Manchester United Old Trafford Stadium. Manchester Stadium. Plans for a new stadium for Manchester United

Knowing that the ticket to the game English Premier League not easy to buy, I played it safe and took care of it early. A month and a half before the match, not being a Manchester United fan, I bought a membership on their website and almost immediately bought a ticket for the Manchester United-Newcastle United game on November 26th. Since Manchester United became champions for the 19th time, they sent me a special gift booklet with key chains and a DVD, and a few days later they sent me a ticket. So I went to Manchester already prepared.
get to Old Trafford you can take the metro, which is quite peculiar in Manchester and is not even called the metro, but the metrolink. From the outside, the Metrolink train looks like a long tram. But he stops far enough from the stadium. On match days, special trains run directly to Old Trafford from Piccadilly Station.

A huge crowd had gathered on the platform.

There was a terrible crush inside the car. On the way, the train stopped a couple of times - of course, no one got off at these stops, but new fans tried to get on the train. I had to stand at one station for about 15 minutes, while the police dragged away the fans who did not want to give up.

Finally, we got to Old Trafford.

In front of the stadium is a statue of Matt Busby, one of Manchester United's most successful managers.

A little further away from him, the stone "trinity of United" - George Best, Denis Law and Bobby Charlton - looks at the stadium.

A statue of Sir Ferguson will surely appear soon, as there has not yet been a more successful coach at Manchester United.
Inside the stadium is the Manchester United Museum. One of the expositions was dedicated to Sir Alex.

There was also a special room in which three-dimensional Ferguson sat and talked about his career.

Naturally, numerous Manchester cups.

Personal jerseys of players.

The T-shirt of our Andrey Kanchelskis is also in a place of honor, as is his name in the song “Come on you reds”.

In addition, the museum had special devices that could download any match from the history of Manchester United and watch videos and photos of goals. Goals only in the performance of "MJ", of course.
Well, and the rest of the museum exhibits.

Meanwhile, people were arriving at the stadium.

There were a lot of foreigners. They took pictures, bought Manchester paraphernalia in the megastore. Their varied faces simply glowed with happiness and excitement from their own presence at Old Trafford. It was difficult for me to understand them.

I bought a program for the match, which was a real 70-page magazine with good printing, excellent photographs, various articles and interviews dedicated to this match and others interesting facts from the life of Manchester United.
My seat was on the north stand, so it took a long time to get to it.

You can easily buy beer at the local buffet. It is only forbidden to carry it to the stadium. After drinking a beer, I went to my seat. Immediately behind me were the VIP areas, where the people who bought the tables were sitting and having dinner. There were many Indians among the VIPs.

The visor on top slightly limited the view of the opposite stand, but the field was clearly visible. Since it often rains in England, all Old Trafford stands are covered with visors to keep fans dry at all times.

And the game has begun!

The match was not very interesting. It was more interesting to listen to the fans. By the way, the game was attended by 75 and a half thousand fans with a stadium capacity of 75800.

The first half ended in a goalless draw. The red devil and lawn pavers ran out onto the field. The devil began to provoke the fans, and the paver began to lay the lawn.

Closer to the break, people begin to rush to the exit in order to quickly buy something in the buffet. When I came in, there were already huge queues. Immediately on TV showed dangerous moments of the first half and pre-match press.

But some people stay where they are and don't go anywhere.

The second half was more interesting. Manchester still managed to score – helped the rebound from Chicharito.

But Newcastle did not give up and pressed on the gates of Manchester United.

As a result, the “magpies” earned a penalty, with which the fans and players of “MU” for a long time did not agree.

The address: UK, England, Greater Manchester, Trafford
Date of construction: 1909
Opening date: 1910
Architect: Archibald Leitch
Home team: Manchester United
Coordinates: 53°27"47.0"N 2°17"28.8"W


Short description

In the Greater Manchester Borough of Sir Matt Busby Road one of the most beautiful and world-famous stadiums - Old Trafford is located, which the British themselves often pompously call the "Theatre of Dreams".

General view of the stadium

This is the home arena of the legendary English football club Manchester United, known far beyond the Foggy Albion and having, like its stadium, a long and interesting story. “Old Trafford” is known to every resident of Great Britain, even those who have just learned to speak, otherwise it cannot be otherwise in the country where the most popular one is “born” these days sports game. A game followed by over a billion people around the globe.

Arena "Old Trafford" was appreciated by UEFA, and received the highest rating - five stars, which, by the way, is "awarded" only to the most elite stadiums in the world. Despite this, the home field of Sir Alex Ferguson's Manchester United team is not the largest stadium in England: in terms of capacity, it occupies only the second place of honor after the great Wembley. However, capacity is far from the main thing, because the history of the club and its home arena, the magnificence of the stands, the comfort and safety of the fans are the determining factors for any fan of the game and, one might even say, of an entire religion called football.

Bird's eye view of the stadium

Official matches of the England national football team were often held at the Old Trafford stadium, which once again proves the importance of this stadium not only for Manchester, but for the entire United Kingdom. In 2003, at the stadium, where the charismatic Sir Alex Ferguson is currently in charge of his team, the final match of the Champions League was held, where they proved their right to be called the best club Europe - Milan and Juventus. Surprisingly, but Old Trafford hosted more than just football matches: for example, in 2000, the field hosted the final of the Rugby World Cup, a game that is also loved in England, although, in fairness, it should be noted, not like football ...

History of Old Trafford

After the Newton Heath club was renamed the more familiar Manchester United, the management decided that the two old stadiums were not worthy of such great team, and in 1909 allocated a huge amount, at that time, for the construction of the stadium. It was during this period of time that the Manchester team received the nickname "moneybags". Looking ahead a little, I would like to note that at the moment Manchester is “holding the bar” and buying players for unimaginable amounts, paying them huge salaries and allocating money to improve Old Trafford.

Entrance to the stadium

Initially, the new Manchester United stadium had only one stand where fans could watch the game while sitting, the other three stands had no seats and were not covered with a roof. The stadium was first designed by Scottish architect Archibald Leitch. The stadium opened with a game between the hosts and the famous Liverpool. To the disappointment of the fans, Manchester lost, although the game, according to eyewitnesses of that time, was impressive, the audience was able to see seven beautiful goals at once. "United" lost to "Liverpool" with dignity - 3:4. That memorable match took place on February 19, 1910.

One of the most famous journalists of that time was delighted with the new stadium and roughly described his feelings as follows: “This is the best thing I have ever seen in my life, the stadium is simply magnificent, it is the best in the whole world and the team that plays in his field will work wonders.” His words became prophetic: Manchester United really captivates football fans with their game and squad, in which only stars play. Yes, and coach Sir Alex Ferguson is a living legend who never parted with chewing gum during matches, helping him to somehow restrain his emotions.

View of the stadium field

However, this is the future, and the stadium "Old Trafford" is waiting for many more events, both significant and, unfortunately, tragic. The record attendance at Manchester United's home arena as part of the English championship was recorded in 1920, when more than 70,000 people came to watch the game. By the way, even then the hosts failed to win: they lost to Aston Villa almost with a devastating score of 1:3.

The most terrible time for the Old Trafford arena was 1941: on March 11, as a result of a Nazi air raid, the stadium was almost completely destroyed. Bombs fell on the field and on the stands, fortunately, there were no fans in the arena at that time. Despite the war with Germany, the government did not ignore the problems of the team and allocated money for reconstruction. Rebuilt from ruins, Old Trafford opened in 1949. In the post-war period, almost 42,000 football fans came to watch the match between Manchester United and Bolton Wanderers. The team from Manchester did not disappoint and won on the new field with a score of 3:0.

Two years later, Old Trafford began to fully comply with all international standards. Moreover, many considered it the best stadium in the world: all the stands were covered with a roof and installed artificial lighting, which made it possible to play in dark time days when most of the fans were no longer busy at work.

Stadium stands

You can talk about the improvements that the management of Old Trafford made indefinitely. Almost every year something new and “modern” appeared at the stadium. True, it is worth noting that each reconstruction ended with a reduction in the capacity of the stadium. After all the seats became seated, the arena could accommodate only 44,000 fans. This figure has become a minimum.

In the 90s of the twentieth century, Manchester United became one of the strongest clubs not only in England, but throughout Europe. Naturally, interest in the club is steadily growing, and at the same time, the stadium is again in need of reconstruction. Most of the fans are forced to buy tickets at fabulous prices, because the capacity of Old Trafford leaves much to be desired. Already in 2000, about 69,000 people can watch matches at the Manchester Arena. Interest in the home stadium of Manchester United is constantly growing. The thing is that from the beginning of the 21st century to 2007, Wembley was closed for reconstruction, and the English national football team plays most of its matches at Old Trafford. The latest work aimed at increasing the capacity was carried out in 2009, after which almost 76,000 people can comfortably accommodate in the arena.

Stadium stands

Stadium "Old Trafford" - "Manchester legend"

Nowadays, a person, once in the Old Trafford arena, can see four stands, the largest of which is the North. It even has its own name: Sir Alex Ferguson's Tribune. Only the capacity of this tribune is neither more nor less - 26,000 people! In addition, there are special administrative boxes on the North Stand, which can also comfortably accommodate spectators. By the way, the tribune received its current name relatively recently - on November 5, 2011. The merits of Sir Alex Ferguson could not be ignored and, according to the management of the club and the arena, his name should be immortalized at the stadium. The Sir Alex Ferguson Stand is recognized as the main stand at Old Trafford, which is why it houses the legendary Red Cafe and the museum of the Manchester United club. The museum contains priceless exhibits and all the trophies that the Manchester club managed to collect during its existence. By the way, the museum on the North Stand of Old Trafford, which, by the way, was opened back in 1986, is the very first museum in the world dedicated to the game of football.

Access to the stadium from the dressing rooms

From the South stand, which has only one tier, all television broadcasts are conducted. It is on it that VIP guests and television commentators covering the matches are located. Due to the fact that there are not so many places for fans on the South Stand, any journalist can see everything that happens on the field in the smallest detail. If you look at the seats for coaches and substitutes, located on the same South Stand, we can conclude that they are above the level of the field, which is unusual for many stadiums. This was not done by chance, according to the architects who worked on Old Trafford, this is how the coach’s game should be watched, and not from the “basement”, as at Camp Nou. In fairness, we note that there is no “basement” in the Catalan stadium, just the coach and the players waiting to enter the field are not on a hill.

If we try to single out the most interesting and legendary Old Trafford stand, it will undoubtedly be the West Stand. It is on it that the most ardent Manchester United fans are located, who are known for their character not only in Manchester, but also far beyond its borders.

Monument to the "holy football trinity": Best, Lowe and Charlton

Old Trafford, Manchester United football club, Sir Alex Ferguson - they are all modern legends of the most popular game in the world. The stadium often hosts performances by popular English and foreign singers and bands. To hold a wedding ceremony at Old Trafford, which is famous for the monument to Sir Matt Busby and the “holy football trinity”, is the dream of many newlyweds. However, this pleasure cannot be classified as affordable, wedding at Old Trafford will cost a future married couple in a pretty hefty sum. Naturally, it cannot be otherwise, because the history and name of this stadium in itself evoke delight and associations with the most important events. Rod Stewart, the legendary band Bon Jovi, Status Quo and many others gave their concerts here.

According to the latest information, a new reconstruction of Old Trafford will begin in the very near future, thanks to which the home arena of Manchester United will be able to accommodate more spectators than Wembley. According to preliminary and most modest (!) estimates, at Old Trafford, after all the work is completed, more than 96,000 fans will be able to watch the match!

Monument to Sir Matt Busby

True, this will have to spend more than 100 million pounds. However, this amount is “negligible”, because some Manchester United players are estimated at almost half the budget for the entire construction…

One of the most beautiful and famous stadiums on the planet - Old Trafford - is located in the UK, in the municipal area of ​​Greater Manchester. This is the home arena of the legendary football club Manchester United. The team has been playing here since the distant 1910, but had to take a break only during the Second World War, when the arena was almost completely destroyed as a result of a German air raid.

The British themselves pathetically call "Old Trafford" "The Theater of Dreams". Well, given its rich history, a huge number of people spent here football matches, victories and defeats, the stadium deserves such a name.

Arena "Old Trafford" received the highest score of the UEFA - five stars. In addition to the Manchester stadium in the UK, only the famous one, the main sports arena of the country, could receive such an assessment. In terms of capacity, Old Trafford also ranks second after Wembley and can accommodate about 75,000 spectators. The owners plan to expand the arena to 90,000 fans.

The main stand at Old Trafford is the North Stand, also known as Sir Alex Ferguson's Stand, who was the head coach of Manchester United for 27 years. It is here that the main objects of the arena are located, attracting thousands of tourists. So, on the North Stand there is a Manchester United themed restaurant and bar, a football club trophy room, as well as a team museum, which became the world's first football museum, opened in 1986.

You can get to the Old Trafford stadium by bus, by railway(the station near the arena opens only on match days), as well as by skytrain. By the way, you can have a wedding at the Old Trafford stadium, but this pleasure will cost the newlyweds a very tidy sum.

Manchester United Stadium Tour - VIDEO


Old Trafford - PHOTO

Since 1910, Old Trafford has been the home ground of Manchester United. With a capacity of around 76,000 spectators, it is the second largest stadium in England behind Wembley Stadium.

The stadium was built in late 1909 and designed by Archibald Leitch, who designed some 20 stadiums in the UK. Funds for the construction - almost 60,000 pounds - were personally provided by John Henry Davies, chairman of the Manchester United club. His goal was to create a decent stadium for his team.

In 1941, as a result of the bombing of German aircraft, most of the stadium was destroyed. After the restoration, Old Trafford did not open until 1949. The refurbished arena has become the site of football's most iconic events, hosting the FA Cup semi-finals, the 1996 World Cup and European Championships, the 2003 Champions League Final and the Super Rugby League Grand Final.

On February 19, 2010, Old Trafford stadium solemnly celebrated its centennial anniversary. Especially for this memorable date, an exhibition was prepared, which opened at the Manchester United Museum and dedicated to the history of the stadium. In March of the same 2010, the relatives of the players who played the first match at the famous stadium, together with the relatives of the first chairman of the club, John Henry, laid a commemorative capsule near the central tunnel of the stadium.

Old Trafford Cricket Stadium

Cricket, since the XVIII century, has become truly national English sports. The first cricket club was created in the 60s of the 18th century in the city of Hambledon, Hampshire, and almost a century later this fashion came to Manchester - in 1857, the first matches took place on the site, which later became known as Old Trafford.

This playground is home to famous club Lancashire County Cricket Club. Immediately after its creation, it was not particularly popular due to its remoteness from the city center. But already in 1884, competitions with the status of the so-called test game took place at Old Trafford. These are games with special regulations, to which only elite cricket clubs can be admitted. Since that time, the popularity of the field has grown, and with it the number of spectators has steadily increased. Competitions were not held here only during the First and Second World Wars.

At the beginning of the 21st century, a serious reconstruction was carried out at Old Trafford: the historic Victorian-style pavilion with the original facade, which is already 150 years old, was restored, a new VIP box was also equipped, from where it is convenient to follow the playing field through arched windows, class hotel rooms appeared. deluxe” is equipped with a modern hall for meetings and business meetings.

All this is due to the fact that being a cricket fan in England is very prestigious. Very often, wealthy companies have their own box in the stadium. It is said that during matches the most important events take place in such boxes, and the game on the field serves only as a pleasant backdrop for making financial deals.

Etihad Stadium

The home stadium of the popular football club Manchester City is called the Etihad Stadium. This is one of the largest stadiums in England, currently accommodating 47,726 fans.

The stadium was built in preparation sports base for Olympic Games 2000. Although the Manchester Olympics did not take place, a beautiful stadium remained, originally designed for athletics competitions. Further Treadmills were dismantled, and the stadium turned into an exclusively football arena. After the reconstruction, for the convenience of fans and to ensure safety, a separate section was allocated for spectators with children, for visiting football fans and for especially zealous local fans of the Manchester City team. The roof of the stadium is designed in such a way that it completely protects the stands from rain, and on days when there are no matches, it can be partially removed to provide the best access. sunlight for lawn grass.

Despite its relative youth, the stadium has already been marked in the history of football: in 2008, the jubilee, fiftieth UEFA Cup final was held here, where Zenit St. Petersburg won a beautiful victory over the Rangers team from Scotland with a score of 2:0.

Attractions in Manchester

The sports chronicle wrote the day after the opening of the stadium on February 19, 1910. At that time, Old Trafford shocked the whole world. The stadium building was so beautiful, spacious and created a magical atmosphere. The existence of such a stadium with a capacity of 80,000 people at the beginning of the 19th century was a great sensation. This sports arena soon became the most spectacular place in the UK, became a shrine, like English football itself.

Manchester United legend Sir Bobby Charlton called the stadium the theater of dreams. However, Old Trafford is also a symbol of pain, March 11, 1941 during the Second World War, a German bomb hits the stadium. It has been almost nine years since the stadium was restored. Since then, Old Trafford has been constantly reconstructed, in 1989 the stadium could accommodate only 43,000 spectators (the smallest in history). On the this moment capacity is about 76,000 seats. In the future, the arena is planned to expand to 96,000 seats, more than at Wembley. Obviously, Manchester wants to keep the greatness of Old Trafford. This is the dream and pride of Manchester United.

On the largest stand (North) of the Old Trafford stadium, with a capacity of about 26,000 spectators, is the official museum of Manchester United, which opened in August 1998. Pele attended the opening of the museum. The South Stand (the smallest) has commentary booths and VIP boxes for guests of honor, as well as a raised balcony for coaches to view the match. This balcony is the most recognizable place at Old Trafford during televised matches. But still, the most famous part of the stadium is the West Stand, where the sector of the Red Devils fans is located. Download