The project "All-Russian physical culture and sports complex GTO". Regulations on the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex GTO All-Russian sports complex

The complex “Ready for Labor and Defense of the USSR” appeared in the 30s of the last century and played an important role in creating the system physical education and mass physical culture movement in the country. In 1972, the All-Union GTO GTO complex was significantly reformed. .

All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for work and defense" (VFSK GTO)

The implementation of the TRP complex is aimed at strengthening the health, developing the personality and educating the patriotism of Russians. Tasks were set to improve the level physical fitness population and modernization of the system of physical education. The result is evaluated.

Stages of the TRP complex

TRP standards are established for eleven age groups (stages of the complex). The first five steps determine the TRP standards for schoolchildren (from 6 to 17 years old). The sixth step is the standards for women and men aged 18 to 29 years. The seventh defines the TRP standards for the age group from 30 to 39 years. The next three steps establish standards with a ten-year step in the age of those who pass. The last (eleventh) step sets the TRP standards for those over 70 years old.
Passing the TRP pass mandatory tests and tests of choice. During testing, speed capabilities, endurance, strength and coordination, as well as possession of applied skills are determined.
( , And ). The TRP badge is awarded to the badge along with the certificate.

TRP insignia

The TRP badge is stylized in the form of a five-pointed (twenty-five-pointed) star. In the central circle of the badge, an athlete running to the right is depicted in the rays of glory. Below it is the inscription in red "GTO". The circle is framed on top Treadmills stadium, below two laurel branches with ribbons in the colors of the Russian flag.
, is indicated at the bottom of the sign at the base of the branches.
The dimensions of the TRP insignia are 2.4 by 2.4 cm with a thickness of 1.2 mm. The insignia (TRP) is made of coated iron (high-quality polishing).
, and correspond to three levels of complexity of the passed standards. Successfully passing the TRP standards of the seventh level and above (men and women over 40 years old).

Passing standards (TRP testing)

Based on the results of passing the TRP standards, it is possible to assess the level of physical fitness of the population, as well as the harmonious development of the main physical qualities, skills and abilities in accordance with gender and age characteristics.

How to pass the TRP standards

To officially pass the TRP standards, you must register on the website and get a unique ID number there.
In addition, you must have a medical clearance to pass the norms. It can be obtained at the clinic at the place of residence or at the medical unit at work.
. Registration for the delivery of standards is made through the official website of the TRP. On the same site, you can track the results of the delivery online.

Where can I pass on the TRP standards

Established throughout the country TRP testing centers who organize the adoption of standards.
Territorially, the delivery of norms takes place at various sports facilities. Swimming - in the pool, shooting - in a shooting range or at a shooting range, athletic disciplines - in sports complexes, including open ones.
Everything you need sports equipment and the inventory of the dealers should be provided by the TRP Centers.
In addition, the delivery of TRP standards is carried out at physical culture and sports events and TRP festivals. For example, in Moscow during city sports holidays"Moscow Sport in Luzhniki", "Athlete's Day", "City Day in Luzhniki", "Moscow Cross Country Festival", "Moscow Ski Track".

When can I pass the TRP standards

Schoolchildren can pass the TRP standards within school year. Adults, within the same stage, - during the calendar year.
During one day, the participant has the right to pass several tests.
In case of an unsuccessful attempt, the TRP norm can be retaken. At the same time, one standard can be taken no more than three times within one year. In addition, there must be at least a two-week time break between two passes of the same test.
The applicants themselves are interested in successfully passing the TRP tests, while showing the best results. When determining your schedule for passing the standards, it is important to correctly approach the issue of distributing the load on the body and take into account the undeniable influence of the phases of the growth and waning of the moon. Necessary information about what the moon will be like in the coming days.

Rewarding with TRP badges

TRP insignia are awarded to those who have successfully passed a certain number of standards for a given stage. The "price" of the TRP badge is determined by the "lower" bar. Testing Centers form information about those submitted for awarding.
The awarding of the TRP insignia takes place in a solemn atmosphere.
Twice the badge of one step is not awarded. This is especially true for adults, where a whole decade is allotted for one step. Therefore, at the age of 18 - 39, when the award is being ranked according to the “metal” of the badge, it is necessary to approach the delivery of norms in optimal sports form.

The form of the results of the delivery of the TRP

Accounting for data on the results of passing the TRP standards is carried out according to the form of federal statistical observation No. 2-GTO “Information on the implementation of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex “Ready for Labor and Defense (TRP)”. The report indicates all participants in the complex, both iconists and those who did not pass the TRP standards.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 11, 2014 N 540
"On approval of the Regulations on the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for work and defense" (TRP)"

Pursuant to the Decree of the President Russian Federation dated March 24, 2014 N 172 "On the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (TRP)" The Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. Approve the attached Regulations on the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (TRP).

2. Recommend to the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments, when drafting budgets for the next financial year and planning period, to provide financial support for the costs of implementing the activities provided for by the action plan for the phased implementation of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (GTO).

about the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (TRP)
(approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 11, 2014 N 540)

With changes and additions from:

I. General provisions

1. This Regulation defines the goal, objectives, structure, content and organization of work on the introduction and further implementation of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (TRP) - the program and regulatory framework for the system of physical education of the population (hereinafter referred to as the All-Russian Physical Education sports complex).

2. The All-Russian physical culture and sports complex establishes state requirements for the level of physical fitness of the population.

3. The All-Russian physical culture and sports complex provides for the preparation for the implementation and direct implementation by various age groups (from 6 to 70 years and older) of the population of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as age groups) of the established test standards (tests) of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex for 3 levels of complexity , corresponding to the gold, silver or bronze insignia of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex (hereinafter referred to as test standards (tests).

4. The All-Russian physical culture and sports complex is based on the following principles:

a) voluntariness and availability;

b) health-improving and personality-oriented orientation;

c) obligatory medical control;

d) taking into account regional characteristics and national traditions.

II. Goals and objectives of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex

5. The goals of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex are to increase the efficiency of using the possibilities of physical culture and sports in promoting health, harmonious and comprehensive development of the individual, patriotism education and ensuring continuity in the implementation of physical education of the population.

6. The tasks of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex are:

a) an increase in the number of citizens systematically engaged in physical education and sports in the Russian Federation;

c) formation among the population of conscious needs for systematic physical education and sports, physical self-improvement and management healthy lifestyle life;

d) increasing the general level of knowledge of the population about the means, methods and forms of organizing self-study, including using modern information technologies;

e) modernization of the system of physical education and the system of development of mass, youth, school and student sports in educational organizations, including by increasing the number of sports clubs.

III. Structure and content of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex

7. The structure of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex consists of 11 levels and includes the following age groups:

the first stage - from 6 to 8 years;

the second stage - from 9 to 10 years;

the third stage - from 11 to 12 years;

the fourth stage - from 13 to 15 years;

fifth stage - from 16 to 17 years;

the sixth stage - from 18 to 29 years;

the seventh stage - from 30 to 39 years;

the eighth stage - from 40 to 49 years;

the ninth step - from 50 to 59 years;

tenth stage - from 60 to 69 years;

the eleventh stage - from 70 years and older.

8. The normative-testing part of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex provides state requirements for the level of physical fitness of the population, including the disabled and people with disabilities, based on the fulfillment of test standards (tests), recommendations for weekly physical activity.

The state requirements of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex are approved by the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation in agreement with the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

Government Requirements of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex are approved in accordance with the procedure established by the second paragraph of this clause for 4 years.

9. Assessment of the level of physical fitness of the population is carried out based on the results of the implementation of the established number of tests (tests), allowing:

a) determine the level of development of physical qualities and applied motor skills;

b) evaluate the versatility (harmony) of the development of basic physical qualities, knowledge, skills and abilities in accordance with the gender and age characteristics of human development;

Information about changes:

Paragraph 9 was supplemented by subparagraph "c" from March 20, 2018 - Resolution

c) determine the level of development of physical qualities of disabled people and persons with disabilities.

10. Types of tests (tests) are divided into mandatory tests (tests) and optional tests (tests) (with the exception of tests (tests) for the disabled and people with disabilities).

Disabled people and persons with disabilities independently choose tests (tests) from among the tests (tests) provided for in paragraph 12.1 of this Regulation (one test (test) to determine the level of development of each physical quality) in accordance with the levels and age groups of the All-Russian Physical Culture sports complex.

11. Mandatory tests (tests) in accordance with the levels of the structure of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex (with the exception of tests (tests) for the disabled and persons with disabilities) are divided into:

d) tests (tests) to determine the level of development of flexibility.

12. Tests (tests) of choice in accordance with the levels of the structure of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex (with the exception of tests (tests) for the disabled and people with disabilities) are divided into:

a) tests (tests) to determine the level of development of speed-strength capabilities;

b) tests (tests) to determine the level of development of coordination abilities;

c) tests (tests) to determine the level of mastery of applied skills.

Information about changes:

The regulation was supplemented by clause 12.1 from March 20, 2018 - Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 6, 2018 N 231

12.1. Tests (tests) for the disabled and people with disabilities are divided into:

a) tests (tests) to determine the level of development of speed capabilities;

b) tests (tests) to determine the level of endurance development;

c) tests (tests) to determine the level of strength development;

d) tests (tests) to determine the level of development of speed-strength capabilities;

e) tests (tests) to determine the level of development of flexibility;

f) tests (tests) to determine the level of development of coordination abilities.

Information about changes:

The regulation was supplemented by clause 12.2 from March 20, 2018 - Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 6, 2018 N 231

12.2. The number of tests (tests) to fulfill the test (test) standards is determined by the levels and age groups of the structure of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex.

13. Persons who have fulfilled the standards of tests (tests) of certain levels of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex are awarded the corresponding distinction of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex, the sample and description of which and the form of the certificate form for which are approved by the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation. The procedure for awarding persons who have fulfilled the standards of tests (tests) with the corresponding insignia of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex is established by the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation.

14. Persons who have one of the sports titles or sports categories not lower than the second youth category and who have completed the test standards (tests) corresponding to the silver badge of distinction are awarded the gold badge of distinction of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex.

16. Recommendations for a weekly motor regimen provide for a minimum volume various kinds motor activity necessary for self-study to the implementation of types of test standards (tests), the development of physical qualities, the preservation and promotion of health.

17. Appropriation sports categories in sports disciplines of sports included in the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex, is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Unified All-Russian Sports Classification.

18. The procedure for organizing and conducting testing for the fulfillment of test standards (tests) is approved by the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation.

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, in agreement with the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation, approves the procedure for organizing and conducting testing of persons subject to conscription for military service, as well as persons studying in educational institutions subordinate to it, and relevant civilian personnel.

Tolerance sports judges to the assessment of the fulfillment of test standards (tests) are carried out by testing centers in the manner and in accordance with the requirements established by the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation.

IV. Organization of work on the introduction and implementation of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex

19. Persons systematically engaged in physical culture and sports, including independently, are allowed to fulfill the standards of tests (tests), based on the results of a medical examination conducted in accordance with the procedure for organizing the provision of medical care to persons involved in physical culture and sports (including in the preparation and conduct physical culture events and sports events), including the procedure for medical examination of persons wishing to undergo sports training, engage in physical culture and sports in organizations and (or) fulfill the test standards (tests) of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex, approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

20. The constituent entities of the Russian Federation have the right, at their discretion, to additionally include in the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex at the regional level 2 types of tests (tests), including those for national, military-applied sports (disciplines), as well as for the most popular among the youth sports (with the exception of tests (tests) for the disabled and people with disabilities).

21. Requirements for the level of physical fitness when fulfilling test (test) standards are taken into account in the educational programs of educational organizations in the subject (discipline) "Physical culture".

22. Applicants for higher education programs have the right to provide information about their individual achievements in the field of physical culture and sports, the presence of insignia of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex, which are taken into account by educational organizations upon admission based on the procedure for accounting for individual achievements established by the rules approved by educational organizations independently.

23. Students who have a golden distinction of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex may be assigned an increased state academic scholarship in the manner established by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation.

24. Preparation for the implementation and implementation of test standards (tests) by various age groups can be carried out as part of the implementation of activities aimed at the development of physical culture and sports among all age and social groups of the population and carried out at the municipal, regional and federal levels, including public physical culture and sports organizations.

25. Persons carrying out labor activity, are preparing for implementation, as well as the direct implementation of test standards (tests) in the course of activities carried out by the employer. Recommendations for employers on the organization, preparation and implementation of test standards (tests) for persons engaged in labor activities are approved by the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation. The employer has the right to encourage, in the prescribed manner, persons who have fulfilled the test standards (tests) for the corresponding insignia of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex.

26. In order to test the fulfillment of test standards (tests), testing centers for the implementation of test standards (tests) are created in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The procedure for creating and the regulation on these testing centers are approved by the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation in agreement with the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in terms of testing citizens subject to conscription for military service, as well as persons studying in educational organizations subordinate to it, and civilian personnel of military formations.

Information about changes:

By Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2015 N 1508, the appendix was supplemented by clause 26.1

26.1. Testing centers for the implementation of test standards (tests), including physical education sports clubs, has the right to provide consulting assistance to the population on the following issues:

a) the impact of physical education on the state of health, increasing mental and physical performance;

b) hygiene of physical culture lessons;

c) the main methods of control of the physical condition when practicing various physical culture and health systems and sports;

d) the basics of the methodology of self-study;

e) mastering practical skills and abilities physical culture and health and applied orientation, mastering the skills and abilities in various types of physical culture and sports activities within the framework of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex.

Information about changes:

The regulation was supplemented by clause 26.2 from March 20, 2018 - Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 6, 2018 N 231

26.2. Testing centers for the implementation of test standards (tests) provide disabled people and persons with disabilities with sports equipment and inventory necessary for testing in accordance with guidelines approved by the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation.

27. One calendar plan interregional, all-Russian and international physical culture events and sports events, calendar plans for physical culture events and sports events of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipalities include physical culture and sports events, providing for the implementation of types of tests (tests).

28. The coordination of activities for the phased introduction of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex is carried out by the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation.

29. Information support for the implementation of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex is carried out by the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation.

30. Accounting for data on the results of fulfillment of test standards (tests) is carried out in the form of federal statistical monitoring of the implementation of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex, which is approved by the Federal State Statistics Service in the manner established by it.

He has the TRP badge on his chest... They don't know anything about him anymore.... There are many similar badges in the capital... Everyone is ready for a glorious feat! (S. Marshak)

What is GTO?

The tradition of passing the TRP standards came to us from the USSR. It developed successfully from 1931 to 1991. For some time it was forgotten, but in 2014, by decree of President V.V. Putin's program was reintroduced into the life of Russian society.

The abbreviation TRP stands for "Ready for Labor and Defense". In total there are 11 steps in the complex. The division was made according to sex and age. Participants are invited to pass standards in such tests as jumping, push-ups, pull-ups, running at various distances, projectile throwing, shooting, swimming, skiing and hiking.

The population of our country is definitely not distinguished by good health and good physical endurance and strength. And in many cases, it is precisely the sedentary lifestyle and the dislike of our fellow citizens for physical activity. The government decided to take the initiative to correct this situation and promote the sport to the masses. The fact that we now have such a public event as the passing of the norms of the “Ready for Labor and Defense” complex, which unites not professional athletes, but amateurs, should help in popularizing the sport. In addition, the reward for participation will be not only badges and the award of a particular place, but also benefits.

Why do we need a GTO complex?

Goals VFSK TRP are health promotion, harmonious and comprehensive development of the individual, education of patriotism. The tasks of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex are:
a) an increase in the number of citizens systematically engaged in physical culture and sports in the Russian Federation;
b) increasing the level of physical fitness and life expectancy of citizens of the Russian Federation;
c) formation among the population of conscious needs for systematic physical culture and sports, physical self-improvement and maintaining a healthy lifestyle;
d) increasing the general level of knowledge of the population about the means, methods and forms of organizing self-study, including using modern information technologies;
e) modernization of the system of physical education and the system of development of mass, youth, school and student sports in educational organizations, including by increasing the number of sports clubs.

The All-Russian physical culture and sports complex is based on the following principles:
a) voluntariness and availability;
b) health-improving and personality-oriented orientation;
c) obligatory medical control;
d) taking into account regional characteristics and national traditions.

Stages of implementation of the TRP

The structure of the TRP complex

Stage 1 - TRP standards for schoolchildren 6-8 years old

1. This Regulation determines the structure, content and organization of work on the introduction and further implementation of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (GTO) - the program and regulatory framework for the system of physical education for various groups of the population of the Russian Federation.
2. The All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (TRP) establishes state requirements for the physical fitness of citizens of the Russian Federation, including types of tests (tests) and norms, a list of knowledge, skills and habits of maintaining a healthy lifestyle for various categories of the population .
3. The All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (TRP) provides for the preparation for the implementation and direct implementation by the population of various age groups (from 6 to 70 years and older) of the established regulatory requirements for three levels of difficulty corresponding to gold, silver and bronze insignia of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (TRP).

II. The purpose and objectives of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (GTO)

4. The purpose of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (GTO) is: to increase the efficiency of using the possibilities of physical culture and sports in promoting health, harmonious and comprehensive development of the individual, raising patriotism and ensuring continuity in the implementation of physical education of the population.
5. Tasks of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for work and defense" (TRP):
a) an increase in the number of citizens systematically engaged in physical culture and sports in the Russian Federation;
b) increasing the level of physical fitness, life expectancy of the country's citizens;
c) formation among the population of conscious needs for systematic physical culture and sports, physical self-improvement, maintaining a healthy lifestyle;
d) increasing the general level of knowledge of the population about the means, methods and forms of organizing self-study, including using modern information technologies;
e) modernization of the system of physical education and the system of development of mass, youth, school and student sports in educational organizations, including by increasing the number of sports clubs.

III. The structure and content of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (TRP)

6. The structure of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (TRP) consists of XI steps:
I stage: 1 - 2 classes (6 - 8 years);
II stage: 3 - 4 classes (9 - 10 years old);
Stage III: 5 - 6 classes (11 - 12 years old);
IV stage: 7 - 9 classes (13 - 15 years old);
Stage V: 10-11 grades, secondary vocational education (16-17 years old);
VI stage: 18 - 29 years old;
Stage VII: 30 - 39 years;
Stage VIII: 40 - 49 years;
IX stage: 50 - 59 years;
Stage X: 60 - 69 years;
Stage XI: 70 years and older.
7. The normative and testing part of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (TRP) provides state requirements for the level of physical fitness of the population based on the implementation of established standards and assessment of the level of knowledge and skills, consists of three main sections:
a) types of tests (tests) and standards;
b) requirements for assessing the level of knowledge and skills in the field of physical culture and sports;
c) recommendations for a weekly motor regimen.
State requirements for the level of physical fitness of the population in the implementation of the standards of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (TRP) are approved by the federal executive body that performs the functions of developing and implementing public policy and legal regulation in the field of physical culture and sports, in agreement with the federal executive body responsible for the development and implementation of state policy and legal regulation in the field of education, and the federal executive body responsible for the development and implementation of state policy and legal regulation in the health sector.
8. Types of tests (tests) and standards include:
types of tests (tests) that allow determining the level of development of physical qualities and applied motor skills and abilities of citizens;
standards that allow assessing the versatility (harmony) of the development of basic physical qualities and applied motor skills in accordance with gender and age characteristics of human development.
Types of tests (tests) are divided into mandatory and optional.
Mandatory tests (tests) in accordance with the steps are divided into:
tests (tests) to determine the level of development of speed capabilities;
tests (tests) to determine the level of development of endurance;
tests (tests) to determine the level of strength development;
tests (tests) to determine the level of development of flexibility.
Tests (tests) for choice in accordance with the steps are divided into:
tests (tests) to determine the level of development of speed-strength capabilities;
tests (tests) to determine the level of development of coordination abilities;
tests (tests) to determine the level of mastery of applied skills.
9. Persons who have fulfilled the state requirements for the level of physical fitness of the population when meeting the standards of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (TRP) are awarded the appropriate distinction of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (TRP ), the sample and description of which are approved by the federal executive body responsible for the development and implementation of state policy and legal regulation in the field of physical culture and sports. The procedure for awarding citizens with insignia of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex “Ready for Labor and Defense” (TRP) and assigning sports categories to them is approved by the federal executive body that exercises the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of physical culture and sports.
10. Persons with sports titles and sports categories not lower than the second youth category and having fulfilled the standards of the Complex, corresponding to the silver badge of distinction, are awarded the gold badge of distinction of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (TRP).
11. The requirement for assessing the level of knowledge and skills in the field of physical culture and sports includes testing knowledge and skills in the following sections:
the impact of physical education on health, increasing mental and physical performance;
hygiene of physical culture;
basic methods of physical condition control during various sports and recreational systems and sports;
basics of self-study methodology;
fundamentals of the history of the development of physical culture and sports;
mastering practical skills and abilities of physical culture and health improvement and applied orientation, mastering skills and abilities in various types of physical culture and sports activities.
12. Recommendations for a weekly motor regimen provide for the minimum amount of various types of motor activity necessary for self-preparation for the implementation of types of tests (tests) and standards of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (TRP), the development of physical qualities, preservation and health promotion.
13. The sports part of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (TRP) is aimed at attracting citizens to regular physical education and sports, taking into account the age groups of the population in order to fulfill the discharge standards and receive mass sports categories, includes norms, requirements and the conditions for their implementation for multiathlon, consisting of types of tests (tests) included in the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (TRP). The types of all-around events of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex “Ready for Labor and Defense” (TRP) are approved by the federal executive body responsible for the development and implementation of state policy and legal regulation in the field of physical culture and sports.
14. The procedure for organizing and conducting testing of all population groups is approved by the federal executive body responsible for the development and implementation of state policy and legal regulation in the field of physical culture and sports.

IV. Organization of work on the implementation of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (TRP)

15. Persons belonging to various health groups who systematically go in for physical culture and sports, including independently, are allowed to fulfill the standards of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (TRP), based on the results of medical examination or medical examination. The list of types of tests (tests) included in the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (TRP), and the procedure for assessing the implementation of standards by persons classified for health reasons as preparatory or special medical groups are approved by the federal executive body responsible for the development of state policy and legal regulation in the field of healthcare.
16. The subjects of the Russian Federation have the right, at their discretion, to additionally include in the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (TRP) at the regional level two types of tests (tests), including national ones, as well as the most popular among the youth sports.
17. The values ​​of the levels of difficulty of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (GTO) are taken into account by federal state educational standards, exemplary basic educational programs in the field of physical culture and sports when determining the assessment of the development by students of educational programs in the field of physical culture and sports.
18. Applicants for higher education educational programs have the right to provide information about their individual achievements in physical culture and sports, the presence of insignia of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (TRP), which are taken into account by educational organizations upon admission in accordance with with the Procedure for Admission of Citizens for Bachelor's, Specialist's and Master's Programs.
19. Students studying in educational institutions of higher education and having a gold badge of distinction of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (TRP) are given the opportunity to establish an increased state academic scholarship and other incentives in the manner established by the federal executive body executing the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of education.
20. The All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (TRP) provides for the preparation for implementation and direct implementation of the established standards and requirements by the population of various age groups within the framework of events international movement"Sport for All", as well as the integration of the events of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (GTO) into the calendar of sports and socially important events of the international movement "Sport for All" at the municipal, regional and federal levels.
21. Persons engaged in labor activities are preparing for implementation, as well as direct implementation of the standards of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (TRP) in the course of events held by the employer. The employer has the right to encourage, in the prescribed manner, persons who have fulfilled the standards and requirements of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (TRP) for the appropriate insignia of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (TRP).
22. In order to fulfill state requirements for assessing the general level of physical fitness of the population based on the results of fulfilling established standards and assessing the level of knowledge and skills of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (TRP), testing centers are being created to perform types of tests (tests) , standards, requirements for assessing the level of knowledge and skills in the field of physical culture and sports of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (TRP) (hereinafter - TRP testing centers). The procedure for the creation and regulation on TRP testing centers is approved by the federal executive body, which performs the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of physical culture and sports.
23. The unified calendar plan for interregional, all-Russian and international physical culture events and sports events of the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation, the Unified calendar plan for interregional, all-Russian and international physical culture events and sports events of the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of physical culture and sports include physical culture and sports events , providing for the implementation of types of tests (tests) and standards of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (TRP).

V. Management structure and information support of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (TRP)

24. Coordination of activities for the organization and implementation of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (GTO) is carried out by the federal executive body, which performs the functions of developing and implementing state policy and legal regulation in the field of physical culture and sports, and also the highest executive bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local self-government bodies.
25. Information support for the introduction and implementation of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" of the TRP is carried out through a specially created autonomous Internet portal and an electronic database.
26. Accounting for data on the performance of types of tests (tests) and standards of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (TRP) is carried out through a specially developed statistical observation in the prescribed manner.

Accepted designations and abbreviations

The following abbreviations apply in this provision:
TRP decoding - Ready for work and defense

The all-Russian movement "Ready for Labor and Defense" is a program of physical education that existed in our country from 1931 to 1991, which covered the population aged 10 to 60 years. With liquidation Soviet Union TRP complex ceased to exist. Since 2014, there has been a revival of the complex in the conditions of modern Russia.
The modern complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (RLD) is a full-fledged program and regulatory basis for the physical education of the country's population, aimed at the development of mass sports and the improvement of the nation.

Preparation for the implementation of the state requirements of the TRP complex is provided by systematic classes in physical education programs in educational institutions, points of initial military training, sports sections, groups of common physical training, in institutions additional education(sports clubs) and independently.

The TRP complex consists of 11 levels in accordance with the age groups of the population from 6 to 70 years and older and standards for 3 levels of difficulty, corresponding to gold, silver and bronze signs.

I. STAGE - age group from 6 to 8 years
II. STAGE - age group from 9 to 10 years
III. STAGE - age group from 11 to 12 years
IV. STAGE - age group from 13 to 15 years
V. STAGE - age group from 16 to 17 years
VI. STAGE - age group from 18 to 29 years
VII. STAGE - age group from 30 to 39 years
VIII. STAGE - age group from 40 to 49 years
IX. STAGE - age group from 50 to 59 years
X. STAGE - age group from 60 to 69 years
XI. STAGE - age group from 70 years and older

The types of standards and tests (tests) that are part of the VFSK GTO are aimed at determining the level of development of a person’s physical qualities: endurance, strength, flexibility and his speed capabilities. The subjects of the Russian Federation are given the right to additionally include in the TRP complex at the regional level 2 types of standards and tests (tests), including national, military-applied and the most popular sports among the youth. The state requirements of the TRP complex within each stage are divided into:
- mandatory;
- optionally.
Plus, recommendations for weekly physical activity.

Why do we need a GTO complex?

The goals of the VFSK TRP are health promotion, the harmonious and comprehensive development of the individual, and the education of patriotism. The tasks of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex are:
a) an increase in the number of citizens systematically engaged in physical culture and sports in the Russian Federation;
b) increasing the level of physical fitness and life expectancy of citizens of the Russian Federation;
c) formation among the population of conscious needs for systematic physical culture and sports, physical self-improvement and maintaining a healthy lifestyle;
d) increasing the general level of knowledge of the population about the means, methods and forms of organizing self-study, including using modern information technologies;
e) modernization of the system of physical education and the system of development of mass, youth, school and student sports in educational organizations, including by increasing the number of sports clubs.

Principles for the implementation of VFSK TRP

The All-Russian physical culture and sports complex is based on the following principles:
a) voluntariness and availability;
b) health-improving and personality-oriented orientation;
c) obligatory medical control;
d) taking into account regional characteristics and national traditions.