the rest of the fingers grab the left leg at the same level. Then, lifting the child's legs, bring your free hand under the stomach, creating support for it (Fig. 36), and lift the baby above the table. In this case, the child lies horizontally in the palm of your hand, as if on a playground. The head and upper part of the body are raised, the spine is extended, all the muscles of the back surface of the body are working (Fig. 37). The exercise is done 1 time and lasts a few seconds.

9. Massage the abdomen
Start with stroking in three directions (circular, counter and oblique muscles of the abdomen - see Complex I No. 6). Repeat each movement 2-3 times.
Rubbing is performed with the pads of slightly bent fingers. First, the reception is carried out with the right hand but in divergent circles, starting from the navel (Fig. 38), then with both hands along the rectus abdominis muscles (Fig. 39).

Make sure that the circular rubbing is clockwise and avoid pressing on the liver area.
At the end of the massage, repeat stroking.

10. Lifting the head and torso from a position on the back
I. p .: the child lies on his back. Let the child grasp the thumbs of your hands, with the rest hold his hands. Then straighten your child's arms.

With affectionate words and a slight pull on the handles, encourage the child to raise his head and upper body, without bringing him to a sitting position (Fig. 40). Then slowly and carefully lay the baby, preferably on its side, so as not to hit the back of the head. This exercise is active, very useful for strengthening the muscles of the anterior surface of the neck and abdominals. Repeat lifting 2-4 times with laying on the right and left side.

11. Foot massage

Pat and then rub the child's soles vigorously. The position of the hands (see I complex No. 8). Rubbing is also performed with the pad of the thumb in a circular motion or in the form of a figure eight. Then rub the outer and inner edges of the foot in the direction from the heel to the toes.
A new technique - tapping the feet - is performed as follows: with the back of the straightened fingers (index and middle) of the right hand, we apply light rhythmic blows to the child's foot (Fig. 41).

Repeat this movement 8-10 times in the direction from the heel to the toes and back.

12. Flexion and extension of the feet

Pressing in the area of ​​the base of the fingers on the sole causes reflex flexion of the foot, vigorous rubbing along the outer edge of the foot - extension (see Complex I, No. 9).

13. "Walking"
The innate walking reflex persists in children up to 4 months of age. Supporting the child under the armpits, lead him towards or away from you, slightly shifting the weight of the body from one leg to the other (Fig. 42). Watch for the correct position of the feet (see Complex I, No. 12).

14. Breast massage

Perform stroking 2-3 times (see I complex No. 11). Complicate the vibration massage a little: light, rhythmic pressure with your fingers on the child’s chest while moving your hands from the middle to the side surfaces of the chest. Try not to put too much pressure on the ribs. Repeat this technique 3-4 times. Finish the massage with stroking.

15. Exercise for hands "boxing"

I. p .: the child lies on his back. Put your thumbs in the palms of the child, with the rest lightly hold his hands. Alternately bend and unbend the baby's arms, that is, when bending one arm, unbend the other, and vice versa (Fig. 43).

When extending, move the handle forward and to the center, slightly raising the shoulder. Thus, imitating the movements of a boxer, slightly turn the child from side to side (Fig. 44).

During this exercise, all the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle work. Repeat 5-6 times with each hand at a slow pace, avoiding sudden jerks.

16. Exercise on the ball

Place the child on the ball with his stomach, spreading his legs wide apart. Rock the baby, when moving back and forth, make sure that he rests his feet or open palms on the surface of the table, and encourage him to push himself off (Fig. 45).

For better opening of the brushes, clap the child's hands on the ball. Then put the child on the ball with his back and, supporting him in the chest area, rock him in different directions (Fig. 46).

An inflatable ball is one of the many useful and favorite toys for infants. Put it in the crib at the child's feet, let the baby kick it, training the support of the feet.

So, your baby is three months old. The main method of conducting massage is vibration, shaking, which was mentioned in the article about massage and gymnastics for children 1-3 months of age. In addition to those listed there, general complex enter new massage technique- rubbing, based on light massaging the surface of the body with fingertips.
Start and end the massage procedure should be stroking, because this technique helps to calm the child's nervous system and relax his muscles.
Gradually, massage techniques should become more active and intense.

AT gymnastics introduced exercise with gym equipment. One of these projectiles should be a bright colored inflatable ball.

Already at this age good for kids to learn to swim, because swimming not only strengthens the joints and muscles of the child, but also has a beneficial effect on his entire body.

It's important to know:

The duration of classes for children 3-4 months of age should be gradually increased. If up to 3 months their duration was 15 minutes, then at the age of 3.5-4 months they can be brought up to 20-25 minutes.
. Your hands should be warm and clean, and your fingernails trimmed. Watches, rings and bracelets must be removed, as they can injure the child's skin.
. During the exercises, sing, talk, play with the child - thereby evoking positive emotions in him, so that he associates gymnastics with pleasure and play. For example, each exercise is accompanied by a score. The child will feel the rhythm. Or just put on rhythm music
. An increase in the duration of classes is allowed if the child is healthy and takes all the exercises with pleasure. Otherwise, you need to consult a pediatrician. Recall that if any exercise causes negative emotions in a child, then it should be excluded.
. It is very important to observe the child during massage and gymnastics, highlighting those techniques and exercises that give him positive emotions. Subsequent sessions of massage and gymnastics should begin with them.
. Gymnastics and massage should be carried out at least half an hour after the baby eats.

Massage and gymnastics technique for children 3-4 months old

Foot massage

I. p. - lying on your back.
. Stroking. Do light strokes in the direction from the heel to the thigh (no more than 4 movements). After that, you should move on to ring rubbing of the legs. The whole procedure ends with a few stroking movements of each leg.
. Ring rubbing of legs
Grab the child's leg with your thumbs and forefingers so that the left hand is higher than the right. Then you need to start making circular movements with your hands on the outside of the lower leg and reach the knee in 3 turns. You can't rub your knee.
Move on to rubbing the thigh muscles. This procedure should be repeated 6 times. During the procedure, the skin should turn slightly red.
Finish the exercise with a stroke.
. Sliding steps (with vibration)
I. p. - lying on your back.
This exercise beneficial effect on the development and strengthening of the muscles and joints of the child's legs.
Take the child's shin in your hands so that your thumb is on the outside of the shin, and the rest of the fingers are on the inside.
Straighten the child's left leg and shake it slightly. Then bend it again so that his heel slides smoothly on the table, without breaking away from its surface (see fig.). Repeat this with the right leg as well.
Repeat 4 times with each leg.

Attention! If the hypertonicity of the flexor muscles still does not disappear in a child at the age of 3-4 months, this exercise should be canceled or replaced with a walking reflex exercise (see article Gymnastic exercises and massage of children from 1.5 to 3 months).

Foot massage

I. p. - lying on your back.
Start the procedure with three strokes. Then proceed to rubbing the outer and inner parts of the foot in the direction from the heel to the child's toes.
After stroking and rubbing, you can start tapping the baby's feet. To do this, simply lightly hit the child's foot with the back surface of the index finger 8-10 times (see Fig.).
Do this in the direction from the heel to the toes and back. The massage should be completed by stroking each foot of the child.

Flexion and extension of the feet

I. p. - lying on your back.
This procedure promotes the development and strengthening of leg muscles.
Press lightly on the base of your toes from the sole side.
In this case, the child's foot will bend reflexively. After that, you should gently rub the outer edge of the foot and it will immediately straighten.
Repeat 4 times.

Massage and hand gymnastics

I. p. - lying on your back.
. Stroking. Put your thumb in the child's hand and squeeze it into a fist. Then, holding the child's hand with your hand, you need to stroke the hand 5 times, in the direction from the palm to the shoulder.
. After that, you can proceed to the ring rubbing of the hands.
Take the child's brush with your thumb and forefinger and rub it with active circular motions (see fig.). In 4 turns your fingers should reach the elbow, and in 6 turns they should reach the shoulder.
During the procedure, the skin on the baby's arm should turn slightly red.
Repeat 5 times.
Finish the exercise by stroking (3 times).

Crossing the arms over the chest
I. p. - lying on your back.
The child's arms should be crossed over the chest.
Put your thumbs in the palms of the child and squeeze the palms into fists.
With the remaining fingers, you need to hold it by the hands.
Then, slightly shaking the child's arms, spread them several times in different directions and cross them again on the chest (see fig.).
Do not forget to alternate the position of the hands: first place the right one on top, then the left one.
Repeat 6 times.

Turn on the stomach

I. p. - lying on your back.
This exercise contributes to the development and strengthening of many muscles of the child.
Supporting the baby’s legs with your right hand, take the baby’s hand, putting your index finger of your left hand in his palm. The baby's legs are straight.
Then gently turn his pelvis to the right side. During the procedure, the child independently begins to turn his head, chest and shoulders to the left (as in the figure). When the child has turned on his right side, hold him in this position for a few seconds. Then pull out left hand the baby forward, and he will roll over on his tummy! Make sure that his hands are under his chest, and his palms are straight.
Turn on the stomach through the left side do the same.
Repeat 2-3 times, several times a day.

Lifting the head and torso from a supine position

I. p. - lying on your back.
Exercise helps develop and strengthen the muscles of the abdomen and neck.
Put your thumbs in the palms of the child and squeeze them into fists, and grab the hand with the other fingers. Gently pull the child's arms so that his head and shoulders are slightly raised (as in the picture). You can't plant a child.
Repeat 3 times.

belly massage

I. d. - lying on your back.
As we already wrote, the main methods of abdominal massage are stroking - on the oblique muscles of the abdomen, oncoming and circular.
Now, after stroking, you should move on to rubbing the abdominal muscles: first to the circular, and then to the rectus muscles.
. To perform circular rubbing of the abdomen, make circular movements with one hand in the direction from the navel to the ribs (as in the figure). Then, with both hands, rub the tummy along the rectus muscles. All movements should be active and rhythmic, but accurate. By the end of the procedure, the child's skin should turn slightly pink.
. At the end of the procedure, you need to do several strokes again.
Repeat 4 times.

Back massage

I. p. - lying on the stomach.
The main method of the procedure is stroking. With both hands, make smooth strokes of the buttocks and back. Outside party palms make upward movements, and inside- way down.
Repeat 4 times.

Direct back rub

After smooth strokes, you should move on to direct rubbing of the back. When performing a massage, combine direct and circular movements. Just move the skin of the crumbs with the fingers of your left hand from top to bottom, and vice versa, with the fingers of your right hand - from bottom to top.

Spiral back rub

Like the previous exercise, it is performed with two hands, with the fingers of the left hand should move the skin counterclockwise, and the fingers of the right hand in the opposite direction. During the massage, periodically change hands. Keep rubbing until the baby's skin turns slightly red.
Finish the exercise with a smooth stroke.

Reflex flexion of the spine

I. p. - lying on your side.
To do this, gently slide your thumb and forefinger along the back of the baby along the spine, and hold his legs with your free hand. In this case, the child will reflexively bend and unbend the spine.
Repeat 3 times on the right and left side. It is advisable to do this exercise 2-3 times a day.

breast massage

I. p. - lying on your back.
The main methods of breast massage are stroking and vibration.
. At the beginning of the procedure, do a few circular strokes of the chest, and then proceed to the usual strokes along the intercostal space of the child. They are made with fingers apart (as in the figure).
. After stroking, you can begin to vibrate. To perform it, you should very carefully press on the baby's chest in the direction from the middle of the chest to the sides.
Repeat 3-4 times.
Finish the procedure with a few circular strokes of the chest.

Exercise "boxer" (lunges with hands)

I. p. - lying on your back.
This exercise helps develop and strengthen the muscles and joints of the shoulder and arms.
Put your thumbs in the child's palms, and grab his wrists with the rest.
Alternately gently but actively bend and unbend the baby's arms. For example, if the child's right arm is bent, then the left should be extended (as in the figure).
When extending the child's arm, make sure that his shoulder is slightly raised. These movements are a lot like boxing.
Repeat 6 times with each hand.

ball exercise

I. p. - lying on the stomach.
This procedure contributes to the development and training of the vestibular apparatus, as well as relaxation of the muscles of the limbs.
Take a big one
inflatable colorful ball. Such a projectile will immediately cause positive emotions in the child. Just make sure the ball is not cold.
Place the baby on the ball with his stomach down and spread his knees in different directions. After this, gently rock the child on the ball in a circle and from side to side. So that the baby does not fall off the ball and does not get injured, he must be constantly held with one hand by the back (as in the figure).

The third month of a child's life is one of the most important periods for its full development. Doctors recommend massage during this period. Do babies need massage and what are its benefits?

Massage for newborns is divided into two types:

  • restorative;
  • medical.

General strengthening massage for the baby is carried out using simple exercises. You can do it yourself at home. It improves mental and physical development baby, activates motor skills, prevents many diseases.

Therapeutic massage is done by a professional massage therapist for children from 3 months.

It is carried out when identifying such indications as:

  • The child holds his head weakly, especially when lying on his stomach.
  • Congenital torticollis and its types.
  • Umbilical hernia (colic relieved).
  • Hypertonicity or hypotonicity of the muscles of the extremities.
  • postpartum trauma.
  • Congenital defects of the vertebral axis and feet.
  • Be sure to consult with your pediatrician.

Why massage at this age

General strengthening massage for children 3 months is carried out to balance muscle tone, the development of joints, as well as in order to teach the baby to control his body. The coherence of the work of all organs depends on its proper formation.

At this age, the child begins to lean more firmly on the handles, raise his head, roll over from his back to his stomach. In children of three months of age, vision and hearing are improving. They react to noise, turn the head towards the object of interest. Massage is great for this. The muscles of the arms, back, neck, abdomen will become stronger. This is especially necessary for premature babies and those who are not gaining weight well.

According to scientists, massage activates the development of babies:

  • The correct emotional mood is formed, allowing you to quickly adapt to the world around you.
  • The work of organs and systems is getting better.
  • Intestinal colic, constipation cease to bother, appetite improves.
  • The child becomes calmer, sleeps better.
  • The musculoskeletal system is developing well.

It is more effective to conduct a session in the form of a game. It is difficult for three-month-old children to perceive speech. They need the gentle touch of their mother's hands.

Massage encourages babies to positive emotions: they begin to smile, “walk”.

When mom makes gentle strokes, the baby falls asleep faster. Movements with patting, vibration give an exciting effect to stimulate action. At 3 months it is useful to massage the abdominal press. Light stroking, kneading movements free the intestines from accumulated gases.

Restorative massage for babies is a mandatory daily procedure.

How often should a baby be massaged?

At three months, the practice of massage has its own characteristics. It is necessary to periodically put the child on the tummy and develop the muscles of the abdomen, arms, back and neck. Choose exercises with the aim of strengthening the muscles, and not relieving tension from them. Gradually increase the load on the dorsal, cervical, abdominal muscles. Start and end the massage with strokes that relax nervous system child. Massaging more vigorously each time. The use of gymnastic props (colorful inflatable ball) is welcome.

The duration of the massage is 15-20 minutes, so as not to overwork the baby and not worsen his mood.

The massage time increases if the baby is healthy and tolerates the set of exercises well. If you experience a negative reaction to certain exercises, it is recommended not to use them for a while.

Preparing for a massage

For the procedure, you need to choose the right place and time. A changing table or other stable, level surface will good option- cover it with a blanket or diaper. The room temperature is not lower than +22 С°, without drafts. Mom needs to wash her hands and grease them with baby cream.

Conduct massage sessions before meals or 1-2 hours after meals. It is advisable to plan for the morning, when the baby has had enough sleep and good mood. It is useful to perform the procedure before bathing. The emotional state should be positive not only for the baby, but also for the mother.

Basic exposure techniques

Children's massage consists of the following techniques:

  • Stroking - calms the nervous system, improves skin nutrition, its elasticity, strengthens muscular system, activates the lymph flow and metabolism, increases the child's appetite.
  • Rubbing - increases blood flow to muscles and tissues, strengthens the musculoskeletal system. Perform in circular motions with fingertips.
  • Kneading - used to activate deep-lying tissues with insufficient development of the musculoskeletal system, rickets. Blood circulation will increase, muscle tone and their ability to contract will improve.
  • Vibration is an energy reception (shaking of the underlying tissues). It is not always used for infants, only for strengthening the spine and for being overweight.
  • Light tapping with fingers.

An active, restless child needs to do more strokes and rubbing - the child will relax, calm down, fall asleep faster. The skin of the baby is delicate and sensitive, so all massage techniques should be carried out gently, gently and smoothly.

Direction of massage movements

In the process of massage, it is important to correctly direct hand movements:

  • Chest - from the center to the shoulders and from the center to the sides.
  • Buttocks - from the hip joint to the anus.
  • Handles - from fingers to armpits.
  • Back - from the spine to the sides and from the lower back to the shoulders.
  • Legs - from the feet in the direction of the groin, slightly bending them at the knee and thigh so that there is no gas and colic. Massage the ankle, bypassing the knee and thigh.

The kneecap and inner thigh are not massaged. Do not touch the genitals, do not clap in the place of the kidneys.

How to massage

General massage for newborns consists of simple massaging actions and gymnastic exercises.

Hand massage

Start by stroking each hand from the fingers of the palm to the shoulder. Knead the fingers with light point movements from the pads to the palm. Work out the base of each finger. Gradually increase the degree of pressure. Next, do the rubbing and finish by shaking your hands. When we massage the palms, as a result, this leads to the development internal organs and activation of biological points. By massaging the fingers, brain function and speech development are stimulated.

After the massage, alternately bend the arms at the elbows and unbend. Exercise to do smoothly, gently, without effort.


Extend your arms and cross over your chest. Each time the left and right hand alternate on top. If the tone of the upper limbs is not completed, the exercise will not be easy.

It is done in circular stroking movements clockwise to prevent and treat umbilical hernia, constipation.

Then, around the navel (within a radius of 2-3 cm), make light pinching to seal the umbilical ring. And again - soft circular strokes.

Do not massage the mammary gland, liver. Exercise relaxes the muscles, so massaging should be gentle.

chest massage

Stroking from the center to the shoulders and sides, without touching the mammary glands.

First perform stroking, then rubbing and patting. Do not touch the mammary glands. The chest muscles are strengthened.

Leg exercises

Several exercises are applied in turn:

  • Bend your knees and press to your stomach.
  • Raise straight legs to the head and bring them behind the ears.
  • Circular movements of the legs in the hip joint. Bend your knees and spread apart, making circular rotations in hip joints, connect them, pressing to the stomach.

The abdominal muscles are strengthened, constipation, bloating, intestinal colic are prevented.

Put the baby on the stomach. Gently begin to knead your fingers in a circular motion. Press a point at the base of each finger.

Gently stroking, stretch each foot, including its lateral part. Do this several times, then massage the foot with eight-shaped movements. Press on the point that is located under the second and third toes. When the child bends the toes, draw a line towards the heel, allowing the child to straighten them. Do it several times.

Massaging the thigh, work only with outer part. Inner part do not touch! Also massage the other leg.

Back and neck massage

The baby lies on his stomach: gently in a circular motion to do stroking on the back. Pull the handles back and rub the shoulders and neck. And back stroking again.

Three months is the period when the baby begins to hold his head. Neck muscles needs to be strengthened. To strengthen the neck, gently, lying on the tummy, turn your head in one direction and in the other. Stretch your ears.

Gently take the baby by the shoulders, gently raise them and lower them, the knees remain in place.

Completion of the massage

Rub from heels to groin and shake lightly. Massage the feet, activating biologically active points to strengthen the body. Make rubbing the back with the back of the hand (from the buttocks to the neck), lightly patting the back with your fingertips. Finish with a light stroke. Lay the baby on its side and learn to roll over.

At the end of the massage, it is useful to use a fitball - rolling a child on a ball. This strengthens the vestibular apparatus, dorsal muscles, abdominal Press.

The complex consists of simple exercises, parents can do it on their own. It is advisable to accompany the massage with songs, nursery rhymes. Systematic exercises will tone the baby's muscles. Session time for initial stage- 15 minutes, you need to gradually increase it.


Massage for a baby is not always allowed, there are also contraindications:

  • Diseases of the blood, skin;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • Diseases in acute form (cystitis, pyelonephritis, etc.);
  • Hepatitis;
  • Rickets in severe form;
  • Bleeding;
  • Injury to the skin, limbs;
  • Tuberculosis of the bone;
  • Nervousness of the baby, because the muscles are in high tone.

The combination of massage with children's gymnastics in many cases can replace other methods of treatment. Do not neglect it, but it is better to use it as a preventive method for many diseases.