Rosatom final round. Branch Physics and Mathematics Olympiad for schoolchildren “Rosatom. Preparation for the Olympiads, organizational issues

The multifunctional shared service center of the State Corporation Rosatom (CJSC Greenatom) was organized by the decision of the Board of the State Corporation at the end of 2009. Rosatom is the first state-owned company to have a common service center. MF SSC provides services to enterprises in the industry in the field of accounting and tax accounting, payroll and information technologies. Mikhail Yermolaev, General Director of CJSC Greenatom, told us about how the MF SSC is being implemented in the nuclear industry.

Mikhail Yuryevich, 42 industry enterprises, including such giants as Atomenergomash, ARMZ, TVEL, Techsnabexport, have switched to servicing in the MF SSC - can we already talk about savings for these enterprises? Did bookkeeping and IT support end up being cheaper for them?

Yes. When switching to services in the MF SSC, the cost of accounting and IT support for the enterprise is immediately reduced by 5% of current costs. In 2010, in the first year of operation of the MF SSC, Greenatom's clients saved more than 15 million rubles on the preparation of accounting, tax reporting and IT.

- What is your forecast for a further reduction in the costs of enterprises in the industry?

In the next three years, the cost of functions transferred to the MF SSC will be reduced by 20-30% of the level of costs at the time of transfer, and the total economic effect from the introduction of the MF SSC will be more than 3 billion rubles in the period 2012-2014.

- Does Greenatom itself make good money on services for industry enterprises?

The MF SSC is created not to make money within the industry, but to reduce the costs of enterprises for supporting functions. Therefore, we re-exhibit all our services to enterprises at our cost.

- Is moving Greenatom to a new office also a cost reduction?

Yes, a new office is almost 20% cheaper, the cost per square meter per year is 12,100 rubles.

- Is cost reduction the sole purpose of establishing an MF SSC?

No, of course not, but this is one of the main goals, along with increasing the productivity of accounting and IT services and improving the quality of these functions. Today, in order to achieve the indicators of the best Russian companies, enterprises in the industry need to increase the productivity of accounting departments by 2.2 times, and IT departments - by 3.1 times. In the future, we will strive to achieve the level of the best international practice in terms of productivity while improving the quality of services.

How is the quality of Greenatom services now? Especially considering the large number of enterprises, one after another, switching to the service of the MF SSC, and the fact that Greenatom itself is in its infancy.

The quality of services is a central issue for us, especially in a transitional period. Given the large volume of companies being transferred, it is fundamentally important for us not to lose the current focus on the quality of services, we pay a lot of attention to this. For the purposes of our company, in the KPI map of my and my deputies, the weight of the indicator for the quality of services is 40%, that is, almost half. In 2010, the quality index of our services amounted to 80%, which corresponds to the planned level for the period of formation of the MF SSC, next year we raise the bar for the quality index and satisfaction indicator to 85%.

And who evaluates the quality of services? Do the enterprises themselves, clients of the MF SSC, have any influence on the assessment of the quality of Greenatom services? Or like or dislike...?

It is the enterprises, our customers, who evaluate the quality of services. The quality of services is fixed in the contract between us and the company, which reflects the planned quality parameters: the level of availability of IT systems, the response time to a request, the timeliness of the formation of accounting and tax reporting. All these parameters are monitored on a monthly basis, every month we sign acts of services rendered with the enterprises that are being serviced. It is a formalized, quantitative evaluation method.

Plus, it is important for us how we are perceived by our customers. Twice a year, we evaluate the satisfaction of users of our client companies with the quality of our services in the form of an anonymous survey. We try to find out how much in their perception we are a service-oriented organization, how friendly our employees are with customers, how much they strive to solve their problems. This cannot be written into the contract, but it is very important for us.

42 enterprises, on the one hand, is a lot, on the other hand, by the end of 2014, the number of enterprises to be serviced by the MF SSC should be 240. What are the plans for the near future?

By the end of the year, we plan to transfer 35 more accounting and tax enterprises and 32 information technology enterprises to the MF SSC for servicing.

- How do you plan to centrally serve 240 enterprises located in different parts of the country?

In general, the model of centralized service provision has become possible with the development of information technology, so for a number of services, for example, accounting and tax accounting, distance is not a problem. This is done through a single corporate ERP system, which is gradually being implemented at Rosatom enterprises. But some IT services, such as the organization and support of the user's workplace, can only be provided locally. Therefore, we are developing a network of branches that will be located in clusters where nuclear industry enterprises are concentrated.

- What are your plans for the development of the branch network?

We already have branches in Elektrostal, Kovrov, Glazov and Novosibirsk, which provide IT support services to groups of enterprises of the Fuel Company. By the end of the year, the number of branches will reach 12.

Implementation of the MF SSC is major change in the work of enterprises passing to the service. Employees of these enterprises have a lot of questions. For example, the chief accountants of enterprises are interested in who, after the transfer of the enterprise for servicing, is responsible for the reliability of the accounting and tax reporting of the enterprise?

Responsibility for the accuracy and organization of accounting remains with CEO and on the chief accountant, if he remains at the enterprise after the transfer. If the functions of the chief accountant are also transferred to us, then we begin to bear responsibility together with the general director.

- And what if the company is fined and fined by the relevant authorities?

After analyzing the reasons, if it turns out that the error was on the side of the MF SSC, then we reimburse the company for penalties, but not more than two annual amounts of the contract with this company.

CIOs are interested in when an enterprise switches to Greenatom IT support service, is it limited exclusively to IT support, or does it develop enterprise IT as a whole?

These are interconnected things, of course, but different services. Greenatom provides IT support services, and the development of the IT enterprise takes place within the framework of the IT Transformation Program of Rosatom State Corporation. We come not just to take the enterprise for service, but we come taking into account how IT systems will change at each specific enterprise in accordance with the IT Transformation Program. The transition of an enterprise to the MF SSC should be carried out on new target IT systems, so the schedule for their implementation depends a lot.

- How long does the transition period take, taking into account the introduction of new target systems?

According to our plan, the stabilization period, when all the processes of interaction with the enterprise are being adjusted, is 3 months. But it can be extended up to 6 months if the transition to the MF SSC coincides in time with the introduction of an ERP system at the enterprise.

- And what will happen to the employees of the accounting and IT functions when they switch to services in the MF SSC?

Priority in employment in the MF SSC is given to employees of enterprises switching to servicing and familiar with the specifics of the nuclear industry. So, the backbone of the team of our branch in Novosibirsk was made up of employees of the NZHK. In Glazov, our branch was created with the involvement of the resources of the insourcing IT company ChMP. Employees transferred to work in our branch will be involved in the implementation of projects of the IT Transformation Program in 2011.

And what changes for ordinary employees of an enterprise moving to service in the MF SSC for accounting and IT support? Previously, they called their accounting department and IT department with various questions, but now?

First of all, the quality of services for ordinary employees should change. Relatively speaking, they will receive personal income tax-2 faster or they will be organized faster workplace. The phone number they call will also change, we have a single number for all enterprises in service - 1111.

Rosatom is not the only company in Russia that has a common service center - TNK-BP, SUEK, Severstal and other companies have them. How is the model of shared service centers developing in Russia - in isolation, each on its own or do you communicate?

The club of companies that have MF SSCs in Russia is still not numerous. We often meet and exchange experiences. Relatively recently, there was a conference in Krasnoyarsk, where representatives of all Russian MF SSCs gathered to discuss successes and problems. In Russia, everything is just beginning. It's nice that Rosatom is among the first in this direction.

ATTENTION! Applicants and their parents are allowed to participate in NRNU MEPhI events only upon presentation of a passport.

For children under 14, an original birth certificate is required.

Dear participants of the Olympiad.

The results of the qualifying rounds held at NRNU MEPhI will be available in personal accounts on the website org..

For schoolchildren of 7-11 grades in mathematics and physics.

According to the regulations on the Olympiad, you can participate in any qualifying rounds - the best performance is taken into account.

  • The qualifying round of the Rosatom Olympiad is held in Moscow and at regional venues according to an agreed schedule in October-November. No more than 45% of the participants of the qualifying stage pass to the final stage of the Olympiad.
  • The final stage of the Rosatom Olympiad is held in person in Moscow and the regions according to an agreed schedule in February-March. No more than 25% of participants can become winners and prize-winners of the Olympiad final stage.
  • Preparation for the Olympics. On this site in the section "Preparation for the Olympiad" there are tasks of past years, teaching aids, video lessons with an analysis of tasks in mathematics and physics of past years

All participants of the Rosatom Olympiad must pre-register at and bring to the Olympiad a printed copy of their personal account registration card! Those who participated in the Olympiad of previous years do not need to register - the old registration is retained.

Olympiads and competitions for schoolchildren

The State Corporation Rosatom is interested in attracting gifted students with a penchant for physics and natural sciences to study at the universities of the Consortium of Rosatom Flagship Universities, with subsequent employment at the enterprises of the State Corporation. One of the preferred ways to test yourself and prepare for admission to the universities of the Consortium is to take part in specialized Olympiads. We bring to your attention a short list of Olympiads held with the participation of NRNU MEPhI, the State Corporation "Rosatom" and its enterprises. The winners and prize-winners of the Olympiads will receive benefits when entering universities in 2019. For example, those who won the 11th grade in the Rosatom Olympiad, the Engineering Olympiad for schoolchildren or the Junior Competition, can enter almost all MEPhI specialties without entrance tests, if the Olympiad is confirmed with 75 USE points and-specialty/specials/winners !

Branch physico- mathematical olympiad schoolchildren "Rosatom"

The sectoral Physics and Mathematics Olympiad for schoolchildren "Rosatom" is held in mathematics and physics. Designed for students in grades 7-11. The Olympiad is included in the List of Olympiads for schoolchildren of the 2018-2019 academic year in full - both in mathematics and in physics (physics - Olympiad of the 1st level, mathematics - Olympiad of the 2nd level).

Olympiads in mathematics and physics are independent: you can participate in both, or in any of your choice. The Rosatom Olympiad is held in two stages - qualifying and final. The qualifying stage of the Olympiad is held in different formats: the first of them is the face-to-face qualifying round at NRNU MEPhI (Moscow); the second - face-to-face qualifying rounds at regional venues; the third - full-time qualifying rounds at regional venues. There is also a remote qualifying round (using the Internet), it is held on the site

According to the regulations on the Olympiad, you can participate in any qualifying rounds - the best performance is taken into account. No more than 45% of the participants of the qualifying stage go to the final stage of the Olympiad. The final stage takes place in person in Moscow and the regions according to an agreed schedule in February-March. No more than 25% of the participants of the final stage can become winners and prize-winners of the Olympiad.

Engineering Olympiad for schoolchildren

National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI", Russian University of Transport (MIIT), Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University. R.E. Alekseeva, Samara National Research University named after Academician S.P. Koroleva, St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University "LETI" them. V.I. Ulyanova (Lenina), Belgorod State Technological University named after V.I. V.G. Shukhov, Volga State Technological University (Volgatech), Vladimir State University are holding an Engineering Olympiad for schoolchildren. The Olympiad is held in accordance with the "Procedure for holding Olympiads for schoolchildren", approved by the Russian Ministry of Education and Science. In the 2018-2019 academic year, the Engineering Olympiad for School Students is included in the List of School Olympiads of the Russian Council of School Olympiads (Level 2): ​​its winners and prize-winners will receive significant benefits when entering Russian universities. The partner of the Olympiad is Rosenergoatom Concern JSC. The final rounds of the Olympiad are held in all cities where nuclear power plants are located. The results of the Engineering Olympiad for schoolchildren are taken into account when forming the target enrollment in Russian universities that provide training in the interests of the Rosenergoatom Concern.

The Olympiad is held for schoolchildren of grades 9-11 in physics. The tasks of the Olympiad include elements of applied mechanics and mechanical engineering, technical thermodynamics, electrical engineering, electronics, and nuclear technologies. Assignments do not go beyond the school physics course, but have a pronounced engineering character. The task includes evaluation tasks, as well as tasks that consider the principles of operation of certain engineering systems (like “how does it work?” or “physics in technology”).

The Olympiad is held in two stages - qualifying and final. The qualifying stage of the Olympiad is held in two forms: in full-time - simultaneously at the sites of all the organizing universities for single tasks (October 14, 2018); as well as remotely, using the Internet - on the website (November 1, 2018 - December 31, 2018).

Winners and prize-winners of the qualifying stage are allowed to the final stage of the Olympiad, which can be up to 45% of the participants in the qualifying stage. You can go to the final round of the Olympiad according to the results of any qualifying round. The number of participation in the qualifying rounds is not limited. The final stage of the Olympiad is held in full-time at the same time at the sites of all the hosting universities and regional sites according to the same tasks.

The winners and prize-winners of the Olympiad are determined by the results of the final stage of the Olympiad. The winners and prize-winners of the Olympiad can be no more than 45% of the number of participants in the final stage.

To participate in the "Engineering Olympiad for schoolchildren" at the site of NRNU MEPhI or regional sites organized by NRNU MEPhI, you must first register on the website (for those who have already registered to participate in the Olympiad "Rosatom" or Engineering Olympiad for schoolchildren of previous years, new registration is not required.You must print the registration card from your personal account on the website and bring it with you to the Olympiad).
Information regarding the venues for the Engineering Olympiad for schoolchildren organized by other organizing universities can be found on the websites of the organizing universities. The dates of the remote qualifying round are published on the website

The schedule of the final rounds at regional venues will be published after February 1, 2019. Information regarding the venues for the Engineering Olympiad for schoolchildren organized by other organizing universities (MGUPS MIIT, St. Petersburg Electrotechnical University "LETI", Samara University, NNSTU named after R.E. Alekseev) can be found on the websites of the organizing universities.

All-Russian competition of scientific works of schoolchildren "Junior

All-Russian competition of scientific works of schoolchildren "Junior" - an Olympiad with a research component - consisting of a subject Olympiad in the direction of the competition and the defense of a scientific project in the profile of the competition section for schoolchildren of grades 9-11. In the 2018-2019 academic year, the "Junior" competition will be held in two areas - "Engineering Sciences" and "Natural Sciences", which include six sections: for the "Engineering Sciences" block - "Physics and Astronomy", "Mathematics", "Robotics" and "Informatics"; for the block "Natural Sciences" - "Biology and Ecology" and "Chemistry".

In 2019, the Junior Competition in the two indicated areas is included in the draft List of School Olympiads (level 3). The winners and prize-winners of the competition in the direction of "Engineering Sciences" will be able to receive benefits in mathematics, physics, computer science when entering universities for those areas of study where there are entrance tests in these subjects.

The schedule of the Junior competition in the 2018-2019 academic year involves registration and submission of project abstracts on the website from November 15, 2018 to January 1, 2019. The final of the Junior competition will take place approximately on February 1-2, 2019 in Moscow, at the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI. The announcement of the results of the competition and the acceptance of appeals is scheduled for February 3, 2019 (Moscow, NRNU MEPhI).

United Interuniversity Mathematical Olympiad (mathematics)

Since 2009, OMMO has been included in the List of Olympiads of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and its diplomas can be officially taken into account when applying to universities (orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 267 of 04/04/2014 and No. 1563 of 12/10/2014). In the List of Olympiads for 2018-2019 academic year(Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 32n of 08/28/2018, No. 47n of 10/16/2018) OMMO-2019 has a second level.

The first round will be held in absentia from the end of December until January 27 (Internet registration will open at the same time). The face-to-face tour will take place on February 3, 2019. The final list of OMMO-2019 venues will be available in January.

Moscow Preprofessional Olympiad (technological direction)

The Olympiad is held in three directions: engineering and design, technological and scientific and technological and includes two stages, qualifying and final. Students in grades 8-11 can participate in the Olympiad. Prize-winners and winners of the Moscow Pre-Professional Olympiad receive 10 additional points upon admission to MEPhI!

The qualifying stage is open and remote. Each participant must complete tasks in such subjects as physics, computer science, chemistry and biology. This stage is common to all areas. Participants who correctly completed the tasks of the qualifying stage can take part in the final stage.
The qualifying round will be held from 1 to 25 December 2018.

The final stage takes place in three rounds. Zero - team solution of design (case) tasks, this tour is remote.

The first and second rounds are full-time, and include both team and individual problem solving. The tasks of the final stage are different for all directions. The face-to-face part of the final stage will be held on March 23-24 for the engineering and design direction, March 24 - for the scientific and technological direction and March 30 - for the technological direction.

Preparation for the olympiads, organizational issues

Preparation for the Olympiads is carried out by their participants independently, on the basis of teaching aids and tasks of previous years available on the site in the section "Preparation for the Olympiad" the mentioned tasks are posted, as well as video lessons with an analysis of tasks from previous years in mathematics and physics.

Applicants and their parents are allowed to participate in NRNU MEPhI events only upon presentation of a passport. For children under 14, an original birth certificate is required.

Additional information can be obtained on the website, as well as on the RSOS website.

To prepare for the Olympiads, you can use a number of reference materials, video lectures and options from previous years.

Similar materials for Engineering Olympiad can be found and .

In 2018, MEPhI received more than 200 winners and prize-winners of Olympiads. This figure has been growing for several years in a row.

More detailed information available upon request, please send inquiries to: