Hunting and fishing tourism. Fishing tourism in Russia and its main directions Hunting and fishing tourism abstract

Exhibition Territory of hunting, fishing, tourism 2018

Purpose of the project Territory of hunting, fishing, tourism

The main idea of ​​the organizers of the project is to help the participants of the event present their "product" to the public as best as possible. To find new markets for services and goods. Thanks to a kind of "live" advertising, exhibitors will be able to reach a new level of implementation through business negotiations, thematic round tables, acquire partners, and establish business relationships with potential customers.

The organizers of the fair expect to see domestic and foreign representatives of the tourism, fishing and hunting industry on the site. And the more distributors and manufacturers of thematic products gather in one impromptu "arena", the more interesting the format of the meeting promises to be.

Event program

In total, the exposition will occupy more than 5500 square meters. m where everyone renowned experts from various regions of the country will present novelties in their industries to the general public. The list of exhibited products is quite extensive:

  • everything for extreme species sports;
  • equipment and clothing for sports enthusiasts and active rest;
  • different kinds weapons;
  • radio navigation, types of optics;
  • inventory and vehicles for fishing, hunting and tourism;
  • all kinds of protective equipment;
  • trophies and awards;
  • house building, food, farming;
  • fishing and hunting tourism, including diving;
  • protection and development of hunting and fishing resources;
  • literature and souvenirs.

The organizers plan to hold various master classes and competitions, such as crossbow shooting, as part of the event. Participants will have a unique opportunity to mark knives and learn how to handle edged weapons.

Venue and time

The Territory exhibition will be held in Moscow starting from March 8 at the Crocus Expo exhibition center.

Exposure time

  • March 8-11 from 10:00 to 19:00
  • March 12 (last day of the exhibition) until 17:00


Fans of outdoor activities know perfectly well that the opening of the next season is just around the corner. The exhibition Territory of Hunting, Fishing, Tourism will allow you to fully prepare for it. You can purchase useful devices, upgrade your arsenal and equipment. Anglers are promised at master classes to lift the veil of secrecy about new types of bait, fishing techniques, and share professional secrets. The event promises to be useful and eventful.

The main motivations for these types of tourism, in fact, are consonant and coincide with their names - these are hunting and fishing. Additional motivations in this case are: recreation, entertainment, leisure activities, in some cases (for example, in Africa or Latin America) - knowledge in the framework of excursion programs.

The main consumer of these types of tourism is mainly the male population, mostly middle-aged, with enough high level income, since hunting tourism, especially organized in exotic countries, can be attributed to one of the most expensive types of tourism. Male tourists, as a rule, go on tour alone, in more rare cases - with their family.

The main destinations of these types of tourism are:

RF: Altai, Astrakhan, Volga Delta, Seliger, Karelia, Abkhazia, Kamchatka, middle lane Russia.

· Foreign destinations: Africa (Kenya, Tanzania, South Africa), Europe (Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Germany, France, Sweden, Finland, Norway), Latin America (Venezuela, Brazil, Dominican Republic) and some others.

In fishing and hunting tourism, there is a special seasonality associated with the so-called reproductive period in animals:

Fishing is prohibited during the spawning season

· Hunting is prohibited during the rutting season.

In addition, fishing and hunting for animals listed in the Red Book, national and world conservation lists, as well as shooting pregnant and lactating females and young animals is strictly prohibited. Violation of this requirement, as well as violation of the legally permitted period for the start of fishing and hunting, is poaching, i.e. a crime that carries heavy fines and, in some cases, imprisonment and deportation from the country. It should also be remembered that in some countries night hunting is strictly prohibited.

In hunting and fishing tourism, both group and individual tours take place, however, in group tours, groups of tourists are usually small: 3-5 people, maximum 10 people.

The average duration of tours is 7(8)-10 days.

The standard tour program usually includes: accommodation, meals, hunting (safari) or fishing, huntsman services, permits and licenses, insurance, visas (if necessary), transportation of tourists to the host country (region), transfers, primary processing of trophies. The extracted trophies are paid additionally, their cost is determined depending on the size - the weight of the horns, the length of the fangs, etc. The hunter receives a trophy - a skull with horns or fangs. If a tourist wants to take meat, a skin or a whole carcass with him, this is paid extra. The services of a taxidermist for the manufacture of a stuffed animal are also additionally paid. In fishing tourism, cutting, cooking, salting, drying and packaging of caught fish are offered for an additional fee.

As noted above, fishing, and especially hunting tourism is one of the most expensive types of tourism, not only in terms of the cost of organization, but also in terms of the cost of trophies. The cheapest trophies are hares, rodents, game, some types of ungulates: their cost ranges from 30 (50) to 300 (500) US dollars or euros (depending on the region). The most expensive trophies include the so-called "African Big Five" - ​​elephant, rhinoceros, buffalo, lion and leopard. The cost of each of these animals reaches several tens of thousands of US dollars.

Excursions (usually sightseeing or ecological), entertainment programs, cruise programs, etc. are also paid extra.

When organizing hunting and fishing tours, it is necessary to develop a clear schedule of all events and programs, combining hunting and fishing itself with recreation, entertainment and sightseeing activities, especially if there are tourists (women, children) in the group who do not take part in hunting and fishing.

Tourists are accommodated and catering in cottages, hunting lodges, special camp sites, tents (already directly at the place of hunting and fishing), sometimes in hotels of various categories (usually 4-5 * categories, offered on foreign tours). An important aspect is the organization of catering for tourists in a place of hunting or fishing: as a rule, tourists are given a lunch package or a cook is included in the accompanying staff, providing tourists with food.

The most important point is to provide tourists with all the necessary licenses and permits. It should be remembered that in some countries, for example, in Finland, it is necessary to have 2 fishing permits: national and local (of the area where fishing is offered). It should also be remembered that for each license issued, only a strictly defined number of game and animal heads can be shot, for example, 1 roe deer, etc.

Particular attention should be paid to the terms of booking and paying for tours, mainly hunting ones. Booking of the tour (in Africa and Latin America) is carried out at least six months before it starts. When booking a tour, the tourist makes an advance payment in the amount of 50-60% of its cost, which is not refundable if the tourist cancels the tour. In addition, there is a so-called "waiting list" for hunting representatives of the "Big Five Africans". This is due to the fact that in African countries there is a certain annual limit for shooting these animals, which cannot be violated. If during the reproductive period the animals did not have offspring, the tourist continues to be on the “waiting list”, and the hunt is postponed to the next year. For fishing in some countries there are also certain restrictions, for example: in some countries, a tourist is obliged to release the caught fish back into the reservoir.

Special requirements are imposed on the staff - pathfinders and huntsmen accompanying tourists. These requirements include: detailed knowledge of the area, professional use of weapons, organizational skills, professional skills in organizing hunting and fishing, first aid skills, etc. In addition, the most important function of the escort is to choose at a distance the animal that is supposed to be shot. At the same time, the tourist is obliged to shoot exactly the animal indicated to him. Having made a mistake (for example, by shooting an animal that is too young), the tourist is obliged to pay a large fine.

It is necessary to specify the language of hunting and fishing, as well as additional excursions. For example, in the countries of Africa and Latin America, the main language of communication is English language(in the second case, also Spanish).

A few words should be said about fishing tackle and weapons, the use of which has certain restrictions. So, when organizing fishing, restrictions are imposed on catching certain types of fish with a certain type of gear, for example, only by spinning. More important is the issue of weapons. So, when exporting weapons from the country, not only a permit to own (carry) weapons is required, but also a permit to export them, which is issued for at least a month, which must be taken into account when planning and ordering a hunt. In addition, in most hunting countries:

· It is forbidden to hunt ungulates with smooth-bore weapons (an exception is shooting roe deer and wild boar for driven hunting, buckshot is prohibited).

· It is forbidden to use rifled weapons with a caliber of less than 6.5mm and a caliber of 7.62X39 when hunting ungulates.

· There are various restrictions on the purchase of cartridges for rifled weapons, so it is advisable to take them with you.

It is necessary to follow certain rules when transporting weapons: weapons are transported in the luggage compartment, in an unloaded state, in a metal box, closed with a lock.

If desired, the tourist can rent fishing gear and weapons, which you can pre-test on the spot.

It should also be remembered that certain rules must be observed when transporting hunting dogs that are transported in the luggage compartment, in special containers with absorbent bedding, and which must have a certificate of vaccination against rabies and an international veterinary certificate.

The clothes, shoes, accessories, etc. necessary for tourists are also discussed. depending on the country and region of residence.

The main tour operators offering fishing and hunting tours, are: the Slavic Trophy club, Rosa, EBF-tour, Mountain Slope Tour, Euro-Volga, Lovelitur, Yurfo-tour, etc.

Having considered the main, most popular types of tourism, a few words should be said about some other types of travel, which so far belong to a relatively small, but quite stable, independent market segment.

· Rural tourism. Also, this type of tourism is sometimes called rural or agro-tourism. It is a holiday in the countryside, organized through tourism enterprises. The motivation for a rural holiday is the desire of a tourist to unite with nature, change the scenery, visit uncrowded places, different from the city, quieter, measured and calm lifestyle and daily routine, as well as often acquaintance and participation in agricultural work and picking mushrooms and berries. Rural tourism has 2 main forms:

1. Accommodation in cottages, houses and hotels in the countryside.

2. Homestay on a farm or in a detached house.

On the Russian market There are still very few proposals for rural tourism. So, for example, there are offers for holidays in cottages in the countryside in Finland, Latvia, and some other countries. Abroad, on the contrary: rural tourism is popular and in active demand among urban residents. In Russia, there are proposals for rural tourism for foreigners, for whom this type of recreation can be safely called a genuine exotic.

· Military tourism. It involves visiting the places of battles and historical battles for veterans and relatives of the dead soldiers, visiting military facilities and training grounds, warships, submarines, riding military equipment, tanks, supersonic fighters, firing from military weapons at firing ranges and shooting ranges, participation in military exercises and maneuvers. This type of tourism also includes visits to former concentration camps and prisons, although these activities are usually integral part excursion tours. This group also includes the presence of tourists during the launch of spacecraft at spaceports as spectators and space tourism itself, i.e. launching tourists into space, which is perhaps the most expensive type of tourism today.

· Nostalgic tourism- tourism to places of historical residence of the population or to meet with relatives. Settlers can be conventionally divided into those forced to leave their place of historical residence forcibly due to exile for religious, military or political reasons, and voluntary, who left their homeland in search of " a better life» (economic resettlers). Nostalgic tourism involves visiting relatives, cities, villages and other settlements of historical residence, cemeteries. Finns' tourism to the Karelian Isthmus can serve as examples of nostalgic tourism. Leningrad region and to other areas around Lake Ladoga, tourism of current Americans, Irish by origin, to Ireland, tourism, and sometimes emigration of Volga Germans to Germany.

· Extreme and adventure tourism. This type of tourism involves overcoming various obstacles and difficulties associated with a high level of risk and degree of danger, the study of survival techniques in difficult, often extreme conditions. Sometimes it is referred to as a kind of extreme sports tourism. This group includes: mountaineering, rock climbing, ice climbing, complex mountain rafting and hiking in dangerous, extreme conditions (for example, in the jungle), etc. This type of tourism, as a rule, involves living in a tent camp, self-cooking, etc. Sometimes this group includes tours for the purpose of treasure hunting. Here, professional scientific expeditions in search of treasures and treasures are distinguished, and amateur - adventure entertaining ones, involving the search and finding of a symbolic, "prize" treasure. These tours, in fact, can be attributed to a variety of recreational tourism.

· Scientific tourism. It involves a sufficiently long stay in a certain country, region or locality for strictly scientific purposes. It is often organized in national parks, reserves and reserves in order to observe and study certain types of flora and fauna. The purpose of observation is not a superficial acquaintance, but a systematic, deep study of the selected species or species. Such trips for scientists are often organized with direct participation and cooperation with various research institutes and institutions.


a) basic literature:

1. Aleksandrova A. Yu. International tourism. M., Aspect Press. 2004.

2. Aleksandrova A.Yu. "Structure of the tourist market": Textbook, M., 2002.

b) additional literature.

1. Brymer R. A. Fundamentals of management in the hospitality industry. (Translated from English) M., 1995.

2. Dmitrevsky Yu. D. Tourist regions of the world: Proc. allowance. Smolensk, 2000.

3. Kolotova E. V. Recreational resource science: Proc. allowance. M., 1998.

4. Mironenko N. S., Tverdokhlebov I. T. Recreational geography. M., 1981.

5. Guidebooks of the series "The World Around Us".

6. Veprentsev V.Yu., Vasiliev I.V. "Legal regulation of tourism business in Russian Federation". Practical guide. M., 2000.

Felluca is a small sailboat.

According to Skyway., as well as the catalog "Cruise Cascades Legends of the Nile" of the same company.

Based on materials from Cruise Line

According to the materials of the firm "Intour"

At cruise line prices

According to the materials of the company "Chaika Tour"

Neptune Company

Breze Line

Cruise Line Company

According to the materials of the company "MITS"

According to the materials of the company "AIDE"

Courtesy of The Delta Queen Steamboat Co

According to the materials of the company "Volga Fleet Tour"

According to the materials of the catalog "River cruises on motor ships" of the company "Capital Shipping Company"

According to the materials of the weekly business magazine "Russian Focus" No. 7 dated May 14, 2001, the authors are Ekaterina Gaidanskaya, Polina Zvereva.

According to the materials of the magazine "Russian Focus" No. 7 dated 14.05.01

M.B. Birzhakov "Introduction to tourism", M - S. Pb, "Nevsky Fund", 2000, pp. 162 -163.

Kosolapov A.B. “Theory and practice of ecological tourism”, tutorial, Moscow, Knorus, 2005. pp. 16 - 23

Chernushenko S.S. “The commandment of nature and certain types specially protected natural areas”

Textbook, Saratov Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2002.

Kosolapov A.B. “Theory and practice of ecological tourism”, textbook, Moscow, Knorus, 2005. Pp. 16-23

Tsavo National Parks, article, "The Subtleties of Sales Winter 2005 - 2006", Catalog - Handbook, No. 5, 2005,

"OOO - The subtleties of sales."


Buznik M. “Kruger Park” article, “Tourbiznes” magazine No. 18 (105) 2004, “Tourbiznes” Publishing House.

The plot is a chain of events that the tour tells about.

Today, fishing in Russia is not only a popular hobby, but also a real industry that is experiencing a real boom. A huge number of rivers, lakes and other bodies of water, like a magnet, attract millions of lovers of this type of recreation. On the territory of our Country, in almost every region, there are places popular among anglers. All this makes fishing tourism very popular and in demand in Russia. And despite the fact that this direction began to develop actively relatively not so long ago, the demand for such fishing tours is growing steadily.

Fishing tourism and its main directions

Many anglers are familiar with the situation when local reservoirs are well traveled up and down and thoroughly studied, and the fishing soul wants something new and unknown. This is where the thoughts of a trip to some new place come. And if earlier the fishermen themselves solved such issues, today this can be done easily by contacting a travel agency, one of the main specializations of which is fishing tourism.

When choosing a specialized fishing tour, it is necessary to take into account its duration, the desired object of fishing, personal preferences and cost. And by far the most popular destinations for fishing tourism are:

— lake Seliger;

— Valdai lakes;

- the lower reaches of the Volga;

- Akhtuba;

- Kamchatka;

- North of Russia;

— Lake Baikal.

This is not a complete list of the most popular and popular places for fishing tourism in Russia.

Ice fishing for omul in the Zabaikalsky National Park

What is a fishing tour

In order to understand what is fishing tourism in Russia, it is necessary to look a little into the recent past. Previously, when going fishing in an unfamiliar place, it was necessary to take care in advance about how to get there, where to stay, whether it is possible to rent a boat or boat, and resolve issues related to organizing current everyday problems. In addition, it is advisable to find out from trusted sources whether fishing for a particular fish is allowed in the chosen place and in general everything about the features of the reservoir. Buying a fishing tour , all organizational issues are taken over by the travel company.

As for the cost, this option often turns out to be even more profitable, especially if you take into account that many fishing bases offer their customers quite a decent service for reasonable prices. Most databases offer full package services, which includes almost everything, from rental housing, boats, gear, catering, transfers and much more, including huntsman services.

Fishing in Kamchatka

Fishing tourism in Russia and abroad

If we compare fishing tourism in Russia and abroad, it should be noted that the cost of services is quite comparable, but transportation costs within the country are an order of magnitude lower. As for the objects of fishing, the conditions here are also almost the same.

So, on average, a week of fishing in Finland (in particular, on the Åland Islands) for two will cost about 730-1150 €. Approximately the same cost will be for a fishing tour to Thailand. All this once again shows the attractiveness fishing tourism in our country and practically inexhaustible prospects for its development, including at the international level.

We invite you to watch the fascinating documentary"Fishing Voyages: The Lost World" Parts 1 and 2:

Tourism for the purpose of hunting and fishing in places suitable for this. In order to productively spend time in nature, everyone travels more people tired of working in big cities.

The ranks of experienced fishermen and hunters are replenished by amateurs looking for relaxation away from the noise and in unity with nature. The first destination is Russia. Winter and summer fishing on the middle Volga and Caspian peals (Volga delta), fishing tours to Kamchatka, for taimen to Yakutia, salmon rivers of the Kola Peninsula, hunting in Karelia, Magadan, Primorsky Krai - for a bear, elk, capercaillie, hare.

Places for fishing and hunting tourism can be both massive, like Astrakhan, where crowds of fishermen from all over Russia flock during the season, and hard-to-reach, like the Shantar archipelago in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. Due to the variety of climatic and natural zones in Russia, the program of hunting and fishing tours may vary depending on the preferences of the fisher-hunter. Depending on them, the seasonality factor is also taken into account, hunting can be trophy or photo, the performance indicator is the size of prey, catch.

In recent years fishing and hunting tourism distributed within the framework of rural tourism, on personal household plots, small hunting bases. During a difficult hunt for a wild boar, a bear (or wild animals - in Africa), special instructors provide safety.

Benefits of fishing and hunting tourism

Primal joy from a successful hunt, getting a trophy.

Disadvantages of fishing and hunting tourism

Conflict with conservationists and animals, no guarantee of results.

Tourism in its structure of recreation is very diverse. Going on vacation, every tourist can choose for himself exactly the option of rest that he likes the most. It is impossible to ignore such a type of recreation as hunting. For many amateur hunters, the main purpose of hunting is a walk through the forest expanses, and not the acquisition of a trophy - killed game. Especially popular among amateurs began to enjoy such types as photo, film or video hunting.

Such an occupation as hunting appeared in Russia a very long time ago and was one of the types of entertainment for aristocrats. Very often, foreign ambassadors and official representatives were invited to hunt, while receiving their share of the booty, which in those days was valued quite highly. Usually, hunting grounds belonged to someone from the palace nobility, and it was in his will to allow or forbid hunting in his forests to other people. Russian monarchs and their aristocracy often amused themselves by hunting.

Currently, hunting is considered as an entertainment and a sport for connoisseurs and lovers of this type of recreation. The conduct of the hunt itself is regulated by legislation, which establishes the places and time of the hunt.

In most countries of the world, special licenses are issued for hunting, which limit the types of trophies and their number, as well as the time of the hunt. In many countries with small forest areas, animals are fed and specially bred for subsequent hunting. Thanks to such care, forest areas, despite their small size and high attendance by hunting tourists, sometimes have a density of animals somewhat higher than in natural forests.

Hunting tourism is one of the most expensive types of recreation. The average cost of services provided by hunting farms is from 200 US dollars and more per day, despite the sometimes spartan living conditions. Hunting equipment is also expensive - see, for example, how much a thermal imager for hunting can cost. A large selection of thermal imagers is presented on the website

Depending on the object of hunting, the cost of a shooting license can range from several hundred to several tens of thousands of dollars. Such a pricing policy is fully justified, as it brings the necessary funds to protect animals from poachers. And the damage from poachers is quite significant. In specialized hunting farms, licensed hunting for such animals as fox, wolf, hare, marten, ferret, ground squirrel and waterfowl is allowed within certain periods.

But recently, such a type of recreation as fishing tourism has begun to gain particular popularity. Every year more and more tourists, fishing enthusiasts go on fishing tours for their trophies. First of all, avid fishermen are attracted by the expanses of water of the mighty Russian Volga River. They especially like the Volga delta, where it breaks up into many small rivers, when it flows into the Caspian Sea. This area is a real paradise for lovers of fishing.

To date tourism organizations provide their clients with many services, which include transfer to the location of the base, accommodation of tourists in places of residence, their food, and most importantly, they organize unsurpassed fishing.