Lose weight at home. Proper nutrition for weight loss. My Successful Weight Loss Experience Introducing whole grains to your diet

Body mass index (BMI) is a calculated value that determines the ratio of body weight and height of a person and allows you to assess how they correspond to each other. High BMI increases the risk of developing various diseases. If your BMI is above normal or if you have excess weight that you want to get rid of, follow the tips below.


Part 1

Make changes to your diet

    Eat healthy foods. If you want to lower your body mass index, first of all, pay attention to your diet. BMI can be increased precisely because of malnutrition. Therefore, try to balance your diet, giving preference to healthy foods.

    Eat less sugar. Your daily sugar intake should be no more than 12 teaspoons. Most people tend to exceed this recommended amount. As a result, it is sugar that is one of the main causes of a high BMI.

    Stay away from empty carbs. If you are struggling with overweight, remember that empty carbohydrates are just as bad for you as sugar. Products containing refined or white flour are not very nutritious and after them the feeling of hunger returns very quickly. Processed foods tend to be high in empty carbs, as well as high in salt and sugar. Therefore, it is worth replacing processed and refined foods with whole, unprocessed cereals and wheat.

    Be careful with various fad diets and other ways to quickly lose weight. Often such diets help to lose weight in a short period of time. However, remember that it is not a quick, but a lasting result that is more important. Even if you manage to quickly lose weight, it will be much more difficult to keep it off. If you are interested in not only losing but also maintaining a normal weight, then it is better to choose traditional diets and focus on lifestyle changes. The normal rate of weight loss is 0.5-1 kg per week. More fast weight loss unrealistic or may harm your health.

    Get help from professionals. If before you were sedentary image life, it is necessary to increase the load gradually, otherwise the body will not have time to adapt. Before you start exercising, check with your doctor or fitness trainer. If possible, use the services personal trainer, which will be individual program workouts tailored to your abilities and fitness level.

Part 3

Seek help from experts

    Talk to your doctor about weight loss medications. If your BMI is over 30 or you have diabetes, your doctor may prescribe weight loss medications. Such drugs, combined with a healthy diet and exercise, help to lose weight faster.

Painful hunger

In an effort to get rid of the hated kilograms as quickly as possible, you try to extremely limit your diet: "I will only eat buckwheat with kefir until the scales show the desired result!". Or, skip meals, such as skipping dinner or lunch. The most desperate even decide on a complete hunger! It seems that the more you torture yourself, the sooner you will become light and loud, but, as practice shows, this is the most common mistake.

Did you know that on a limited diet, the body simply unable extract energy from fat? What is the result: you suffer from hunger, look eagerly at your colleagues drinking tea with cookies, and the arrow of the scales either seems to be stuck to the hated figure, or goes down ... but at a snail's pace.

Or, let's say you skipped breakfast. But our body is very smart, and now you yourself do not notice how your lunches and dinners have become much larger, more satisfying and high in calories.

What to accept? Of course, within reasonable limits, you should limit the calorie content of the diet, but it is in reasonable. To begin with, start from the fact that you should consume at least 1200 kcal daily in order to maintain a normal metabolism, and then focus on your feelings: if you are damn hungry all the time; if you are cold when everyone around is hot; if you can hardly walk to the nearest store - the diet should be expanded.

On the edge of possibilities

You courageously eat vegetables and drink in large quantities green tea without sugar, and in the evening you rush to the gym, where you train with full dedication. And of course, morning exercises, like cross-country in the park, no one canceled! But why is it so drawn to sweet and fatty? And, despite literally superhuman efforts, the weight rose again?

Let's go in order. The reason for the increased appetite, and for by no means healthy foods, is that the body urgently needs to replenish energy reserves. He takes it from carbohydrates, and the fastest way to get them is from chocolate bars, pies, a good slice of bread with jam ... In general, from what, unfortunately, is not recommended for losing weight. In addition, in an untrained person, intense exercise does not stimulate a decrease in fat reserves! Just carbohydrates, stored glycogen and are consumed!

Remember: no need for extremes! Moderate exercise will give you extra energy and help control your appetite! Let your pulse be your guideline: 100-110 beats per minute is what you need in order for the body to switch to fat consumption mode. And start to join the sport gradually. Let the first step be walking at a fast pace, at least to work, for 30-40 minutes a day. After a week, the first results will be noticeable.

Proper motivation - what is it?

Try asking yourself questions: "Why do I want to lose weight? Why do I want to lose that much? Do I need to lose weight by a certain date?" If you are truly determined to change, you will answer them without hesitation! If not, then, alas, you do not have enough motivation, and without!

Are you wondering how to get the right attitude? First of all, answer the above questions honestly. Of course, this may not be as easy as it seems at first glance, but it is necessary to achieve the result. In extreme cases, do not hesitate to seek help from a psychologist. Also, maybe you should just forget about diets and weights and start moving more, as well as prefer less harmful, sweet and fatty foods? You will begin to feel better, begin to fully enjoy life, and perhaps get rid of any chronic diseases and against the background of all this, you will also begin to slowly but surely lose weight! Excellent prospects, agree!

Water, all around water!

The amount of fluid in the body is constantly changing, and after it the weight. Moreover, fluctuations of 1-2 kg per day are completely normal, so it will be useful for you to know about two types of situations:

a) Water quickly leaves the body if ...

  • you are taking diuretics and laxatives.

  • you practice sweatshop workouts.

  • you visited the sauna.

  • You have drastically reduced your salt intake.

b) Water is retained in the body if ...

  • you ate something salty or smoked. 200 g of salted fish is quite capable of making you "fatter" by 1 kg, so the next day after eating it, you should not jump on the scales.

  • you have been drinking alcohol. After all, the body, first of all alcohol, needs to dilute it to a concentration that is safe for itself.

  • you are in the second phase of your menstrual cycle. At this time, you can "gain" up to 5 kg!

  • you've overtrained and your muscles are swollen.

And finally...

Check your scales! For example, weigh a five-liter water bottle or any other object whose weight you know. Or try stepping on the scale several times in a row - the result should be the same. In addition, it should not change, regardless of whether you are standing on one foot or two, on your heels or on your toes. So maybe it's time to replace the unit?

If everything is with him, then remember that you should be weighed at the same time, preferably in the morning, before breakfast, when the weight is minimal, and in the same place, and on a flat, hard surface.

Well, remember that, first of all, you should be comfortable in your weight and you should love yourself, and not chase imaginary ideals!

Mikhail Zeigarnik, a dietitian of the highest category, executive director of the National Society of Dietitians, chief physician of the Nutrition and Health clinic, Ph.D. So, you are making a mistake if:

Trying to lose weight on laxatives. Yes, with the help of these drugs you can immediately reduce weight up to 2-4 kg. And even fit into your favorite jeans a couple of sizes smaller. But... don't lose weight. The fact is that the laxative removes the contents of the intestine and a large amount of water from the body. But not an ounce of fat! The laxative acts as an internal enema: first, the laxative increases the flow of water into the intestinal lumen from its blood vessels, due to which the contents of the digestive organ soften and quickly exit. Moreover, if you continue to have fun in the same way - eat and take laxatives after meals - dehydration of the body and a sharp loss of important minerals, primarily potassium, will begin. Which can even lead to death.

Are you taking diuretics for the same purpose?. The mechanism of action is approximately the same as in the first case. A person intensively expels water from himself, due to this, weight decreases. At the same time, since most diuretics significantly remove potassium from the body (potassium comes out first, followed by water), there is a risk of seriously disturbing the electrolyte balance in the body with all the consequences. The cardiovascular and nervous systems are most sensitive to the loss of potassium.

Hoping to find appetite suppressant pills. In fact, legally such drugs do not exist today. The last such tablets were made on the basis of sibutramine. Now it is banned all over the world and in our country too. It turned out that, by inhibiting a certain kind of receptors in the brain, the pills cause side effect in the form of depression. Moreover, depression is of such strength that several hundred cases of suicide were recorded while taking such drugs. As a result, the manufacturer himself removed them from production.

Are you taking other fat loss miracle pills?. For example, based on the substance orlistat. The drug really works, it blocks the enzymes that digest fats, so that fats cannot be absorbed and leave the body in the same form as they got. As a result, the amount of fat consumed is significantly reduced. Seems alright. But there are two nuances. First, a side effect of taking such a drug is diarrhea. Fat causes a laxative effect as it leaves the intestines. Not dangerous, but annoying. Secondly, since fats are not absorbed, the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K are not absorbed either. Therefore, those who take this drug for a long time need to use special forms of these vitamins that can be absorbed without fat. And, frankly, this is a very unnatural way to correct weight. It is easier to reduce the amount of fat in the diet.

Lean on the so-called "fat burners". This is pure myth. There are no substances that have the ability to burn fat. Some time ago, such qualities were attributed to bromelain, which is abundant in pineapples. However, this enzyme does not burn fat at all, but acts similarly to stomach enzymes that help digest protein. Moreover, they contribute, and do not digest. By the way, for the same reason it is good to eat meat with pineapples - it will be easier to digest. No other mythical tropical foods burn fat either. Fat burns in the body as a result of certain chemical reactions. Their speed and intensity is regulated by genes and the body's need for calories at the moment.

Dreaming of losing weight by sweating for hours at the gym and not changing your diet. Yes, exercise burns fat. But not all. Of those calories that burn in the body, only 20% "go" to our physical activity, and the remaining 80% of the energy is spent on maintaining the body's own needs, which are generally only genetically programmed. This is maintaining body temperature, breathing, blood circulation - everything that we do not control. This is why it is so difficult to lose weight through exercise alone.

You start eating little, and also use any half-starved and mono-diets. If you severely restrict yourself in nutrition and even starve, you can really reduce weight. But ... the body is smart. And sometimes smarter than his master. If he understands that the intake of calories from food has suddenly decreased dramatically (having decided, for example, that the “hungry time” has simply come), then instead of wasting energy on his constant activity, he will begin to store these calories. Strategically, so to speak. What happens: a woman, having reduced the caloric content of the diet by 3-4 times, that is, eating some unfortunate 400 calories a day instead of the prescribed 1800, receives all these 400 calories in the form of fat reserves. And for the sake of obtaining energy, the body begins to burn everything that comes across. Mainly muscles. Therefore, the quality of the skin is sharply disturbed - the body takes protein from it to break it down into energy. But he does not break down his own fat, even if there are extra reserves. Because he believes that he was "put in a camp." So such a sharp restriction in food can cause a completely unexpected result. Plus, a normal person can't eat like that all the time. Either he will fall into anorexia, or sooner or later he will come out of the hunger strike. And then the body will say “OK, finally they gave food” and will begin to store it even more intensively. You can't limit calories below a certain level. And in order not to be hungry with a reasonable decrease in the calorie content of the diet, you need to eat more often and little by little.

Eliminate as much fat from your diet as possible. Now all experts come to the conclusion that the most dangerous in terms of weight gain are not fats, but carbohydrates. Scientists analyzed how nutrition has changed over the past 100+ years. It turned out that after all we eat a lot of light carbohydrates (pastries, sweets, etc.). And there were no more fats, because before the food was fatty. So obesity is clearly not related to this. After all, we eat a lot of sugar.

We decided to eat "superfoods". In fact, superfoods in and of themselves are not harmful. Most often, these are some plant products that are credited with "magic" properties - cocoa beans, goji berries, algae, all kinds of roots and leaves, used in their natural form or in the form of juices, powders, extracts. Many of them contain useful substances in various concentrations, due to which they are promoted. But don't be fooled. First, their wonderful properties are often exaggerated by those who sell them. Secondly, it in no way leads to weight loss. For example, under the guise of exotic goji berries, barberry berries that are very similar to them are often sold. Give 1 thousand rubles for a handful of barberries - and why? What's the point? It’s easier to go to a nutritionist who will make a normal diet from ordinary food. I say all the time: you can lose weight by eating regular food. If you want artichokes, I will include them in your diet, but I can get by with the usual celery, cabbage and beets, and there will be the same effect.

The modern world of computer technology has facilitated the work of a person dozens of times, but at the same time has made its own adjustments to the health of young people. Sedentary work and a sedentary lifestyle lead to the fact that an increasingly urgent problem of the young population is becoming weight loss and slimming necessary not only to look attractive, but also in order to maintain their own health. After all, as you know, fullness does not lead to anything good and reduces the life expectancy of a person several times.

Leading nutritionists of the country have developed a huge number of methods and various systems for weight loss. There are both strict and rigid diets, as well as more loyal ways to lose weight. Before choosing one or another method of losing weight for yourself, it is very important to prepare for this process at the psychological level, since reducing calorie intake is far from easy for everyone and without proper preparation and attitude, you can very quickly break loose and gain all those kilograms from which you already managed to get rid of. In the materials of the presented review, we will consider in detail the basic principles effective reduction weights for women at home, with which you can not only lose weight, but also consolidate the results and prevent the return of the old fat.

Proper nutrition to reduce weight should be slow. Do not rush while eating. It is recommended to set a timer for 20 minutes before starting a meal and enjoy your meal slowly until the alarm rings. Eating slowly will help you fill your body with fewer calories. After all, when a person snacks on the run and starts to eat in a hurry, he does not notice how much he ate, and the stomach simply does not have time to transmit all the necessary impulses to the brain about the onset of satiety in a short period of time, which is the cause of overeating.

Increase sleep duration

Scientists from the University of Michigan found that an increase in sleep duration of just 1 hour leads to a decrease in body weight of up to 6 kilograms per year. Moreover, it has been proven that if instead of ordinary snacks a person will rest, that is, replace them with sleep, this will help reduce the number of calories eaten per day, by about 6% less than usual.

An interesting fact was also established by Michigan scientists: "Sleep that lasts less than 7 hours increases appetite and hunger." Therefore, to maintain a figure and harmony, you need to sleep at least 7 hours a day.

Eat more vegetables

One more effective method weight loss is simply to start eating more vegetables and fruits. Eating plenty of the fiber and water found in vegetables will help fill your body with fewer calories. It is very important to understand that it is better to eat healthy food in the optimal amount, putting several types of vegetables on the plate at once, rather than intercepting a sandwich or fast food on the run. It is recommended to cook vegetables without adding fat, sauces and dressings, instead of them it is better to use lemon juice and herbs. Healthy nutrition is the key to harmony, beauty and health.

Soups for weight loss

If broth-based soups are added to the daily diet, then the body will also be saturated with fewer calories.

It is very important to eat soups at the very beginning of the meal. This will help slow down the process of eating and quickly satisfy the feeling of hunger.

It is better to start the process of making soup with cooking unsalted broth, to which you then need to add chopped vegetables and boil everything over low heat until cooked. Creamy soups are not recommended to eat, as they contain a huge amount of fat and, accordingly, calories.

Introducing whole grains to your diet

Whole grains include:

  • barley;
  • oats;
  • brown rice;
  • buckwheat;
  • wheat grains.

These ingredients, which are part of waffles, pasta, buns and white bread, will not only help reduce the number of calories consumed, but also bring cholesterol levels in order.

Trying on old things

In order to understand how to lose weight and how much more you need to lose a kilogram in order to regain your former harmony, it is recommended to take out your old favorite clothes from your wardrobe, which have become small over time, hang them in a conspicuous place and try them on from time to time. To begin with, it is worth getting a thing from the wardrobe that will be a little cramped in order to quickly achieve the goal and put it on. When you reach your goal, don't stop and find your favorite dress that was just right a year ago and continue to follow a healthy diet in order to see yourself in the mirror in that dress as soon as possible.

eating bacon

In the process of losing weight, everything is important, especially the breakfast menu. It is not recommended to eat sandwiches with bacon in the morning. Eliminating this product from the diet will help reduce the number of calories consumed by 100 per day, or minus 4 kg per year. For breakfast, it is better to make a sandwich with sweet pepper, tomato, or grainy mustard.

Using Vegetable Pizza Toppings

Put a vegetable topping on your pizza instead of sausage or meat and your daily calorie intake will decrease by another 100. It is also recommended to use light varieties of cheeses with a low percentage of fat and use thin tortillas as the basis for pizza.

Reduce the amount of sugar you eat

It is recommended to replace sugary drinks with mineral water or plain water, adding lemon juice, frozen berries or mint leaves to it for taste and aroma. The sugar found in sugary drinks bypasses all the body's signals of satiety, so eating 450 calories of this ingredient daily leads to a 1 kg increase in body weight in 4 weeks.

Change priorities in dishes

Less alcohol

Alcoholic drinks are very high in calories and contain more calories per unit of weight than simple carbohydrates and proteins. Moreover, the use of alcoholic beverages leads to a weakening of willpower, and under their influence, people usually thoughtlessly begin to sweep away everything they see:

  • chips;
  • nuts;
  • kirieshki and other high-calorie and unhealthy foods.

Switching to green tea

Rapid weight loss can be achieved by drinking green tea, which contains kahetins, which increase the rate of calorie burning processes in the body.

Drug therapy

As the saying goes "in war, all means are good", so it is in the fight against own weight. Do not neglect drugs for weight loss. Here you just need not to overdo it and take only those drugs for weight loss that the doctor will prescribe.

Yoga as a way to lose weight

Studies have shown that women who are actively involved in yoga have much less weight than others. This is because yoga practitioners have a calm self-awareness and a rational approach to what to eat and how. They eat exactly as much as the body needs to be satiated, although they can order relatively large portions in a restaurant. The balanced state that yoga develops helps to resist overeating and leads to weight loss.

cook yourself

To reduce calorie intake and reduce body weight, you should eat at least 5 times a week homemade food, which is not at all difficult to prepare, given that now everything is sold in stores to facilitate culinary business:

  • chopped pieces of lean meat;
  • washed lettuce leaves;
  • cutting vegetables;
  • prepared meat of fish and chicken;
  • canned legumes, etc.

All this facilitates the cooking process, and in addition, self-cooked dishes bring their own notes to the comfort of the hearth.

Pause exposure

Many people pause during the meal, getting carried away by the conversation. It also signals the saturation of the body.

Use of chewing gum

To reduce the number of calories consumed, you can use mint chewing gum, which should be used at a time when there is a desire to snack.

Replace plates

When eating food from small plates, a person automatically eats less. Reducing the size of dishes leads to a decrease in calorie intake by 100-200 per day.

Compliance with portioning

Another secret of harmony is the observance of the minimum portions for 5-6 days a week. After 3-4 times the change in portioning, this becomes a habit, which leads to an imperceptible weight loss.

Using the 80-20 rule

People living in the territories of Okianawa use this rule and eat only until they become only 80% full, and not 100%, like the vast majority of the world's population. This allows them to always be slim and not overeat.

Restaurant food rules

In order not to eat too many calories in a restaurant, it is recommended:

  • share the main dish with the interlocutor;
  • order snacks as food;
  • use children's plates;
  • Leave half of the servings to your pet.

In order for restaurant food to be balanced, it is recommended to add a vegetable salad to the main course.

Use only low-calorie sauces

Creamy sauces should be avoided, as they contain a huge amount of calories. Instead, it is better to use tomato-based sauces.

More lean food

It has been established that vegetarians have a lower body weight than people who eat meat dishes. But, it is also worth noting that eating legumes, such as soup with lentils, which are enriched with plant fibers, will help saturate the body with fewer calories.

Physical activity

Minutes of 5 kilograms a year without a diet is real if you burn 100 more calories daily. For this you can:

  • walk at least a mile every day for 20 minutes;
  • engage in gardening for 20 minutes (break through weeds, plant flowers);
  • mow the lawn for 20-25 minutes;
  • to clean the house for half an hour.

Or instead of everything, it’s jogging every day for 20 minutes in a park, stadium or along flowering alleys.

Celebrate and enjoy the results

After each achievement, you should praise and pamper yourself. With every approach to healthy lifestyle life, weight loss and reduced calorie intake, chat with friends, share impressions, go to a beauty salon or treat yourself to a new outfit.

Top 7 best drugs for weight loss:

Name Price
990 rub.
147 rub.
990 rub.
1980 rub. 1 rub.(until 05/26/2019)
1190 rub.
990 rub.
990 rub.

To begin with, it is worthwhile to understand that healthy eating is not based on strict restrictions and deprivation of vital products. Proper nutrition for weight loss is balanced diet rich in all necessary substances and minerals. Today I will tell you how to start eating right? From this article you will learn what you should pay attention to when compiling a diet.

To succeed in weight loss, it is better to start with small steps, but move steadily towards the intended goal.

Proper nutrition for weight loss depends on attitude, so set yourself up for success.

Instead of worrying too much about the calories and portion sizes eaten, it is better to pay attention to the freshness of the products, their variety and color. This way it will be much easier to focus on healthy food and start eating right to lose weight. Concentrate on easy recipes that include greens, vegetables and fruits.

You don't need to make a drastic change in your nutrition plan, because it's too difficult to immediately switch to a different lifestyle. And by gradually changing your preferences and tastes, you can form healthy eating habits and at the same time lose weight. How it works?

How to start the transition to proper nutrition for weight loss:

  • replace butter, margarine and mayonnaise with olive oil.
  • Instead of tea, drink pure water, especially if you like to drink a lot of tea.
  • When preparing a salad, add as many vegetables as possible to it. For example, you can also add leafy greens to a Greek salad.
  • replace milk with dairy products.
  • Swap white bread for whole grains. d.
  • make it a habit to eat fruit every day.

Focus on how you feel after eating a healthy meal. Healthy food brings feelings of cheerfulness and positive emotions, while unhealthy food brings nausea, flatulence and other inconveniences. Focusing on such points will help in the future to easily abandon harmful foods and establish proper nutrition for weight loss.

Do not immediately and completely eliminate the unhealthy foods that you love, as our goal is to reduce the likelihood of developing cancer and other diseases. But as practice shows, with sharp refusals to oneself, there is a high probability of breakdowns in everything, which aggravates the situation even worse and puts an end to weight loss.

Important: water and proper nutrition are interconnected, as it cleanses our body of waste and toxins, its lack is manifested by symptoms such as fatigue and headaches. By the way, we often confuse banal thirst with hunger. A glass drunk 30 minutes before a meal will set the stomach to full work.

Regular physical exercise can motivate us to eat right and drink enough clean water.

Weight loss = moderation in everything.

In other words, you need to eat only the amount of food that our body needs, in no case overeat. In order for the feeling of fullness to come on time, you need to exclude the use of carbonated drinks and chew food thoroughly without rushing.

Our task is to start eating right to lose weight, which means reducing the amount of sugar and trans fats consumed, and increasing the intake of fresh fruits and vegetables. If you ate pizza for lunch, then you should cook a diet salad of chicken and vegetables for dinner. If the floor is a chocolate bar, then it is important to limit the next meal, but it is better to replace it with fruits and so on.

Try not to think about harmful, but favorite food. If you really want to eat a piece of cake, then limit yourself to a small portion. Remember that you need to pamper yourself, but much less often than you usually do. This practice allows you to reduce weight and reduce the harmful effects on the body.

How to implement proper nutrition for weight loss? Start by replacing your plates with smaller ones.

Fundamentals of proper nutrition - food is the source of a fulfilling life.

Food should be our medicine and source of strength and health. Therefore, we should be more responsible in its preparation. Just as for the quality construction of a house, only the best building materials are needed, so our body needs the whole spectrum of substances and elements for a full-fledged life.

  • eating in front of the TV or computer leads to mindless overeating.
  • find time for a quiet meal.
  • listen to your body, maybe you are confusing hunger with thirst, which is enough to quench only by drinking a glass of water.
  • make breakfast your main meal.
  • never eat at night.

Eating fruits and vegetables promotes weight loss.

Fruits and vegetables are the basis of a healthy diet for weight loss, they are rich in dietary fiber, nutrients, antioxidants, and at the same time contain virtually no calories. Ideally, you need to eat five servings of fruits and vegetables per day (portions in this case are measured in pieces, for example, daily rate: one apple, one kiwi, one medium carrot, a bunch of lettuce, one cucumber). Fruits and vegetables can be eaten fresh or in salads.

If you are determined to eat right and lose weight, you do not need to buy ready-made mashed potatoes or salads in stores, buy the necessary ingredients, and use a blender to make a fruit smoothie, for example. It doesn't take long, but you will be sure that you are eating healthy food, and not modified starch with dyes and preservatives.

Bright fruits usually contain a lot of vitamins and antioxidants. Add fresh berries to yogurt or cereal. Snack on vegetables like carrots, cherry tomatoes.

  1. Include green leafy vegetables in your diet. Broccoli, Chinese cabbage.
  2. Sweet vegetables: carrots, beets (can be in the form of freshly squeezed juice).
  3. Fruits: Apples provide the body with the necessary dietary fiber, berries reduce the likelihood of cancer, oranges provide the body with vitamin C.

We need natural vitamins, not chemistry from a can!

Natural fruits and vegetables are hundreds of times more useful than any dietary supplements, because only in the aggregate of elements is the benefit based, and not on a separately elongated and heat-treated substance.

Healthy carbohydrates for weight loss.

Healthy or as they are also called slow carbohydrates: this includes whole grains, legumes, as well as vegetables and some fruits. Such food is digested slowly, which means that there is no sharp jump in insulin in the blood.

  • whole grain wheat;
  • brown brown rice;
  • barley;
  • buckwheat;
  • Hercules;
  • pearl barley.

Unhealthy (fast) carbohydrates: sugar (refined or sand) , white flour and rice, another cereal that is devoid of fiber and nutrients.

Proper nutrition for weight loss involves the exclusion of bread, pasta, noodles, breakfast cereals.

Healthy fats for weight loss.

Why do we need healthy fats? To nourish the brain, cells, heart, hair, skin and nails.

Include in your daily diet:

  • monosaturated fats (rapeseed, olive, peanut oils, non-bitter almonds, hazelnuts, sesame and pumpkin seeds).
  • polyunsaturated fats Omega-3,-6 (salmon, herring, sardines, unrefined linseed oil and walnuts).

What refined foods and trans fats should you avoid?

  • saturated fats (red meat and whole milk);
  • trans fats (margarine, crackers, candy, cookies, fried foods)

Is there a daily limit for saturated fats and trans fats?

To organize proper nutrition for weight loss, experts recommend reducing the intake of saturated fat to 7% of the total daily calories. Thus, if you need 2,000 calories per day, then 140 calories should come from saturated fat (16 grams).

No more than 20 (2 grams) calories should come from foods with trans fats. In other words, when you consider the amount of natural trans fats, there is no room for industrially produced ones.

Important: contrary to popular belief, many fats do not contribute to weight gain, but, on the contrary, improve metabolic processes and help to lose weight. The main cause of obesity is carbohydrates.

Calcium for bone health.

If calcium is not enough in terms of nutrition, then the body, in order to ensure its normal functioning, begins to draw it out of the skeletal system, which in turn inevitably leads to osteoporosis.

The recommended amount of calcium per day is 1000 mg. To replenish it, you need to eat foods rich in calcium. But caffeine, sweets and alcohol wash calcium out of the body, so it is advisable to consume coffee and sugar as little as possible. Vitamin D and K are essential for the absorption of calcium.

  • milk and dairy products are very easily absorbed by the body. But we would recommend most of all to lean on sour milk.
  • Vegetables and greens (kohlrabi, celery, broccoli, asparagus and common beans, zucchini) are rich in easily digestible calcium.

Proper nutrition and protein.

Why do we need protein? It consists of amino acids, which act as a building material, and therefore are necessary for our body like air. Meat contains the richest composition of amino acids, so contrary to the claims of vegans, meat should be present in the diet.

What is the Daily Value of Protein Needed?

  • Adults need to eat 0.8 grams of protein per 1 kilogram of their own weight.

It is better to start eating right by replacing red meat with fish, chicken or vegetable protein(nuts, soy, beans), and this in turn will contribute to weight loss.

Sweets, pizza should be replaced with nuts and seeds, chicken meat, as well as low-fat dairy and soy products.

Learn to snack between meals correctly, it can be apple chips, kefir, a handful of nuts.

Sugar and salt - Goodbye!


We all know that eating sugar causes insulin spikes. But we can't always keep track of sugar in the diet, so pay attention to the following tips:

  1. Do not drink carbonated and other sugary drinks, it is better to use freshly squeezed juices instead.
  2. Cook your own food, so you protect yourself from excess sugar and salt.
  3. Satisfy sugar cravings with carrot juice, fruits, nuts.

How to identify sugar on labels?

  • cane sugar, maple syrup.
  • corn syrup.
  • honey, molasses.
  • brown rice syrup.
  • concentrated fruit juices.
  • dextrin or maltodextrin.
  • fructose, glucose, sucrose or maltose.


The daily allowance is 1 teaspoon per day. How to avoid oversaturation with salt?

  • avoid canned and processed foods.
  • fast food is dangerous because of the abundance of sauces.
  • choose between fresh or frozen vegetables.
  • check the labels for the amount of salt.
  • exclude salty snacks (chips, nuts, dried squid).

Why do we need dietary fiber.

We need to consume 20-40 grams of fiber per day. How to start eating right or what foods should you lean on?

  • we need raw thermal products.
  • nuts, vegetables, berries, fruits, cereals, barley, oatmeal, carrots, citrus fruits.
  • keep in mind that white flour, sugar and polished rice do not contain fiber.

How does fiber help in weight loss?

Whole grains and fiber-rich foods take longer to digest, which means you feel full longer. In addition, such food can give the body much more energy, which is necessary to maintain strength during intense physical exertion.