Children's beach volleyball. It's best to start exercising at an early age! Children's sections, camp and beach volleyball school. How much do lessons cost

In this article we will tell you: beach what it is, how it is played and how competitions are held. Wikipedia says that this is sand volleyball, which is played by two teams of 3-4 players. This sport quickly gained popularity and was included in the program of the Summer Olympic Games.

History of appearance

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  • Beach volleyball originated in Santa Monica, California in the 1920s and then spread throughout Europe.
  • In the 1960s, this sport reaches a professional level. The first championship was held in France.
  • Since the 1970s, the presence of cigarettes and alcohol has been commonplace in competitions held on the coast of California.
  • And only in the 1980s volleyball becomes a model for a healthy lifestyle.
  • In 1993, the first women's beach volleyball world championship was held. Now the rights between women and men in this game are leveled.


What kind of sport is beach volleyball? The goal of the game is to break through the opponent's defense with the ball so that it touches the ground in their half. Each team has 3 attempts in a row.

  • Each team consists of two players (no substitutions);
  • The dimensions of the site must correspond to 22 * ​​16 meters. For official competitions increases;
  • The net height is 2.43 meters for men, 2.24 meters for women;
  • The game is played until one of the teams reaches the result of 21 points;
  • Then make a technical break of 30 seconds.

The benefits of beach volleyball

Volleyball is a game that develops natural reflexes and improves coordination. There is no place for passivity and dreaminess in it. You need to be focused on the game and strive to win the team.

In addition, it improves:

  • Oxygen exchange (due to prolonged exposure to fresh air);
  • Physical activity on all muscle groups;
  • Verbal and non-verbal communication;
  • Accuracy of movements;
  • The tone of the muscular system;
  • Psychological condition.

Who suits

Beach volleyball is suitable for both adults and children. And it has no gender restrictions. As for age indicators, for children it is 6 years. There is no upper limit.

This sport is able to capture everyone and leaves no one indifferent. But it is especially suitable for active and sociable people.

With it, the players communicate perfectly and naturally with each other. They also stay physically fit.

It is played:

  • In the family;
  • With friends;
  • matches.

All you need is a playground, a net, a ball and a swimsuit! It does not require any unimaginable material costs.

If you want to experience beach volleyball what it is, gather a team and start training. What you need for this you know is a sandy playground, a volleyball, a net and your desire. Go in for sports and be healthy

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Beach volleyball - a young, growing Olympic sport.

Stepped out of classic volleyball and established itself as an independent sport in 1986.

Beach volleyball matches are characterized by entertainment and a high pace of play.


There are certain requirements for the venue of the competition. So, The height of the net is adjusted depending on the age of the competitors:

The dimensions of the mesh in a stretched state in length - 8.5 m, wide 1m.

Playground16x8 m surrounded on all sides by a security zone wide 3m from front lines. The markings are bright, contrasting with lines a width of 5 cm

Photo 1. Children play beach volleyball. The game takes place in the open air on a platform with a smooth sandy surface.

Separate requirements for the surface of the site - leveled sand without stones, shells, glass, that is, without items that could cause injury.

The team consists of two people: captain and second player. Only the captain has the right to ask the judge for a break, file a protest or demand clarification of the rules. Substitutions are not permitted.

The uniform must be of the same style and the same color:

  • jerseys (t-shirts) with numbers "1" and "2";
  • shorts.

Athletes play barefoot.

The judge has the right to allow the athlete to change the form:

  • play in shoes
  • change a wet T-shirt;
  • wear a jersey over a t-shirt or play in sweatpants.

Rules of the game

The match consists of two parties. The game is won by the team that scores first 21 points. If there is a draw, then the game continues until one of the teams gains an advantage in 2 points. For example, 22—24, 20—22, 21—23.

The team that wins two games wins the match. With a party draw, play an additional third set up to 15 points with a 2-point advantage.

How to earn points

Points are awarded to a team if:

  • the ball touches the ground on the opponent's side;
  • opposing team receives a comment;
  • opposing team makes a mistake(actions that are against the rules).

The ball is in play from the moment the service is hit. "Out of the game" it appears after the referee's whistle, which signals a mistake made by one of the participants. You can't hit the ball twice in a row, it must not be thrown or captured.

Innings- Putting the ball into play.

If a team 1 wins a point as a result of the draw, the process is repeated until team 2 won't take a point from the team 1 . After that the command 2 gets the right to apply.

Now the right to submit the command 1 will receive only in case of a goal on the opponents' court. After this happens Team 1 transition: Players switch places.

Submission errors:

  • violation of the order of submission;
  • feeding is not done correctly;
  • the ball passes under the barrier;
  • the ball touches a player of the serving team and does not cross the net.

attack blow- actions, other than blocking and serving, in which the ball flies towards the opponent. If he crossed the net and hit the opponent's side, the kick is over.

Block- a technique that is aimed at protecting its part of the court from the opponent's serve:

  • blocking contact counts as a hit;
  • the blocker touches the ball - the block is considered completed;
  • it is impossible to block the submission of opponents;
  • the ball must not be touched on the opponent's side.

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Beach volleyball technique

Racks. The pace of the game, the features of the surface of the court require the player to be collected, to be able to maintain balance when moving. Stability and the ability to quickly maneuver are ensured by the correct stance - the legs are half-bent at the knees, the feet are located at a distance slightly more than the width of the shoulders. One foot is in front. The second, with which the athlete will push off the ground, from behind. The body is tilted forward. The arms are also bent at the elbows, the hands are lowered down.

Movements in beach volleyball there are any type: from walking to running and side stepping.

The most commonly used are jumps, jumps, side steps, falls.

Innings. If the serve is technically difficult and performed correctly, without violating the rules, it will bring a point.

There are three types of serve in beach volleyball: "candle", in a jump, planning serve.

Important! In all three cases, you need to make a correction for the wind, because almost all competitions are held on outdoors. And the weather on the day of the competition is different.

"Candle" got its name because the ball after the serve flies straight up and at an acute angle enters the opponent's half. The player tosses the ball to the level of his head in front of him and sits down, charging his legs. Further, simultaneously with hitting the ball (you need to aim as close to the center of the ball as possible), the legs straighten sharply.

"In the jump" the athlete takes a short run up to three steps. After the run-up, there is a jump up as high as possible and the ball is tossed. The ball must be thrown as close to the net as possible and hit.

Planning feed performed in the same way as in a jump, only the body should lean back, the blow is strong and short.

Photo 2. The girl performs a planning serve of the ball. The projectile is thrown into the air, after which it is hit with a hand.

ball reception almost in all cases it is done with two hands from below. Receivers pay close attention to the wind and move in its direction 1-1.5 meters.

Attention! If the wind blows in the back, the player is displaced closer to the grid, in the face - away from the grid.

When receiving the ball you need to try to do it from the side and not move backwards. If the ball is received at waist level, the player takes a right-back step combination. The higher the ball flies, the farther the leg is retracted. If the ball comes from the left, then the movements are repeated in a mirror order.

There are three levels of transmission: low, medium and high. Low gears are used for great need and quite rarely. Height 60 cm above the grid. Averages are of two types:

  • up to 2.5 m above the net and 3 m between partners- it is convenient to agree and take into account the direction of the wind;
  • up to 4 m above the grid- used only if the ball was received unsuccessfully.

High gears - above 4 m also a rare occurrence. It is used in case of unsuccessful reception of the ball.

The player who passes the ball begins to move only after receiving and determining the direction of the ball.

Attack. Two types- power punches and kicks.

Freewheeling: "Cobra"- performed with straight fingers. Allows you to work the ball over the opponent's block. Runs forward at the top. Twisted blow - twists with the palm of your hand.

A separate run is performed for the attack. The blow itself is best delivered after a deceptive action at the last moment.

Block. Blocks the direction of impact, reflects the ball to the opponent's side. Guy- the player pushes off with his front foot and runs to the end of the court. Then turn and brake. The block is made before the attacker touches the ball. Blocking from a place, blocking diagonally, lines, "into the ball" is also used.

Schools, sections, camps for children's beach volleyball

In 1993 this sport was included in the program of summer Olympic Games. In this regard, the volleyball federations faced the issue of systematic training of members of national teams. Olympic cycle lasts 4 years. Beach volleyball is one of the sports in which children fall into the section at the age of 8-10 years. In order to prepare a member of the junior team (boys and girls 19-23 years old) is necessary at least two or three Olympic cycles. For the main composition of the adult team ( 23+ ) is the minimum 3-4 cycles.

Photo 3. Children's beach volleyball training. Classes are held indoors. sports facility.

At the state level, training young athletes are engaged SDUSHOR— Specialized children's and youth sports schools and Youth Sports School- children's and youth sports schools. In these institutions, pupils are selected. Trainings are held according to the program approved by the Ministry of Sports.

According to the results of the competitions, children are assigned mass youth and adult sports ranks, candidates for master of sports and the title of master of sports. Organizations are set to work with the athlete in the long term. Children are accepted from 8-10 years old.

As well as on a commercial basis, they work with young people sports clubs and sections. Often the coaching staff in such clubs - titled or active athletes. Individual approach. Well-equipped material base.

Beach volleyball - olympic look sport in which athletes play barefoot on the sand. Unlike classic volleyball, matches here are held both under the sun and under the rain. Such conditions require athletes to be good physical form and great endurance.


Beach volleyball originated in the 1910s in Hawaii. In anticipation of a good wave, surfers played it on the local beach. Later, in 1920, a public playground appeared on the beach in California. From that moment began the development of volleyball.

The first official World Championship was held in 1987. Now beach volleyball is included in the program of the Olympic Games, World Tour, World Championships and others. major competitions. Russian athletes became European champions, silver medalists of the world championships.

Girls and boys

In volleyball there are men's and women's teams. Therefore, both boys and girls are taken into this sport.

From what age

Sports schools accept children from 8-9 years old. But some sections recruit younger children - 3-4 years old. The first years, coaches deal with them in common physical training and learn how to handle the ball. When giving a child to sports at a young age, try to choose a small load for the child's body - 2-3 lessons per week will be enough.

“At first I did classic volleyball, and at the age of 16 I realized that I wanted to play only on the sand. In my opinion, beach volleyball is more spectacular. In addition, psychologically it is much easier for me to play with only one partner. On the sand, you demand more from yourself than on a regular field. We spend a lot of time together with the team, so we can say that the girls have become like sisters to me,” says Svetlana Kholomina, defender of the women's beach volleyball team.

Stages of sports training

At the stage of initial training, children train according to the general program for classical and beach volleyball. Specialization begins with the training phase. During the same period, athletes develop physical qualities improve the technique and tactics of the game, gain competitive experience.

At the last stages, volleyball players are engaged in specialized training and work to show high and stable results. Closer to the age of 19, athletes become members of the junior teams, and by the age of 23, they become members of the adult teams.

Stages of sports training

Stage duration (in years)

Minimum age for enrollment in groups (years)

Group occupancy (persons)

Stage of initial training


Training stage (stage of sports specialization)


Stage of improvement of sportsmanship

without Borders


Stage of higher sportsmanship

without Borders



How much do lessons cost

Youth and other state sports institutions usually conduct classes for free. A one-time lesson in private schools costs from 800 rubles. Subscription for 8 classes - from 5600 rubles.

How to choose a section

  • Location. When choosing a section, consider its distance from home and the school where the child is studying. It should be convenient for you to carry him there, and over time, he himself should get to the place.
  • Level of preparation. If a child wants to achieve great success in beach volleyball, then it is worth giving him to a well-known sports school, whose athletes take prizes.
  • Trainer. Before choosing a school, visit trial lesson: look at the coach's teaching style, talk to other parents, find out why they take their child to him. Choose a future mentor not only on merit, but also on the impression of a son or daughter from him.
  • Equipment. Every school should have halls, locker rooms and showers. She should also have equipment designed specifically for training with young children. One of the main elements of equipment in this case is a lightweight ball.

What difficulties can you face

There is a difficulty associated with the availability of fully equipped beach volleyball courts in cities. A list of open and closed courts can be found on the website of the volleyball federation.

After the child begins to practice, he will face the problems that arise in every sports discipline - these may be difficulties of a psychological or physiological nature. They are associated with competition for a place in the main team, with the experiences of the child with the responsibility assigned to him, and relationships in the team. In any case, a psychologist usually works with the team to help deal with these problems, but support at home is equally important.

“The girls train twice a day and take part in various championships almost every week. AT winter period sportswomen are also involved in classical volleyball, also constantly participating in games. The schedule is very tight. Athletes need to constantly feel adrenaline. And if we only train for six months, the fuse will disappear, without which it is very difficult in sports. You can train and show incredible results. But after entering the field, all this can disappear, ”says Dmitry Fedotov, coach of the women's beach volleyball team.

Psychological portrait of an athlete

Volleyball players are characterized by determination, confidence, discipline. They know how to take responsibility for themselves. Thanks to teamwork, children grow up sociable, they can organize a team, and often they show leadership qualities.

Volleyball also develops mental abilities, mindfulness, and teaches you how to cope with stress. BUT proper nutrition, daily routine and discipline lays the habit of healthy lifestyle life.

Summing up

Being engaged in volleyball, the child will be well developed physically, learn to work in a team and apply the acquired skills in life. At the same time, beach volleyball is quite safe, but its main advantages are accessibility, entertainment and minimal equipment costs.

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