Lukashenka advises debtors to engage in duck hunting. All about Hunting in Belarus: Rules, Places, Prices The best places for hunting in Belarus

In accordance with the Rules for the conduct of hunting and hunting (Hunting Rules), from September 1, hunting for beaver and otter opens in Belarus, which will last until March 31, 2017. Hunting is allowed during daylight hours both with rifles (from ambush, from the approach) and without weapons.

When hunting with rifles, it is allowed to use rifled (with a muzzle energy of a bullet over 1500 joules), smooth-bore (using cartridges equipped with a bullet or buckshot) and throwing (bows and crossbows) hunting weapons. When hunting without a gun, it is allowed to use traps No. 3-7, traps (except for loops), as well as hunting dogs (except for hounds and greyhounds) when seized by traps.

Otter hunting in Belarus is not as popular as beaver hunting, as evidenced by information about animal prey. According to the consolidated report of the Ministry of Forestry on the management of the hunting economy in 2015, the catch of the otter was only 29 individuals, while the catch of the beaver was 8919 individuals. The number of otters in the hunting grounds of the republic, according to last year's statistics, is insignificant - 5.6 thousand individuals, the number of beavers - 58.3 thousand individuals.

Considering the most frequently asked questions by hunters, we draw your attention to the fact that hunting for beaver and otter, as well as for other regulated species, is allowed on all days of the week. At the same time, in accordance with part 4 of clause 117 of the Hunting Rules, users of hunting grounds can reduce the time periods established in the Hunting Rules (including the days of the week allowed for hunting), as well as restrict or prohibit the use of tools and (or) hunting methods. The user of hunting grounds is obliged to inform the hunter about such restrictions or prohibitions when issuing him permits for the production of a hunting animal and a ticket to them.

During gunless hunting for beaver and otter, you can use walk-through traps designed in their own way. technical specifications for catching these animals (for example, KP-250 or KP-320). Such hunting tools belong to the so-called "humane" - providing a quick prey of an animal without prolonged suffering, which cannot be said about the more common infringing (leg-grabbing) traps.

Self-catchers installed by hunters may be in the hunting grounds in an alert (cocked) state during the entire period of validity of the permit for the production of a game animal and a ticket to it. At the same time, hunters can only install, remove and check traps and traps (including extracting hunted animals from them) during daylight hours. Also, hunting with the help of traps is allowed only during daylight hours, the principle of operation of which requires the direct presence of the hunter.

If the hunter has found in the device he has installed a game animal of normalized species, for which he does not have a permit, or an animal from the Red Book, he must, without removing the animal, inform the user about this hunting grounds. If an otter is caught in a trap or trap while hunting for a beaver (or vice versa), the permit is closed for the animal actually killed.

Bor river (Castor fiber) is the largest representative of the rodent order in our country. The Belarusian lands, as well as the lands of Lithuania, Poland, Russia, have been famous for the abundance of beaver since ancient times. Already in the 10th century there were beaver services here, the rules and regulations for the extraction of this beast were in effect, and constant regulated and unregulated fishing was carried out. This is evidenced by historical documents that mention "beaver rut rights", scientific publications and fiction, as well as archaeological finds. The remains of beavers were found among kitchen waste in the territory of ancient castles of the 10th-13th centuries.

Over the past century, the state of the beaver population on the territory of Belarus, its distribution and abundance have changed dramatically - from the almost complete disappearance of the species to its restoration. View has interesting story and has always played an important role in human life.

The biology of the beaver is well studied. In Belarus, beavers with light brown, often with a red tinge, color of the fur predominate. There are also populations of dark black-colored animals. The mass of individual beavers caught in Belarus was about 30 kg, although the average animal weighs 15-18 kg.

The list of plants eaten by beavers on the territory of our republic is extensive and consists of about 150 species: herbaceous, aquatic, semi-aquatic and woody. Tree-branch food is an indispensable element of the beaver's diet.

Beavers live in families of two adults and young (up to three years of age) and lead a semi-aquatic lifestyle. There are also solitary animals. Beavers live along the banks of rivers and streams, lakes, canals, less often among swamps. They build huts, semi-huts or live in burrows dug along the banks of water bodies. If the shores are high enough, the animals arrange a hole with an underwater entrance and a spacious nesting chamber in a dry place. It is impossible to dig such a hole in a low, gently sloping shore - then the beavers build a hut. To do this, they pile a high (two meters or more) pile of sticks, fasten everything with silt, and gnaw out one or more “rooms” in the middle. Outside, the house has no inlets - only from the water. Huts and burrows serve as shelter from enemies.

The unique constructions of beavers are dams, with which they block narrow rivers. In the Berezinsky Reserve, dams 120 m long were discovered on the Kesta River and 150 m long on Krasnogubka. Such structures can easily withstand an adult. Above the dam, a pond is formed, often of considerable size.

The products of the beaver industry are beaver skins, jet and meat. The beaver, like all near-water animals, has very strong and thick fur, which consists of an awn and underfur. The hairline protects animals from mechanical influences, hypothermia and allows them to stay in the water for a long time. Beaver fur products (hats, fur coats, etc.) are well known and widely used due to their strength and thermal insulation.

The beaver stream is a pair of glands, like musky ones. With the secret of the jet, animals mark their territory. Beaver stream is used for medical purposes: in the treatment of nervous, cardiovascular, genitourinary, gynecological diseases, diseases internal organs, migraine, paralysis, wound healing. For the prevention of joint pain, the drug is used in a Russian bath or a Finnish sauna.

In ancient times, the Catholic Church classified the beaver as a fish and therefore considered its meat to be lenten food, allowing beaver stew to be eaten on Fridays and during the fasting period. In Europe, there were many recipes for dishes from this animal. Back in the 18th century, monks from the banks of the Rhone were preparing "lean sausages" from this beast. Well-soaked and properly cooked beaver meat was considered dietary, tasty and healthy.

Today, beaver meat is used for culinary purposes mainly by the hunters themselves. At the same time, in 2015, the technical specifications TU BY 100098867.382-2015 “Beaver meat” were approved, which apply to products obtained by shooting as a result of hunting, purchased by procurement and meat processing organizations from hunters, hunting farms, intended for processing, use in public catering network recognized by veterinary supervision as suitable for food purposes.

The great demand for beaver skins and the stream in the past has led to a rapid decline in the total number of beavers in Europe, and in some regions to complete extermination. In England, beavers disappeared already in the 11th century, and later in many other countries.

By the beginning of the 20th century, beaver populations survived only in the form of isolated island settlements on the lands of modern Russia, Belarus, and Poland. But even here they have completely lost their commercial significance. The value of the beaver stream was equal to the value of gold: a beaver stream was placed on one scale, and gold coins were placed on the other. Therefore, despite the prohibitions, unauthorized fishing flourished.

On the territory of the USSR, where the main surviving populations of the beaver lived, hunting for it was banned in 1922 by a decree of the Council of People's Commissars. In Poland, which then included part of the current lands of Belarus, the beaver was protected since 1919 by an act of the relevant ministry, and since 1934 - by the law on nature protection.

In November 1924, the expedition of the People's Commissariat of the BSSR led by Professor Fedyushin studied the fauna of the Borisov district. In the upper reaches of the Berezina River, scientists discovered the only large (about 20 settlements) colony of beavers preserved in the European part of the USSR. On this territory, the first State hunting reserve in the BSSR was established - now the Berezinsky Biosphere Reserve. The opening of Fedyushin's expedition and the subsequent creation of a reserve, and then a number of hunting reserves, marked the beginning of work to restore the beaver population.

By 1948, the number of beavers in Belarus reached 6-8 thousand, the republic became the main supplier of animals of this species for resettlement. From 1948 to 1965, more than 3.5 thousand beavers were exported from Belarus to 38 regions, territories, autonomous and union republics THE USSR. In addition, more than 700 animals were settled inside the republic, in particular in the Western Dvina basin. When the animals settled in almost all habitable water bodies, the question arose about the further use of the beaver and the beginning of its fishing.

In 1963, for the first time in the BSSR, it was allowed to catch 800 beavers with the wording "on the skin." By 1970, 4226 individuals had already been mined. There was also active poaching. From the 70s to the end of the 90s, the number of the species in the territory of the republic fluctuated within 20-25 thousand individuals, then there was a significant increase, and, as a result, a serious problem of animal life has matured.

Today, in some places, numerous settlements of beavers bring significant harm: they flood areas of agricultural land, valuable plantations of the forest fund, destroy embankments of roads and dams. As a result of the activity of beavers, the systems of reclamation hydraulic structures do not fulfill their functions, which leads to the reverse process - waterlogging of the lands.

However, in this case, the legislation provides for measures that can regulate the distribution and number of beavers, if in the course of their life they cause harm to the components of the natural environment, life, health and property of citizens, property of legal entities, agricultural, forestry, hunting and fisheries, pose a threat or interfere with transport communications, the operation of power lines, industrial and military facilities, cause concern to residents of settlements. Settlement of the problem is in the competence of local authorities, which, according to permits obtained from the Ministry of Natural Resources, can organize the removal of animals.

At the same time, it should be noted that since 2014, the beaver population in the republic began to decline.

The number of beavers in hunting grounds, reserves, protected areas of specially protected natural areas and prey in hunting grounds, thousand individuals

One of the main indicators that determine the scale of economic use of resources hunting species, is the optimal number at which the highest yield of high-quality hunting products is ensured without significant harm to nature and humans.

According to calculations in 2015, the optimal number of beavers in the hunting grounds of the republic was 71.8 thousand individuals (according to hunting management documentation), while in the hunting grounds there were 58.3 thousand individuals, which is 13.6 thousand individuals less than the optimal number. The number of the species according to the data of users of hunting grounds in 2016 (as of April 1) was 49.9 thousand individuals, which is 21.9 thousand individuals less than the optimal one.

Thus, in the issue of rational use of the beaver population, not everything is unambiguous. Here, Belarusian science and the Ministry of Forestry as a state body managing the hunting sector in the Republic of Belarus should have their say. It is easy to upset the balance in nature, and in the "beaver industry" reasonable, balanced decisions are needed, taking into account the history of the existence of this valuable wild species.

President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko advised debtors who are having difficulty repaying loans go hunting. “You got marble meat, it didn’t work - catch wild ducks sell and get your money back. If you want from tourism, come on from tourism, from private business, whatever, but the money must be given back, ”he said.

Earlier, Lukashenka repeatedly urged fellow citizens to work actively and not rely on state support. For those wishing to earn money, he offered, in particular, provide services to tourists coming to Belarus. “Today in Belarus, only the lazy cannot earn a normal living,” the president noted. — Do a favor for those who pass through our country. Wash the car, go sell the pie, back and forth, apples there. And many live like this, open a business.

Recently, speaking about ways to make money in Belarus, Lukashenka also pointed to agricultural towns more than a thousand of which have been created in the country. “People are coming in droves from Russia, and especially from the West,” he said.

Hunting in Belarus

Hunting in Belarus is not in vain popular. In the European part of Russia, it is difficult to find good hunting without any problems today. Finding inexpensive hunting is even more difficult, which is why Russians often go hunting to Belarus: there are a lot of animals, all the necessary infrastructure has been created for hunting, and the price of hunting in Belarus is quite acceptable.

Terms of autumn hunting in Belarus 2013

  • From 1 October to 30 December ungulate hunting will continue in Belarus: hunting for elk, red deer, hunting for wild boar, European roe deer, European fallow deer, hunting for spotted deer (animals of any sex and age). During these periods of hunting for these animals in Belarus, hunting with a paddock and with dogs is allowed - during daylight hours, from an ambush and from an approach - during the day.
  • Until November 30 during daylight hours in Belarus you can hunt grouse.
  • Allowed on the second Sunday in December hunting in Belarus for game birds: hunting for woodcock, wood pigeon, rock dove, quail, hunting for hazel grouse, gray partridge, hunting for pheasant, hunting for white-fronted goose, goose goose, hunting for gray goose, Canadian goose.
  • Open until January 31st hunting in Belarus for beaver, otter, muskrat and American mink.
  • From the first Saturday to the last Sunday of October during daylight hours hunting for white hare and hare is allowed in Belarus. During these hunting periods, the following hunting methods are permissible: rifle hunting with hounds that have a field diploma in hare or fox, and gunless hunting with greyhounds and birds of prey. And from the first Saturday of November to the last Sunday of January, during daylight hours, it will also be possible to hunt hares with a rifle method with hunting dogs of all groups, from an approach, from an ambush, by a paddock.
  • From the first Saturday of November to the last Sunday of January during daylight hours it will be possible to hunt fur-bearing animals in Belarus: common squirrel, ermine, wood and stone martens, forest polecat. The following methods of hunting are allowed during these periods: rifle approach, including with hunting dogs of all groups, and gunless with traps (except for loops) and traps No. 0-3.

In order not to fall into the category of violators of the environmental legislation of Belarus, follow the rules of fishing and hunting.

Autumn bans on fishing in Belarus - catching crayfish in Belarus is prohibited in autumn!

On October 15, a ban on the production of narrow-clawed crayfish came into force in Belarus. It will be valid until July 15 inclusive. The duration of this period is due to the characteristics of the species: it takes more than six months for the female crayfish to bear eggs.

For illegal fishing of narrow-clawed crayfish during the period of the ban, violators will have to compensate for the damage caused to nature in a threefold amount: 1.5 base units for each individual. They also face a fine - from 10 to 50 basic units, and when causing damage in large size(from 40 base units) - criminal liability.

Another species lives in the water bodies of our country - broad-clawed crayfish. It is listed in the Red Book of Belarus and, if caught, should be released into the reservoir in a living form.

since ancient times it has been considered a desirable prey for hunters in all countries. This forest animal is very smart and cunning, always ready to defend itself and therefore often very dangerous. - a strong, very fast and active animal, and is hunted by hunters for the sake of delicious meat. The fangs of this interesting animal are considered a valuable trophy among experts in hunting.

April 1 - September 30 Hunting is allowed for males older than 2 years and for young animals up to 2 years of any sex during the day. Method of hunting - rifle from ambush, from the approach. Permitted hunting weapons: for adult males over 2 years old - rifled hunting weapons with a muzzle energy of a bullet over 3000 joules, smooth-bore hunting weapons using cartridges filled with bullets, hunting bows and crossbows; for young animals up to 2 years old - rifled hunting weapons with a muzzle energy of a bullet over 1500 joules, smooth-bore hunting weapons using cartridges filled with a bullet or buckshot, hunting bows and crossbows.

- the largest animal living in the territories of our country. The height at the withers is about 1.7-2.3 m, and the length of the entire body is 2.2-3 m. We must also pay tribute to the spatulate horns. Their span is 180 cm, and their weight is about 20-30 kg.

August 20 - September 30 Hunting in Belarus is allowed for adult males of trophy quality and breeding animals of any gender and age. Type and method of hunting: rifle driven, from ambush, from the approach, including with hunting dogs.

October 1 - January 31

belongs to the deer family. It is considered the smallest of its representatives. Almost always, this animal keeps undergrowth. After rainy weather, she got used to going out to dry at the edge of the forest. And this means that the hunter can be very lucky.

May 15 - September 30 Hunting is allowed for adult males of trophy quality and breeding animals of any sex and age. Type and method of hunting: from an ambush, from an approach, with luring (on a waba).

October 1 - January 31 Hunting is allowed for animals of any gender and age. Type and method of hunting: by paddock and with dogs - during daylight hours; from an ambush, from the approach - during the day.

One of the most valuable trophies in the world of hunters -. The body length of the animal is approximately 1.9-2.4 m, the height at the withers is from 1.2 to 1.4 m. 180 kg is its average optimal weight. It can be 340 kg. A deer is about 35% larger than a cow.

August 20 - September 30 Hunting is allowed for males of trophy quality and breeding animals of any sex and age. Type and method of hunting: from an ambush, from an approach, with luring (on a waba).

October 1 - January 31 Hunting is allowed for animals of any gender and age. Type and method of hunting: driven and with dogs - during daylight hours; from an ambush, from the approach - during the day.

February 1 - March 31 Hunting is allowed for adult males of trophy quality and breeding animals of any sex and age. Type and method of hunting: from ambush, from the approach.

On the territory of our Motherland, they are universally known and widespread, so this dangerous animal has been hunted for a whole year. The wolf is well adapted to the environment and even to the harsh climate. Despite the constant hunting, their numbers do not change at all.

January 1 - December 31 It is allowed to hunt animals of any gender and age from an ambush, with luring, from an approach, from an entrance, a paddock, including with hunting dogs, with birds of prey.

Bird hunting in Belarus

In blue-eyed Belarus, it is universally known and widespread spring and autumn waterfowl hunting various kinds, additionally and on , . But do not forget about endangered species, taken under special control by the Red Book of the Republic of Belarus. The best period for hunting in our country is the middle of spring (April) and the very beginning of autumn (September).

09.03.2019 - 12.05.2019 It is allowed to hunt for any sex and age during daylight hours only from stealth or from ambush using a camouflage robe and only with luring with the help of decoy and decoy goose (geese), and (or) profiles, and (or) stuffed goose. Hunting dogs are allowed to search for and deliver the caught game: terriers, dachshunds, pointers, spaniels, retrievers, water dogs.

16.03.2019 - 12.05.2019 Hunting for male woodcocks is allowed from 18:00 to 22:00 on draft.

09.03.2019 - 12.05.2019 It is allowed to hunt drakes during daylight hours from an ambush only from a stealth or using a camouflage robe and only with luring with the help of a decoy duck (ducks) and (or) a stuffed animal (stuffed animals) and a decoy.

10.08.2019 - 14.12.2019 Hunting for waterfowl and swamp game, including woodcock, is allowed during daylight hours from ambush, with luring, from approach, from the entrance (small boats without an engine or with an inoperative engine), including with hunting dogs (except greyhounds , hounds).

Hunting tourism in Belarus is very popular among local residents as well as foreign tourists.

Almost virgin forests and forests, mild European climate - create all the conditions for the diversity of wildlife and birds.

Local and foreign hunters appreciate this type of tourism in Belarus, as the country is home to many species of animals that are allowed for hunting. Today, any hunter can obtain a license for one of these types of game:

  1. Ambush hunting (wild boar, deer and roe deer).
  2. Roar hunting (moose and deer).
  3. Hunting with dogs (elk, roe deer, deer and wild boar).
  4. Hunting from the approach (beaver, wild boar, roe deer, elk and deer).
  5. Hunting from towers (you can only hunt wild boars and deer).
  6. Steal hunting (deer, wild boar, roe deer and elk).

Hunter's calendar for 2107

Requirements for foreign hunters-tourists in Belarus

You can hunt on the territory of the Republic subject to certain rules:

  • you should have a permit to carry and store a hunting rifle (issued at the place of residence of the hunter-tourist);
  • permission to import and export a hunting rifle and supplies suitable for it, which is issued by employees of the internal affairs of Belarus;
  • official permission to carry, store and use hunting weapons and supplies intended for them;
  • hunting pass.

Prices for hunting in Belarus

It should be noted that the price of hunting depends on the type of animal on which it will be carried out. Currently, average prices range from 10 to 1000 euros, but can be higher. Since the final cost depends on the hunting grounds on the territory of which fishing will take place.

The best places for hunting in Belarus

There are many places for hunting big and small game in Belarus: in the south and in the north, in the west and in the east. However, according to many hunters, one of the best places for hunting is the Braslav region. It is located here, on the territory of which hunters are provided with about 26 hectares of land and a wide variety of game, for which hunting is allowed for almost a whole year. You can also hunt in, "Pripyatsky", "Narochansky", "Berezinsky Biosphere Reserve".

hunting grounds

In Belarus, there are many hunting grounds that offer their guests not only to hunt, but also to arrange an excellent active or, conversely, relaxing holiday. The owners, as a rule, help with all the nuances of organizing a hunt. And foreign tourists are also assisted in the preparation of other documents, as well as a meeting at the airport, they provide an interpreter.

Hunting farms provide accommodation and food services during hunting tour, take into account the wishes of the guest for leisure activities, can arrange an extensive excursion program around. In addition, the organizers will prepare a place for hunting, invite rangers, and assist in the transportation of hunting trophies.

The hunting estate "Bely Bor" is located in the central part of Belarus, in the Minsk region, on the territory of the Slutsk and Kopyl regions, just 80 km from and 30 km from Slutsk. It offers its guests year-round hunting for elk, deer, wild boar, roe deer, wolf, waterfowl and marsh birds. The high number of animals, the presence of equipped hunting and driving towers on the farm, recreation centers create all conditions for successful hunting. It also provides guest houses that have everything you need for a good rest, and other services for an unforgettable pastime.

Hunting farm "Krasnoselskoe"

The Krasnoselskoye hunting farm is located next to, just 40 km from the capital, in the direction of Molodechno. The farm offers hunting for wild boar, elk, wolf, deer, roe deer, beaver, and birds. Also, "Krasnoselskoe" provides all services for the organization and conduct of hunting. And for a good rest of the guests there is an equipped one, with a bathhouse, billiards, a kitchen, a barbecue and a pond.

Hunting economy "White path"

The hunting farm "White Trail" is located in, on the territory of the Mostovsky district. The farm offers year-round hunting for elk, deer, wild boar, roe deer and birds, and also provides a full range of services for its guests.

The hunting base with all amenities is located on the bank of an artificial reservoir and is surrounded by a forest. The territory is guarded and includes a huntsman's house, a cutting shop with refrigerator, parking, outdoor swimming pool and sauna with billiards.

Hunting farm "Obsterno"

The hunting estate "Obsterno" is located in the northwest Vitebsk region, in the Miory region. And it differs from the above in that the composition of the land includes part of the Yelnya reserve, the largest raised bog in Europe.

A cozy hunting base is located on the shore of a large beautiful lake Obsterno, in the village of Zacharevye. This farm hunts ungulates: elk and roe deer. And also for hare, marten, polecat, squirrel, mink, muskrat and game birds. In addition to hunting, "Obsterno" organizes: observation of wild animals, hiking, boating, boating, all-terrain vehicle, ATV, snowmobile.

Where to buy weapons for hunting in Belarus

To buy a gun and related products, you need to get a hunting license - this is a certificate for the right to hunt in Belarus.

Below we have provided a list of sites where you can find hunting supplies.: cartridges, guns, covers, traps, bandoliers, binoculars, flashlights, night vision devices, optical sights, butt pads, hunting backpacks, knives, flies, baits, weapons, hunting clothes, glasses, raincoats and everything for the care of weapons.

Great for hunting tourism! By visiting it, you will be able to appreciate all the advantages of this region, since hunting prices here are much lower than in Russia, and even more so in Europe. And the opportunities in hunting for various animals are huge, come, you will not regret it! Read also about. We wish you successful hunting!

Text: Dronina Inessa