Guus Hiddink biography. Gus Almighty. Hiddink before and after the Russian team. Life after coaching career

Columnist "SE" visited the home of the famous coach, who led the Russian team to bronze Euro-2008.

from Amsterdam

Hiddink's smiling dark-skinned driver closed the door of the front seat of the coach's jeep behind me. Fastening my seat belt, for some reason I decided to ask Gus and his girlfriend Elizabeth, who were sitting behind: "Do you know that in your years in Russia, fines were still small and almost no one was wearing seat belts?"

In response, Hiddink chuckled:

“Of course I know. I’ll tell you more. Not only did the drivers themselves not wear their seat belts, but they were also offended when you, as a passenger, touched the belt! They were indignant: “Don’t you trust me? You think I can't drive?!"

For eight years of acquaintance, I managed to study Gus well and did not think that he could surprise me with something. Especially after he once showed the word "maybe" written in Cyrillic in a notebook and in front of my eyes in colors - and very accurately! - painted Elizabeth, what it means. And when I asked why he needed it, he answered: each such word reflects the psychology of people living in the country. And you need to know them in order to work better with the team.

But the story with seat belts, you see, is not weaker.

Guus Hiddink and Elizabeth. Photo AFP

And how Gus knows our history! If he started listing Stalin, Brezhnev, Gorbachev, this would not be surprising, everyone knows them. But when from the lips of Hiddink I heard the names of Gromyko (with mention of the details of the hairstyle of the former Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR) and Shevardnadze ... When the phrase was heard: "In some book I read that Andropov was poisoned" ...

And let someone tell me after that that the coaching profession and success in it are about schemes, line-ups and substitutions. About them too, of course. But first of all - about people.

I approached Hiddink's Amsterdam townhouse on the banks of the Amstel River and got more and more worried every minute. Dozens of times we talked in different hotels. I happened to visit Hus's hometown - Varsevelde - at the presentation of his book, talked with his parents and brothers. But to his house, where Hiddink has been living for eight years, he invited for the first time. A house where you immediately feel the soul. However, how could it be otherwise?

Ten minutes drive from the old center of Amsterdam. Building built in the 18th century. High, sky-high ceilings. Charming view of the river. In the basement there is a fireplace, a bar counter and a huge screen. There, the coach lights a good cigar and watches many matches every day.

One floor above is an office and a dining room. There are many relics on the walls and near them. A hanger with several T-shirts on it. Two of them - the Russian team, scarlet and white. On white - autographs of all players. Of course, this is the memory of Euro-2008.

The whole corridor is covered with pictures. Here is Gus on the coaching bench with Alexander Borodyuk. And here - at the reception of Dmitry Medvedev with the Russian national team and the then President of the RFU Vitaly Mutko. "Have you ever talked to Putin?" - "Only by phone." - "They say you have an excellent relationship with the King of the Netherlands, Willem-Alexander?" "Last November, he invited me to accompany him on a trip to Korea."

Friday. Amsterdam. At home, Guus Hiddink has one of the main relics - the T-shirt of the Russian national team from Euro-2008. Photo - Igor RABINER, "SE"

But Hiddink is not one of those who like to trump high acquaintances. In my opinion, he is more willing to list far less famous people with whom he maintains contact. And this is not only Borodyuk and Korneev, but also the former sports director of Anji Hassan Bidzhiev, and the manager of the Russian national team Evgeny Savin, and the deputy general director of the RFU for international affairs Ekaterina Fedyshina, and the translator of Anji Grigory Tikhonov ... The latter, by the way, was at Gus's a week earlier.

So Russia remained with Hiddink in his big heart. And every minute I was convinced of this, not only by T-shirts and photographs, but also by what she and Elizabeth talked about.


- What was the most touching moment during your stay in Russia? - I asked Hiddink. He passed the question to Elizabeth with one touch.

It was 2007, the day of the match with England - the same one in Moscow that Russia won - was the answer. - It was my birthday that day. And late in the evening after the game, in a great mood, we both go to a restaurant in the center. No one knows about it - neither that we went there, nor about the birthday. We have supper. And suddenly a group of players from the Russian national team appears there with a bouquet of flowers, hands it to me and starts singing "Happy Birthday to you!" in Russian!

Gus: - As it turned out, they dined in the same area, through a couple of restaurants. And they found out where we are: they had their own sources of information! Come and start singing! The Berezutsky brothers and many others were there.

Elizabeth: - In the end, who am I to them? It was just incredible and touched me to the core.

Gus: - And me. It was very touching. How can you not miss Russia after this? She holds a special place in our hearts. The culture, the people - they are so warm and welcoming once you get to know them! And open to discuss any topic. In particular, historical - and tsarist times, and Soviet, and post-Soviet. We were very curious to learn a lot of things that were willingly and openly shared with us.

Elizabeth: - Moreover, people corrected me - this, they say, was not in Soviet times, but in another. They did not remain silent out of politeness, did not nod, but patiently explained what and how. And this made our understanding of the issue deeper. Because they don't care!

Gus: - We constantly remember Russia. And now, when someone says something bad about her, we just talk about our experience. You have to be very careful with prejudice. We spent a wonderful time in Russia.

At the PSV stadium, one of the VIP boxes is named after Hiddink. Photo - Igor RABINER, "SE"

- Have you ever cried for years in Russia?

Elizabeth: - There was one stupid story. Before Gus signed a contract with the RFU, I was told so much nonsense about Russia! And I was scared, I even cried a little. She asked: "Maybe we won't go? Maybe you won't sign?" But he was adamant, he was interested.

And here I am for the first time coming to see him in Russia. I'm all trembling. We depart on foot a little from the hotel, and then Gus is seen from some car. She stops and the driver gets out. Then he looks around, starts frantically looking for something, climbs back into the car and exits, holding something in his hands.

I was stunned: it must be a gun! She whispered to Gus: "He will shoot us now!" And the man holds out a pencil and a piece of paper: "Gus, Gus! Sign, please!" And I felt so ashamed...

Gus: - And Gus Ivanovich?!

- What - Gus Ivanovich?

Elizabeth: - Six months before we left Russia, I noticed that he was often addressed: "Gus Ivanovich!" She asked: "Why do people call you that?" He explained, "Because they treat me in a special way."

Gus: I didn't say that. Because there is nothing special about me!

Elizabeth: - Oh, yes, I myself began to make inquiries. At that moment, I was just taking Russian lessons and already knew that your people have two names - their first, the second after their father. She told the essence of the situation and asked: why is Gus called that? The Dutch don't!

And they explained to me that, since Gus is treated with great respect in Russia, they gave him a second, Russian, name. And she told it to him. This is amazing!

Gus: - And I also missed the address "Gus Ivanovich" (smiles). We haven't been to Russia since our days at Anji.

- By the way, the President of Dagestan Ramazan Abdulatipov presented you a carpet with your image. Didn't they take you to Holland?

No, it's too big (smiles). Leaving, he presented it to wonderful people who worked at the hotel in Makhachkala, where the team stayed.

Elizabeth: - And how I wanted to pick him up! Gus, did you even take a picture with this carpet?

Gus (thinking) : - I'm not sure, I'll have to look. But sometimes you have to give good people gifts. How many of them were given to us in Russia!

Ramazan ABDULATIPOV and Guus Hiddink. Photo of FC "Anji"

Elizabeth: - One of the most memorable souvenirs, we keep it at home, is a nesting doll with the face of Gus. And inside - with the faces of the national team players. She was drawn especially for us. And the pictures were given ...

Gus: - We ourselves loved to walk around Moscow and buy paintings - we have a lot of them left. And it’s not that the works of famous artists - they just wandered around the flea markets and looked out for something original.

Elizabeth: - At first we walked along the Old Arbat, but quickly figured out that this was a facade, the tip of the iceberg.

Gus: - One such market was located near the monument to Peter the Great, on the banks of the Moskva River. We walked there very often. And we found two artists whose work we really liked.


- Is your famous victory at the head of the Russian team over Holland still remembered here?

Of course! We did not just win, but we did it very beautifully.

- By the way, the memory of our victory was not one of the reasons why you were again invited to work with the Dutch team?

Well, definitely not. I was very disliked at that time! I felt it. Do you know what many people presented me with the most? Not even that he beat his country. And the fact that he was overjoyed! "How could you?!" Wait, but this is the victory of my team - and it was Russia at that moment! I'm not so obsessed with the national idea to work in one team and worry about another. Yes, I celebrated with all my heart. For which he then received angry responses by e-mail and not only ...

- What is it about the Dutch character that resonates so much with the Russian mentality and allows coaches to quickly adapt to us?

We are open! And we are very glad when, seeing this, they open up to meet us. Lisa and I went this way and realized that if you more or less integrated into the Russian way of thinking, felt it, then people respond to you in return. Of course, this takes time - but as soon as the Russians begin to trust you, they put their whole soul into it, give themselves to work to the end and even more. That's what happened to the Russian team.

- Openness is good, but somewhat general. Something should contribute to deep penetration into the country.

A huge thank you to everyone I have worked with. All team members. He learned a lot from his assistants Sasha Borodyuk and Igor Korneev. Borodyuk explained to me everything about the Russian soul - and how it is projected onto football. How players from Russia thought before and now. This was invaluable information. Thanks to Sasha, I greatly accelerated my entry into Russian football, it became much easier for me to bring my ideas into it.

Guus Hiddink and Alexander Borodyuk. Photo - Alexey IVANOV, "SE"

- And at the 2014 World Cup, Fabio Capello did not have Russian assistants, with the exception of goalkeeping coach Sergei Ovchinnikov.

Recently I saw our former - and very good - captain Semak on the bench next to Fabio! With beard!

- He entered Capello's headquarters after Brazil. And the current Spartak coach Murat Yakin has no local assistants at all. Do you think this is a mistake?

Each coach has his own philosophy and strategy, they must be respected, and I do not consider myself entitled to criticize my colleagues. But he, no matter what country or club he worked in, always tried to get coaches in his staff who know the situation from the inside. After all, not only the team should get used to the coach, but also the coach - to the team. And abroad it is doubly important. In our case, without understanding the Russian soul in general and the Russian soul in football, it would be difficult to achieve much.

- You mentioned Borodyuk and Korneev. Does it surprise you that they have never been a head coach in the Premier League, while two of van Marwijk's young assistants at the 2010 World Cup, Frank de Boer and Phillip Cocu, are now in charge of two of the top Dutch clubs, Ajax and PSV? In my opinion, this shows the difference in attitude towards young coaches in the two countries.

I'll tell you about my experience. When I took charge of the Dutch national team for the first time in 1995, we had several former players who wanted to become a coach. And we in the federation helped them. They offered them a good course and the opportunity to work with me in the national team, which they did at the World Cup in France. They were Rijkaard, Neskens and Koeman. And they became coaches.

This is our Dutch tradition, style. We love to educate both young coaches and young players. And now in the national team I do the same thing - only the role of those guys is played by Ruud van Nistelrooy. He was a big player, but that alone is not enough. Now he is moving to a new level of thinking and at some point he will understand whether he has a desire to do this. And last year I was a consultant at PSV with Philip Cocu. It was a very nice and beautiful gesture from my former player.

As for the same Borodyuk ... The fact that Sasha brought Torpedo to the Premier League with his small budget shows how good a professional he is. I don’t know why he left, but if he made such a decision, then something in the club went wrong. And he was brave enough not to put up with it. I love him both as a person and as a coach.

But I don't think it's possible to generalize. Here Slutsky is one of the coaches of the younger generation, but he already has rich experience in CSKA, they trust him, he wins. Or another friend of mine - Cherchesov, who works at Dynamo. Last fall, I was at their win in Eindhoven against PSV, and after the game he let me look into his team's dressing room. How many acquaintances there were - Gabulov and the rest! I was very glad to see them all.

Guus Hiddink and Leonid Slutsky. Photo by Alexander FEDOROV, "SE"

SHATOV'S PROGRESS IS NOT Hindered by a Limit

- During the 2014 World Cup, many in Russia missed your attacking football. And you yourself were surprised that our team played anti-Khiddinkov's football - squeezed, overorganized?

I was upset that the team did not advance to the second round. Before the tournament, I hoped that this would happen. Although I was worried about Korea - it is also far from a foreign country to me. But if we proceed from quality, then I thought Russia would come out. Alas, this did not happen, and it seems to me that the first match played a big role here.

However, I repeat: I consider it wrong to judge the work of other coaches. I am ready to talk about my period with pleasure, but not about what happened after.

- Good. How did you manage to remove the psychological grip on the Russian team? Frank de Boer told me that you give the players much more freedom than Louis van Gaal, but not everyone knows how to use it...

Freedom is a tricky concept. It must be understood that it is very closely connected with responsibility. First of all, the player must clearly know the requirements for his position. And, performing them, he can already improvise and create within these frameworks. This is real freedom. And being able to do whatever you want is anarchy!

At first Russian team there was a small problem. The players did their job - but no more. You couldn't blame them for anything - the responsibility was in order. But they could not rise to a higher level.

Guus Hiddink "educates" Alan DZAGOEV in front of Igor Akinfeev and Sergei SEMAK.

- What was the turning point?

As a coach, I had to provide the players with a sense of security. It was necessary to instill that if they would completely surrender to the game and do what they were asked, I would protect them, even if we lose. That the main requirement is full dedication, and for one mistake, not related to irresponsibility, they will not be chased by vzashey.

Gradually they became convinced of this. And they felt free in a good way. And the football qualities of Zhirkov, Arshavin and others initially made it possible to play good football. It was only necessary to liberate them, to explain that the coaches have the same goal as theirs. That we are not enemies!

When football players constantly feel threatened, they are enslaved, intimidated. But their reaction changes when they see that coaching decisions are not based on punishment for wrongdoing. And an honest and fair assessment of their game.

- Many in Russia believe that the current generation of the national team is weaker than the one you coached.

Look here. I am happy for Oleg Shatov, with whom I was very pleased to work at Anji. I'm impressed with the progress he's made. Another proof of this was the match "Zenith" in Eindhoven. There, at the moment of the sharpest counterattack by PSV, he made a dash to his goal and interrupted Depay's pass in a tackle, which could have become an assist. And generally played well.

Shatov for me is proof that talented young Russian players have a very good technical background. He definitely wants to reach great heights - to play for the national team, to be a valuable player for Zenit. Shatov, in addition to his abilities, has the right mentality, a huge drive. And he is not alone.

- Don't you think that a limit on legionnaires prevents his generation from developing? Because of him, guys at too young an age receive too many benefits.

And what is the limit now - 5 + 6, as before? Or 4+7?

- 4+7. But soon, apparently, there will be 5 + 6 again.

This is good.

- But why?! Russian footballers live without natural competition. And top clubs, in order to lure the best of them, give them clearly inflated salaries.

A good, motivated player doesn't think about money first. Of course, he must ensure a good life for himself, his family. But the example of Shatov proves that not all Russians are spoiled by money. If you give Shatov a ruble, he will play, if you give ten, it will still be. Because he loves the game, and the economy will automatically follow.

Much depends on the environment of the player. Yes, you can spoil the young guys with too early high salaries. But you can create a system in the club - when money directly depends on the quality of the game. It will be great to increase motivation, which in its base should come from the love of the game.

Oleg SHATOV pleases Guus Hiddink to this day. Photo by Alexander FEDOROV, "SE"

- What do you think about the limit?

When I headed the national team, I liked this rule. And not only because the Russian football players had a guaranteed practice, but because it forced the clubs to educate young players. Five on the field meant that there must be at least ten in the clip. And this forced to grow a shift.

In fact, this desire should come from the clubs themselves - but if there is a rule, then it also obliges. If it were not for him, most clubs would have played solid legionnaires, and many clubs would have given up on their academies. So I liked the limit. And he did not interfere with the team.


- What do you expect from the Russian team at the home World Cup? Now she is only 33rd in the FIFA rankings. Do miracles happen?

Our duty is to create these miracles. Leaving the group is a must. And then ... I hope to reach the semi-finals.

- Wow! Just like at Euro-2008. Didn't they take it cool?

Yes. This is hard. And this is more a hope than a clear assessment of the possibilities. But if you do not have such concepts as a dream and hope in your heart, why live and work at all?

- By the way, in August 2006, when you started in the Russian team, she took the same 33rd place! And after 22 months she took bronze Euro.

Here! There are more than three years before the World Cup. During this time, you can do a lot. But the federation and coaches should already have clear ideas about which players will play in 2018.

June 27, 2008. Moscow. Guus Hiddink and his bronze team are back in Russia.
Photo Alexander WILF

- Holland is a well-known factory of talents. Russia has big problems with this.

In addition to high-quality work in the academies, it is very important not to be afraid at a young age, at 17-18 years old, to put guys in the first team. That's how it is in Holland.

It is also a pity that the football center of the national teams of the country was never built in Russia. I remember how we traveled around the Moscow region, looking at places for construction. It's a shame that it didn't come true - after all, we have already discussed specific things. Such a center, if built a few years ago, would help organize the entire structure of football and improve the quality of preparation for the 2018 World Cup.

- Last December in Utrecht there was a big coaching conference of Dutch specialists, which was attended by you and your friend Johan Cruyff. Why was it carried out?

Cruyff and I are not exactly close friends, but we respect each other very much. And despite the compliments you have made about Dutch football, we believe that we need to improve. Because there aren't a lot of world-class young talents in Holland right now. Those who, at the age of 23 - 24, are ready to move into best clubs Europe. So they talked about how to improve the level of training of young coaches, and through them - and young football players.

By the way, on the same December days at the headquarters of the Dutch Federation in Zeist, I was pleased to speak to Russian students of sports management. Because the entire football community needs to grow and be updated - and coaches, and players, and managers.

- I know that for the sake of that performance in front of the students of the RMA business school, you left the coaching conference a little earlier and were even criticized for this in the Dutch press.

you are well informed (smiles). But I promised my Russian friends to do it! And I'm used to keeping my word. When journalists asked for clarification about the reasons for leaving, I explained that I had promised to speak to future Russian sports managers and could not let them down.


- Would you advise Shatov, Dzagoev, Kokorin and other young people to go to Europe?

I don't want anyone to think that Hiddink is persuading players to leave their clubs. This is not true. But in general, after a certain experience in Russia, if they want to take the next step, get into a higher league, get to know a different culture, I'm all for it. Because the guys will get new experience, and then they will use it in their native country.

Once I had several conversations with Wenger - he called about Arshavin before signing him. What kind of player Andrei was, Arsen knew, but he wanted to understand what kind of person he was. I also spoke with Andrew. "You have to do it. Even if you have a very good life in Russia." For financial reasons, Russian football players do not need to go to Europe, but for sporting reasons, they do. And he respected and encouraged the fact that Arshavin moved to Arsenal.

Andrey Arshavin is one of Guus Hiddink's favorite football players. Photo by Alexander FEDOROV, "SE"

- Why did he shine only at the beginning of his career in the "Gunners"? Why didn't he rise to the level he showed in the famous match in Liverpool?

I wouldn't say he only had one great performance when he scored four goals at Anfield. In the first one and a half or two seasons, Arshavin had many strong matches. What happened next, I don't know. Maybe the most intense competition has affected, maybe somewhere the age has already begun to approach. But I like that he decided to do it and at first he looked very convincing at Arsenal.

- Maybe if Akinfeev did the same, he would move to a new level? And did not make fatal mistakes at the 2014 World Cup?

Even the strongest player can make a mistake. Well, in general, Igor had the potential to play in one of the top teams in Europe. By now, that moment has probably already passed. If he wanted to, he should have done it 3-5 years ago. But even now I am happy to follow the achievements in CSKA of him and another group of guys with whom we worked together.

- Are you surprised that the 35-year-old Ignashevich is still at the heart of the national team?

He has great experience! Ignashevich is an old lion, and young people have to try hard to force him out. So they fail, and the lion is still strong. Well done, Sergey!

- Largely thanks to you, a whole group of our players went to England, but did not become stars there.

Here Elizabeth loves Pavlyuchenko. He's in her Hall of Fame! (laughs.)

It was Guus Hiddink who managed to wake up Roman PAVLYUCHENKO in the form of the national team.
Photo by Alexander FEDOROV, "SE"

- Of course, on her birthday, when Russia beat England, it was Pavlyuchenko who made a double. And by the way, he told me that in his life he personally played for two coaches - Vladimir Fedotov and you.

I remember Fedotov, we met several times in the office of the Moscow club, where he was one of the leaders. Roman is a great guy! As did Bill. David Moyes called me about him and I said, "You have to take him because he's a fantastic player." So talented and smart! I also love Yuri (Zhirkov. - Note. "SE") - a special person, not like others.

- Is he more closed and silent?

I was fine with him, we got on very well. In general, of all the players I have dealt with in my coaching career, Zhirkov is the most gifted left-hander! Of course, also Roberto Carlos. But what Yuri could do is amazing.

They are almost the same. Zhirkov is a huge talent, he could deal with anyone one on one. I loved to look at him. And Chelsea... There are injuries and competition with Ashley Cole. By the way, they could have a very good bunch if Yuri played over Ashley. Imagine it! But such an opportunity was extremely rare.

- Was it difficult to convince Zhirkov to become an extreme defender? He has always considered himself an offensive player.

Yes, but it's about the same as with Roberto Carlos. Officially, they appear on the diagram as extreme defenders. But de facto they play wingers, because they have enough technique and strength to dominate on the entire flank. They are more forwards than defenders. And there is always an opportunity to insure them, to cover the free zone. I hope Zhirkov still proves himself in Dynamo.

Guus HIDDINK is the first who saw a talented defender in Yuri ZHIRKOV.
Photo by Alexey IVANOV, "SE"

- But Saenko - the only legionnaire at Euro-2008 - will not show himself as a player. Did you hear that he got fat and ended his career?

In my time, Ivan played in the Bundesliga, and there the players are superbly prepared physically. Better than anywhere. And then there were no complaints about his form!

- We have listed those who, thanks to you, got to England, but we forgot about you. Do you communicate regularly with Roman Abramovich?

I wouldn't say. But I know that we will always receive a warm welcome at Chelsea. When I left there, I was told: we will always be glad to see you!

- Do you regret that the work with the Blues in the spring of 2009, when you took the FA Cup and were very close to the Champions League final, did not last long?

It was a wonderful experience. But I was devoted to the Russian team and after a spell at Chelsea I had to focus on it. He said to Akinfeev, Ignashevich, Arshavin and the rest: "I won't leave you!" And with Abramovich, we agreed on the same in advance. Although I was very good both in the Premier League and in London. But Moscow is beautiful too!

May 30, 2009. London. Chelsea 2-1 Everton England head coach Fabio CAPELLO congratulates Guus Hiddink on the FA Cup. Photo by AFP

- Do you understand now what happened in Maribor? After all, it absolutely did not fit into the logic of that qualifying round.

Yes, because with the same Germany both matches played more than decently. And it's a pity that that team couldn't go to South Africa. We only missed one goal. But I think that it was not the ball that we conceded in Maribor that decided everything.

- And what?

We didn't secure a reliable scoring distance in Moscow when we should have. We played very well, led - 2:0, had excellent chances to score the third, but instead we missed it under the curtain. This was our game. And when you miss out on what you have played enough in your game, then you often pay off.

- After the departure of Dick Advocaat to PSV, you, who worked at Anji at that time, were not invited to return to the Russian team?

I don't remember. But I'm not offended. The federation decided that Russian football would enter another era. Eru Fabio. Their right. And I worked in the Russian national team for a decent period. But there was a change of presidents - Mutko focused on the Ministry of Sports, and Fursenko came to the RFU instead. We only had one courtesy meeting with him. There was no talk of a contract extension.


- You left Anji after the second round of the last championship. Was it supposed to collapse soon?

There was some information that a change in strategy was coming. Not in detail, but I realized that soon the club will be different. Only the owner has the right to determine such things, and I respect Kerimov's decision. But he preferred to say in this situation: "Let's disperse."

At the same time, I really like that in Makhachkala they have kept the academy in its previous form and it is still headed by Fuat Usta, my assistant in the Turkish national team. This means that the questions of the foundation in "Anji" are taken seriously. This will definitely benefit the first team, and generally good for the region.

In general, I am glad that Russia was open enough to support my initiative and bring in young Dutch coaches - such as Henk van Stee, who headed the Zenit academy, Jelle Gus, who worked at CSKA. It's not for everyone to be in front of the cameras, but many Dutch people have the knowledge and love to go abroad and train young players.

- Van Stee - now the sports director of "Zenith". Where is Jelle Gus?

Technical manager of the Dutch Football Federation. We work together!

- Were you surprised when you were invited to the national team?

I have been asked to return for many years. One of the proposals followed when I was at Anji. I refused because I had a contract and I liked working with the team. And after some time after parting with Anji, the federation appealed again. And I agreed - because I was free, and it was also about working with young coaches.

Guus Hiddink and captain of the Dutch national team Robin VAN PERSE. Photo AFP

- Why didn't you go to Brazil to look at the future team?

Because on TV I could see many more games than I would have done it live, moving around huge Brazil. And so I saw all the matches, except for two.

- Why did the autumn-2014 turn out to be so difficult for oranges?

Firstly, for the teams that successfully performed at the World Cup, the first time is not easy. The next day after a big party, it is impossible to have fun with the same degree of freshness on another.

- The same thing happened with the German national team.

And there is. And secondly... The World Championship turned out to be successful in terms of the result - this is indisputable. But there were doubts in the style of the game. During the championship, there was a change in the model in favor of a more defensive one, which is not typical for the Dutch style. So we decided to do it for practical reasons, and taking into account the result, this must be respected.

But now it was necessary to make a reverse change - to football, less focused on defense. And at first, this also could not but affect the result, since the players were already used to something else.

- Football players, I heard that they supported you at a difficult moment.

Within the team there was no doubt about the correctness of the path.

- A sea of ​​​​criticism fell on you. Did you doubt yourself for a second?

No. I was well aware that the players have to get used to me and my style, and I - to them. At the club, when you take over a team in the off-season, you have a month, but here you have a few days. As for criticism, he tried to hide himself from external influence. One thing is normal criticism, and another thing is dirt. But even then it is necessary not to respond with words, but to turn people into your friends with your work.

The start of Guus Hiddink's work in the national team turned out, to put it mildly, not the most outstanding. Photo AFP

- What did you feel when you read: they say, Gus is too old?

Felt younger than ever! In general, you need to ask my assistants and players about this - do they perceive me as an old person.

- Did the federation discuss the early termination of your work?


- What do you feel when you find yourself in the home arena of PSV and look at the largest VIP box named after you?

I look and think: I know this guy! (laughs.) By the way, earlier a more modest hall was named after me there, and for some reason they decided to promote me a few years ago (smiles). It is a great honor for me, because PSV has a great history. Who initiated it, I don't know. I certainly didn't tell them, "You have to put my name there."

- You are known for your ability to prepare teams for the final tournaments. That is, the main thing for Holland is to reach Euro-2016, and everything will be all right there?

Yes! (u smiles.)


- In autumn you invited Quincy Promes from Spartak to the national team. How are the impressions?

I often invite 23-25 ​​people to the national team, including one or two talented young beginners. For ten days of training, they get a good experience, and I can get a closer look at the player in such a serious company. Therefore, he attracted Promes.

While he is not yet fully equipped to be a stable player in the national team. But Quincy recently played in the youth team, and few manage to immediately make a jump to the main team. This can only happen with the help of a quality game for the club, which I want for Promes in Spartak.

True, there is one problem with the players playing in Russia. From December to March they do not play. It throws them back. But we continue to follow him. My scouts follow all matches in European leagues, including Premier League. Every Monday we get a full report on the game of each candidate, including Promes.

Spartak player Quincy PROMES managed to attract the attention of the Premier League as well. Photo by Alexander FEDOROV, "SE"

- Cherchesov hopes that you will invite Buttner as well. Is he in your plans?

The same applies to him as to all "Russian" Dutch. They need to play!

- Is it true that after Euro-2016 you will become the technical director of the federation?

No. I will be free! Let's see what happens during this time.

- Can you imagine Hiddink's third coming to Russian football?

You must not forget my age. I am 68 (laughs). However, I receive great pleasure from what is still involved in football. I hope Holland will enter Euro-2016 and play well in the final tournament.

And what will happen after - I do not know. And will I return to Russia - too. Obviously, most of the pages of my football book are already turned. But it is very difficult to predict something and even more so to exclude something. I know one thing for sure: the time I spent in Russia was wonderful.

"SE" would like to thank the Department of Team Sports Management of the RMA Business School for their help in organizing our reviewer's business trip to Holland.

Guus Hiddink is an outstanding Dutch coach who has experience in many strong clubs Europe and several national teams, including...

Guus Hiddink: biography, career, personal life

By Masterweb

16.04.2018 22:01

Guus Hiddink is an outstanding Dutch coach who has experience in many strong clubs in Europe and several national teams, including the Russian national team. He stands out from other mentors with his extraordinary tactical arrangements with an emphasis on the individual skill of each player individually.


Guus Hiddink was born on November 8, 1946 in the Netherlands, in the town of Warsseveld. He grew up in a large family of teachers. As a child, his main passion was football. G. Hiddink devoted all his free time to his favorite sport, while managing to help his parents.

Guus Hiddink began his playing career at an early age in the city club "Warsseveld", where he was appointed to the position of midfielder. After leaving school, he was enrolled in the Central Institute of Sports Mentors in Overveen, where he was one of the best students and graduated with a red diploma in 1966.

Professional career

After graduation, Guus Hiddink signed a contract with the De Graafschap football club from Doetinchem, while being a team coach for children who are lagging behind in development. He stayed as a children's mentor until 1984, combining this work with the professional activities of a football player.

In 1969, the football player helped "De Graafschap" reach the first division of the Dutch championship, after which he moved to the "Washington Diplomats" of the North American Football League. Later, Guus Hiddink signed a contract with the San Jose Earthquakes, and some time later he played for the NEK club from Nijmenhem. Gus in 1981 was accepted with honors back to De Grafschap, in which he ended his football career a few years later. On account of Guus Hiddink as a player 500 matches and 80 goals in 15 years of work.

coaching work

Since 1981, after returning to De Grafschap, Guus Hiddink has been an assistant coach. He moved to the same position in 1984 at PSV, where he was promoted to head coach in 1987. Under him, the most titled Dutch club won the Dutch championship three times and the Dutch Cup three times, and also in 1988 took possession of the European Cup (later reformed into the UEFA Champions League). In 1990, Gus signed an agreement with the Turkish club Fenerbahce, and the following year he was already the head coach of the Spanish team Valencia.

In 1995, he received an invitation to lead the Netherlands national team. In 1998, the World Cup was held in France, where the Dutch team took fourth place in a hard struggle, losing in the match for third place to Croatia.

After the World Cup, Guus Hiddink headed Real Madrid, with whom he soon took the Intercontinental Cup. But due to disagreements with the club's management in 2000, he had to go first to Real Betis, and six months later to the national team South Korea. What seemed like a regression to all skeptics, in fact, turned out to be the most correct decision for the coach. In 2002, at the World Cup held in South Korea, under the mentorship of Guus Hiddink, the national team came in fourth place, which is still the country's highest football achievement.

After this success, the mentor returns to work at PSV, where in 4 years he helps the club win three more national championships, one Cup and one Dutch Super Cup each.

In 2005, Gus was invited to the Australian team, which led them to the 1/8 finals of the 2006 FIFA World Cup in Germany, where they lost to the eventual winner, the Italian national team, at the very end of the match due to a highly controversial penalty.

At the personal request of Roman Abramovich, he was appointed head coach of the Russian national football team in 2006. The mentor's salary was about 7 million euros. Together with the Russian national team, Guus Hiddink created a sensation at Euro 2008. In the heavy group, Russia advanced to the playoffs from second place, which led the team in the quarterfinals to one of the favorites of the tournament - the Netherlands. But Guus Hiddink found the necessary tactical arrangement, and his team won with a score of 3:1. This caused rejoicing throughout the country. Despite the fact that Spain defeated Russia in the semi-finals, the national team led by Gus shared third place with Turkey. But since the coach failed to bring the national team to the 2010 World Cup in South Africa, the coach announced the end of work with the team.

After that, he signed for Chelsea, with whom he won the FA Cup in 2009. G. Hiddink left the post after the defeat in the Champions League semi-finals from Barcelona.

In 2010, the Turkish Football Federation agreed with Guus Hiddink to work with his national team. He was faced with the task of reaching Euro 2012, but the team did not win the play-offs with Croatia and missed this tournament. Guus Hiddink announced his retirement immediately after his absence.

Then he signed a contract with Anji, which, under his leadership, took third place in the Russian Championship.

After that, Guus Hiddink's career began to decline. First, he failed to bring the Dutch national team to Euro 2016, then he failed the season at Chelsea, the team took only tenth place in the English Championship.

Life after coaching career

Now Guus Hiddink lives and works in the USA. He is an analyst for Fox Sports USA.

He meets with the Dutch citizen Elizabeth Pinas, who is several decades younger than him.

Kievyan street, 16 0016 Armenia, Yerevan +374 11 233 255

from Saint-Petersburg

Gus was not allowed into the FIFA Club. Yes, yes, you heard right. In a hotel near St. Isaac's Cathedral International Federation Football team set up their camp a couple of weeks ago, and part of it has always been empty. There he planned our conversation over a cup of cappuccino he adored, but a strict English-speaking woman from categorically refused to let the famous coach in there. Although there was not a single person there.

Hiddink was angry - after all, in some deeper rooms of the FIFA Club, unknown persons kept passing football world persons who have clearly less merit in the game than the Dutch coach. And he needed little - access to the outside bar. But FIFA paid for these premises, and the owner is a gentleman. And there it doesn’t matter who played what role in the history of football. Though Hiddink, although he wanted to go there, but also failed to do so, the mayor of Sochi. Whose mood clearly improved at the sight of Gus, and a small delegation from Sochi took pictures with him with pleasure.

Anyway, in a good hotel there is always a cozy place for a conversation. In addition, a few minutes later, his wife Elizabeth joined us, who came to St. Petersburg for four days. The waiters were impeccable and Hiddink supported them in Russian: "Very well!"

He reacted with enthusiasm when he paraded in the same FIFA Club: “He is here in the FIFA group that analyzes and prepares possible changes in the rules. Former rival!" If anyone forgot, it was van Basten led that magical June 2008 evening in Basel when the Russians beat the Oranges in the Euro quarter-finals. Such are the coincidences.

Gus, who worked throughout the tournament, as you already know from his previous interview with "SE", an expert on the Fox Sports USA channel, and I talked about the last tournament and general impressions of being in the country. The master's remarks are all the more important because he remains the only coach in the history of our post-Soviet team who managed to qualify from the group at the World or European Championships - and, moreover, go even further.

June 24. Kazan. Mexico - Russia - 2:1. Stanislav CHERCHESOV (left): emotions on the edge. Photo by Alexander FEDOROV, "SE"


"SE" had a great headline last week - struck me Hiddink with its awareness. - On the day of one of the matches you had on the front page in large print: "Stan, do it like Gus!" I really liked it!

- It was a match with, and it sounded exactly like this: "Stas, be like Gus!" The fact is that you are the only coach in the history of the Russian national team who left the group with her at big tournaments. But how do you know about this hat?!

We had this paper in our Fox Sports USA studio, and the meaning of the headline was translated for me. Of course, I could now say that I am a KGB agent, or what do you call this special service now - FBS? (Laughs.)

- FSB.

Yes exactly. But everything is much easier!

- Let's talk about the Russian team. How would you rate the work of the head coach at the tournament? Stanislav Cherchesov?

I see that he is in the process of building a competitive team to participate in such a tournament as the World Cup. It's the most important. On my own experience, with the Korean national team in 2001, I went through the Confederations Cup. And I know for sure that this is a certain point where you can quite reasonably and objectively assess where you are compared to other teams.

Yes, don't you know. At that Confederations Cup, although you won two matches in the group, you did not reach the semi-finals due to the defeat from the French - 0:5. But the next year they reached the semi-finals of the World Cup.

Like me 16 years ago, Cherchesova there is now a year left to build on the lessons learned from this tournament and work on things that need to be improved. Each of the three games held by the Russians is a valuable lesson.

- Do you see progress if you compare the current Russian team with the one that played a year ago at Euro-2016 in France?

This team is more energetic. Yes, this energy does not appear for all 90 minutes, but this is impossible. I liked that in two matches, when your team started to concede in the score and needed to add, it did it. That is, we saw the correct reaction of the team to the unfavorable course of events! And is it important. True, neither Portugal, neither with Mexico equalize Russia failed, however, with the Portuguese the second half was not like the first, and with the Mexicans the team was not very embarrassed even by the removal.

She didn't throw out the white flag.

Although this often happens in such situations. But even ten Russia managed to create a scoring chance when he shot above the gate. Another thing is that an energetic and confident game should be gradually turned into a standard for the team. So far, she is only visible from time to time.

The Russians celebrate a goal against Mexico. Photo by Alexander FEDOROV, "SE"

- The first half with Mexico - in terms of activity, pressure, attacking orientation - reminded me of your Russian team at Euro-2008.

Yes. I will say the same about the starting segment of the match with New Zealand. I even timed it in the opening match when Russia I really liked it - the first 12 and a half minutes.

In both cases, the team played extremely compactly, "covering" the opponents at the moment of the loss of the ball and moving around the field in a coordinated and close to each other. I liked it all very much. Now the task Cherchesova- increase the duration of the segments when the team can play such compact football.

- What do you think is the potential of this team in a year? What stage of the World Cup is she able to reach in the best hands?

The main thing is that she should concentrate on the positive moments that we saw at the Confederations Cup. And, in particular, around the character shown after the removal in the match with Mexico. Around the first half in the same game, some fragments of the meeting with . It's good that before the world championship there will be three or four weeks for targeted preparation, which helped us a lot in 2008. The players looked at me with a plea: "When will this all be over?!" But in the end, we entered the tournament perfectly prepared. I hope the same will happen ten years later, and Russia can play hard. Intensity is the main word for today's football.

- In your opinion, is the quarter-final for our team achievable in principle?

- Can you compare the level of the players of your and the current Russian national teams?

I would not like to do this, especially since I cannot be objective in this matter. Of course, I have nostalgia, I really love that wonderful team and its players. In general, comparing players from different times is unfair.

It is important that at that moment the already high-quality players were also very well prepared functionally, and I was proud of the team. But the way the current Russian team played gave hope that in a year, with careful preparation, it could play almost the same.

- The problem is that, according to many, the current generation of Russian compilation albums is the least talented in history.

If you have a good team spirit and a carefully crafted game strategy, this can make up for a very large part of your lack of super skill. We had players who could decide the outcome of an episode of the game with their class.

- Today in the Russian team is not visible.

Oh, Andrei could score a goal himself and create an opportunity for others. This is true. How can you forget the other guys?!

Mistake by Igor Akinfeev (left) in the match against Mexico. Photo by Alexey IVANOV, "SE"


- But from your time remained. Given his age and injury history, are you surprised that he is still in the national team and, moreover, in the first roles in it?

I agree, he played very well. Yuri and I know each other very well. Any national team needs young guys 22-23 years old who are knocking on the door. Experienced players can play, but these should support them, creating fair but tough competition for them in the position. This will level up the entire team.

- How can you explain his red card? Was it the result of team shock after the second Mexican goal?

Yuri is not one of those who are easily shocked by something (smiles). I always want to protect him. I don't think it was too strong an elbow strike. On the other hand, he probably pulled for a second yellow card, and, in my opinion, Zhirkov recognized the validity of this decision. He shouldn't have done this because he knew he already had a warning. But I can't be neutral when I talk about Yuri because I love him so much! He is very, very gifted.

- Before the start of the tournament, you sent an SMS with words of support to him, and - to the three players who remained in the national team from your time. No more texting?

No, only then. I wished good luck, they thanked me with response messages.

- And what, in your opinion, happened to Akinfeev at the time of the second Mexican goal?

I use a play on words in English. Igor in that episode was too eager (the name of the goalkeeper and this word meaning "impatient" sound very similar. - Note. I.R.), to solve the problem. And it turned out to be difficult.

The Mexicans, being under pressure, just knocked the ball towards the Russian goal. In the language of hockey, we can say that they just "thrown the puck out of the zone." That throw was not a good constructive pass. It just happened!

And what happened next, I am convinced, must be seen not only as a Russian mistake. The guy who kicked the ball was very brave going all the way! Igor went out of the penalty area and misjudged the situation. He tried to get a high-flying ball with his foot, but, I repeat, the short Mexican turned out to be brave, not removing his head. But here's another nuance that I thought about then.

- What is it?

If the field were wetter, the ball would bounce off the lawn at a sharper angle, that is, closer to Akinfeev. Immediately, the rebound turned out to be more vertical, and Igor did not have time to reach it.

- That is, if the field had been watered more abundantly during the break, this mistake could not have happened?

Yes. And this once again shows how important the smallest nuances are in football.

– Could Akinfeev also show a red card?

Could. But because of the goal, the referees forgot about that shot, fortunately for him.

- The main goalkeeper of the Russian national team for the last 13 years has been grossly mistaken in two of the last three big tournaments - the 2014 World Cup and the 2017 KK. Do you think it's time to look for a new number one?

I remember that both in my presence and for a long time afterwards, he did a very good job in his place. Every football player has the right to make a mistake, but if the goalkeeper makes it, it becomes fatal. From what I see, Igor, the captain of the national team, feels a very large measure of responsibility for the team.

Now I'm not close enough to her to draw the right conclusions about what you asked. But I repeat: he also has the right to oversight. Do not forget that your great goalkeeper Lev Yashin played in the national team until 40 years old, and ended his career even later! And this means that goalkeepers can play for a very long time.

- Moreover, he had an unsuccessful World Cup in 1962, after which he was mercilessly booed by fans in Moscow, and he almost ended his career. I went fishing for three or four months ...

Threw himself into the water and caught fish with his goalkeeper's hands? (Laughs.)

- Maybe. That's how he came to his senses and the next year he won the Golden Ball.

And a monument to him, which I remember very well, stands near the Dynamo stadium! It is impossible for any footballer, even the most remarkable, not to make mistakes and keep his highest level in absolutely every match. And even now, when the number of matches, especially in the leading leagues of the world, reaches 55-60 per season, even more so.

Alexander GOLOVIN. Photo by Alexey IVANOV, "SE"


- So that's the trouble, that Russian football players do not play in these leagues. And there are much fewer matches, and the pace, and the level of resistance in them is much lower. In your opinion, does this affect the class of the national team players?

This is a real topic of concern. In the Premier League, La Liga, the Bundesliga, the intensity of the games is high. Look at the Chileans, the players like and who play in these leagues. I'm not even talking about individual skill. And that they, getting the ball, instantly speed up the game and make it more intense. Because they are used to playing like this in their leagues.

- And Vidal also jumps so that the rest remain to his waist.

And it's very nice to look at. This is exactly what is the essence of modern football. In general, Russian football lacks just this intensity. In the transition from defense to attack, in an effort to ensure that in one or another zone - the middle of the field, closer to other people's gates - you turned out to be more than your opponents. The maximum of vertical, diagonal gears is what we should strive for.

What pleased me in what I saw with the Russian team is that the players are able to show a more intense game than they are used to. But so far this happens in shorter segments than their strongest opponents.

Do you think that any of Russian players capable of playing at a high level in the top leagues? For example, Golovin?

If he manages to cope with that common Russian football the problem we just talked about, yes. It's not about technical ability. In addition, they are naturally very magnificent. No coach will teach you this.

It's a pity that Dzagoev now injured. But both he and he have the technical skills to play in any league in the world. However, they need to be able to handle the other level of intensity that they have.

- Did you know Golovin before the Confederations Cup?

To be honest, no. I liked him. The guy's game shows that he is aware of what he is capable of, and it's nice to look at it. And when he gets used to more intensity, he will become even more productive.

- Would you advise him to leave right now, a year before the World Cup? After all, in the top leagues there is a risk that he will sit on the bench, while in CSKA he will have a guaranteed place in the squad. And - the rate is more than important.

This is none of my business. I follow the Russian championship too little to make such conclusions. But he is 21 years old - the age when you have to constantly play. And a year later - the home World Cup. There is a danger that if he moves to a big club, he will not be on the field regularly. For the next season, this is a rather difficult choice. Does Golovin have a specific proposal?

- There are regular talks - primarily from a number of agents - that Arsenal are interested in him.

Agents, agents, agents... They love to talk! I know that a number of serious scouts came to the tournament. But I won't go into more detail on this subject. (laughs).

- And from Smolov they expected exactly what he showed, or more?

It was interesting to look at him. Because everyone counted on it, which means that serious pressure was put on him. In my opinion, it did not crush him. He was active. But in big matches, it was precisely the intensity and rigidity of the actions of the defenders that he faced and which are lacking in the Russian championship.

At the same time, he had some very good solo passes, penetrating into someone else's box, shots and passes. He hit the post beautifully against Mexico. He is fast and capable of acceleration with the ball, he has a great shot, he is able to "kill". It is very important that the midfield delivers the ball to him in the right areas and at the right moments. In my opinion, Fedor should not move too much to the flanks in search of the ball and too deep to the center of the field. He needs to be and open in the penalty area. It's very good that Smolov got such invaluable experience as playing against other tough guys.

For the foul of José FONTI (right), the referee could well have awarded a penalty in the semi-final against Chile. Photo by Alexander FEDOROV, "SE"


- How do you like the new judging system with video assistants?

It was used for the first time in official tournaments of national teams. In my opinion, this system has worked in favor of the fairness of judicial decisions. At the same time, it needs some improvements. Some decisions, made or not, even after consulting with video assistants, raised doubts.

This is especially true of the incident with a fight during a match with Mexico. This was not just a boom-boom-boom skirmish during which it was impossible to see anything. Everything went beyond a certain limit.

Then many accused the referee of not giving any red cards. But, in my opinion, in such a bustle it is difficult or impossible to place all the blame on the arbitrator. Because when a mass brawl starts, tracking down the initiators from the field is extremely difficult. You are too close for that. Then the help of video assistants is really needed. Their evaluation of the episode should be more active. As in the case of individual rough attacks by a player when there is no ball near and close. I believe that the decision-making time with the help of VAR should also be reduced.

However, this is nothing more than a side note. I would like to emphasize once again that, in general, I consider the decision to use video assistants to be the right one. Enough refereeing mistakes were neutralized thanks to VAR. Some retrogrades say: "No, it's great when arbitrators have the right to make mistakes. They are people!" Yes, of course, they have such a right. But when it regularly flouts justice, the system must change.

Sometimes I hear: "That's the charm of the game, that the referee can make a mistake." This is bullshit! And I hope that after the introduction of the new system, we will gradually leave behind such points of view. They are the past.

- Doesn't it seem strange to you that under the new system it was possible to avoid a penalty kick in an obvious episode of the semi-final match Portugal - Chile?

Yes, when he fouled. In such a situation, you can blame the Italian referee ( Gianluca Rocky. - Note. I.R.), which usually sees more and more sharply. I have seen his work in Serie A many times, and I like it. But in this case, VAR, in my opinion, should have behaved more insistently. Of course, the final decision is up to the chief referee, but the video assistants had to say: "In our opinion, this is a penalty."

In the end, the result of the match was in favor of the one affected by that decision. But it could have turned out the other way around, and then it would have turned out that the error would have affected the result. And the Chileans would have the right to say: "Why do we need VAR then?"

That's why I say that since the best teams will be represented at the world championship next year, the referees, including the videos, must be the best. And there is no need to think about them being neutral and not representing the countries participating in the championship. The main thing is qualification.

- Do you have any idea why that penalty wasn't awarded?

Perhaps the video assistants at that moment went to the toilet. Or for a minute went out into the air to smoke a cigarette. Even if the arbitrator does not ask the VAR for their opinion, but they see what happened, their duty is to report their vision to the arbitrator and ask him to review the episode and make the final decision. I don't know exactly how things like this happen, but that's how it is in my understanding.

Fedor SMOLOV in the game with Mexico. Photo by Alexander FEDOROV, "SE"


- In Russia, too, many believe that of the four controversial episodes with penalties in favor of the hosts - one each against New Zealand and Portugal and two against Mexico - 11-meter should have been appointed.

I remember that Smolova With Mexico slightly pushed! There, in my opinion, the problem was that Smalley jumped a little. When you are pushed in the back, you fall down instead of flying up. Yes, they touched him. But it seemed that the fall was, let's say, a little more colorful than the violation.

I admit that this is what confused the judges. The moment was not unambiguous in either direction, I would call it controversial. I think that in such situations we must respect the decisions of the referees.

- At least we watched the episode with Smolov. With Zhirkov - no.

There, his right leg was slightly hurt. Some referees in such cases believe that the player puts his foot on purpose so that it is hurt. Gets hit. But this episode was also close to a penalty kick. Again, it was not an unequivocal penalty, but there were certain grounds for a penalty kick.

- One way or another, in both cases the score was 0:0, and the missed penalties did not affect the course of the match, since Russia opened the scoring anyway. Now, if they were ignored at 1:0, 1:1 or 1:2 ...

Yes. But, one way or another, I am convinced that the appearance of video assistants greatly facilitates the work of referee teams.

- Do you remember the episode with the fall of Bukharov at the end of the match with the Portuguese?

I can't say that this episode was right in front of my eyes. But too big to even fall! (Laughs.) This is a joke, of course. But I don't have an accurate assessment of the episode.

- But did you expect more loyal refereeing in relation to the hosts? Moreover, you had such an experience - in Korea-2002.

First, the Confederations Cup is not a world championship. And secondly, I think that home refereeing should not be. The arbitrators must be neutral.


- Let's return to the issue of hospitality, which FIFA did not please you with. In general, is everything in order with him at the Confederations Cup?

No problems at all! The people are very friendly and positive. And, what is very important, everyone does their job at a high level. The same security services supervise everything perfectly and perform their own duties from and to, but at the same time they behave in the highest degree of culture. And this is important, because, on the one hand, the main thing is to ensure security, but on the other hand, you should not do it in an incorrect form. But at KK-2017, this is not even close.

In our previous conversation, I already told you that before the opening match, after the screening, the whole group of people involved in security in that compartment asked me for a photo together, and it was wonderful. There were no more such stories, but it still stuck in my memory. Nicely!

- Did it work well?

Highly. Fox Sports USA rented a beautiful studio on outdoors against the backdrop of the Neva. And they took care of us. At some point, black clouds suddenly gathered sharply, and there was a danger of a thunderstorm - with thunder and lightning. Apparently, the forecast was disappointing, and security guards immediately ran to us: "You need to urgently return to the hotel!" And within two or three minutes we were provided with cars to transport not only ourselves, but also all the equipment to a safe place.

- I have no doubt that the cultural program you have with Elizabeth, people who are interested in everything in the world, stood out for glory.

Yes, just yesterday we had an interesting tour of the city, and the guide not only showed us St. Petersburg, but also told us a lot of details unknown to us. And not only about him, but, for example, about the murder of the royal family by the Bolsheviks in Yekaterinburg. After the opening of the KGB archives during the Yeltsin era, the terrible details of the crime were revealed - after all, this execution, judging by its details, can be called ritual.

We have always been very interested in Russian history, rich and deep. And at the end of the tour we went to the Hermitage for an hour and a half. I am happy that life in football has given me the opportunity to remove the blinders from my eyes and get to know so many wonderful countries and their people. I thought about it more than once during the tour, and in general during these weeks in St. Petersburg. The same goes for the kitchen. On days when there are no matches, we dine in traditional Russian restaurants and have great fun.

- Did you like the tournament from the organizational point of view?

No questions! Maybe I can't fully judge everything, because I spent the entire tournament in St. Petersburg. It's a fact that the Confederations Cup had great stadiums. Heard that there were some problems with one lawn.

- Where you actually are.

Yes. As far as I know, there have been no such issues in other cities. But, after all, this is the Confederations Cup, not the World Cup. There is a year left before the main tournament, and the current one is held just in order to try everything and learn from it. Today the game is getting faster and more "vertical". And for this you need slightly wet fields with short-cut grass. They don't have to be like meadows. But with the attendance of the tournament, in my opinion, everything was quite good. It seems to me that Kazan has distinguished itself for the better from this point of view.

- Yes, in terms of occupancy, it was in first place among all cities.

In general, I liked the stadium there, the stands are located close to the field. But here, of course, it was also about the matches that were held in a particular city. In Kazan, the sign has always been excellent, including the game with the participation of the Russian team.

- Interestingly, the most attended match before the final was the game between Portugal and New Zealand - more than 56,000.

Didn't know it. This once again emphasizes the importance for the public of the presence of big stars on the field - such as. 56 is great! Yes, most often the stadiums were not filled to capacity, but again, let's not forget that we are talking about the Confederations Cup, and not about the World Cup. I had a similar experience in Korea in 2001 and it was exactly the same.

In my opinion, attendance there was even lower. At that time, football in Korea was not considered a very big spectacle for its public, it needed promotion. But there were no problems at the championship itself, and I am sure that the same will happen in Russia.

- Do you have the feeling that Russia is almost ready to host the World Cup?

Oh sure. Your organizers will certainly appreciate what needs to be improved and will do so. But in general, everything is OK. And the stadiums - in the first place. I can’t rate hotels and other infrastructure in different cities, because I was in only one.

It is important that I have not heard from anyone at all a single bad word about the fact that the Confederations Cup there were some negative manifestations like racism, violence and something like that. Neither at the level of official information, nor at the level of oral stories and whispers. Nothing! I won't admire it. And I will argue that this is normal. The way it should be.

- the other day he came to Moscow and said that he asked him to help at the 2018 World Cup. If this is true, in your opinion, how can the great Argentinean help us?

Oh, I don't even know. What I am sure of exactly - not in terms of hospitality, since people in Russia will receive guests with all their hearts, I do not doubt it for a second. Maybe Maradona can convince the world, a large part of which listens to him, that Russia is worth seeing, even if you have to fly very far.

- And now about 7 thousand Chilean fans have already flown to the tournament!

So much?! I have no doubt that they have gained an amazing experience.

- True, in one of the first days there was a bad story that was widely covered in the media - a rogue taxi driver "heated" a Chilean journalist for a thousand dollars. But the police caught him, and he returned the money.

These things need to be monitored very carefully. When such stories come up, it is not good for the country, but the main thing is that effective measures were taken. By the way, I have never heard of this story., - proof of the correctness of the training system for young football players in this country. Let's go back a decade and a half.

Germany and Holland are always in a state of some competition. At that time we had an advantage in terms of the quality of the players thanks to a very good system of youth football education. From 6 to 19 years old, they didn’t teach the game better, probably nowhere. AT Holland much more focused on technical training than on an athletic one. The Germans, in contrast, have always been physically stronger, but technique and coordination prevailed in the long run.

Then there were changes. Holland moved a little towards functional training, Germany- technical. And strongly. With the help of the federation, the Germans launched a new nationwide state program children's football and it became a whole philosophy, strategy. The whole country was divided into 8 or 9 regional centers, in which the federation recruited very good children's coaches. Each region conducted the most powerful scouting, finding all the capable boys. They began systematic work on a weekly basis under a single program, and now it is bearing fruit. What this second German team did at the Confederations Cup is the full result of this strategy.

- Is it a surprise for you?

No. This is a lesson for many countries. Including for Russia and its football union.

Coached the same club for almost his entire career. But this is not at all a necessary success factor, as the Dutch specialist Guus Hiddink, who is today one of the most respected coaches in the world of football, readily proves.

Player career

Hiddink was born in Warsseveld in 1946, and it was there that his football career began. At first he was in the football academy of the club of the same name, and then played in its composition until the age of 21, when he was spotted by the larger Dutch club De Graafschap - it was there that he spent most of his career. Guus Hiddink, whose biography includes far from one club, in Grafshap was noted for playing about 300 matches for him and spent a total of 9 years there. But not in a row - already in 1970, the 24-year-old Hiddink moved to one of the strongest clubs in the country, PSV Eindhoven. However, there he only spent a whole year in vain, and in 1971 he again ended up in De Graafschap, for which he played another five years. But when he turned 30, the club's management did not consider that he was ready to continue to compete for a place in the first team, so Guus Hiddink went on loan to the United States - Washington Diplomats was waiting for him there, where he spent six months. After that, the player went on a one-year loan to the San Jose Earthquakes, again in the United States - it was Gus's longest departure abroad. He spent the rest of his career in Holland, moving to NEC in 1978. And only in 1981, at the age of 35, Hiddink returned to De Graafschap to end his career in his favorite club a year later.

Start of coaching

Guus Hiddink already knew then that he would be a coach, so he returned to De Graafschap not just as a player, but as a playing assistant coach. He sometimes took to the field, but most of the time he helped the club's then coach Hib Rijgrok. A year later, Hiddink was invited to the post of assistant coach at PSV, which was very flattering, because he had to work with then-famous coach Jan Reker. Hiddink spent four years in this position, and as a result was rewarded - after the dismissal of Recker, it was he who was offered the vacant position of head coach - this is how his coaching career began.

Favorite club of the coach

As you know, as a player, Guus Hiddink spent almost his entire career at De Graafschap, and today he is a fan of this club and worries about it. But as a manager, Hiddink has another favorite club - and that's PSV. The Dutch took the risk by appointing a coach with no actual work experience, because Hiddink was only an assistant, that is, he observed, helped, studied, but did not lead. As it turned out, the leadership of PSV did not fail - the coach held his position for more than three years, and during this time the club has achieved excellent results. For three years in a row, PSV won the Dutch championship and the same number of times in a row - the Dutch Cup. It was a real hegemony of the club in the home arena, and on the international one, too, everything turned out very well - in 1988, Hiddink led PSV to victory in the European Cup. But in 1990, Gus could not lead his club to the championship, so he was forced to leave it, but only to return in 2002 and spend another 4 unforgettable years. During this time, Hiddink won the Dutch championship three times and the Dutch Cup once, which made the fans incredibly happy. Twice he was recognized as the best coach in Holland - in 2005 and 2006. However, Guus Hiddink coached not only PSV, but also other clubs.

Other clubs in Hiddink

After leaving PSV in 1990, Hiddink went to Turkey to coach Galatasaray, but did not bring success to the club, so a year later he moved to Spain, where he took on Valencia, but even there for 3 years of coaching activities, he was unable to achieve decent results. Hiddink's first success after PSV was Real Madrid. In 1998, Gus was appointed to a coaching position, won the Club World Championship with cream, but failed in everything else, so he was fired, but did not remain without work. The post of coach Hiddink was offered by another Spanish “Real”, but not Madrid, but Betis. But even there, things did not work out for the Dutchman. It is also worth noting the arrival of Hiddink in 2009 at Chelsea, with whom the coach won the FA Cup, but nothing else remarkable happened, so he was fired less than a year later. And, of course, the club that flared up in the Russian arena after the injection of money, but almost immediately went out - "Anji". Guus Hiddink became both a coach and vice-president of the Makhachkala club in 2012, but already in 2013 he left both positions. So far, Hiddink has no longer coached at the club level, but he still had enough jobs in the national teams of different countries.

Hiddink as national coach

Guus Hiddink, whose photo on the Runet can most often be seen in the company of the Russian national team, also coached others national teams. Gus got his first experience with national teams when he left Valencia in 1994 - almost immediately he was appointed coach of his native Dutch team. As a result, he led the national team to the European Championship in 1996 and the World Championship in 1998, but he could not achieve serious success in the final stage, so he was forced to leave. Having missed the 2000 European Championship, Hiddink tried to make up for lost time, having achieved the entry of not the strongest South Korean team at the 2002 World Cup, brought it to an honorable fourth place, after which he left his post anyway. In 2006, the coach brought to the next national team of not the highest order - Australia, but here, too, luck left the Dutchman. From 2010 to 2011, he also managed the Turkish national team, but the results were frankly unsuccessful, so Hiddink did not even finalize before the contract expiration date. However, everyone knows that Gus is best known for coaching the Russian national team from 2006 to 2010.

Gus Ivanovich

The news that the eminent Dutch specialist will become the coach of the Russian national team has become a real boom - everyone was waiting for a miracle from Hiddink. And he did this miracle - at the championship of the year, the Russian team reached the semi-finals and received a bronze medal - everyone has been dreaming of such success for a long time. Since the team performed amazingly, Hiddink's contract was extended for another two years. But happiness could not last forever - Hiddink could not get the Russian team to the 2010 World Cup, as the Russians could not beat the Slovenes in the play-offs. After that, Gus Ivanovich, as he was called in Russia, announced his intention to leave the national team. He was noted for many interesting incidents, for example, when he received - the duet "Sisters Zaitseva" even made the number "Guus Hiddink after his release", which literally blew up the Internet. But Hiddink in Russia will be remembered primarily for his sensational work with the national team at the 2008 European Championship.

Where is Hiddink now?

The last place of work of the Dutch specialist was Anji Makhachkala - so where is Guus Hiddink now, who is he coaching? After he left Anji in 2013, Gus took a break and retired from coaching. They even began to talk about the fact that Hiddink could end his coaching career, because he is already 67 years old, and this is a considerable age, which is difficult to combine with the stress that is inevitable in such a position. But Hiddink denied these rumors by signing a contract with the Dutch national team, which will enter into force in August 2014, after the completion of the World Cup in Brazil. This means that it is Gus who will prepare the Dutch for the European Championship 2016.

Gus' achievements

As a result, Guus Hiddink collected an impressive number of awards in his career - he won the Dutch championship six times, the Dutch Cup 4 times, once he got the national Super Cup, as well as the European Cup, FA Cup and Intercontinental Cup. With the national teams of Holland and South Korea, he took fourth place at the World Championships, and with the Russian team - a bronze medal at the European Championship.

Hiddink Gus. Honored Coach of Russia.

Pupil of the amateur club "Varsseveld" Varsseveld, Holland.

Clubs: De Graafschap Doetinchem, Holland (1967 - 1970, 1971 - 1977, 1981 - 1982), PSV Eindhoven Eindhoven, Holland (1970 - 1971), NEC Nijmegen, Holland (1977 - 1978, 1979 - 1980, 1981 ), Washington Diplomats, USA (1978), San Jose Earthsquakes, USA (1980).

Assistant head coach of the clubs "De Grafsap" Doetinchem, Holland (1981 - 1983), PSV "Eindhoven" Eindhoven, Holland (1983 - 1987).

Head coach of clubs PSV Eindhoven, Holland (1987 - 1990, 2000 - 2006), Fenerbahce Istanbul, Turkey (1990 - 1991), Valencia Valencia, Spain (1991 - 1994), Real Madrid, Spain ( 1998 - 1999), Betis Sevilla, Spain (1999 - 2000), Chelsea London, England (2009), Anji Makhachkala (2012 - 2013).

Head coach of the Netherlands (1995 - 1998, 2014 - ...), South Korea (2000 - 2002), Australia (2005 - 2006), Russia (2006 - 2010), Turkey (2010 - 2011).

Achievements as a coach:

Dutch Champion -1986/87, -1987/88, -1988/89, -2002/03, -2004/05, -2005/06;

Dutch Cup Winner -1987/88, -1988/89, -1989/90, -2004/05;

Dutch Supercup Winner 2003;

Winner of the European Cup - 1988;

Winner of the Intercontinental Cup - 1998;

FA Cup Winner 2009;

Fourth place at the 1998 World Championships (Netherlands team), -2002 (South Korean team), semi-finalist of the 2008 European Championship (Russian team).


The Russian national team will be headed by one of the most famous, respected and successful coaches of modern football. Few specialists can be put on a par with him. Hiddink brought each team to a new, better level. How did he succeed and how did he achieve such respect among coaches, journalists, fans, players?


“We Dutch live in a very small country. But we have great ideas. Hence our passion for travel and for spreading ideas around the world. We don't want to be a gray mouse." This is how a journalist from the Dutch newspaper De Telegraf explained the triumph of the Dutch coaching school: at the World Championships in Germany, the Netherlands will be represented by four coaches at once: Marco Van Basten (Netherlands team), Dick Advocaat (South Korea team), Leo Beenhakker (Trinidad and Tobago team) and Gus Hiddink (Australian team).

But about a hundred more Dutchmen are scattered around the world, coaching teams of different status, with different budgets, with players of different nationalities and mentalities...

The most famous of them: Louis Van Gaal, who excited the whole world first with Ajax, then with Barcelona; Frank Rijkaard, who created a great team that has every chance this season to both win the championship in Spain and become the best in Europe; Ronald Koeman, who went through the most difficult group in the Champions League with Benfica and reached the quarter-finals with it, are just the most famous of the Dutch foreign coaches. But none of them has achieved (at least so far) such respect as Hiddink.

How did he achieve it? In different ways.


Hiddink, like no one else, knows how to relieve stress from the players. When the Australian team came to Uruguay for the first match, there was an incredible stir in both countries.

In Uruguay, the press simply lashed out at the Australians. Hiddink, upon arrival, said: "I am very happy to bring my team to the country that won the World Cup first." This simple phrase disarmed the Uruguayan press, and the tension subsided.

During the gathering of the Australians in Buenos Aires, Hiddink called Diego Maradona to wish him good luck and invite him to the Copa Libertadores match in the evening of the same day. Gus replied that, they say, with pleasure, but he should be with the team.

special success Hiddink did not succeed in his playing career, starting at the amateur Varsevelde and continuing it at the professional De Graafschape. But he managed to become the most popular football player of this club, having received the nickname Superbur. His departure to PSV Eindhoven caused an immediate reaction from the fans, who organized a fundraising campaign for the return of their favorite player. Hiddink returned and led the team to the top Dutch division.

Already in the evening, Hiddink was sitting at the match, but ... with the whole team in full force! Maradona called the entire Australian team there. This could not but affect the attitude of the players towards Gus.


Hiddink knows how to set up a team for decisive games. After the first play-off in Uruguay, where the Australians lost 0-1, the team flew home on Monday morning. There were two days left before the decisive match.

You are all free until Tuesday afternoon,” Hiddink announced.

Freedom and rest eventually helped the players to tune in to the meeting. Australia won 1-0 in regular time and were more confident in the penalty shoot-out.

The most difficult thing before the second leg with Uruguay was to tune in as best as possible, recalls Hiddink. - Sometimes the players are too given to the fight on the field - so much so that they forget their task. This should not be. This is the whole point - to find a certain balance so that the player gives his best on the field and does not forget to do what the coach told him.

Surprisingly, Hiddink is gaining respect from the players very quickly. "It's like Gus was the link between the team and success," says Australian captain Mark Viduka, who has never competed at the World Cup. - He became exactly the leader that we lacked. He is a tactical genius. Everything he does has a purpose. And the players are very comfortable with that.”

But Hiddink managed the Australian national team while in Eindhoven, where at the same time he managed to train PSV ...


Guus Hiddink - coach

“All Dutch coaches are, one way or another, followers of the great Rinus Michels (the head coach of the Dutch national team and Ajax in the 70s). It is from him that they take most of their ideas, says Johan Cruyff. Michels never taught me how to control the ball. But he knew how to get the players to play team football."

But the current head coach of Tottenham, Martin Jol, recalls Michels: “He is both a friend and a boss for us. When Rinus talked to the players at the hotel, he looked like a typical Dutchman - he drank beer with us, yelled songs. Everyone loved him."

The British newspaper The Guardian describes the Dutch coaching school in this way: “Their model is teaching professional ethics and team play, as well as a love of attacking football. This is what is most suitable for those countries where the football structure is not perfect.


After the 2004 European Championship, PSV lost its entire attacking line. Matei Kežman and Arjen Robben were sold to Chelsea, Dennis Rommedal went to Charlton. It seemed that the team did not shine in the coming season. However, PSV won the national championship and reached the semi-finals of the Champions League, where Milan narrowly missed.

Our budget is the smallest of all the teams that have reached the 1/8 finals of the Champions League, - Hiddink said then. - So the defeat in the semi-final cannot be called a failure.

After a super-successful 2004/05 season, PSV lost almost all of its midfield: van Bommel went to Barcelona, ​​Vogel to Milan, and Park Ji-soon to Manchester United. Once again, PSV solves its problems with brilliance. The result of the team is reaching the quarterfinals of the Champions League and the championship in Holland!

This shows that Hiddink is able to build a team almost from scratch and in a short time.


The South Korean team made a splash at the 2002 World Cup. Then they talked a lot about the fact that the judges helped the Koreans with the blessing of FIFA, that the Portuguese, Italians and Spaniards humiliated by this team had too many problems ... But no one questioned the role in the “Korean miracle” of Guus Hiddink.

We've always had good players, - said the veteran of the national team Hong Myung Bo. But we didn't know how to win. Now we do everything differently - first of all, we treat the game differently.

At first it was like this: I go into the locker room after a lost match and look at the guys. They sit with an indifferent expression on their faces. I go after the victory - the same picture. No difference, - recalls Hiddink. - I thought I mistook the door. I wanted them to be annoyed, angry after defeat and happy after victory. Therefore, after successful matches, I introduced it into the habit of arranging a holiday - with champagne, beer, a big cake ...

Hiddink made a revolution in the minds of Koreans. First of all, he broke the stereotype that the main task of the national team is just to perform better than Japan.

I had to carry them all over the world. Previously, they prepared for the World Cup through games with Malaysia and Singapore and won by three or four goals. They are accustomed to performing in their small stadiums in front of an audience of 2,000. I showed them how football is played all over the world.

Hiddink's main problem was to force the Koreans to act tough - after all, in martial arts they were inferior to almost everyone:

Sometimes I approached them in training and provoked them in some way. And no one answered. Five minutes later I go up to them again and say: do you like that I provoke you? If I provoke you, then you should respond to me in the same way. So I taught them to play as hard as European teams do.


All this does not mean at all that with the arrival of Hiddink in the Russian national team, we will definitely be successful. But it is foolish to deny that just a dialogue with such a person will be useful both for our players and coaches, and for our football leaders.

Now the Russian team will live by the rules of Hiddink. He is not one who obeys others:

I'm on the team to win. I can give in, but I'll do it my way. I don't come to follow anyone's instructions.


Two December evenings, Guus Hiddink and I sat at a cafe table on the 10th floor of the Ararat-Hyatt Moscow hotel. Outside the window, nothing spoke of the upcoming holidays - plus temperature, no snowflakes. The Dutchman shrugged his shoulders in surprise: "When we flew to Moscow now, Elizabeth hoped to see huge snowdrifts. Where are they?"

We were not talking about football, about which, over the past year, everything seems to have been said and discussed. The fuss of goals and offsides was left behind, and I wanted to talk with the Dutchman about something completely different. Hiddink - after all, he opened our team's eyes not only and not so much on how to play football. How to relate to life and believe in your star - that's what he explained to both the players and the fans. That is, the whole country. Bronze Euro-2008 has become a lesson for everyone who is convinced that he has a "ceiling" above which you can not jump. The Russian team, in which no one believed even less than a year ago, proved the opposite. And, I have no doubt, after that, thousands of people said to themselves: "But we, too, can do what we never dreamed of."

So I decided on the eve of the New Year holidays to talk with Hiddink, as they say, for life. I admit, I expected a lot from this conversation - but best coach Russia 2008 surpassed even these expectations.


In Western Europe, Christmas is celebrated on a much larger scale than the New Year, while in Russia it is the opposite. What is more important for you and your family?

Christmas and New Year for me they are inseparable. This is the time of my favorite unhurried conversations with family and friends, summing up the results of the year, thinking about what needs to be done. The sport of the highest achievements is far from always useful - both physically and mentally. Achieving your goals, you stop noticing the world around you, you become selfish. Therefore, it is good when there are people who sometimes “wake you up”. Before the New Year, there is a happy opportunity to see these people more often and hear them better.

Now, as in all recent years, will you again go to Africa for the New Year?

Yes, this time to Uganda and Tanzania. However, now - not only with Elizabeth, but also with my two younger brothers Karel and Arnold, as well as their wives. I have traveled a lot around the world, and we thought it would be great to show the brothers and their families something very different. They will leave Europe for the first time in their lives, and you should see with what excitement they expect this journey. I get great pleasure from watching how they look forward to it. As they call, they worry: "What vaccinations should we do, what things should we take with us?" No wonder: more than 5 - 10 hours from home by car, they almost did not leave anywhere. In the summer, however, they flew to Austria for the European Championship, visited our team - and became its fans. Then I said: "Now let's go further."

And why were the two younger brothers invited? There are five of them in total.

I have already invited others to other places - in particular, to Korea. So many people at once in one such trip - still a bit too much.

You are always drawn to the exotic. Go to wild Africa to have a rest, to work - in Korea, Australia, Russia, which are unusual for a Western European. Where does this spirit of the traveler come from?

I really love being in new situations and places. So that people from the traditionally leading football countries ask: "Why did you go there? Nothing can be achieved there!" On the contrary, it spurs me on. For me, the motivation is curiosity. To go to an unfamiliar region, to discover a new culture, to see how people live and work, to make possible what is considered impossible... I prefer to do and regret than not to do and regret. At the same time, I have never been disappointed that I went somewhere. Although difficulties arise, you experience resistance. But getting over it is another thing I love.

And where did it all come from... As a child, I lived in a small place and always wanted to see and learn something else. Seeing this, my grandfather said: "Don't go to school tomorrow. You and I will go somewhere. To hunt - or we'll think of something else." I was looking forward to this with great impatience, for me such walks with my grandfather were the discovery of the whole world. My current trips to different countries are essentially the same, only on a much larger scale.

Did your parents know about your activities with your grandfather?

The father knew, but did not say or do anything to neutralize them. But he was the director of the school where I studied.


Have you ever acted as Site-Klaus?

No. In the Netherlands, in addition to Christmas, there is also a holiday on December 5 - also with the participation of Santa Claus, only a little different, typically Dutch. This is more of a children's holiday, while the usual Christmas is more of an adult. But neither one nor the other Santa Claus was ever.

In fact, I dressed up only once. The Netherlands holds an annual carnival. Once my friends persuaded me to participate in it, and I put on the mask of a completely bald man like Fantômas. Now many young people wear such a "hairstyle", but that was a long time ago. In my native area, I knew everyone and everyone. I sat in a cafe, walked around the streets, no one recognized me, and I myself was silent, like a fish, because otherwise they would have figured me out. It was very funny how my good friends in the cafe asked each other: "Who is this? Who is this?" So they didn't "split". This was my only reincarnation experience, and I really liked it.

This year, without any reincarnation, you have become Santa Claus for all of Russia. Because no one dreamed of third place at Euro.

This is true. Even now it seems like a dream, although it happened already six months ago. But to perceive yourself as Santa Claus or Santa Claus is too great an honor. I was just trying to create conditions within the team and around it that would help it show its best qualities. But the coach is always dependent, albeit not completely, on the players and other members of the team. We can achieve something only together. Therefore, if you already call me Santa Claus, then I will correct you: there were many Santa Clauses in the team. More than two dozen.

Therefore, when in Austria at a farewell dinner Vitaly Mutko set out to give you a medal first, did you say: "First - the captain and other players"?

Where, by the way, Santa Claus Hiddink keeps it?

In our new house in Amsterdam, which we have been building for a year and a half and completed not so long ago.


You have already spoken about the role of the players. In each interview, you also emphasize the great importance for the national team of your assistants Alexander Borodyuk and Igor Korneev. What would you wish them in 2009?

I do not just hope, but I am sure that they will continue to be of great benefit to the team. I have been working with them for more than two years, and we develop each other. I always tried to learn from people living in the country where I currently work. They tell me stories from their football careers and everyday life, and I wind these stories around and take them into account in my work. Plus, they develop themselves - and I am convinced that they will not stop on this path.

When I came here and first saw Alex (Borodyuk. - Approx. I.R.), he, to be honest, was somewhat pessimistic. "No, Gus, it's impossible, it won't work here," he said more than once. And he often counted on ... how does this Russian word sound ... Avosh?

I'm sorry, what?

Wait, I wrote it down in my diary.

Here Hiddink, having flipped through several pages of the diary (he had acquired the habit of keeping a diary back in the 80s, from the beginning of his coaching career), showed me one of them. There, the Cyrillic alphabet was large-scaled - "PLEASE"!

I confess that for a few seconds I was speechless. And Gus began to explain to Elizabeth, who periodically joined our conversation, the essence of this untranslatable word:

Imagine: you are walking along the runway of an airfield and you see a plane. He is old, one wing hangs not quite at the same angle as the second. The pilot is slightly drunk, everything shakes and buzzes during takeoff, as if the plane is a hundred years old. It is then that the passengers with a heavy sigh say: "Maybe we will fly."

Your correspondent asked Hiddink:

Why would you write such words?

I must know them. This is important for me, because any tradition, any word of the country where you find yourself, can play some role in your work. Because such words say something about the spirit of people.

By the way, Alex is completely different now. He has his own opinion on every issue, fights for it, thinks, seething with energy. And I really like it.

I also like the fact that Igor (Korneev. - Approx. I.R.) in recent years has finally turned from a player into a coach. When we started working, he still thought in many ways as a football player, but he wanted to grow and develop. They are wise people. From Sasha I heard many stories and anecdotes about Russian life. What I really like in Russia is that people are willing to talk about themselves, their habits and do not miss an opportunity to laugh at themselves. This is a very good quality.


Christmas is a religious holiday, New Year is a secular one. Can you call yourself a believer?

No. I believe in human responsibility and strength.

So you don't see Christmas as a religious holiday?

Were you originally non-religious or did it come over the years?

Initially. Our family has always respected the right of people to believe, but did not accept their forced, artificial planting in the lives of other people. The institution of the church has done a lot, both positive and negative. In my mind to be a good man and to do good, to be religious is not at all necessary.

Do you go to church occasionally?

When I was working in Spain, we sometimes came to away matches two days before the game. And in the morning, when I had a couple of free hours, I went to the temples in Zaragoza, Bilbao, Seville and other cities and admired them as architectural masterpieces. In Russia, I have not yet been to churches, but outwardly some of them are of stunning beauty.

Do you believe in omens?

No. Many gamblers are superstitious, some of them don't even wash their underwear after winning. And if winning streak lasts for many weeks, then his wife has a hard time (laughs). But if you, the coach, think the same way, then you become vulnerable, because you don’t believe in yourself and your team, but in something else.

If a black cat crosses the road in front of you or your car before the game...

I love it!

That is, do not turn around and choose another path?

In no case!


In Korea, you have come across many amazing traditions. Can you talk about it?

It's almost military discipline. To such an extent that it is not the Koreans who control time, but time controls them. Once we had a morning workout. You can work with Koreans for two or three hours, they will not say a word, they will not complain, because for them everything that the coach says is the law. And so the class ends at 12.15, and my local assistants run up to me in horror. "What?" - I ask. "So after all, we have lunch in fifteen minutes, and the players still need to take a shower" - "So what? Let's move lunch to one in the afternoon" - "But it's also impossible! It's written in the schedule - 12.30!" They were in a real panic, and I had to make a lot of efforts to get them out of this state.

And the top leadership, apparently, categorically forbade the same assistants from smoking in my presence. At first, when they saw me, they feverishly tried to hide cigarettes and lighters. I told them: "Yes, smoke as much as you want!" They didn’t believe for a long time, they were afraid that I was luring them into a trap, so that later I could bring them to clean water and severely punish them (laughs).

At that moment, Igor Korneev, who participated in part of the conversation, asked: "Gus, tell us how you freed the Korean national team players from the army!"

All citizens of Korea, including football players, must pass, it seems, three years of military service, Hiddink immediately began. - There are no exceptions. Players serve on a common basis - which means that their football careers are broken. At 20, going three years without football is a disaster.

Shortly after the 2002 World Cup in Korea, elections were to be held. And after the first victory over Poland, politicians began to spin around the team, who wanted to get into the rays of glory. And when we beat the Portuguese, the real excitement began. I can’t say that it helped the team a lot, but at the home World Cup it was impossible to close it completely. And then I decided to try to turn it to our advantage. As a whole team, and each player.


When we left the group, I turned to the politicians: "Do you want to benefit the team? Then suggest to the country's top leaders: if we defeat Italy, let all 23 players of the national team be permanently exempt from military service!"

I was almost certain that nothing would come of this venture. But the day before the match, right during training, my mobile phone rang. Actually, I never pick up the phone during work, but then something made me answer - albeit with the intention of stopping the conversation after the very first phrases. And this is what I heard: "This is the secretary of the president of the country. You can tell the players: if the team beats the Italians, then none of them will serve in the army." I stopped training and conveyed these words to the players.

How did they react?

You should have seen their faces! And to hear some kind of friendly groan, which at that moment they emitted! Everyone gathered in a circle, hugged each other by the shoulders and talked about something for several minutes. I stood about ten meters from the players. And I felt that for the sake of this goal they are ready to move mountains. The next day, Italy was beaten.

Did the authorities keep their promise?

How did you even come up with this idea?

I was concerned about the future career of the players. These are living people! And I thought: "You can play great at the World Cup, and then everything will end for them. Almost a whole generation of football players will come to naught, and with it the development of football in the country." You can't just think about the result. Today you can win or lose, but you must see far ahead, and then the results will definitely come.

But how did you know about all these nuances with the army?

As before the trip to Moscow, Elizabeth and I read a lot about the country where we were going to go.

At this moment, Korneev again joined the conversation: “Imagine, even when he arrived in Russia, Gus knew who Pavlik Morozov was!”

After all that I've heard, I'm not surprised anymore. And asked Hiddink:

For the Russian national team at Euro, you didn’t want to find the same motivation as the Koreans, strength?

No, because that was an exceptional situation. Motivation must be present within a person, while this one came from outside. Material things - cash bonuses, a car, a house - are an external motivation and are capable of pushing some people at some stage. But it won't last long. The real motivation is internal: a football player, like a representative of any other profession, must love what he does. A great athlete and creator becomes the one for whom everything comes from the heart, and not from thoughts about the bonus. Above this, we must admit, we (here Hiddink clearly means the Russian team. - Approx. IR) still have to work.

Although a lot depends on the society in which a person plays football. I remember one Fenerbahce player where I used to work. He was an ordinary football player, and for his level he had a very good salary. One day he came to me and asked: "Could you ask the board of directors to raise my salary?" I was dumbfounded: "But you have it already so high, you should be happy with it!" And I heard: "Mr. Hiddink, you understand, this is not only for me. Having become a professional football player, I have to feed another 30 - 40 people who are around. You know how many relatives I have who live very poorly!" I understand this motivation too.

As far as I know, you are well acquainted with perhaps the most "bad guy" in the history of football - Diego Maradona.

I was in Buenos Aires, the Australian team and I were preparing for the 2006 World Cup play-off against Uruguay. And he worked in the Boca Juniors system. We were sitting in a hotel with a friend from Argentina, who helped me organize a meeting there, and suddenly he held out his mobile: "Someone wants to talk to you." I thought that a journalist was calling, because there was a lot of press around the team at that time, and pushed the phone away. But a friend insisted, and I heard in Spanish: "Mister! Mister! It's Diego!" There are many different Diegos in the world, and at first I thought that someone was fooling me. But the friend nodded: this is the real Maradona. We talked, he said that he respects my work very much.

Since when?

Don't know. Under my leadership, the Dutch national team played at the World Cup 98 with Argentina, that match came out wonderful and, perhaps, Diego liked. He probably saw Korea as well. And then he invited me to the match "Boca Juniors" - "River Plate". There are many derbies in the world - Milan - Inter, Real Madrid - Atlético, CSKA - Spartak. But the number one derby is Boca vs River. Half a day before the start of the game, the stadium is already full. The roar is such that you can go crazy!

Maradona has a small open box at the Boki stadium, where he invited me. We had a very good conversation and every second was under the gun of many cameras. We stay in touch even now, albeit not very often. But I know for sure: if I go to Argentina, I will be received there with all the warmth.

How do you feel about the fact that the enfant terrible of world football has become the head coach of the Argentina national team?

Diego is a guy from the street who has been through both good and bad. But he always found the strength to return. Because he is a fighter. I know the circumstances of life in countries where poverty is all around and football is everything. And I feel great sympathy for people who, having gone through very difficult times, become an example for millions of other people who are now very ill. They look and think: this man has survived - and got out! Fight, and you too will succeed!

Would you like to organize a friendly match between Russia and Argentina?

I would be very happy about it. Some time ago, this was already discussed, but the date that was free with us was already taken by the Argentines. Of course, it would be great if a team led by Maradona and with Messi in the squad played against us.


In Russia, did any traditions strike you the same way as Korean ones?

Compared to Korea, Russian society does not have strict principles that would be very different from Western European ones. I never experienced the shock when I exclaimed: “Lord, how to get used to this!” But here they love to give gifts. They hand out bottles with some unusual drinks, treat them to branded food ... The hospitality of the Russian people has amazed me more than once. There is another typical feature - when you are at a table in a company, everyone wants to make not just a toast, but a short speech. And he barely had time to finish one, and everyone drank, as another begins. Toasts are made very often, and you need to say to yourself: "Be careful!"

Have you ever drunk a lot of vodka?

Never. Because I don't drink, I just sip. Before Russia, I never tried vodka at all, and in principle I am not a fan of alcohol. Sometimes I drink a glass of red wine - and that's enough. And when I'm in the company, I don't feel obliged to drink like everyone else. The right of the individual is to say "no". I don't want to feel sick the next morning, or for anyone else to feel that way because of me.

Gifts to you in a life handed over different. For example, a 20-meter Hyundai limousine.

Well, 20 meters is an exaggeration. But long, long, with a TV, a bar - whatever you want! I received this present after the 2002 World Cup. In Japan and Korea, heads of large companies drive such cars. But that's not my style.


No, smart people explained that in Asia, those who give such gifts cannot be said no. This is an insult to them, no matter how you explain the refusal. As a result, this limousine was transported by sea from Ulsan, a city in southern Korea, to Rotterdam Bay. And already there I asked the national Hyundai dealer in Holland if it was possible to change this limousine for a jeep of the same brand. Which is what was done.

When you played in the US in the 70s and crossed from Washington DC to San Jose, a similar limousine was sent to the California airport for you. They say you reacted to this like this: "In Holland they would think that I was a pimp."

- (Laughs) In those days, a huge car in Holland meant just that. There were four-cylinder cars in use. And in America, on the contrary, there was a cult of huge cars, with 12 cylinders. If you find yourself in Cuba now, you will be convinced of this: many people there still drive hefty American cars of the 50s and 60s with proudly upturned "noses" on which some kind of bird or animal is depicted. I had such a car in California. San Francisco is a hilly city, and when I climbed the next hill, I could not see anything ahead. The hood was on! Because of this, you could get into an accident. But I liked it because it was an unusual feeling.

You also brought white boots from the USA - the first in Holland.

For which, playing in the NEC, he was subjected to merciless criticism after unsuccessful matches. Everyone was criticized only for the game, and I was also reminded of the white boots. But I didn’t care, because these boots were like gloves - they fit the foot so perfectly. In the US, I just fell in love with them.

Were they also a symbol of inner freedom for you?

No, everything is easier. When I played for the Washington Diplomats, the team played in all white - t-shirts, shorts, socks and boots. Just imagine how beautiful it is! So I will not rush out with beautiful slogans and I admit: for me it was not a symbol of freedom, but simply part of a very beautiful shape. Somewhere, by the way, I should keep them, I did not throw them away and did not give them to anyone.

Survived in Turkey, Spain, Korea, USA... What distinguishes Russia from all these countries?

In Russia, they treat their culture with extreme care and cherish it. I know that some Russians criticize themselves for the loss of some values. It is believed that because of computers and the Internet, a new generation, for example, does not want to play the piano, violin, and other musical instruments. And yet we have seen more than once: in so many families, children do something outside of school - or music, or something else from the field of art, or sports. We were pleasantly surprised that parents do so much for the cultural and sports education of children.

And one more thing in Russia seemed to me similar to Spain. Many musicians, politicians and people from other fields are passionate about football. In the Pyrenees, no one can ask - everyone is a fan of one or another team. There is something similar here. Not without reason, when we beat Holland, there was a holiday all over the country, from Moscow to Vladivostok. Then I looked documentary about that night, it was something amazing. I felt the significance of the victory, and when the whole team met with President Medvedev.

What exactly did you feel?

At first I thought that the meeting would be limited to formal 20 minutes with telephoto lenses and under camera flashes. But then the press was asked to leave - and the informal part began. We took off our jackets and talked. What I liked was the sense of equality that came from the president. Everyone understood the person of what rank they were talking to, but he himself did not make it clear that he was above us. The players accepted these rules of the game without ties and jackets, loosened up, and everything went on for quite some time.


Let's get back to music lessons, which you mentioned in relation to Russian children. Your brother Hans is a jazz musician. Were you taught to play musical instruments as a child?

Yes, at the initiative of his parents, he learned to play the clarinet. But I didn't have the patience. FROM soccer ball it was much more interesting! Here, by the way, there is also an instructive moment. It is necessary to make learning music for a child a game! Do not engage in tough instruction, do not force them to learn a boring theory, but come up with a method so that the child will fall in love with this instrument!

Here is a direct analogy with children's football. The children need to be offered exercises, thanks to which they discover something for themselves. Children should not be forced to do anything too much, as this will alienate them. If you are a stupid instructor, then you force you to cram - A, B, C. If you are a smart teacher, the child begins to love what you teach. And this is the most important thing. Yes and in senior football, in my opinion, the game should always remain a game. The one that these guys once fell in love with is not at all like hard work.

They say you like to sing?

Yes, and I have a karaoke system. The first time I got acquainted with this thing was in Korea, and after the success at the World Championships, we all sang like birds as a team. Not good birds - bad, voiceless - but they sang. I can't say that I sing. I love to sing - so it will be more true.

I heard that you like to play "My Way" by Frank Sinatra the most.

It's too simple, don't you think?

Before the match with Finland, you met with the famous pianist Denis Matsuev...

Yes, he came to the hotel, we drank a cup of coffee. And then we organized everything so that he could be at the stadium with photographers, standing outside the goal. I said: "Matsu (as Hiddink in his style called the famous pianist - Approx. I.R.), you will like it!" I asked him: "Tell me after the match what you saw. It's very big difference- sit high in the stands or very close to the players. "He was shocked, delighted. He described in colors what was happening in the penalty area at corners ...

Matsu, it turned out, plays hockey. I advised him to be careful with his hands. In response, he said that once he even broke his finger. Denis knows where I live in Amsterdam. The famous conductor Valery Gergiev also called me with words of support before the game with the Finns... We will definitely meet with him in the summer.

You have always been a fan of rock music - Pink Floyd, Dire Straits. Now, apparently, fell in love with the classics?

I can't say that I love very complex classical music. For me to like it, it must have power, energy. I also love jazz. But once I happened to see how Gergiev works. He was conducting a famous Dutch orchestra, and a day or two before the performance I got to a rehearsal. There he was in work clothes, cursing. And he demanded perfection from the musicians in the same way that we, coaches, from the players. This desire to extract the best from the team was very similar to a purely sporting situation. And it made a big impression on me.

And what kind of music did you listen to after the victory over Holland, when you were left in your room alone?

I didn't listen to music. After the match, and then after meeting with friends and family, I like to sit for several hours on the balcony of my room in complete silence. At such moments I like to light a cigar, take a glass of wine and look at the mountains, at the stars, at the moon. Fragments of recent matches are scrolling in my head at this moment. So it was after Sweden, and after Holland.


After finishing your playing career and starting coaching, you worked simultaneously as a physical education teacher at a school for difficult and mentally retarded teenagers for 12 years.

When you play football, and at a serious level, you break away from ordinary world and you begin to live a life, I would say, exclusive. I always remind the players of this - and that they must feel their responsibility.

True, I myself, especially when I was playing for De Graafschap, had a slightly different situation. Living in my town and communicating every day with those who have known me since childhood, I never for a day lost contact with ordinary people who have to spend all their time in the struggle for existence. It made me live in reality and not be carried away. And when I started working at this school ... It helped me a lot.

Each of my students went through difficult circumstances, poverty, and often crime. To be able to give them some perspective in life was great, albeit very difficult. And it was no less difficult to get them on your side. If you succeed, it will help you a lot. later life, including in the career of a football coach.

What were the most difficult episodes you had there?

Some guys were over-emotional, others kept everything to themselves and were very shy. Some carried knives with them, which they took out when they felt some kind of injustice towards themselves. They could threaten with a knife right in the classroom.

And to my classmates, and to me - when they decided that I was too harsh on them. In these cases, I acted according to the main principle of judo. It consists in the fact that when some force is directed against you, you should not oppose yours to it, but turn the opponent's force in his direction. In this case, the danger of an attack will come to naught.

Is it true that once a student punctured the tires of your car, moreover ... at your request?

Truth. The guy took out a knife, blushed, he was shaking: "I am now ... I am now ... I will cut your tires now!" The situation was dangerous for the other guys, and I said: "Then what are you doing here? Go out the door, walk 200 meters - and you will see my car. Go!" And he went.

I counted on the fact that - while he was running these 200 meters - he would calm down. Firstly, because the attention of adolescents tends to be distracted, and secondly, because he will have the opportunity to at least think a little and evaluate what he is going to do. I said to myself: "Okay, I'd rather he puncture the tires of my car than hurt one of my classmates." After all, tires are nothing more than rubber.

He punctured the tires - but returned already calmed down. He repeated: "Sorry ... Sorry ..." I let him back into the classroom and said: "Sit down, think about what you did. Maybe you will learn to control yourself." After this episode, it was already possible to talk to him.

Did you ever communicate with the then students afterwards?

Imagine with the same guy! He had already finished school, he was 21 years old, and he was hired. Once, when I was sitting at home, the doorbell rang out of the blue. "Mister, I wanted to come and have a drink with you." It was nice. Sometimes even now I see those guys - after all, they live in the same area where my parents do ... now it’s only my father. They have a normal life, a normal job - maybe not some very high-paying one, but it doesn't matter. More importantly, they live their lives and are happy.

Does your charitable foundation still exist in Korea?

Yes, and it is flourishing. Every year we open one or two artificial fields either for the disabled, or for the mentally retarded, or for children from poor families, orphans, and so on. Fund employees work there all the time, and I come once or twice a year.

Are you going to establish a similar fund in Russia?

I am always open to such ideas. But I can't do this alone. We need someone's help, first of all - the authorities.


I read an amazing story about you. How PSV bought you from your native De Graafschap, but after the season in Eindhoven, De Graafschap fans collected 40 thousand guilders to return you - despite the fact that the club did not have money for this.

This is true. De Graafschap was a poor club. Its leaders wanted to bring me back because the goal was to reach the top flight. But there was no money to redeem me. Our area is farming. And the fans did just that. Empty milk cans were placed around the perimeter of the stadium, as well as in several busy places in the city. And everyone who wanted to participate in the payment of the PSV transfer fee had to throw 10 guilders into the can - there was such a blue bill. And they got the right amount.

I often tell the players that football is for the people on the street and that we must not forget that. And I always remember this story.

How did you feel when the money was raised?

The feeling was ambivalent. On the one hand, it's amazing to feel so needed, needed. But what a responsibility! Poor people paid their hard-earned money for me. And when I played badly, they met me in the street and exclaimed: "Give me back my ten guilders."

Therefore, I pumped myself up all the time: "You must show the maximum!" And the next year we went to the big leagues. You can imagine how happy that brought me.


Once you loved to ride with the breeze on your Harley-Davidson motorcycle. Are you doing it in your native land to this day?

Sometimes. But for this, the asphalt must be dry. I don’t rush with great speed, but I just enjoy it. Sometimes I take off my helmet, which is not allowed by the rules, to enjoy the unique roar of the motorcycle. It's great to ride along the sea or through the forest. For a long time, however, this did not happen, because I spent a lot of time in Russia. The last time I started my Harleys was three or four months ago. But I want to and will do it. As well as riding a bike, which I manage to do a little more often.

Did you recover in this way after Euro?

Yes, I like being active. I put on jeans, ride a motorcycle and a bicycle, play tennis.

All Russia knows about your addiction to cappuccino. When did it start?

In Spain. There, however, not cappuccino, but a special kind of coffee - cortado. A small cup with a few drops of milk. And in "Valencia" I drank it all the time, and in "Real" and "Betis". Could drink 20-25 cups a day.

Isn't this amount of coffee unhealthy?

Every year and a half I do a complete medical examination. There are no problems. Really, Elizabeth? (Here Hiddink's life partner nodded affirmatively. - Approx. I.R.) In fairness, I note that now I drink only a couple of cups of cappuccino a day.

At what age did you start smoking cigars?

Recently. About two years ago. One cigar per evening gives a feeling of peace and relaxation. Please note that I am not a heavy smoker. For me, it's just a form of relaxation.

Are you indifferent to cigarettes?

Now yes. When he was a player, he also did not smoke or drink at all. But in the last six months of my playing career, I liked to smoke a cigarette after the game. When I started exercising, I started doing it more often. In Holland they like to make roll-ups. I did not escape this hobby.

And then he underwent a serious operation on the intestines. I took cigarettes with me to the hospital, thinking that after the operation I would immediately start smoking. But I didn't even have that desire. Not because I wanted to quit, but, apparently, because too much anesthesia was introduced into the body. And the body said: I do not want nicotine. Since then, no cigarettes.


Have you had moments in your life that could break you as a person?

You should always follow what your heart tells you. What I do - both in professional and personal life.

I don’t ask about personal, but when did you have such a choice in your professional life?

After the 2002 World Cup, I received offers that involved a lot of money. But if in my choice I was guided only by them, then after one or two years of work it would be just right to finish my coaching career. By accepting such offers, you neglect both the people around you and your profession.

Can you name the country?

Are you able to understand Zico, who went to work in Uzbekistan? And Rivaldo, who went there to play?

Zico went to Uzbekistan? Did not know. People have the right to make the decisions they see fit, and I don't want to judge them. Many called me crazy myself when I accepted offers from Korea, Australia and Russia. So let these "many" make assessments. And I, not knowing the circumstances, will not.

With age and experience, knowing life, some people lose faith in people. You just seem to be getting more and more. Why?

Although I am not the youngest person and coach, I categorically cannot understand cynical people. Sometimes you have to force yourself to go back 30, 40 years - and remember what you were then. And what did you think about the people who taught and raised you. If they were cynics who didn't believe in anything themselves, they couldn't teach you anything good.

Young people have the energy and ambition to achieve great things in life. It was so a hundred years ago and it will be so in a hundred years. And I have no right to kill these qualities through cynicism. On the contrary, my duty is to produce human ambitions and hopes.

When was the last time you cried?

Recently, when my mother died. We had seen each other a week earlier, and I invited her to our new house. But she didn't have time...

She lived a wonderful life, 88 years old. And then one day she fell, ended up in a coma - and never regained consciousness. Of course, it was very hard for me, because an entire era had ended. But it was even harder to watch the sadness of his father, who is 92. He understood what was happening. But at first I believed that my mother would have an operation, and she would return to life. And at some point I realized that it could not be returned. And when I saw the two of them... Mom in a coma and dad holding her hand... It was a very, very emotional moment.


In 2002, you sensationally reached the semi-finals of the World Cup with the Korean team - and decided to leave. In 2008, no less sensationally reached the semi-finals of the European Championship with the Russian team - and decided to stay. What is the difference?

I also liked Korea. But the football infrastructure there was very good. Clubs organized by large companies - Samsung, Hyundai and others - were well built in all respects. And I did not see for myself work there, with the help of which it would be possible to raise everything one more step.

And for Russia, the Euro-2008 bronze medal is only the beginning of football renewal. Infrastructure, search and development of talents, education of coaches. Much more needs to be done in this country to use its full potential. I was happy to meet many wonderful people whose support inspires me to continue working in Russia.

Can you imagine that our team will become the 2010 World Champion?

I understand perfectly well: I have no right to answer that it is impossible. However, we must be realistic. This is me about what is now in the courtyard of December 2008. First you need to qualify in our difficult group. To do this, we must work very seriously and get the support of everyone in the country who is related to football. And then we'll think about the next goal. And remember: nothing is impossible.

What could you wish for 2009 to our newspaper and... to yourself?

Yourself? I am no longer young - and I hope that, as I grow older, I will maintain a healthy body and spirit. The same - healthy body and spirit - I wish everyone, including our team. I can guarantee that she will give game all, what does she have. It is not in my power to always guarantee the result, but the spirit that we have lately has appeared will definitely remain. And we hope to make it even stronger.

As for SE, I wish that your newspaper continues to work with the same sense of responsibility, with the same dedication and devotion to its work, which I have seen since the beginning of our communication. I'm sure it will. I am open to criticism and, moreover, I consider it necessary. If this criticism is fair and positive, it must be expressed regardless of faces. We, in turn, will study it and improve. Because no one should ever think that he has achieved everything. Not a coach, not a football player, not a journalist - I repeat, no one. And next year, as in any other, each of us will have to learn something.

The whole world, including Russia, was covered by the financial crisis. Do you think it will change us a lot?

There is a lot of talk about it now. Well, in times of crisis, people become more modest and creative. If your mindset is positive, if you are full of energy, ready to work properly and do not whine from melancholy and pessimism, then you are not afraid of a crisis. It will only make you stronger.

"Sport-Express" , 01.12.2012
Anji head coach Guus Hiddink spoke about why he began to think about ending his career, shared his vacation plans and remembered almost all of his eminent wards.

1 16.08.2006 RUSSIA - LATVIA - 1:0 d
2 06.09.2006 RUSSIA - CROATIA - 0:0 d
3 07.10.2006 RUSSIA - ISRAEL - 1:1 d
4 11.10.2006 RUSSIA - ESTONIA - 2:0 d
5 15.11.2006 MACEDONIA - RUSSIA - 0:2 G
6 07.02.2007 HOLLAND - RUSSIA - 4:1 G
7 24.03.2007 ESTONIA - RUSSIA - 0:2 G
8 02.06.2007 RUSSIA - ANDORRA - 4:0 d
9 06.06.2007 CROATIA - RUSSIA - 0:0 G
10 22.08.2007 RUSSIA - POLAND - 2:2 d
11 08.08.2007 RUSSIA - MACEDONIA - 3:0 d
12 12.09.2007 ENGLAND - RUSSIA - 3:0 G
13 17.10.2007 RUSSIA - ENGLAND - 2:1 d
14 17.11.2007 ISRAEL - RUSSIA - 2:1 G
15 21.11.2007 ANDORRA - RUSSIA - 0:1 G
16 26.03.2008 ROMANIA - RUSSIA - 3:0 G
17 23.05.2008 RUSSIA - KAZAKHSTAN - 6:0 d
18 28.05.2008 SERBIA - RUSSIA - 1:2 n
19 04.06.2008 LITHUANIA - RUSSIA - 1:4 n
20 10.06.2008 SPAIN - RUSSIA - 4:1 n
21 14.06.2008 GREECE - RUSSIA - 0:1 n
22 18.06.2008 SWEDEN - RUSSIA - 0:2 n
23 21.06.2008 HOLLAND - RUSSIA - 1:3 n
24 26.06.2008 SPAIN - RUSSIA - 3:0 n
25 20.08.2008 RUSSIA - HOLLAND - 1:1 d
26 10.09.2008 RUSSIA - WALES - 2:1 d
27 11.10.2008 GERMANY - RUSSIA - 2:1 G
28 15.10.2008 RUSSIA - FINLAND - 3:0 d
29 28 03 2009 RUSSIA - AZERBAIJAN - 2:0 d
30 01 04 2009 LIECHTENSTEIN - RUSSIA - 0:1 G
31 10 06 2009 FINLAND - RUSSIA - 0:3 G
32 12 08 2009 RUSSIA - ARGENTINA - 2:3 d
33 05 09 2009 RUSSIA - LIECHTENSTEIN - 3:0 d
34 09 09 2009 WALES - RUSSIA - 1:3 G
35 10 10 2009 RUSSIA - GERMANY - 0:1 d
36 14 10 2009 AZERBAIJAN - RUSSIA - 1:1 G
37 14 11 2009 RUSSIA - SLOVENIA - 2:1 d
38 18 11 2009 SLOVENIA - RUSSIA - 1:0 G
39 03.03.2010 HUNGARY - RUSSIA - 1:1 G
+22 =7 -10