With you, give your real name. "Battle of psychics": Swami Dashi. Practice in Russia and participation in the show

The psychic hides his real name, preferring to be called a pseudonym. According to unconfirmed information, the psychic's name is Peter. Birthday - 22 August. He himself is from the northern capital of Russia.

Swami is a title characteristic of the teachings in neo-Hinduism. It denotes a person liberated from the senses. So it is already possible to draw a conclusion with what forces the psychic works. Also, Swami sounds like “with you”, which encourages people to work with this clairvoyant.

Swami Dashi is an interesting and controversial figure. Swami is known for quite actively conducting all kinds of seminars, and not only in Russia, which are aimed at uniting the soul, thinking, spirit and body.

Working in the system Spirit-Soul-Body - Swami Dashi always emphasizes the importance of balance Between Physical, mental and spiritual activities that complement each other. Basing his knowledge on stimulating the vertical flow of energy through three main aspects: breathing-movement-sound - he makes it possible to return the true feeling of your body, release suppressed emotions, open the blocks associated with them and remove them on the physical, mental and energy planes.

In the first episode of the 17th season of "Battles", he gave a massage to the winner of the ninth season - Natalya Banteeva. Almost immediately I determined what kind of car the person was in the trunk of. But the actress Samburskaya, who played the role of Miss X, was pissed off, because he said about her internal connection with her father (Nastasya did not want to hear about him - her father was imprisoned when she was only five years old) and that she was on souls of children lined up in heaven, and she must fulfill her main destiny - to become a mother. The actress strongly disagreed with this.

Swami Dashi - The man in the trunk. Video

Almost from the first release of the “Battle of Psychics Season 17”, fans of the project recorded Swami Dashi as a leader, predicting him at least reaching the final, and possibly winning the show.

Real name Swami Dashi- Pyotr Smirnov. He was born in Kazakhstan, spent a considerable part of his life (about 20 years) in India, in Pune, in the Osho ashram, until recently he lived in St. Season 17. By nationality, Peter is a Slav. Religion - Sufi Islam.

Swami Dashi- this is not part of a pseudonym, but something like an honorary title. They are awarded to people who have the skill of yoga, and this title is translated as “free from feelings” or “self-controlled”. He received it in India more than 20 years ago. Upon returning home, Swami Dashi continued his development, began to delve into the spiritual and philosophical teachings of the Western world, completely changed his worldview, and as a result managed to create his own personal practice, combining the approaches of Western and Eastern culture - yoga, Osho's bodily pulsations and general body massage. Now he conducts author's trainings and seminars in different cities of Russia.

Dashi is widely known among people who are interested in spiritual practices. He spends a lot of time in the gym, combining different techniques and sports areas in your work. As a trainer, teacher, and alternative medicine specialist, he has a reputation for excellence.

As known from biographies of Swami Dasha, he does not use the methods of work that are traditional for most of the participants in the mystical project itself. Many call him a yogi, and this is partly true - the accumulated Indian yogis knowledge is really included in the mix of teachings and spiritual practices, which are preferred by psychic Swami Dashi. However, calling him a psychic is also somewhat erroneous - he does not practice magic and does not use the prompts of spirits. All his successes are the result of personal spiritual self-improvement with the help of special practices.

Personal life of psychic Swami Dasha

In his youth, Pyotr Smirnov tried himself in traditional sports - he was engaged in pole vaulting. According to media reports, Swami's wife is a 36-year-old master of sports in rhythmic gymnastics Irina Nogina-Chernyshova. She is a practicing fitness and Pilates trainer and her husband's administrator. Married to her psychic Swami Dashi two sons and a daughter were born. All of them live in St. Petersburg.

Swami Dasha has a large number of tattoos on his body and arms, and it must be said that the drawings are quite impressive in size. Moreover, the main theme of the images is animals. Wolves flaunt on Dasha’s chest, and on her hands you can see a snake and bird wings.

How old Peter is not exactly known (approximately 53 years old), he hides his age. Only the date of birth is known exactly - August 22.

Swami Dashi on the project "Battle of Psychics", season 17

Swami Dashi is one of the most mysterious participants in the 17th season of the Battle of Psychics. He does not advertise his real name and personal life. On the project "Battle of Psychics" by Swami Dashi remembered for his extraordinary behavior during the test. Successful passing of tests and some non-standard participant of the Battle of psychics became the reason for the rapid popularity Swami Dashi. The practices that he prefers have nothing to do with what fans of the mystical project itself have already become accustomed to - communication with the spirits of the dead and other creatures, rituals and ceremonies. Peter received his gift while traveling the world in search of knowledge.

Generally, Swami Dashi is one of the most unusual participants in the Battle of Psychics project. Despite the fact that there are no powerful witches and sorcerers in his family, and the knowledge that helps a yogi pass tests has little to do with magic in its classical sense, Dashi has every chance of taking first place in the 17th season of the Battle of Psychics.

Although Swami Dashi himself does not consider himself a psychic in the direct sense of the word, he is sure that the experience that has been accumulated over more than 20 years of activity is quite applicable in the framework of the television show "The Battle of Psychics". Therefore, the man went to the casting of this project in the studio of the TNT channel, successfully passed all the qualifying tests and is now considered one of the favorites of the television program.

Practice, methodology and experience of Swami Dasha

Swami Dashi- master of oriental practices, student of Osho. Connects Western and Eastern approaches to changing consciousness through meditation and body-oriented practices. Uses in his practices yoga skills, meditation skills, massage and bodily pulsations of Osho. It helps people find the strength and courage to see themselves as real and change a lot in their lives. Swami Dashi works in the Spirit-Soul-Body system and always emphasizes the importance of balance between physical, mental and spiritual activities that complement each other. Dashi opened several Meditation Centers of his own name, he has his own website darshi.ru - "Meditation Center". Conducts meditations, lectures, master classes, trainings and seminars in different countries of the world. Despite all this, he remains a man of mystery.

Peter specializes in working with the body. He mainly conducts seminars, master classes and lectures on development inner world man and the control of his body. The main place of work is St. Petersburg and Moscow.

If we talk about the practices that the favorite of the seventeenth Battle of Psychics prefers, then we are talking about alternative medicine of the East, yoga, various meditative practices, Osho, Sufi circles and dhikrs, Tibetan pulsations, Zen and Dzazen, as well as the techniques of Lapin, Gurdjieff and Reich.

Based on the stimulation of the vertical flow of energy through three main aspects: breathing - movement - sound , it gives you the opportunity to return the true feeling of your body, release repressed emotions, open the blocks associated with them, and remove them on the physical, mental and energy planes. In addition, there are many reviews from patients who managed to test Dasha's therapeutic massage techniques in practice.

Conducting meditations, lectures, master classes, trainings and seminars in different countries of the world - Swami Dashi meets interesting people and finds new systems and methods for working on himself and passing them through himself, brings this experience into group classes and individual sessions for Seekers of people.

home Swami Dasha method- read information from human body, since it, unlike human thoughts, is not capable of deceiving.

Swami Dashi is a Russian master of oriental practices, who became a favorite, and then the 17th season of the television reality show "The Battle of Psychics" on the TNT channel.

This man is the most secretive of the participants in this program. Very little is known about the biography of the psychic. As Swami Dashi writes on the official website, the medium deliberately does not disclose information about himself.

According to the official forum of the fan club "Battles of Psychics", the name of Swami Dasha is Peter Smirnov. The medium was born on August 22 in St. Petersburg, but spent a considerable part of his life (about 20 years) in India, in Pune, in the Osho ashram.

For some time, the young man was fond of sports - pole vaulting, but he did not achieve visible success. After leaving for India, Swami studied spiritual practices and the local culture of body work, reaching knowledge in Neo-Sufism, and was initiated into the Naqshbandi order.

At the same time, during the period when Swami Dashi was gaining popularity as a participant in the "Battle of Psychics", a number of other theories appeared on the Internet and in the media about the name and details of the psychic's biography. Moreover, everyone who shared such information claimed that they knew the psychic personally.

extrasensory perception

Upon returning home, Swami Dashi continued his development, began to delve into the spiritual and philosophical teachings of the Western world, and greatly changed his worldview. As a result, he managed to create his own personal practice, combining the approaches of Western and Eastern culture - yoga, Osho body pulsations and body massage. Today, the man conducts author's trainings and seminars in different cities of Russia.

The psychic leads group seminars and individual sessions. In these classes, Swami Dashi does not confine himself to rituals or predictions, but forces those who have applied to work independently and work on themselves. Classes include meditation and breathing techniques, as well as bioenergetic practices. The medium believes that it is impossible to change life by a wave of a magic wand, and the main thing that a spiritual mentor can do is to teach how to change and help in this.

The psychic registers for these classes on the official website, and warns clients that he conducts classes only in person and does not charge advance fees for individual sessions, and other offers are fraud and fraud.

You can remotely receive psychic advice only through the books of Swami Dashi. The Eastern practitioner published the work "Rebirth", and also draws up calendars with advice.

Although Swami Dashi himself does not consider himself a psychic in the direct sense of the word, the esoteric practitioner expressed confidence that the experience that has accumulated over more than 20 years of activity is also applicable in the television show "Battle of Psychics". Therefore, the man went to the casting of this project in the studio of the TNT channel, successfully passed the qualifying tests and became the main favorite of the television program.

"The fight of extrasensories"

In the first test, the psychic surprised the viewers. The task for the participants of the "Battle" was to find among pregnant women the one whose child is from a man whom the TV presenter introduced to psychics. The main difficulty of the test was that among the pregnant women there was one dummy, with a dummy instead of the stomach. This dummy did not deceive Swami Dashi, who unmistakably determined the right woman. In addition, the spiritual practitioner learned that the said man and woman already had a daughter who had died, and even gave the date of birth and death of the girl.

In the following trials, Swami Dashi continued to confidently demonstrate his gift and regularly became the leader at the end of each competition. Psychics went to Obninsk, where a young girl was brutally murdered. The practitioner was able to describe in detail the weapon of the crime. After that, the psychic invited the mother of the deceased to talk with the spirit of her daughter and in the conversation described such details of the girl's life that no one could know except the victim herself and her relatives.

The next test - finding a way out of the building in which the snipers are hiding, Swami Dashi also went the best of all. The man began the task very warily, but one of the techniques practiced by the psychic allowed the man to sense where the armed men were hiding. As the medium moved toward the exit, he also told viewers a series of details from the life of every sniper he passed, not only professional information such as his place of work, but also details of his personal life.

Showed Swami Dashi and the ability to see what is inside the sealed envelope. The psychic accurately described the features of the deceased girl in the photo, and also contacted her spirit, told the details of death and gave out a list of people who should be asked about what happened.

It is not surprising that the very first white envelope - a sign of the victory of one of the stages - went to Swami Dasha. Subsequently, the name of the psychic more than once ended up in a white envelope, however, once he had to share the victory with. Naturally, the Eastern practitioner reached the finals, where more than 700 thousand viewers voted for Swami Dashi. This ensured the psychic victory in the 17th season of the "Battle".

The popularity gained after the victory in the battle of psychics attracted the attention of skeptics to Swami Dashi, so the psychic more than once became the hero of exposure videos. However, Internet exposure does not prevent the psychic from continuing to conduct receptions and be popular with viewers and clients.

Personal life

Little is known about Swami Dasha's family either. Pyotr Smirnov is married and has children, but the man himself does not confirm this information and once again emphasizes that he deliberately does not let the public into his private life.

According to media reports, Swami's wife is the master of sports in rhythmic gymnastics Irina Nogina-Chernyshova. The couple has two sons and a daughter.

Swami Dashi maintains a fairly popular account in " Instagram”, which is signed by more than 250 thousand people. But on the page of the psychic, only photos of himself or abstract pictures and posters are posted, there are no photos of relatives in the medium's account.

Swami Dasha has a large number of tattoos on his body and arms, and it must be said that the drawings are quite impressive in size. Moreover, the main theme of the images is animals. Wolves flaunt on Dasha’s chest, and on her hands you can see a snake and bird wings.

Swami Dashi now

In 2018, Swami Dashi, who gained popularity after participating in the Battle of Psychics, joined another show about people with supernatural abilities - Psychics Are Investigating, which by that time had already changed its name to Psychics. The Battle of the Strongest” and focused only on the finalists of the “Battle of Psychics”.

Swami Dashi participated in the investigation tragic event in Khanty-Mansiysk, when eight teenagers burned down in a bathhouse, as well as other strange events.


  • 2016 - "Battle of psychics"
  • 2018 - "Battle of the strongest"
  • 2018 - "Psychic Diary"

    Swami Dashi is a well-known master of oriental practices who uses both yoga skills and meditation skills, as well as Osho's massage and bodily pulsations to change a person's consciousness. These are practices that are entirely aimed at improving the body. Swami Dashi opened several Meditation Centers of his own name, regularly conducts his traveling Seminars and the Internet is literally littered with laudatory reviews about this unique person. And at the same time, a very mysterious person. It is not known how old Swami Dasha is, who he is by nationality, where he came from on this planet. We can only say with certainty that a person is unique.

    To sign up for individual lesson You can visit Swami on the website of his Center.

    Swami Dashi (Peter Smirnov), participated in the 17th season of the battle of psychics and won. According to information, possibly from the official page of Peter Smirnov, he is married. Swami Dashi was born on August 22, 1960 (which is confirmed by entering Swami Dashi and choosing the age from 56 to 56 years old in the Vkontakte search bar), is fond of yoga, non-traditional Eastern medicine, meditation and various wellness techniques. He is an active folk healer.

    Swami Dashi is a relatively new media face. But to say that he was not known to anyone before the Battle of Psychics (he will take part in the 17th season) is to sin against the truth.

    Swami Dashi has been a spiritual practitioner for over 20 years. His path includes personal physical improvement. But not only personal. In certain circles, he is known as guruquot ;, conducting various trainings, seminars. This is his life and work.

    They, these classes, are quite expensive, so probably not everyone can get into them. The areas of activity for spiritual and physical improvement are very different, a mix of different practices.

    There are examples of his master classes on the net. You can also listen to reviews here. But even from the video you can understand what is the meaning of Swami Dashi's methods.

    Judging by the information available, as well as received from the reviews, he is about 50 years old.

    He came to the first classes himself in an Armani jacket and with a gold chain on his chest, with two guardsquot ;. During the introduction to this philosophy has changed.

    His real name is not advertised, he could not be found on the network. As well as nationality, but, apparently, he is a Slav. Russian speech is pure, without dialectical admixtures. They write that he comes from St. Petersburg, it is quite possible.

    Quite a lot of information in the official group. Here you can learn about Dasha's own projects and those where he is a participant.

    Swami Dashi is a participant in the 17th season of the Battle of Psychics, who has one of the highest chances of winning this year. This is a fairly well-known person in esoteric circles, who is also an athlete and practices yoga, massotherapy and other methods of spiritual and physical development.

    In the world, his name is Peter Smirnov, he comes from Kazakhstan. Although the biography of Swami Dasha was not published by him directly, some facts from his life are known from messages on his official website forum, where he shared information with other participants in the conversations. Also, you can get bits of knowledge about him from Dasha's instagram. But his real age is a secret. He himself wrote a few years ago about preparations for his sixtieth birthday. However, according to him appearance it is extremely difficult to give him so many years, however, all people who really take care of their bodies look younger than their years.

    By religion, Dashi is a Sufi Muslim, however, he does not deny the huge influence of other religions and cultures on people's lives, believing that in fact, all people worship the same god, just in its different manifestations and regarding their understanding.

    Dasha is Russian by nationality, it is also known about his family that his son is also an athlete and even participated in the Beijing Olympics as part of the Russian national team. athletics. His grandmother was also fond of sports, and in his youth, Swami Dashi himself was very successful in pole vaulting. And his wife Irina Nogina is now also a fitness, yoga and Pilates trainer. Dashi was born in Kazakhstan, in the family of an academician.

    It is also interesting that this is one of the few participants in the Battle of Psychics, whose talents were known to a wide range of people long before the appearance of the program itself. Dasha has been teaching people and helping them for more than twenty years.

    Information about Swami Dasha, one might say, is hidden. None of the sources mentions who he is by nationality, how old he is. It is only known that he is a practicing yogi: he heals with massages, dances dervish dances and generally behaves very strangely.

    I got into the 17th season of the Battle of psychics, during the tests I received minute of fame giving a massage to the winner of one of the seasons, Natalya Banteeva.

    The trunk passed the test with ease and was included in the list of participants. Now the whole country will be watching this strange man and his abilities.

    He is from St. Petersburg, owns many meditation centers and leads a healthy lifestyle.

    As expected, Swami Dasha's personal life did not remain a secret for long. In the modern world, it is generally difficult to hide anything, especially if there are those who are very interested in unearthing the hidden, secret facts of the biography of such a person as Swami Dashi.

    It became known who is the wife of Swami Dasha. This is Irina Nogina, a former master of sports in rhythmic gymnastics, who now works as a Pilates trainer, that is, she does what she loves. Irina Nogina also helps her husband, Swami Dasha, who has become famous, or in the world Peter Smirnov, this is the real name of Swami Dasha, and even supervises groups on social networks.

    Irina Nogina is 36 years old and much younger than Swami Dasha, but the couple has at least one common child, and knowing how charming and energetic Dashi can be, we can safely assume that peace and tranquility reign in the family of a psychic. No wonder Dashi diligently protects her family from rumors and gossip.

    This swindler Swami Dashi! The people breed for money and get hooked on endorphins! Crazy aunts do not even fully understand what they are doing! Read about Osho and these practices instead of madly worshiping a new god! And he is not enlightened at all, Enlightened ones do not do this, especially for money! Yes, and in contact on his page it is written about this that he is not enlightened, nor a guru, etc., but simply an instructor. Read, don't deify the person. Psychics are no different from him in terms of energy, the same Marilyn Kerro and her energy is much stronger and cleaner than his!

    Swami Dashi is engaged in Eastern practices, and as you know, they include yoga classes, various meditation practices, as well as Osho's methods for developing consciousness. All this moves the body to recovery, if you do it constantly, that is, alternative medicine methods.

    This person conducts group classes on these topics, there are Internet sites where he can be contacted for training.

    Swami Dashi will take part in the new season of the Battle of Psychics. There are also reviews of those who studied with him, and you can read it here. This name is considered spiritual by him, but it is not known from his passport, he this moment about 50 years.

    We should get to know Swami Dashi more closely in the process of watching the next seventeenth season of the popular Battle of psychics on TNT.

    From Internet sources it became known that Swami adequately cope with the selection tasks and enter the circle of selected participants.

    Swami Dashi is an interesting and controversial figure. Swami is known for actively conducting all kinds of seminars, and not only in Russia, which are aimed at uniting the soul, mind, spirit and body.

    Approximately Swami is about fifty years old.

    Swami from the northern capital of Russia.

    Nothing is known about Swami's nationality.

    Swami Dashi is a participant in the 17th season of the Battle of Psychics. Swami Dashi is a pseudonym, according to some sources his real name is Peter, he was born on August 22 in St. Petersburg.

    He specializes in working with the body, mainly his activities are seminars, lectures on the development of the inner world of a person, he has been practicing for more than 20 years, he works in the northern capital and Moscow.

    I think that this whole project Battle of psychics solid setup, fake, well-staged performance, good game actors, but no more! Too many blundersquot ;, too many obvious lies from season to season. The last straw in the formation of this opinion was the fact that the actor playing the role of a psychic named PAKHOM appeared in our Russian cinema, although his biography was presented in this SHOW not at all as an actor

    Swami Dashi is a participant in the 17th season of the show Battle of psychicsquot ;. He, in fact, can hardly be called a magician, sorcerer or sorcerer. It combines a combination of Eastern and Western practices aimed at understanding one's body, spirit, and soul.

    Swami Dashi a highly promoted character who is already practicing his meditation seminars throughout the country (I am sure that after advertising at the Battle of Psychics he will become even more in demand).

Swami Dashi (real name - Peter Smirnov). Born August 22, 1967 in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg). Russian psychic, master of oriental practices. Winner of the show "Battle of Psychics Season 17".

Peter Smirnov, who became widely known as Swami Dashi, was born on August 22, 1967 in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg).

In his youth he went in for sports - athletics.

For about 20 years he lived in India (in Pune, in the Osho ashram), where he studied spiritual practices, gaining knowledge in Neo-Sufism, was initiated into the Nakshbandi order.

Swami (Sanskrit: स्वामी) is a title often used in Hinduism, the word means a person freed from the senses.

According to Swami Dashi, he combines Western and Eastern approaches to changing consciousness through meditation and body-oriented practices, uses yoga skills, meditation skills, massage and Osho's bodily pulsations in his practices. His method is work in the Spirit-Soul-Body system. The magician noted the importance of a balance between physical, mental and spiritual activities that complement each other and give a synergistic effect.

Swami Dashi opened several Meditation Centers. He gives lectures, conducts master classes, trainings and seminars in different cities of Russia and other countries. Classes include meditation and breathing techniques, as well as bioenergetic practices.

Wrote the book "Rebirth", makes calendars.

He became widely known in 2016 when he became a member of the show "Battle of Psychics Season 17" on the TNT channel.

In the first episode of the program, he gave a massage to the winner of the ninth season of the mystical project, Natalya Banteeva. Swami almost immediately identified the person in the trunk of which car. He also angered the actress (acted as Miss X) by talking about her internal connection with her father (which she does not want to hear about - her father was imprisoned when she was only five years old). In addition, Swami Dashi stated that the souls of children lined up for Samburskaya in heaven and she must fulfill her main destiny - to become a mother.

In the second issue, six girls appeared before Swami Dashi, and the psychic had to determine which of them was pregnant from young man. Swami Dashi confidently began the test and immediately realized that one of the girls was not pregnant. After that, Swami Dashi managed to look into the fate of the main character, who after that was in tears.

An interesting test was during a trip to Obninsk, where the relatives of the murdered girl Masha Odd were waiting for the psychics. Swami Dashi did not pick up the murder weapon, but at the same time he was able to describe it in detail. The psychic suggested that the mother of the deceased Maria get in touch with her. Then he told amazing things about which no one could know. He was also able to describe the girl and find the place where the body of Odd Mary was found. Swami Dashi stated that the girl was killed by a sick maniac who had been tracking Maria for several days.

Swami Dashi became the first psychic to receive a white envelope in the 17th season.

Swami Dashi in the show "Battle of Psychics Season 17"

In the third issue, Swami Dashi very cautiously began to search for a way out of the building with snipers. Thanks to his special technology, the psychic could sense where the snipers were hiding. He managed to bypass each of them and even tell personal information about each military man. For example, where he served and also capture a bit of privacy. The observers were in complete shock, no one expected such a result from this most difficult test.

Four reached the final of the show "Battle of Psychics Season 17": Swami Dashi, Nadezhda Shevchenko and. Swami Dashi became the winner - 720,761 viewers voted for him (at that time a record in the entire history of the project). And he received the coveted "Blue Hand".

In February 2018, he participated in the seventh season of the show Psychics. The battle of the strongest. Together with other psychics, Swami investigated the mysterious cases that viewers come to the program with. In particular, Swami Dashi, together with Alexander Sheps, tried to uncover the mystery of the mysterious death of eight teenagers in Khanty-Mansiysk, who were burned alive in a bathhouse.

In February 2019, he became a participant in the next season of the show Psychics. The battle of the strongest. In one of the broadcasts of the show, he conducted a real exorcism session, which gave the entire film crew goosebumps.

Growth of Swami Dasha: 182 centimeters.

Personal life of Swami Dasha:

From his first marriage, he has a son, Roman, born in 1984. Roman Smirnov is a well-known track and field athlete, he was a member of the 2008 Russian Olympic team. Married to Ekaterina Smirnova.

The current wife of Swami Dasha is Irina Nogina (born 1980), a stretching and Pilates coach, a master of sports in rhythmic gymnastics and a champion of Moscow and Russia among students in sports aerobics. Irina told about herself: “Studying various directions in due time, such as: “Healing Impulse” breathing exercises Strelnikova, callanetics, isotone, bodyflex, oxysize - testing them on myself, I successfully use these techniques partially or completely for individual work with people and build the most optimal course of classes and try to teach my students the exercises that they can effectively and safely perform on your own. My experience in two sports as a high-class athlete, as a coach, higher pedagogical education in conjunction with a three-month internship and subsequent many years of work in best club Moscow, constant independent practice and study of new current trends in the direction healthy lifestyle life is the key to your successful training.”

Irina helps in the development of Swami Dashi's meditation center, and also oversees her husband's official groups on social networks.

The couple has two children together - a son and a daughter. Children adhere proper nutrition and exercise regularly.

Irina Nogina - Swami Dasha's wife

Filmography of Swami Dashi:

2016 - "The Battle of Psychics"
2018 - "Battle of the Strongest"
2018 - "Psychic Diary"
2019 - Psychics. Battle of the strongest"