Legal means of self-defense. Self-defense weapons that do not require permission, licenses: characteristics, types and reviews. Barrelless firearms

Even in a state governed by the rule of law, a citizen must remember that he himself is the main person responsible for his own security. Of course, willy-nilly, thoughts about weapons come to mind.

Many would like to have it, but do not dare - and all because of ignorance.

Those for whom obtaining a weapon is not a curiosity, on the contrary, overestimate its value too much.

    What weapons do not require a permit?

    In Russia, according to Federal Law No. 150-FZ “On Weapons”, as amended in 2015, you can find weapons without permission:

  1. gas atomizer;
  2. Taser;
  3. Pneumatics of weak action;
  4. Household knife;
  5. Axe;
  6. Device "Strike";
  7. Spear gun;
  8. A flare revolver that cannot be used as a combat revolver.

Anyone over the age of 18 can purchase.

Frankly speaking, these means can be called weapons with a big advance. Because it is sold without any delay, it is, strictly speaking, harmless. Not only will you not kill anyone with these tools, but you are unlikely to even seriously injure anyone. If the attacker is not imbued with the sight of the muzzle directed at him, then he will not be afraid of a small metal bullet.

By the way, carry around the streets "air" forbidden- you can use pneumatics only at home, as well as at training in a shooting range or at a shooting range.

If you hit a person in the eye with such a "charge", there is nothing good. Your actions will be classified as exceeding the permissible self-defense(Article 114 of the Criminal Code).

Even worse, when the aggressor dies.

Article 108 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation describes the consequences of murder in self-defense.

The maximum penalty is two years in prison.

What weapons can be purchased without a license?

gas spray

A spray can is the simplest weapon for self-defense, without permission and a license is provided in weapons stores in Russia. To begin with, the psychological effect is zero. Gone are the days when its appearance could scare off the aggressor.

By the way, even if you spray the gas, it will not help you much - with watery eyes and partially defocused vision, the bandit nevertheless does not lose mobility or strength, and your attempts to defend yourself can only piss him off.

Need to remember! Use such a weapon may not be possible in all circumstances. For example, it is strictly forbidden in a small enclosed space - then you yourself will inhale the "charge" for the company with the attacker. And if you spray in an open space against the wind, you won’t even harm the enemy, only yourself, since the sprayed cloud will fall on you.

signal pistol

A signal pistol (flare gun) is also considered a weapon for self-defense, you can buy it without permission and license.

The psychological effect is obtained from the signal pistol, it also does not require permission ( caliber up to 4.5 mm). A more or less good effect is achieved from the Smersh PK-1 model. It is recommended to use it from a distance of up to seven meters.

The gun will not cause serious harm to the attacker, but it will stop - guaranteed.

The use of this mechanism is justified in all cases where the necessary self-defense takes place.

Spear gun

A gun for hunting under water in general, strictly speaking, is not a weapon, since it belongs to sports equipment and is extremely ineffective for self-defense. But, as you know, the bullet is still a fool, and the bayonet (in our case, a knife) is well done.

If these types of weapons seem ineffective to you, then pay attention to traumatic or pneumatic weapons. But ... they should get .

And if you yourself decide to sell weapons, then you definitely need a license to trade in weapons. Read more.

A license can be given or taken away. The link indicates possible reasons revocation of weapons permits.

There is a chance, albeit a small one, that the aggressor will flinch when he sees a blade in your hand. A kitchen or penknife has a weak blade, so when protecting, you should cut, not prick. Beat on the hands and feet of the enemy - your own blood will stop even the most experienced of them, and you will have the opportunity to escape.

A blow to the neck can be fatal and cost you dearly.

Do not draw a knife if you are not sure you will use it!

The most effective weapon for self-defense without a license

Taser - the best weapon for which permission is not required.

It is small, compact in size, does not take up much space, and will not harm the owner. It does not arouse suspicion, since it can be disguised, for example, as a mobile phone and will not provoke the attacker to further aggression. Vulnerabilities neck, arms, groin, back, chest.

In addition, he will really stop the aggressor - and not just “prick” with a current discharge, but will knock him out for about half an hour.

But only if you do not save when buying!

A cheap shocker will not be particularly sensitive for an attacker, and if it is winter outside and your opponent is wearing thick clothes like a down jacket, he may not even feel that you used something against him there.

When choosing the desired option, it is better to stop the choice on those where the current strength is greater.

As it becomes clear, it is better not to place special hopes on freely sold weapons. At best, it is a little more dangerous than a children's slingshot, at worst, it will play against you or provoke an offender.

For non-licensed self-defense weapons, such as the OCA and others, see further in the video:

Today, choosing means for self-defense is quite easy. There are several varieties of legal devices used in self-defense against illegal activities. You can buy highly effective self-defense equipment without a license in specialized stores. It is enough to present a passport and be at the time of purchase the age of 18 years.

Protecting yourself, your loved ones, you can use items that are not originally related to means of protection: a kitchen / household knife, an ax. There is an extensive class of pneumatic weapons. Spectacular when used, but not specifically intended for self-defense. It's not worth getting involved in such things. There is a high probability of irreparable consequences. It is more convenient and safer for yourself to use specially created means of self-defense.

The list of items for self-defense includes devices that differ in layout, principle of operation and the nature of the negative impact on the enemy.

Gas canisters

Considered the most affordable means of self-defense. Cheapness, dimensions and ease of use make them extremely popular. Cans are filled with chemical compounds that have a strong effect on a person, causing burning, tears, coughing. They differ in the type of spray (aerosol, jet, gel, foam). The place of use (room / street) depends on this characteristic.

Weather conditions are an important factor (it is not recommended to use for self-defense in case of strong wind and rain). The maximum range is 3 meters. You need to spray at a distance of more than 1 meter, otherwise there is a risk of inhaling nasty things along with the attacker. After 2-5 seconds, the bully will feel the work of the gas on himself. The duration of the negative effect is designed for 5-7 minutes.

These self-defense tools are low level injury risk. They do not require special skills to use, are easy to carry / store, and are effective in case of dog attacks. But in rain, wind and indoors, it is better not to use.

signal weapon

Signal revolvers and pistols, as a means of self-defense, can only cause psychological harm. Frighten the attacker - the main task"signals". Another effect of the shot is to attract attention. In most cases, this should be enough to repel an attack.

Without a certificate of conformity, the sale of pistols of this class and their ammunition is impossible. Weapons with a caliber of no more than 6 mm are available for free sale, a license is required for it.

Owners of starting pistols need to remember that they have a weapon in their hands, albeit incapable of injuring physically. It is their civic duty to comply with the rules for the use and storage of these self-defense equipment.

Learning how to use flare guns is easy. The main thing is to apply them competently, according to the situation (from a psychological and legal point of view).

Punch on punch

The abbreviation perfectly superimposed on the function of the device for self-defense. Aerosol spraying of small doses of gas using a low power powder charge. Appeared recently, BLOW managed to undergo several upgrades (the caliber of ammunition changed, the adaptation of the device for firing from both hands).

The BLOW uses cartridges with gunpowder, but it is not a full pistol. All mechanisms are placed in a wide body-handle (it is also a store for 5 charges). A BLOW shot is guaranteed to hit an enemy standing 3 meters away. BAMER - a type of IMPACT can do the same already at 5 meters.

The clear advantages of the UDAR self-defense means include:

  • Different types of cartridges (by size and content of the damaging substance);
  • Small size and ergonomics;
  • Wide operating temperature range;
  • Safety margin for 500 shots;
  • The presence of a fuse.

For active self-defense, it turned out to be a pretty good thing (the average between a pistol and a spray can) and you don’t need to get a license.

shock and pain

A stun gun is a self-defense tool worn in a pocket / bag, purchased without a license and capable of even sound stopping encroaching. Electric shockers can completely immobilize the attacker (human / animal) by causing convulsive muscle contractions. This self-defense weapon is divided according to the type of application:

  • The blow is applied upon contact with the target (any maximally open areas of the body are affected);
  • The shocker hits at a distance (shoots with contacts).

Both types have their positives and negatives. Self-defense with a stun gun in full contact requires some skill. You need to be able to take advantage of the right moment to get an opponent. Practicing the method at a distance, you must have the skill of an arrow and a reserve of time for reloading.

It is undesirable to use the remedy for minors and pregnant women (there must be obvious signs), the period of contact of the body with the shocker should not exceed 3-5 seconds, do not direct the attack to the face and groin.

Shockers are capricious in storage. They are afraid of moisture, dust, sudden changes in temperature. The children of the owner of the shocker should not know where the means of self-defense of their parents lies. Connect to the mains only to charge the batteries.

In skillful hands, the stun gun will become a powerful means of self-defense, a serious argument against encroachment on its owner. A person who owns a shocker should take this very seriously.

raise the alarm

Passive means of self-defense include the so-called pocket sirens. These are special devices of small size, giving loud sound signals. They will not be able to harm the attacker in any way, but they can stop illegal actions or distract offenders. Their main advantage is absolute age accessibility. Simply pull the special pin out of the device, and it will immediately begin to make a very loud sound.

Permit-free self-defense weapons are a topic that worries many people. The level of crime in our days forces every person to think about their own safety and the safety of their property. It is not always possible to call for help in case of an unforeseen situation or call the police. Sometimes you have to rely only on your own strength. Then it will be very handy if you have something with you that you can use for your own protection. It is now possible to purchase self-defense weapons without a license. In this article, we want to introduce the reader to its types, talk about the advantages and discuss the disadvantages.

Self-defense weapons that do not require a permit in Russia

In order to avoid problems with the law, you need to clearly understand how you can protect yourself. There are protective equipment that require a license, and those that can be worn freely. In this case, you do not need to have special documents. In each country, the government decides whether a particular self-defense weapon can be purchased without a license. We will talk today about the laws relating to the territory Russian Federation. Despite the fact that the crime rate in the Russian Federation is not the highest in the world, nevertheless, the Russians, like many other inhabitants of the planet, need to be ready at any moment to protect themselves from an attack. So, a self-defense weapon that does not require permission:

  • pneumatic pistol, revolver with a power not exceeding 7.5 J and a bullet with a caliber not exceeding 4.5 mm;
  • an electric shocker, as well as a spark gun from a Russian manufacturer;
  • gas bottle.

This is what concerns the weapon itself. Of course, there are additional options for protection with improvised means, which include melee weapons, but we'll talk about this below.

Gas cartridges

When discussing such a topic as types of self-defense weapons without permission, the first thing that comes to everyone's mind is a spray can. They are of different types:

  1. Gas.
  2. Pepper.
  3. Nerve paralytic.

Experts believe that the best self-defense weapon that does not require permission is a gas spray. It is quite popular, especially among women: it weighs little, takes up little space, and is quite easy to apply. There is some information you need to know in order to use it correctly. When buying a spray can, the only thing you need is confirmation that you have reached the age of majority. The following can be said about the advantages of such weapons:

  • use on the principle of a simple liquid spray;
  • low cost (around five dollars);
  • ease of use in psychological terms: not every person can even shoot an attacker in the leg, but splashing liquid is much easier;
  • compactness: small size and light weight make it possible to constantly carry a can even in a small handbag.

But there are also disadvantages that you need to know and remember. First, such a remedy does not have a strong intimidating effect. The attacker may not only not run away, but, on the contrary, accelerate his movements in order to prevent the victim from using the spray can. Therefore, pulling out the balloon, use it immediately. Secondly, in no case do not use this product indoors (elevator, corridor, stairs, etc.). In this case, you can suffer along with the bandit and gain nothing from the application. Thirdly, you need to correctly aim the jet from the balloon, taking into account the direction of the wind. Incorrect use of such protection may damage you in the first place.


Another self-defense weapon that does not require a permit is a stun gun. It is a miniature device with two wires, which, when pressed on the corresponding button, give an electric discharge. The power of the discharge is such that it unbalances an adult. Shockers of different manufacturers and models are offered. There are options to adjust the power. The following advantages of such weapons are noted:

  • the ability to deprive the attacker of the opportunity to move for a short period of time, respectively, the victim can run away;
  • the ability to hit a target from a distance of about four meters (for models that are capable of firing electrodes).

But the shocker also has disadvantages that you need to carefully study before buying such a remedy:

  • basically the models require direct contact with the bandit, but the case may not present itself;
  • the device runs on batteries that need to be monitored: changed or charged - otherwise you may be in danger trying to use a non-working shocker, finally angering the attacker;
  • in winter period When people are warmly dressed, the shocker cannot always penetrate a thick layer of fabric, and the charge will not have the expected effect.


Weapons of this type are designed more for psychological impact. Outwardly, it is very similar to a gunshot, so the attacker will not take risks.
The power of an air pistol is not strong enough to cause serious harm to health, and therefore does not require permission. In addition, it can be used in hand-to-hand combat to enhance the blow. The main thing is surprise and decisiveness. It is impossible to detect insecurity or fear in front of a bandit. Also, carry the gun in a place where it will be easy and quick to get it. After all, no one will calmly wait until you open your purse and, rummaging through a pile of things for a long time, pull out a gun.

Self-defense weapon that does not require a permit: "Strike"

The "Strike" device is used to shoot at the enemy using a liquid solution.
This is a kind of mixture of a gas spray and a pistol. It is charged with capsules that are filled with liquid. You can use this tool for a long time: on average, it is designed for 2 thousand shots. The advantage of "Impact" is called:

  • the ability to work regardless of weather conditions with a firing range of up to five meters;
  • the ability to use in a confined space, since the liquid is sprayed in a directed way, and the risk of harming yourself is minimal;
  • small size, which allows you to carry it with you in your bag or pocket.

You can not ignore the disadvantages of such a tool:

  • in order to hit a bandit, you need to aim well;
  • the device is not intended for use with the left hand;
  • when buying low-quality capsules, there is a chance of misfires, capsules falling out or liquid leaking.

Self-defense weapon that does not require a permit: "Wasp"

The Wasp Pistol is another means of defending against bandits with a combination of sound and light. He is able to stun and blind the criminal, temporarily unbalancing him.
Until recently, such weapons could be used with permission. But now there is a new light and sound device "Antidog". No permission is needed to use this device, and its principle of operation is the same as that of the Wasp. The following advantages of the device can be called:

  • able to scare away not one, but several attackers;
  • light, compact and easy to use;
  • low cost of the device.

The only drawback of a pistol is that it can blind and stun the shooter himself, respectively, this must be taken into account before use and close your eyes at the time of the shot.

Steel arms

Such weapons are used even more often than other types. After all, it is always at hand, especially at home.
When buying a knife, the documentation immediately indicates whether it is a melee weapon or not. In Russia, prohibited species include those that have a blade of more than 90 centimeters, as well as knives with automatic blade ejection. In addition to a knife, they use such types of tools as a stylet, brass knuckles, machete, etc. It should be remembered that using a knife is even more difficult than shooting. Therefore, not every person is able to perceive it as a reliable means of protection. It is suitable for people with certain knowledge of martial arts.

It's important to know

Of course, it is best to avoid situations where you will be in danger and will be forced to defend yourself. But sometimes they are inevitable and do not depend on your desire. In this case, remember a few tips:

  1. Try to carry not one, but two weapon options. Some of them will definitely be able to defend themselves.
  2. Take a short course in self-defense, where you will be taught the basic rules of protection. This will increase your chances of success.
  3. Once in a dangerous situation, do not panic, be decisive and do not betray your fear.
  4. Focus on the psychological factor. It is necessary to frighten the enemy with the mere presence of weapons, before using them.
  5. If you decide to shoot, aim correctly. After a failed shot, you run the risk of being in even more danger than before.
  6. Regularly check the condition of your weapon so as not to end up in an unpleasant situation with a useless piece of metal in your hand.

In my (by Dave Scott) self-defense courses for women, I am very often asked to announce a list of the most convenient and effective self-defense means. In this article, I will just give it, but before that I would like to touch on several important issues.

First, don't be an easy target. Most real criminals and just dangerous people, who can somehow harm you, do not want a fight at all. Therefore, they are looking for simple targets that are easy to intimidate and get everything they need without too much trouble. So that . Do not walk down the street alone at night, buried in your smartphone. Don't leave the bar drunk at 2am. Remember that in most cases it is much easier to prevent a situation than to deal with its consequences later. But if you are already being attacked or threatened, then you must be ready to defend yourself, both on a psychological level and physically.

1. Pepper spray

I have been exposed to pepper spray several times during various exercises and training. And I can tell you that this is a very effective thing. But remember that this means of self-defense not 100% effective. Some aggressors will still be able to act actively and purposefully (though not as well) after using pepper spray.

So don't stand still after using it. Call for help and run away from there as fast as you can. One of the great benefits of pepper spray is that the target doesn't have to be right next to you. Most of these tools hit 10-15 feet (3-4 meters).

2. Tactical pen

A tactical pen stuck in the eye, neck or face is a great stopping factor that will surely scare off an attacker or give you time to retreat. The disadvantage of this self-defense means is the need for close close contact. Yes, and a physically strong and fast aggressor will be able to block your blow. Therefore, the element of surprise is extremely important. Sometimes it's more effective to feign submission first before going on the offensive. And if you don’t want to fork out for tactical pens, just get a regular one, but with a tough and durable body.

3. Pen-knife

A pen-knife is a small stiletto disguised in the body of an ordinary pen. As a rule, at one end there is a normal working rod, and at the other, closed end, there is actually a knife or stylet. The aggressor certainly does not expect that the pen is in your hands all of a sudden.

4. Special "defense" keychain

There are special key chains that can be used as a means of self-defense. Most often, according to the principle of brass knuckles with sharp spikes.

5. Pistol

Possibly the most effective means of self-defense ever created by man. At the same time, as with all other means of self-defense, it is extremely important that the owner of the pistol is well trained and able to use it effectively. If you choose this option, then first find good firearms in your area.

6. Taser and taser

Tasers and tasers can extremely effectively stop almost any aggressor. But it is important to remember that these are completely different self-defense means. The stun gun can only be used effectively with direct contact, making you more vulnerable to an attacker. The taser is more like a pistol (and costs just as much!), only it fires wires that attach to the attacker and stun them from a distance. Tasers are much cheaper, but only stun while they are working and only while there is direct contact.

For anyone self-defense means, it is extremely important to be able to use it effectively, as well as to know its advantages and disadvantages

You also need to understand that whenever a weapon is obtained during an incipient quarrel (whether by an aggressor or a potential victim), this indicates an escalation of the conflict, which makes it much more dangerous. It often happens that it is only necessary for the victim to get self defense weapon how the aggressor quickly takes possession of it and uses it against her. Don't let this happen to you! And NEVER forget that the best strategy in this case is to PREVENT a conflict situation. Always remember to be situationally aware and stay in control of potentially dangerous situations.

Question effective self-defense has always been relevant for Russia. Good physical form and skills will not always help to protect yourself in critical situations. As a supplement, we can consider means that increase the effectiveness of confronting criminal elements.

Is it always necessary to draw up official documents and what weapons are allowed in Russia for self-defense without obtaining a license?

We study regulations

The basic requirements for self-defense equipment are set out in Law No. 150-FZ, Article 3. It describes weapons used by civilians for personal protection, sports, hunting and educational equipment. You will need a license to own most of the list.

The following weapons will require official authorization:

  • Hunting rifles: smoothbore and rifled type. It differs from combat in the absence of an automatic firing mode and the capacity of the magazine.
  • Sports. Designed for bench or practical shooting.
  • Weapon for self-defense. The most popular are models with limited lesion properties. The muzzle energy should not exceed 91 J. Elastic bullets () or special cartridges with buckshot (for hunting models) are also used.

Obtaining a license for these types of self-defense equipment is difficult and can take a long time. Therefore, other options are being considered as alternatives.

Legal weapons for self-defense without a license

The main property for official means of self-defense is the limitation of their damaging effect. Weapons of this type are designed to psychologically influence the attacker and cause minimal harm to his health. But with skillful application, it will help to avoid a dangerous situation even before it occurs.

gas spray

An effective and relatively affordable means of protection. It is a small spray can special means. Manufacturers may include chlorobenzalmalonodinitrile (CS) or capsicum oleoresin (OC) in its composition. The action of the first is aimed at irritating the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and eyes. OC in contact with skin provokes itching, may cause slight choking, causes coughing. The latter is the most effective for self-defense.

Important according to the type of spray:

  • Aerosol. When the mixture is released, small drops are formed, the direction of which is highly dependent on the wind. Advantages - a large area of ​​\u200b\u200bdestruction. It is recommended to use against groups of people, packs of dogs, etc. Range - 1-1.5 m.
  • Jet-aerosol. Has a shorter range, but drops when sprayed bigger size. It is characterized by a weak respiratory effect. The effectiveness of the action is up to 2 m.
  • Jet. When pressed, a narrow jet is obtained. Recommended for indoor use. Range - up to 3 m.

The cost of a gas cartridge varies from 350 to 700 rubles. The most popular models are "Pepper 11-A", "Sword", "Foamy Dragon".

stun gun

The defeat of the attacker with an electric current with the help of a special device will not cause him irreparable harm, but for some time it will disorientate, the work of the central nervous system will be unstable. To achieve this effect, it is necessary to choose the right stun gun for self-defense.

By type of action, they are divided into contact and remote. In the first case, the device is in contact with the attacking active part, in the second case, the electrodes are on the detachable cartridge, which is fired.

According to current regulations, stun guns are divided into three groups according to voltage and power parameters.

  1. 70-90 kV and 2-3 W.
  2. 50-70 kV and 1-2 W.
  3. 20-50 kV and 0.3-1 W.

Effectively use models belonging to the first group. It should be borne in mind that with a large amount of clothing, the discharge may not penetrate the skin of the attacker. Also, when using a stun gun, safety rules must be observed.

The average price for popular models varies from 1,600 to 12,000 rubles. For self-defense, ViperTek, Top-Gun, Taser are most often purchased.

household knife

The use of a household knife as a means of self-defense is highly undesirable. Handling this type of weapon requires professional skill and practice. No need to think that it is a means of preventive protection - not always the sight of a knife will scare off attackers. At the same time, they can cause serious injuries, up to death.

A knife does not belong to the category of edged weapons if it meets the following main features:

  • the absence of a point or its placement above the butt line by 5 (10) cm with a blade length of up to 180 mm (from 180 mm);
  • if the blade is shorter than 90 mm;
  • with a handle less than 70 mm;
  • no sharpened blade.

This is just a number of features, an expanded list of which is given in GOST 51215-98.

Pneumatic guns

This weapon for self-defense has all the external signs of a firearm, but has worse characteristics. Pneumatic pistols are divided into sports (without a license) and hunting. For protection, it is recommended to use the first models.

The best option is pistol-type pneumatics. A license is not required if starting speed bullets no more than 150 m / s, shot power - up to 7.5 J, caliber - up to 4.5 mm. The weapon is quite massive, as the design provides for a mechanism to increase the pressure in the barrel during the shot.

Classification of air guns:

  • According to the principle of operation - piston, balloon or compression. For self-defense, it is recommended to use balloon models.
  • Rate of fire - automatic or single.
  • Ability to use bullets various shapes: flat, hemispherical, conical, expansive.

Popular manufacturers: Baikal, ASG, Hatsan, Borner. The cost of an air pistol for self-defense varies from 3,700 to 53,000 rubles. As an alternative, you can consider starting pistols. But they will not cause any harm to the attacker and will only have a psychological effect.