Ball in the standings 4 letters. For new parents. Sports ballroom dancing

And still dancing. I decided to write what I comprehended for a long time and slowly myself - the basics of sports ballroom dancing. I write for parents like myself. For parents who can't figure out what's going on. For parents whose head is spinning from the amount of information that needs to be learned.

Do I advise anyone to send their child to ballroom dancing? Of course no.
1. it's expensive
2. takes a lot of time
3. "takes off" a lot of weekends
4. it's hours of waiting
5. take pity on your nerves!

Let's say you enrolled your child in ballroom dancing.
At first, the child only has group classes twice a week. If the child is small, they are taught to dance:
5 years
children's polka, ducklings, disco
6 years
slow waltz, berlin polka, disco
7 years and older
slow waltz, cha-cha-cha and polka

All clubs teach the same steps. These are the steps required for attestation. For children, the tournament is equal to certification. But there are also certain programs, such as the Six Steps of Mastery (but more on that later).

When your child has learned the first steps, the coach says it's time to participate in tournaments.

After the child’s performance, DO NOT FORGET to take a printed PAPER (looks like a ribbon) that says how many points your child scored, who was the main judge, where the event took place, how many couples there were, your child’s number. Paste the paper into the tournament book! If there is no book yet, DO NOT throw away the paper, paste it later!
Your child moves to the next level when the coach decides. Or when you score 100 points in tournaments.

DON'T FORGET TO TAKE WATER! Children though to drink! and a chocolate can be useful - it does not overload the stomach before a performance and gives a small boost of energy :)
At tournaments, you should always have pins with you to pin your number, as pins are not always sold.
At the beginning of the year, the coach usually collects money and makes an athlete's book. If the book is ready for the first tournament, don't forget to take it with you. If the book is not ready yet, do not forget to take the birth certificate of the child or your passport, where the child is recorded.
Do not forget to find out the name and surname of the coach and the name of the club!

You arrive an hour before the start. You buy an entrance ticket for yourself, a child, and if you want, you can also buy a cup of one dance, but this is not necessary. For example, the Polka Cup.
After buying a ticket, you go and register the child, they give you a number. Dress up your child:
nude tights, sandals, white swimsuit, black skirt or (if allowed, rating dress), bun on the head (nail polish must be without glitter, no makeup)
white long sleeve shirt, black pants, black tie or bow tie, black socks and black dance shoes

and pin the number on the child's back.
Tournaments usually feature solos, couples, and goblets. For kids, the program is called:
Baby 1 and Baby 2

For children seven years of age and older
H3, H4 ... H6 - by the number of dances performed.
After H6 there are classes E, D, C, B, A. A class is the highest. Behind him is a master of sports.

At tournaments, your child dances his program. Judges evaluate the child on a three-point system. The highest score for one dance is 3 points. The lowest is 1. Sometimes the judge may not give a mark at all. The highest score in H3 is 9 points. That is, 3 dances, three points for each. Sometimes children who scored 9 points dance again H3. And among them choose the best - 1,2 and 3 place.

If you bought a cup of one dance, then the child dances together with everyone else one dance. If you're lucky, your child will get to the semi-finals, and then to the final. Usually 7 people remain in the final. 1st to 7th place.

First they dance the program H3. These kids are coming early. When they complete their program and receive prizes, then, of course, they are going to go home. And at this time, the registration of children who will dance H4 is already underway.
If your child dances two programs, then you first register for H3, and when registration begins for H4, then also for H4. Naturally, the child will have a different number. Don't forget to buy another ticket.

There is also a certification program "Six levels of mastery"
This is a system for assessing the dance skills of children aged 1-3 years of study. The smallest dancers (5-6 years old, 1st year of training are groups of preschoolers) participate in steps called baby-1 and baby-2. Older dancers (6 years and older) gradually pass from 1 to 6 levels of mastery.

At the certification there are a number of rules and traditions that must be observed. Firstly, a certain dress- for girls it is a white leotard, a black skirt, nude tights or white socks and dancing shoes (from the 4th step it is allowed to dance in a rating dress), for boys - a white long-sleeved shirt, black trousers, a black tie or bow tie, black socks and black dancing shoes. Hairstyle for girls- a bun (other options are not allowed if the girl has a short haircut, all hair must be removed as much as possible with invisible hair clips and styling products), all hair must be collected in a hairstyle using varnish or other styling products (no shine) and hairpin invisible. Clothing and hairpins should be free of jewelry and sequins. It is better to do your hair in advance, at home, so that you only need to fix it before the performance. Secondly, there is a tradition at certification - children give flowers to your coach. This happens before the start of each stage after the parade of participants. Therefore, you need to have a flower with you - since the coach is present at the certification from morning until evening, and there are usually a lot of students, it is better to give one flower with a slight smell and such that it does not wither. It will not be out of place for those who pass the baby-1 or baby-2 or step 1 steps to bring some kind of flower container with them so that they do not wither until the evening (for example, a cut 5-liter water bottle) - this will be a manifestation respect for the coach. Thirdly, you must have 4 safety pins- it is English, they are necessary for pinning the number, ordinary pins can injure the child. Fourth, participation in certification is paid(usually it is 250-300 rubles per spectator and per participant, and the participant pays this fee for each stage). And lastly, the coach informs you in advance what time you need to arrive for registration. Attention! If you are late, you may not be registered, and the child will not be able to participate in the assessment. Plan your time in advance so that you arrive without delay.

Where is certification carried out? Most often, certification takes place in the dance hall "Nika" (Kirovogradskaya street, 21a, nearest metro station "Prazhskaya"). You have arrived for certification, what should you do next? First of all, you need to pay a fee for participation in certification. Then you need to register. Lists of participants are posted next to the registration (look carefully for which stage the list is posted, sometimes registration is delayed). You need to find your child's name and number in the list. You name this number and the number of the school at registration. If you suddenly did not find your last name on the list, you need to go to registration and simply give the last name and first name of the child, the team and the last name of the coach. The person registering you usually asks for the last name of the child, be careful. As your child is registered, his name and surname will be written on the diploma. After that, you will be given a number. It needs to be pinned on the child's back. In the hall, try to be close to the coach and other children and parents from your club so as not to miss the parade of participants and the warm-up (children are given the opportunity to repeat the dances before the performance). All children are dressed the same, look the same from the back. Be careful not to lose the child in the crowd))). After the end of the performance, you need to quickly remove the number and give it to the coach.

What dances are performed at the certification?

Program "Dance Planet of Childhood":

Stage I (baby-1) - children's polka, ducklings, disco
Stage II (baby-2) - slow waltz, Berlin polka, disco

According to the program of 6 levels of mastery, the following dances are performed:

Stage I - slow waltz, cha-cha-cha and polka.
Stage II - slow waltz, samba, cha-cha-cha, disco
Stage III - slow waltz, samba, cha-cha-cha, disco
Stage IV - slow waltz, rhythmic foxtrot, samba, cha-cha-cha, jive
Stage V - slow waltz, quickstep, samba, cha-cha-cha, jive
Stage VI - slow waltz, quickstep, samba, cha-cha-cha, jive

You can see which figures are performed at which steps

What is the grading system for certification?

At the attestation, marks are given by 5 judges. Competitive attestation participants are evaluated on a 5-point system.

1 point- the participant does not dance the competitive program
2 points- dances the competitive program, but not in accordance with the musical rhythm
3 points- dances the competitive program to music, but does not keep the lines of the body.
4 points- dances to the music, keeps the lines of the body, but technically does not accurately perform the figures.
5 points- dances to the music, holds the lines of the body, performs the figures technically correctly.

According to the results of the assessments, the participant is awarded: diploma, diploma, diploma with honors. According to the results of the assessments, the participant is awarded: diploma, diploma, diploma with honors.

Number of dances


Number of points



baby-1, baby-2, 1 step


Honors degree



53 and under



2 and 3 steps


Gymnastics(Greek gymnastike, from gymnazo - I exercise, train), one of ancient species sports, which includes competitions on various gymnastic apparatus, as well as in floor exercises and vaults. Currently, at international tournaments, gymnasts play 14 sets of awards: two in the team event (men and women), two in the absolute individual championship (men and women) and ten in certain types all-around (4 - for women, 6 - for men).

In a programme Olympic Games since 1896.

Gymnastics is the technical basis of many sports, the corresponding exercises are included in the training program for representatives of various sports disciplines. Gymnastics not only gives certain technical skills, but also develops strength, flexibility, endurance, a sense of balance, and coordination of movements.


Gymnastics program.

Bar exercises. There are parallel (male) and uneven (female) bars. The projectile consists of two wooden poles of an oval (in cross section) shape, mounted on a metal frame: for men - at a height of 1.75 m, for women - 1.65 and 2.45 m. (The height of all gymnastic apparatus is measured from the surface located near of them safety mats).

Women's exercises on uneven bars include, first of all, revolutions in both directions around the upper and lower poles, as well as various technical elements, performed above and below them with rotation around the longitudinal and transverse axes with the help of a grip with one and two hands (and also without the help of hands).

Men's exercises on uneven bars combine dynamic (rotations, swing movements, etc.) and static (horizontal stops, handstands) elements. The gymnast must use the entire length of the apparatus, "work" above and below the bars.

Floor exercises (wife and husband) performed on a special gymnastic carpet 12 x 12m. Around the carpet there is a "security border" 1 meter wide. The carpet (woolen or synthetic) has an elastic surface - dense enough for pushing, but at the same time providing athletes with a soft landing. Floor exercises are a combination of individual elements (somersaults, somersaults, splits, handstands, etc.) and their combinations, different in pace and “mood”.

In the course of the performance, athletes must make the most of the entire area of ​​​​the carpet. The complexity of the program and its individual elements, as well as the purity and confidence of execution are assessed. No less important is the originality of the presented composition and the artistry of the athlete - especially for women, whose performances are accompanied by musical accompaniment and include separate dance steps, which in many ways resemble the exercises from rhythmic gymnastics. The performance time on the carpet is limited: 1 min 10 sec for men and one and a half minutes for women.

Vault (male and female). It is performed from a running start using additional support (hence the name of the exercise). Projectile length - 1.6 m, width - 0.35 m. The athlete runs along a special path 25 m long and 1 m wide, pushes off with his feet from the bridge - a shock-absorbing device 20 cm high, inclined to the run-up line - and then produces an additional push hands (for men, a push with one hand is allowed) from the projectile. Performed jumps can be straight, somersaults, flips, etc. For men, the projectile is installed at a height of 1.35 m parallel to the runway, for women - at a height of 1.25 m perpendicular to the runway. Another significant difference is related to the formula of the competition: men are given only one attempt, women - two, according to the results of which the average score for the exercise is displayed. The height and distance of the jump, its complexity (the number of revolutions around the longitudinal and transverse axes, etc.), the purity of execution and the clarity of the landing are evaluated.

Balance Beam (Women)- a gymnastic apparatus 5 m long and 0.1 m wide, fixed at a height of 1.25 m from the floor. The exercise is a single composition of dynamic (jumps, turns, "jogging", somersaults, dance steps, etc.) and static (twine, swallow, etc.) elements performed standing, sitting and lying on the projectile. Athletes must use the entire length of the balance beam. The judges evaluate the flexibility, sense of balance and elegance of the gymnasts. The duration of the performance is no more than 1 minute 30 seconds.

horse riding (male)- a special projectile with handles that allow you to perform swing movements with your legs. (The same projectile, but without handles, is used in the vault.) The horse is fixed at a height of 1.05 m. Exercises are a combination of swing and rotational movements, as well as handstands, during which all parts of the projectile must be involved.

Ring exercises (male)- a mobile projectile in the form of two wooden rings, fixed on special cables at a height of 2.55 m. Exercises on the rings (lifts, turns and twists) demonstrate not only the flexibility, but also the physical strength of the athlete. The static elements of these exercises are no less difficult to perform than the dynamic ones. According to the rules, dismounting from the rings at the end of the performance should be an acrobatic element. As with the exercises on the crossbar, taking initial position on the rings, the athlete can use the help of a coach or assistant.

Crossbar exercises (male)- a bar made of polished steel with a diameter of 27-28 mm and a length of 2.5 m, reinforced on two racks with braces at a height of 2.55 m. According to the rules, when performing rotations (in different directions) around the crossbar, the athlete does not have the right to touch it body. During the performance, he must demonstrate different types of grips and the ability to cleanly and clearly move from one type to another.

    The order in which the program is executed is usually:
  • - floor exercises, exercises on a horse, on rings, vault, parallel bars, crossbar (for men);
  • vaults, parallel bars, balance beam, floor exercises (for women).

Judging and evaluation.

The performances of the gymnasts are evaluated by the chief judge and eight judges who “serve” one or another apparatus.

The judges are divided into two groups. Two judges evaluate the complexity and composition of the exercise on a 10-point system, and six other judges evaluate the execution technique. To quickly fix the technical elements demonstrated by the gymnast during the performance, the judges use more than 1000 special written signs - like shorthand.

From the score given by the first group of judges - a kind of “starting price” (this is the maximum amount of points that an athlete can receive for a performance), points are deducted for mistakes made: from 0.1 points for a small error to 0.4 points for a gross error. A fall from or onto a projectile is worth 0.5 points. According to the rules, when performing a vault, as well as exercises on bars, rings and the crossbar, an assistant can be near the apparatus to insure the athlete, but if the gymnast is forced to use his help, 0.4 points are automatically deducted from the performer. Stepping over the carpet (when performing floor exercises) or non-compliance with the time limit of the performance is also punishable by a decrease in the mark.

A group of judges who evaluate the complexity of the presented program gives an overall mark. The judges who monitor the performance technique make marks independently of each other: the best and worst of them are not taken into account, and the average score is derived from the remaining four.

For a long time, a score of 10 points, in fact, was considered only theoretically possible. In 1976, during the Olympic Games in Montreal, the young Romanian athlete Nadia Comaneci became the first gymnast in history to achieve this in practice. Moreover, Comaneci was then awarded the highest rating 7 times.

During team competitions and during the absolute championship, the scores received by a team or an individual athlete in various types programs are summed up. Based on them, the final score is derived. The gymnast or team with the most points is declared the winner. In the team standings, the 6-5-4 scheme is used. No more than 6 athletes compete for each team, 5 of them “work” on one or another projectile, while only 4 best results are taken into account. (The 7-6-5 scheme used to be in effect.) team competition, as well as when drawing an individual championship (absolute and in certain types of programs), the athlete is given only one attempt on each projectile. The exception is women's vaults (see above).

Competitors themselves determine the “content” of their exercises on a particular apparatus, but their performance must meet the existing requirements regarding the type and complexity of the technical elements used.

In each exercise, the beginning, the main part and the end (dismount) are distinguished.

Competition formula, determination of the winner.

    Large international competitions in gymnastics consist of four stages:
  • - Qualification (or preliminary) stage among individual gymnasts and teams, the results of which determine the composition of the finalists;
  • - Team final is held among the 6 strongest - according to the results of the "qualification" - teams (separately among men and among women);
  • - The absolute championship in the individual competition is played among the 36 best athletes;
  • - The championship in individual types is played by 8 athletes who showed the best results in certain exercises at the preliminary stage.

At large competitions on the platform, as a rule, six men or four women's teams(according to the number of shells). Having completed the performance in one type of program, the team moves on to the next.

On the Olympic Games, - unlike the World Cup, - a limited number of participants can enter. These are 12 men's and 12 women's national teams that showed the best results at the World Championships preceding the Olympics. The total number of individuals participating in the Olympic Gymnastics Tournament is 98 (for both men and women). In addition to the athletes of the top 12 teams, they include representatives of countries ranked 13th and lower in the championship, as well as a number of athletes selected International Federation gymnastics (FIG) on an individual basis. According to the rules, in the final part of the title draw absolute champion No more than 3 representatives of one country can participate in the Olympic Games, and no more than 2 representatives in individual exercises can participate in the championship draw.

Since 1997, the program of the World Gymnastics Championship and the Olympic Gymnastics Tournament no longer includes compulsory exercises. To replace the mandatory free program, according to the results of which the winning teams and the composition of the final participants in the individual classification were previously determined, the qualifying stage among gymnasts and the team final came.

Some other rules.

Gymnastics is one of those sports that has undergone an intensive process of “rejuvenation” in recent decades. A kind of record was set in 1987 by the Romanian gymnast Aurelia Dobre, who won the title of absolute world champion in less than 15 years. Even younger was her compatriot Daniela Silivash, who had received two years earlier at the World Championships gold medal for victory in balance beam exercises. At present, the minimum age of participants in major international tournaments in gymnastics is not 15, - as before, but 16 years (as many athletes should turn in the year of the competition).

    There are some “procedural” restrictions in modern artistic gymnastics:
  • - the transition from projectile to projectile is carried out in an organized manner;
  • - Competitors are given 30-40 seconds to warm up, after which they are called to perform the exercise;
  • - during the execution of the program, the coach does not have the right to talk with the gymnast;
  • - during the competition, participants are not allowed to leave the site without special permission.

The rules provide for penalties - for individual gymnasts and entire teams: for example, for not showing up for a warm-up. Unsportsmanlike (and undisciplined) behavior of athletes is punished with a fine.

Non-compliance with the uniform can also affect the results of the gymnast's performance. The first remark entails the deduction of points - and up to removal from the competition in the overall standings.

During the exercise on the shells, it is allowed to use special leather pads for the palms - in order to avoid damage.

About technology.

The basis of gymnastic technique is certain body positions on the projectile and movements performed during the exercise.

Hang - a position in which the athlete's shoulders are below the grip point, and emphasis - when they are above the fulcrum. The emphasis can be on the arms, legs or torso.

The grip is a specific way of holding the gymnast on the apparatus. There are grips: top, bottom, outside, reverse grip with inside projectile, mixed, cross, distant and narrow (closed).

Grouping - a position in which the body is maximally bent at the waist, the knees connected together are pressed to the chest, and the arms are clasped lower part legs.

Angle - the position of the body (hanging or resting), when the outstretched legs are at right angles to the body.

Twine - the position of the body in which the legs are as far apart as possible.

Transition - movement of an athlete on the projectile to the right or left when performing any technical element.

Rise - the transition from a hang to an emphasis or from a lower emphasis to a higher one.

Flight - the movement of a gymnast (from a hang or an emphasis) from one side (part) of the projectile to the other.

A circle - Roundabout Circulation over the projectile or part of it. Turnover - circular rotary motion athlete around the axis of the projectile or grip points.

Twisting - performing the exercise with a rotational movement in the shoulder joints.

Mach (forward, backward or to the side) - pendulum movement of the body from one extreme point to another. Swinging is also distinguished - a similar movement of some parts of the body relative to others (in emphasis) or the whole body near the grip points (in the hang), peremakh - movement of the leg (s) above the projectile (in emphasis) or under it (in the hang) and crossing - two jumps performed simultaneously towards each other.

Turn - the movement of the gymnast's body around its longitudinal axis or the movement of individual parts of the body around their longitudinal axes.

Flip - rotational movement of the body with turning over the head forward or backward.

Somersault - a complete flip over the head in the air (without support) from a place, from a run and when flying from one part of the projectile to another.

Dismount - jump from the projectile to the floor different ways at the end of the exercise.

Individual gymnastic equipment has its own specific positions and movements. For example, in exercises on the rings, a cross is distinguished (support with arms spread apart) and a swing (a single movement of the body along with the projectile in one direction).

In the technical arsenal of gymnasts, there are many “combined” elements (for example, lifting with a coup), as well as more complex variations. basic movements- like a back somersault, bending over with a 360-degree turn.

Many outstanding gymnasts come up with their own technical elements, which then receive their names: "Delasala circles" on horseback, "Diomidov's spinner" on uneven bars, dismount from the crossbar and vault "Tsukahara", "Korbut loop" on the uneven bars and "Korbut somersault" on the balance beam, exercise on the crossbar "Delchev", "Azaryan's cross" on rings, etc.

sports score

Alternative descriptions

In sports: a unit of account to indicate the number of wins

An icon on a playing card or dice denoting its value

And the card game, and the part of the body that "plays" when you lose

Look for him in the center of the ace

card icon

narrow hole in something

Ace plus ten (card)

In polygraphy: the printing surface of a convex mirror image of a letter or sign on a typographic letter

. "twenty one"

Goal in volleyball

Card "21"

Ace + ten

Relief image of the sign

Card game

Account unit

Hole in the toilet (colloquial)

basketball score

Score in basketball

Three + Seven + Ace

Ace + ten in cards

Unit of account in sports

Gambling with a banker

Unit of account in volleyball

Goal on the scoreboard

Card Value

22 is too much, but 21?

Ten to Ace

Favorite game of cheaters

Dot on dice

narrow hole

. shortsighted card game

Ace and ten paired

21 in cards

Temporary registration of the ball in the basket

The game where the bank is tossed

Popular behind bars card game

Twenty one in cards

. "Black Jack" in our opinion

One of the founders of Polish medicine, the court physician of Stefan Batory

Playing card icon

Black Jack

gambling card game

But it doesn't usually kill

Bust game

Ace with ten

Card game

An icon on a playing card or dice indicating its value in the game

narrow hole in something

. "Myopic" card game

. "Twenty One"

22 bust, and 21

. "black jack" in our way

And a card game, and a part of the body that "plays" when you lose

Card 21

One of the card games

Glasses, eyeglasses, etc. see eye

Ace plus ten

Unit of scoring in volleyball

twenty one

Three + Seven + Ace

Popular behind the bars of the cards. a game

Popular behind the bars of the cards. a game