Application for measuring running and kilos. The best running apps that let you set and achieve your goals. RunKeeper - Your success in numbers

In the modern world, gadgets have a huge impact on human life. They greatly simplify life and every year the industry of their production is developing more and more. Today we will talk about the role of running apps in a person’s life, about their pros and cons.

Designed for smartphones special programs, which can accurately calculate the number of steps taken or the distance you have covered. At the same time, they automatically calculate the number of calories burned, which is necessary for losing weight people or those who care about their health. There are many similar applications for running on the network, so let's take a look at the best of them.


Free application from the famous sports brand Nike. Functionally, it is quite simple.

In order to get started, you need to create an account and indicate your height and weight on the home page. You can choose your playlist and enjoy your favorite music while running. This program counts the number of kilometers you have run and allows you to think about the route and display it on the lock screen.


To start training, you need to create your own account and enter the initial parameters. The application allows you to choose your own playlist and create a route. Every 5 minutes, distance and calories burned are reported, and there is also a special section where you can see the progress of your friends. It adds a competitive spirit to your workout and is a great motivator.

For $5 a month or $20 a year, you can purchase the elite version, which gives you access to fitness workouts and posting your progress on the site. For normal use, the standard version is also suitable, the best choice running apps for gadget owners on Android and IOS systems.

Runtastic is for Windows

With this wonderful app, you can make your life much easier. It independently tracks your progress and keeps a training diary. It has the functions of creating a route, an audio player, linking a photo to a place on the map. You can purchase full version for 169 rubles in PlayMarket or Appstore. The standard version has slightly fewer features. This running app is suitable for owners of phones of all platforms, even Windows Phone.


Perhaps one of the most popular applications for running and cycling. It is very easy to work with him. Create an account, launch the program on your phone and draw a route on the map. During a workout, the application uses GPS to calculate the distance and measure the speed. On the site, you can track your progress and see how your friends have progressed. In addition, Endomondo gives you the opportunity to participate in tournaments and competitions. Available for almost all mobile phones with Internet access and GPS.

It's time to change treadmill jogging on the street. To track your progress, here are five of the best free running apps for you to choose from! Each has its own benefits. There are practically no disadvantages.

No amount of speed and incline adjustment compares to the fresh air, crisp spring breeze, and ground beneath your feet. Running outside is pure pleasure. And track the results with the help of convenient and understandable mobile applications makes the process even more enjoyable. Another plus is that the social network built by these applications, along with the championship table, the ability to arrange competitions and joint runs with friends, make it all more than just a run. It becomes a part of life, without which it is already impossible to do.


As regards the attitude towards appearance and the functionality of their products, Nike is the Apple of the world of sports. Not for nothing, after all, Tim Cook, the current head of Apple, is on the board of directors of Nike.


To start working with the application, you need to download it, register through your Facebook profile or mail, go to settings and specify your weight, height and gender. And don't forget to switch to the metric system!

While running, your phone will lock up, but the run map will be displayed on the screen and you can look at the track at any time.


The newer version of this app offers even more ways to track your progress.


In addition, there is standings and a choice of planned trainings (5K, 10K, half marathon, marathon), visualization of the frequency of your classes and detailed progress analytics.


Runtastic is a whole network of apps for almost every sport (including golf). But today we will stop on the run.






But the main specificity of this application is that after a run, it pulls out from its database all those who ran along this route and compares your achievements. Thus, a kind of “Kings of the Mountain” appears. Someone ran the fastest the entire route, someone ran the fastest certain sections. Thus, almost every run is a competition.

And finally, a charge of cheerful mood until the end of the day!

A selection of six running apps for iPhone.


The Runkeeper app has all the necessary features that you may need during a run, and these are not empty words. Runkeeper lets you view or listen to your workout progress, quickly control the music you're playing, get quick access to the photo menu, and even track your running shoes.

An even greater expanse opens after training. Runkeeper shows detailed information about the distance traveled, the number of calories burned, the route of training, and if you use one of the supported fitness trackers with the application (and this list is quite impressive), then the heart rate charts. Running analysis thanks to all these statistics is very easy to do, and most importantly - useful.


Runkeeper is one of the best running apps ever made, and by far the best running app. If you're into running and haven't tried Runkeeper yet, head over to the App Store and catch up.

Price: for free


Strava is one of the most popular apps for runners. It has everything from a conveniently laid out interface for training, ending with a virtual assistant that guides the user during the race.

Strava has a lot of competition in it, which runners love. You can challenge your friends, complete special quests and even compete with professional athletes (only with an active premium account). During the active use of Strava, you will also have to compete with yourself - the statistics system will constantly encourage you to break the record last run and get faster.


Strava is the choice of millions of users around the world for a reason. This application will suit you more than others if you are used to setting yourself difficult tasks and achieving your goals no matter what.

Price: for free

Map My Run

Map My Run - the application is not as popular as the other tools collected in this review, however, it is definitely worth paying attention to it. If only because with it you can turn your iPhone into a real fitness tracker that will track your activity all the time.

Along with your distance traveled, which Map My Run tracks with incredible accuracy, you'll also have access to information about calories burned, workout pace, distance traveled, and more. Another plus of Map My Run is support for all popular fitness accessories, including the Apple Watch.


Map My Run could be the running app for you if you're looking for a running assistant. for a long time. Over time, Map My Run will begin to “understand” you and even be able to predict your preferences for the upcoming workout.

Price: for free


Another "star" of our review is the Runtastic application, which, most likely, everyone who has ever thought about jogging has heard of. Like Runkeeper and Strava, it has everything you need for a rewarding, enjoyable, and informative workout.

With Runtastic, you can track the progress of your workout by comparing it with the previous run, save different routes, view detailed information about calories lost, distance traveled and pace. Runtastic can be called a real health center, since the application has features that take care of the user's state outside of training.


Runtastic is the perfect running app, after using which other tools may seem inferior to you. However, over time, the features of the free version may become insufficient and you will have to purchase Runtastic Pro.

Price: for free

Zombies Run!

The best app is Zombies, Run! from Six to Start studio, no other application can gamify the process of running. Zombies Run! will force anyone to go for a run, and in the end it will be extremely difficult to stop.

App idea Zombies, Run! is that you are a runner, escaping from the zombies catching up on the heels. In order to survive, it is REQUIRED to run, and for the successfully covered distance you will receive items and achievements useful for survival. Motivate to go to training and special missions - each with its own unique and exciting story.


Zombies Run! - far from ideal and the development of the Six to Start studio cannot be called the best application for running. However, only with its help you can turn training into a fun and exciting game, as you progress through which your physical condition will only improve.

Price: for free

5K running coach

There are a lot of people who want to start running, but not everyone makes their dream come true, stopping, most often, due to the wrong approach to training. The 5K Run Coach application removes all questions from unprepared users about when, how and at what speed you need to run.

The developers of the app "5K Run Coach" promise that you will be able to run five kilometers in just seven weeks. And they do not deceive - thousands of people have managed to achieve the desired result by following the tips and instructions offered in the application.


5K Running Coach is your first step into the world of running. After with the application, you most likely want to leave, changing it to a more functional one, but the help provided will be remembered for a long time.

My relationship with sports has never been particularly warm. But more recently, I still managed to make friends with dumbbells, a yoga mat and a treadmill. A key role in this was played by an annual subscription to a fitness club and ... a set of a dozen sports iPhone applications, which, in the course of natural selection, narrowed down to three really useful ones.

It is difficult for a person to do something just like that. Just running, just lifting a heavy barbell or doing circles around the stadium was beyond my power. It's another thing to put a virtual cup on the shelf of personal achievements, "make" that Facebook guy in a 10-kilometer run, and make sure that the scale of personal results grows faster than Apple shares. Such opportunities are opened by sports applications for iPhone and smartphones on Android.

They help to clearly define the goals of training, ensure their consistency and the spirit of the competition. It is these things that are often not enough to make ordinary amateur workouts truly effective. In addition, the application becomes an indispensable partner. Who else will lift you out of bed on Saturday, reminding you of the “wonderful” five kilometers on wet asphalt in a drizzling rain?

Another advantage is qualified consultations. Programs are created with the involvement of experienced trainers, so they help the beginner avoid common mistakes. Often they contain video instructions and useful advice on training, exercise technique, nutrition and recovery.

What is the difference between sports and fitness programs

The app itself is often just the tip of the iceberg. Especially when it comes to programs for running and cycling. Behind them are impressive multi-platform services that allow you to plan sports activities, record results, build graphs and share achievements on social networks. And their use becomes for many part of the lifestyle, by analogy with traditional social networks.

For fitness programs strength training and yoga other tasks. They replace a personal instructor for those who train on their own at home or in a fitness club. Such applications contain an extensive database of exercises with descriptions, video tutorials, selection of the optimal training program and additional advice.

In a separate category, applications can be distinguished - master classes. They are suitable for those who do not want to look for the optimal set of exercises for a long time, diligently enter the results into a calendar and count calories. The user is invited to simply pump up the press or other muscle group in several stages, designed for several months. You don’t have to count and build graphs here, just do what the program prescribes.

IT-word publishes 10 mobile applications for mobile devices on iOS and Android, which will help in jogging, walking, fitness, yoga and strength training.

1. Applications for running, walking and cycling

In order to start running or walking, there is no additional cost or special training. At the same time, the results in these sports are very easy to measure and compare. Not surprisingly, applications designed for running and walking, are rightfully considered the most popular category.

One of the most iconic apps for runners is Endomondo Sports Tracker. It is available to owners of almost any phone - from iPhone, new models on Windows Phone 7 and Android to devices on older versions of Symbian. To determine the position of the runner during training, Endomondo uses the built-in GPS receiver of the smartphone. Calculated average speed movement, distance and even calories burned. You can also listen to your favorite music without leaving the app. Before activating the program, you need to register on the developer's website. Here you can access your statistics, setting goals and the results of other participants. In my case, about a dozen acquaintances turned out to be active users of Endomondo.

The CardioTrainer app for Android smartphones uses the same principle as Endomondo. While running, walking or swimming, the average speed of movement and distance are calculated, taking into account elevation changes. In addition, it is possible to see a breakdown of the speed by kilometers traveled to understand at what stage you started to accelerate or slow down. Subsequently, you can compare each workout with runs a week or a month ago. Calories burned are also counted, but not in the format of impersonal numbers, but in the form of food - carrots, avocados, and so on.

The purpose of the application is easy to guess from the name. The program is distributed through the App Store and Android Market for free, and the paid Elite version is suitable for experienced runners and lovers of accurate measurements. It has advanced statistics and additional features. For example, the paid version allows you to conveniently broadcast your run map to your personal blog or Google Earth. First you need to register on the developer's website, indicating your weight, selecting measurements and other information. A separate Sharing tab allows you to configure how your personal profile is viewed by other members of the system. Like CardioTrainer and Endomondo, Runkeeper not only allows you to run, walk, and bike, but also swim. All this is accompanied by graphs, maps and detailed statistics and the ability to publish the results on Facebook or Twitter.

2. Apps for fitness and strength training

Personally, I always prefer to run for an hour or two gym or fitness classes. Therefore, I was most interested in programs for fitness and “heavy” training with a barbell and dumbbells. One of the most comprehensive apps in this category is All-in Fitness, which can be purchased from the App Store for as little as a dollar. It includes over 1000 various exercises with detailed explanations and even videos. The application will help you plan your home workouts, follow the exercise technique and keep track of the results. The All-in Fitness interface is user-friendly and intuitive, and all exercises and their descriptions are automatically downloaded from the server.

Similar functionality for users of Android smartphones, iPhone and iPad is offered by the free Workout Trainer application. Initially, you need to choose the direction of training and identify your goals. For example, get rid of excess weight or increase muscle mass. The program selects the training option for the task, and virtual trainers clearly show the technique of performing any exercise on the video. In general, the program is designed for home use, since most of the exercises do not require simulators. The only downside to All-in Fitness and Workout Trainer is that both apps are only available in English.

The Russian-language interface boasts the Daily Workouts application for iPhone. The functionality is not so luxurious, but not everyone needs all 1000 exercises to keep fit. Here is a small number of proven exercises, which are conveniently divided into muscle groups with a description and technique. The best option for a beginner.

In addition to universal ones, there are also specialized applications of master classes designed for a particular muscle group. They were clearly created specifically for guys who aim to “bomb” their chest or abs before the beach season. Applications are called "Training pectoral muscles”, “Ab Workout” (for iOS), “8 Minute Abs Workout” (Android) and so on. Training process divided into levels to be overcome one by one. Each level corresponds to a certain number of workouts, designed for several weeks. The exercises are illustrated with videos and detailed descriptions. The applications themselves of this kind are free, but after passing the first level, the rest will be paid. For example, in "Abs Workout" you will have to pay a dollar for the second and third levels.

3. Yoga Apps

The ubiquitous yoga also did not go unnoticed by mobile software developers. Most of the applications dedicated to oriental practices are designed for girls, so they will not bore you with graphs, tables and calculations. Basically, they provide descriptions of exercises and asanas with detailed instructions for their implementation.

For just a dollar, iPhone and Android smartphone users can access the Yoga HD application. This is an impressive set of 300 asanas, grouped by difficulty level (beginner, intermediate, advanced and guru). Each exercise is accompanied by detailed text, photo and video instructions. And on 3D models, muscle groups that are subjected to stress are indicated. For the target load of certain muscle groups, a special section "Ready-made recipes" is provided, which contains more than 40 programs for different levels training and different goals: flexibility, breathing exercises, prevention, health improvement and others. All workouts are recorded in a beautiful calendar with quotes for each day.

Another application "YOGA: 300 asanas and yoga lessons" is designed for Android devices and is distributed free of charge. The arsenal of the program includes 300 different postures and asanas, which are more than enough for a beginner. Except detailed descriptions in Russian and displaying poses on the screen, you can select a set of melodies that accompany the workout, as well as turn on the audio instruction mode. And the premium version comes with HD video content, 3D muscle models for each asana and additional exercises for an additional fee.

The Yoga RELAX program is suitable as an addition to the main training on the simulators or running. The fact is that the program contains only relaxing poses and exercises. They will help the body recover quickly after stress. Otherwise, the application is similar to the previous ones - poses, pictures, descriptions and, of course, relaxing melodies. Yoga RELAX is available in the AppStore for a dollar.


Finally, I note that no application can replace willpower, which makes us prefer a fitness club or stadium to gatherings with friends or culinary experiments. But the applications do their job as an additional incentive perfectly. The easiest way is to cancel the next run or slow down, exercising alone or with a partner who is also not averse to relaxing. It is much more difficult to find arguments for a dozen friends who will ask: “Why is it so weak?” Comparing your result with yours on the server of a particular program.

Support with the advent of multifunctional smartphones on the Android operating system has become easier, and the main reason for this is the presence of a whole collection that supports the required level of motivation, and warns about the start of training, and carefully counts the lost and earned rewards. And to start working on the result, it is enough to arm yourself with equipment and get out into the street, running applications downloaded from Google Play will help with the rest:


An actively developing social network with the powers of a fitness companion and sports tracker. Formally, the developers offer to train, monitor the changing physical indicators of the body, acquire skills and abilities, and at the same time generate tests and unlock achievements.

The main feature of Strava is the presence of a huge number of tracks (both in the city and outside of large settlements), where you can show your own talents and earn a virtual medal (and you can’t think of a better motivation).

And, of course, they are allowed to share the collected awards, attracting the attention of friends and acquaintances.


A free Android GPS tracker that can handle any sports discipline - running, cycling, skiing or skating! The tool easily measures the distance traveled and marks it on the map, indicates the calories burned and the average pace, and at the same time helps to find out about mistakes made and actual shortcomings.

If following the prompts after the activity is not convenient, then no one bothers to activate the voice assistant that guides you along the way. A pleasant male or female voice will tell you when to speed up or slow down, where to turn, and at what point it is imperative to take a small but break to recuperate.

There was also a portion of motivation - a diary with statistics, goals that are easy to share with friends, achievements and awards posted on social networks for everyone to see.

And finally - total support for third-party equipment - from chest heart rate monitors to smart watches: move to sports achievements has never been so effective!

Nike+ Run Club

From the functionality - a record of recent activity, a personalized training program that depends on progress, physical indicators and the required load, a special multifunctional table with leaders, where information about real madmen is recorded, for whom sports are the main part of life.

Of the shortcomings - not always correctly triggered record of kilometers traveled. In some cases, it is the smartphone that sins, but sometimes the fault is entirely on Nike.


The Android application is a legend from the world of fitness companions with a cheerful design, elementary controls and functionality already familiar to other top participants - recording workouts, transferring awards and achievements, generating tasks for the day, week or month ahead, activity diary, detailed statistics.

Support for third-party equipment is in place. Advertisements are minimal. The accuracy is approximately high (yes, Endomondo is much more likely to miss, but not on a monstrous scale), integration with social networks is complete. But what is missing is technical optimization - the problems associated with crashes, some flaws and missing statistics cannot be counted on one hand.