Hare hunting. Winter hare hunting. conditions for a successful hunt. Tracking in autumn

Hunting a hare from a walk requires certain skills, dexterity and experience in shooting this cunning animal, which is distinguished by quick wit and constantly changing behavior patterns. To understand this, it is enough to watch a video illustrating this complex, but insanely exciting activity. The method is ideal for those who have not yet acquired a specially trained dog or enjoy long walks on the first snow. Its essence is to find the place where the animal is fattening, scare it and hit it at the moment when it tries to hide.

The main difficulty of hunting from the approach is that the hunter must certainly be well oriented in the area and be familiar with the behavior of his target firsthand. The task is significantly complicated by the fact that the hare notices a person before he himself falls into the field of view of the latter. Secondly, the hunter should be prepared for many hours of walking in the snow. Sometimes you have to walk up to 20-30 kilometers a day, which, taking into account the capricious autumn weather, requires endurance and good physical fitness.

Such an unfortunate circumstance as the absence of a sufficient amount of game in the hunting zone will make the sortie futile, turning it into just a long walk, during which not a single shot will be fired. To a large extent, successful hunting from the approach is facilitated by a detailed study of the habits of a hare and typical places of its days. In order not to waste time, you can find video files for yourself in advance, capturing the habits of the beast and the characteristic shelters of its daytime rest. However, only on personal experience you can feel the beauty of hunting from the approach and learn the subtleties of this matter.

When and where is hunting for a hare from an approach effective?

The optimal period for hunting from the approach is considered to be the end of autumn - the very beginning of winter, when the ground is not yet covered with snow and raindrops from the branches force the animals to rest in open areas. As a rule, hares lie in ditches surrounded by natural or artificial barriers, under uprooted snags and any structures where they can feel safe, having a free view of the territory and remaining hidden from the eyes of predators and humans.

During a snowfall, the hares do not disdain to hide under drifts. In places with difficult visibility, hunting with an approach is ineffective, since hares, especially when it comes to mature individuals, are able to leave the place of fattening quietly and disappear without attracting the attention of hunters. It is best to go for prey on a fine, bright day, as the animals will be more active and will not remain in shelter until the last, as happens during rain or snowfall. Most often, hare are located in meadows, harvested fields and clearings, where there are many potential shelters and a good view opens from anywhere.

It is customary to distinguish between day and night hunting. In the first case, it is advisable to go out at dawn, since at this time of the year the daylight hours are not long, and you need to go around huge lands. It is convenient to hunt at night if the first snow falls, as the tracks of the animal become visible on the ground, by the distinctness of which one can draw an accurate conclusion about the remoteness of the place of fattening. However, find video recordings night hunting difficult, because poor lighting does not affect the quality of the recording in the best way.

Equipment and choice of weapons for hunting

Careful preparation for it and the selection of equipment is of great importance for the success of the hunt. Taking into account the fact that hunting is carried out in late autumn or at the very beginning of winter, it is necessary to take care of the availability of comfortable camouflage clothing and waterproof shoes with high berets. Tutorial videos usually show white hoodies to blend in with the surrounding landscape.

From the equipment the hunter will need:

  1. Well shot gun. Of paramount importance is not so much the quality of the weapon and ammunition for it, as the dexterity and reaction speed of the hunter;
  2. Loot bag;
  3. hunting knife;
  4. Skis for movement on loose snow;
  5. Goggles that protect the eyes from snow;
  6. Video camera to capture the sortie and take into account the mistakes made in the future.

Hunting on horseback is not so tiring, and hares let you get much closer. However, when moving on foot, the hunter can notice many more signs indicating the place of lying and more accurately determine the direction of movement. Be sure to bring a thermos with hot drinks and dry rations. Not only video reviews on the network, but even professional literature are silent about this, and after walking half a day along autumn forest, a person is in dire need of support forces.

Approach hunting technique

The specifics of hunting from the approach is the need to read the trail of a hare and understand the animal habits. Experienced hunters know that hares are smart enough and each individual reacts to the approach of danger in different ways. If one is removed from the bed at the sight of people, then the other will hide, hoping to remain unnoticed until he is literally stepped on. To understand the intricacies of the behavior and instincts of the animal, it will not be superfluous to first watch the training video, read the literature and consult with professionals.

Begin the hunt by exploring the area. The hunter must have sharp eyesight and distinguish the direction of movement of the beast, focusing on its tracks. The colder the weather during this period of autumn, the shorter the transitions are, which must be taken into account. Professionals, which is clearly visible on any video film, move in circles, slowly bypassing the area. First of all, ditches and irregularities in the ground are examined.

At the same time, the hunter must be ready for an instant shot, as the hare can literally jump out from under his feet. The most common mistake even experienced hare hunters make is being too hasty. In an effort to hit the target, the hunter forgets that the most lethal distance- 20-30 meters and you can always give yourself a few seconds to aim without fuss.

Having noticed traces of the blood of an animal in the snow or a trail that has gone astray, which indicates its injury, one should become more active, remembering that now the hare will not be able to go further than 100-200 meters. It is much more difficult to shoot prey when it changes its place of lying and hides. Merging with the surface of the earth, the hare is practically invisible to the eye and the hunter will need all his skill and luck.

Hares, especially hares, are very smart animals, fast and quick-witted. However, knowing their psychology, even the most cautious and experienced can be forced to withdraw from the prone. The most effective trick is to imitate that the hunter has noticed the hare. To do this, moving along the loop of his tracks, at some point freeze and throw up the gun. An animal watching a person from a hiding place will perceive this movement as if it was noticed, and will try to escape.

Walking hare hunting is a very exciting activity, the success of which depends on a number of factors. Having acquired the necessary knowledge, experience, learning to read the tracks of the beast and getting acquainted with its habits, the hunter will most likely remain with rich prey and receive a lot of positive emotions. No matter how informative and informative books, notes and video stories are, they cannot convey all the charm and excitement of hunting from the approach. Everyone should try it at least once, even if he is not an avid hunter.

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  1. Timothy

    Anti-aircraft gunners!)))) Five shots are too much!) I go with MTs21-12, 3 shots is the limit. Two shots at a hare - a side dish of lead for meat.

  2. Anonymous

    I try to lay down a hare with the first shot

  3. Alexander

    I am from Kazakhstan and I love hunting very much, but it so happened that there was no teacher, so we shoot from a car or a snowmobile.

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Hunting for a hare in winter is considered the easiest and most affordable type of hunting for a beginner. Although it is interesting for an experienced hunter. In fact, getting a hare is not so easy.

To return with prey, you need to know the habits and habitat of the animal well, as well as take into account the weather conditions.

Hares never walk in pairs. These are singles. Therefore, you should not look for "flocks". The color of the color changes twice a year: in spring to gray, in autumn to white.

They sleep in pits or other people's holes. I don't have a permanent home. In extreme cases, they dig a small hole for a one-time overnight stay.

They have excellent hearing and smell, but poor eyesight.

Time and place of hunting

The opening of the hare hunt takes place at the end of October and lasts until the beginning of February.

The hunt should start early in the morning because at this time they come out to feed. Then you can find a fresh trail and follow it. After that, it is difficult to meet, as it lay down for a rest.

Hares live in overgrown ravines, in riverbeds, on the edge of dry swamps and forests. In the steppe you can meet a hare, in the forests - hare. A cross between these hares is called "tumak", which lives near settlements and in summer cottages.

As for weapons, a regular 12-gauge shotgun will do. When shooting, it is recommended to use shot No. 1 or 0. If it is No. 2 or No. 3, then you need to shoot up to 20 meters. The use of rifled weapons is also allowed.

Types of hunting


The most popular type of hunting. The point is to follow the trail of the hare. The start of this hunt is given by the first snow, as traces can only be seen on it. Novice hunters often confuse the direction of the animal and trail in the opposite direction. An example of a trace is shown in the figure.

This type of track is a normal pace. When the hare runs (chasing track), the distance between the hind and front legs increases.

On the first night after a snowfall, as a rule, the hare does not come out to feed. In the second, he will definitely come out and lie down to rest in the afternoon. To start hunting, you should find not a chasing trail, but a running one. Once found, you can start trailing. You should not go straight on the trail, it is better to go parallel in a couple of meters.

Before you lay down, hare makes a deuce and a discount. He returns back along his trail (deuce) and then jumps (discount) a couple of meters to the left or right. There can be 3-4 discounts, and one definitely contains a hare. If you see a similar situation, then take a gun and get ready to shoot. If the hare rises, then you will have a couple of seconds to make a shot.

Hunting a hare in winter is much harder than in summer weather. Not even because there are snowdrifts and cold around (and this really gives the hunter some inconvenience).

In this season of the year, animals have learned to hide quite well from hunters, as well as from various forest predators. Hares began to disguise themselves especially well - the color scheme of the fur of animals of this type merges with the environment. But it's pretty easy to calculate them. They are distinguished by their cowardice and absolutely do not know how to hide.

When these animals feel the slightest danger, they try to immediately avoid it by fleeing. I recommend that you do not go hunting alone, but take several people with you. This way you can track your target faster.

Features of this action

Hunting for a hare is most successful at a temperature ranging from 3 to 15 degrees. When the temperature drops below, it becomes much harder to catch the animals. The hunter will not be able to withstand such cold for a long time, and his target will gain an advantage, and will no longer let him in.

When preparing for a trip, analyze the expected weather conditions, and also approach the equipment as responsibly as possible. Try to get out into the forest in warm, comfortable weather and favorable conditions for this.

The best option is to start hunting at the moment when the snow begins to melt. Hares will change their fur coat and they will be perfectly visible on ordinary ground.

Where to look for a hare?

Of the places where hares live, the following are distinguished: hayfields, plowed fields, as well as meadows and copses.

They can also be found where there are vegetables that have not yet been harvested. Small animals like to hide in places that are open and have some small shelters in their structure. In winter, to succeed, you just need to follow the trail of a hare. And to catch him is a matter of technology.

by the most the best option for hunting will be the next morning after the heavy snow has passed.

Choosing tactics

You need to start searching for a hare by walking around the field.

It is important to move around the perimeter from the place where the land is plowed.

Be careful not to make noise. It can scare away the animal.

Follow not directly behind his trail, but near him. If you and your comrades are three or more, then stand up so as to form a kind of triangle. This type of group can share responsibilities. Some will play the role of beaters, while others will play the role of shooters.

Look around you, and try to see all possible places where the animal could hide.

The trail of a hare looks like an arc. It is laid absolutely unpredictably.

If you notice that the animal has already returned to a certain place, then it is not far from you.

If you are near him, then under no circumstances stop. Keep walking like nothing happened. The hare may interpret your stopping as some kind of threat to its life, and then run away in a hurry.

Ready your gun and wait for the next action of this creature. It can jump out in front of you at any moment.

Look around and think in your head where the animal might appear from. He always jumps out unexpectedly. At a distance of ten to fifteen meters from the hunter.

When you see the target, do not rush to shoot. Take aim, take a deep breath, think it over, and then attack. You will have only one attempt, and if you waste it, then the goal will leave you forever.

Hunting method "trap"

This method is used by hunters to easily obtain prey. They set a trap in a certain place, wait for it to close, and soon go home. Most fast method receiving a hare. The only disadvantage of this method is that you will not get any excitement from chasing prey.

Hunting for a hare in winter great way test yourself for strength. This shy and seemingly harmless animal will make you experience the whole gamut of emotions from slight excitement to the utmost intensity of emotions, and will not allow you to relax even for a minute. Before going on a hunt for prey, study its habits and features.

Brief description of the species

The elongated slender body of the animal is covered with soft fluffy fur that changes color depending on the season. Small round eyes, long ears, short tail, unevenly developed limbs - the hind legs are more powerful than the front ones. Body length is on average 45-70 cm.

They live both in pairs and alone. They multiply rapidly, in a year the female can bring offspring 3-4 times. Rabbits are born already developed, with a fur coat and open eyes. The mother takes care of them for a very short time, she feeds them for no more than a week, so that a significant part of the offspring dies from predators.

Hares are distinguished by sensitive hearing and smell, but their eyesight is poor..

Favorite habitats are light forests, fresh clearings, thickets of bushes along the banks of rivers and ravines, deserts and steppes. They often settle in close proximity to a person, where they inflict big damage horticultural and horticultural crops. In nature, they do not equip themselves with special dwellings, but use natural shelters under the rubble of branches, in pits and ravines. Sometimes they live in abandoned burrows of foxes and other animals. They feed at dusk and at night, during the day they hide from prying eyes.

Permitted hunting periods

To hunt on the territory of public access areas, you must contact the Department of Hunting, which controls this territory. There, based on your application and verification of documents, you will be issued a mining permit hunting resources(permit) indicating the timing of the hunt. It is allowed to hunt a hare from mid-September to February 28. Private hunting farms in their territories may regulate other conditions for hunting - at the same time as obtaining a permit, they offer related services, such as escort by a huntsman, butchering of hunted carcasses, providing accommodation for the night, and so on. Obtaining a permit in private organizations is usually several orders of magnitude more expensive than a permit to hunt in public lands.

When you go hunting, you must have a hunting license and permits with you.

How are rabbits hunted?

There are several classic types of hare hunting:

  1. Collective- corral, when the participants are divided into shooters and beaters, and each performs its function. A fascinating activity, but at the same time it requires a lot of discipline, because it is not safe.
  2. Tracking- needed here great experience and knowledge of the habits of the animal. Hares are very cautious and cunning animals, they know how to confuse their tracks, and they do it intentionally. It is difficult for a beginner to understand their intricacies, but once you have to start. Listen to the advice of experienced people, study the theory, connect your powers of observation and over time you will be able to understand all the subtleties.
  3. From the approach- the hunter's task is to find the animal's bed and approach it at a distance of a shot. It is used when it is impossible to calculate prey by footprints. Only a truly enthusiastic hunter is ready to walk tens of kilometers off-road for the sake of a trophy.
  4. Into the uzerka- when the bunnies have already changed their summer color to winter, and the onset of a thaw has driven snow from the fields, a short time of gambling begins, based on looking out for animals in a light fur coat against a dark background.
  5. Out of the ambush- this method involves determining the place of feeding of the hare and waiting for them to come out to feed from the shelter. Such a hunt is most successful on bright moonlit nights.

Let us consider in more detail how hunting is carried out from the approach, since this method is most often used.

Winter hunting from the approach

Spend it both with dogs and without. If you have well-trained dogs, and the snow is not covered with a thin crust that cuts their paws, then be sure to take them with you. They will greatly simplify your task of detecting a laying hare and raise it at your command.

If the snow is bad, then it is better to leave the dogs at home and hunt for yourself.

Your task is to find a place where the bunny is hiding, pick it up and have time to make an aimed shot. It is easier to find a hare in open glades with tubercles and ravines, among dry grasses and shrubs. The hare hides in more forested places. A well-trained hunter should study the area in advance and find out the approximate habitats of the hare.

Hunting in winter from the approach will be successful only if:

  • the number of hares is quite high;
  • you have a good physical training and hardy;
  • you have excellent shooting accuracy;
  • you know the habits of hares and know how to correctly decipher traces;
  • you have good equipment, comfortable and warm clothes;
  • you are passionate and persistent.

You will have to walk a lot and for a long time, many disappointments await you when, after a difficult approach over snowy rough terrain, you will not find the desired animal. You shouldn't get upset. Take a break, set your next goal, and move forward in that direction.

In order not to waste time and effort in vain, you first need to determine the possible places of lying. As you know, hares always try to confuse the trail, for which they can change direction, make discounts, bouncing to the side for a decent distance. It is in places where the tracks begin to wind and get lost that you should pay more attention and be prepared for the fact that at any moment the bunny will jump out very close, even from the side where you did not expect to see it at all.

During the day, hares choose a place to hide with good overview, so there is very little chance of approaching unnoticed. And even when you pass very close, the hare can simply hide and not leave the shelter until the last moment. Especially if the weather is windy or cloudy with snowfall. For approach hunting, it is better to choose clear and quiet days with slight frosts. If the temperature drops below 15 degrees, then it is almost impossible to raise the hare from the bed, and the hunter himself will be too uncomfortable on such a day. However, the luck factor plays a big role in such a hunt. A lucky hunter can take a hare in any weather.

Secrets of Successful Hare Shooting

In open areas, the hunter has more chances for a successful shot. Success depends on his endurance and ability to correctly assess the distance to the target, the point of sight and the lethality of the gun.

The point of sight depends on the position of the hare relative to the hunter. The escaping with a sight is covered with a barrel, the oncoming one is aimed under the front paws, and the one running from the side is right in front of the chest.

If the hunt takes place in the forest, and visibility is limited, then the hunter must have an excellent reaction so as not to miss the favorable moment until the target is again out of sight. Moreover, excessive haste is also harmful.

Shooting from a distance of less than twenty paces and more than fifty is also not recommended, as it is more difficult to ensure accuracy and you can either release the wounded animal or ruin the skin. When hunting with dogs, you can try to hit the target from a greater distance, because four-legged friends will help to catch up with the wounded animal.

The choice of weapons for shooting at a hare is limited to double-barreled models of 12-16 caliber and self-loading.

Single-barreled ones are not suitable, since there will be no time to reload, and carbines with optics are prohibited for use in hare hunting.

The hare is not particularly strong on the wound, but too small a fraction for slaughtering it will not work. Each hunter individually decides what kind of shot to shoot, most often they use a shot from 0 to 5 numbers.

Train as often as possible, study the capabilities of your gun in terms of combat strength, shot accuracy and aiming, and you will have your own secrets of successful hunting.

Not only sports interest and the desire to test their abilities drive game lovers out of the house. Hare meat is a real delicacy, and the prey will delight not only you, but the whole family.

It was customary to hunt hares in our area in ancient times, because these animals are extremely common in many regions, regardless of climatic conditions. In most cases, hunting for a hare does not even require a permit, because the population of these animals is numerous and rarely drops to a critical level.

It should be borne in mind that, despite the popularity of such active rest, it will not be so easy to get game, because hares are distinguished by amazing speed and caution, so it is extremely difficult to get close to them imperceptibly. However, armed with certain theoretical knowledge and having developed the necessary skills, you will be able to get the coveted trophy.

Hare hunting in winter

When planning to go hunting for a hare in winter, you should be prepared for the fact that the extraction of a trophy will not at all look like a pleasure walk through a snowy forest. First of all, you will have to track down the habitat of the animal, and in the future - spend long hours in ambush. Only under these conditions will you be able to shoot the prey.

Experienced hunters recommend going fishing with dogs, because these animals make game hunting much more productive. However, if you do not have such an assistant, you can easily cope on your own. Naturally, for this it is desirable to study in advance the habits of the beast and the types of hunting for it, as well as learn how to determine the habitats of the scythes.

Description and characteristic features of the beast

The main feature of the hares is that they have extremely thin hearing, but their eyesight is very poor. Accordingly, the animal first hears the enemy, and only then notices him visually, but this does not at all prevent him from immediately fleeing in case of danger.

Note: Kosachs have very well developed hind limbs, which allow them to develop surprisingly high speed. In extreme cases, the hare can inflict deep jagged cuts with these same limbs in order to weaken the enemy.

The family of wild hares includes many breeds, or rather subspecies, and they differ in many ways not only from domestic rabbits, but also from wild rabbits. First, hares have much longer ears. Secondly, depending on the season, they change their coat color, while rabbits do not molt (Figure 1).

In our country, such breeds of wild hares as the hare, hare, tolai and Manchurian hare have become widespread, although there are about 30 species of these animals all over the world. They prefer to live alone, in burrows and various depressions. It is impossible to call females good mothers - already a week after the birth of the cubs, she forever abandons her offspring, so young individuals often become the prey of hunters or predators.

In more detail, you should dwell on the habitats of hares:

  1. From the European part of Russia to the Middle East, whites are found everywhere, who prefer to settle in the forest-steppe zone. The weight of such an individual can reach 4.5 kg with a body length of 50 cm.
  2. In the open areas of the European part of the country, there are hares, which are slightly larger than whites: their body length is about 65 cm, and their weight is about 7 kg. Unlike whites, these animals never turn white, and their coat only slightly lightens for the winter.
  3. Tolai looks like a hare, but its habitat is limited to Transbaikalia and South Siberia.
  4. The Manchurian breed is found exclusively in the Far East, and it is these hares that most of all resemble ordinary rabbits in appearance.

Figure 1. Main breeds: 1 - hare, 2 - hare, 3 - tolai, 4 - Manchurian

Having studied the main features and regions of residence of these animals, we can conclude that you can hunt animals in almost any region and at any time of the year.

Hare behavior in winter

In winter, hares do not hibernate, but continue to live in minks and look for food under the snow (Figure 2). This feature makes winter hunting for them effective and productive, and in some cases even looks like an exciting game.

Figure 2. In winter, hares lead an isolated lifestyle

The best weather for going to the forest for a trophy is the time when the first snow falls, because it clearly shows the traces of an animal that left its haul in search of food. Naturally, you can try to follow the animal on the trail, but in most cases, such an undertaking will not lead to anything: hares can reach speeds of up to 60 kilometers per hour, so it will not be possible to catch up with them.

It is much more efficient to find the habitat of the animal, set up an ambush and wait for the time when the animal can appear. At the same time, it is important to be very quiet, as the slightest rustle or noise can frighten away the game. It is important to ambush upwind, as hares tend to sit downwind to keep the air from blowing against their fur. By positioning yourself in this way, you will protect yourself from the situation when the beast smells you before you make the first shot.

Features of winter hunting

Winter hunting on hares, due to weather conditions, has certain features. First of all, you need to take care of the equipment, since the extraction of a trophy involves not only constant movement through the forest, but also sitting in ambush for a long time.

Note: Clothing must be selected depending on the weather conditions. For example, in the rain you will need a waterproof jacket, and it is better to travel long distances in the snow on a snowmobile. However, it should be borne in mind that you still have to walk to the habitat of the animals so that the noise of traffic and the smell of gasoline do not frighten the prey.

The importance of proper equipment is well known to hunters who hunt in Siberia. They can go to the forest for several days at once, so the equipment should include not only warm waterproof clothes and shoes, but also a minimum set of food and water, a first aid kit, a thermos and a lantern. If you have never hunted such a trophy before, the tips in the following sections will help you properly prepare for the hunt.

When and where is the best time to hunt?

In order for the winter hare hunting to be truly successful, it is better to conduct reconnaissance in advance and determine the habitats or feeding of the animals. In the future, you can simply drive to the right place by car, choose a location for an ambush and wait for the right time to shoot (Figure 3).

There are some tips for successful hunting for hare in the tundra or other hare:

  1. You need to shoot exactly at the animal itself, and not at its shadow, which is always darker than the main silhouette.
  2. An ambush shelter should preferably be located in such a way that it is directly opposite the hare path. In this case, the shadow of the animal will not prevent you from making a successful shot.
  3. If you have to shoot an animal in the back, it is better to aim at upper part his torso. However, this condition is relevant only if the animal did not start to flee. If necessary, shoot a running hare, it is best to shoot at the tips of his ears.
  4. The best time for hunting is early morning, and even better - dawn. At this time, the animals crawl out of their shelters and, without feeling a sense of danger, go to feed.

Figure 3. The extraction of a trophy largely depends on the right place for fishing and shooting accuracy.

Going to the forest, be interested in the weather forecast in advance. For example, in heavy snowfall, the animals become more cautious, and it will be very problematic to hit the game in a snowstorm. If a heavy snowfall still caught you fishing, it is best to look for game in plowing. The rest of the time you can meet hares in ordinary open fields.

What does a hunter need?

Hunting a hare in winter is difficult mainly due to weather conditions. Since it is easiest to track the animal by following the tracks immediately after a snowfall, the fisherman will need warm clothes and shoes, as well as a backpack with everything that may be needed in the process.

Naturally, the hunter's equipment includes not only personal equipment, but also weapons with ammunition. To make sure you feel comfortable when tracking game, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the tips on equipment.


The first thing to take care of when going to the forest is clothing. Consider in advance what you will need for a long time walk through the forest or sit in ambush, waiting for the appearance of the animal. Therefore, clothing should be warm, waterproof and spacious enough so that during movement it does not hinder movement (Figure 4).

For beginners, choosing the right clothing can be a bit difficult, but experienced fishermen know that one of the key requirements for it is quietness. The jacket should not rustle so that the hare does not hear your approach. Also keep in mind that you will have to move through the snow, the layer of which can be quite deep. To make it easier for yourself, it is better to move through the forest on skis. So you will not only increase the speed of movement, but also reduce fatigue. In addition, you will need a thermos with a warm drink, a lantern and other things necessary for a comfortable stay in the forest.

Figure 4. Required equipment

In addition to the selection of equipment, you need to take care of the selection of the right weapons and ammunition. Since it is they who play a decisive role in the extraction of a trophy, we will dwell on their selection in more detail.

How to pick up weapons and ammo

The right choice of weapons and ammunition can play a decisive role in hare hunting. It should be borne in mind that the acquisition of any firearms is accompanied by the issuance of a license.

When choosing guns, consider the following nuances:

  1. Most often, hunters buy double-barreled shotguns of 12-16 gauge, as they are light and do not cause inconvenience to the hunter when moving through the forest.
  2. Fraction, like air, is not the most the best choice for hare hunting. Despite the lightness, such a weapon does not have a high lethal force, and can only injure the animal. As a result, you will need to look for a wounded animal in order to finish it off, and this takes a lot of time and effort.
  3. Recently, pneumatic guns have been popular, which are distinguished by their ease and accuracy of shots, which plays an important role in hare hunting. In addition, these guns have another feature - a regular sight, which will help novice hunters make an accurate shot.

Some prefer to hunt a hare with a bow. Indeed, this weapon is completely silent, and is able to kill the animal with one shot. However, it should be borne in mind that archery requires certain skills, without which prey can leave.

Varieties of winter hare hunting

Many people think that winter hunting for a hare comes down to the fact that the hunter constantly walks through the forest, hoping to find a trace of an animal or the animal itself. In fact, the movement of fishermen through the forest has a certain logic, because they are not just looking for traces of hares, but also their intended habitats or feeding.

There are quite a few varieties of hunting, and each of them has its own characteristics and rules, following which you can get a trophy without much difficulty. Next, we will look at their main features so that novice hunters can choose their preferred method of catching game.


Hare hunting by trailing is considered one of the most exciting types of fishing. essence this method comes down to correctly reading and deciphering the traces of the animal. Accordingly, the key role in this case is played not so much by the selection of the right weapon, but by the endurance of the hunter, his ingenuity and tracker skills (Figure 5).

Note: Hares are very good at confusing tracks, so when you go hunting for the first time by trailing, it is better to take with you a more experienced hunter who will help you read the tracks correctly.

Tracking hunting is carried out only if snow has recently fallen. This will greatly facilitate the task, since you will not be confused in the tracks previously left by the beast. As a rule, in the daytime, hares lie down in their mink and only come out to feed in the late afternoon, leaving traces in the snow. You can track the animal using them.

Figure 5. You can track the animal by its tracks

Since, after eating, hares like to run and additionally confuse their tracks, it is better to immediately follow the path from the tracks and find the animal's mink, wait for it to appear and make an accurate aimed shot. Tracking the animal in circular tracks is difficult, and only an experienced fisherman can cope with this task.

Out of the ambush

If the snow layer is thin, or you went fishing at the end of winter, when the snow cover begins to melt, hunting for a hare from an ambush will be the best option for catching a trophy. In addition, at the end of winter it is already very difficult for animals to find food and, despite their caution, they come closer to human habitation (Figure 6).

Since this type of hunting involves waiting for the appearance of the animal, you will have to build a shelter:

  1. Build a structure that looks like a snowdrift from compressed blocks of snow.
  2. You can use a white tent that will not stand out on the ground.
  3. If there is a stack of straw or selenium nearby that is not too cold, you can use that as well.

The haystack is considered the most profitable shelter, since hares, in search of food, often get very close to them. If you set up a hiding place here, you will have a much better chance of shooting game. That is why this type of hunting is most often recommended for beginner fishermen.

Figure 6. The place for the ambush must be chosen very carefully.

If you don’t have the opportunity to build a capital shelter, you can easily put on a camouflage robe and sit on a regular folding chair. However, it is better to take a position from the side of the hare path, so that it is more convenient to aim at the animal, and the prey does not smell you ahead of time.

In addition to the proper organization of a place for a sit-in, the habits of the animal itself should also be taken into account. Remember that hares are predominantly nocturnal: they spend the day in a mink, and in the late afternoon they begin to get out of hiding in search of food. So set up an ambush better evening or even at night.

Note: Many are worried that dark time days to hit the animal will be difficult. In fact, in moonlight, reflected even from a minimal amount of light, a hare can be seen just as well as during the day.

There is a secret that all experienced hunters use. They divide the hunt for a hare into three nights: on the first night they look out and read the tracks, on the second they check the feeding place, and on the third they hunt directly. In addition, you can lay out bait at the feeding point, which will help attract more animals and increase the chances of getting a trophy.

With dog

Hunting for a hare in winter with hounds is also very popular. The fact is that these dogs are well aware of the tracks of animals and can quickly lead the hunter to prey (Figure 7).

Note: Running away from the dog, the hare makes a circle and still returns to its original place. Therefore, the hunter can only wait for the return of the animal and make a well-aimed shot.

Figure 7. Dogs help track and catch game

Naturally, in order for hare hunting with a dog to be effective, an assistant must be properly trained. Fortunately, training for hunting a hare is not difficult. The most important thing is to teach the dog not to be distracted by other animals, for example, by a fox, which can get into the sight of a hound while hunting a hare. In addition, hunting with a husky involves rewarding the animal: be sure to let the dog taste the taste of hare. So she will have an incentive to catch up with the beast and will not lose interest in hunting.

with loops

There are enough effective ways hare hunting without a dog. One of the most effective - with the use of loops. They can be installed both as an independent structure and in combination with traps or other fishing devices (Figure 8).

Note: Please note that this method of fishing is not allowed in all regions, so be sure to check local laws before sending to the forest.

Catching a hare with loops has certain features:

  1. It is desirable to tie the trap to a thin and flexible tree so that the animal, once caught in the loop, cannot escape.
  2. If the loop is equipped with a lift, it is desirable that the animal suffocates quickly: then it will not break the structure.
  3. It is better to put the loop in such a way that the hare gets into it with his head. Based on this, experienced fishermen recommend setting traps over a fallen tree.
  4. To be guaranteed to get a trophy, it is advisable to install the structures directly on the hare trails. They are very visible in winter, as the animals usually run along the same route.

Figure 8. Scheme for self-manufacturing and loop installation

It is also important to consider that the loop should be almost invisible. For its manufacture, it is better to use thin wire: it does not stand out in the surrounding landscape, but at the same time it is strong enough. Immediately before installation, be sure to wipe the wire with any odorous grass growing in the forest to kill the metallic smell.

From the approach

Hunting for a hare in winter from an approach is the most common way to get this game. But at the same time, fishing will be successful only if there is calm weather with high humidity outside. AT summer time such weather contributes to almost noiseless movement through the forest, and in winter it helps to track down a hare spending time in a mink (Figure 9).

Figure 9. Hunting from the approach involves the study of the habits of the beast

Despite the popularity of this method, one should be prepared for a sudden shot, especially in open space, because the game can get scared and jump out of its hiding place at any moment.

With traps

Traps can also help catch a hare, but this method of catching is not in great demand among hunters who prefer to get game in more interesting ways. Nonetheless, this way should still be considered, as it is often used in regions where looping of hares is prohibited.

They begin to set traps immediately after the first snow falls, and it is advisable to use traps with large numbers. This is due to the fact that hares have very strong paws. However, it should be borne in mind that the trap should not have a too tight spring that can break the limb of the animal (Figure 10).

Note: As a rule, hunters set pressure and passage traps, but you should be prepared in advance for the fact that after them you will have to spend a lot of time masking traces.

Like loops, it is desirable to process traps. For example, in the forest they can be rubbed with needles, and in the field with wormwood, however, even without such a disguise, hares are unlikely to pay attention to the metallic smell.

In order for the prey to definitely fall into the trap, the trap must be set correctly:

  1. Location selection: It is advisable to set traps after snow falls. Traces of animals will be clearly visible on its surface, and you can easily determine the place of their fattening. There you should put one or more traps.
  2. Track traps: usually set on the trail of a hare at the turn of the path, along which the animals follow to the feeding place after leaving the holes. So the probability of the animal falling into the trap will be much higher.
  3. Disguise: so that the hare does not notice the structure, you need to carefully cut a layer of snow, set a trap and return the snow to its place.
  4. Bait: selected depending on the breed, which is most often found in a particular region. For example, whites love to eat aspen, and one that has lain down a bit. You can also use birch or mountain ash branches covered with oats or snow. Rusaks are more fond of hay and straw, and feast on branches mainly at the end of winter. You can use any vegetables as bait, or pour a weak saline solution on the bait.

Figure 10. Trap design

When setting a trap, be sure to keep in mind that white hares are much more careful than hares, and it will be more difficult to catch them. In addition, it must be taken into account that with a sufficient amount of natural food, hares are unlikely to go out into the open, so it is better to set traps where animals are more common.

Game search rules

Experienced hunters recommend not going blindly into the forest, but following certain rules for finding game. First of all, it should be borne in mind that animals constantly change their places of lying and feeding. The choice of such a location is influenced by the weather: when it is damp outside, the animals prefer to settle on the hills, and dry weather - in the lowlands.

Of course, the easiest way to look for game is with dogs that can smell and frighten off a hare. But even for such fishing it is better to go on the first snow. An alarmed animal will run around its bed, and the hunter will be able to make an accurate shot.

Tips for unraveling hare tracks

Finding a trail of a hare in the forest is not a problem, but its correct decoding can cause certain difficulties. The fact is that hares are extremely cunning animals and so many traces of their stay are left that an inexperienced hunter can easily get confused in them (Figure 11).

To navigate the hare trails correctly, follow these tips:

  1. Try not to follow the trail itself, but next to it, so as not to accidentally step on the marks of the paws.
  2. Watch not only for the snow, but also periodically raise your eyes to the horizon. Confusing the tracks, the hare often makes a circle and returns to its previous place in order to lay down for itself.
  3. Look closely not only at the trail, but also at the surroundings, especially at places that can serve as good cover: dense thickets, snowdrifts or hillocks.
  4. If you find a fat spot, do not try to unravel a huge number of traces. Just go around the location, find the exiting single trail and follow it already.

Figure 11. Deciphering hare tracks

If at any point you find twos, threes, and discounts, slow down and keep a close eye on your surroundings. Such traces mean that the place where the hare is lying is already nearby and at any moment you can frighten it away.

How to properly shoot an animal

Hares are very fast animals, so you should be prepared for an unexpected shot. In addition, you may not have enough time to aim well, so it's best to familiarize yourself with the tips in advance, which will affect successful shooting.

Firstly, you need to remember that the silhouette of the animal itself is always lighter than its shadow, so you need to aim at the brighter place on the snow. Secondly, when shooting from a possible shelter, it is better to position yourself so that the trace of the hare path goes towards your ambush. Then the shadow e will interfere with a well-aimed shot.

In addition, you need to know which part of the body to aim for. If you come to a distance sufficient for a shot, it is better to aim at the upper body, and if the animal starts to run away, then it is better to shoot at the tips of its ears. If there is a situation in which the animal runs straight at you, aim at its front paws.

For the extraction of the beast to be successful, it is necessary to take into account the advice of experienced hunters. First of all, when going fishing, consider the weather conditions. Windless weather with temperatures just below zero is ideal. It is also advisable to go to the forest on freshly fallen snow, on which the animal's track will be better visible.

In addition, study the habits, types of tracks and habits of the animal in advance. So you will have a better chance of finding prey without a long walk through the forest. If you are interested in the secrets of successful hare hunting, we recommend watching a video that shows the main nuances of this fishery.