Analysis of the technique and methodology for teaching the high jump by the 'Fosbury flop' method and the physical qualities necessary for a high jumper. Dick fosbury, who jumped not like everyone else Athletics jumping way fosbury flop table

Fosbury flop

Performing a Fosbury Flop Jump

fosbury flop(English) fosbury flop listen)) is a high jump technique developed and first introduced by American high jumper Dick Fosbury, which allowed him to win gold medal Summer Olympics in 1968 and set a new Olympic record (2.24 m). Today, this technique is used by the vast majority of high jumpers.

The jump technique is as follows: the athlete quickly runs diagonally to the bar, strongly pushes off with the foot farthest from the bar, then flies over the bar with his head forward, back to the ground, sliding along an imaginary spiral, while bending back and trying to keep as much body weight as possible stayed below the mark. In the final stage of the jump, when only the legs remain above the bar, the athlete is already head down and lands on the mats with his back, shoulders and head.

The fosbury-flop jump method ensures that the athlete takes the bar, and during the entire jump, his center of mass is below the bar at a distance of up to 20 cm.

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See what "Fosbury flop" is in other dictionaries:

    - (English fosbury flop) a high jump technique developed and first introduced by American high jumper Dick Fosbury, which allowed him to win the Summer Gold Medal Olympic Games 1968 and establish a new Olympic ... ... Wikipedia

    Exist., Number of synonyms: 1 Fosbury flop (2) ASIS Synonym Dictionary. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

    Fosbury, Dick Olympic awards Athletics (men) Mexico City Gold 1968 High jump Richard Douglas ... Wikipedia

    FOSBURY (Fosbury) Richard (Dick) (b. March 6, 1947, Portland, Oregon), American athlete (track and field athletics (see ATHLETICS), high jump). 1968 Olympic champion (Mexico City) in high jump. At the Games in Mexico City, for the first time in ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Olympic awards Athletics (men) 2.24 ... Wikipedia

    Olympic awards Athletics Gold 1968 High jump Dick Fosbury (eng. Dick Fosbury, born March 6, 1947 in Portland, Oregon) is an American track and field athlete, high jumper, champion ... Wikipedia

    - [by the name of the Amer. athlete D. Fosbury] sport. a jumping style in which the athlete moves head first over the bar, flies over it face up and falls on their back. Initial at the Olympic Games in Mexico in 1968. Also the Fosbury flop. ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    Olympic awards Athletics Gold 1968 High jump Dick Fosbury (eng. Dick Fosbury, born March 6, 1947 in Portland, Oregon) is an American track and field athlete, high jumper, champion ... Wikipedia

    Fosbury flop jump execution The fosbury flop is a high jump technique developed and first introduced by American high jumper Dick Fosbury, which allowed him to win the Summer Summer Gold Medal ... ... Wikipedia

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"Fosbury Flop"

"Fosbury Flop"

The invention of a new style of high jump by American athlete Richard Fosbury revolutionized this sport. athletics.

At the Games of the XIX Olympiad in Mexico City, jumpers of all “specializations” presented the most surprises.

In the pole vault, three athletes at once showed the same result - 5 meters 40 centimeters, setting an Olympic record, and the American Robert Seagren received a gold medal only because he used fewer attempts.

The most interesting and tense struggle was in the triple jump, when the world record was updated several times in a row and Victor Saneev eventually won.

And in the long jump sector, American Bob Beamon demonstrated a fantastic "jump into the 21st century" - 8 meters 90 centimeters.

And another high-profile sensation was born in Mexico City at the high jump competition.

No, the world record, then owned by Valery Brumel and set in 1963 - 2 meters 28 centimeters, survived at the 1968 Olympics. The result of the winner "pulled" only the Olympic record - 2 meters 24 centimeters. And yet the performance of the champion Games XIX The high jump Olympics in Mexico City by American Richard Fosbury made a splash and was then discussed in every way no less than Bob Beamon's fantastic long jump.

Prior to this, for several Olympics in a row, rivalry in high jumps was conducted among themselves mainly by American and Soviet athletes. They won all the prizes, except that only in 1956 in Melbourne the Australian C. Porter received a silver medal, but the first was the American athlete C. Dumas. Four years later, at the Olympic Games in Rome, the Olympic champion was Robert Shavlkadze, in 1964 in Tokyo - Valery Brumel.

In Mexico City, an American athlete, Richard Fosbury, once again climbed to the top of the podium. Before the start of the competition sports world little was known about him, except that he was 193 centimeters tall and 21 years old. They also knew that he was from Portland, Oregon.

However, already before the Olympic Games, there were persistent rumors that Fosbury had invented some fundamentally new way to overcome the bar, more like a circus trick than an athlete's jump. But so far only a very few have seen Fosbury in action.

Richard Fosbury

A year before the 1968 Olympics, when Fosbury overcame 2 meters 18 centimeters in his unusual way, it was perceived as an accident. However, in the pre-Olympic qualifying competitions, jumping in the same way, Fosbury showed the result already 2 meters 21 centimeters. Therefore, his performance in Mexico City was expected with great interest.

And the American athlete plunged the whole stadium into amazement, and thanks to television, millions of people all over the world saw his fantastic jumps.

It really was an amazing sight, not like the classic "flip" style. Before the start of the run, Fosbury stood still for an unusually long time, several minutes, “tuning in” for the upcoming jump.

The run started very quickly and resembled, rather, the run of a long jumper. Moreover, during the run-up, the athlete's speed increased even more, and the direction changed in an arc. Once sideways at the racks, Fosbury immediately pushed off the ground, without making a “classic” swing with his foot, he flew up, while turning his back to the bar.

Then followed wave-like movements of the whole body, as if it were overcoming the bar in parts: first with the shoulders, then with the torso, then with the legs. And finally, as if bypassing the bar with such movements, Fosbury landed on his back and immediately jumped up, triumphantly raising his hands.

Such an unusual way of jumping by the name of its inventor immediately became known as the “fosbury flop”. And immediately, already at the Olympic Games in Mexico City, disputes began about its effectiveness.

Many coaches believed that this was a pure circus trick, and he had no future. One of the famous American trainers, Peyton Jordan, said: “Fosbury's style belongs only to him, and it is currently impossible to teach this style to anyone else. It would be too dangerous. After all, we are talking about a truly incredible style. Fosbury's method and style is now Fosbury's alone."

However, the athletes turned out to be more perspicacious than the coaches, and soon after the games of the XIX Olympiad, hundreds of athletes began to “try on” the Fosbury flop style for themselves. In practice, they appreciated the benefits of a quick take-off and flying over the bar with your back down. In 1973, jumping with this style, the American athlete Dwight Stones set a new world record, the first to conquer the coveted "round" line of 2 meters 30 centimeters.

True, the “flip-over” style did not immediately give up. In 1977, Vladimir Yashchenko, jumping in this style, set a record of 2 meters 33 centimeters, and then added another centimeter to it. But in 1980, the Pole Jacek Wshola conquered 2 meters 35 centimeters with the flop style, and since then it has become generally accepted. In 1993, the "flop" helped the Cuban Javier Sotomayor raise the bar of the world record to 2 meters 45 centimeters ...

As for the author of the “fosbury flop”, his fate surprisingly turned out to be similar to the fate of Bob Beamon, who created a miracle in the sector for long jumps. The 1968 Olympics in Mexico City were Richard Fosbury's first and last. And he no longer had any other high-profile achievements, except for the gold medal of the Olympic champion.

Seminar: "Training in the high jump using the Fosbury flop method."

Warm-up, preparatory exercises, safety precautions.

Warm up:

    running smooth, with accelerations - 2-3 minutes

    jumping rope with double rotation, on the right, left leg (dosage according to the age of the students)

    i.p. - narrow stance legs apart, on the front of the foot - rolls from toe to heel 10-14 times

    i.p. - narrow leg stand apart - 1-2 - stand on the inside of the foot, 3-4 - on the outside - 8-10 times

    i.p. - stand on the right, left on the toe - rotation in the ankle joint 10 times to the right, 10 times to the left, the same with the right foot

    i.p. - lunge with the right - 10 springy movements up and down, the same with the left

    i.p. - right lunge - 2 springy movements up and down, change legs in a jump - 8-10 times

    swing right, left foot up 10 times

    jumping in place for two up 2 times, the third jump bending the legs to the chest.

10. head movement up and down, right-left, circular motion to the right and left sides

11. somersaults in the sector forward and backward

Preparatory exercises:

    high jumps through a rubber tourniquet using the “stepping over” method - 3-4 times

    high jumps through a rubber band (height 90 cm) from a place standing with your back close to the sector with a push from two legs with a landing on your back (work out pulling your legs to your chest until landing)

    the same with repulsion with a pushing leg

    exercises 2, 3 with repulsion from the trampoline (gymnastic bridge)

    a jump as a whole with repulsion from a trampoline (gymnastic bridge), pay special attention to turning the body with its back to the bar (harness) after repulsion.

The main mistakes in the high jump using the "fosbury flop" method

Takeoff run:

    Running on half-bent legs

    jumping run

    Body swing while running

    Speed ​​slows down when approaching the repulsion point

    The muscles of the hands are overly tense

    Loss of speed when entering the arc


The takeoff should be rhythmic, optimally fast and brought to automatism, it is advisable to do a flyover bent leg.

Setting the push leg at the place of repulsion and repulsion:

    Jumping on the push leg

    Far or close setting of the pushing leg to the place of repulsion

    Flying movement due to the whip of the lower leg

    Turning back to the bar at the beginning of the repulsion

    When repulsing, there is no simultaneous movement of the fly leg and arms

    There is no complete extension in all joints of the leg at the moment of repulsion


When repulsing, the swing of the arms is performed upwards, the beginning of the rise to the bar should be strictly vertical.

Flight and landing:

    No bend in hip joints

    No pulling the knees to the body

    No flex in lumbar region above the bar

    Head tilted back too early

    Earlier extension of straight legs over the bar


At the moment of the transition of the bar, the arms are extended along the body, which is located perpendicular to the bar, landing. Landing is done on the back and shoulders.

High jump safety.

    The running surface must be clean and level. If the floor is slippery at the place of repulsion, spread a rubber track

    The height of the sector must be at least 70 cm

    The coating should not be rough to prevent abrasions on the skin of the students.

    If there is no continuous coverage of the sector, adjust the mats after each jump close to each other

    Behind the sector on the floor there should be mats

    Students are only allowed to attend classes in short sportswear and non-slip shoes.

    Start jumping only after a proper warm-up

    Do not allow students who have not mastered the basics of jumping technique to jump over the bar (through a tourniquet)


1. Jumps on one leg with raising the leg bent at the knee at the knee to the chest and across the side to the shoulder. Perform 2 - 3 series of 60 jumps per workout.

2. Jumping on two legs up with pulling the knees to the chest. Perform in series of 10 - 20 jumps.

3. Jumping up with the breeding of straight legs to the sides, reaching the toes with your fingers. Perform 10 - 20 times.

4. Jumps in a squat alternately on the left and right legs, the second leg simultaneously with the jump straightens forward with a whipping movement. Perform 10 - 20 jumps on each leg in one series.

5. Jumping up with alternate breeding of straight legs into a twine. Perform 5-10 times only after a thorough warm-up.

6. Jumping up to the dais. Perform a push of two legs with the help of a swing with your arms up, repeat 10-20 times. Increase the height of the jumps gradually.

7. Jumps in depth (70 - 100 cm) followed by instantaneous jumping up. Performed 2 - 4 series of 6 - 10 jumps in each. This exercise should be repeated no more than 2 times a week after the pre-jumping period.

8. Multiple jumps over an obstacle (athletics barrier). The height of the obstacle gradually increases from 70 to 100 cm. Perform: 15 jumps (height 70 cm) in 5-10 series; 10 jumps (90 cm) in 5 - 10 series; 5 - 8 jumps (100 cm) in 5 - 10 series.

9. Jumping over an obstacle (gymnastic bench, fallen tree, etc.) sideways, back and forth, with turns of 90, 180 and 360 degrees.

Special exercises for teaching the methods of "stepping over", "fosbury flop"

The "stepping over" method is the simplest and most accessible of all high jump methods. It does not require expensive equipment, special large foam mats, as the jumper lands on both feet and can jump into a sand pit.
Fosbury flop training requires a sector for high jumps with special foam mats, since in this jump the landing is on the back.
We will briefly talk about the technique of the two ways of running high jump and offer special exercises for teaching high jumps in these ways. The run-up in the high jump using the “stepping over” method is performed in a straight line at an angle of 30–40 °. It is enough to take 7-9 steps.
The run is made at a moderate pace with an attack on the first 3-5 steps. When performing a repulsion, the push leg begins to straighten immediately after placing it on the ground. The pelvis is brought forward and upward, top part the body does not lean towards the bar, but remains in vertical position. The fly leg helps repulsion. She straightens up, rises as high as possible above the bar, and then energetically lowers herself over the bar, stepping over. The trunk leans forward. At the same time, the pushing leg is transferred over the bar with the foot turned outward. The jumper lands on the fly leg.

Special exercises for teaching the run-up technique using the “stepping over” method

1. Running along the run in the sector for high jumps. 3-5 times.
2. Running along the run on the treadmill. Five times.
3. High jump from a full run. Five times.
4. Running 20-30 meters from the bottom start. 2-3 times.
5. Running on the move 20–30 m. 2–3 times.
6. Running through the marks. 3-4 times.
7. Running on an incline. 2-3 times.

1 . I.p .: from the squat on the fly leg, put the leg to push from the heel to the entire foot, move the body forward and up to the elastic push leg. 3-5 times.
2. Put the pushing leg forward, bring the pelvis forward and up. 3-5 times.
3. Stand near the gymnastic ladder.
I.p .: stand sideways, holding the gymnastic ladder with your left hand, pushing leg behind, swinging in front. In a semi-squat, quickly bring the push leg and pelvis forward (by placing an almost straightened push leg on the ground) and swing up with the fly leg. 5–8 times.
4. The same with 1-3 running steps. 3-5 times.
5. I.p.: standing sideways, holding on right hand behind the crossbar, swing with a straight fly leg up. 5–8 times.
6. I.p .: from one step in walking, push off with the pushing leg, raise the straight fly leg up and reach the hanging object (tree branch) with the foot. 3-5 times.
7. The same with 3–5 takeoff steps. 3-5 times.
8. Set the bar at a height higher than the jumpers can achieve. With 3, 5, 7 takeoff steps, push off, get a straight fly bar (gum). 3-5 times.
9. From a straight run of 3–5–7 steps, push off, jump up with the head reaching for an object. 3-5 times.
10. Perform jumping up on the track, pushing off with a pushing leg, raise the flywheel straight up after 1-3-5 running steps. 3–5 times ґ 40–50 m.
11. Jumps from 3-5 takeoff steps over obstacles (barriers, rubber bands). 3-5 times.

Special exercises for learning to cross the bar

1. I.p .: push leg in front, jump from a place through a bar set at a height of 30-40 cm. 3-5 times.
2. From 1-3 steps of the run-up, jump over the bar.
3. From 1–3–5 running steps. When performing the transition through the bar, straighten the fly leg, then after passing the fly leg, turn the foot and knee of the fly leg inward, achieving raising the pelvis and push leg above the bar. Five times.
4. The same exercise with the torso tilted to the push leg above the bar. Five times.
5. High jump from a full run. Five times.

Fosbury flop jump

The Fosbury Flop run begins with the fly leg. It should take place at a fast pace and in an arcuate line. This line is most bent on the last 3 steps of the run. After repulsion, the push leg straightens very quickly, and vertically upwards. At this stage of repulsion, the back has not yet turned to the bar. The fly leg swings up. She is bent at the knee joint, the jumper directs her forward, up and inward. Thanks to this, the jumper begins to turn his back to the bar. The head is turned over the shoulder from the side of the fly leg, against the direction of movement. After repulsion, the relaxed fly leg is brought to the push leg, which is also not tense. The body straightens and thanks to this, it quickly turns its back to the bar, taking the desired position. With a sharp movement, the body rushes forward. After that, the shoulders of the jumper are behind the bar and the jumper performs a deflection over the bar - a bridge. When the pelvis also passes over the bar, the hip joints quickly flex and the legs straighten. First touch the ground with outstretched hands. Then the jumper falls on his back, legs straight. The muscles must be tense to prevent flattening of the torso.

Run-up exercises

1. Running along the run in the sector for high jumps. Five times.
2. Run along the run with the addition of 2–4 steps of the run. 3-5 times.
3. Running along the turn. 3-5 times.
4. Run along the run through the marks. 3-5 times.
5. Run along the run in combination with repulsion. 3-5 times.
6. Running with low start 20–30 cm. 2–3 times.
7. Running on the move 30–40 m. 2–3 times.

Repulsion training exercises

1. I.p .: fly leg in front, bring the push leg forward, put it on the entire foot, move the fly leg bent at the knee joint forward and upward, simultaneously spread the arms to the sides, then lift it up. 3-5 times.
2. The same ex. from 1-3 walking steps with jumping up. 3-5 times.
3. The same ex. from 1–3–5 running steps with jumping up. 3-5 times.
4. From 1-3 steps of the run-up, push off, jump up, get a suspended object with the knee of the fly leg. 3-5 times.
5. Run in an arc (perform 3-5 running steps) with jumping up. Five times.
6. The same ex. from 3–5 running steps with jumping up and reaching with the head of an object suspended 30–50 cm higher than the height of those involved. Five times.
7. Run along the takeoff in an arc with the torso tilted towards the center of the radius with repulsion. Five times.
8. The same exercise, after repulsion, lift the fly leg up, and then turn it with your knee inward (towards the push leg). Five times.

Plank Crossing Exercise

1. I.p.: standing with your back to the mats (place for landing), two legs together, push off with both legs, jump up, bend over, land on your back.
2. I.p.: standing with your back to the landing site. Legs together, arms lowered along the body. Stand on your toes, jump up, first spread your arms to the sides, then raise them up, turn your head over your shoulder towards the fly leg, bend, landing on your back, perform a somersault back. 5-7 times.
3. The same ex. perform from the gymnastic bridge. Five times.
4. The same ex. perform with 3-5 steps in an arc. Five times.
5. The same ex. perform with 3-5 running steps in an arc. Five times.
6. High jumps from a full run. 3-5 times.



Lesson #1

Task 1. The task and means are the same as in the method of teaching the method

"cross over".

Task 2. Teach the technique of repulsion.

Facilities. 1. Imitation of setting a push leg for repulsion -

the leg is placed on top-in front of itself on the whole foot not far from the project-

tsii OCMT; move the body weight from the fly leg to the push leg, at the same time

just bring the fly leg bent at the knee forward and upward, the thigh at

this should be turned inward, and the lower leg and foot should be turned outward, the hands should be one

at the same time vigorously work to “pick up” and slow down at the level of

ca. 2. The same, but performed on the third step in walking in a circle with a radius of three

meters. 3. The same as in exercise 2, but with a rebound from the support. 4. Run-

repulsion phase as a whole from one step of walking and from three running steps

gov in front of a stack of mats 120 cm high.

Guidelines. The setting of the push leg is carried out

on top, slightly from the forefoot, which protects the pushing leg

o bumping, overloading and loss of takeoff speed. The thigh of the fly leg is not

it makes sense to raise above the horizontal level. Flying movements

hip and shoulder of the same name to perform with an orientation inside the circle.

Lessons #2-3

Task 3. Teach an arcuate and quick take-off in combination with


Private task. Learn the technique of repulsion in combination with movement-

mi fly legs and arms.

Facilities. 1. Running into a turn. 2. Running in a circle with a radius of 5-6 meters.

3. Running in a straight line, running into an arc with a radius of 5 meters, followed by

pushing and reaching the head of a suspended object. 4. Same as

and in exercise 3, only in front of a hill of gymnastic mats with a height

up to two meters. 5. All the same exercises as in lesson number 1.

Methodical instructions. Repulsion is performed sideways in relation to

niyu to the bar at an angle of 30 degrees and 80-90 cm from the projection of the bar.

Arc of run in 3-5 steps (depending on individual characteristics)

stey). You should not stretch your steps when taking off, and especially when running along the

ge. It is advisable to mark the arc as a guideline and clearly run along it.

Lessons #4-6

Task 4. Teach how to cross the bar using the Fosbury Flop method.

Facilities. 1. Lying on your back: legs bent at the knees, perform a “mo-

tick”, keep the chin “on yourself”. 2. Perform a rack on the shoulder blades

(“candle”), legs bent at the knees. 3. Lying on your back, fly leg, bend-

melting in the knee and hip joints, leans on the mat with the foot,

bay in the hip joint of the fly leg, pull up the push leg. 4.

Lying on your back with your knees pulled up and bent joints of the feet,

straighten the legs at the knees, lifting them up and lowering the pelvis down. 5. Same

but with a subsequent somersault over the head back. 6. Standing close to ma-

back there (the height of the mats is 70-90 cm), push out with two legs up and

land on the shoulder blades and neck. 7. Standing with your back to the mats 100-120 high

cm on the push leg, push up, actively helping with the swing

the other leg and arms, followed by a landing on the back. 8. From three steps

run-up jumping up at mats 100-120 cm high and subsequent

General landing on the back with imitation of the technique of crossing the bar

(shins lowered down).

Private task. To teach an arcuate run in combination with repulsion


Facilities. The same exercises as in lesson 2.

Lessons #7-8

Task 5. To teach jumping technique in general.

Facilities. 1. Performing a jump through a stretched rubber band with

three and five steps of an arcuate run. 2. High jumps with overcoming

lifting a vertically placed foam mat in three to five steps


Private task. Learn the technique of repulsion with the transition through the bar.

Facilities. 1. Performing the take-off phase in general before the mats

120 cm high with one walking step and with three running steps. 2. From three

take-off steps in an arc jump in the "fosbury flop" method with a landing

on mats 110-120 cm high on the back, shins lowered down - i.p. transition

yes through the bar.

Lessons #9-11

Private tasks. 1. Teach the technique of the phases of the jump (repulsion, flight and


2. Teach arcuate run.

Facilities. 1. From three and five steps of the run (arc-shaped) - jump

in the Fosbury method with landing on mats 110-120 cm high (on the back

well, the shins are down). 2. Jump over the bar (rubber tourniquet) in the way

"Fosbury" from three and five steps of the run. 3. Selection of a full run-up (from nine

running steps) by running from the place of repulsion. 4. Acceleration

along the run-up towards the bar with the repulsion designation (the first four

perform a step in a straight line, the next five steps - with running in an arc).

5. Jumping from a full run through a stretched rubber band. 6. Measure-

foot run.

Lessons #12 – 16

Task 6. Improving the jump technique in general.

Facilities. 1. High jumps from a running start (from 7-12 running steps) with a sub-

running along the marks. Marks at the beginning of the run, on the last 3-5 steps

in front of the arc and at the place of repulsion.

Methodical instructions. When running in an arc from a full run, you should

make allowance for the centrifugal acceleration acting on the jumper:

you should perform a slight tilt with your shoulders and body inside the arc.

Repulsion should also be performed from the bar, as it were, inside the arc - this

makes it possible to fly straight up, and not on the bar. Stop push-

do not twist the fore leg when pushing outward. Repel, on-

walking to the bar not with your back, but sideways at an angle of 30 degrees. Flywheel but-

do not hold the gu after the completion of the swing (the leg lowers, the pelvis raises-

according to the rule of compensatory movement). Head held straight

chin "on yourself".

Lessons #17-18

Objectives: 1. Accept the jump technique test.

2. To acquaint students with the content of teaching practice in

conducting the main part of the lesson on high jumps using the “phosbe-


3. Conduct an educational practice.

Facilities. 1. Performing the repulsion phase with three running steps

red stack of mats.

2. Show the technique of flying and landing in a jump over the bar from five

run steps.

3. Show selection and measurement of takeoff.

4. Show the running technique from nine running steps.

5. Distribute tasks for conducting practice.

6. Students conduct the main part of the lesson on teaching technology

high jump using the Fosbury method with the solution of one of the problems of this


Prepared material:

Teacher physical education GBOU secondary school 881 Shumilkina Marina Petrovna

To teach the technique of arcuate run-up in high jumps using the Fosbury Flop method

The Fosbury Flop fosbury flop) - a high jump technique (Fig. 3), developed and first introduced by the American high jumper Dick Fosbury, which allowed him to win the gold medal of the 1968 Summer Olympics and set a new Olympic record (2.24 m). Today, this technique is used by the vast majority of high jumpers.

Figure 3 - Execution of the jump in the technique of "fosbury flop"

The jump technique is as follows: the athlete quickly runs diagonally to the bar, strongly pushes off with the foot farthest from the bar, then flies over the bar with his head forward, back to the ground, sliding along an imaginary spiral, while bending back and trying to keep as much body weight as possible stayed below the mark. In the final stage of the jump, when only the legs remain above the bar, the athlete is already head down and lands on the mats with his back, shoulders and head.

The “fosbury flop” jump method ensures that the athlete takes the bar, and during the entire jump, his center of mass is below the bar at a distance of up to 20 cm. The take-off speed and its length are selected individually for each jumper, depending on the level of his technical skill and physical qualities .

takeoff run in this style is characterized by higher speed and arcuate shape. The first steps are performed in a straight line, almost perpendicular to the plank plane. The last 3-5 steps are performed in an arc, and if the speed is low, then fewer steps are used along the arc, and vice versa. This is explained by the fact that at high speeds on an arc with a small radius, a large centrifugal acceleration occurs, which negatively affects the repulsion efficiency and creates certain difficulties for the jumper.

Optimal takeoff speed correlated with the number of running steps. Usually the jumper starts the run with a small approach and performs 9-11 running steps. At the beginning of the run, the torso leans forward somewhat, the steps are performed from the front of the foot with a “raking” movement, approaching the long jump in technique. Running steps are performed with a wide free movement, while at the same time holding the foot elastic and high. The takeoff speed picks up immediately and slightly increases towards the end of the run. For leading athletes, the take-off speed is 7.9-8.2 m/s.

A complex element of the run-up technique is running on the last steps along an arc, when centrifugal force arises, the magnitude of which depends on the take-off speed, the curvature of the arc and the body weight of the jumper. Under the influence of additional load, the supporting leg straightens more at the knee. This contradicts the problem of lowering the GCM trajectory due to squatting. To counteract this force, the jumper tilts the torso towards the center of the arc. The legs are placed on a full foot to increase grip with the surface of the sector, the feet are placed along the run-up line without turning outward.

The hands work asymmetrically: the swing arm (in relation to the leg) moves forward and somewhat inward, the pushing arm moves closer behind the back when moving backward. The length of the last step decreases by 10-15 cm. With the growth of technical skill, it is not the absolute speed of the run that becomes important, but the ability to increase the rate of the last steps of the run.

One of the main elements is preparation for repulsion. This action is performed in the last two steps. The fly leg is placed gently, the jumper, as if rolling on it, actively pushes the body with his foot onto the push leg, ensuring its effective placement in the place of repulsion. The torso maintains an even position, held high. The push leg, straightened at the knee joint, is placed on a full foot parallel to the bar. Muscles are tense. Both arms are laid back, slightly bent at the elbows, shoulders and torso are tilted slightly back and towards the center of the arc.

Of great importance in preparing for effective repulsion is decrease in GMC on the last two steps of the run. When running in an arc, jumpers show less flexion in the knee joints, i.e. higher running position. This is due to the counteraction to additional forces arising under the action of centrifugal force, i.e. running in an arc places higher demands on the athlete's muscles than running in a straight line at the same speed.

With an increase in the speed of running along the arc, the jumper bends the legs at the knees even less, but increases the inclination of the body towards the center of the arc. In order to put the straight push leg forward, it is necessary to lower the GCM, since otherwise the leg will be placed on top, with a shock action, which has a negative effect on repulsion. M. Rumyantseva in the magazine " Athletics”suggests to use the setting of the legs in the last steps according to the “triangle” principle to reduce the GCM (Fig. 4).

According to her, setting the legs to the sides lowers the GMC by 2-3 cm. This decrease occurs when the height of the triangle is in the range of 39-45 cm. The higher the qualification, the length of the body of the jumper and the speed of his run along the arc, the greater the height of the triangle. The greater the height of the triangle, the greater the vertical movement of the CCM during the repulsion period. An increase in the vertical movement of the GCM during repulsion, due to its lower position when setting the push leg, makes it possible to significantly increase the result of the jump.

Figure 4 - Triangle of takeoff:

a and b - penultimate and last steps; h - the height of the triangle

The repulsion begins from the moment the foot is placed in the place of repulsion and ends with the foot leaving the ground. In this main phase of the jump, it is necessary to translate the horizontal take-off speed into a vertical one, thereby giving the body top speed departure, to create an optimal departure angle and optimal conditions for the rational overcoming of the bar. After setting the push leg, straightened at the knee joint with tense muscles, under the influence of gravity and takeoff speed, the leg is bent at the knee. In this depreciation phase, the preconditions for effective repulsion are created.

At the moment of passing the vertical, the angle of flexion in the knee joint is 150-160°, approaching the angle of flexion in long jumps (for comparison: the angle of flexion in the knee when jumping in the "toggle" way is greater and equal to 90-105°). After passing the vertical, active extension of the push leg begins. It is necessary that the forces of the muscles that extend the leg pass through the GCM and the shoulders of the jumper. The swing is performed with a half-bent leg away from the bar, helping the jumper turn his back to the bar. Both hands are actively raised up and forward just above the head.

The time of repulsion in this style is 0.17-0.19 s, almost one and a half times less than in jumps in the "flip" way. The departure angle in the Fosbury flop jumps is 50-60 °: the higher the take-off speed, the smaller the departure angle. After the take-off leg leaves the ground, the flight phase begins.

Flight is a technical action that is aimed at creating optimal conditions for crossing the bar. After repulsion, the fly leg descends to the push leg and both legs are bent at the knee joints. The jumper is with his back to the bar. The shoulders are sent over the bar along with the fly arm. The jumper bends in the lower back, taking the position of a “half-bridge” above the bar. The chin is pressed against the chest. When the pelvis is above the bar, the shoulders fall below its level, and the legs rise up, slightly bending at the hips and almost straightening at the knee joints. Attention should be paid to the active straightening of the lower leg at the time of the passage of the GCM bar. The decrease in the BMC and the entire body of the jumper begins. In this part, the jumper must create conditions for a safe landing.

In the high jump modern places landings allow you not to think about the landing itself, but this only applies to previous jumping styles. When jumping using the "fosbury flop" method, special attention must be paid to the landing technique. This is due to the fact that the jumper lands on his back or on his shoulders, not seeing the place of landing. Sometimes even minor violations of landing technique lead to various kinds of injuries. You need to immediately teach how to land correctly, especially older children. Fear of landing even on soft mats can push young athletes from learning this style of high jump. Landing training is best for younger children - they are less afraid. Having studied the fall back, in a tuck, with eyes closed, you can proceed to the study of the jump itself.

To soften the landing, some athletes touch the mats first with the swing hand, reducing the speed of the fall, or with both hands. Others prefer, after touching the mats with their shoulders, to perform a somersault back, due to the active movement of the hips. Should not be taught to actively raise the hips in flight - this can lead to a somersault in the air, and the jumper will land on his head. It should also be ensured that the jumper, after passing the GMC bar, does not lower the pelvis down, bending at the hip joints. This movement helps to lower the legs down to the bar, which can be easily knocked down (Fig. 5).

Figure 5 - Fosbury flop high jump

Leading exercises aimed at mastering the technique of the Fosbury Flop jump

1) Exercises that help master the elements of crossing the bar

Figure 6 - Exercises for learning to cross the bar when high jumping using the "fosbury flop" method

1. Lying with your back across the gymnastic horse, take a position corresponding to the transition through the bar ( rice. 6, 1).

2. From a standing position, slowly leaning back with your body, perform the “Bridge” exercise, resting your hands on folded mats ( rice. 6, 2).

3. Mats are placed on the gymnastic horse in such a way that they hang from one side of the horse and form a cushion for landing. Standing on the other side, jump and roll back over the horse with a further somersault over the head on inclined mats (Fig. 6, 3).

4. Performing a jump over the bar with a push of two legs from a standing position with your back to the bar. You need to try to take a position bending over the bar, corresponding to the position of crossing the bar in a jump using the “fosbeer flop” method (Fig. 6, 4).

5. The same, but with the help of a flip board (Fig. 6, 5).

When performing exercises 4 and 5, it is necessary to ensure that the athlete's legs do not immediately go up, but lean back, causing a deflection in the lumbar part, and only after that go up.

2) Exercises that contribute to mastering the technique of repulsion

1. From three takeoff steps, a repulsion is performed with a swing with a bent leg; when taking off, the fly leg drops. Landing occurs on two legs in a standing position with a slight deflection in the lumbar part of the back ( rice. 7).

2. From a short run along the arc, repulsion is performed. After lowering the swing leg down and bending in the lumbar part, landing on the back on the foam pads takes place (with the correct repulsion from the run-up along the arc, the centrifugal forces will necessarily turn the long axis of the athlete, therefore, performing this exercise without landing on the back is impractical, since the main goal is not achieved - use of centrifugal force).

Having connected the run-up with repulsion and transition through the bar, you can begin to work out the elements of transition through the bar when pushing off with one foot. In this case, it is advisable to use a rigid gymnastic bridge from which repulsion is performed. With the help of the bridge, the jumper can increase the amplitude of movements, which contributes to the assimilation of a motor skill. In the future, after mastering the technique of crossing the bar, the bridge is used extremely rarely, since at this stage the repulsion skill may not be formed correctly.

Who is Dick Fosbury? Every athletics fan will answer without hesitation: this is the one who invented the modern style of the Fosbury flop high jump. But those who immediately remember that he Olympic champion 1968 and even more so, as it looks, much smaller. In Daegu, we had the opportunity to talk with this outstanding athlete. In Fosbury, it is easy to recognize a high jumper - his height betrays him with his head. We see in front of us a gray-haired man of good appearance in a London 2012 T-shirt. He carefully listens to the numerous questions of journalists and patiently and in detail answers them in a quiet, calm voice.

The story of how he invented the modern style of the high jump Fosbury has probably told a million times, so every word, and even every gesture of the narrator in this story is thought out and worked out.

I was involved in athletics at school: I jumped, I ran, and I pushed the core. The high jump was good for me. Then there were two styles in use - scissors and roll. In 1963, when I was 16, I moved to high school, and the coach told me that the scissors were limiting me - preventing me from progressing, and insisted that I try to jump with a roll. It was a failed venture. With this style, I was the worst in school, the worst in the state. After suffering for a couple of months, I decided to return to my old style. And so, in 1965, at one of the starts in the USA, I took 1.65 with scissors. For me, this was already the maximum height, while my rivals were just warming up on it. I had to jump higher. And at the level of intuition, I got the feeling that it is necessary to raise the pelvis higher in the jump in order for this to work - you need to tilt the body back. That day I improved my personal record by 15 centimeters. We can say that then a new style was born, which I improved over the next years.

- Have you tried to somehow hide the nuances of your invention from your rivals?

To be honest, no one showed interest in my style. At the 1968 Mexico City Olympics, I was the only one jumping backwards, feeling like a black sheep.

- Why didn't it occur to anyone to jump in this way before?

I think technology has played a role here. At first, the landing pit was made of sand, landing into such a pit from a Fosbury flop is problematic. In my time, we basically already jumped into the sawdust, which is already a little better. Gradually, modern mats began to appear, but then they were only at large stadiums, they were still not available at schools and universities. For the new style, it was necessary to improve the studs as well. After the Olympics, I was lucky to go to Germany and meet Adi Dassler, the founder of adidas. Together we tried to make adjustments to the models. We even tried a model with one spike in the forefoot. After all, on the repulsion, I turned a little on the push leg, and we thought that with one spike it would be easier to do. But this design did not provide sufficient grip.

- Despite the fact that no one jumped like you, did you have any idols in the high jump?

Certainly! I really liked Valery Brumel, I always followed his results. I am impressed by his speed, which allowed him to achieve such success. Of my compatriots, I will single out John Thomas (vice-champion of the Tokyo Olympics in 1964 - approx. Fan Zone).

- What do you think, which of the athletes performs the fosbury flop perfectly, the way you intended it?

Each athlete brings my style to perfection, but - to his own perfection, adapts it to his style, his capabilities. And I am very grateful to them for this. I liked most of all, perhaps, the Swede Stefan Holm. This is a short athlete and very fast. And he has a real fighting spirit.

- Can you make a prediction for the upcoming finals of the men's high jump at the World Championships in Daegu?

It is very difficult to make a prediction. There are many strong athletes among the participants, they are equally well prepared. There are three Russians. I don't remember their names, but they are clear favorites. In Russia, there are good traditions in this form, good coaches. As an American, I can't help but single out Jesse Williams. He is the leader of the season and has been showing good results for several years in a row. At the Beijing Olympics, something did not work out for him, but Williams approached this World Championship in great shape. I can't say who exactly will win. It will depend on who has the most successful day. For example, at the Beijing Olympics, Andrey Silnov was simply flawless. When he entered the sector, it was already clear that he would be the champion - everything worked out so smoothly for him. By the way, I think that in London he will also compete for a medal. Of course, it is very difficult to repeat the Olympic success. In four years, a lot has changed, both in personal life and in sports. But if Silnov does not have injuries, he has a chance to do it.

And will any of the current athletes be able to break the world record in the near future, both for men and women?

I think that these records will fall, they are not out of reach. But it seems to me that we have not yet heard the names of the new champions. Maybe now they are just starting somewhere to engage in high jump. The current leaders of this discipline have not yet come close to records. I have no doubt that they will be able to improve their results, but the question is how much? Will it be enough for the record? Still, many of them are already under 30 years old. So I'm betting on someone young and sassy.

Maybe Fosbury himself will bring up a new world record holder. At home in the US, he trains young high jumpers and believes that one day someone will fulfill his thirty-year-old prediction by soaring 2.50. But Fosbury does not believe that a new style of high jump will be invented.

Prepared by: Sergey Koval