Who is a sprinter and stayer. Strategies for achieving goals. Sprinters and stayers. Passage of special physical training



[English] stayer - lit. enduring man] - sport. long-distance athlete

Dictionary of foreign words. - Komlev N.G., 2006 .


(English stayer buke, hardy person)

New dictionary of foreign words.- by EdwART,, 2009 .


stayer, m. stayer] (sport.). Athlete, runner long distances.

A large dictionary of foreign words. - Publishing house "IDDK", 2007 .


but, m., shower (English stayer letters. hardy to stay withstand, endure).
1. An athlete who specializes in overcoming long distances.
|| Wed sprinter .
2. A horse showing (at races or races) the best agility over long distances.
Stayer -
1) pertaining to stayer 1, 2, stayers;
2) about distance in sports competitions: long.
|| Wed flyer.

Explanatory Dictionary of Foreign Words L. P. Krysina.- M: Russian language, 1998 .


See what "STYER" is in other dictionaries:

    - (English stayer, literally hardy person), an athlete who specializes in overcoming long distances. Compare Sprinter... Modern Encyclopedia

    - (eng. stayer lit. hardy person), an athlete specializing in overcoming long distances ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    STAYER, stayer, husband. (eng. stayer) (sport.). Athlete, specialist in long-distance running. Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    STAYER, a, husband. An athlete is a runner (as well as a swimmer, skater, cyclist) for long distances. | adj. stayer, oh, oh. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    Exist., number of synonyms: 8 runner (13) cyclist (11) racer (19) ... Synonym dictionary

    STAYER- (eng. stayer), l., who showed her best mouths in tests for long distances ... Handbook of horse breeding

    Stayer- (English stayer, literally hardy person), an athlete who specializes in overcoming long distances. Compare Sprinter. … Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

    This term has other meanings, see Film Studio for Animated Films "Stayer". Stayer (eng. stayer) sportsman, track and field athlete, long-distance runner. Stayer distances from 3000 meters and longer. Distances are less ... ... Wikipedia

    BUT; m. stayer] An athlete (runner, swimmer, skater, cyclist, etc.) who specializes in overcoming long distances. ◁ Stayer, oh, oh. With th distance. * * * stayer (English stayer, literally hardy person), athlete, ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    stayer- stajeris statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Ilgųjų nuotolių jojimo lenktynių eikliausias žirgas. kilme engl. stayer – ištvermingas žmogus atitikmenys: engl. long distance runner vok. Langstreckenläufer, m rus. stayer … Sporto terminų žodynas


  • Courage from sales. A book for sellers and their bosses, Boris Gamayunov. Sales professionals know a lot of techniques and techniques that should help them in their work, but often this knowledge does not work. Fear of communication and possible failure interferes, irritation on ... audiobook

Sprinter and stayer are two different modes, two strategies to achieve goals. Understanding these strategies will help you in two ways. First, you will be able to define your mode in order to better use it. And secondly, you will be able to understand other people who prefer to achieve goals in a different way, and more effectively find a common language with them.


Stayers always adhere to a uniform and stable work schedule.

A good example of a stayer is Jiro from the movie Jiro Dreams of Sushi. He has followed the same work schedule for decades and has become one of the best sushi chefs in the world as a result.

A stayer writer focuses on writing every day, often writing in the same place, at the same time, and in the same manner. This approach can be used to create short articles, as well as for large works. An example of a stayer writer is Danielle Steele, who has written over a hundred books. In an interview, she said that she follows a very disciplined work schedule, repeating the same actions day after day and finishing book after book.


Sprinters work for short periods of high intensity, forgetting everything around them while they work.

A good example of a sprinter was Sylvester Stallone, who wrote the screenplay for the movie Rocky. In March 1975, Stallone saw an interesting boxing match that inspired him, and wrote the whole script in just 20 hours, distributing the work over three days.

The sprint writer catches waves of inspiration and surfs them as quickly as possible until the creative work is completed. An example of such a writer is Dan Pointer. He has written many manuals and has said that he likes to write a book in two weeks. When he is ready to write, he puts everything aside and works for hours on end, watching his work come to an end. For him, this is the ideal mode of operation.

Hybrid approaches

As you probably suspected, you can combine these two modes, or two approaches to work, in many ways.

For example, you can be a sprinter to rapidly prototype a new computer program, then become a stayer and turn it into a finished product, then turn back into a sprinter to launch the program to the market, and finally, again in stayer mode, manage marketing and sales.

Another example can be given: you sprint to healthy lifestyle life, for which, this coming weekend, you throw out all junk food from the kitchen, choose recipes for healthy dishes, buy new, healthy products, sign up for workouts and add them to your schedule. Then, after completing these initial preparations, you switch to stayer mode to develop new habits and reinforce them in the future.

When it comes to personal growth, the sprint routine is often very effective in overcoming resistance and building initial momentum, while the stayer mode is often very effective in sustaining that momentum. This is true for relationship changes, career changes, financial and health changes, etc.

Your natural regimen

You will most likely notice that one of the two approaches is much easier for you than the other. For example, you feel good in stayer mode, but you just can’t muster enough energy or inspiration to break through to big changes. Or, conversely, you may be a great sprinter, but after putting in a lot of energy to initiate change, you feel unable to continue to support these initiatives for a long time.

Sprinter and stayer are two ends of the spectrum. You can be in the middle, feeling equally good in both modes, or you can be closer to the edge, almost always preferring one mode over the other.

What if you find yourself doing very well in one of the modes, but significantly less effective in the other?

First, accept yourself for who you are. Instead of complaining about your weaknesses, consider how you can get the most out of your basic, natural routine. In other words, instead of trying to move towards the middle, try to analyze your regimen.

If you are a stayer, ask yourself: how to become the best stayer? Think about how you could structure your work day into a well-oiled process from getting up in the morning to going to bed at night. Turn your goals into habits. Try to make your daily routine such that when you repeat it many times, you can achieve your most important goals. For example, if you want to write music, then set aside certain hours for this and decide exactly what you will do during this time (practice on instruments, compose, study music theory, analyze classical works, etc.). Reduce everything you can to a program that you can be sure you will complete.

If you are a sprinter, then consider how to make a high-speed dash to your goals. How quickly can you start moving if you really commit yourself to the cause? You can open your online business in one day. Write a new script in a few days. Update your technopark next weekend. How quickly can you create a rough sketch? Or a prototype? For a while, put aside everything non-essential, focus on one project or task until you make significant progress in solving it. Don't stop until you're done and you're sure it's time to stop.

My favorite approach is the sprint approach. That's how I write - quickly and "running". So I wrote about 1200 articles in the last eight years. I never write on a set schedule - I only do it when an idea inspires me. I can write at different times of the day, in different places and on a variety of topics. The sprint mode suits me perfectly.

Every time I tried to make a schedule for myself and follow it, I didn’t succeed, because I usually got new waves of inspiration very soon, I wanted to do a new experiment, go on a new trip, chat with new friends.

Own your natural routine

Realize that in life you can achieve great success in any of the modes. None of them is better or worse than the other. The only difference is how you like to manage your energy.

In the eyes of the stayer, the sprinter looks unstable, undisciplined and unpredictable person, from whom you can expect anything. Likewise, to the sprinter, the stayer appears sluggish, uninitiative, tedious, and slow. But instead of dismissively dismissing another regime, it is worth respecting both your own and other people's individual strengths- and try to push them to the maximum self-expression.

At school, sprint students are often referred to as bagpipers. Instead of plodding through a big project every day, a sprinter often does all of his work in one "marathon run" - and yet contributes a lot to the development of the project. If he starts to work a little every day, he will soon howl with boredom. But in the end, sprinters find that pushing deadlines helps them focus, and this allows them to complete work faster.

Instead of waiting for pressure from an upcoming deadline, a sprinter can create similar motivational pressure by setting goals that inspire him and imagining them as real. My friend Joe Vitale is a typical example of a sprinter. When he comes up with an idea for a new product, he enters into impulse mode, quickly finishes it, immediately launches the product on the market and moves on to the next task. He recently got into music and used his sprint strategy to record and release his first four albums in just 18 months. When he talks about his new ideas, he is usually filled with enthusiasm, even if no one around him feels any enthusiasm.

In most schools, the training and reward system is focused on stayers, so people with a sprint temperament have a hard time fitting into it. When I tried to study at the university in the stayer mode, in the end I was expelled from it - I simply could not adapt to the slow and tedious schedule offered by the university. But then I analyzed the time I spend on studying, including for each project and each assignment, I did "sprint experiments" with my studies, and as a result I completed two courses in just three semesters. I've covered this story before in Do It Now and 10 Tips for College Students, so I won't repeat myself. the main idea is that I had to admit that the varsity program wasn't designed for my type, so I adapted it to my sprinting abilities as much as possible, which eventually allowed me to succeed where I had previously failed.

On the other hand, stayers also get it, although for a different reason. They are called "accountants", as their contribution to the work often seems insignificant and only resembles an imitation of violent activity. Indeed, stayers often get jobs that require repeated repetition of routine procedures - for example, the position of an accountant or maintenance personnel. Stayers love routine, but if they not only love, but adore their work, they can achieve excellent results. An effective stayer can do much more than just serve customers in tech support or pack vegetables in the store - he/she can achieve great achievements in the arts, sciences, medicine and other fields.

Optimize your work

Your work is boring and uninteresting, as it is intended for a stayer, but are you a sprinter by nature? Are you looking for more creative activities? Need more variety, stimulation, and less boring repetition? It may be time to consider changing jobs or positions, or talking to your superiors about changing your responsibilities so that they include more creative tasks and less routine. You have chosen your job, so if you are not completely satisfied with it, choose something else.

The reverse situation is also possible: you are doing the work of a sprinter, being in reality a stayer. Are you stressed out by a lot of new tasks that fall on you from all sides in an unpredictable way, you cannot clean up your workflow and establish some kind of algorithm? Would you feel better in a more stable environment where you could eliminate surprises from your workflow? Nobody bothers you to switch, there are a lot of such jobs in the world.

If you're doing work that's optimized for your natural routine, you'll be more productive. In addition, you will begin to treat her much better - without boredom and without stress. Change may take some effort, but working in a sub-optimal mode for many years is the loss of a large part of your life. It is wise to give this work to another person who is more suitable for her.

At various times, for various reasons, I wanted to create a stayer routine for myself, but I never succeeded. Usually after a day or two I start to sabotage it. The predictability of this type of work is so boring to me that I can't stand it for more than a day or two. But when I choose the sprint mode, I find that I can do a lot and am very pleased with my results. For example, in a burst of inspiration in the summer of 2011, I signed up for four workshops, including three new ones that I had never run before. I was really happy to dive into this huge amount of creative work, I enjoyed everything from designing one workshop to delivering it. It was a great time during which I was in my natural mode. But if I tried to run the same seminar over and over again on a prearranged schedule, I would probably die of boredom. I'm much more in need of variety and challenge than stability and predictability.

Energy management

The main difference between sprinters and long distance athletes is the way they manage their energy. Do you enjoy a tumultuous mixture of intense, short-term periods of activity and frequent, recuperative breaks? When you get carried away new idea, do you want to immediately dive into it as deeply as possible in order to completely “soak” in a new business? When you meet someone and discover a mutual attraction, do you want to drop everything and quickly and passionately dive into a romantic relationship?

Or would you prefer predictability and stability, even power consumption over a long period of time? Do you enjoy doing the same pleasurable activities every day? Do you value long established routines, traditions and established practices? Do you enjoy relationships in which everything is clearly defined, stable and predictable, and in which you always know what is wanted from you?

Once again I repeat: both approaches are absolutely equal. You can achieve great things and become a happy person with any of them. If you identify your natural routine and make the most of it, you'll be much more productive and less likely to struggle with yourself.

You probably paid attention to the pronounced differences in the physique of sprinters and stayers. Of course, such differences are due to fundamental differences in their training. However, there are deeper reasons that our cells and genetics hide. It turns out that all of humanity is divided into two camps: sprinters and stayers...

The first group includes athletes who perform a short-term load with maximum power and quickly get tired (100-meter runners, weightlifters, bobsledders, gymnasts). To the second: people, athletes who experience prolonged physical stress, but with a minimum load (runners and swimmers specializing in long distances). All this is determined by genetic predispositions. human body to certain activities, so you can’t turn a good sprinter into a good stayer as well.

What do our cells hide?

First, let's look at how cells work. In all cells of living organisms, metabolic processes, called metabolism, constantly occur. It is qualitatively divided into catabolism (the breakdown of substances with energy production) and anabolism (the synthesis of substances with the expenditure of energy). We are primarily interested in energy metabolism or catabolism. In the process of energy metabolism, complex molecules of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, with the participation of many enzymes, are oxidized to carbon dioxide and water. In this case, the resulting energy is stored in ATP molecules. All cells and microorganisms are divided into two camps according to the types of energy metabolism - anaerobes (from the Greek an - a negative particle and aer - air) and aerobes (cells that need oxygen for life). Thus, in aerobes, catabolism proceeds in three stages (preparatory, oxygen-free and oxygen), and in anaerobes only in the first two - this is a fundamental difference.

IN human body, then which way the processes of energy metabolism will go depends on the presence of oxygen in a particular tissue during a particular type of activity. Now consider the structure of a representative of muscle tissue - myocyte cells. In muscles, they resemble long, elongated cylinders that fit snugly together and form fibers. The composition of the myocyte includes myofibrils, cell organelles, the main function of which is to reduce the length of the myocyte, that is, its contraction. Depending on how the muscles react to the load, at what speed they contract, muscle fibers are divided into three types: “slow” (type 1), “medium” (type 2a) and “fast” (type 2b).

“Slow” fibers contract much more slowly than the rest, but they are distinguished by special endurance, therefore they are activated, starting even with small loads, and work for a long time without getting tired. During their work, an aerobic type of metabolism constantly proceeds in myocytes. "Averages" are averages. These are poorly growing and weakly contracting fibers. There are very few of them in the muscles. But type "2b" is the fastest fiber. They contribute to a strong and dynamic muscle contraction, but they get tired very quickly. Working with fibers of this type, you can quickly build up muscle mass because they increase due to the size of actin and myosin. In the process of activity, due to a lack of oxygen, energy supply in them goes along the anaerobic path. Also, all types of fibers differ in the specifics of the sequence: the first fibers of the "slow" type are included in the work, the last - "fast".

Strength vs Endurance

Hence all the differences - in sprinters, the dominant type of energy supply of muscle activity is anaerobic, which determines the greatest performance in the zone of maximum power. Athletes stayers mainly use the aerobic type of energy supply, which determines their greatest performance for a long time. Some sprinters admit to taking one breath at the beginning of a race and only exhaling at the end, which means that the energy in their muscles is generated mostly anaerobically. This is also reflected in appearance athletes in various body types.

The ratio of "fast" and "slow" fibers is genetically determined, but they can be developed. Good sprinters have 70% muscle fibers are represented by “fast” fibers, while stayers have “slow” fibers. Both body types, sprinters and stayers, have their own advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, power and strength, and on the other, duration and endurance.

Main perseverance

In addition, differences are reflected not only at the physical level, but affect the psychology of a person, his mentality. This is reflected in the ability to do things, attitudes towards life and in more specific sympathies, which are sometimes not easy to notice. In any case, the presence of certain abilities or qualities given at birth is just one of the types of conditions from which one has to start. The main value is a strong desire and perseverance, in the presence of which you can change yourself in any direction.

Distance running is considered to be a very popular sport. In order to become a stayer, you must remember that only permanent proper workouts help the athlete to run a certain distance without problems. What distance an athlete needs to overcome so that he has every right to be called a stayer, we will consider in more detail in the article.

All about the concept of "stayer distance"

A stayer is an athlete who covers long distances. What kind of distances can be considered long? By all rights, the shortest distance for distance running is 3,000 meters or more. During training, the athlete sets himself the goal of running as much as possible in just one hour, while his main task is to properly distribute his energy and follow all the rules.

An athlete will be able to run a long distance when he achieves positive success in training and constantly increases the intensity of the load on the body. Athletes-stayers must have a well-prepared physically body, only then it will be possible to count on winning the competition.

What distances should a stayer cover?

Even distance running has medium and long distances. To date, there is an upper and lower limit of stayer running. For example, for a marathon, you have to overcome 42,200 meters. At the Olympic Games, runners cover 10,000 meters. Long distances include 2 miles, 20,000 meters and even an hour run.

In the last type of running, the winner is determined simply, the athlete who can run the greatest distance becomes the winner. But this kind of running is unacceptable for official competitions in athletics.

Stayer running technique

The athlete must first of all pay attention to economy and the correct distribution of his forces. If we compare a stayer and a sprinter, the latter must make a strong push and overcome the entire distance almost on toes. With a stayer, everything is different, the athlete should do the main load on the foot and make sure that there are no unnecessary actions in his movements, this will take time and energy. A long-distance runner has no right to make a mistake, because this will negatively affect the results.

In no case should you look at your feet and lift your head strongly to the sky, the stayer must keep his head in the correct position.

How to physically prepare for running?

Long-distance running requires a lot of effort and good preparation from the athlete. Regular training will help you properly prepare for running and improve the skills that have been acquired. Preparation consists not only in running, but also in other exercises that are aimed at developing strength, speed and endurance. With the help of exercises, a long-distance runner will be able to improve his performance and train certain muscles. Special exercises necessarily include running with jumps, for example, you can use a jump rope for this, and shift running.

When athletes do not use in training special exercises, then their physical layer training is rapidly declining, which, in turn, negatively affects the achievements of the stayer.

How should an athlete behave during a long distance run?

A stayer is a runner who must always follow the basic rules and watch the position of his legs, his body and his breath. Let's look at these rules in more detail:

  1. The muscles of the legs must be prepared physically. While running, you need to carefully monitor the setting of the foot. Initially, the part of the leg that is located with outside feet, then the entire foot is completely lowered. If the stayer constantly monitors the setting of his foot, then he will not lose speed while running. It is also important to remember that the head is kept straight, and the eyes look exclusively forward.
  2. Particular attention should be paid to the setting of the body and hand movements. The hands of the stayer must constantly move vigorously, the elbow is bent ninety degrees, and the brush itself turns inward and goes to the middle of the body. This position of the hands contributes to the development of speed. Stayer running is a type of long-distance running, during which the body must be vertical, you can lean a little only at the finish line.
  3. Third important rule counts correct breathing. Breathing should be in the same rhythm with the step. In this case, there is every chance to keep your breathing even throughout the entire distance, but when you need to make the last spurt before the finish line, there will be no problems with oxygen. You should breathe often, in this case, oxygen during the run will flow into the lungs evenly.

An athlete must actively develop the entire muscle group, only in this case he can become a successful stayer. Athletics includes not only running, but also some strength exercises, which will help make stayer training effective, for example, inflated leg muscles will help the athlete accelerate at the right time. A trained athlete should have his own tactics.

Notable distance running champions

Stayer is an athlete who is a fan of one of the most prestigious sports. Today it is possible to name the names and surnames of many famous athletes who set records in this sport, here are the brightest of them:

  1. Kenenisa Bekele - became the owner of world records in the 10,000 meters, no one can beat his records for ten years now.
  2. Vladimir Kuts set his 5000m record back in 1957.
  3. Zersenai Tadase was able to set a record in the half marathon and covered a distance of 21,098 meters.

According to statistics, most of the record holders come from Kenya and Ethiopia. This is due to the fact that they have more motives to win, or they simply have their own genetic structure of the body, no one can answer.

But one thing is clear that a stayer is an athlete who makes great efforts to win. Often it is at stayer competitions that fierce fights and real struggles arise between athletes who have the right to be considered one of the best. A stayer will be able to win only if he constantly trains, adheres to a strict regime and has great power will.

In motion is life. In the truest sense of the word. For thousands of years, our ancestors had to adapt to constant changes in the world around them. It could be a fight with a saber-toothed tiger, requiring the muscles to quickly engage in very intense work, or a nomadic tribe to another, more favorable place, in which special requirements were placed on endurance. It would be logical that gradually different muscle groups began to specialize in performing certain tasks. And so it happened.

A person has two types of muscle fibers: type I - red fibers that are resistant to fatigue, but slow, adapted to long-term moderate work, and type II - white, fast, quickly fatigued, providing short-term intensive work. Every person has fast and slow muscle fibers in skeletal muscles presented in a certain proportion, which is inherent in the genes. This proportion is constant throughout life. Therefore, all people, in accordance with the predominant type of muscle fibers, can be divided into "sprinters" and "stayers". An intermediate group can also be distinguished, when the types of muscle fibers in the skeletal muscles are approximately equally represented. According to some data, 60% of people belong to this intermediate type; among the rest, the extreme types are represented approximately equally. This is all studied at the level of histology (microscopic examination of skeletal muscles)

How can you practically determine what type a person belongs to? To do this, using hand dynamometer wrist endurance is assessed. In this case, you need to not only squeeze the maximum indicator on the dynamometer (most probably did this at least once in their lives), but also keep the compression at 75% of the maximum value for as long as possible. This time characterizes the endurance of the hand. This technique is used in adults and adolescents. Children practically cannot perform dynamometry properly. I did not come across any studies conducted in children's groups. Meanwhile, in adults, all this was actively studied, for example, by a research team headed by Prof. V.P. Kaznacheev. The revealed regularities also apply to children, since these characteristics do not change throughout life.

What is the significance of this topic for you and me and our children? First of all, it's a sport. I will not go into this obvious aspect in detail. At school, when passing the standards for physical education, it becomes completely clear to whom the 100-meter race is easily given, and to whom the 3 km race. But attentive parents can notice the preferences of the child. preschool age, if it is a pronounced extreme type of "stayer" or "sprinter". Success in certain sports depends precisely on the ratio of fibers of different types in a person.

But it is not limited to sports and physical activity. If a person is a pronounced stayer or sprinter, then the features of the body systems (primarily cardiovascular and respiratory), a number of biochemical processes will correspond to the features of the functioning of this type of muscle fibers and the features of the tasks facing them. Thus, “stayer”, “sprinter” is not just a difference between people depending on the functioning of skeletal muscles, they generally characterize 2 strategies for adapting a person to the environment. As Andrei Makarevich, respected by me, sings:

But as long as the fire burns
Everyone keeps it in their own way.
If trouble and if cold.

Indeed, everyone adapts in their own way. "Sprinters" can maximize the mobilization of the body's internal reserves in response to powerful stress in short time, "burn everything in an hour", providing effective short-term adaptation to the changed conditions of existence. But after that, after all, it is necessary to restore the spent mental, energy and other resources. This takes a significant amount of time. Only after that, effective adaptation to a new acute stress is again possible. "Sprinters" almost immediately easily rebuild both psychologically and physiologically, once in new conditions. But the adaptive capabilities of "sprinters" are quickly depleted with prolonged exposure to extreme factors, and then they begin to get sick.

"Stayers" use the body's resources sparingly and carefully. “Since the night is long, they burn barely, and save strength and firewood ...”. "Stayers" gradually increase the use of the body's resources and do not exhaust them to the end. The reserve of resources for adaptation is maintained and gradually replenished in the process of use. Such people adapt well to prolonged exposure to moderate stress factors, but the initial period of adaptation is often accompanied by a decrease in performance and negative reactions from the psyche (anxiety, depression, aggressiveness ...). "Stayers" cannot adapt to extreme stress, this causes them to fail to adapt and develop pathology. They are prone to chronic diseases, which, however, proceed more favorably with them than with "sprinters".

The majority of men (up to 65%) are "sprinters", and usually cope well with acute stressful situations, but endure the burden of chronic overload, both physical and psychological, much worse. Women are usually "stayers". Women's endurance is the talk of the town.

Meteorological dependence manifests itself differently in these extreme adaptive types. Sprinters feel bad in the off-season (autumn, spring), when the weather has not yet settled down and often changes, but they easily adapt to sudden changes in weather (this also manifests itself when flying to rest in another climatic zone). Change of hours from winter to summer time and vice versa, they pass easily. Stayers, on the other hand, are unsettled by such anomalous sudden and strong weather changes, but in the off-season they feel good. The translation of the clock hands causes them psycho-emotional stress. In the most advantageous situation are people of a mixed type. They, as a rule, smoothly adapt to the most different options weather changes.

Diseases in "stayers" and "sprinters" tend to proceed differently. Consider, for example, the course of pneumonia. In "stayers" the disease usually begins gradually, 7-10 days after the onset of acute respiratory infections, often there is no pronounced rise in body temperature. They react heavily to the disease, this is due to the fact that this type of adaptation occurs mainly due to the tension of the reserves. respiratory system, which is just “sick” here (for “sprinters” - due to of cardio-vascular system). Protracted course of pneumonia is characteristic. In "sprinters" pneumonia usually develops rapidly and violently: with high fever and chills. They more easily tolerate the period of maximum severity of the disease. A protracted course of the disease is uncharacteristic for them.

The "stayers" in comparison with the "sprinters" have a clear tendency to a decrease in the number of blood leukocytes. I was even amazed that, according to the study, the level of leukocytes in adults differed by almost twice. In children, there are situations when leukocytes are constantly reduced during a blood test. Naturally, it is necessary to understand what it is connected with, but if the cause cannot be identified, it may very well be that this is just a “stayer”.

“...People with the constitutional type “sprinter” most often respond to external influences of environmental factors with an emotional reaction, probably aimed at mobilizing the reserve capabilities of the body for frontal, frontal counteraction to existing negative environmental factors. At the same time, they do not attempt to quickly leave the space of life, where they first felt their pathological, destructive impact. People with the “stayer” type of constitution, in contrast to the first, tend to quickly understand the causes of their health disorders and actively get out of the unfavorable effect of environmental factors, providing themselves with additional social protection (improving the comfort of housing, clothing, food, etc.) or leave the place of the most significant influence of the latter…” (the work “Types of human constitutions and their possible participation in the formation of disadaptive states” is cited. Kaznacheev S. V., Molchanova L. V., Udalova S. V., Tomilova L. M. Pri writing the article, I used it and other materials).

Thus, you can look at various aspects of your life from a new angle of view, ranging from the characteristics of the course of diseases and ending with a reaction to psychological stress factors, establishing belonging to explicit "stayers" or "sprinters" (it is difficult to establish explicit comparisons with an intermediate type).