Training shooting from a pistol. Basic Pistol Shooting Techniques Where to Learn Gun Shooting

God created people, and Colonel Colt made them equal.

But if a person does not know how to use the products of a talented weapons designer properly, then the gun in his hands is no worse than a child's scarecrow. It is not enough to have a weapon, you also need. It only seems from the outside that it’s easy to shoot - once you pick up a gun and stand on the firing line, it suddenly turns out that the recoil is strong, and your hands are shaking, and the gun weighs a lot, and the protective headphones are uncomfortable, in a word, anything interferes with you make perfect shots. So practice, practice and more practice. And to make the process of mastering the skill a little easier, beginner shooters We advise you to remember the following simple rules.

1. Accuracy is more important than speed

The best way to earn "stormtrooper syndrome" is to focus on . " I'll fire more bullets, maybe at least one target will hit» - thinks beginner shooter. This makes sense if in your hands, let's say, it makes up to 600 rounds per minute, and each of them is armor-piercing. But in the hands, alas, an ordinary pistol with extremely limited ammunition. So when training, it is better to focus on accuracy first, and speed will come by itself, along with automatism.

2. Learn Theory

While shooting, you should not be distracted by anything, so you should know from the very beginning how to shoot correctly - and so on. And yes, even if this knowledge is purely theoretical, it is much easier to turn it into practice than the complete absence of any experience.

3. Move naturally

At human body have their usual rhythms - breathing, heartbeat, involuntary tremors of the muscles. Trying to control them does not turn out to be good, on the contrary, it only distracts beginner shooter from the immediate task. Therefore, it is better to initially learn to shoot according to your rhythms. And that means waiting for the right moment. In any case, the weapon will tremble slightly in the hands, and the barrel will sway. So instead of forcibly combining the rear sight and the front sight, it is better to wait until they themselves are level and only then do not hesitate to shoot. Yes, it may take seconds, but you are not chasing speed just yet.

4. Zeroing required

Any weapon takes some getting used to. The recoil force, the effort required to pull the trigger, the allowable deviations between the front sight and the whole - all this is known exclusively experimentally. So that beginner shooter must be prepared for the fact that more than a dozen shots will go into milk before the features of each specific weapon become clear. With experience, this number will decrease to two or three.

5. Focus on every shot

Your main task on this moment- make the shooting process natural and automatic. You will think about tactics, strategy, combat missions and everyday problems when the bullets start to hit the target as if by themselves. It is for this beginner shooters and need training.

6. If nothing works, just shoot.

Sometimes it's hard to concentrate. And to catch the moment of shooting - too. Hands begin to tremble more strongly, all sorts of thoughts come into my head, it becomes more and more difficult to concentrate. This is a very typical picture, characteristic even for professional shooters. You yourself have seen it many times, for example, at biathlon competitions - the longer a participant aims, the higher his chance to miss. So many people prefer to shoot the clip faster, and if something doesn’t hit, catch up on the run. This is a very correct tactic, because even if the shot is not placed perfectly, the muscles of the hand will still get used to the recoil, to pulling the trigger, to other movements, which will come in handy in the future.

To be honest, I myself shoot a gun frankly sucks. Lack of practice and experience. Now archery is a completely different matter. And what is characteristic, all these tips really helped me at the time. Getting used to the characteristics of weapons, building up muscle memory, tune in to the natural movement of the body - all this really helps to hit the target. And, of course, training, training and more training.


The large shooting club "Labyrinth" has a wide arsenal of weapons - from pneumatic analogues famous brands military weapons to bows, crossbows and laser rifles. Here you can also learn how to throw knives, axes and tomahawks. A specialized shooting range is equipped for each type of weapon, including 20 halls for playing Laser Tag. The instructors who work here are masters of sports of international class.

Ave. Kutuzovsky, 12, building 1

Shooting club "Tactics" 18+

In addition to the general course of practical shooting, which will teach you how to use weapons correctly, the club conducts individual and group trainings. They will help you competently use personal weapons in a variety of critical situations.

contact the club

Shooting club "Dynamo" 18+

Main principle work of sports and shooting club "Dynamo" - an individual approach to each visitor. Here you can practice on your own or under the guidance of a coach who will draw up a training program taking into account the skills and tasks of the guest. In the club, visitors master weapons of various types. Shooting competitions are also held. A nice bonus: children go to the club for free.

st. Spartakovskaya, 2a, building 2

Shooting club "Patriot" 18+

The Patriot club trains private security guards and bodyguards. But there are also special courses for everyone who wants to learn how to use weapons. The program includes lectures and practice. For example, in the classes on the discipline "Fire Training" you will be taught the safe handling of weapons, and at the end of the training you can get a license. Attention! The club is temporarily closed for renovations

Izmailovskoye sh., 71, building 8

Shooting Club "Gepard" 12+

Club "Gepard" positions itself as an archery and crossbow club. Here you can shoot from almost any kind throwing weapons. The club has a children's archery section. You can register from the age of 11. Both amateurs and professionals can train in the main club. When visiting the club shooting range, you must have your passport with you.

sh. Volokolamskoe, 86

Sports shooting club "Viking" 18+

In this club, you can not only master basic shooting skills and safe handling of weapons, but also become a member of the Practical Shooting Federation of Russia or the International Practical Shooting Confederation (I.P.S.C.), as well as receive the official status of an athlete shooter.

st. Quiet, 37, building 3

Central Sports Shooting Club DOSAAF Russia 18+

This is the oldest shooting club in post-revolutionary Russia, organized back in 1933. Adults and children study here bullet shooting, summer biathlon and crossbow shooting. On the basis of DOSAAF, both amateurs and professional athletes, who are members of the shooting teams of Russia, train. Attention! The club is temporarily closed. Check with the administration for details.

Volokolamskoe sh., 86


The Academy is part of the Russian Federation of Practical Shooting and trains practical pistol and revolver shooters. The academy can also deliver weapons to sporting events.

pr-d Lubyansky, 27/1, building 1


For more than 20 years, lovers of shooting from military weapons have been training here. You can learn how to shoot with modern pistols and carbines, learn practical shooting, learn how to handle weapons safely and prepare for competitions. Those who already know how to do everything can just come and shoot for their pleasure.

st. Agricultural, d. 20, bldg. 3


Here you will be trained in the safe handling of weapons. Instructors also conduct certification for knowledge of the rules and test your skills in handling weapons. Each student undergoes legal training, theoretical and practical fire training, and after that - final certification.

st. Vostochnaya, d. 4, building. one


SSK trains archery and crossbow shooters. The club is open to both beginners and professionals. Trainers train specialists in intuitive and traditional archery. You will be taught to shoot from a block or classic bow, crossbow. Also here you can fulfill the standard of the master of sports in shooting.


Do you want to develop accuracy, attentiveness, speed of reaction and master the skills of self-defense, the correct and safe handling of weapons? Training at the Academy of Practical Shooting will help you get rid of stress, become more confident and balanced. There are no restrictions on gender and age: there are both men and women among the members of the shooting club, and the smallest shooters are only 6 years old. The Academy offers a wide range of small arms, including CZ, Glock, Heckler&Koch, SIG-Sauer and Alfa-Para. There are also more than 10 courses aimed at shooters different levels preparation.

Shooting club "Viking"

Club "Vityaz" ─ a pass to the world shooting sports. Here you can take an initial training course, join the Federation of Practical Shooting of Russia and become a member of the International Confederation of Practical Shooting. Here they know how to handle weapons confidently, but safely. They will also teach you - with the help of a Yarygin pistol in the MP 446 C modification and a 9X19 Luger cartridge.

Sports Complex of the Military Hunting Society


This is the oldest Moscow shooting and bench complex to date, the shooting range of which is located in the south-east of the city, in the picturesque forest park Kuzminki. Here beginner shooters train and Olympic champions, amateur hunters hone their shooting skills before the opening of the hunting season. The sports complex has a round stand, a trench stand, a double ladder, a sporting compact and much more.

Shooting Club "Shot"


Here are engaged practical shooting- an interesting and dynamic type of shooting sport that combines high-speed shooting from military weapons with fast movements around the site. Accuracy, speed, coordination, self-confidence and a powerful adrenaline rush - all this can be found in the Shot club. The club has two galleries at 25 and 50 meters, good lighting and ventilation, unique sand bullet traps that save the lungs from lead, as well as a rich arsenal of long-barreled and short-barreled weapons.

Sports and shooting club "Paratrooper"


10-meter shooting range, interactive shooting range for laser tag, equipment for paintball and strikeball, two unique climbing walls - open and closed, crossbow shooting grounds are located on the territory of the Paratrooper club. Here everyone will find entertainment to their liking: they will master shooting from various kinds weapons, learn how to handle them safely or improve their skills. The shooting gallery has both short-barreled and long-barreled weapons, as well as the legendary Maxim machine gun.

Shooting club "Izmailovo"


At your disposal are two 50-meter galleries (10 directions each), big choice firearms, adjustment of civilian weapons and sights, training in safe handling of weapons. There is sport sections shooting for adults and children (from 11 years old) and specially equipped areas for shooting from a crossbow or bow. The club's weapons arsenal includes more than 200 items, both historical and modern.

Underground Club "Labyrinth"


"Labyrinth" ─ a place where you can not only shoot from various types of firearms and traumatic weapons, but also test pneumatic "guns", land a queue at an imaginary enemy from a depleted machine gun or "Kalash", and also accurately hit targets with a bow or crossbow . An experienced instructor will teach you how to throw axes and knives exactly at the target, while paintball and laser tag will become the thematic center of any children's or corporate event.

UNIBOS Federation

Photo: Shutterstock

Do you want to master shooting with the use of modern fire tactics? Then you are right here. The main pride of the Universal Combat System club is the instructors (although everything is in order here with the technical equipment). Experienced instructors will teach sports and combat shooting from a rifled carbine, large-caliber pistol and sniper rifle. UNIBOC will carry out tuning of personal weapons and help in their zeroing (do not forget to take permission to own and carry). The club is also focused on teaching hand-to-hand and knife fighting, applied self-defense and self-defense with the help of improvised items.

Moscow City Shooting and Sports Club DOSAAF of Russia


This club is considered one of the best in Moscow: it has a rich collection of weapons - from copies of the First World War to modern examples of the shooting industry (more than 300 units in total), and on its territory there is the only 100-meter shooting gallery in the capital.

Pistol shooting practice is popular with both adults and children. There is a specially developed technique for acquiring weapons skills and improving the level of skill. Pistol shooting courses not only teach shooting techniques, but also introduce you to the rules for the safe use of weapons.

You will need an experienced instructor to learn how to shoot.

Where is the training

You can learn how to shoot a pistol in practice in sports clubs or on special courses in pneumatic shooting ranges.

The best shooting schools in Moscow:

  • Shooting club "Shot";
  • Educational and sports club "Ostankino" DOSAAF of Russia;
  • Shooting complex "Hunter";
  • Training center "Vityaz";
  • Shooting Club Object";
  • Shooting club "Unibos";
  • Shooting club "Patriot";
  • Shooting club "Labyrinth";
  • Shooting complex "Caliber";
  • Shooting complex LOU "Center".

How the lesson is built

Unlike sports shooting, which requires high skill and mental stability, shooting practice can become a kind of entertainment or hobby that will help relieve stress after a hard day's work.

Lessons can be individual with an instructor or group. The latter involve classes with a trainer in groups of an average of 4 people. This is reflected in the cost of the course. Individual sessions more costly.

Any training course in shooting for beginners begins with training in the safety of using weapons. Then the trainer helps the student to master the technique of gripping (holding) the weapon and teaches the correct stance and breathing while shooting.

This will help keep the gun from swaying in your hand and keep your body balanced when it recoils.

It is necessary to take a stable posture. Feet should be shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent.

Arms should be extended forward, elbows slightly bent. You can't hold a weapon in front of your face. This will help avoid injury during recoil.

Handgun stance.

The second stage of training is to familiarize the student with the basic commands that can be given by the coach during the shooting process. Not only the definition of the algorithm of actions and the result of shooting depend on this, but also the safety of the shooter himself.

Only after the student has mastered the basic skills, the instructor proceeds to practical training and precision training.

First of all, you need to determine the dominant eye. This is necessary for mastering the skills of aiming.

In most people, the dominant eye is the same as the dominant hand, but this is not always the case. To correctly determine it, you need to connect the thumb and forefinger. The resulting ring should be slowly brought closer to the eyes.

Both eyes must be open. You can't look at the ring. The gaze should be directed through it to a distant object. The hand will intuitively move closer to the dominant eye.

  1. When aiming, the front sight should be in the center of the rear sight (slots).
  2. The upper part of the fly is on the same level with the whole.
  3. The target looks a little blurry, but it should not be overlooked. Attention should be focused on the front sight and rear sight.
  4. The top line of the front sight must be aligned with the horizontal line of the target.

It is important to remain calm while doing this. In the absence of concentration, there is a high probability of a miss.

Rules for aiming and focusing the gaze.

Shot technology:

  1. While pressing on the front of the trigger, press it evenly.
  2. Press until resistance appears.
  3. Fire a shot.

During classes, one brand of pistol is used. This is necessary for the student to become accustomed to the weapon.

All of the above rules apply not only to lessons on sports shooting, but also to training in combat shooting. Tactical shooting is different in that the student is taught the skills of firing in different situations from any position. This is both accuracy, and speed, and close combat tactics.

To master and consolidate the shooting technique, it will take from 4 to 8 lessons. Having studied the basics of shooting with a pistol, in the future you can improve your skills in owning a personal weapon.

Press the trigger evenly and smoothly.

Age restrictions for students

Sports schools accept students from 10-12 years old into children's pistol shooting groups in the absence of medical contraindications. It is believed that children who have not reached this age are not ready to work with weapons either physically or psychologically.

As practice shows, many private schools accept children from 8-9 years old at the discretion of the coach, provided that the child is well physically developed and has a strong physique for his age. But at the official level, this should not be allowed. Parents need to be aware of the risk to their child.

Guns are not toys for children.

What do you need to record

To enroll in shooting courses for beginners, you must provide:

  • an application to test knowledge of the rules for the safe handling of weapons;
  • training contract.

To conclude an agreement, you need to have a package of documents with you, which includes:

  • the passport;
  • medical certificates from a psychiatric clinic and narcological dispensary;
  • one photograph 30x40 mm.

Estimated cost and preparation

The average cost of pistol shooting lessons is 1500-2500 rubles per hour. The cost of cartridges varies from 15 to 50 rubles per piece.

Many sports schools provide children under 16 with free education.

In order to be admitted to practical training, you must undergo a briefing and pass a test for knowledge of the rules for the safe handling of weapons.