Giri. How the Soviet school will make you harsh. One arm press: why this exercise is the best for shoulder health and strength Benchbell press 24 kg what muscles work

Take your strength to the next level with these kettlebell workouts.

If you're short on time (like most of us are), pick a kettlebell on your next trip to the gym. Why? Kettlebell lifting is both cardio and strength training. According to a recent study, subjects who performed four weeks of kettlebell lifting (16 kg on average) increased their rate of tissue oxygen uptake (VO2) by 6%, which is oxygen, which is a reliable indicator of health. of cardio-vascular system and which the body can effectively use during high-intensity training

In the same study, subjects who did circuit training for the same amount of time did not increase VO2. At the same time, a number of other studies confirm that kettlebell training effectively increases strength, and has more effect on muscles than jumping squats.

The beauty of kettlebell training - with the right approach - is their versatility. “Just one thing, but so many exercise options, ranging from high-intensity fat-burning kettlebell workouts to low-rep strength workouts. They are great for strength development. hip joint without the risk of injury, as occurs with deadlift.

We have prepared for you five programs that will help you understand how to properly train with kettlebells.

  1. Supersets for fast results
  2. Five Exercises to Gain Muscle or Lose Fat
  3. Five the best exercises on the press
  4. Circuit training for strength
  5. Training of increased complexity using two kettlebells.

But before we move on to the exercises, let's decide on the choice of projectile.

  1. professional standard“I love professional kettlebells (see picture above) because they are the same size regardless of weight,” Turner explains. "It's handy when doing complex exercises».
  2. Cast iron“I prefer cast iron over rubber. I think they are more durable. This allows you to perform high-quality exercises such as the kettlebell wrist pull, when you need to transfer the weight of the whole body to them.”
  3. Ideal weight “For men, I would recommend a weight of 16-20 kilograms. They're heavy enough to load the muscles and pump up the kettlebell, yet light enough to allow for high-intensity exercises and high reps."

A set of exercises with a kettlebell for all muscle groups

The beauty of kettlebell training programs is that dynamic, natural movements help you simultaneously benefit from both fat-burning cardio training and heavy-weight muscle-building training. In order for the training to be the most effective, we have collected exercises in supersets.

How to perform

Perform one set of ten repetitions of the first exercise in the superset, and then immediately ten repetitions of the second exercise. Rest for 60 seconds and repeat. In total, you need to complete four supersets. Rest two minutes and move on to the next superset. For exercises on one side, in the first approach, perform exercises on one side, then on the other. For progression, add one rep to each set until you reach 15, then increase the weight and start again with 10 reps.

Why it works

Is it possible to pump up kettlebells according to this training program? Undoubtedly. This program includes three supersets, which are a pair of exercises performed one after the other without a break. In the first superset, the emphasis is on the chest, back and core muscles. In the second, we work out the press in a standing position, and in the third - in a horizontal position. As a result, the heart rate accelerates, which allows you to effectively burn fat and pump big, strong muscles press.

Approximate weight

Ideally, you should use a 16kg kettlebell for the first two supersets and a 12kg kettlebell for the last.

Superset 1. Compound Advantage

Work your entire upper body with just two exercises.

1A. Bench press on the floor

Lie on the floor, hold a kettlebell in each hand at chest level. Straighten one arm and push up, lifting your shoulder off the floor and twisting your torso. Lowering one arm, straighten the other in the same way. Alternately repeat the arm press in a calm rhythm.

1b. Wrist traction weights

Get into a plank position with straight arms and weights. Pull one up, moving your elbow back toward your hips. Lower the kettlebell, repeat with the other hand. Keep your core in tension, make sure that the hips are motionless.

Tip: “This is a great core and back exercise that helps increase stability and therefore core strength,” Turner explains. “To complicate the exercise, bring your feet as close as possible.”

Superset 2. Dynamic Strength

Use your core muscles to hold yourself in position.

2A. "Mill"

2b. "Eight"

Slide the kettlebell back between your legs, moving from one hand to the other. Swing the kettlebell back and forth with one hand, then repeat the movement with the other. Try to keep the movements as smooth as possible.

Tip: "This is a great core exercise because the specificity of the movement requires the abs to be constantly tensed for effective balance."

Superset 3 Core Benefits

Finish your workout with exercises that “burn through” the abdominal muscles.

3A. Bench Press

Holding two weights above your head, sit on the floor, bend your knees. Slowly lower yourself to the floor, moving the projectile towards your chest. Tighten your abdominal muscles to get up. starting position, push your arms straight up.

3b. Moving the kettlebell in the plank

You can perform each set of exercises with kettlebells at home or in the gym from the place of training, the result will not change.

Advice: « Good way diversify the plank. The farther from the body you put the kettlebell, the more difficult the exercise becomes. To further complicate the exercise, you can slightly lift the projectile off the floor.

5 exercises to burn fat and gain mass

These five kettlebell exercises will help you lose weight and build muscle at the same time. Use such a weight of the kettlebell that the last repetition of the last exercise is given to you as hard as possible, but without breaking the technique. choose training complex according to your goals:

fat burning

If your goal is to get rid of extra centimeters, do 10 repetitions in each exercise. Fat burning kettlebell training is performed in a circle, with no rest in between. Then rest for 60 seconds and repeat the circle. In total, you need to do five circles.

Load increase: Add one rep for each round until you reach fifteen. Then move on to heavier weights, while again starting with ten reps.

Set of muscle mass

If your goal is dry muscle mass, perform 12 repetitions in each approach, then rest for 45-60 seconds. It is necessary to do 4 sets of each exercise, resting no more than 90 seconds between exercises.

Load increase: Add one rep for each round until you reach fifteen. Then move on to heavier weights, while again starting with 12 reps.

1. Kettlebell push

Swing the kettlebell between your legs while moving your hips forward. Once it reaches belly height, extend your elbow back and lift your arm under and around the kettlebell to get into a kettlebell-on-chest position, then lower it between your legs and repeat.

Tip: “Make sure you don’t take the kettlebell too far away from your body. It's a great exercise for developing strength."

2. Press from behind the head

Get into a kettlebell chest position at shoulder level with your elbow tucked into your side for extra support. Push straight up over your head using the most efficient way to reduce stress on your shoulder joint.

Tip: “Start with your elbow under the kettlebell, then push your arm into a straight line, gradually turning it around so that your palm is facing forward in the final position. If you are using big weight, then you can start from chest».

3. Kettlebell snatch

Swing the kettlebell between your legs while moving your hips forward. When it's just below chest level, bring your elbow back and lift your arm under and around the kettlebell, using the momentum you've gained to bring the kettlebell straight over your head.

Tip: “Try to avoid having your arm under the kettlebell and don’t press in a single movement. The exercise should be performed in one smooth movement.

4. Mill

Starting position: standing straight, kettlebell in an outstretched arm above your head, legs wider than shoulders. The distribution of weight should be shifted towards the side that holds the weight. While looking at the weight, lower your body down until your other hand touches the floor.

Tip: "The Windmill exercise looks intimidating, but it's worth doing for core strength and stability." shoulder joint. This exercise is also great for stretching the back of the thigh.”

5. Moving the kettlebell in the plank

Stand in a plank position on straight arms, the body forms a straight line from the crown to the heels, put a weight on the right side. Spend left hand under the body, take the weight and move it to the left side. Repeat on the other side.

Five of the best kettlebell exercises for the press

Exercises with own weight great for working out the basic strength of the abdominal muscles. But if you want to get a stone press with clearly visible cubes, then you need to add weights to your training. One of effective ways- weights.

We have already talked about and want to expand the list with movements with additional weight.

“I use kettlebells because they are versatile. They allow you to perform basic exercises, and exercises for all muscle groups, suitable for both beginners and professionals, they can be used both in the gym and at home, ”explains co-founder of a fitness club in London, strength increase specialist Ashton Turner. “Exercising on one side unbalances the body, forcing the body to use the muscles more to stand still. Any movement behind the head, for example, "The Mill", in addition to balance, also requires the involvement of the core muscles.

How to perform

Do three sets of ten reps, rest 45 seconds between sets, 90 seconds between exercises. To increase the load, add one repetition per set to each workout until you reach 15. Then move on to heavier kettlebells, while again starting with ten repetitions.

Why it works

These exercises develop your anti-rotation abilities, making you stand on your feet more firmly. Also, this training program will allow you to achieve a stone press, and work out the oblique muscles of the abdomen and lower back with high quality.

1. Pressing kettlebells lying on the floor

Lie on the floor, hold a kettlebell in each hand at chest level. Straighten one arm and push the kettlebell up, lifting your shoulder off the floor and twisting your torso. Lowering one arm, straighten the other in the same way.

Tip: “Lying on the floor increases core stability, thus reducing the risk of injury,” Turner explains. “I invite my clients to “imprint” bottom back to the floor. This helps prevent arching in the lower back and turning off the abdominal muscles.”

2. Mill

Starting position: standing straight, kettlebell in an outstretched arm above your head, legs wider than shoulders. The distribution of weight should be shifted towards the side that holds the weight. While looking at the weight, lower your body down until your other hand touches the floor.

Tip: “The Windmill exercise looks intimidating, but it’s worth doing to strengthen the core muscles and stability of the shoulder joint. This exercise is also great for stretching the back of the thigh.”

3. Side press

Starting position: kettlebell at shoulder level. Tighten your core muscles, lower your body to the side while straightening your arm. Try to keep the kettlebell as still as possible, move your body instead. When you reach the bottom point, return to the starting position.

Tip: “Great exercise for the obliques because you need to keep your balance while pressing the kettlebell from the body. The lower you go, the greater the intensity of the exercise becomes, and the center of gravity also shifts.

4. Bench Press

Holding two weights above your head, sit on the floor, bend your knees. Slowly lower yourself to the floor, moving the weights towards your chest. Tighten your abdominal muscles to rise to the starting position, push your arms straight up.

Tip: “Sitting up straight, pull your pelvis up, and as you lower yourself, twist your back, trying to touch the floor with each vertebra in turn. The slower you move, the stronger the abdominal muscles work.

5. Moving the kettlebell in the plank

Stand in a plank position on straight arms, the body forms a straight line from the crown to the heels, put a weight on the right side. Pass your left hand under the body, take the kettlebell and move it to the left side. Change hands and repeat the movement.

Tip: “A good way to diversify the plank. The farther from the body you put the kettlebell, the more difficult the exercise becomes. To further complicate the exercise, you can slightly lift the kettlebell off the floor.

Circuit training with kettlebells for strength

"The purpose of this circuit training with kettlebells - increased strength, ”explains London fitness club Evolve 353 trainer Ashton Turner. “Great workout for athletic development, while much easier in terms of technique compared to the Olympic bench press. The selected exercises are transferred to other types of load, for example, running and jumping. They also allow you to develop strength, focusing on the muscles of the back. This means that this training is great for people involved in rugby and football.”

How to perform

You can do both circuits and the final exercise, or if you are short on time, one of the two circuits and the final exercise. During circuit training, all exercises are performed in a circle, one approach each, without rest. Keep track of the time in which you manage to complete the circle and try to reduce it by at least a couple of seconds with each workout - this is a great motivation and a way to track progress.

Circuit training 1

1A. Mahi kettlebell with one hand

Repetitions: 8-12 per side

Stand straight with your feet slightly wider than your shoulders. Tighten your core muscles, pull your shoulder blades together, and pull the kettlebell back between your legs to start swinging. When you feel a stretch in the back of your thigh and buttocks, drive your hips forward as you swing the kettlebell in front of you. Squeeze your buttocks as much as possible and lift the weight to shoulder level.

Tip: “Exercise is good for developing a sense of balance. When swinging the kettlebell with one hand, you must maximize the tension of the core and oblique muscles of the abdomen to prevent twisting of the body.

1b. Kettlebell snatch with one hand

Repetitions: 8-12 per side

Start by swinging the kettlebell with one arm, but when it is between your legs, shrug your shoulders back and up so that the kettlebell is as close to your body as possible. Raise your elbow to lift the kettlebell up. When it is level with the elbow, rotate your arm under the weight and push up until the kettlebell is directly above your head.

Tip: “This exercise is good for developing strength because it involves multiple muscle groups at once and requires extra effort to complete the movement. It also allows you to increase the strength and stability of the shoulder joint.

1C. Moving the kettlebell in the plank

Repetitions: 16-24 each side

Start in a plank position on outstretched arms, place a kettlebell on your right side. The hips should be twisted, and the core muscles should be tense throughout the exercise. Pass your left hand under the body and grab the kettlebell. Move it to the other side, keeping your hips straight. Lower and repeat with the other hand.

Tip: “One of the main conditions for working on strength in this exercise- tense core muscles. This exercise allows you to understand how to control the muscles of the core, and also develops a sense of balance.

Circuit training 2

Do one set of each exercise in order. Rest 60 seconds between rounds. Only eight circles.

2A. Mahi with two kettlebells

Repetitions: 8-12 per side

Stand straight, feet slightly wider than shoulder width, take a weight of the same weight in each hand. Tighten your core muscles, pull your shoulder blades together, and pull the kettlebells back between your legs to start swinging. When you feel a stretch in the back of your thigh and buttocks, drive your hips forward while swinging the kettlebells in front of you. Squeeze your buttocks as much as possible and raise the weights to shoulder level.

Tip: “By swinging with two kettlebells, you increase the weight used, which allows you to work more effectively for strength.”

2b. Push of two kettlebells

Repetitions: 8-12 per side

Start in the same way as if you were doing kettlebell swings. Once they reach belly height, extend your elbows back and raise your arms under and around the kettlebell to get into a kettlebell-on-chest position, then lower them between your legs and repeat.

Tip: "This is an explosive strength exercise."

2C. Wrist traction

Repetitions: 8-12 per side

Get into a plank position with straight arms and weights. Set your legs a little wider than usual for greater stability, tighten the muscles of the core and buttocks. Pull one kettlebell up, moving your elbow back to your hips and bringing your shoulder blades together. Shift your body weight to the other hand. Lower the kettlebell, repeat with the other hand. Keep your core in tension, make sure that the hips are motionless.

Tip “This is a great core and back exercise that helps increase stability, and therefore strength, of the core muscles. To complicate the exercise, bring your feet as close as possible.

Final exercise

3. Mahi with two hands

Time: 60 seconds

In one minute, perform as many swings with both hands as possible, then rest for a minute. Write down the best result and with each subsequent workout try to improve it. However, the focus should be on the technique of the exercise, and not the number of repetitions. Only 8-10 approaches.

A set of exercises with two kettlebells for a double result

When you understand the beginner exercises and learn how to properly perform basic exercises with kettlebells, such as swings, bench presses and jerks, you can move on to a more difficult option. “Using two kettlebells is a level of difficulty, as such exercises require a developed sense of balance and muscle control,” explains Ashton Turner, trainer at the London fitness club Evolve 353. “Also, two 16kg kettlebells seem lighter than one 32kg.”

How to perform

Do three sets of ten reps, rest 45 seconds between sets, 90 seconds between exercises. The second exercise involves alternating kettlebell presses up for each rep. To increase the load, add one rep per set to each workout until you reach 15. Then move on to heavier kettlebells, while again starting with ten reps.

Why it works

By using two kettlebells instead of one, you are not breaking any rules. It doesn't matter if you use one kettlebell or two, the load increases in the same way. The main thing is to make sure that you perform the exercise equally with both hands, otherwise you risk earning a serious injury to the shoulder joint.

1. Mahi with two kettlebells

Swing the kettlebells between your legs until you are in a neutral position (this activates gluteal muscles). Try to keep your wrists as close to your hips as possible. At the top, tighten your gluteal muscles to reduce the load on the lower back.

Tip: “Step your feet a little wider than when doing the same exercise, but with one kettlebell. This way you have enough space for both kettlebells, and you can work your thighs, glutes, and hamstrings more effectively.”

2. Kettlebell Press

Stand up straight into a kettlebell chest position, then follow deep squat. Alternately perform a kettlebell press from behind your head, looking in the direction of movement of the projectile.

Tip: "Great test for the hips and thoracic spine as well as shoulder stability."

3. Snatch with two kettlebells

Swing the kettlebell between your legs while pushing your hips forward. When they are just below chest height, bring your elbows back and raise your arms under and around the kettlebell, using the resulting momentum to bring the kettlebells straight over your head.

Tip: “Try to avoid having your arms under the kettlebells and don’t do the press in a single movement. The exercise should be performed in one smooth movement. Two kettlebells greatly increase the complexity and effectiveness of the exercise, since you need to perform the same movement with both shoulder joints.

5. Double press from behind the head

Get into a kettlebell chest position, holding the weights at shoulder level with your elbows tucked into your side for extra support. Push the kettlebells straight up over your head in the most efficient way possible to reduce stress on your shoulder joint.

Tip: "Make sure both elbows are directly under the weight during the push and the weight is directly over the shoulders during the completion of the rep."

Weight is a versatile tool. With its help, you can develop almost everything physical qualities, including accuracy, agility, endurance, strength, speed. The complex of exercises that I am going to write about is designed to develop muscles. shoulder girdle and breasts, i.e. muscles that are above the torso. This complex is very powerful and allows you to increase not only strength, but also muscle volume in a fairly short period of time. For the first time, I got acquainted with this complex in the program of Steve Kotter. It consists of 8 exercises:

1. Press weights up from a prone position (exercise similar to dumbbell press) x10
2. Bent over rows x 5
3. Alternate kettlebell press standing x 5

4. Reverse exit with kettlebell x 5
5. Kettlebell snatch sitting on a chair x 5
6. Exit with two kettlebells sitting on a chair x5
7. Swing (mahi) with two kettlebells x 5
8. Pullover with kettlebell lying on the floor x 10

Implementation of the complex. Before performing, you must warm up thoroughly. Emphasis should be placed on the shoulder girdle and joints. Swing your arms clockwise and counterclockwise, rotate your arms above your head, take a rope or rope in your hands and straighten out in front of you, perform figure eights with your arms around your body. After that, take the weight and squeeze it over your head. Walk in this position for 10-20 seconds to stretch your joints, then change hands. When you feel that you are ready to start the exercise, finish the warm-up. Remember that the warm-up serves not only to warm up the muscles and joints and prevent injuries, but also for the right mental attitude.

The complex is performed in 3 approaches. Those. Complete all 8 exercises with no rest in between. After that, you can rest for 1-3 minutes and perform all eight exercises again. And so three times.

Kettlebell weight. The purpose of the complex is a balanced development of strength and increase in muscle volume, so the weight of the kettlebells must be selected accordingly. If you are a beginner, try doing a complex with 16 kg kettlebells. You must choose the weight of the kettlebells yourself so that you are able to perform the required number of repetitions, but not with ease, i.e. the weight of the kettlebells should not be “warm-up”.

1. Press kettlebells up from a prone position
The exercise is similar to the dumbbell bench press. Lie on the floor, take a kettlebell in each hand (so that they rest on the forearms) and press up. The number of repetitions is 10 times. Watch your breath, lowering the weights - inhale, squeezing - exhale.

You need to complete 5 repetitions. If it is too easy for you to perform the exercise with one kettlebell, take two kettlebells in one hand. Make sure your back is straight. Be careful, when working with two kettlebells in this exercise, you can pull a muscle.

After the first two exercises, the muscles feel pretty tired, but you need to tighten up and perform 5 presses with each arm. Stand in the starting position (the weights rest on the forearms and chest, the back is straight, the legs are shoulder-width apart). Press with one hand, return it to its original position and immediately press with the other hand. The number of repetitions is 5. When doing the bench press, firmly squeeze the handles of the weights, try to strain the whole body. Squeeze out while exhaling.

If you usually do this exercise with 16kg, try doing 5 reps with a heavier weight. At first it will be hard for you, the kettlebell will fall, but over time you will adapt. When performing, press the elbow to the torso to stabilize the arm. After that, the exercises on the chair begin.

A jerk of the kettlebell on a chair is performed to turn off the muscles of the legs and lower back from work and isolate the muscles of the shoulder girdle. Sit on a chair (preferably not high), put the weight on the floor. Perform a snatch of the kettlebell, return it to the sp. and repeat the exercise. Kettlebell snatch on a chair is performed 5 times with each hand.
If you can’t complete this exercise, replace it with regular standing snatches.

The exercise is performed on a chair for the same reasons as the previous one. Likewise, if it is difficult for you, replace it with a regular output with two weights.

The exercise is similar to the single kettlebell swing, but the double kettlebell swing is an advanced version. If you find it difficult to perform this exercise correctly with a full range of motion, grab a heavier weight with both hands and swing with it.

8. Pullover with a kettlebell lying on the floor
Lie on the floor with the kettlebell behind your head. Take a kettlebell reverse grip(i.e. the bottom of the weight should be facing up, not down). On straight arms, do Roundabout Circulation because of the head, which ends in the lower abdomen. If you have ever done a pullover with dumbbells, then you will understand what we are talking about. Do 10 reps.

After completing all 8 exercises, rest, but do not sit down, it is better to walk around and breathe deeply, so the load on the heart will be less. Over time, try to reduce your rest time. Perform three approaches, i.e. three circles of 8 exercises. After that, you can safely rest.

This complex should be performed no more than 3-4 times a week, because. you must be able to recover next workout. If you want to develop the muscles of the shoulders, arms and chest, as well as increase your strength, then this complex will help you with this. It can be performed in combination with cardio (weight cardio complexes and running, etc.). Those. on Monday, Thursday, Saturday, perform a kettlebell complex for the muscles of the shoulder girdle, on Tuesday and Sunday - give the body an aerobic load. It all depends on your individual abilities and well-being.

I can already hear the screams from gyms around the world:

… you can only do CARDIO with kettlebells!
… with kettlebells they only do swings and nothing else!
… weights are pampering for schoolchildren!

Due to some trainers, some people have the misconception that kettlebells are exclusively related to cardio training and should not be heavier than 6-8 kg. Therefore, it is not surprising that many do not consider kettlebells as a base for building muscles.

But despite this…

kettlebells are the best for building strength and muscle mass!

However, do not forget the following important aspects construction:

Exercises with kettlebells for mass

It doesn't matter what you train with, with your body weight, barbell, dumbbells or kettlebells. If you progress in weights, then your body will adapt, become bigger and stronger. The increase in working weights and time under load is the main factor in muscle growth.

Proper nutrition

How well do you eat? Literally, what do you have in your hands right now? If you want to build a powerful body, then your muscles must get enough protein.

Eat, eat and eat again, but remember that quality is just as important as quantity. Sure, you can build muscle from the thousands of calories in hamburgers and french fries, but the quality of your food should come first.

Complete rest

Roughly speaking, rest does not have to be paid for and it is easily accessible, as well as endlessly useful in building your body. Muscles have to work hard in training, muscle cells are destroyed during exercise.

But with subsequent rest, they are restored and become even a little stronger and larger - this is a natural reaction of the body.

And if you have achieved harmony in the above, then below you will find six exercises with kettlebells that are most suitable for building strength and mass.

Kettlebell exercises leading to mass gain

#one. Rise to the chest with a bench press of two weights

This is a powerful exercise (technically consisting of two) - the basic one in mass gaining. Lifting with a bench press of two kettlebells involves large muscle groups, leading to their growth, provided that the weight of the kettlebells is correctly selected and the recovery is appropriate.

#2. Squats with kettlebells

Squats are the royal exercise for building strong legs. With them, you will increase the strength of not only the legs, but also strengthen the muscles of the core and muscles of the shoulder girdle.

#3. Alternate bench press

The problem with kettlebells is that it is impossible to perform a full-fledged classic bench press with them, but not everything is so bad. Lie down on any flat surface and alternately press weights, lower them without clapping your elbows on the floor.

Try to get the weights to meet in the middle of the lift-lower, in fact, this exercise is more difficult than it seems. To increase the load on the lower chest, perform a bench press from a half-bridge position.

#four. Alternate bent over row

Just like with the bench press, make sure that the kettlebells meet in the middle of their path. This exercise will keep your back in tension, and will also load your shoulders, biceps and core muscles well.

An additional advantage of this exercise is that it also loads the buttocks with quadriceps, due to which the body is held.

#5. Snatch of two kettlebells

A snatch of two weights will help build big, strong shoulders and back. Take a look at weightlifters and think, would they be able to lift heavy barbells over their heads if they had a weak upper body?

#6. twisting

Unlike the previous exercises performed with two kettlebells, this exercise is performed with one. By adding this exercise to your training program, you will see amazing growth and the ability to lift more weight in other exercises.

That's it, now you know six great exercise to build a strong body. What's next? And then we will draw up a training program based on them!

Weight training program with kettlebells

Rest no more than 60 seconds between sets, exercises in groups B-D perform in a circle, with a rest of no more than 60 seconds between circles.

A1: Double Snatch - 3 sets x 6 reps

B1: chest raise with bench press (Double Clean & Press) - 3 sets x stairs up to 6 reps *
B1: Squats (Front Squat) - 3 sets x stairs up to 6 reps *

C1: twisting (Bent Press) - 5 sets x 3 reps per side

D1: Seesaw Row - 3 sets x 8-15 reps
D2: Alternate Bench Press (Seesaw Floor Press) - 3 sets x 8-15 reps


* Do 1 rep of each exercise, then rest for a few seconds. Perform 2 repetitions of each exercise, rest a few seconds. Repeat until you reach 6 reps.

Try to reduce the rest time with the same weights with each workout. After the rest time is reduced to ~45 seconds, increase the weights of the kettlebells. AT different exercises you may need kettlebells of different weights.

The standing kettlebell press is one of the classic exercises for developing the muscles of the shoulder girdle, along with the barbell or dumbbell press. The kettlebell itself differs in shape from the indicated shells, which gives rise to certain differences in the technique of performing the exercise.

Exercise features

Unlike dumbbell or barbell presses, kettlebell presses work the muscles of almost the entire body. During the movement, the projectile lies on the forearm and tends to pull your hand to the side from vertical position. This forces you to put in extra effort to stabilize.

The standing kettlebell press creates the greatest load on deltoid muscles. Especially the middle and front beam. The upper part of the trapezium and triceps are also involved. The stabilization function is performed by the muscles of the legs, buttocks, abs and back.

Kettlebell exercises well develop muscle strength, coordination, improve flexibility and joint mobility.

In modern sports and online stores, kettlebells of a wide variety of weights are presented, and not just the classic ones of 8, 16 and 32 kilograms. Thanks to this, not only strong and healthy men, but even fragile girls can join weightlifting fitness.

To start training, it is better to purchase a couple of light shells, and as you work out the technique, you can always increase the burden.

The one-arm kettlebell press should be performed with caution by people with spinal problems. Before starting classes, it is better to consult a doctor. This is true for any strength training, that is kettlebell fitness in this regard is not considered more dangerous.

Execution technique

Starting position: standing, the weight is raised to the chest, it lies comfortably on the forearm with outside arms. At the same time, the wrist is turned with the back side to the body and makes one straight line with the forearm. The hand does not bend either inward or outward. At the same time, the muscles of the whole body are in good shape, the press is tightened, the feet are shoulder-width apart, the back is straight.

  1. As you exhale, straighten your elbow joint and squeeze the kettlebell up. As you move, you turn your hand slightly so that at the top point your wrist is turned back to front.
  2. As you exhale, return the projectile to its original position on the chest. Throughout the exercise, do not relax the muscles of the body and legs. Do the required number of repetitions.

After completing the approach, change hands and repeat the exercise on the other side. It is possible to bench press two kettlebells at once, it all depends on your level of physical fitness.

Standing kettlebell presses can be combined with other exercises. It can be, etc. In fact, you can compose yourself a complex workout for the whole body using only this type of projectile.

Important Points

In order for your workouts to bring only positive results, pay attention to a few simple recommendations:

  • Do not allow the hand to bend or unbend during the presses. Your wrist is in line with your forearm - this is a necessary condition for the safety of the ligaments and the joint.
  • Keep your whole body tense while moving. Relaxation in the legs, buttocks or body should not be.
  • Treat the choice of weight of weights without fanaticism. Too heavy a projectile will not allow you to perform the exercise correctly and create a risk of injury. The market offers a huge number of options for dumbbells - for any color and size. Remember that the 32 kg kettlebell press can be done by a trained athlete, but not a beginner, previously power sports not engaged.
  • Pay attention not only strength exercises but also stretching. It will make the muscles and ligaments more elastic, the movements will become cleaner, and the technique will be much easier to master.
  • In this exercise, try to avoid jerking. Raise the projectile under control and lower it in the same way under control.

Even if you previously trained your shoulders with dumbbells or a barbell, by incorporating kettlebell chest raises into your program, you will create unusual load on the muscles, thereby creating an impulse for their growth and increase in strength.

It is strange to realize that weights are one of the best and most ancient means of physical development have been so undeservedly forgotten. I very rarely see dudes using kettlebells in the gym as opposed to machines, barbells and dumbbells. Giri somehow not held in high esteem. There are two logical explanations for this problem. First: most shitheads have no idea what to do with the kettlebell, what exercises and how. Second: kettlebell training is difficult. Why is it difficult? Because the kettlebell is terribly unstable, and you constantly need to balance it, which affects those muscles that “sleep” during normal training. The kettlebell, like the , is a universal projectile. She can pump different muscle groups, develop endurance and become qualitatively strong, and not be a piece of meat that is not able to open a jar of cucumbers for a New Year's salad in order to help her woman in some way. Or mom?

A kettlebell is what most dudes gather dust in the corner and is occasionally used to press down marinated meat. However, it is much better suited for swinging on its own, only you need to swing the kettlebell correctly.

Starting training, you need to be well aware of your physical capabilities. I personally think that weights are not for complete laymen, but for those who really know something and had experience in pumping. If you are a beginner, I do not recommend, do something better.

On the initial stage working with weights, you need to work out the technique. Let it be a small weight, but you must perform the exercises without a hitch, otherwise the kettlebell with poor technique can damage your wrist and various joints. By the way, about the wrist: there are many ways to strengthen it, because it is extremely necessary to work with kettlebells well. To strengthen your joints, I advise you to stretch your wrists before training with circular rotations. There are a few more exercises, but for now I will not write about it.

In building strength for kettlebell lifting and getting all the profit from working with kettlebells, I advise you to develop certain muscle groups. To push two kettlebells at the same time from the chest, bench press exercises, squats, jumping out of a squatting position and so on help well. In order to learn how to do a snatch with kettlebells and do it efficiently, I advise you to prepare your body in barbell rows, swinging kettlebells to different heights, shrugs, and so on.

Goals are different. Someone wants to become stronger, someone wants to pump up, “so that they give heifers”, and someone wants to go to the category. Depending on the goals, appropriate training methods should be selected, the load, dosage of exercises should be determined, and a program should be drawn up, which, if there are brains in the head, can be compiled independently.

To pump up the muscles, first of all, standard basic exercises are used, which, if you think about it, you can try to do without much preparation.

One kettlebell press

Bench press of two kettlebells

Seated press

Alternate kettlebell press while sitting (well, the picture is not required here, I probably understood everything myself)

Bench press

Pulling up the kettlebell to chest level and above (can be lifted to the chin and above the head)

Pulling the kettlebell to the chest with support on the bench (same as deadlifts, only with a kettlebell)

Lying kettlebell spreading
Enough difficult exercise. Dumbbell wiring in comparison with him is a kindergarten.

Lifting for biceps with kettlebells
Try to keep the kettlebell straight in this position.

Bent over with a kettlebell behind your head
Knees at a slight angle, the main load on the back of the thigh. The nature of the action resembles deadlift, except that it especially affects the lower back, back, part of the arms and perfectly pulls the body.

Tilts with a kettlebell to the sides

This is not like shrugs, in fact, your body is well flexed at the waist, and the weight is transferred to the side of the fold. Perfectly stretches the whole body.

Squats with kettlebells
The picture is also not required - you will understand everything yourself. You can squat with one kettlebell, or you can squat with two. You can hold one kettlebell near your chest not by the handle, or you can place two on your shoulders or behind your head.