Exercises for attention and memory. How to develop memory in an adult: exercises for training. Review of the best techniques for the development of memory. To activate the brain

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Our eyes allow us to receive about 80-90% of the information from the outside world. And thanks to visual memory, we remember everything we see: movies, books, people, cities, streets and life events.

Visual memory appears one of the first and helps the child to perceive the world. In the process of growing up, other types of memory are also involved: kinesthetic, auditory, motor, associative. But throughout life, the main role is still played by the visual.

Many of us do not use all the possibilities of memory, some find it difficult to remember what they see. To unleash your full visual potential and improve the quality of life, you should pay attention to training and the development of this type of memory. We offer you the most effective methods.

You will need:

Daily mini-workouts

These simple exercises do not require a dedicated time. They can be practiced while walking down the street, sitting at work, or cleaning the house.


Every day before going to bed, remember your whole day, events, meetings. Pay special attention to details and images. Over time, you will see that you are able to capture even the smallest details.

Detailing the image of a person

After meeting with any person you know or pass by, try to reproduce his image in your memory: hair color, eyes, what he was wearing, what he held in his hands, etc.

Examining objects

Great to stimulate visual memory looking at things will help. Hold your gaze on any of them (showcase, picture, bench) for just a few minutes. Then, close your eyes/turn away and mentally try to remember what you saw as accurately as possible.

Word portrait

To remember any phenomena, objects or people, try to mentally describe what you see in words. For example, when meeting a new person, say to yourself his image and behavior in great detail. As you walk down the street, describe the houses, including the number and shape of windows and doors.

After a while, try to reproduce what you saw in the form of words, and you will not notice how you begin to imagine a visual image.

With daily practice, you can improve not only visual memory, but also attention and concentration.

match method

For this exercise, you will need matches and a piece of paper.

  1. Throw a few matches or toothpicks randomly on the table.
  2. Look at their location for a while. Try to remember the picture.
  3. Then, cover the matches/toothpicks with an opaque cloth or piece of paper.
  4. After 2-3 minutes, try to sketch what you see.
  5. Compare the drawing with the actual position of the objects.

Over time, increase the number of matches, and reduce the time for memorization. This way you can see your own progress.

The artist's method

This method has long been practiced by artists, illustrators and graphic designers. But to do such an exercise, it is not necessary to have a special talent.

If you do not know how to draw, then what you see can be conveyed schematically.

  • Stare at a room, landscape, flower, leaf, or any other object for about 5-10 minutes.
  • Close your eyes for a few moments.
  • Take a blank sheet of paper and try to draw what you see, remembering the details, colors, shapes, textures.

Gradually decrease the memorization time. With regular exercise, you will greatly improve your ability to remember and keep the images you see in your head.

secret room method

This interesting way will help you learn how to structure information and remember it easily.

  • Objects / phenomena / information that you need to remember, mentally arrange in a well-known room in a strictly defined order.
  • To reproduce the necessary information, try to remember all the places and corners of the room in which the "objects" are located.

Schulte method

Schulte tables are special square blocks in which numbers are written in a chaotic manner.

The essence of this method is to short time put all the numbers in order. Using tables with blocks of different colors can complicate the task. For example, arrange numbers of the same color in order.

There are many interesting online simulators based on these tables, so you don’t have to draw them specially.

Photographing method

  1. Grab a few small items (pictures, words, and sentences will work too).
  2. Lay them out on the table.
  3. Then, carefully look at them for several minutes (for example, 1-3 minutes, then reduce the time).
  4. Turn away or cover the objects with a cloth and try to name all the objects you see.

To complicate the exercise, list not only the objects themselves, but also their features and differences (for example, by color, shape).

Method for selecting individual elements

The essence of this method is to fix the image as a whole in the head through memorizing individual parts.

  • First, select all the objects / elements that make up the big picture.
  • Try to remember them separately, paying attention to the color, shape and characteristic differences.
  • Try to reproduce the image as a whole, remembering the objects and their location.

The brain is such a thing that loves to be lazy. The opportunity a little turned up, he “turns off” and begins to “toil with foolishness”.

To kick him a little and train his memory, I suggest a few interesting exercises From the book Angels Navarro "Memory does not change."

Exercise 1

Difficulty **

Memorize for a minute the location of the dots and lines in the first four lines. Then, without looking at them, add the missing lines on the bottom four lines.

Exercise 2

Difficulty *

Come up with associations for numbers and words in accordance with their external form. You can spend as much time on this as you need. Then close them and answer the suggested questions.

Answer the questions:
1. What number corresponds to a snowman?
2. What numbers correspond to the ravine and the candle?
3. What numbers correspond to the sailboat, egg and snake?
4. What numbers correspond to a balloon, a bird, a children's slide and a duck?

Exercise 3

Difficulty *

Look at the figure on the left for 20 seconds. Then, without looking at her, say which of the four figures on the right is identical to her.

Exercise 4

Difficulty *

Memorize the shopping list for the time you need. Then, without looking at him, say which of the lists below is correct. Please note that the order may have changed.

Exercise 5

Difficulty ***

Memorize the group of animals shown in the picture for one minute.

Then, without looking at the drawing, write down the names of the animals in alphabetical order on a piece of paper.

Exercise 6

Difficulty ***

Study two lists of words. The right column contains anagrams for words from the left. Link each word from the left column to the corresponding one from the right and memorize them.

Look at the columns below and say out loud the words that are missing.

Hello to all my readers! Every day we are learning something, developing, discovering the world for ourselves and moving towards our lofty goals. To do this, we need not only perseverance and energy, but also a good memory. The brain needs to be constantly trained and kept in good shape. Exercise is the best way to develop memory.

Features of human memory

Do you remember how many poems you learned in school? It is necessary to learn poetry not only in order to instill a love of literature. This is how memory develops.

Unfortunately, the older a person gets, the more difficult it is for him to learn the same two-page verses. Consider why this happens in adults:

Unfortunately, this applies to everyone. We are surprised that our grandmother remembers how much bread cost 40 years ago and what the weather was like on your fifth birthday. And we forget what our boss told us yesterday.

However, this is fixable. You just have to want and start working. You will immediately realize that life has become easier, you will no longer forget about birthdays and you will not need to make a shopping list before going to the store. And in general, the development of the mind will help to avoid problems with memory in old age.

What should be done? Now we will analyze in detail.

TOP 10 exercises and methods for developing memory for adults and children

Developing memory is the same as pumping up the press. The process requires practice and constant practice.

The following tasks will help you get your brain back in shape and learn how to remember even large amounts of information.

So, I show the most effective exercises:

1. Describe the picture

This is a simple visual exercise. Choose any picture. Look at her for 3 minutes. Then turn away or close your eyes and try to describe it in as much detail as possible. Ask someone to supervise you. After checking, do the same a few more times, and you will notice that with each subsequent attempt your result will improve. You need to do this every day. And lying on the couch and looking at the pictures is not difficult at all.

2. Dates

For many people, remembering a date or phone number is very difficult. And all because there is little training. Open your history textbook and pick any 10 dates. Try to remember them. Build associations, memorize visually. And over time, you will surprise everyone with your abilities.


To make it easier to remember numbers, you need to come up with an association for each digit. Write numbers from 0 to 10 on a piece of paper. Then come up with and sign what each of them looks like. For example, 8 is a snowman and 0 is an egg. Then try to write down your phone number, but not with numbers, but with these associations.

4. Animals

Find a picture of different animals: from a butterfly to an elephant. Look at the illustration and try to remember all the representatives of the fauna. Next, take a piece of paper and write their names, but in alphabetical order. Do this once a day until you get 100% results.


Well, shall we go back to school? Learning poetry is simple, but effective method proven over the years. Schoolchildren suffered over books in the evenings in order to develop their memory. You will have to do the same. Choose your favorite author whose works you like. Read a certain verse many times a day: in a minibus, at work, before going to bed. Then try to tell it to someone. Do this with different poems. After a while, you will notice that they began to memorize them much faster. Thus, the memory will become better, and the hobby will appear.


This is a great method to both develop the mind and learn the language. And as you know, it is impossible to learn a language without the ability to memorize information. Write words on small pieces of paper and stick them around the house. Pay attention to them daily and try to repeat them out loud. This way you practice and learn new words. Even foreign language teachers recommend such a system.


There are many games to improve concentration and memory skills. . One of them is Pairs. The bottom line is that in front of you, for example, 16 inverted cards. They need to be deployed in turn and memorized. And then your task is to find their pairs. For example, two butterflies, two balls. Such an application can be found online or downloaded to your phone and train anywhere.

8. Reading aloud

In addition to visual, you also need to work on auditory memory. To do this, choose a work and read it aloud every day for 15 minutes. Then try to retell this passage as accurately as possible. Remember when we used to retell entire paragraphs in school? It turns out that it was not in vain.

9. Overheard

It's even fun and affordable for everyone. On the way to work in a minibus, listen to people's conversations. And then try to memorize passages from them. If you drive a car, then do the same with the radio. Listen to news, advertisements, and then tell your colleagues about them.


Wikium is a useful site where it is easy and convenient to engage in the development of the mind. Here are collected best exercises and exercise equipment. Being on the site, it is easy to study at any time for you. Wikium.ru is a site for the development of the brain in a complex. You can improve memory, attention and concentration at the same time.


As you can see, there are enough ways and opportunities to start working on yourself. In addition, there are a large number of trainings where you can work on yourself with other people, while communicating and having fun.

And that's all for today. I hope you learned a lot of new and useful things. Good luck and see you soon!

Carefully examine the objects shown in the picture for two minutes. Then, without looking at the picture, write down on a piece of paper what you remember. Don't be discouraged if you can't remember everything.

When memorizing items, follow a certain order. Say their names out loud.
First memorize one group of five items, then add another one, and so on.

What's on the poster?

Carefully examine the poster for a minute.

Now, without peeking, answer the questions.

  1. How many horses are on the poster?
  2. Is it the US or the UK?
  3. What does this poster announce - a film festival or a circus?
  4. How many stars are at the very bottom of the poster?

Candle and snowman

Come up with associations for numbers and words in accordance with their external form. You can spend as much time on this as you need. Then close the picture.

Answer the questions provided.

  1. What number corresponds to a snowman?
  2. What numbers correspond to the ravine and the candle?
  3. What numbers correspond to a sailboat, an egg and a snake?
  4. What numbers correspond to a balloon, a bird, a children's slide and a duck?

Swim everyone!

Learn and memorize the details of a photo in one and a half minutes. Then close it and answer the questions.

  1. Where does the action take place - on the beach or in the mountains?
  2. Are all women in bathing suits?
  3. Is there a man in the photo with his index finger raised up?
  4. Are all people in the foreground or is there someone in the background too?

When was Galileo born?

For one and a half minutes, memorize the names of historical figures and the year of their birth. Then close the list.

Now all the names and dates are mixed up. Find the correct year of birth for each historical person.

How much is the closet?

You need to furnish your children's room. The figure shows prices from the furniture catalog. Memorize them for a minute. Now close the labels and answer the question:

How much money would you spend if you decide to buy a bunk bed, a round rug, two armchairs, two lamps, and a two-piece wardrobe?

What's for lunch?

A group of friends went out to dinner together. Read the order and remember it. Now close the list.

Sarah: Coffee with skimmed milk and saccharin, toast.
Juan: Potato casserole, orange juice water.
Joaquin: Espresso with milk, croissant.
Montserrat: Hot sandwich with ham and cheese, water.
Pedro: Sausage sandwich, coffee without milk and sugar, water.

Answer the following questions:

  1. How much water did the friends order in total?
  2. Anyone ordered a fish sandwich?
  3. Sarah asked for sugar or saccharin?
  4. Who ordered the toast?
  5. Who ordered two drinks at once?
  6. What did Martin order?

How many chairs?

Study the plan of the house carefully for forty-five seconds. Then close it and answer the questions.

Does the house have a terrace?
Is the bathroom opposite the bedroom?
Is the bedroom double?
Is there a table in front of the sofa?
Are there two chairs on the terrace?
Is the dining room table round, square or rectangular?


Very interesting. informative and helpful. I tried to do the tasks myself, it turned out badly, and to be honest, it was very bad. The memory is obviously not the same. In a word, you need to practice.

Good stuff.

Comment on the article "8 memory training puzzles for adults and children"

8 memory training puzzles for adults and children. Puzzles for the development of memory. Questions on pictures and photos - games for children and adults. We often complain about bad memory - and our own, and especially in children.

5 games for the development of memory and attention. Memory, attention can and should be developed with the help of special games that promote development. An increase in the number of movements expands the amount of memory, and at the same time trains attention and reveals natural artistry.

8 memory training puzzles for adults and children. We invite children and adults! The most await you Interesting games, which will help develop imagination, logical thinking and the ability to think outside the box. Section: (child 8 -9 years old not...

Puzzle for kids. Puzzles for children 4-5 years old. By the age of 3, children begin to learn geometric figures. 8 puzzles are assembled from it to train memory: for adults and children. Throw links to sites with children's games for the development of memory and ...

5 games for the development of memory and attention. Simple exercises and games for the development of memory in children. Exercises and advice to parents. 8 memory training puzzles for adults and children.

Attention deficit. ... I find it difficult to choose a section. Child from 10 to 13. 8 memory training puzzles for adults and children. Questions on pictures and photos - games for children and adults. 5 games for the development of memory and attention.

How to develop memory? The development of memory and attention - this Their use will help you and your children become smarter! 8 memory training puzzles for adults and children. Puzzles for the development of memory. Questions on pictures and photos - games for children and...

8 memory training puzzles for adults and children. We invite children and adults! Day of mysteries and trials. Puzzles for the development of memory. Questions on pictures and photos - games for children and adults. The eldest when entering school (her day before ...

8 memory training puzzles for adults and children. Conference "Child from 7 to 10" "Child from 7 to 10". on the last day of the birthday boy in the 2nd grade (we have more than half of the class of "summer" children, we give gifts each on our own) I bought some girls ...

Attention and composure. Education, development. Child from 7 to 10. Attentiveness and composure. Dear mothers, how did you increase your attention to your children (if anyone needed it) and teach children to be collected?

8 beautiful riddles and puzzles for the whole family. Glucose and daughter Lida: 8 years of love and friendship. Please advise, board games for boys 10-11 years old and films, thanks in advance. 8 memory training puzzles for adults and children.

8 memory training puzzles for adults and children. Memory problems. Tests and a hare can be taught to pass, and Serious memory problems are mostly the lot of adults. So popular in colloquial speech "marasmus" and "sclerosis" do not threaten children either ...

Mindfulness exercises. Psychological and pedagogical aspects. Adoption. For example, the games "Fold from memory" and "Count quickly from which figures and how many they were used in this picture" are a good training for attention and visual ...

Distractedness and poor verbal memory. You need to consult a psychologist. Child psychology. Distractedness and poor verbal memory. Good afternoon! There is such a problem: a child of 5 years old, a boy. After long break went to kindergarten.

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8 memory training puzzles for adults and children. Puzzles for the development of memory. Questions on pictures and photos - games for children and adults. To make things even more fun, we've selected 8 puzzles from a new book that's all about improving...

Problems with attention and perseverance. ... I find it difficult to choose a section. A child from 3 to 7. Education, nutrition, daily routine, visiting The child cannot concentrate at all - we do mathematics - 4 year - month naza added 3+4 without errors now...

In general, for the development of memory, it is just recommended to memorize poetry. Maybe he just does not like those poems and works that he teaches. How to develop memory and attention in a child. Programs and electronic manuals: the development of memory and attention. Print version.

Indicates a lack of attention. Concentration is of great importance for remembering something. If you do not focus on what needs to be remembered, then in principle there will be nothing to remember.

Memory has one feature: the more we try to remember, the more the necessary information eludes us. The reason for this is simple - the tension and anxiety that arises when we try to remember something. Therefore, memory training is very important. Exercise will help you get rid of this condition and the memory will be unlocked. But initially you have to calm down and relax.

The steps below will help you learn to relax. To do this, you need to master the standard techniques of the so-called sequential muscle relaxation. This technique is quite effective and you do not have to put in any effort.


Many people have trouble remembering because they find it difficult to represent the information they need in a picture. They do not pay enough attention to the creation of images. Of course, you are quite capable of remembering any things without concentrating, since we unconsciously absorb information all the time and remember most of it. However, if you need to remember something important, try to focus your attention with the "memory switch". Any gesture or movement can become such a “switch”. Let's say the thumb and forefinger are connected together, or something else. Whichever sign you choose, it is needed so that you understand that now you need to be extremely careful. Then you remember everything you need.

Memory training: exercises to increase the ability to create a mental picture

Not only concentration is important for memory, but also the ability to create a clear and distinct mental picture or record of an event, place or person. In general, about what you need to remember. In order to concentrate your attention as much as possible, you need a tape recorder or a camera and fix your impressions in your thoughts in the form of a recording or a picture.

It takes practice to develop this ability. Therefore, it is extremely important to train memory and attention, exercises will help you with this. They are based on observing an object, event or person, listening to the sounds around you. Next, you need to be distracted, stop remembering and listening and try to write down your memories.

After the first time, you will be surprised at how bad a listener or observer you are. But memory training, memory exercises will help you develop your abilities and teach you how to create clear mental records or pictures.

For a more complete and correct perception of the object, you should use next exercise. Put an object in front of you and try to remember the maximum number of details in it. For example, the structure, design, shape, model, and so on. Next, remove the object and, looking at the place where it lay, try to imagine that it is on it. Remember everything you saw in as much detail as possible.

With practice, you will find that you remember much better and much more.