Valery Karpin's wife has a deceptive appearance. Karpin married a teacher Daria Gordeeva is a famous singer in Estonia

Former Main coach Spartak, and now an expert on the Match TV channel, Valery Karpin got married.

The ceremony took place in the Estonian Narva. Valery Karpin's fiancee is Daria Gordeeva.
The fact that the couple will get married in the summer of 2017 became known in October last year.

Daria Gordeeva graduated from two schools at the age of 18: the Humanitarian Gymnasium and Narva music school. After that, she entered the Narva College of the University of Tartu. Has a master's degree. Since childhood, she loves music, has been a participant in many music competitions. From the age of five she performed on the big stage, starred in the programs “100 percent”, “Up to 16 and older”, and in 2000 she became the laureate of the “Morning Star” program. She was a finalist in the casting of one of the Star Factories and the Five Stars contest.

She gained fame as a soloist of the music group Be Free. Previously taught in Narva English language now teaches Estonian to schoolchildren. Gordeeva believes that she has a difficult character. “I am independent, stubborn, purposeful and independent. As they say, I do not like to argue, because I already know that I am right. My relatives laugh: a girl with a feminine appearance and a "male" character. Therefore, he must give me the opportunity to be weak and defenseless next to him. In addition, I am always in public, on stage, most often late in the evening, and even at night. He must patiently and without jealousy treat my way of life. But that's not all. I am spoiled by my father’s excellent sense of humor, so a man who cannot make me laugh heartily is not interesting to me, ”she said in an interview with the Estonian edition of Narva.


It happened: last weekend, teacher and singer, ex-member of the group Be Free Daria Gordeeva married the legend of Russian football, an expert on the Match TV channel Valery Karpin. The newlyweds spoke about how they first met, who was present at the wedding and how their life will change now, in an exclusive interview with the Narva newspaper.

- Dasha, Valera, I congratulate you on your legal marriage. How does it feel a few days after the ceremony?

Valery: Thanks for the congratulation. Feeling great! Many pleasant memories, and emotions - only positive.

- Where did the celebration take place?

Darya: On the shores of the Gulf of Finland, at the Noorus spa hotel, where Valera proposed to me last October. It is beautiful and very comfortable, almost like home. And the next day, all together, the families went to nature and spent several unforgettable hours in the fresh air. Sport games, barbecue, fishing and children's laughter - it was great, and the weather did not disappoint!

Why did you decide to register your marriage in Estonia?

IN.: This is our homeland with Dasha, parents and close people live here. And Moscow friends got acquainted with Narva and its environs with pleasure.

- Which of the distinguished guests attended the celebration?

IN.: We do not divide friends into eminent and not; the most important people for us were sitting at the table.

- Among them was TV presenter Tina Kandelaki?

Did she officiate the wedding?

No, she was one of the guests.

And who prepared and carried out the action?

D.: The ideas belong to us, the wedding was hosted by Sergey Rymar and Alexander Alexandrin from the League of Leaders, and the event was designed by Minu Pidu. We thank everyone involved for creating a wonderful atmosphere and stylish surroundings, which was appreciated by all those present.

Is it true that you've known each other much longer than you've been dating?

IN.: Yes it's true. Not only me, but also my mother was friends with Dasha's parents even before her birth. Of course, this friendship continues to this day.

How did your romantic story start?

- About two years ago, we began to see each other more often and communicate closer, and at some point both realized: "This is mine."

- Did the age difference prevent you from becoming a couple?

D.: It is not age that prevents people from becoming a couple, but the lack of real feelings. In addition, I do not feel this difference at all: Valera is in excellent physical and emotional shape and will easily give odds to anyone. He has a great sense of humor, we are brought together by common interests and views on life. All our friends immediately became common, which is important for any family.

IN.: Yes, and Dasha is not a little girl, but a self-sufficient, wise, intellectually developed woman.

- The media stubbornly presents Dasha as a teacher, while for a whole generation of young people she has become an idol in music.

IN.: I'm happy that she works as a teacher, and does not sit at home leafing through fashion magazines. You can talk to her on any topic, because teaching contributes to self-development, and working with children even more so. So the status of a teacher is a reason for pride, as well as creativity. Daria has been on stage since the age of five. Behind her are many victories in various competitions.

- And what is the story with the casting for the "Star Factory", which Dasha allegedly did not pass?

D.: I have never participated in this casting, and where the information came from is not clear.

Each of you has children from previous marriages. How did they react to your union?

IN.: Wonderful. My eldest daughter Masha was present at the wedding, but the youngest, Valeria, could not come because of the exams at the Spanish school.

D.: My seven-year-old daughter Anita, of course, was with us that day.

- Do you think about common children?

D.: Yes, I would like to give birth to my husband a son, or even two.

- How will your life change now: will Dasha leave her job as a teacher and move to Moscow?

D.: Until you finish academic year and graduate my twelfth grade.

IN.: And then we'll see who moves where (laughs).

Where are you going on your honeymoon?

IN.: We have not yet decided on the timing or the direction in connection with my employment at the Confederations Cup. But be sure to give each other an unforgettable trip!

D.: Do not give up! Wait for your man, be yourself, and love will definitely find you!

IN.: Appreciate each other, enjoy every day spent together and accept your loved ones as they are. Everything is very simple!

Interviewed by Anna Chistodelova
Photo from the archive of the Karpin family

Valery Karpin - Russian football ist, silver medalist of the European Cup in beach soccer 2005, trainer, commentator, football expert TV channel "Match TV". Included in the the best players Russian team.

Childhood and youth

A boy was born on February 2, 1969 in the family of Georgy and Svetlana Karpin. His father worked at the factory as a mechanic, his mother worked as a textile worker. George, who in his youth was engaged in amateur sports, from childhood taught the boy to football. After the divorce of his parents, Valery remained with his mother, who gave all her strength to raising her son.

The biography of the famous football player Valery Karpin began under the arches of the children's football club of Narva, a small Estonian border town, under the guidance of the first coach Yuri Shalamov. In the mid-80s, the young man played in several matches for the Tallinn football club, where he entered immediately after graduation. In parallel, Valery studied at a construction college. While serving in the ranks Soviet troops he also played for the CSKA club. And after the army, he worked for a year in the Voronezh Torch.


In 1990, fate brought the football player under the arches of the Moscow Spartak, with whom he connected his best years, first as a player, and many years later as a coach and CEO. As a football player, Valery Karpin played more than 100 matches for the Moscow club and scored almost 30 goals.

He is awarded several times the title of champion of Russia. Twice Valery is awarded the Cup of Russia. In addition, the young athlete played almost 80 matches for the CIS team, during which he scored 20 goals. Valery Karpin is a two-time participant in the European Championship, and a one-time participant in the World Championship.

In 1994, the athlete accepts the offer of the Spanish football club Real Sociedad and becomes their legionnaire. Karpin quickly took root in Spain thanks to his charm and abilities: he conquered many local fans by performing on local television a song about the love of young people for each other in the Basque dialect. For several years, he moved from club to club, replacing Valencia and Celta in the first place of work.

Valery Karpin at one time remained a player of the Spanish teams as a legionnaire. This situation did not suit him, since he, as a citizen of another state, received $ 250 thousand a year. With the help of lawyers, he achieved the recognition by Spanish justice of foreigners as equal citizens who can claim full wages. And in 2003, he received the citizenship of Estonia, which was already a member of the EU, which finally secured its legal status in Europe. At the same time, Valery Karpin, Russian by nationality, retained Russian citizenship.

In 2005, the footballer announced the end of his sports career and went into business. From that moment on, Valery Karpin became the director of a construction company and was coaching a women's volleyball team. The eminent athlete becomes a frequent guest on Spanish television, taking part in many talk shows. He also led own program about football "El Rondo", which was broadcast on the central channel TVE2.

In 2008, after a long break from sports career, Valery Karpin returns to Russian football again. This time he is the head coach of the beloved Moscow club Spartak. This fact pleased his Russian fans. In addition, immediately after receiving an international A-class coaching license, he leads the team to second place in the 2009 Russian Championship. At this time, in parallel with coaching, Valery takes over the leadership of Spartak as a general director.

During the years of work as the head of the main football club in Russia, Karpin, an already quite impulsive player, appeared in several scandals. The most notable of these was a quarrel between Valery and a CSKA player during their joint match in 2010. Then "Spartak" beat their rivals with a score of 1:0, after which, passing by the coaching stands, the famous brawler Denisov used foul language against Karpin. The coach could not stand it and almost hit the opponent.

After several failures of the team in the championship and the Russian Cup, Valery Karpin was threatened with dismissal from the coaching post, but due to the lack of a replacement, the team owner left the athlete in this position for several more seasons.

After the defeat of Spartak in the match with the Portuguese club Porto, Karpin had to explain himself to the club's angry fans. In an unplanned interview, which later became a popular YouTube hosting video, Valery Karpin retorted with the phrase: "Falcao will not come to us."

Another popular aphorism during his coaching career at Spartak was the phrase of Valery Karpin:

“A football player needs to have brains, no matter what Zenit and no matter what team he plays for.”

Despite leaving the famous club, a page on the official Spartak website is dedicated to Valery Karpin.

Valery Karpin was the coach of Mallorca

In 2014 he continued coaching career in Spain at the Mallorca club, but due to the lack of achievements in the game of the club's players and for the low rating, Karpin was twice on the verge of being fired. The first time the coach managed to correct mistakes and lead the team to several victories, but subsequent defeats brought all the works of Valery to naught. He was fired in 2015 without a monetary compensation of €400,000.

Since 2015, Karpin has entered into an agreement with Torpedo Armavir, where he also performed coaching functions. But during the season, the football club was never able to leave the relegation zone of the FNL, and soon left the league altogether. Valery did not manage to stay in the coaching position here either, a year later the contract was terminated.

In 2017, rumors appeared in the media that Karpin was waiting for a coaching post in football team Arsenal (Tula), and then they began to talk about the proposed transfer to Anji. But in an interview, the athlete evaded a direct answer. Soon the situation cleared up: Karpin signed a contract with the Rostov team for a period of 2.5 years.

Personal life

The personal life of the famous football player made a sharp turn more than once. A sporty tall young man (Valery's height is 185 cm, weight - 78 kg) has always attracted the attention of girls. Valery Karpin was already married twice. He met his first wife Svetlana in his youth in his native city of Narva. Two children were soon born in the family - daughters Maria and Valeria. The wife supported the famous husband in everything and after he entered into an agreement with Spanish club, went to live in Spain with him. Valery behaved like a true gentleman: after the birth of his second daughter, he gave his wife a Mercedes car.

Everything was fine until Karpin met the fatal beauty, the Spanish model Alba Fernandez. The burning brunette turned the head of the already elderly football player so much that he left the family to marry a second time. But the second marriage was not successful. Due to high employment, Valery could not pay much attention to his wife, often she was left alone. In addition, regular joint flights from Spain to Russia quickly cooled the ardor of a young girl. And soon he and his wife broke up.

After that, for several years, the paparazzi watched the athlete in the company of his new girlfriend Alexandra. They regularly attended the capital's parties. Then a joyful event happened in Valery's life. Often visiting my mother in Narva, as well as taking part in sports life hometown, the football player met a young compatriot - Daria Gordeeva.

This girl has already achieved a lot in life: in her youth she took part in the "Two Stars" contest, in the "Star Factory". She graduated with honors from a higher educational institution in her native Estonia. Today, Daria works at the Narva gymnasium, where she teaches Estonian. Gordeeva often performs in local clubs with the musical group "Be free".

Such a spectacular beauty could not help but win the heart of Valery, and soon the happy lovers, having become engaged, set a date for the wedding. The solemn event took place in the middle of 2017 in Narva. Information about the event and a photo of the happy couple appeared in October 2016 on the official pages of Valery and Daria in

The third wife of the famous coach and TV commentator only at first glance seems soft and fluffy

Valery KARPIN, a stylish and imposing man, is used to surprising. A wonderful midfielder in the past, already being the general director of Spartak, invited the Danish coach LAUDRUP to the club, and then suddenly fired him and began to train himself without any license. At that moment, by the way,Valery Georgievich was at the same time president of a construction company and owner of a cycling team in Spain!.. And not so long ago, having dramatically changed his role, he appeared on the Match TV channel as an expert and editor-in-chief of football broadcasts. With a monthly salary of two million rubles!

At the beginning of summer, the 48-year-old dandy surprised even more. A week before the opening of the Confederations Cup Karpin married for the third time! And not in Moscow, where he lives and works, but in his historical homeland - in the Estonian city of Narva. His chosen one was an ordinary teacher Daria Gordeeva. Teaches English and Estonian. Dasha is 20 years younger than Valery, she is pretty, and besides, she cooks great.

The ex-head coach of Spartak proposed to Gordeeva last October, presenting a beautiful ring.

The newly-made wife already has a child - seven-year-old daughter Anya. Dasha, by the way, also appeared on TV more than once. She graduated from a music school and since childhood starred in various television shows - for example, "Up to 16 and older." In 2000, Daria became a laureate of the Morning Star competition. And later, having matured, she went to the casting of "Star Factory" - however, without special success. At home in Narva, she performs in the local pop group "Be Free", which gives live concerts on weekends.

Svetlana gave birth to KARPINA two charming daughters. Photo by Anatoly BELYASOV

In appearance, the chosen one of Valery Karpin seems white and fluffy. However, Dasha has a masculine character.

I am stubborn, independent and purposeful. It's better not to argue with me. In addition, I am often in public, on stage, returning home late, sometimes at night. My chosen one should be patient and without jealousy about this. If he doesn’t have a sparkling sense of humor, like my dad, I won’t be interested in such a man either, ”Gordeeva told local journalists about a year before meeting Karpin.

Valery Georgievich, fortunately, has complete order with humor. And he has more children than Daria.

Surprise from Narva

With his first wife, Svetlana, Karpin also met in Narva. When the young Spartak player was offered a contract with the Spanish Real Sociedad, his wife was happy and followed him to San Sebastian. Svetlana gave birth to her husband two daughters - Masha and Valeria. In gratitude for this, the husband gave his beloved a Mercedes. Everything was going well for them until Valery met a black-eyed Spaniard Albu Fernandez. It was a fatal passion. Karpin literally rushed between his family and the beautiful actress - and could not help himself. Confessed to his wife, and they broke up. Svetlana still lives with her children in the Spanish city of Vigo.

After Spartak, KARPIN shone in Real Sociedad, Valencia and Celta

Karpin married Alba in December 2007 and brought her to Moscow. Their first appearance on the podium of the Luzhniki stadium made a splash. However, the spoiled actress did not accept the cold and dank Moscow. Here she was frankly bored - there was no filming, and her husband, having become the general director of Spartak, was up to his neck at work. As a result, Alba left for her homeland, and the couple filed for divorce.

The sultry Spaniard did not have time to give birth to Valery's child. But he still had a third daughter - an illegitimate one. In his youth, Karpin had a fleeting affair with Vlada Belova, a resident of the same Narva. The guy quickly forgot about it, but after many years he was reminded. It turned out that Belova gave birth to a daughter from a football player, whom she named Veronica. Later, Vlada married an Estonian and gave her daughter his last name - Rego. When Veronica grew up, her mother told her about her real father. Karpin was furious at first: Vlada began to extort money from him. Like, you need 350 thousand for education for your daughter. However, having got to know Veronica better, Valery Georgievich relented and recognized her.

Here is such a "cherchet la femme".

47-year-old Valery Karpin marries for the third time a 28-year-old teacher from Narva, Daria Gordeeva.

Known Russian football player, ex-player, head coach and CEO Moscow "Spartak" Valery Karpin made an offer to 28-year-old Estonian teacher Daria Gordeeva. She agreed.

“Of course, I answered “yes” and became the happiest!” Daria wrote.

For Valery Karpin, this marriage will be the third. His first wife Svetlana lives in Spain, former footballer from her two children. Later, Karpin had a relationship with the Spanish model Alba Fernandez for a short time.

At the age of 18 she graduated from two schools: the Humanitarian Gymnasium and the Narva Music School. After that, she entered the Narva College of the University of Tartu. Has a master's degree.

Since childhood, she loves music, has been a participant in many music competitions. From the age of five she performed on the big stage, starred in the programs “100 percent”, “Up to 16 and older”, and in 2000 she became the laureate of the “Morning Star” program. She was a finalist in the casting of one of the Star Factories and the Five Stars contest.

Daria Gordeeva - the bride of Valery Karpin

She gained fame as a soloist of the music group Be Free. Previously, she taught English in Narva, now she teaches Estonian to schoolchildren.

Gordeeva believes that she has a difficult character.

“I am independent, stubborn, purposeful and independent. As they say, I do not like to argue, because I already know that I am right. My relatives laugh: a girl with a feminine appearance and a "male" character. Therefore, he must give me the opportunity to be weak and defenseless next to him. In addition, I am always in public, on stage, most often late in the evening, and even at night. He must patiently and without jealousy treat my way of life. But that's not all. I am spoiled by my father’s excellent sense of humor, so a man who cannot make me laugh heartily is not interesting to me, ”she said in an interview with the Estonian edition of Narva.