Paid fishing in Belarus. Paid fishing in Belarus Fish farms of Belarus

The end of February in Belarus today turned out to be "fierce", as it should be for this month by name in the Belarusian calendar.


There is ice on the lakes, including the reservoirs of the Selets Experimental Fish Farm OJSC in the Brest region. Now the fish farm is off season. But even with a greater minus here you can see live fish splashing in the water. Yes, not just any - sturgeon, sterlet and even beluga! Belarus, sturgeon and black caviar. Are you surprised to hear this? The SOYUZ correspondent went to the city of Belarusian power engineers Beloozersk to see how stereotypes are being destroyed.

In 2017, an experienced fish farm produced more than 112 tons of marketable sturgeons. Elite fish from Belarus was tasted in Moscow, Smolensk, Izhevsk and Yaroslavl - the Belarusian fish farm sold 16 tons of sturgeons to Russia. In addition, fish farmers have grown more than 13 tons of fish stock. "Selets" provides for the needs of all fish farms in Belarus in fry, and also supplies juvenile fish for export to the EU countries and even to Russia - a country that is called the world center for breeding sturgeon fish.

Nets are hung on the bank of the warm canal in Beloozersk, and the canal itself is half occupied by fish farming platforms resembling mini-ponds. In the air - minus, and the water here maintains a positive temperature. In net cages - grass carp and carp. In concrete - sturgeon and salmon. Artificial ponds are seething. Water flows from the pipes so that there is no stagnation.

Temperature and oxygen levels are constantly monitored. The food is special. The fish are weighed once a year. And soon it is planned to chip valuable breeds.

Ivan Mikhovich, the head of the Beloozersky section of the Selets Experimental Fish Farm, leads me to a cage with a beluga. If you ignore the concrete walls of the reservoir and focus on the water, a fish of considerable size with a long mustache can be mistaken for a sea monster. All attempts by a fish farm worker to lift the beluga with a net so that I appreciate the beauty of the largest freshwater fish, were unsuccessful. Ivan Denisovich laughs at my fantasies:

In Belarus, no one breeds beluga besides us. Now we have fish for 60 kilograms. These are ten year olds. Beluga sturgeon grows fastest of all and can grow up to two tons - such individuals are described in the literature. We brought the fry from Astrakhan. We are creating our own breeding stock now. To do this, you need to keep the fish in our climatic conditions, then the offspring will be viable. Beluga spawns under the age of 20 years. But in warm water, we hope, it reaches puberty earlier.

If the beluga is a curiosity for Belarus, then the sterlet is an aboriginal fish. They say that once it was a dime a dozen in the rivers.

Belugas are practically tame in the fish farm. They swim up to the side, hoping for a treat. They are predators, and it is most interesting to watch when small fish are thrown to them. If the beluga is a curiosity for Belarus, then the sterlet is an aboriginal fish. They say that once it was a dime a dozen in the rivers.

Ivan Mihovich complains that now the sterlet cannot be found in natural conditions as often as before:

The sterlet is included in the Red Data Book of Belarus as an endangered species. Some rivers were stocked with fish with our help. Already comes across, they say, fishermen on the bait. The sterlet grows up to 16 kilograms. The smallest species of sturgeon, but also the most precocious.

A broodstock of sterlet and Lena sturgeon has already been created in Selets. In the future, the farm expects to launch the production of Belarusian black caviar. Theoretically, this is possible: the specialists of the fish farm have already successfully obtained an elite product, but so far it is too early to talk about mass production. Sturgeons usually spawn in May–June, but in the warm water of the Berezovskaya GRES canal, the process shifts to the first spring months. Between caviar fences - two years. If you arrange "milking" more often, the quality of caviar will deteriorate.

It takes 3–4 years for a sturgeon to grow to the store counter and get there in a 600-gram weight, although a 250-gram weight is considered commercial. No one is waiting for the “royal fish” to reach a possible 100 kilograms.

By the way, sturgeons are grown not only in the experimental fish farm "Selets" of the Brest region. Fish farms are successfully operating in the Minsk and Mogilev regions, although they are smaller than Selets.

The head of the Department of Ichthyology and Fisheries of the Belarusian State Agricultural Academy Nikolai Barulin drew attention to the fact that earlier professional fish farmers were trained only in Kaliningrad, and in 1995 the specialty "Agricultural and industrial fish farming" was opened at the zooengineering faculty of the academy in Gorki, Mogilev region:

Belarus is actively creating its own scientific base for sturgeon breeding, as the state program until 2020 provides for an increase in the production of fish resources in the country's water bodies up to 18,158 tons, including valuable fish species - up to 1,200 tons. Sturgeon production is an elite and promising area of ​​aquaculture. In Belarus, it develops in three partially independent areas: caviar, meat and restoration of natural populations. We already produce black caviar for export, supply it both to the West and to the East.

"Home" sturgeon herds are modern, but today a lot is being done to restore natural populations. Over the past two years, the Belarusian Society of Hunters and Fishermen stocked sterlet sites on the Pripyat and the Dnieper, releasing about 3 thousand individuals into the water. The fry were purchased at the expense of funds received from the annual membership fees of amateur fishermen - members of the society.

By the way

Last summer, Russian specialists also stocked the Dnieper with sterlet - more than 30 thousand individuals were released into the water on the transboundary section of the river on the outskirts of Smolensk.


Fish is an indispensable high-quality food product for people. One of the pressing problems of the modern world is the problem of providing the population with food. At the same time, it is closely intertwined with the problem of environmental protection. Providing the population fish products is an important task for the economy of any country due to the high nutritional and biological value of fish. In countries that do not have direct access to the sea, it has always been given increased attention its cultivation in inland waters.

Belarus occupies one of the first places in the world in terms of saturation with freshwater reservoirs. However, a significant part of the water fund is not used for obtaining fish products. The fishery potential of small reservoirs, ponds, reservoirs of complex purpose located in the agricultural sector is also not used.

The fish farming industry of Belarus does not provide the population of the country with its own fish products in full. The missing part of fish products is imported.

The annual consumption of fish and fish products per capita in our country is 16.5 kg, while the recommended medical standards are 21.6 kg. To fully provide the population of the region with fish, it is necessary to supply the food market with at least 20.6 thousand tons of this product per year. 19 specialized organizations are engaged in fish farming in Belarus.

Fishery activities in the republic are carried out in two main areas: fish farming, based on breeding and growing fish in artificial reservoirs, and maintaining fishing industry in fishing grounds.

Fish farming in the republic is carried out by specialized fish farms, as well as fish farms, workshops at agricultural, industrial and other organizations. various shapes property. The area of ​​the pond fund of specialized fish farms is 20.26 thousand hectares, including 16.33 thousand hectares for growing marketable fish.

The problem of providing fish and fish products is so important that in a special UN report it is singled out in a separate column among eight other indicators that determine the level of food security of countries. In turn, states that do not have direct access to the sea are striving comprehensively to compensate for the shortage of fish products by developing fish farming.

In developed countries, fish accounts for 18 to 83% of the protein diet in human nutrition.

China leads the world in fish farming, accounting for more than half of the world's freshwater aquaculture production.

It is expected that by 2025 the world's population will grow from 6 billion to 8.5 billion people, so the production of fish products should double.

Research methods: literature analysis, description, evaluation, observation.

The objectives of the study are predetermined by the purpose of the study and are to:

To characterize the fish industry of the Republic of Belarus;

Consider the essence and directions of fisheries, fish farming systems;

To study the problems and the state of breeding and harvesting, processing of fish and the production of fish food products.

Describe the objects and conditions of the study;

Consider factors and ways to improve the economic efficiency of fish breeding and fishing, production and sale of fish products;

To analyze the state and prospects for the development of fisheries in the Republic of Belarus.

Chapter 1 Literature Review

1.1 Characteristics and directions of fisheries, fish farming systems

At least 180,000 tons of fish and fish products per year are needed to sustainably meet the needs of the population of the republic. Currently, the bulk of this volume is imported in the form of deep-frozen products. The share of own, most valuable fresh and live fish is 8.3 percent.

The most important direction in the development of fisheries in Belarus is commercial fishing. It is based on the management of rational fisheries in lakes, reservoirs and rivers in volumes that ensure the conservation of their biological diversity.

Fisheries in the republic are traditionally understood as the extraction of fish from natural waters (fishing), fish farming in artificial and natural reservoirs and the processing of fish products. Without touching on the issues of processing, let's focus on the methods of obtaining fish.

One of the most traditional ways that constantly accompanied human economic activity is fishing. Fishing is understood as ways and methods of withdrawing part of the products various kinds fish inhabiting water bodies in natural conditions. A distinctive feature of this area of ​​the economy is the limited resource base and great dependence on natural and climatic factors. The main objective of the development of fisheries is the rational use of natural fish resources in order to obtain fish food products, subject to the sustainable use of the raw material base and the conservation of the biological diversity of the ichthyofauna of water bodies.

The second direction, which allows to largely eliminate the shortcomings of the first, is fish farming. Fish farming is understood as a complex of biotechnical measures aimed at breeding, preserving, increasing and improving the quality of fish resources in artificial and natural reservoirs.

In the Republic of Belarus, the fishing industry acquired national importance in the mid-1920s. the last century. Production and research structures were created, the Fishing Rules were approved.

The efforts of scientists of the Belarusian Research Institute of Fisheries ("BelNIIRH") ensured the development and continuous improvement of progressive technologies for the transition from extensive forms of management to the organization of intensive production. As a result, in 1989, the state fisheries enterprises, together with collective farms and state farms, achieved the maximum catch (21.3 thousand tons) of fish from the inland waters of Belarus. The basis of it was fish grown in pond and cage farms - 18.4 thousand tons (86.4% of the total fish production). In a number of fish farms productivity of up to 16.0-17.5 c/ha was achieved, and in some ponds - up to 20-25 c/ha of high-quality table fish.

According to the Institute of Nutrition of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR, the physiological norm of fish consumption per capita should be at least 18.0 kg per year.

In developed countries, fish accounts for 18 to 83% of the protein diet in human nutrition. In total, according to the FAO, about 72.5 million tons of fish and other inhabitants of the waters used by people for food are caught in the world.

19 specialized organizations are engaged in fish farming in Belarus.

In 2010, Belarusian fish farms reared 21 thousand tons of fish, including 4.8 thousand tons of fish stock and 16.2 thousand tons of marketable fish (7% more than in 2009). Including 12.8 thousand tons of commercial carp, 2.5 thousand tons of grass carp and silver carp, 640 tons of crucian carp, 111 tons of pike, 64.5 tons of sturgeon fish species, 24 tons of catfish species were grown.

Sale and processing of fish. In 2010 Belarusian fish farms supplied 13.5 thousand tons of pond fish to the domestic market (4% more than in 2009). Exported 344.4 tons. Sent for processing - 900 tons.

The importance of the fishing industry. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the share of fish in the diet has reached a record high - an average of 17 kg per person per year.

The global fish trade has reached a record high of $102 billion a year.

Most of the growing global demand is provided by the industrial production of fish and seafood, which is growing by almost 7% annually.

About 10 million people now live in Belarus. Considering the physiological norm of fish consumption per capita (18 kg per person per year), the need for fish products is already at least 180.0 thousand tons. It is desirable that at least 20% of this amount be freshwater fish that enters the table consumer mainly in fresh form and is the most valuable product of dietary nutrition.

Fund of fishery reservoirs.

Fishery reservoirs are waters on which fishery activities are or may be carried out. The fund of fishery reservoirs of the Republic of Belarus is rich and diverse, but at the same time it is characterized by extreme fragmentation. According to reference data, there are more than 10 thousand lakes in the country with a total area of ​​about 200 thousand hectares, 130 reservoirs with a total area of ​​80 thousand hectares and 20,800 rivers with a total length of 90.6 thousand km. In addition, there are 21.86 thousand hectares of ponds for fish farms, 4.6 thousand hectares of ponds of collective farms and state farms, as well as 17.05 thousand km of canals for various purposes.

Efficiency of using the fund of fishery reservoirs

The fund of fishery reservoirs of the Republic of Belarus is used in the production of marketable fish products by various business entities, which can be combined as follows:

1. State fish-breeding enterprises that are part of the structure of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food.

2. Fish-breeding and fishing enterprises under the jurisdiction of the Administration of the President of the Republic of Belarus.

3. Fish-breeding enterprises of the agro-industrial complex (collective farms), communal property of regional executive committees and district executive committees, respectively, included in the committees for agriculture and food of the regions and departments of agriculture and food of the district executive committees.

4. Fish-breeding enterprises that are in use by public organizations (Society of hunters and fishermen), subsidiary farms, industrial enterprises, forestry enterprises, consumer cooperation enterprises, farmers and other legal entities and individuals.

The efficiency of using the available pond areas is currently low for a number of objective and subjective factors. With a design capacity of ponds of state fish farms of 17,200 tons of fish products per year, the utilization rate varies in the regions from 39.3 to 86.4%, averaging 53.0% in the republic. The utilization rate of community-owned ponds is even lower.

For the purposes of fish breeding and fishing, in addition to the ponds of fish farms, collective farms and state farms, about 160 thousand hectares of lakes and reservoirs and 4.3 thousand km of rivers can be used, which is respectively 57.0 and 4.8% of the available water fund.

1.2 The essence and directions of fisheries, fish farming systems

Fisheries is a unique type of production in the country's economy. One of the main tasks of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food is to create conditions for increasing the resources of food and agricultural raw materials, improving the supply of the population of the republic with high-quality food.

The norms of rational food consumption, approved by the Ministry of Health, provide for an average annual consumption of fish and seafood (depending on age and physical activity) from 16 to 24 kg per person per year.

At least 180,000 tons of fish and fish products per year are needed to sustainably meet the needs of the population of the republic. Currently, the bulk of this volume is imported in the form of deep-frozen products. The share of own, most valuable fresh and live fish is 8.3 percent.

The most important direction in the development of fisheries in Belarus is commercial fishing. It is based on the management of rational fisheries in lakes, reservoirs and rivers in volumes that ensure the conservation of their biological diversity.

According to the method of obtaining fish products, there are two main areas:

Through capture from fishing grounds (rivers, lakes and reservoirs);

Through breeding under controlled or partially controlled conditions (aquaculture).

Aquaculture production is carried out in the following areas:

Pond fish farming;

Fish farming in cages and pools on warm waters;

Fish farming in closed water supply installations.

The main production of fish in the Republic of Belarus is carried out by growing it in state pond fish farms, which are part of the system of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food. Additional - in the ponds of agricultural enterprises, in installations with closed water supply, cages and pools of subsidiary fish-breeding shops of industrial enterprises, private firms and individual entrepreneurs, catches by tenants (legal entities of various forms of ownership) from fishing grounds.

One of the promising areas for growing fish is its production in cages and pools based on waste water from thermal power plants, as well as in recirculating water supply systems (RAS). The advantage of this direction lies in the fact that it is possible to grow fish all year round in warm water farms. In summer, heat-loving species such as carp, herbivorous fish, buffalo, channel catfish, paddlefish, tilapia, etc. grow well. , steelhead salmon that reach commercial weight by spring. In RAS, fish can be grown all year round under given conditions. This makes it possible to reduce the term for obtaining marketable products by 1 year compared to conventional technology, as well as to ensure a uniform supply of live fish to consumers throughout the year. Since under industrial conditions, fish do not have the opportunity to use natural feed, it is important when growing fish to provide it with high-quality feed balanced in terms of basic nutrients. The cost of such feeds, as a rule, exceeds the cost of feeds used in pond fish farming, which increases the cost of the resulting fish products. The main object of aquaculture in Belarus is carp, which currently accounts for 79.7% of the total fish production. Along with carp, silver carp (10.0%), herbivorous fish of the Chinese faunal complex - grass carp, white and bighead carp (about 8.0% in total) and pike (1.8%) are grown. Of the other species, tench, European catfish, rainbow trout, sterlet are cultivated in small quantities, but the production volumes of these species do not exceed 0.5%.

In the Republic of Belarus, the main body responsible for the development and management of aquaculture activities (including fisheries) is the Department for Land Reclamation and Water Resources of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food. The Department carries out planning of macro indicators of work and control over their implementation by enterprises of the republican form of ownership. On the ground, these functions are carried out by committees on agriculture and food of the regional executive committees and district executive committees, which are in charge of enterprises of communal and private forms of ownership.

The structure of the Department for Land Reclamation and Water Resources of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Belarus unites 19 full-system pond farms and 1 growing planting material and fishing on natural reservoirs. They account for about 88% of the country's annual fish production.

The total area of ​​the country's pond fund is 24.53 thousand hectares, of which 20.8 are on the balance of fish farms of the republican form of ownership, and 3.73 thousand hectares are enterprises of communal ownership.

In addition to fish farms, 120 business entities of various forms of ownership (state fish farms, enterprises of the Administration of the President of the Republic of Belarus, forestries, private enterprises, farms and public organizations) carry out commercial fishing and organize paid recreational fishing in natural fishing grounds on a leasehold basis.

Fish farming is carried out by specialized fish farming organizations that are in republican ownership, and organizations that are in communal ownership, in which fish farming is not their main activity. The area of ​​the pond fund of specialized fish farms is 20.26 thousand hectares, including 16.33 thousand hectares for growing marketable fish, 3.93 thousand hectares for fish stock. About 8.9 thousand hectares of pond areas suitable for growing pond fish are in communal ownership. Installations of closed water supply for growing fish are operated by individual entrepreneurs.

There are two types of fish farming:

The first is full-system, when fry are hatched from eggs, and then marketable fish is grown from them;

The second method is a non-full-system one, when young animals are not bred, but bought in a nursery and then grown to a marketable condition.

In the first case, the reservoirs are divided depending on the age of the fish that they contain into: uterine, where there are adult males and females; spawning, where spawning and hatching of fry takes place; nurseries, where they contain fry, deposited from spawning ponds; wintering, where underyearlings hibernate (juveniles, whose age is not more than a year); feeding, where the young are grown during the second summer, after which they are caught. If the organization conducts non-full-system fish farming, then, as a rule, it has only feeding ponds.

One of the branches of fish farming is pond fish farming. Today, the breeding and keeping of fish in ponds is based on serious scientific data, taking into account the characteristics of the habitat for a particular species of fish, various temperature conditions, the presence of vegetation, and other factors.

For fish, the most important water parameter for life is its temperature regime, which directly depends on the geographical location of the reservoir. Different types of fish prefer different environmental temperatures. And these are not simple preferences, this is a necessary component of the full development of a particular type of fish.

The main task of pond fish farming is the use of artificial reservoirs for breeding fish. According to their structure and purpose, the reservoirs themselves are divided into ponds and reservoirs. Reservoirs are designed for long-term regulation and storage of water resources, in ponds this regulation is limited to a one-year period. Such regulation is usually seasonal - in the spring such ponds are filled with water in order to drain the water in the fall. The annual change of water in the ponds makes it possible to use them at a higher fish-breeding and technical level with increased fish productivity.

Increasing the efficiency of pond fish farming can ensure the introduction of the latest achievements of the fishery science of the republic at existing fish farms. First of all, these are resource-saving intensification biotechnologies, including hybridization, stimulation of the development of the natural food base of ponds and its effective use by a complex of farmed fish (herbivores, carp, crucian carp, pike), optimization of fish feeding and fodder production, effective prevention of fish diseases, use technical means for feeding and aerating water at high stocking densities of reared fish. Due to these factors, it is possible to increase the production of pond fish in existing areas by two or more times.

Ponds are one of the most effective directions for the development of fish farming. Their use makes it possible to regulate both the specific and quantitative components of products, the integrated use of land and water resources, the distribution of geographical priorities for fish farming in those regions where there is the greatest demand for these products, thereby saving on transportation costs.

In addition, industrial fish farming has a number of undeniable advantages over other fishing methods, confirmed both by practice and scientific research. In particular, the products of pond farms do not need industrial processing, do not require significant transportation costs for delivery, and allow supplying the consumer with live fish.

Commercial fish farming is the most promising and progressive direction in the development of fisheries in inland waters. It is this industry that is able to meet the internal needs of the population in healthy and fresh fish products, in expanding its range and increasing quality assurance. Currently, special attention is paid to fast-growing varieties of fish, which will undoubtedly further increase the attractiveness of this production.

1.3 Status and problems of breeding and harvesting, processing of fish and production of fish food products

In the Republic of Belarus, the production of marketable fish products, including live fish (pond and lake-river); chilled, frozen, fillet, salted, smoked, dried, spicy and pickled salting, minced fish, culinary and balyk products, fish caviar, food seafood, enterprises of twelve departments, as well as legal entities without departmental affiliation and individual entrepreneurs are engaged. The main suppliers of live fish are enterprises of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the republican and communal property (83.8% of the total production).

Fisheries management on lakes, reservoirs and rivers will have to be reoriented from extensive fishing to the purposeful formation and rational use of the biological resources of aquatic ecosystems.

Recreational fishing remains one of the sources of fish supply to the consumer's table. The volume of fish caught by amateur fishermen is directly dependent on the population, the state of fish resources in fishing grounds and the financial situation of the fishermen themselves. According to the Ministry of Statistics and Analysis, the country's population currently fishes 7.2 thousand tons of lake and river fish for their own needs.

In addition to the production of live fish at the expense of its own capabilities, a significant amount of fish is imported from outside the country in the form of frozen, cut or processed fish products, mainly of marine origin.

The production of canned fish at Belarusian enterprises is currently unprofitable, since when using imported fish, imported food tin, vegetable oil and tomato paste, with the same quality of the products obtained, the cost of a can of Belarusian canned food is higher than that of a similar Russian one.

The main sales of manufactured fish products (91.7-94.2%) fall on the domestic market. The main centers of consumption of live fish are cities, primarily the capital and regional centers, as well as regional centers near production sites. The rural population meets the needs for aquaculture products through retail outlets in district centers or directly from fish producers. Almost 90% of freshwater fish is sold live, the rest is processed (smoked, semi-finished products, canned food). The sale of fish is carried out both through the trading network and directly by producers, through exit trade in the markets.

The share of exports of fish food products accounts for no more than 10% of the production volume, while the main export is processed seafood.

The bulk of fish consumption in the country is met by imports (mainly seafood). Of the EU countries, the main importing country is Belgium.

A further increase in the volume of sales of fish grown in inland waters is constrained by the limited demand of the population and the saturation of the market with marine fish products. Compared to pond fish, sea fish is sold in cut or semi-cut form and is relatively low prices(15-30% lower than pond).

Chapter 2. Materials and methods of research

2.1 Characteristics of the objects and conditions of the study

In the second chapter, I considered the Branch of RUE "Polesyegiprovodkhoz" Rybkhoz "Sokolovo" is located in the Brest region of the Malorita and Zhabinka districts and belongs to the third zone of pond fish farming in the Republic of Belarus.

The fish farm "Sokolovo" was built in 1931 on the basis of the pansky ponds and put into operation in 1939. The fish farm includes three sites - "Ore" of the Maloritsky district, "Sokolovo" and "Trostyanitsa" of the Zhabinkovsky district.

By its type, the economy is full-system. The fish farm is engaged in breeding and growing carp, bighead carp, grass carp, pike, European buffalo catfish, from the larva to the issuance of marketable products.

The fish farm has the following categories of ponds: wintering, spawning, rearing, summer-brooding and feeding. The total area of ​​the ponds is 702 ha, including the "Trostyanitsa" site - 22 ha, the "Sokolovo" site - 285 ha, the "Ore" site - 395 ha.

By 2015 fish farms of Belarus will meet the needs of the population in valuable types of fish by 70%. This was announced by the head of the department for growing valuable fish species of the department for melioration and water management of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food. The republic's need for valuable types of fish today is 5-6 thousand tons per year. By 2015, the volume of its production in Belarus will increase to 3.8 thousand tons, that is, Belarusians are provided with this product by about 70%. This year, the production of valuable fish species (salmon, sturgeon, catfish) is planned to be increased compared to 2011 almost tripled - up to 350 tons.. According to the State program for the development of fisheries activities for 2011-2015, 15 projects for the cultivation of valuable fish species will be implemented in the republic, including both the construction of new facilities and the reconstruction of existing ones. A trout complex with a capacity of 60 tons was put into operation in the Mogilev region. Two farms for growing African catfish were commissioned this year in the Grodno and Brest regions.

A fish hatchery for obtaining planting material for salmon species will be commissioned in Gorki, Mogilev region, to "Dazhynki". It is being built on the basis of the Belarusian State Agricultural Academy. The construction of a trout farm at the Alba fish farm in the Nesvizh region has also begun.

Fish farms of Belarus in the first half of this year increased the volume of pond fish processing by 12% compared to the same period in 2011. About 600 tons of pond fish were sent for processing in January-June, from which about 360 tons of finished products were obtained. Currently, 7 specialized organizations are engaged in fish processing in the republic: JSC "Experimental fish farm "Selets", JSC "Rybokombinat "Luban", JSC "Rybkhoz "Dneprobugsky", JSC "Rybkhoz "Krasnaya Sloboda", JSC "Rybkhoz "Volma", JSC "Rybkhoz "Polesie" and OAO "Experimental fish farm" Beloe". In the first half of the year, fish farms of Belarus sold 5 thousand tons of pond fish. this is mainly Russia - Note by BelTA) the organizations supplied only 392.5 tons of pond fish," the deputy head of the department noted, specifying that 93% of external supplies fell on the share of Experimental Fish Farm Selets. The remaining 7% was exported supplied by JSC "Rybokombinat" Lyuban ", as well as fish farms" Polesie "and" Sokolovo. Last year, the sales volumes of pond fish compared to 2010 were increased by about 20%. To date, 19 specialized organizations are engaged in fish farming in Belarus. They have 20,000 hectares of artificial ponds at their disposal, where carp, silver carp, grass carp, tench, pike, catfish, as well as valuable commercial fish species are grown.

2.2 Factors and ways to improve the economic efficiency of fish breeding and fishing, production and sale of fish products

Aquaculture is a fairly costly area of ​​economic activity that requires significant financial investments. This is due to significant capital costs for the construction of fish ponds, structures, the costs of their subsequent maintenance, the purchase of feed, mineral fertilizers, means of prevention and treatment of fish. In industrial fish farming, in addition to feed, large expenses are spent on energy supply and water treatment. The rural population (farmers) is engaged in aquaculture as a kind, additional to the main activity. Basically, this is the lease of small reservoirs with subsequent stocking with fattening fish species (carp, crucian carp, herbivores, pike) for the purpose of commercial withdrawal or development of recreational fishing on a paid basis. Commercial fishing in the current species composition of the catches received is also often unprofitable, since the costs of wages, transport, depreciation and repair of fishing gear are not always compensated by the value of the catch received.

Increasing the economic efficiency of fish breeding and fishing is in direct proportion to the reduction in costs per unit of fish products received and the increase in its cost. This can be achieved in the following ways:

Wide development in the production of polyculture of fish (two or more species, when grown together, do not compete for feed;

The transition in carp breeding from outbred individuals to zoned breeds and interbreed hybrids;

The use of a set of measures in pond fish farming, which makes it possible to stabilize the environment and increase the natural productivity of ponds by 40-80% due to the introduction of lime and organo-mineral fertilizers;

In industrial fish farming, the transition from the cultivation of carp to the cultivation of more valuable fish species (sturgeon, salmon, catfish, eel;

Improving the production technology at the enterprises of the feed industry for the development of specialized high-grade mixed feed for fish;

Carrying out a set of measures to improve fish farms, prevent and combat fish diseases;

Partial processing of aquaculture products at the places of production, which allows to reduce costs in the sale of live fish and weight loss during its overexposure before sale;

Transfer of the most economically important fishing grounds for lease only to those tenants who are able to use water bodies with the greatest efficiency;

Expansion of the practice of creating fishing farms focused on paid recreational fishing using high-value stocked fish species, the formation of a service sector to provide recreation for the population, etc.

In the field of fish processing, the main way to increase efficiency is to expand the range of products in the form of semi-finished and ready-to-use products in small packages and with an appropriate shelf life, as well as fish cooking.

Currently, there are 160 tenants of fish farms in Belarus. Tenants, as a rule, are only interested in catching fish and do not pay attention to reproduction and stocking of water bodies.

The existing production capacities of fish processing enterprises allow to produce more than 16 thousand tons of products per year. The fishing industry has refrigerated and refrigerated warehouses with a capacity of 19 thousand tons of one-time storage of fish and fish products.

The most important condition for increasing the volume of fish production is the implementation of measures for technical re-equipment, the creation of new technologies, the acquisition and introduction of modern technical equipment and mechanization into production. According to medical standards for normal development human body 18.2 kg of fish products per year are needed.

Recently, there has been a tendency to increase the consumption of fish in the republic. The continuation of this trend in the future requires the adoption of measures, the most important of which are the creation of conditions for increasing the production of fish food products, expanding the range, improving the quality and competitiveness of manufactured products. In order to ensure the sustainable functioning of the market for fish and fish products, it seems promising to create integrated formations with the participation of fish farms, processing enterprises, feed mills, organizations of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection and banks.

These activities should eventually increase the efficiency of fish farming and processing of fish products to a level that allows organizing further expanded production.

The giants that create the basis of the food security of the state are the state enterprise of the Administration of the President of the Republic of Belarus "Belryba", JV "Santa Bremor", "Vitalur", "BelVillLesden", "Leor Plastic", which specialize mainly in imports, as well as JSC "Minsk fish complex.

Chapter 3. Research results and their analysis

3.1 Analysis of the state and prospects for the development of fisheries in the Republic of Belarus

Fish farming in the republic is carried out by specialized fish farms, as well as fish farms, workshops at agricultural, industrial and other organizations of various forms of ownership.

8.9 thousand hectares of ponds for various purposes are assigned to agricultural organizations, where up to 1.5 thousand tons of marketable fish can be grown annually.

Another direction in the development of fish farming in the republic is industrial, based on growing fish in cages, pools, installations with closed water supply. The production capacities of the cage lines installed on the basis of waste warm water from the Berezovskaya and Novolukomlskaya TPPs make it possible to produce up to 1.5 thousand tons of marketable carp per year. Cages are used for rearing broodstock and commercial fish of valuable species - trout, Lena and Russian sturgeon, sterlet, bester, European and African catfish, etc.

Fishing activities are carried out by legal entities on the basis of the right to lease fishing grounds or free use and in the presence of special permits (licenses) for fishing activities.

Fisheries management through commercial fishing and organization of paid recreational fishing is carried out by 205 tenants of fishing grounds, who have been leased (free of charge) 102.4 thousand hectares of lakes and reservoirs and 1.2 thousand km of rivers.

The main share of fishing grounds (34.3 percent of water bodies and 29.3 percent of the length of watercourses) is used by state environmental institutions, forestry organizations of the Administration of the President of the Republic of Belarus.

Fish-breeding organizations of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food use 23.1 percent of the entire leased area of ​​water bodies and 13.6 percent of the length of watercourses, 6.9 percent of fishing grounds are leased by the republican state-public association "Belarusian Society of Hunters and Fishermen", 3.2 percent – institutions of the Ministry of Forestry. Organizations subordinate to regional executive committees lease 32.5 percent of fishing grounds.

The implementation of the planned set of organizational and technological measures provided for by the Republican Program for the Development of the Fishing Industry for 2006-2010, approved by the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated April 19, 2006 No. 535, made it possible to systematically increase the production of marketable products and bring the volume of its sales in 2009 to 14.8 thousand tons (which is 2.4 times higher than in 2005).

Consumption of fish products in general per capita has reached the level of 14.5 kg per year. Its slight decrease in 2009 compared to 2005 is explained by a decrease in fish imports to the republic by 46,000 tons (from 190 to 144,000 tons). At the same time, the volume of consumption of the most valuable fresh freshwater fish increased from 0.6 kg in 2005 to 1.4 kg in 2009, and by 2015 this figure is planned to be increased to 2.4 kg.

In 2012, 21 thousand tons of fish were grown in Belarus, of which 4.8 thousand tons of fish stock and 16.2 thousand tons of marketable fish (this is 7% more than in 2009). Including grown:

12.8 thousand tons of marketable carp;

2.5 thousand tons of grass carp and silver carp;

640 tons of crucian carp;

111 tons of pike;

64.5 tons of sturgeon species;

24 tons of catfish species.

As for the sale and processing of fish products, in 2012 the fish farms of the Republic of Belarus supplied 13.5 thousand tons of pond fish to the domestic market (4% more than in 2009). Export deliveries in 2012 amounted to 344.4 tons, and 900 tons of fish were sent for processing.

Currently, there is a reorientation from commercial fishing to artificial breeding of fish. Aquaculture (breeding and (or) rearing of aquatic organisms, carried out under full or partial human control, in order to obtain marketable products, preserve and replenish aquatic organisms, and improve the environment) is the fastest growing food production industry, outpacing in terms of growth fishing and accounting for 40 percent of the catch. Trout and sturgeon breeding are priority areas of world freshwater aquaculture.

In the Republic of Belarus, the share of salmon, sturgeon, catfish species is 0.7 percent of the volume of fish grown in the republic.

The available capacities of pond fish farms of the republic, intended for growing carp and related fish species, are limited by the design capacity and the possibility of intensifying fish farming due to costs that will not pay off.

Growth in the production of fish products is possible only through the introduction of new modern fish farming technologies, the construction of fish hatcheries, industrial specialized complexes and the creation of closed water supply systems for growing salmon, sturgeon and catfish species.

For the development of industrial fish farming by growing fish in cages and pools, as well as in recirculating water supply installations, financial support from the state is necessary.

The maintenance of valuable fish species (salmon, sturgeon, catfish) by fish breeding organizations is highly costly due to their physiological characteristics. The lack of compensation for the costs of their maintenance, the attribution of additional costs to the cost of production will lead to an unreasonable reduction in the population of these species, including expensive broodstock. To restore it, it will be necessary to purchase fish seed and breeding stock outside the republic.

To meet the needs of the population in fish products domestic production To resolve the issue of import substitution, it is necessary to continue work on the construction of fish processing shops in fish farms.

The main targets are to achieve by 2015 the production of marketable fish up to 22.7 thousand tons, the volume of processing of freshwater fish by fish farming organizations up to 4 thousand tons per year.

To achieve a stable supply of the population of the republic with high-quality fish products, as well as its export, the following tasks must be solved:

Creation of 11 specialized industrial complexes for growing commercial products of salmon, 1 sturgeon complex with a capacity of up to 100 tons per year, 3 specialized hatcheries-reproducers for the production of seeding material for salmon, whitefish and other fish species;

Formation of a sustainable raw material base and the introduction of modern technical processing of freshwater fish in fish-breeding organizations;

Development of technologies for commercial cultivation of salmon, sturgeon, catfish and other fish species in various types of farms in Belarus;

Creation and preservation in Belarus on the basis of trout and sturgeon complexes of brood stocks of native and economically valuable fish species (sturgeon, salmon, whitefish, cyprinids, herbivores) in the amount of 105 thousand pieces as a reserve genetic fund for the formation and replenishment of local populations;

Creation of conditions for the export of fish products and ensuring the competitiveness of products;

Development of entrepreneurship, expansion of service industries, employment of the population;

Rational use of biological resources of natural reservoirs.

To achieve the goals and implement the designated tasks, it is necessary within the framework of the State Program:

ü Creation of new and development of existing fish breeding complexes for growing promising fish farming facilities;

ücarrying out technical re-equipment of fish-breeding organizations;

ücarrying out work to maintain the pond fund in working condition;

ü Carrying out therapeutic and preventive measures;

üliming of ponds;

üconducting selection and breeding work and the introduction of additional fish species for optimal use forage base;

üstate support for business entities by creating favorable economic conditions for the development of production of promising fish farming facilities;

ü creating conditions for the reproduction of fish resources;

üinstallation of specialized lines for the production of domestic fish feed for salmon, sturgeon, catfish and other fish species;

Increase in the number of jobs in fish farming organizations located in rural areas by 27.7 percent;

Creation of conditions for achieving the level of wages of workers involved in the cultivation of fish, equivalent to 435–500 US dollars;

Increase in annual budget revenues by 27.4 billion rubles;

Expansion of the range and improvement of the quality of fish products produced by increasing the production of salmon, sturgeon, catfish and other fish species;

The volume of fish processing is up to 4 thousand tons per year;

Reducing the import of fish seed of salmon, sturgeon and whitefish species, including those listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Belarus;

Investment attractiveness of fisheries.

In the short term, pond fish farming will remain the main gross-forming direction in the development of aquaculture in the republic. During the period of the Republican program for the development of the fishing industry for 2006–2010, the number of commercial pond fish grown in fish breeding organizations increased from 5.6 to 15.2 thousand tons.

In 2012, the volume of pond fish production (sales) reached 18.1 thousand tons, which is 100.9% of the state program target and 119.1% of the 2011 level. In 2012, the fish farms of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food sold 16.6 thousand tons of pond fish, or 100.6% of the target and 20.7% more than in 2011. The highest indicators in the sale of fish were achieved by JSC "Experimental fish farm "Selets", JSC "Rybkhoz "Volma", JSC "Rybhoz Novinki".

The total volume of production and imports of finished products, including canned food, in 2011 amounted to 78.6 thousand tons. The main raw materials supplied for industrial processing are ocean fish and seafood (herring, sprat, herring, mackerel, salmon fish, ), whose share in the total volume of processed raw materials is 90 percent. The release of fish products by the fish processing enterprises of the republic from the raw materials of the local catch in the total production volume is no more than 10 percent. The assortment of canned fish of the tomato group, natural canned food, natural with the addition of oil, in jelly from raw materials of the local catch is limited in the trade network of the republic.

Measures to create new facilities for the production of marketable products, breeding, cultivation of planting stock of valuable fish species and fish processing provide for the introduction of advanced technologies in fish farming and the fishing industry.

Due to the absence in the republic of manufacturers of specific equipment for fish hatcheries, commercial farms and closed water supply installations, its purchase will be made by import from direct manufacturers with many years of experience, or from their official dealers within the republic. The amount of funds needed to purchase equipment for these import facilities is 18–19 billion rubles for five years.

Thus, the total import intensity of the State Program in 2011-2015 is estimated at 20-21.5 billion rubles, or 3.7 percent of the total amount of funds provided for its implementation. At the same time, the use of new technologies for growing valuable fish species, the introduction of innovations at the fish processing enterprises of the republic will reduce the import of fish and fish products by 470–480 billion rubles by 2015, which is comparable to the cost of the entire State Program.

The program for the development of the fishing industry is a set of measures aimed at providing the population of the region with fish and fish products, as well as conducting a unified public policy in the field of fishery activities, which is carried out in three areas - fish farming (breeding and rearing of fish in artificial reservoirs), fishing in fishing grounds on the basis of licensing, as well as the development of cage and industrial fish farming of economically valuable fish species.

By 2015, the construction of complexes for breeding valuable species of fish will fully satisfy the needs of the region in these species, limit imports as much as possible, and also ensure the protection of domestic producers.

The program defines the main tasks, including - increasing the volume of fish production in the country's water bodies; expansion of the assortment through the introduction of polyculture and the cultivation of valuable fish species, the organization of the production of semi-finished products on the basis of fish processing shops; increasing the profitability of fish-breeding organizations up to 20 - 25%. It is planned to restore production capacities and reproduction bases of fish breeding organizations; ensure a more complete use of the resource potential of leased natural reservoirs, while providing for the equipping of fishing brigades with modern fishing gear, improving the organization of fishing; to improve the organization of fisheries and fisheries. To intensify the industry, it is necessary to organize the production of fish feed and fish feeding, stimulate the development of a natural food base and liming, mechanize production processes, and prevent fish diseases.

In order to determine the allowable catch of fish from the lands without causing damage to fish stocks and maintaining them at a stable level, a record of the attendance of water bodies by amateur fishermen and the number of fish caught by them will be organized and carried out; the degree of impact of recreational fishing on the resources of the grounds is determined.

Restoration and clearing of production areas from hard vegetation, carrying out agro-reclamation measures will increase the natural productivity of ponds, reduce the cost of artificial feed, improve the sanitary and epizootic situation, ensure the standard yield of fish products and effectively use the production capacities of fish breeding organizations.

The most important condition for the transfer of fish farming to an industrial basis and the transformation into a highly efficient industry is mechanization. technological processes pond fish production.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Food today adheres to the following point of view: fish farms should pay attention not only to increasing the production of marketable fish, but also to its in-depth processing. At present, 6 shops for processing freshwater fish are already operating in the fish-breeding organizations of the Ministry of Agriculture, and two more are planned to be commissioned in the near future.

Particular attention in the State Program for 2011-2015 is paid not only to the advanced processing of raw materials, but also to the breeding of valuable species of commercial fish in Belarus - salmon, sturgeon and catfish. Today, about 80% of the total production in the country's fish farms is carp. But bighead carp, crucian carp, pike, catfish, sturgeon, grass carp are still grown in small volumes. It is assumed that their production in five years will increase by more than 20 times - up to 2.5 thousand tons per year. At the same time, fish imports are expected to decrease by 7.9 thousand tons annually.


Fisheries play an important role in the food complex of the country. In the overall balance of consumption of animal proteins, including meat and dairy products, eggs, the share of fish proteins today is about 10%. Supplying the population with food products based on fish and seafood in the required quantity, high quality and at affordable prices should be the main task of both the extractive industry of fisheries and processing enterprises.

The intra-republican market is saturated with fish products to a greater extent due to its imports: own production of total consumption is 15-16%, and imports - 84-85%. In Belarus, 72 enterprises have the right to import fish and seafood.

The basis of the raw material base of the industry is aquatic bioresources in inland waters, including rivers, lakes, and reservoirs.

The water fund of the Republic of Belarus has more than 10 thousand lakes with a total area of ​​about 200 thousand hectares, 150 reservoirs with a total area of ​​80 thousand hectares, 20.8 thousand different rivers with a total length of 90.6 thousand km. In addition, there are 21.86 thousand hectares of ponds for fish farms, 4.6 thousand hectares of ponds, as well as 17.0 thousand km of channels for various purposes. Most of the fish produced in the republic (about 78%) is grown in ponds, but their area does not exceed 10% of all available water bodies. This suggests that Belarus has huge reserves for growing fish in lakes, reservoirs, rivers, reclamation canals, the potential of which is not used enough.

5. Economics of organizations and branches of the agro-industrial complex. Book. 2: textbook / ed. V.G. Gusakova - M .: Belarusian Science, 2007.

16. Nesterov A.P. Environmental Economics and the Market: Textbook for High Schools. - M .: Law and Law, UNITI, 1997.

17. Nesterov P.M., "Economics of nature management and the market", Moscow, 1997.

18. Emelyanov A.G.: Fundamentals of nature management. - M.: Academy, 2011

19. Rudsky V.V.: Fundamentals of nature management. - M.: Aspect Press, 2007

20. Trushina T.P.: Ecological bases of nature management. - M.: Dashkov i K, 2006

21. Emelyanov A.G.: Fundamentals of nature management. - M.: Academy, 2004

22. Neverov, A.V. Environmental economics: teaching aid/ A. V. Neverov. - Minsk: BSTU, 2009. - 551 p.

23. Babenko M. A. Fundamentals of ecology and economics of environmental management: training and metodology complex, N. L. Belorusova. - Novopolotsk: PGU, 2010. - 326 p.

Last year's consumer rush for fish at the Lyuban fish farm (Minsk region) is remembered today with a sad sigh: if a year ago it was possible to sell 800 kg of live fish a day, now it is an average of 200 ... The director of the fish farm Sergey Makarenko talks about this, showing TUT.BY journalists have their own property: 31 stocked ponds, located on 2.5 thousand hectares.

Why Belarusian fish began to buy less? How is it grown, how much do fish farm workers get paid, and why do drivers leave despite a $500 salary? About this, as well as how the fish farm fights with active fish eaters - cormorants, and about the “big and pure” cormorant love - in the report of our correspondent.

The life of a fish: from the larva to the "waiting room"

Today, about 10 species of fish are grown in the fish farm: carp, grass carp, silver carp, catfish, crucian carp, pike; from this year - also sturgeon and trout. This year, the director of the fish farm says, according to the plan - to grow 2.2 thousand tons, and the fish farm has already caught 1.4 thousand tons of fish.

Raising fish can take 2 or 3 years. “ For three years, you can grow fish 1-1.5 kg, but you need more costs, more feed When the larva is obtained, it is first planted in a nursery pond. We have 18 of them. There the larva develops a season - from spring to autumn. During this time, the underyearling grows up, becomes a marketable fish, and in the spring we transplant it into a feeding pond. We have 13 of them.”

The larva itself can be obtained in two ways - artificial and natural. With natural, it seems to be clear: they plant fish-producers - males and females - in the pond, and they lay eggs. Under adverse conditions - for example, unlucky with the weather - the larvae are "produced" in the hatchery. Unfortunately, it was not possible to see it from the inside - at the time of our stay at the fish farm, the shop was not working.

According to the director, most of the fish on the farm feed on mixed fodder: a special structure, similar to a catamaran, is lowered into the feeding ponds, and mixed fodder is poured into it from above. "If the fish gets hungry, it swims up to the pins, which are located at the bottom of the structure, as if pulling them, and feed is poured out to it"- says Sergey Makarenko. In other words, they are self-feeders. According to him, 17-18 such structures float on each pond.

Director of the fish farm "Lyuban" Sergey Makarenko

“In order for a fish to gain a kilogram of weight, it is necessary that it eats 3.5 kg of feed, or even 4. We buy feed in the spring and feed the fish from April to August.This year, we purchased about 7 thousand tons of feed. And then we begin to "catch" the ponds- says Sergey Makarenko. - Fishing lasts from August to November..

The territory of the fish farm is divided, as it were, into two parts - on the one hand there are ponds where the fish lives, on the other - the territory where water descends when fishing - so that the fish remains in shallow water and can be caught with a net. But not by networks, the director emphasizes. "From the net, the fish deteriorates, for example, the scales fall off, etc., he explains. - Here in one pond, for example, there are 100 tons of fish, try to catch it with nets!

Water descends with the help of special iron hydraulic structures. According to the director, the fish farms were originally built taking into account the peculiarities of the landscape: one part, where water is filled for fish, is higher than the place where the water drains. This is how all fish farms were built, he adds.

True, from here the fish does not immediately go for sale, but, as a rule, first for overexposure. “If it were for sale immediately, there would be no problems. But after sorting, we send it to another pond, where it will wait in line for sale. The fish usually lives there in winter, but no one feeds it, and, of course, what the longer she “waits” there, the more she loses weight.

Here is what the place of overexposure for fish looks like:

Overexposure does not always take place indoors. Under the roof, only a small number of fish "wait" - most go to another "waiting room" - in the open. These are 70 wintering ponds of 1.5 hectares each. Here are the ponds:

Cormorants: "The one with a beak dives and feeds the one without a beak with fish.

Scarecrows in jerseys, shirts and scarves are bright spots on the ponds. This is to scare away cormorants, the director explains.

“Usually we still wrap them with all sorts of shiny films, and when they sway in the wind, the cormorants are at least somehow afraid. he says. - Therefore, we have to fight cormorants. Our fish farm, like many others, has a certain quota for shooting them."

In confirmation of the killing of a bird, the beak and paws of the killed cormorant must be handed over to the fish farm. " And then before, hunters could put their paws in one fish farm, in another beak " says the director. If these are body parts of a gray heron, then the hunter receives 2 kg of fresh fish for them, if a cormorant - 3 kg. Money with hunters, according to the director, is not calculated.

Drivers on the "Live Fish" for 5 million do not want to work

Fish farm "Lyuban" focuses on the sale of fish on "its" trade: at 2 am every day or every few days, the car is loaded with fish and the seller with a driver in a car with the inscription "Live fish" go to the "destination". In total, the fish farm does not have so many cars - there are only 20 outbound cars.

The fish farm itself has few outlets: "Luban" works only for the Mogilev and Minsk regions. In Minsk, for example, the fish farm has its own "point" only in the Frunzensky district. Some of the products are sold at the Komarovsky market - in the company store of the Selets fish farm.

“So they decided in the Ministry of Agriculture and Food. For example, in the Brest region there are six fish farms, so why should we go there? Sergei Makarenko says - Through shops we sell only 30% of our fish, the rest - by ourselves: we hire sellers and send them to trade. Until all the fish are sold, the car does not return. If necessary, the seller, along with the driver, stay at the hotel or spend the night somewhere else. It happens that they stay for three days, because they can’t sell.

The fish farm has not yet entered foreign markets, they say in the marketing department. "Recently, we have already been included in the register for the right to export our products to the countries of the Customs Union. Not all of the 19 state fish farms are included in this register, - say in the marketing department. - In the spring, Russian entrepreneurs are interested in our fish, because by the spring they already run out of it. But in general, Russia has enough of its own fish, so it is still difficult to predict how successfully it will be possible to promote the Belarusian one."

True, if there are enough sellers at the fish farm, then there is a problem with drivers. "They don't want to work, even though they get 5 million", - the director makes a helpless gesture. At the same time, the fish farm recognizes that the driver's job is not quite a driver's job. The driver does not just turn the steering wheel to the destination and back - he also has to help the seller manage the fish, the marketing department explained to a TUT.BY correspondent.

Last year, the director recalls, "the fish were doing fine." "But this is a little tight. True, now milk has risen in price, bread, if meat also rises in price, then the demand for fish will recover,- suggests Makarenko. - The sale of our fish does not depend on the rise in the price of vodka, but if the price of milk and meat rises, they usually start buying fish more actively."

But the restaurant is missing...

At the same time, the director of the fish farm believes, simply a rise in the price of meat and milk will not be enough for the demand for fish to increase sharply. “We are already transporting the cheapest fish to the Mogilev region, small ones, but people apparently do not have enough purchasing power. We sometimes stand idle for three days and come back loaded with fish. If last year we sold 800 kg per day, then this year - 200 each, although the price since last year has changed only by 10 thousand: it was 20 thousand per kg, it has become 30.

However, prices are often higher. Sergei Makarenko agrees that it may be expensive, but it makes no sense to sell fish for less than 30 thousand per kilo, "otherwise we will simply work at a loss," because the price of fish "is not taken from the sky."

"60% of the price of a kilogram of fish is the cost of feed, and hein price compared to last year has tripled: from 900 rubles to 2700 per kilogram. Of course, part of the salaries of employees are laid, the average for our fish farm is 3.6 million. In total, 450 million rubles have been allocated for the salaries of the fish farm. We also pay a loan for feed. After all, we took a preferential loan of 20 billion to buy feed for fish, and now we pay 500 million percent every month. Plus fixed costs go to electricity, gasoline, depreciation of cars, taxes, etc.". In total, 160 people work in the fish farm.

About 10% of the grown fish goes to the processing shop. "The fish is smoked, barbecued, marinated in pieces. Cold-smoked products are entering the market and are now very popular"- says Deputy Director of Marketing Irina Adamchik.

According to Irina Adamchik, this year "fish slices, fillets and carp kebabs are in good demand, although these were only our trial batches." “But with a ton of sturgeon grown for the first time, this is a problem. We have invested a lot in this fish, it is very useful, but so far we cannot sell it - we have only sold half a ton.” Although the matter is also, perhaps, in the price: not everyone can pay more than 100 thousand per kg of Belarusian sturgeon.

"Selling" fish through hypermarkets is not an option. And it's not just the sturgeon - hypermarkets, according to Irina Adamchik, in principle take no more than 50 kg of fish for sale. "And they sell them for 2 weeks", adds the expert.

"Why not open more of your branded stores? Maybe people just don't know you?" I ask the director. But Sergei Makarenko is still skeptical about such prospects: maintaining a store is a costly business: pay rent, a communal apartment, etc., and a kilogram of fish, he says, will generally cost 40 thousand. “Who will buy it?” he asks. “In principle, our profitability is good - 14%. The organization of paid amateur fishing in the season still brings some money. Rybak pays 65 thousand for a ticket, its cost includes 3 kg caught fish." On average, they said in the fish farm, about 150 people come per season.

So far, the fish farm has only one company store, and it is located next to the fish farm itself. "Recently, we modernized it - made repairs, hired another seller, changed the mode of operation - now without days off. And they really began to buy more, but not by much - the store is small."

Having walked around the fish farm spaces, I couldn’t understand everything - everything seems to be organized well and clearly. And there is a store right away where you can buy fresh ones ... And I realized that it’s good to buy fresh ones on the spot, but not enough: obviously there is not enough branded, if not a restaurant, then at least a cafe where chefs could delight guests with fish dishes. Even despite the fact that Luban is a small town, with a population of just over 10 thousand, this kind of establishment would certainly be popular. And they would build a couple more houses, and people would come from all over Belarus. The fish farm agrees with this and says that in the near future they plan to make something like a fish restaurant and open a canning shop.


19 specialized organizations are engaged in fish farming in the Republic of Belarus. They have 20,000 hectares of artificial ponds at their disposal, where carp, silver carp, grass carp, tench, pike, catfish, as well as valuable commercial species - sturgeon and trout are grown. The largest percentage (78%) of the total number of pond fish is commercial carp. In total, excluding imports, aquaculture products from the total amount of fish products in the republic make up approximately 55%, taking into account all fish products entering the Belarusian market - 7%.

Svyatoslav Yatsevich lives in Paris and works at Novinki. And it's not what you think. Paris is a Belarusian village in the Postavy district, Novinki is the oldest fish farm in the country. Svyatoslav came here as a young distribution specialist; for five years he has been fishing and feeding his family. And his enterprise is Belarus.

Early morning, weekday. Together with the director of the fish farm, Alexander Likhomanov, we are driving along a narrow earthen spit. To the left and to the right of us are dams, ponds and ponds. Carp, silver carp, cupid splash in them.

We have an anniversary next year. The fish farm will be 75 years old,” says Alexander. He is driving, carefully looking around. “This is one of the oldest enterprises in the country. Among all the fish farms, Novinki occupies the 10th place in terms of area and the 6th in terms of production. Every year we grow more than 1000 tons of marketable fish. We are an open joint stock company, but all the shares are held by the state. I've been here for eight years.

Seagulls roam over the growing and feeding ponds, lazily looking at the people swarming below. Seagulls don't need so much fish, but the fish farm has a plan. It's hot here these days. In "News" began a massive autumn fishery.

We are told that this is a risk. The water hasn't cooled down, it's still warm. There is a possibility that there may be a freeze. But where in business, albeit state-owned, without risk?
“We’ll start after lunch,” the director says to someone on the mobile phone.

* * *
A swan flew over the old Soviet Reflex 1500 feeder, resembling a rusty catamaran. "Reflexes" have been standing here for thirty years and can stand for the same amount more, because they are made of solid metal. The new feeders are made by a Belarusian manufacturer who decided to save money on metal by lowering the price and winning the tender. These feeders, the director says, quickly rot and sink.

Novinki is a full-system carp pond farm. The main share of production is occupied by carp, a smaller share - by silver carp and grass carp. Pike and catfish are also grown in small volumes.

Before getting into the pan, the fish goes through several stages of development. In the incubation shop, eggs are obtained, then a larva, a fry. At a certain stage, they are transferred from stationary baths to ponds, where they start feeding. The fish are raised for two or three years. At the beginning of September, the workshop is closed, and the baths are empty.

Incubation shop

But the ponds are packed to capacity. On one of them, men are loading feed into boats. It will be scattered over the feeders - one and a half tons for each. The Yamaha engine starts easily, the Veterok rattles and coughs - they swam. Feed workers will soon unload with shovels, manually.
“In fish farms, the degree of mechanization is extremely low,” Alexander Likhomanov notes. - We could buy feeders, but they cost a lot of money - our whole business will lose its meaning.

* * *
Today we have to catch about 30 tons of fish. It is no longer necessary, because the carp should immediately go to the trading network. Here we are going to start.

In a close "gatehouse" workers gather from the surrounding ponds, previously employed in feeding, cleaning reservoirs. Some play a thousand, others make nets. There are nails in the boxes from Oriflame. Compote is poured into beer bottles. The kettle is smoking. A fire is burning merrily, fish is splashing a couple of meters from us, and stew is appetizingly gurgling in a bucket. They do not cook fish soup, but pickle. Eat fish soup every day fish farmers get tired.

"Parisian" Svyatoslav Yatsevich writes something in a notebook. He is the foreman of the site, responsible for all the local ponds. Svyatoslav graduated from the academy in Gorki, receives about 5 million. His wife - 2 million, she is just after the decree. Slava bought a brick house in Paris for $4,900 and drives a 2001 Scenic. In the surrounding collective farms, he tells us, darkness and fear. And "News" - until they drowned.

Fisherman Valera, a heavyset man in a striped T-shirt, asks what is going on in Minsk these days. We are talking about the fresh catch of Belarusian justice, about Baumgertner and the company, but Valera is clearly not interested.
And here comes Roman. Get in the bulb! he interrupts.
The men laugh together, we soon understand what's the matter. Roman is a local star and joker, a groovy uncle, a lover of telling jokes.

- Somehow a hare and a bear argued ... - he begins without ceremony. — Have you heard? Not? Well, I'll tell you!
In an hour and a half, Roman tells a hundred anecdotes without stopping for a minute. He is a tractor driver, receives a penny, but was able to raise two sons and a daughter to their feet. Roman's daughter is studying to be a lawyer and will work at customs. In between bikes, the tractor driver tells us that he approves of her choice.

* * *
Director Likhomanov defeated drunkenness in Novinki, fired drunks without pity, declared war on poachers. Somehow he manages to keep the old fish farm one of the leaders in the industry.

Alexander Likhomanov (center)

Director says:
— The fishing industry is in a difficult financial situation. For the past four years, our farm has been ranked first in terms of performance among all organizations. In fact, we are the last ones who can still work without government support. It is less than 10% for us.

Why are we still holding on? Due to high labor productivity: it is 2.5 times higher than the average for the melioration department. The staff consists of 70 people, including watchmen, drivers, administration. A little.
And all these people should be thanked that they are still here. Our average salary is about 4.9 million. The highest in the fish industry. But I perfectly understand that people should be paid at least twice as much. Because they have a hard job. When stocking, fishing, we work at night, seven days a week. Many stay in the water for a long time. My employees do not keep personal farms: they simply do not have time! Yes, they should be paid more, but we can't do that.

In Soviet times, the industry was subsidized by 70%. Now there is almost no support. But prices cannot be raised. On the contrary, this year all fish farms were forced to go almost to dumping - to reduce the cost of production by 3-4% compared to 2012. And this despite the fact that the cost of fuel, feed increased by 30%. After all, if we raised the price, no one would buy the fish.

We sell medium carp in the markets for 21,150 rubles, selected carp - for 26,300. Is there a profit? It is hard to say. The approximate estimated cost of farmed fish is now 19,000 rubles (pond fish, by the way, in all countries is more expensive than sea fish, it's about feed). Plus transport, logistics, fuel to deliver the fish to the trading network. 4,000 rubles have been allocated for transportation costs in each kilogram, and this year it will be all 5,000. Therefore, only selected carp will probably not come out at a loss.

Where is the exit? We need to rethink our subsidized model. Introduce a transparent funding mechanism. Not according to the principle “you don’t have money to pay workers, we will give it to you, but if you flounder, you survive, you won’t get anything.” We need to help those who can and want to work! Now, for example, we cannot compete with pork and poultry, because these industries are supported by the state.

- And if we admit that the state does not have money and will not have it?
You can work without money. But for this, the fish farm needs to grow about 300 tons of fish. The staff needs to be reduced to 20 people. Part of the fish will be obtained on natural feed. With such optimization, there will be a profit. But no one will let you take such a step... There is a food security program. And there are plans to follow.

* * *
For fishing, water is drained from the pond. This takes two weeks. A few hours before the start of the process, a passage is opened in a special chamber, the fish, feeling fresh water, knocks inside. Then the chamber is closed, the water is drained, and the containers begin to fill.

Fish farm workers put on overalls and climb into the camera. The trucks have already arrived, we can start. Valera stands behind the crane control panel, skillfully tossing and turning the bulky contraption. The crane, he says, is called "Pioneer", and Valera does not know why. What the hell is the difference?

To the eyeballs, several cars are stuffed. Balagur Roman is the last to leave, having managed to tell a joke about Ilyich's state farm, which has collapsed. His tractor puffs funny, bouncing on potholes. Roman and the company take the caught fish for sorting.

The main work will now go there, and the fishermen sit down for a snack. They put their ssoboyki on the table. They talk about the weather, about autumn, about the day off and that much still needs to be done today. This evening, and the next, and many more evenings they will have to work hard. "What will happen next?" - we ask in farewell the on-duty "city" question about the future.

Then, they answer, winter will come, and it will be necessary to cut holes ...

Sorting: caught fish is divided by type, weight. The carp we caught today, by the way, is two years old, so not very big

By the way
- Maybe the fish farms will be able to earn more money on trout, which officials decided to grow in Belarus in large quantities? we asked the director of Novinok.
— In 2015, we also plan to build a trout complex. But there are no surprises in a bag of noodles! We need either money from the budget or cheap loans. So far this is not. Besides, I think Belarus is not yet ready for trout. Those farms that will open soon will provide the country with trout anyway.

The problem is that Belarusians consume very little live fish. Firstly, we are not “ripe” yet, Belarus is a developing country. Secondly, there is no culture of consumption. Here is an example. When I first started working, I was developing a sales strategy, I thought that the biggest sales would be in wealthy Novopolotsk, and the lowest in poor Braslav and Naroch. But it turned out the other way around.

We sell more in Braslav, less in Novopolotsk. The reason is that where people live near water bodies, where they are used to fish, they know how to cook it. Homemade herring is made from carp, canned food is rolled up, barbecue is prepared. There is no such culture and experience in young cities. If an advertising campaign were conducted in the country, if the fish were centrally promoted, as they say now, the situation would change.

Now we are building a processing shop in Postavy. It is planned that there will also be a fish restaurant. But for this, however, free money is needed. And they are not. Therefore, the restaurant is still only in dreams.

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