The history of the soccer ball. The history of the creation of a soccer ball

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The history of the soccer ball

Football balls in ancient times According to historical references and legends, early balls were made from human heads wrapped in animal skin or the bladders of pigs and cows.

The oldest ball that the Stirling Smith Museum in Scotland holds the oldest ball (among those found, of course). He is over 450 years old. It is believed that this ball belonged to the Scottish Queen Mary. The chamber of the ancient ball is made of a pig's bladder. The top of the chamber is covered with stitched pieces of deerskin.

Balls stuffed with papyrus On Egyptian soil, archaeologists have found a large number of balls stuffed with papyrus, palm wood and covered with leather or fabric

Volcanic rubber soccer balls Charles Goodyear patented vulcanized rubber in 1836 and designed the first rubber soccer ball in 1855. It is still kept in the National Football Hall of Fame, which is located in Oneonta (New York, USA).

Balls with a rubber bladder In 1900, even stronger rubber bladders were developed). The uninflated chamber was inserted into a previously prepared incision. They left a hole for the subsequent inflation of the ball using a special tube. After that, I had to lace up the cover.

Ball of the correct form There was a gasket between the camera and the outer cover. The sphere has become more durable, and the shape of the structure has become more correct. But the skin was still often torn due to the poor quality of the leather coverings.

Mass production of soccer balls began thanks to orders from the English Football League (founded in 1888). Miter and Thomlinson's of Glasgow were the first companies to master ball production at the time.

The first orange balls In 1951, a solid white ball was replaced by a projectile with wide colored stripes. They helped the spectators to more confidently navigate the events on the field and follow the ball. The first orange balls also appeared in the 50s. They were designed to help viewers see the sphere during heavy snowfall.

Buckminster Ball The shape of the Buckminster ball is a series of hexagons and pentagons that fit together to give the ball a rounded shape.

Modern ball The modern ball consists of 20 hexagons and 12 pentagons. Together they form a sphere close to perfection. The black pentagons helped the players feel more subtle any deviations during the flight of the ball.

What ball to play? 1930 Argentina-Uruguay

First Official Soccer Ball The first "official" soccer ball was the Adidas "Telstar" at the 1970 World Cup in Mexico.

The official ball of 2012 "Tango 12" - this is the name of the official ball of Euro 2012. It is made taking into account all modern requirements and wishes of athletes. Now he is being tested by the German Bayern and the Italian Milan.

History of Football

Do you know where football came from? The history of the "kick ball" has many centuries. AT various games with a ball, similar to football, they played in the countries of the Ancient East, in the Antique world, in France (“pa soup”), in Italy (“calcio”) and in England.

Chinese girls play football According to available data, this world-famous game was born in ancient China about two thousand years ago (at different times it was called differently: zu-nu, zhu-ke, tsu-ju).

Ancient Greece and Rome Ancient Greece and Rome, ball games were part of the educational process and physical education men and women.

Ancient Greek amphora Ball game in various manifestations was popular as early as the 4th century BC. BC e., as evidenced by the image of a young man juggling a ball on an ancient Greek amphora, stored in a museum in Athens.

Football in Europe Playing the ball in 1 in. n. e. became famous in the British Isles

Modern Football Once upon a time, football was a tough game with almost no rules. Trampling, beating and maiming each other was common among players on rival teams. Today, football is a sport game, with clearly defined rules governing all aspects of the competition.

Draw The match begins with a draw, as a result of which one of the teams can choose a gate (after the break, the teams change gates).

Modern football match Football matches are played between two teams. The number of players of each team is not more than eleven, including the goalkeeper, but not less than seven. The winner of the game is the one of the teams that, at the end of the main match, will score the largest number of goals against the opponent.

football cups

The history of the development of the ball History does not know either the exact place or time of the appearance of the ball and ball games, only one thing is known that the ball originated in ancient times and has undergone many changes over its history. At first it was made from stones, clay, weaved from grass, palm leaves, made from the fruits of trees, animal hair, and carved from wood. Then they learned to sew balls from animal skin, stuffing them with grass and sawdust. Balls and ball-like objects are found by archaeologists all over the world. Found in ancient Egyptian tombs, a ball made of leather and stuffed with straw was used by children of the pharaohs to have fun. The ancient Greeks stuffed balls made of leather with moss and feathers, while the Romans stuffed the seeds of the fruits of various plants. In Russia, balls were woven from birch, linden or willow bark, and among the common people, balls were most often made from rags. Once, 2 thousand years ago, this happened in Rome. The gymnastics teacher, his name was Atzius, was passing by a butcher's shop and noticed a large bull bubble. Inflated with air and tied with a rope, it hung over the front door for beauty. The wind ruffled the bubble and hit it against the wall, and it bounced off. At this point it dawned on Atzius. He bought a bubble, brought it home and sheathed it with leather, the result was a ball - light and bouncy. That was the opening! Many years later, in America, the first rubber ball appeared. Local Indians learned how to make it from resin, which was extracted from cuts in the bark of trees. Such a ball was called "cauchu" (from the words "kao" - a tree, "o-chu - cry"). This ball was very durable and bouncy. The rubber (rubber) ball was the first European to see the famous traveler Christopher Columbus and was the first to bring it to Europe. The rubber ball quickly rolled around the world. Since then, people have come up with many, many more different balls. Different nations not only loved to play with the ball, but also respected the ball. For example, in ancient Greece, it was considered the most perfect object, since it looked like the sun, which means (according to the Greeks) it had magical powers. As time went on, the balls changed, and the materials from which the balls were made also changed. Now each sports game matches your ball.

The history of the development of the ball and sports with the ball 1. The first balls were made of stone, clay and grass. 2. Then the balls were made of wood, animal skin and stuffed with straw, moss and seeds. 3. The Romans stuffed balls with the seeds of the fruits of various plants. 4. In Russia, balls were woven from birch and willow bark. 5. The Romans were the first to inflate balls with air. 6. The first rubber (rubber) ball appeared in America. 7. The first person who came up with the idea of ​​covering a bull's bladder with leather was the Roman teacher Atzius. 8. The traveler Christopher Columbus was the first to bring a rubber (rubber) ball from America to Europe. 9. Rugby is played with an oval ball. 10. The birthplace of football is England. 11. The birthplace of basketball is America. 12. The birthplace of handball is Denmark. 13. The game of football on motorcycles is called motoball. 14. Basketball - "basket" - basket, "ball" - ball.

Try to guess the crossword? Crossword 1. What country is the birthplace of football? 2. What is the name of the sport in which the ball is thrown into the basket? 3. What people invented to inflate balls with air? 4. What country is the birthplace of (rubber) balls? 5. What is the name of the sport in which they play with an oval ball? 6. Who was the first to bring a rubber ball from America to Europe? 7. Name the sport in which they play only with their feet? 8. Who first came up with the idea of ​​covering a bull bladder with leather?

The key participant in any football match - the ball - has a long history of development and evolution. The first rubber balls began to be made starting in the twentieth century. Until that time, a variety of rounded objects became the object of similar functionality. According to anthropological studies, both human skulls and pig bladders, inflated to a conditionally spherical shape, were used. The ball went through a series of transformations and finally reached the modern look familiar to every football fan.

The origins and prototype of the soccer ball

The first ball games were in demand among the Chinese a few centuries before our era. A piece of leather, which was stuffed with down and wool, had to be hammered into a net stretched between two bamboo sticks. The ancient Romans used sand for filling. For the Aztecs, it was a stone wrapped in several layers of rubberized material. Ancient ancestors respected: they, as a rule, had a ritual meaning. The ball itself was given a sacred character. Only men could touch it. Of course, there was no question of a child playing ball.

Much later, a variant that was truly close to the modern soccer ball arose. It appeared in 1836 when rubber was patented. It should be noted that by that time football did not have general developed rules and norms. They only appeared in 1863, when the English Football Association met to work out these rules. There were no common standards for the ball then. They appeared almost ten years later. According to them, the ball in the game can be an object that has the shape of a sphere. The material should be leather or another suitable option. There are restrictions on the circumference. It should be between 68 and 70 centimeters. The regulation also defines the weight of the dry ball before play and the pressure in the sphere. Since that time, the standards have remained unchanged. Only the allowable weight of the ball has changed: not 13-15 ounces, as before, but .

Optimization and search for the best solutions in the creation of the ball

Gradually, companies appeared in which the streaming production of soccer balls began. They were sewn from leather, retained and, according to the assurances of firms, an unchanged shape. Balls, depending on the wear resistance of the skin, were divided into two types. High-quality and more expensive ones were made from stronger leather. On cheap balls, it quickly fell into disrepair, it was necessary to change such balls very often.
Already in 1900, rubber chambers appeared. From above they were covered with rough skin. The technology of pumping air forced to leave a cut in the coating - a tube was inserted there through which air was supplied. Then the coating was laced up, and in this form the ball went into play. There were many shortcomings: the shape of the ball was not ideal due to lacing, and the skin quickly swelled when it rained. Playing with a heavy ball became much more difficult and dangerous - it's like playing football with a stone.
As time went on, the design of the ball evolved: a gasket appeared between the outer and inner layers, which added strength, the colors and the number of leather stripes changed. In place of the laces that fasten the sphere, a canvas of synthetic patches has come. Six- and pentagons, combined with each other, gave almost perfect shape. In the end, synthetic materials completely replaced genuine leather, allowing the ball to be rid of a significant drawback - moisture absorption. The polyurethane foam gave the ball agility and speed, while making it completely waterproof.

soccer balls now

Today you can easily find soccer balls different sizes with more than 1000 designs: from the classic black and white color to corporate design with logos of sports companies, banks and even. Dimensions allow you to choose the best option for players different ages. In addition, so-called "official balls" appeared. Not a single major football competition for several decades has been complete without a ball specially designed for it. Modern balls football is a separate niche with its own trends, breakthroughs and bright finds. There are entire guides on how to choose correct option. Before being released into production, the ball is tested in harsh conditions, tested for strength, resistance to impact and adverse weather conditions.


Archeology" href="/text/category/arheologiya/" rel="bookmark">archaeologists find it all over the world. The variety of ball games and exercises among different peoples is striking.

In ancient Greece, Rome and Egypt, the ball was not only loved, but also ... respected. For example, in ancient Greece, it was considered the most perfect object, since it looked like the sun, which means, according to the Greeks, it had its magical power. The Greeks sewed balls out of leather and stuffed them with some elastic material, such as moss or bird feathers. And later they guessed to inflate the ball with air. Such a ball was called "follis". Small follices were used for hand games, and balls large sizes played games like football.

AT ancient india(2 - 3 thousand BC), an important role in uniting the entire community was played by the game "kathi-tsendu" (with a ball and a bat), which became the progenitor of field hockey.

A ball found in ancient Egyptian tombs (3500 BC) made of leather and stuffed with straw was used for fun. In Egyptian football, each of the two teams played on the side of their gods. And victories were won not for the sake of their glory, but in the name of the gods. At the same time, a ball made of wood was driven into the goal with curved sticks. There were balls in Egypt made of leather, tree bark. A ball made of fragile sandstone could only be carefully thrown to each other - it could break from hitting the ground.

Common, exercises and ball games were in ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. The balls were sewn from leather, which were filled with wool, feathers, grains of figs. Exercises with the ball were prescribed by the "doctors" and they had to be performed in a certain sequence.

Among the North American Indians, the ball was not a toy, but a sacred object, personifying the Sun, Moon and Earth." align="left" width="248" height="186">

Do you think humanity invented the ball game these days? You are wrong. Historians have proven that our distant ancestors loved to drive some round thing in their free time - be it blocks or even a human skull.

In the Middle Ages, people inflated pig bladders. These inflated bubbles were fragile, short-lived and burst from strong blows. Over time, people thought of covering these bubbles with skin to give it durability.

In Scotland, the museum houses the oldest ball. He is over 450 years old. It is believed that this ball belonged to the Scottish Queen Mary. His chamber is made of pig's bladder, covered with pieces of deerskin.

The rubber ball "jumped" to Europe from Central America. The local Indians made it from resin, which was extracted from cuts in the bark of trees and called "rubber" (from the words "cao" - a tree and "o-chu" - to cry. This resin is "rubber." The rubber ball caught the eye of Christopher Columbus. The famous navigator was surprised to see that a large and heavy ball bounces so high when it hits the ground.The sailors of Columbus brought the ball to Spain, and the elastic bun quickly rolled all over the civilized world.

But the American Indian game was a ritual act. And far from harmless. The game ended with a sacrifice, and the captain of the losing team was sacrificed.

In 1836, scientist Charles Goodwer invented vulcanized rubber. For 20 years he did not know where to attach his invention, and in 1855, out of desperation, he designed the first soccer ball, which is still kept in the New York Museum.

And another inventor, HJ Lindon, developed one of the first inflatable rubber bladders. The tragedy was that his wife died due to a lung disease. She inflated hundreds and hundreds of pig bladders for sale, and her lungs eventually couldn't take the pressure. Lindon put an end to this harmful practice.

In 1872, an agreement was reached that a soccer ball should be spherical with a circumference of 27-28 inches. This standard has not changed for over 100 years and remains in today's FiF rules." align="left" width="236" height="177 src=">



The ball is an ancient Slavic word. In different Slavic languages ​​it is consonant: in Ukrainian it is a ball and in Belarusian it is also a ball; the Bulgarian mechka means "bread with cheese in the shape of a ball", and the Serbo-Croatian mechka means "soft, crumb of bread."

Linguists believe that the oldest meaning of the word ball, apparently, is "a crumb, a soft ball, an object that can be squeezed, squeezed." Echoes of the ancient sound remained for a long time in the Russian language, in colloquial speech.

The people still hear in conversation - balls, and even earlier there was a "sword".

A historian who studied the royal records of the 17th century can read the following entry: “Swords appeared among the princesses early. In 1627 Aug. 22…".

Unpretentious handballs were ubiquitous. A lump of rags, rags or wool was sheathed (hence the name “shitka”) with a rag without a special pattern. A handball was called “popin-hoy” - and from the action with it in the game with legs: sing-kick, kick.

Ball games were known in ancient Russia. This is evidenced by archaeological finds. During the excavations of Novgorod, Pskov, Moscow and other ancient cities, many leather balls were found in the layers of the 10th-16th centuries. The solid workmanship of these balls suggests that they were made by artisan shoemakers.

Antique balls are made of well-tanned leather, which prevents the product from getting wet. Two circles and a rectangular strip of leather were cut out, equal in length to the circumference of the blanks. One circle was sewn with it, then the second. Through the small hole left, the ball was tightly stuffed with wool or fur.

There were also balls of an unusual cylindrical shape, which, obviously, were rolled during a game like "skating - eggs."

In the villages they also made balls woven from bast or birch bark straps, beautiful and light. Sometimes a lump of clay was braided inside - such a ball “with heaviness” flew further and was suitable for playing with your feet.

Everywhere in Russia, children played with woolen balls. Sheep wool was first rolled up in the hands into a tight ball, then thrown into boiling water and left there for half an hour. The shriveled ball was again rolled in the hands until it became as hard as wood. After drying, an elastic wonderful ball came out, not inferior in jumping ability to a rubber opponent.

Rag balls were also widely used. They were made in different ways.

In the Tula province they made twisted balls. The remnants of colored fabrics or old clothes were torn into strips the width of a “finger” and tightly twisted into a ball. The strips were not tied or sewn, but simply laid one on top of the other when winding. The tip was tucked behind the previous layer of tape. It turned out a hard and bouncy ball-ball.

Children rolled such toys on the floor, sitting opposite each other and spreading their legs. In street games, they tossed the ball up, unwinding it by the tip. The winner was the one who, during the flight of the ball, could unwind the longer tip of the tape.

Multi-colored rag balls made children want to turn them into their favorite toy. Indulging the child, adults began to make balls. They were twisted much tighter and more evenly, achieving a round shape and bouncing ball.

In the Tula region, from the end of the 19th century and in the first half of the 20th century, patchwork balls sewn from 6 multi-colored wedges were popular. They were decorated with buttons, foil, candy wrappers.

Colored rag balls, similar to balls, attracted the child even in the cradle. They were stuffed with rags, sheathed with bright shreds and tied on a rope to a shaky. In the Arkhangelsk region, such fun was called "kruglyapushki", from the word "lyapak", that is, a colored patch." alt="10" align="left" width="335 height=204" height="204">

The traditional "Russian" ball was sewn from 8 identical equilateral triangles. Patchwork triangles were sewn together, stuffed with cotton wool, wool or yarn. Try and please your child with an unusual ball: a “bump” or “rolled wire”, a rag or patchwork ball. Perhaps it will become your child's favorite toy." width="310" height="254">

The ball is a rattle.

A ball hanging over a baby's cradle.

1. "The ball bounces over me - over my chest and over my back"

In this game, we strengthen the ability of children to navigate in own body and in space. We use a ball made of fabric or tennis.

Take your ball in your right hand

Raise it above your head.

And hold it in front of your chest

Slowly bring to the left foot.

Hide behind your back and touch the back of your head,

Change your hand and smile at others.

The ball touches the right shoulder

And will be back for a while.

From the right leg to the left foot,

Yes, on the stomach - I would not get confused.

2. "Sound Chain"

In this game, we activate the dictionary. We throw the ball to the child and call the word, the child returns the ball with the answer word. The final sound of the previous word is the beginning of the next.

For example: spring - bus - elephant - nose ...

3. "Syllable and syllable - and there will be a word"

learning to add a syllable to a word.

We throw the ball to the child and say the first part of the word, the child, returning the ball, pronounces the whole word.

For example: SA - sugar, SA - sleigh ...

4. "I know three animal names"

As an option: colors, names of girls, names of boys).

The child throws the ball up, or hitting it on the ground, says: “I know five names of boys: Sasha, Vanya ...

5. "Catch a small ball

and caress words»

Throwing the ball to the child, we call the word. For example: ball. The child, returning the ball, forms a new word using diminutive suffixes (ball).

book - booklet

key - key

The beetle is a beetle.

6. Ball school.

Forge nails

Hit the ball with your hand on the ground

Raise the ball over your head, release it and catch it on the fly.


Hit the ball against the wall, catch from the rebound from the wall.


toss the ball right hand, catch left.

Hit the ball against the wall, clap your hands, catch the ball.

Hit the ball against the wall, clap your hands on your knees, catch the ball.

With dressing

Hit the ball against the wall, make a movement with your hands, as when putting on a hat, after the second throw “shoe”, etc.

Football is a popular game that has a lot of fans and fans all over the world. To realize the desire to become a football player - amateurs and professionals, acquire a soccer ball. Many people love to play football, of any age, gender, social class or nationality. After all, this game brings together, unites and gives a huge amount of emotions.

This is an important attribute of playing football familiar from childhood. It is not to be confused with any other sport. However, even an avid football fan does not know the answer to the question about the main parameters of this sports equipment: soccer ball size - important point in his choice. For purposes, balls of a certain size are purchased. The weight of the soccer ball is also important. A soccer ball is chosen according to the type of surface on the playing field - grass, soft or hard artificial turf, gravel, asphalt, sand or floor in gym. There are other requirements for a soccer ball. The ideal ball is spherical, elastic, and of the appropriate size and weight.

Excursion into history

At the beginning of the appearance of the game, the bladder of an animal was used to make a soccer ball. However, it could not be used for a long time, because due to the impact on it, such a first soccer ball became unusable. Ball manufacturing technology has undergone significant changes since the discovery of vulcanized rubber, which occurred in 1838. Years later, in 1855, American inventor Charles Goodyear introduced the first rubber ball. It differed from its outdated counterparts in rebound and durability.

Photo 1. A soccer ball consists of black and white pentagons and hexagons so that it can be clearly seen on the grass from the stands.

Seven years later, another inventor - Richard Lindon - created the first rubber inflatable bladder for the ball. Later he managed to develop a pump to the chamber. This invention was noted at the London exhibition with a special award. After the discovery of rubber and the invention of the rubber bladder, it became possible to create technical conditions for the mass production of soccer balls.

With the founding of the Football Association of England, which took place in 1863, a unification of the rules of the game is being created. However, at that time there was no mention of the ball in them. Official standards that specified the mass and size of a soccer ball (1872). Until that time, the weight of the soccer ball and other parameters were agreed by the parties before the start of the match.

Photo 2. Charles Goodyear invented the first rubber ball.

After the creation in 1888 Football League In England, balls began to be mass-produced as the need for them increased. At the beginning of the twentieth century. they became better - a chamber made of durable rubber coped with pressure. The soccer ball had a tire and an inner tube. The tire material is genuine leather. The tire was a panel sewn together in the amount of 18 pieces. There was a nipple under the lacing.

In the 60s of the last century, a synthetic soccer ball was developed. Genuine leather was used in production until the end of the 1980s, after which it was replaced with synthetic materials.

As a rule, the balls were made of leather, which was taken from the rump of cow carcasses; for simpler models, leather from the shoulder blades was used, cheap and less durable. There were plenty of problems with leather balls. When playing in the rain, the ball swelled, the laces protruded, the ball lost its shape. The use of leather for the production of football equipment in mass quantities was costly.

The leader in the production of balls (80%) is Pakistan. And the manufacturers of the city of Sialkot, on the territory of this country, produce 60% of the balls from the world production. Previously, the owners of the plant used child labor in production. At the end of the 2004 European Championship, this topic was raised by journalists. After the intervention of international organizations for the protection of children, the problem was resolved. For the World Cup, which was held in Germany, the balls for the game were presented by manufacturers from Thailand.

Photo 3. The main country of production of soccer balls is Pakistan.

Interesting facts from the history of soccer balls:

  • the matches of the 1970 World Cup, which took place in Mexico, were shown on television. For this, the Telstar soccer ball was developed. It consisted of 32 black and white pieces, as the designers, while developing the product, tried to make the ball visible on the screen;
  • the product Tango Duralast, which was made for the 1978 World Cup in Argentina, consisted of 20 pieces: 12 white circles were located on a black background;
  • At the 1982 World Cup in Spain, the Tango España leather soccer ball was used in last time. Rubber was considered an innovation, which was applied to the seams in order to reduce the absorption of water;
  • At the World Cup in Mexico, in 1986, they played with the Azteca ball, the material of which was polymer materials;
  • The Etrusco Unico ball played in the 1990 World Cup used foam for one layer;
  • Questra - the ball played by the teams at the 1994 World Cup in the United States. Five types of materials were used in its production. The product was subjected to serious testing at that time;
  • The Tricolore, which was played at the 1998 World Cup in France, used synthetic foam to give the ball a soft touch and bounce;
  • At the World Championship in Korea-Japan, in 2002, the Fevernova ball was used, the cut of which consisted of 32 pieces. In addition, it had 3-millimeter layers (11 pcs.), The microcells of which stored energy during the impact and contributed to a stable flight;
  • The 14-piece Teamgeist ball used at the 2006 World Cup in Germany used heat-shrink seams. They provided water resistance and compensated for surface imperfections.

Photo 4. The Telstar professional ball from Adidas participated in the 1974 FIFA World Cup.

Types of soccer balls

Those who believe that the soccer ball is standard and the same for everyone are mistaken. In fact, there is a difference in how it is supposed to be used. Much depends on the place where the game will take place: on grass, lawn or even on asphalt. In accordance with this, the following types of soccer balls are distinguished:

  1. Professional soccer balls - are used for games on all coverings of football grounds. In addition, they are used in any weather. When purchasing them, a quality certificate is provided that this projectile has all the qualities and is suitable for professional games.
  2. Match balls. Durable among all types. They have grip during the game. Used in football competitions.
  3. Balls for training. They have increased strength, water-repellent coating, due to which they are appreciated by fans of street football, they are widespread.
  4. The futsal ball has low bounce and is smaller in diameter than standard balls.

Professional and match balls are made by manufacturers exclusively for playing on lawn surfaces, where matches are held and football competitions. Those who like to drive the ball on asphalt know that manufacturers do not produce special balls for hard surfaces. After all, even the best soccer balls, which are used to play on asphalt or concrete surfaces, wear out and lose their shape.

In addition, soccer balls have a temperature threshold at which they are used for the game. It is -15 degrees. Don't be surprised when a quality ball falls apart before your eyes after being used to play on pavement in the cold.

Photo 5. A futsal ball is characterized by a small bounce and light weight.

Requirements for the ball

FIFA standards table.

FIFA Approved is a mark that indicates that the ball complies with the list of FIFA requirements and confirms its functional and technological characteristics. To receive this mark, the ball meets the requirements:

  • have a circumference of 68.5-69.5 cm. In this case, the diameter is 21.8-22.2 cm;
  • clear roundness - when calculating the difference between a larger and smaller diameter value, its difference from the average value does not exceed 1.3%. In this case, the measurement of the diameter is performed at 16 points, after which the figure of the average value is determined;
  • rebound - when dropping the ball from a 2-meter height, the rebound height is 1.2-1.65 m. An error of no more than 10 cm is allowed.
  • a soccer ball weighs about 420-445g;
  • wetting - a test is carried out in which the ball is placed in a tank of water and, while rotating it, is compressed about 250 times. The amount of water absorbed increases its weight by no more than 10%;
  • pressure in a soccer ball. During the test, the ball is pressurized with 1 bar of air. After 3 days, the ball releases air, the volume of which does not exceed 20%;
  • soccer ball shape and size. A special test is carried out in which a ball is thrown at a speed of 35 miles per hour into a steel surface. Not a single seam should be damaged during testing. At the same time, pressure loss, changes in diameter and sphericity of the ball should be insignificant. The ideal option is the complete absence of such changes.

Balls bearing the "FIFA Approved" logo are played on official football matches. At all that are held under the auspices of FIFA or continental associations. FIFA Approved hallmarked balls undergo an additional test that simulates 2,000 hits of the ball during play on the pitch. A regular soccer ball will have the same characteristics after being hit 2000 times at a speed of 50 km/h against a steel plate.

Photo 6. Testing the ball to maintain its size and shape under impact.

soccer ball device

The scheme of a soccer ball, which is used in professional and amateur football, is simple. It consists of an outer surface, suture material, an inner lining of cotton or polyester, and a latex or butyl bladder.

The outer shell of a soccer ball is made up of 32 pieces of artificial material or genuine leather, of which 20 are hexagons, 12 are pentagons. This design is called a truncated icosahedron: the ball takes the shape of a ball due to air pressure inside. This design was introduced in 1950 by Select (manufacturing country - Denmark).

An innovation in the production of balls was introduced by Adidas: at the World Cup in 2006, the players played Teamgeist, which consists of pieces of an unusual shape, resembling impellers and propellers in appearance. Two years later, at the European Championship, the same company introduced the Europass ball, similar to the Teamgeist, but with a different coating, similar to a lemon peel.

Photo 7. Description of the structure of the professional ball Adidas Tango 12

Polyester thread is used as a suture material for a soccer ball. Some balls are sewn by hand, others use a special machine. In the manufacture of low-quality balls, glue is used, which increases their rigidity and generally affects its performance. Technology such as thermal bonding is used in the production of Roteiro, Teamgeist and Europass balls.

A lot depends on the internal coating of a soccer ball. Thanks to its layers, the shape is aligned, and speed characteristics are improving. Professional balls have at least 4 layers of cotton or polyester, they are combined with each other. In some cases, special foam is added that improves control and cushioning.

The purpose of the ball chamber is to hold air. The latex chamber retains air worse than the butyl one. Futsal foam is designed to withstand the stresses of a hard surface. The valve is lubricated with a special silicon grease - this will help the easy entry of the needle and air retention.

Photo 8. ManualThe second seam on a soccer ball is made with a bent needle.

Air leakage is due to microspores, the ball needs constant pumping. Latex is pumped up once a week, and a butyl ball once a month. In addition to latex and butyl, polyurethane is used to make cameras.

Photo 9. Gala Argentina 2011 - a football shell with a synthetic surface and a butyl chamber.

Design and colors

When choosing a soccer ball, pay attention to the pattern and design features. The product consists of panels, on which its aerodynamics and player comfort depend. The number of panels depends on the intensity of use and other parameters for which the ball model was made.

Among the huge variety of soccer ball designs, the 32-panel one, which was made by SELECT back in 1962, is considered traditional and popular. Great option for playing on any surface, including stadiums and futsals.

The color of a soccer ball used to be exclusively white or brown. After the advent of televisions, they were replaced by white and black colors in the form of white hexagonal and black pentagonal pieces. This classic coloring is usually used. If for the duration of the match weather forecasters predict snowfall, then bright colors are chosen, more often orange.

Until 1954, the color of the ball remained brown, and only at the World Cup in Switzerland was a yellow ball used. This change was positively received by the fans - the bright color of the projectile helped to concentrate on the game.

The pattern applied by the manufacturers is patented. They make replica balls, which are made from inexpensive materials, but in their own way. appearance they are professional. Designed for practicing techniques by amateur football players.

According to the decision made by the FIFA Football Federation, on balls, in official matches and championships, any advertising and logos are prohibited, except for the emblems of the organizers of the competition or competition, the projectile manufacturer and signs indicating the conformity of the soccer ball to the standards.

Photo 10. 8-panel (top) and 12-panel (bottom) football equipment used for games at the beginning of the last century. (In the photo at the top right - a football player of the 30s of the XX century)

Features of soccer balls depending on their size

The size of soccer balls largely determines the goals and conditions for which they are purchased. Size #1 balls are more commonly used for promotional purposes and come with logos, emblems, or promotional slogans. As a rule, the material of their manufacture is synthetics. They have 32 panels, of which 20 are hexagons and 12 are pentagons. The length of their circumferences is not more than 43 cm. In terms of structure, such balls do not differ from other types, if their size is not taken into account.

Balls of the second size are produced for advertising purposes. This option is for a child up to 4 years old. For the manufacture of synthetics, plastic or polyvinyl chloride. The circumference in length does not exceed 56 cm, and the mass of a soccer ball of this size is not more than 283.5 g. According to their criteria, these balls are suitable for improving the level of football players, which consists in enhanced training and improving the technique of handling the projectile. The tire of this type of soccer ball consists of 26 or 32 panels. Logos, trademarks or advertising inscriptions are placed on it.

The third size is a children's soccer ball, which is produced for training kids, whose age is 8-9 years. Its weight is no more than 340 g, and its circumference is up to 61 cm. In most cases, size 3 balls consist of 32 panels glued or sewn together. The material of their manufacture is synthetic or polyvinyl chloride. In rare cases, 18- or 26-panel products are made.

Size #4 balls are intended for playing futsal or for training sessions children under 12 years old. FIFA rules state that:

  • this ball has the shape of a sphere;
  • production material - leather or other material;
  • circumference is 62-64 cm;
  • weighs 400-440g;
  • pressure corresponds to 0.6-0.9 atm.;
  • the rebound height from a 2-meter height is in the range of 50-65 cm.

Photo 11. Children's soccer balls attract with their brightness and causeThe child hasdesire to play.

Size 5 balls are used in the official football tournaments organized by FIFA around the world. They are popular and widespread. The number of balls of this size is more than the production of other types from the 1st to the 4th sizes. The circumference of this projectile is 68-71 cm, weight - up to 450 g. In addition, there are types of balls that are intended for children and women's football. They differ in size and weight from the well-known parameters of soccer balls.

Photo 12. Balls for women's football, as a rule, are smaller in weight.

Manufacturing materials

A leather and rag soccer ball is not used for the game. The variety of synthetic types of leather, for such purposes, surpasses natural material in many qualities. In their structure, they are multilayer hybrids, a special role is played by the top layer, which is based on polyurethane, polyvinyl chloride or materials in which they are contained.

Polyurethane has advantages related to strength characteristics. The mass of microbubbles of which it consists has a number of valuable physical properties, which determine in technical specification: constancy of form (the ability to restore the original appearance after impact), balance (preservation of the trajectory and angle of movement that the player sets during the impact), speed of flight and rebound. The cost of polyurethane balls is more expensive than those made of PVC.

Comparison table of materials for the chamber of a soccer ball.

Less practical, but cheaper is polyvinyl chloride (PVC). This type of synthetic leather is strong. When feeling, PVC is similar to plastic in cold weather. Soccer balls made from this material present some difficulty in handling. PVC is often used to make tires for inexpensive balls.

When comparing balls made of polyurethane and PVC, the former are softer and the surface is more natural. Most game lovers choose polyurethane products. Under the top layer of polyurethane, some contain a layer of special foam, which ensures contact with the player's foot and excellent cushioning. The thicker this layer, the better the contact will be and the ball will last longer.

Photo 13. Polyurethane material used to make soccer balls.

An important detail of a soccer ball is the "heart", the chamber. In its manufacture, as a rule, natural latex or synthetic butyl or polyurethane are used. The main disadvantage of the latex chamber is the gradual release of air. However, in terms of quality, latex products are superior to synthetic ones in elasticity (the chamber is stretched to large sizes), rebound and memory - indicators that are important during the game.

How to choose a soccer ball for a child?

Knowing the main parameters of the purchase, the search area for the ball is narrowed to a minimum. Indeed, when planning to acquire the main attribute for a popular game, many are determined by its weight and size. The ideal option is to purchase a light ball for your child. For those who find it difficult to determine an acceptable size and weight, FIFA offers clear and simple recommendations:

  • if the child's age does not exceed 8 years, buy for him a soccer ball weighing 312-340 g, the circumference of which is 57-60 cm;
  • for the age category of 8-12 years, balls with a weight of 340-369 g are suitable. Since they belong to size No. 4, their circumference is 62-65 cm;
  • adolescent children, starting from 12 years old, are recommended "adult" balls, weighing 397-454 g, the circumference of which is 67.5-70 cm. The parameters correspond to a standard size ball No. 5.

When choosing a soccer ball for their children, some parents worry that the heavy projectile will hurt the child. But if from heavy ball you can protect yourself with good football equipment, then a light soccer ball is uncontrollable. The weight must be proportionate to the player.

Photo 14. A separate category of balls is lightweight models for children's play, which require less effort when kicking.

How to take care of the ball?

In order for the ball to serve as long as possible, it is important to know the basic rules for caring for it. This also applies to the soccer ball. If you take care of it, having studied the recommendations of experts, then you extend its service life. In no case should you sit on your soccer ball and stand on it. You can not hit the ball hard on the wall, because because of this it is deformed, and as a result it will swing to the sides when flying.

When choosing a ball, the game conditions where it will be used are taken into account. Wherein main criterion- weather and playing surface. If training or games are planned on rocky and rough surfaces, such as asphalt, concrete or gravel, then such loads will be fatal for a regular ball. Friction during impacts and jumps on hard and uneven surfaces lead to rapid wear, to cuts in its outer coating. At sub-zero temperatures, you cannot play with a wet ball, since the transformation of water into ice will damage the outer surface and form microcracks.

When cleaning the ball, remove dirt at the end of the game with a damp cloth. When dirty, use a mild soap or a detergent that is used for synthetic leather. Do not use harsh cleaning agents. Their concentrated solutions damage the seams on the ball and its outer coating. Washing the ball can not be carried out under a jet of water with pressure, as moisture seeps into the inner layer. A wet or dirty ball is rinsed with clean water, wiped with a soft brush, wiped with a dry cloth and left in a dry place where it will dry completely naturally at room temperature. Keep the ball away from factors such as cold, heat, high humidity, direct sunlight.

Photo 15. Even the most wear-resistant ball material should be protected from harmful effects, prolonged moisture and low temperatures.

It is important to monitor the correct pressure in the soccer ball. Playing with an inflated as well as an underinflated ball is the cause of accelerated surface wear. When inflating, adhere to the pressure recommended by the manufacturers - this is indicated on the surface of the ball. Basically, this value corresponds to 0.8-1.0 bar.

To extend the "life" of a soccer ball, silicone oil is used. Before inflating, a few drops of it are dripped, which will reduce the wear of the ball by 40-50%. After that, the nipple will become elastic, and this is so important in order to prevent damage to the valve and loss of pressure in the ball. Since the nipple is less elastic than latex or butyl tubes, it is more easily affected by external factors. These include humidity, uneven surfaces, low or high temperatures. Under the negative influence of these factors, the ball fails.

Over time, any soccer ball loses pressure. For some of them, a few days is enough. In a product with butyl chambers, air pressure is stored longer than with latex ones. To know that the pressure is normal, check it more often. They buy a high-quality pump, spare needles and a special device for measuring pressure. Many manufacturers advise on days when the ball is not used either for practice or for play, to reduce air pressure in it. This will help reduce stress at the seams. Thus, the life of the ball is increased.

Today the balls High Quality, belonging to the middle and high class, are produced in two countries: India and Pakistan. There are also low-quality fakes that are made by the artisanal method: by gluing pieces or by hand stitching. Such fakes are easy to distinguish from a professional ball. High-quality balls are made by craftsmen in factories. Makes 1-2 products in one working day. These criteria are important, and it is important to pay special attention to them in order not to get into trouble, but to buy a football of excellent quality.

Video: What the balls of different championships looked like since 1930

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