Water polo at the Autoworks School of the Olympic Reserve. Sports tourism and orientation. How much do lessons cost

When is the best time to send your child to water polo? Is this sport equally suitable for boys and girls? What contraindications for health reasons should I pay attention to? How to choose a section and how much will the classes cost? We will tell in this article.

Water polo was invented in the mid-19th century by William Wilson. The essence of the game is that the team must throw the ball into the goal of the opposing team and protect their own goal. Initially, there was no specific set of rules. They appeared only in 1876. And in 1900 this sport was included in the program Olympic Games. By the way, in the USSR, water polo was included in the TRP program (Ready for Labor and Defense).

From what age

In the water polo section they take like children preschool age and children of primary school age. If we start from official programs, then they indicate optimal age Starting classes - 8 years. But at the same time, the child must be able to stay on the water.

Some coaches advise starting classes by getting to know the pool, learning swimming techniques, diving, and collecting items from the bottom. For this purpose, classes can begin at 4-6 years. But the child will be ready to learn the skills of a team game only by the age of 7. By this age, he will be psychologically and physically mature for regular training.

Medical contraindications

Water polo favorably affects the health and development of children, but there should be no contraindications for health reasons. These include:

  • skin diseases;
  • diseases of the eyes and ENT organs;
  • open wounds;
  • lung diseases, including tuberculosis in an open form;
  • infectious diseases;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
  • acute heart disease.

Parents should know that with a mild degree of myopia, water polo can be practiced. But in any case, before giving the child to the section, you need to consult with a pediatrician and narrow specialists.

Boys and girls

Water polo is considered a universal sport. They can be used by both sexes. However, there is an opinion that due to intensive swimming with handball elements, the girl may have too wide shoulders. But this is not always justified. In order to shoulder girdle has become developed, you must either have a genetic predisposition, or train at the level of professional athletes. With regard to the latter, this statement is also not common to all.

Among Russian water polo players a lot of beautiful, fit girls. Take at least Anastasia Verkhoglyadova, who is the goalkeeper of the Russian women's water polo team.

Parents of girls should not be afraid of this sport. After all, training harmoniously develops the body and makes it athletic. on the figure and physical development boys will also be favorably affected.


Water polo has many advantages. Among them:

  • Endurance training. Classes in the water have a good effect on the body of a growing child. In water polo, an intense, competitive load is added to ordinary swimming, so all muscle groups, respiratory and cardiac systems are included in the work. As a result, the overall resistance of the body increases, strength and endurance increase.
  • Increase in lung volume. The people who are engaged water sports sports lung capacity exceeds the average. Due to this, the body is more easily saturated with oxygen, which means that all organs function better and the blood supply to the brain improves.
  • Strengthening immunity. Swimming hardens and increases the body's resistance to various viruses and infections.
  • Develops the speed of thinking. When the water polo player receives the ball, he has a fraction of a second to think and pass it to another player. During this time, he must assess the position of the team and make the best decision. Children who play water polo usually do well in school.
  • Teaches purposefulness and teamwork. During training young athletes you have to constantly interact, so they learn to communicate, think in the interests of the team and learn to achieve results. These skills are sure to be useful to them in adulthood.
  • Suitable for children of different sizes. In the water polo section, everyone who wants to practice is accepted. There are certain requirements regarding height - it must be above 140 cm, but they can also take a child lower, because children tend to grow up, which means that in a year or two he will be able to compete at various levels.


Like any other sport, water polo has its drawbacks.

  • Injury. If the coach's instructions are not followed, there is a possibility of serious injury while playing water polo. However, bruises and abrasions are common in this sport. You need to be ready for them.
  • Reaction to chlorinated water. If your child has sensitive, very dry or allergic skin, swimming in the pool can be bad for her condition. Therefore, you need to stock up by special means and take care of your skin.
  • Strongly developed shoulder girdle in girls. We already wrote about this minus above. It is worth considering, but we must not forget that this may not happen to your daughter.

How much do lessons cost

Water polo training can be absolutely free, or it can cost up to 4,500 rubles a month in some regions of the country. It all depends on where your child will study: in a budgetary institution or in private school. In addition to paying for training, you will need to purchase equipment.

You will need:

  • Water polo cap. It is better to take a few at once. One copy will cost about 500 - 1500 rubles.
  • Swimsuit for girls. It costs from 2500 to 5000 rubles.
  • Bathing trunks for a boy. You can buy for 1000 - 4000 rubles.

As a result, you will spend 4000 - 10500 rubles on equipment. In addition, be prepared to pay for travel to competitions and fees. Here everything will depend on the distance of the trip.

How to choose a section

Water polo depends on the goals that are in front of you and your child. If you are aiming for big sports victories then choose an Olympic reserve school. If there are no major goals, then you can look at the sections in the water centers or pools of secondary schools. It is important to carefully approach the choice of a coach. Look for a professional with a high sports title, a successful water polo past and successful pupils.

During training in the water, children learn to swim on their side and breaststroke, jump out of the water, practice the skill of swimming on long distances and learn to change swimming technique.

Please note that training should take place not only in the pool, but also on land. The latter include ball games such as basketball or weightlifting. They also practice throwing the ball. After these enough intense training the child can get very tired, so try to look for a section closer to home.

Summing up

Water polo is suitable for your child if he loves the water and enjoys swimming. But in no case should you press and force. Always ask for the opinion of your son or daughter. To primary school they will be able to express it. Take your time with training in the presence of diseases in which classes are contraindicated. And remember that success will depend on the right coach, the desire, the perseverance of your child and the support from the parents.

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Water polo is a group sport where the goal of two rival teams is to hit the opponent's goal with the ball. These competitions are held in indoor and outdoor pools and require an appropriate level of skill and good physical condition. You can sign up for the water polo section by contacting the appropriate sports school.

Establishments (schools, clubs) in Water polo for kids in Moscow

Here is a list of all sections of water polo, water polo clubs and sports schools for children 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 years old, for boys and girls. You can search for a suitable place to practice water polo in Moscow directly on the map or using the list of presented sports organizations. You can choose a suitable sports section near your children's home, work or school for their subsequent enrollment. For each of sports sections available: phone numbers, addresses, prices, photos, description and conditions to sign up for a section or clarify other information that interests you.

The Fitness.Firmika.ru portal for fitness centers in Moscow "fitness.firmika.ru" is a faithful assistant to those interested in water polo, thanks to which the search and selection of a suitable center for training becomes faster and easier. Visual tables show the basic information: the availability of the desired direction in the center, the cost of trial and one-time classes, prices for subscriptions, location and contact numbers, feedback left by those involved. On the pages of the portal we have collected the most relevant and detailed information!

The benefits and effectiveness of water polo classes in Moscow

Water polo is a team sport where the aim of the game is to score as many goals as possible against the opponent. Training, like the competition, takes place in the pool, and although there is no need to run after the ball across the entire field, the intensity physical activity very high.

What are the benefits of training in water polo?

Classes on the water floor have a positive effect on the level of physical fitness:

  • The muscles of the arms and legs are strengthened, while the load on the body is reduced due to being in the water. spinal column and joints.
  • Cardio loads help to improve the work of the heart, strengthen blood vessels.
  • Intense exercise leads to weight loss.
  • For successful game polo requires the development of various skills, which improves coordination of movements.
  • Athlete masters different styles swimming, adapts to the aquatic environment.

Classes in the water polo section help to improve physical training, and also cultivate leadership qualities in the water polo player. Athletes have the will to win, and a competitive spirit and perseverance help not only in sports, but also in life.

What awaits at water polo training?

In clubs and swimming pools in Moscow that organize water polo classes, recruitment is carried out in several groups, depending on the goals of the athlete:

  • Health training for children and adults who want to improve their physical fitness.
  • Fitness programs with elements of water polo.
  • Sports groups for those who are serious and want to succeed in sports.

Both experienced swimmers and those who do not know how to swim are allowed to learn water polo. The curriculum is structured in such a way that first they master basic elements, swimming technique is honed, and then competitions with the enemy begin. Groups are formed taking into account the age and level of training of beginner athletes.

Water polo includes not only training in the water, but also training in the gym. They are aimed at strengthening the muscular frame, developing dexterity and practicing basic techniques. Throws, jumps and other tricks are first practiced in the “paddling pool”, and then the group goes to the pool with the gates installed.

Sports can lead to injury, and water polo is no exception. It is impossible to completely minimize the risks, but with a perfect technique, the chance of earning a bruise or injury is noticeably reduced.

Where to go for water polo lessons?

Water workouts are held both in swimming pools and in large fitness centers. If there is a desire to participate in competitions in Moscow, to achieve success at the international level, you should choose specialized schools and sections.

A water polo section for children and adults has been organized on the basis of the sports and recreation complex "TORPEDO". This team sport with a ball perfectly helps to harmoniously develop strength, endurance, attention, coordination, and leadership qualities, all large muscles, as well as keep them in good shape.

We offer effective classes water polo for both beginners and those with experience in this sport. The training program includes:

Technique training sports swimming and the study of a range of motor skills;

Learning how to handle the ball and effectively move with it in the water;

Permissible power moves in water polo;

Theoretical part in water polo and sports swimming.

Children and Youth Sports School "Torpedo" announces the recruitment of boys and girls from 6-7 years old to the water polo section. Viewing of children is carried out daily, except Sunday, from 15:15 by prior arrangement with the coach. Bring swimming gear with you.
Head coach: Yury Yuryevich Bychikhin tel. 8-916-087-55-80
Coach: Kutuzov Andrey Evgenievich tel. 8-926-224-20-75
Coach: Chuley Sergey Alekseevich tel. 8-926-254-11-97

The water polo department "Torpedo" is one of the best schools in Russia. Over the past 10 years, the teams of our club have regularly become winners of the Russian Championship, winners of the Moscow Championship, the club's pupils play in the national teams of Russia and the city of Moscow.
Under the guidance of experienced trainers, training is divided into several stages.
First stage: swimming training. The stage lasts 1-2 years, depending on the age, degree of preparedness and diligence of the child.
Comment of the senior coach of the water polo department "Torpedo" Yury Yuryevich Bychikhin: "Our coaches must teach children to swim very well, because it is with these children that in the near future they will represent our club at various Moscow, Russian and international competitions. It turns out that at the stage of initial training they lay the foundation for further victories. Therefore, we teach swimming very well!”
Second phase: initial water polo lessons. The stage lasts about 2 years. At this stage, the basic skills of working with the ball are laid, the children are taught to maintain the vertical position of the body in the water, the basic rules of the game are explained. At the same time, the improvement of swimming training continues.
Third stage: directly learning to play water polo. The stage continues until graduation. It is at this stage that our teams participate in competitions, go to training camps, become winners and prize-winners of various competitions.

Believe me, sooner or later the tenderness of the phrase “Congratulations, you have a boy” after a certain number of years is transformed into an obsessive thought: what to do with this tomboy and his fantastic and sometimes uncontrollable energy?
Do you want an idea? Sport.
And since summer is on the threshold, we bring to your attention a story about summer form sports - water polo .
The water polo player answers the questions of our correspondent, master of Sport international class Sergei DROZDOV

- Sergey, at what age can a child be "given away" to water polo?

Somewhere from the age of seven or eight, a child can already engage in water polo. It is clear that at this age it is still difficult to say that he “actively plays” water polo, but he is definitely able, if he has a desire, to start learning this.

Is it necessary for a child to be able to swim?

There are groups that take children who can't swim, but of course it's easier if the kid has already mastered this science. So he adapts faster, more likely to start training with the ball. But I note that swimming is always given a lot of time and in primary groups, and in teams of masters.

- Water polo is a rather tough sport, although there are no skates and gloves, injuries in it are a common thing. To what extent is the concept of "injury" inherent in children's water polo?

When properly set training process injuries in children's water polo are excluded, well, of course, if you do not count accidental bruises and abrasions as an injury. But this is present in all active species sports, and there is no getting away from it. Sport is sport.

- How important is the choice of a coach in this game?

A coach for a child becomes like another parent, because he puts his soul into each of his pupils, he also rejoices at their successes and is upset because of their failures. Therefore, take the issue of choosing a coach seriously, it may even make sense to talk with the pool staff, consult with friends related to sports, or with friends whose child is already involved in this sport, and they can recommend a specific person.