Running partner. How easy it is to find a sports company with Ridewithme. Hiking and other outdoor activities

Few people have the courage to go to training alone more than two or three times. Another thing is when you work out with friends. This is not only more fun, but also adds a competitive moment: after all, no one wants to seem like a loser. But what if there is not a single athlete among your entourage? You can always find the right company with Ridewithme and it only takes a couple of minutes.

To get started, you need to add a profile by registering by email or through social networks, and select your city. After that, you can already take a bag with sneakers and a uniform - you will find a suitable place for training along the way.

Events near you

On the "Events" screen, where all the events near you are collected, you can select the one you need through the list or using the pins on the map. Behind each pin are the details of the events and the "Subscribe" button. There are filters that allow you to filter out events by city and type of activity, so it is very easy to find like-minded people for a useful pastime.

List of events you are subscribed to

All the events you have subscribed to are stored on the "I'll go" screen. This is your kind of plan for the future or calendar, if you like. The list contains details about the event location and participants. Sports events may be one-time or recurring. You will be able to find friends who share your hobbies and together pay for the rent of a gym or a playground for regular sports.

New event creation dialog

If you couldn’t find the event you need (mastering some exotic sport?), it’s easy to create it yourself. The central tab is responsible for this. Filling out simple form, we set the desired conditions, including not only the type of activity, time and place of the event, but also, for example, restrictions on the age and number of participants.

Search for places with filters and list of favorites

For those who like to open new training grounds, to meet like-minded people, the "Places" tab will come in handy. By adding your favorite places here, you can quickly use them when creating events.

Ridewithme helps you find company for running, biking and other sports anytime, anywhere. Make new friends, gather like-minded people and do what you love together!

There are people who, by nature, are more comfortable doing sports with a partner, in a company. It is easier to overcome shyness, achieve some goals, just communicate on related topics, motivate yourself. In a word, sports together will be more fun and productive. But where to find partners and like-minded people for sports and outdoor activities?

Are you my friend or not?

To get started, try looking for comrades for sports among your friends and acquaintances. Share with them your intention to find a sports partner. Perhaps one of your close friends has long dreamed of starting running, skiing, cycling or joining a fitness club for a long time.

Maybe your friend will have an acquaintance who is not averse to playing sports together or attending training? The more friends you inform about your plans, the faster you will reach your goal.

The World Wide Web

Also today there are special sites and forums for finding partners in sports. For example, try your luck at

Personal acquaintances

Don't be afraid to make personal acquaintances in the park where you run or gym where you are doing. Try to overcome the first shyness, and you will be rewarded with a pleasant acquaintance, and possibly a reliable sports partner and friend.

It is not necessary to immediately get acquainted with a person and offer to train together “head on”. At first, you can just chat with him, find common topics for conversation. Gradually, you will overcome the barriers of communication and, with mutual desire, you will begin to train together.

Mass holidays

Mass races, ski holidays, bike rides and other social events - great way find like-minded people. Don't be afraid to make friends. Here is the easiest way to do it. Even if you do not meet anyone, you will have a pleasant and useful time, and maybe win some prize.

Hiking and other outdoor activities

Hiking is often attended by people who appreciate and love sports. It is possible that among the participants there is a person who lives near you and plays the same sport.

The more active social life you lead, the more likely you are to find a partner and friend for training. It can be very difficult for people who are shy by nature to overcome shyness. Here you can advise not to be afraid of failure. Be open and sincere, then you will quickly find a common language with strangers. To get started, you can try to contact a person with a request or for advice, ask a question about equipment, equipment, etc.

Where are you looking for training partners?

A new app for those who are tired of leading a healthy lifestyle alone

Activity trackers, sports apps, geotagging boom - we live in an era when a person who does not report his sports activity on social networks looks like an alien or a complete lazy person. Cult healthy lifestyle life - healthy lifestyle, as Internet users like to call it - the trend is generally positive. But what if you don’t have enough willpower to do the notorious sport alone, but there is no company? Today we will talk about the excellent Russian application Roster: it has just launched and seems to solve this problem.

Roster is an application for finding friends and like-minded people for classes various types sport, which started on April 16. So far, the application works only for iOs and Android users in Moscow, but already now it has enough companions for outdoor activities and some city spots. The creators of the service, Pavel Liskin and Sergey Podshivalin, came up with a unique product: there were no such applications and there are not only on Russian market but also globally. They were inspired to create Roster by the idea of ​​collective responsibility: it's hard to force yourself to go to train alone when it's so easy to refuse, and no one will know about it. But if a whole team is waiting for you at the training site, motivation increases. During the beta testing of Roster in Zelenograd, 100 testers increased the audience to 636 users in just three weeks.

    Current disciplines in Roster:
  • Bicycle/MTB/BMX
  • Rollers / scooters
  • Climbing / Mountaineering
  • Snowboard / Alpine skiing
  • Skateboard
  • Sports tourism

Roster opens up new opportunities for leisure and sports for curious users, making our city more comfortable and friendly. Who knows, maybe ordinary evening rides in a team of like-minded people will not only tighten your swollen legs from office work, but will also help you find your soul mate in the stone jungle? In a word, download the application, look for allies - and see you at the spots in Moscow and the region!