Smertin gave Dynamo Moscow to the Zorya coach, and Golovin gave prizes to the children. Sergei Zubov is a contender for the title of the best coach of the season Not strong enough

AT In recent days, a lot of misunderstandings and controversial issues have arisen around the Kuzbass-UOR football team. We decided to put all the points in this situation and have a direct talk with the head coach of Kuzbass-UOR Sergey Nikolayevich Vasyutin.

There is an opinion that this year somehow it doesn’t work out with football functionaries. Are they really "kicking back", or are the fans escalating?

Fans, as often happens, see the situation in its mirror image, simply not owning the completeness of the information. Taking this opportunity, I would like to apologize to them for our forced absence from the match. Believe me, for all the years of my professional activity this happened for the first time. Unfortunately, this conflict has much more addressees, and it's not so much about the regional football federation, which, alas, did not meet our request to postpone the match with Prokopyevsk Shakhtar. And we applied, asked, and there were objective reasons for that. Literally until May 5, the question of our participation in the Championship of Kuzbass remained open. We were deprived of the opportunity to train on a field of standard sizes, there were no guarantees in holding home matches on central stadium city, although the school Olympic reserve is located in Leninsk-Kuznetsky, defends the sporting honor of this particular city, and plays, first of all, for local fans.

Today, the issue is partially resolved, however, we will have to play and train on a paid basis. It is a pity that for many years of work of the UOR and after all the projects prepared within the walls of the Zarya school in Leninsk, we did not become our own.

Some functionaries found the current name of our team - "Kuzbass-UOR" dissonant. But there is also a rational explanation for this. The task of the UOR is to prepare talented home-grown football players for the main teams in the region. Today we have one customer - the football club "Kuzbass". This club, for the second year in a row, takes on the entire burden of the cost of equipping the team, its participation in competitions, and the payment of scholarships to students of the football department.

Together with the president of the club I.Yu. Lysenko, a multi-year development program was developed with its emphasis on the gradual acquisition of main team own pupils. The results of cooperation were not long in coming. Today, more than a third of our graduates of different years work and play in Kuzbass: Sergey Toporov, Vasily Yanotovsky, Nikolai Nechaev, and eight young players announced this season.

At a recent informal meeting with the fans, the press officer of the club said that we deliberately ignored the trip to Prokopyevsk. What is the reason for the refusal? Isn't that a boycott?

I repeat once again: this is not a boycott, but a forced response to the proposed circumstances. This was the only opportunity to draw the attention of responsible people to our plight. Thanks to everyone who supported us and helps us make the right decisions.

- How do you evaluate the performance of FC Kuzbass at the start of the season?

More than successful. Considering that it was created practically new team. Although, such a start did not become a sensation for me, given the amount of training work done by the players at the training camp. By the way, it turned out that in the first matches the team took maximum points and did not concede into their own nets - the best recipe for the coming self-confidence does not happen. I immediately remember 1992. Back then, we won four games in a row with Zorya from the start, and I managed to convince the young players: why not win the tournament? So we ended up in the First League.

- Will the recent successes of FC Kuzbass somehow affect the game and the mood of your pupils?

Of course. Learning big football is always better on victories. However, no one is immune from defeat. Oddly enough, from them, sometimes, there is also a certain benefit. They contribute to the formation of character, the education of fighting qualities.

- Do your guys have an incentive to get into the team of masters?

For those guys who have already signed their first professional contracts, I think the main priority is getting into the main team in the near future. And for the rest of the students, who today, together with them as part of the Kuzbass-UOR team, will take to the field and share their free and training time together at the football department, a good example will be that the team of masters is a real dream. Everything depends only on you. From my own love for football, diligence and, if you like, self-sacrifice. Fortunately, in our museum, the current generation is reminded of this by a gallery of portraits of the star pupils of the UOR: Alexei Smertin, Sergei Kormiltsev, Sergei Toporov, Vasily Yanotovsky, Sergei Lemeshko, Vladimir Semyonov, Andrei Morev, Evgeny Burdinsky and many other well-known football players far beyond the Kuzbass.

- There are rumors that Alexei Smertin will come to Kuzbass. How are you preparing?

For us, the arrival of Alexei Smertin is always a holiday. Alexey is not only our most stellar graduate, but also an accomplished personality, known on a global scale. The boundaries of the field of his activity are surprising: politics, patronage, participation in the promotion

all-Russian and international sports projects. In addition, he is a very interesting conversationalist. His help to his alma mater is also invaluable. This is the repair of the football department, the solution of many infrastructural issues. And I think that all football fans, not only footballers, will be interested in meeting with him.


Alexey Smerin and Sergey Vasyutin. Photo:

On the eve of Euro 2016, Sergey Vasyutin, the coach who has already prepared the second player for the national team, told about the prospects of Alexander Golovin, about how to train players for national teams in Siberia, about the simple secrets of his methodology for educating future stars, about master classes by Konstantin Beskov, David Kipiani and Pavel Sadyrin.

He will follow the performance of the Russian national team at Euro 2016 especially closely. No less closely than he followed the 2002 World Championships in Korea and Japan, where his pupil Alexei Smertin performed. Today in France, another of his students, 20-year-old Alexander Golovin, will definitely play in the Russian national team.

The senior coach and teacher of the football department of the Olympic Reserve School of Leninsk-Kuznetsky (a small mining town), 58-year-old Sergey Vasyutin, believes that the Russian team can present a sensation and adds: “Otherwise, I didn’t teach Alexander the art of winning well.” This is about Vasyutin Main coach CSKA youth team Alexander Grishin recently said: “He made a football player out of Golovin, not Grishin or Slutsky. This coach should be given a monument.”

To install a monument, not made by hands, in the form of an interview with the teacher of Smertin and Golovin, our correspondent went to Leninsk-Kuznetsky, and it was necessary, literally for a day, missed Golovin.

Immediately after the "golden" match for CSKA in Kazan, Golovin flew to Leninsk, defended with "excellent" thesis to the UOR, brought an armful of gifts to the boys from his native football department, a CSKA T-shirt to the school museum, Vasyutin a fashionable sweatshirt, and cognac, the coach's favorite. Then, according to tradition, he hugged Vasyutin three times - for good luck, spent a day in Kaltan with his parents and flew to Switzerland for training.

Under the six-star Ararat from Golovin, our conversation flowed with an outstanding teacher who, surprisingly, as the head coach of the Leninsk-Kuznetsk Zorya in 1997, inflicted the most painful defeat on CSKA in history, and later prepared a football player for the red and blue, with whose name is associated with the future of the army club.


Sergey Nikolayevich, how many football players have you trained in Siberia for the national teams?

Of those football players with whom I had the honor to work at Zorya and the Olympic Reserve School, Alexey Smertin (Russia), Sergey Kormiltsev (Russia, Ukraine), Andrey Morev and Oleg Musin (both from Kazakhstan), Gennady Tumilovich (Belarus) made their way to the national teams ). And - Alexander Golovin.

What heights have you achieved as a football player?

As a goalkeeper, I have achieved nothing. As a child, he was engaged in the training group at the Kemerovo team "Kuzbass", later he played in the regional championship, but not for long. Too early picked up the coach's whistle.

How many years have you been in coaching?

- “Teacher-organizer at the place of residence” - the first entry in my work book was made in October 1976. It turns out that I have been training for almost 40 years. Although, he created his first yard team in Kemerovo earlier, immediately after graduating from school in 1974, he called it "Zarya" and trained boys on a voluntary basis for two years.

How young football players have gone through Vasyutin's school over the years?

I did not keep statistics, but I think more than 500 people. The interaction of the guys in the team, hard training and matches is an excellent school for the development of a hardened and extraordinary personality. There are excellent journalists, lawyers, doctors, managers and even a priest among those who have gone through the Zarya and UOR schools. I have good relations with many of them.


After 40 years of coaching, can you accurately identify a future star in a young footballer?

I am not a seer. I am a trainer.

What indispensable qualities do you think future football stars have at a young age?

All talented football players whom I had the opportunity to educate had a certain set of qualities: a bright personality, a fanatical love for the game, a monastic attitude to earthly skills, and extraordinary capacity for work.

How old was Aleksandr Golovin when you started working with him?

How old was Alexei Smertin when he came to you in Leninsk-Kuznetsky?

I saw Alexei Smertin and Sergei Kormiltsev in the autumn of 1993 in the home game of the Russian Championship "Zorya" with the Barnaul "Dynamo". We then defeated the Barnaul team - 3:0. Smertin and Kormiltsev suited Zorya in terms of their style of play. Dynamo head coach Stanislav Frantsevich Kaminsky did not object to Kormiltsev's transfer to Zorya, and Alexei Smertin at that time had an invitation to Dynamo Moscow, where his older brother Evgeny played. Two weeks after the conversation with Kaminsky, the Smertins' father, God rest his soul, Gennady Ivanovich Smertin called me: “Why didn't you invite Alexei to Zarya, didn't you like him? Well, if you like it, I’ll take Leshka from Moscow, there’s nothing for him to hang out in the Dynamo team.” A week later, Alexei arrived at Zorya and, like Kormiltsev, signed a three-year contract. At that time, Alexei was 18 years old, and Kormiltsev was almost 20.


What are the strengths of Alexei Smertin and Alexander Golovin, which they had in their youth, junior age.

Creative game thinking, well-placed strike, excellent fighting qualities and excellent speed endurance. Alexey, perhaps, was stronger in the selection than Golovin, but Smertin more often played the role of a “supporter”, and Golovin feels more confident under attackers.

How did they stand out among their peers?

Both are sociable, with non-standard thinking, with leadership inclinations. I have always tried to develop in my students not only football qualities. This is probably why Alexey continues to insatiably develop himself after graduation. sports career. He speaks foreign languages, is fond of literature, music, became interested in marathon running, is engaged in active social and political activities. Alexander, I am sure, is still ahead in this regard.

Is the coach capable of instilling leadership qualities in a young player?

This is a natural gift. But a coach can help develop it. The main thing is that leadership in the team is deserved and benefits the team.


Did Smertin and Golovin sleep with the ball?

Many of my students, even after two training sessions, ran to hone their skills on the sandy playground in the courtyard of our school. I often had to hold them back from this useful play with the ball in the sandbox. Such "gluttony" for football is typical for all players who have achieved something significant in their careers.

When inviting Alexei Smertin, Kormiltsev and Alexander Golovin to Zorya, did you understand that these players would eventually come in handy for the Russian national team?

Of course not. It took a while to level up their game. Smertin and Kormiltsev went through the harsh school of the second league and the first division of Russian football before they ended up in top clubs, and Golovin jumped over two steps of football maturity, having managed to become the winner of the European Youth Championship.

Have you ever trained those who were no less talented than Smertin and Golovin?

There were many. For example, Sergei Lemeshko, whom Konstantin Ivanovich Beskov invited from Zorya to Dynamo Moscow in the early 90s to play the role of the new Yuri Gavrilov. Or Sergei Toporov, who scored more than 100 goals in the first Russian division, or Vladimir Semenov, who liked Dynamo even earlier than Lemeshko. By the way, my pupils Semyonov and Lemeshko played for the youth national team of Russia when Golovin was not yet born. And Sergey Kormiltsev is generally a separate song. He had a fantastic football intellect, his computer in his head calculated game options 5-6 moves ahead. Sometimes it seemed to me that Katya, that was his name in Zorya, even with a blindfold on his eyes, could give out an amazing goal pass. Not all of my students managed to achieve great heights in football, not all of them used their talent in the same way. Being in the right place at the right time and finding your coach in senior football is a matter of luck. I talked with Kormiltsev, Sergey still regrets that he voluntarily left Valery Lobanovsky.


How do you manage to create that fertile environment in which talents grow like tomatoes in a greenhouse?

I try not to satiate the boys with one football, despite the fact that this is their favorite pastime. It must be borne in mind that in a boarding school, or rather in a school, they are cut off from home, parents, and friends. I always tried to occupy their free time from training. What we just didn’t come up with with the guys: we put on concert programs and parodies, which the full assembly hall of our school packed to look at. If the audience knew that the role of, say, Romeo in our playful ballet performance is played by future player Premier League, they would film the "dance" on video. We still hold the Olympics with the boys in 15 sports: the guys are divided into 3-4 teams and the whole academic year compete. Now these traditions have been supplemented by shooting their own humorous films from the life of the football department, where the guys are their own directors, actors, cameramen and screenwriters. Holidays, birthdays of the pupils of the department - we spend together as one big family. I never get tired of repeating: the personality of the player is formed behind the football field.


Renowned swimming coach Gennady Turetsky "flipped" Alexander Popov when he was 19 years old, and turned the "spinist" into a freestyle swimmer. The result of the experiment is known to everyone. Popov became four times Olympic champion. How did you "turn" Alexander Golovin and Alexei Smertin? Maybe they changed their role on the football field?

Such "coups" in football, from goalkeepers to forwards, happen more often in childhood. The roles of Smertin and Golovin have not changed since the moment they came to me. Here, the psychology of football players, especially those with peripheral syndrome, had to be “turned over” much more often, increasing self-esteem and self-confidence. My profile is the treatment of peripheral syndrome. In this regard, theoretical classes in psychology helped me (thanks to the medical institute where I studied for five years). I convinced: we often concede long before the game, experiencing fear of the names and titles of rivals. This is probably why the Zorya players did not experience complexes in front of cool teams. And in adult football, the knees of Zarintsy did not shake, neither in front of Zenit, nor in front of CSKA.

For the players to show their the best qualities, on some it is necessary to yell, others - exclusively to lick. What approach did you find with Alexei Smertin and Alexander Golovin?

Indeed, the “ignition” of all football players is different. Someone from the pre-launch stupor must be brought out with a strong word, for someone, on the contrary, it is enough to whisper something soothingly soothing. Smertin and Golovin are from that “golden mean”, who do not need additional cheating. From the first minutes on the field, they themselves “woke up” the partners who did not wake up and raised the degree of team emotionality.

Discover the secret of training high-class midfielders in the Siberian wilderness, where there are no quality fields, strong sparring, and an abundance of metropolitan football specialists?

I have always adhered to the principle - do not harm, do not suppress a bright individuality, but help it develop and stand out. Naturally, not to the detriment of other players of my team. Together with my pupils, I managed to prove: the established opinion that Siberian football is exclusively strong and straightforward is just a myth. And in the Siberian wilderness, you can train technical football players, successfully instilling in them a love for the combinational style of play. It all depends on the conditions for training, the quality of the selection of young football players and training methods.


Sergey Vasyutin's technique - what are its main principles? One cannot bring up Golovin and Smertin by eye ...

I didn't have a lot of gaming experience, and came up with many things by trial and error, experimenting and analyzing. I learned from others, fortunately in my life I was lucky to meet with outstanding teachers.

Being the head coach of the team of the first Russian league, I had the opportunity to talk with such masters as Konstantin Beskov, David Kipiani, Givi Nodia, Pavel Sadyrin, Yuri Gavrilov.

Such conversations after football with the masters are an excellent school, in my opinion, giving much more practical knowledge than the licensing of current coaches. My method of educating football players is simple.

Its main postulates are: you can't turn training into routine work, you can't demand game discipline without leaving the players the right to football improvisation, you can't tear players away from the ball during training. And, of course, in all the teams with which I had to work, I always started by creating a team of like-minded people, a favorable microclimate.

What kind of football do you instill in your wards?

Combination, technical football, based on the good physical readiness of the players. On cotton legs, feints and combinations do not work.

By chance, you can bring up one player of the national team. When there are more than two, this is a trend. How can you achieve such a result, drawing information about the development trends of world football only from TV and the Internet ...

TV, the Internet, the press - it's not enough. You cover almost all European championships. What about your own experience? Plus communication with colleagues. At the stage of preparation of young football players, this is enough for me.


Your Zorya, which shone in the mid-90s, was labeled the Siberian Spartak. How did it happen?

We tried to play "fun", combinational, attacking football, which was demonstrated by "Spartak" from the time of Beskov. I myself put forward this controversial thesis: Zorya is the Siberian Spartak. Journalists liked it, but it took root among the people after my interview with Soviet Sport in 1994. Zorya broke the stereotypes about the heavyweight Siberian football, our Spartak style of play was liked by the fans, and by its performers themselves. To demonstrate it, Zorya needed a flat field, so often before home matches we specially ironed the lawn with asphalt rollers. In addition, many of the players of that Zorya, which shone in the first league, were rooting for Oleg Romantsev's Spartak.

Why then did the Siberian "Spartak" never delegate a single player to the "Spartak" capital?

Did not work out. In 1994, our best scorer Sergei Toporov was invited to Spartak from Zorya. Vyacheslav Grozny, Oleg Romantsev's assistant, approached me with a proposal. Toporov for "Dawn" was our everything, as in his time for the Kemerovo "Kuzbass" top scorer First Allied League Vitaly Razdaev. Coaching egoism leaped up in me, which I now regret. Toporov should have been given a chance. In general, his transition to Spartak did not take place. I hope Sergey does not hold a grudge against me. Now he is a coach himself with a license, we maintain friendly relations with him.

Another great Zorya player, defender Oleg Musin, went through all the pre-season training camps with Spartak in 1998, even played for the Moscow club in the Commonwealth Cup, but something did not grow together in the price for his transfer.


In the first league, you defeated Zenit St. Petersburg, and 19 years ago your Zorya knocked out CSKA from the Russian Cup. What was the focus of those sensations?

In those years, Zorya practically did not lose at home. Many well-known Russian clubs in Leninsk-Kuznetsk lost points. In 1994, we beat Zenit twice. At home - 3:2, moreover, Sergei Kormiltsev scored twice in that match, and in St. Petersburg - 1:0. And next season we again defeated Sadyrin's team at home - 2:0, Sergey Toporov scored two goals.

Once again, fate brought me together with Pavel Sadyrin again on April 16, 1997, then he was already in charge of CSKA. On that day in Moscow at the Dynamo stadium, Zorya knocked out the army team from 1/8 of the Russian Cup. The main and extra time of the team played to zero, and we won on penalties - 8:7. Tumilovich worked miracles in a frame. And the trick was simple - "Zorya" defeated the giants due to the outrageous mood, the Siberian character and the combination game ...

Did you communicate with Sadyrin after the matches?

After the game with Zenit in Leninsk, I invited Pavel Fedorovich to a restaurant. We talked until almost morning. He was very upset by the letter of 14 refuseniks, many of whom did not go to the 1994 World Cup, and by his excommunication from the Russian team. Sadyrin talked a lot about himself, he was pleasantly surprised by the performance of Zorya, by the fact that an original team could appear in a small mining town. He also spoke with enthusiasm about his country dacha, recalled how he saved a drowning boy on the lake, invited me to go fishing. At the table, he behaved very simply and sincerely. It seemed to me that we had known each other for a long time.

When Zorya knocked CSKA out of the Russian Cup, did you talk to Sadyrin?

No. The army team was upset, and "Dawn" was waiting for a festive banquet in one of the capital's restaurants.


What did Konstantin Beskov teach you?

Later, Sergey Lemeshko told me that in Dynamo, the analysis of each match from Beskov could last for three hours.

And our Zorya played against Dynamo twice. The first time was in 1991, when we were still hopeless outsiders of the second league. According to the agreement on the transfer of our midfielder Vladimir Semenov to Dynamo, the Moscow club in full force came to Leninsk-Kuznetsky for a friendly match. That meeting, on October 7, was held at a crowded stadium and ended in a fighting draw - 2:2. Semyonov and Yevgeny Burdinsky scored for us, Andrey Kobelev scored twice from the penalty spot for Dynamo.


What did David Kipiani teach you?

I have been rooting for Dinamo Tbilisi since childhood. I was very impressed by this technical southern team, and David Kipiani was my idol. In 1996, Zorya held its first foreign training camp in Antalya. In a friendly game we beat "Uralan" - 3:0, and two days later we met with "Dynamo" Tbilisi, whose head coach was David Kipiani. The first half was played 2-2, and in the second half I made nine substitutions. As a result - 6:2 - in favor of the Georgian team. You should have seen how emotionally after the match Kipiani reprimanded me: “Why did you remove the main team, how could you, you broke such a game?! His team was preparing for the Commonwealth Cup, and according to Kipiani, Zorya's combination game was the best way for Dynamo to prepare for the meeting with Spartak Moscow. And just imagine, Kipiani is indignant, and at that moment the Dynamo administrator runs up to him with a phone. On the phone, Kipiani learns about the birth of his grandson and in an instant a smile shone on his face. In the evening I was invited to a friendly party. Since then, I still use many of the touching Georgian toasts I heard from David Kipiani.

For example.

I remember David Davidovich proposed a circular toast. Everyone filled their glasses. They toasted each other. The main condition of the toastmaster is that the toasts should not be repeated. After the first round, Kipiani summed up: “Now wonderful words have been said at this table, and if one of you, my dears, didn’t like someone’s toast, let him not drink to the bottom.”


Did you communicate with Leonid Slutsky? You have a lot in common - in addition to the experience of working with Alexander Golovin. Two goalkeepers who did not become professional players both started their coaching careers in the Russian outback...

Leonid Slutsky, by the way, is the same age as many of the players from the Zorya that defeated CSKA in 1997. It would be interesting for me to talk to him, especially considering that he started his career as a children's coach. By the way, Beskov, without hesitation, enthusiastically told me about how he worked with children. Such communication helps the coach to understand how the “golden” legs of young football players grow, how to prepare the boys so that these legs still grow.

"LENINSK IS NOT hard labor, but a MECCA"

Doesn’t it upset you that, having brought up a whole galaxy of talents, you, like the “Barber of Siberia”, continue to work in the hard labor of Russian football - in Leninsk-Kuznetsky? At one time, you were the head coach in such teams of masters as Zorya, Kuzbass (Kemerovo), Irtysh (Omsk), Olympic (Novosibirsk). Did fate not give you a single chance to work with Premier League teams?

Leninsk is not a hard labor of Russian football, but for many it is a football Mecca and alma mater. I am grateful to fate for giving me so many events and impressions related to this city.

Why are you still not a well-deserved coach of Russia? The famous football player Alexander Grishin, the coach of the youth team of CSKA, said in the press that you need to erect a monument during your lifetime for the training of Golovin alone ...

This title could be issued on the sports results of Alexei Smertin, and a number of my other students who played in the Russian Premier League. I didn’t fuss in time, it wasn’t up to it, and there was no zeal. I'm shaking my head on this one.


Leonid Slutsky, his grateful student Roman Adamov, bought an apartment in Volgograd when he signed the first serious contract. Did your students give you royal gifts?

Royal - no. Yes, and there was no need for this - I am a self-sufficient person, but the pupils did not deprive me of attention. At my first call, the Zarintsy fly to Leninsk-Kuznetsky. The last time the whole team gathered in 2011 for the 20th anniversary of Zorya, we played a friendly match. Local fans almost went crazy with happiness when Smertin, Kormiltsev, Toporov, Musin again entered the field together.

In Leninsk-Kuznetsky, you probably live in a palace?

My palace in Leninsk is a two-room apartment - 46 square meters, and the salary is not Moscow.

Has Smertin been calling you for a long time?

Alexey is a very busy person and I try not to disturb him unnecessarily. But every time I contact, I get support. He was one of the main organizers of the anniversary of "Dawn".

Relations with Alexander Golovin are easier. Every time he comes to our school, he does not miss the opportunity to train with his comrades. We correspond with Sanya in social networks. Before the friendly match with the French, he happily told me that he would be in the starting lineup, and I jokingly versed his birthday in Odnoklassniki.


You educate players to a certain level, they leave, and you train new ones... What is the meaning and joy of such work?

In my youth, I very painfully perceived parting with pupils. But then I learned to be proud of their subsequent achievements, successes in life. Every time, saying goodbye, I thought: that's it, it was the last of the Mohicans, I will not meet such a bright player again. But new boys came, and fate gave new stars. You know, over time, the process of nurturing talent from zero to star level began to seem more interesting and exciting to me than working as a professional coach with ready-made football players. That's my thrill, I'll never get tired of it.

Are there still football nuggets left in Siberia, or have you already prepared everyone for 10 years ahead?

Of course, talented guys in the Siberian outback have not died out. But it has become more problematic to search for them and put them on their feet. The number of competitions held among children has decreased, Siberian football players can only dream of training camps on the Black Sea, the number of sparring sessions with peers from other regions has sharply decreased. See how famously they disappear from the football map of Siberia football cities. For example, we do not have a single team of masters left in Kuzbass - Kemerovo Kuzbass, Novokuznetsk Metallurg lost their professional status. And "Zarya" went out.

Sergey Nikolaevich, are you a happy person?

It is hard to say. There were different periods in my life, but in general I am satisfied, and it is unlikely that I began to change anything in it. I hope I still have time to do a lot. Much to see.


What would you like to see?

I hope I will see that Alexander Golovin, like Alexei Smertin in his time, will lift the cup of the champion of the English Premier League over his head. And Sanya's dad, Sergei Vladimirovich Golovin, as usual after each match, will call me and say: No, Nikolaich, tell me, didn't you see it? And our son is an eagle!
God did not give me his children, my pupils are like their own children.

If only injuries and troubles bypassed children. At the 50th minute of the match Russia - Serbia, Sanya began to limp, and my heart skipped a beat: did he pull the back again. Sasha was replaced, and I have insomnia ...

Ahead of Russia is the first game at the Euro with England, of course, the game on the "second floor" is not Sanin's strong point. But he always fought for riding balls and did not hide his head under his armpit. Siberian character. School "Dawn".

Sanya has no fear of the Euro, the stronger the opponent, the more reckless he is. It is clear that after the injuries of Alan Dzagoev and Igor Denisov, Alexander will have to play more often in the support zone and destroy more than create, but his element is still an attack.

Ruslan KARMANOV, Moscow - Leninsk-Kuznetsky.

In the Siberian mining town of Leninsk-Kuznetsky, a rematch between veterans of the local Zorya and Moscow Dynamo took place. In 1997, these teams have already met in the quarterfinals of the Cup of Russia. Then the Muscovites won - 2:0, and this time they were stronger than the team of 42-year-old Alexei Smertin - 6:5. The parents of 21-year-old CSKA player Alexander Golovin, another student of Zorya founder Sergei Vasyutin, took an active part in the football festival.

At the end of August, the Smertin brothers, Evgeny and Alexei, opened an international children's tournament in Barnaul in memory of their father, Gennady Ivanovich Smertin.

Then, having seen off the guests of honor of this wonderful tournament - Andrei Arshavin and Alexander Karelin, the Smertins got into the car and traveled all night to Leninsk-Kuznetsky (distance 500 km), where the next day they were to take to the field.

The elder brother Evgeny is in the composition of his native Moscow Dynamo, the younger brother Alexei is in the composition of Dawn dear to his heart. And this is not the most intricate route in his youth.

For example, one of the well-known veterans of Zorya, Yevgeny Burdinsky, generally got to the match in Leninsk from the Black Sea in a “truck” and nothing happened.

Well-known Dynamo veterans Andrei Smetanin, Alexander Kulchiy, Alexei Kutsenko, Sergei Nekrasov, Sergei Grishin, Maxim Romashchenko, Eric Yakhimovich, Sergei Shtanyuk flew from Moscow to Siberia by plane…

“Because such important matches should not be missed,” 48-year-old Evgeny Smertin told KV. - Veterans need to meet more often on the field, and not just at funerals, where, unfortunately, we have been frequent guests lately. Recently, the great Dynamo players Viktor Tsarev and Valery Maslov passed away. Meeting veterans on the football field is an opportunity to help a friend. After all, some of us have problems with work, with health. These problems are easier to solve together with the team that has become your family. We couldn't help coming to this match in Leninsk-Kuznetsky. For Alexei Smertin, Zarya is a huge part of his soul. Brother initiated this match 20 years later

and timed to coincide with the anniversary of the founder of "Dawn" - Sergei Nikolaevich Vasyutin. His Zorya is a phenomenon of our football, it is not for nothing that this team was called the Siberian Spartak. Zarintsy won official matches between Zenit and CSKA. Everyone knows that Vasyutin took an active part in the football development of not only Alexei Smertin, Sergey Kormiltsev, but also many other original players, including the current leader of CSKA, Alexander Golovin, - Evgeny Smertin reminded me of the story of Zorya.

On this day, another significant meeting took place in Leninsk. During the break of the new match "Dawn" - "Dynamo" Alexei Smertin met the parents of Alexander Golovin.

Together they presented awards to the winners children's tournament international tournament Big stars shine on small ones. Prizes for young football players were purchased by Russian national team player Alexander Golovin, but he could not break out of the tournament from Moscow. The next he was to enter the field in the CSKA-Akhmat match.

At the awards ceremony in Leninsk-Kuznetsky, "Zarynets" Smertin replaced "Zarynets" Golovin. But, of course, no one will replace the son of Alexander's parents, who are looking forward to visiting him.

The last time Golovin came to Siberia after the Confederations Cup, he spent three days with his friends on the shore of a picturesque lake in the Altai Mountains, where it is absolutely impossible to get through.

Alexander's parents regret that with the departure of their eldest son to foreign club he will have less and less opportunities for recreation in Siberia.

The mother of the football player Svetlana Ignatievna told KV that Alexander had already come to terms with the fact that he would play abroad.

- Sasha understands that, by and large, he has not achieved anything in football yet. I remember he won gold medals in the Russian national team at the European Championship. My father and I rushed to congratulate him, and he answered: nothing special, but if I got into the team of masters, it would be significant. We communicate with our son every day. At the beginning of the summer, we discussed with him the possibility of playing for a foreign club. I didn’t even want to hear about it: my husband and I had been waiting for the birth of our first child for 13 years, five years ago he left for Moscow, and now he will also have to go abroad. What is it, the son is getting farther away from me. But still I had to put up with it. A person must grow professionally. The head coach of CSKA, 40-year-old Viktor Goncharenko, convinced his son that professional growth is possible only in competition with the strongest players peace. And Alexander resigned himself to football path abroad. Sasha likes the English championship, - Svetlana Ignatievna shared her sore feelings.

According to my mother, for Alexander, visits to Siberia - essential element psychological recovery.

- Alexander has been living in Moscow for five years. I am grateful to the Zorya coach Sergei Vasyutin, with whom Sasha studied at the Leninsk-Kuznetsky UOR. Sasha could not get used to life in the metropolis for a long time and was eager to go home. Vasyutin personally called in Moscow the then head of the selection department of CSKA, Anton Evmenov, and explained that it was important for a Siberian to recharge himself with positive emotions in his small Motherland, to which he was very attached. Evmenov began to let his son go to Siberia more often, and made it possible to complete the UOR in Leninsk-Kuznetsky.

Golovin's parents categorically do not plan to change Siberia for Moscow. - What are you, what kind of Moscow? - the father of the football player Sergei Vladimirovich Golovin was sincerely surprised at the question of changing the residence permit. “My wife and I won’t be able to live there, too Big city. Therefore, the eldest son could not take root in the capital for a long time, in Moscow a person does not have such unity with nature as in Siberia. Sasha was not even two years old, as we began to take him on hikes. The Chumysh River, a tent, fishing, hunting, mushrooms and berries... Moving to Moscow with my wife is out of the question.

Meanwhile, the rematch between Zorya and Dynamo, which gathered 6,000 spectators in the stands, was nearing completion, but not the rematch of Zorya. Veterans of the capital club once again proved that their skills are higher than those of their opponents. New victory for Dynamo — 6:5.

True, four goals against Zorya were scored by a young veteran, Eric Korchagin, who is not yet 39 years old. But the hosts did not file protests on this score, only in the most playful form. The score in the matches of veterans is the tenth thing. I did not notice upset faces at the banquet in honor of the historic match, but the happiest was his toastmaster - the founding father of Zorya Sergey Vasyutin, who celebrated his 60th birthday in the summer.

Alexei Smertin gave the coach the arrival of the capital's Dynamo and gathered Vasyutin's dear students for one friendly.

- Like my father - Gennady Ivanovich Smertin, Sergey Nikolayevich Vasyutin - a football fanatic. He created a team of craftsmen in Leninsk from scratch, because he believed in it and made his students believe. At first, the team of young football players did not play very well among adults, but new young guys came, like wagons clung to the “locomotive” Vasyutin. As a result, our Zarya train traveled through many famous Russian clubs. In my opinion, the match with Dynamo became the peak of Zorya, and I am glad that 20 years later we were able to organize a rematch to please our mentor Vasyutin and football fans Leninsk-Kuznetsky. My toast to football fanatics, friends,” Alexei Smertin raised his glass at the banquet.

It's a pity that the famous Zarintsy - Vadim Bazhenov, Sergei Lemeshko, Sergei Vinogradov - will never reinforce the legends of Zorya. Siberian football stars who did not live up to 45 years old ... They drank for them without clinking glasses.

Moscow – Leninsk-Kuznetsky



LEONID SLUTSKY, former head coach of the Russian national team

- I know everything about the career of the Siberian coach Sergei Nikolaevich Vasyutin, I have been following her since the time of Smertin and Kormiltsev's performances at Zorya. My friend and fellow countryman, defender of that Zorya, Sergey Vinogradov, told me a lot about Vasyutin's innovative coaching methods. Let Sergey Nikolaevich continue to be creative with ideas, which has always been his distinctive ability. Give this wonderful coach a huge thank you for what he has done for Russian football.


Zarya (Leninsk-Kuznetsky) - Dynamo (Moscow) - 0:2 (0:1).

Leninsk-Kuznetsky. Shakhtar Stadium. It's clear. 17 degrees. 11000 spectators.

Judges: T. Bezubyak, E. Shushpanov, A. Rumyantsev (all from St. Petersburg).

Zorya: Tumilovich (k), Momotov, Epurash (Dzutsev, 46), Musin, Yanotovsky, Smertin, Kuksov (Yarkin, 46), Dzyubenko, Kirillov, Petrinsky, Toporov (Eflov, 80).

Dynamo: Smetanin (k), Yakhimovich, Kovtun, Ostrovsky (Kulchiy, 54), Shtanyuk, Kobelev, Grishin, Skokov (Tochilin, 62), Gusev (Kutsenko, 59), Nekrasov, Terekhin.

Goals: Kobelev (18), Kulchy (70).

Warnings: Kuksov (5, group game), Kovtun (12, group game), Shtanyuk (37, group game), Kirillov (68, group game), Tumilovich (76, non-disc. pov.), Yakhimovich ( 86, gr. game), Kutsenko (89, gr. game).


Zorya - Dynamo - 5:6 (1:3)

Goals: Bogochev (2), Lyange, Artyukhin, Burdinsky - Korchagin (4), Kutsenko, Romashchenko.

"Dawn": Morev, Kutilin, Musin, Serbin, Alexei Smertin, Bogachev, Bogatyrev, Burdinsky, Toporov, Soenko, Artyukhin, Yarkin, Lyange, Eflov, Ozhigov, Kuksov.

Dynamo: Smetanin, Yakhimovich, Golovskoy, Kulchiy, Dolbonosov, Romashchenko, Novgorodov, E. Smertin, Korchagin, Kutsenko, Yashin, Shtanyuk, Nekrasov.

Judges: Lapkin (Kemerovo), Nadymov (Novokuznetsk), Skoropupov (Leninsk-Kuznetsky).

In Leninsk-Kuznetsky, at the Shakhtar stadium, a match of the Kuzbass football championship between the teams Zarya-SUEK and UOR was to take place. The derby with the participation of two Leninsk-Kuznetsk teams in recent years has become a tasty dish for local football fans who actively fill the stands of the Shakhtar stadium: on the one hand, the legendary Zorya under the wing of SUEK, on ​​the other, the young team of football talents of the Olympic Reserve School under under the leadership of Sergei Vasyutin, the most famous Kuzbass football coach in Russia. Alas, this match did not take place. Like there won't be anymore this season matches of the Zarya-SUEK team within the framework of the Kuzbass championship. The management of the club decided not to finish the regional championship. A disappointed fan, standing in front of an empty podium, leaves the stadium without salty slurping.

Football club"Dawn" under the leadership of Sergei Vasyutin thundered in the mid-90s. The team did not recognize authorities, winning one bright victory after another. occupied high places in the first league and made the representatives of the major leagues respect themselves, not each of whom was able to take his feet off the glorious Leninsk-Kuznetsk team, which was even nicknamed the Siberian Spartak.
It is Zorya that owns the highest achievement for Kuzbass clubs - reaching the quarterfinals of the Russian Cup in 1997, where Sergey Vasyutin's wards got after winning a furious duel against the capital's CSKA.

Much has changed since then. Having survived the difficult zero, Kuzbass football, one by one, lost all its representatives in the professional second division. Nevertheless, Zorya continued to perform consistently at the regional level, where it was one of the leading and certainly the most stable football club. The team regularly became the winner of the Kuzbass championship, reached the final of the Kuzbass Cup six times, and most importantly, gathered the most impressive army of fans in the region in the stands of their native stadium.

In 2010, the financing of the Zorya club was completely transferred to SUEK. The team was merged with the SUEK-Kuzbass football team and acquired a corresponding addition to its name. For the next few years, this alliance continued to justify itself. The team included local players on the field. Including those of them who really went out onto the field from the mine, being the favorites of the fans. In 2014, Zarya-SUEK even became the champion of Kuzbass, ahead of Prokopyevsk's Shakhtar, which has long focused on inviting players from other cities and even regions who have experience playing at a professional level.

Last season, Zare-SUEK failed to repeat this success, and this spring the team unexpectedly finds itself among the participants in the commercial Football League Kemerovo region. This tournament has no official status, and its participants are recent participants in the minor league of the Kuzbass championship.

Having refused the services of a number of home-grown players, the management of Zarya-SUEK invited experienced football players from Kemerovo to the team, obviously with the goal of certainly winning these competitions.

However, the ambitions of the people responsible for the Zarya-SUEK team are their choice and their right. If not for one "but".

Already in the course of the season, it became clear that the funds allocated by SUEK were only enough for commercial league competitions, and participation in the official Kuzbass championship suddenly became an exorbitant burden for Zarya-SUEK. Generous bonuses paid to invited "legionnaires" in commercial matches became the reason that the team simply had no funds left to participate in the calendar matches of the Kuzbass championship.

As a result, Zarya-SUEK somehow completed the first round of the Kuzbass championship, in the matches of which the team included mostly reservists and very young players who were ready to play without bonuses. The result of all this was a devastating defeat 1:5 from Prokopyevsk Shakhtar in the Kuzbass Cup and 0:6 from the young team of Leninsk-Kuznetsk UOR in the regional championship. The team flew out of the Cup, and in the championship she dropped to fourth place, which was unusual for herself.

At the same time, in the competitions of the commercial Football League, Zarya-SUEK is doing well, both in terms of the tournament position and in terms of funding.

A paradoxical situation has arisen. The legal entity Football Club Zarya actually exists only on paper, while all the reins of government, primarily financial, of the Zarya-SUEK team are in the hands of the structures responsible for football at SUEK.

They say that in mid-July, the head of the Leninsk-Kuznetsk urban district, Vyacheslav Telegin, turned to the general director of OAO SUEK-Kuzbass, Evgeny Yutyaev, with a request to allocate additional funding necessary for the participation of the Zarya-SUEK team in the Kuzbass championship.

Judging by the fact that the situation has not changed one iota, one can only guess what fate befell this letter. It is possible that it remained buried in the corridors of SUEK, without reaching its final destination. Or it reached, but was unsubscribed to the direct executors, thereby, who, at the beginning of this year, actually took Zarya-SUEK from the Kuzbass championship to commercial competitions.

Or it may be that the top management is simply not aware of where and how the main football team of Leninsk-Kuznetsky plays.

On July 31, Zarya-SUEK did not come to the away match of the regional championship in Yurga. The team ceased its participation in the Kuzbass Championship, and this moment remains completely unclear what the future holds for it.

Who and how will revive the legendary "Dawn"? And most importantly, when?

Over the past few years, our region has lost all three pillars of its football history. From the Kemerovo "Kuzbass" remained only women's team. Novokuznetsk "Metallurg" acquired multimillion-dollar debts, went bankrupt and actually ceased to exist. Now it may well be the turn of the Leninsk-Kuznetsk Zorya to take their place in this gloomy football cemetery.

Already now from the team, in fact, there was only her glorious name. And if measures are not taken immediately to save Leninsk-Kuznetsk football, then the Zarya brand can only remain on the pages of football directories.

Sergey Vasyutin, founder and head coach of FC Zarya until 2007:

As a team of masters, the pupils of the football department of the Leninsk-Kuznetsk Olympic Reserve School started in 1990, however, then called Shakhtar. And since 1992, we have regained our original Zarya brand, under which we previously competed in the regional championship and other zonal competitions. Since the creation of the team and until now, there has not been such a case that we left the official championship. But times were much more difficult. I don’t remember a single season that Zorya didn’t participate in the official championship under the auspices of the Russian Football Union. The name "Dawn" has always been and remains well-known not only in our region. "Dawn" with its star players is still the hallmark of all Kuzbass football.

And now the current management of the club removes the team from the championship of the region, and continues to compete in commercial competitions. How can you, having taken the Zarya brand, dispose of it so lightly? It's a huge responsibility. Before the fans, before the history of the club, before former footballers club. Famous football players such as Smertin, Kormiltsev and Toporov. How can you treat the name "Dawn" like that? Who will take responsibility for such a decision?

In vain, people responsible for football at SUEK, investing in city football, are not interested in what competitions it will be represented in. All self-respecting cities compete in the regional championship, held under the auspices of the RFU, and now Zorya is not in it. Instead, the team plays in a commercial tournament. For some reason, SUEK did not have the money for the official championship. Or the choice was made for them?

On even if it is. I do not believe that it is impossible to find a sum small but sufficient to play in the regional championship. I admit that the current players of the Zarya-SUEK team have too big requests in terms of bonuses, daily allowances and other other conditions, but in the current difficult financial situation it would be possible to finish the game with young Leninsk-Kuznetsk guys. Hungry for football, eager to play in the Kuzbass championship.

You can always find the necessary amount, sufficient to keep football in the official championship. The city has everything you need for this: a stadium, a field, transport, traditions, fans. It seems that the true state of affairs is simply not brought to the attention of the top city leadership. And all you had to do was get together. Everyone sit down at the table, discuss the situation and find a way out. A team with such a name and a glorious past simply does not have the right to be forgotten in official football circles.

Evgeny Artemov, CEO of FC Zarya:

The most annoying thing is that all these troubles are taking place against the backdrop of strengthening the material base of Leninsk-Kuznetsk sports. The RFU and the Football Federation of the Kemerovo Region have built an ideal football field at the Shakhtar stadium. A sports and recreation complex, an ice sports palace were built in the city. All conditions for training and training of athletes have been created. Regional and city authorities are doing everything necessary for the development of sports.
We have excellent coaches: Sergei Vasyutin is the best coach in Russia for discovering young talents and bringing them to adult football. There is Yuri Ten, who won the regional championship. There is Igor Velichkin, who won many victories in the amateur championship of Russia. There are excellent football players, both experienced and young, including those in the football department of the Olympic Reserve School. But all this exists in a state of "swan, cancer and pike", when everyone pulls in their own direction, but there is no result.

I see one way out. In order to play at a decent level, the team needs to be in good shape throughout the season. This tone can only be given to the team by participation in the Russian football championship among amateurs with full pre-season training. To do this, in Leninsk-Kuznetsky, it is necessary to move from the current format of “swan, cancer and pike” to the general state. It's time to put aside personal ambitions, get together and think. We need a single strong team, which will be able to play both in the championship of Russia and in the regional championship.

And what happened this season leaves no prospects for the Leninsk-Kuznetsk football in the future. Therefore, we must unite our efforts and move forward. And the source of funding for Leninsk-Kuznetsk football all the years was the same - these are coal companies.

Irina Smirnova, Head of the Department for Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism of the Leninsk-Kuznetsk City District:

I feel a great sense of nostalgia for those glorious times when our Zarya was a pride not only for Leninsk-Kuznetsky, but for the entire Kuzbass. When the team brought joy to the fans and achieved success at the highest level. Yes, these are difficult times. However, the current situation will be a turning point in order to make every possible effort to save our football.

SUEK provides invaluable assistance and support to the development of sports both in the city and in the region. All life support resources of the Zarya-SUEK team are in its hands. Without her help, our football in the current conditions will not be able to exist. And now everyone involved in the Zarya-SUEK team needs to assess the situation and set all priorities correctly in the direction of the team's participation in official competitions.