Safe behavior on the water. Water safety rules in summer and winter. Boating Safety Measures


Everyone knows that best holiday It's a vacation by the water. These are sports, swimming, fishing, water games, boating, jet skiing, etc. But, unfortunately, water can bring not only pleasure, but also lead to tragic consequences, trouble. With the onset of the swimming season, especially if the summer is hot, the influx of vacationers to the water increases sharply, and the number of accidents increases accordingly, even, it would seem, on the safest small urban reservoirs. In recent years, there has been a steady downward trend in the number of deaths in the waters of the city of Moscow. But, despite this, about 100 people drown on average during the swimming season (according to data for the last five years). What is the cause of death? The vast majority of accidents are associated with violations of the rules safe behavior on the water. The main causes of accidents still remain: swimming while intoxicated (70%) and swimming in prohibited places (95%), as a rule, these causes accompany each other. Violators create big problems for rescuers and, first of all, for themselves. Everyone can find himself in a situation where his life and the life of a nearby person will depend solely on his skillful actions. Therefore, it is useful to recall the basic rules of safe behavior on water bodies and ways to help drowning people, while firmly realizing that it is incomparably easier to prevent misfortune on the water than to eliminate an emergency. First of all, ensure your own safety, otherwise you will not be able to help others.


1. Swim only in specially designated areas, on equipped beaches, where in case of an accident you can get specialized help from a lifeguard. An untested body of water - whirlpools, deep pits, thick algae, cold springs, snags, strong currents, a cluttered bottom - can lead to injury, diving can lead to death. 2. Do not swim while intoxicated. This is the main cause of death of people on the water. 3. Do not swim up to ships, boats, boats, rafts that are close (anchored, at berths), do not dive under them - it is life-threatening, you can be pulled under the bottom, propellers, hit with a side, overwhelmed by a wave. 4. Follow the rules for using boats and other watercraft: do not overload them, do not rock, do not jump into the water from them, if necessary, get into the boat, this must be done from the bow or stern, so as not to capsize it. Remember that someone on the boat may not be able to swim. 5. Do not use air mattresses, cameras, boards, especially if you cannot swim. Even a weak wind can blow them away from the shore. 6. If you can't swim, enter the water only up to your waist. 7. Do not swim behind buoys and other barriers installed in swimming areas. They warn: a long swim is hypothermia, muscle fatigue, convulsions, death. 8. Do not play pranks on the water related to diving and capturing swimmers, do not play on the water, do not scare others. 9. Do not give false distress signals. 10. Do not swim alone in the evening and at night. In the dark, you can lose your bearings and swim too far from the shore, you may not be noticed from a moving ship, at night a simple fright turns into panic fear - the first cause of drowning. One of the dangers to the life of a person in water is hypothermia of the body, as a result of which irreversible processes begin in it and a person dies even in shallow water. Swimming is recommended at a water temperature of at least +18°C and air temperature of +20°C. You can swim in a row no more than 3-5 times for 10-15 minutes. It is not recommended to swim after eating earlier than 1.5-2 hours later. Bathing children should only be supervised by adults! Be sure to learn how to swim!


1. Convulsions appeared in the water: cramped arms or legs. Do not get lost, try to stay on the surface of the water, swimming on your back. Vigorously rub the contracted muscle. If there are people on the shore, do not hesitate to call them for help. 2. If you accidentally took a sip of water. Stop, raise your head above the water and clear your throat. Vigorous movements of the arms and legs will help you stay upright in the water, and then swim to the shore. 3. Once in the whirlpool, draw more air into the lungs. Dive into the water and make a strong jerk to the side with the flow, float to the surface. 4. Entangled in algae, do not make sudden movements and jerks. Lie on your back and try to swim out with soft, calm movements in the direction from which you swam. If this does not help, you need to pull your legs up to your stomach and carefully free yourself from the algae with your hands. 5. Once in a strong current, do not get lost, do not swim against the current. Go with the flow, gradually moving towards the shore. The main thing in self-rescue is not to panic, control yourself, calmly take all necessary measures to get out of the situation.


If you notice a drowning person or hear cries for help, immediately report the incident to the rescue services. Enter in the memory of your cell phone the numbers of rescue services: 01 and 637-22-22. Rescuers are always ready to help a person in distress on the water, they have the appropriate equipment for this, including for lifting a drowned person from the ground (bottom) and then resuscitating him if he was under water for no more than 6 minutes, so you need to act decisively and quickly . If there is no rescue station nearby, there is no one to help but you, first of all, evaluate your capabilities and, if you are confident in your abilities: 1. Look for a lifebuoy or other object nearby that can increase a person’s buoyancy (sticks, ), throw it as far as possible towards the drowning person. Swim up to him (but not close), try to calm and encourage. Find out if he controls his actions, if the drowning man has not lost his composure, then help him stay on the water and get to the shore, while he can hold on to your shoulders. 2. If the person in distress has lost his temper, then you must act carefully so that he does not drag you under the water. Swimming, you need to dive under it and, taking it by the legs, push it up, at the same time turning it back to you. Once at the back, grab both hands of the drowning person under the elbows with your hand, lift and turn him face up above the surface of the water so that he can breathe. Your other hand remains free, and you can swim and transport the drowning person to the shore. 3. If a person has already submerged under water, do not stop trying to find him at a depth, and then bring him back to life. This can be done if the drowned person was in the water for no more than 6 minutes. Having lifted the victim from the water and brought him to the shore, ask the people nearby to call an ambulance and immediately begin to revive him.


Revival is required upon the onset of clinical death. Signs of death: pupils are wide, do not react to light; no pulsation on the carotid artery - on the lateral surface of the neck; there is no consciousness; there is no breathing. The cause of death in drowning is the filling of the lungs with water, the cessation of breathing due to this and cardiac arrest. To restore them, the following steps must be performed sequentially: 1. Clean the mouth and nose of the victim with a handkerchief or the edge of a shirt from dirt and silt, turning his head to one side. 2. Lay him belly on bent knee(the head should hang down), sharply pressing with open palms between the shoulder blades, remove water from the respiratory tract and stomach. 3. After removing the water, immediately begin mouth-to-mouth artificial respiration and chest compressions at the same time. Artificial respiration. Lay the victim on his back on a flat hard surface, tilt his head back as much as possible (this is important), kneel to his left, pinch his nostrils. Take a deep breath, put your lips to the victim's lips (preferably through a handkerchief) and forcefully exhale the air into him. The rhythm of artificial respiration is 12-16 times per minute. Indirect cardiac massage. Place one palm across the lower part of the sternum, the other palm on top of the first crosswise. Press on the sternum with your wrists so that it bends 3-4 cm, and release. You need to bend strongly, with a push, using the weight of your body. Massage is carried out only with straight hands. Rhythm - 60-70 pressures per minute. For revival, the participation of two people is desirable: one does a heart massage, the other artificial respiration. If the revival is carried out by one person, then it is recommended to carry out 2 consecutive blows and 15 pressures on chest. If two people provide assistance, then 4-5 rhythmic pressures are made through each blowing.

Of course, summer is the perfect time to relax on the sea or river. However, in order not to become a victim of such a dangerous element as water, you must carefully read the rules of behavior on it.

Basic water safety rules

So, the first thing you should do before going to the reservoir is to warn your parents about it. If they ask for the names and phone numbers of the guys you're going on holiday with, don't be shy and name them, and tell them how many hours you plan to come back.

And so your company came to the reservoir, all the guys rushed together to freshen up. But what if you can't swim? In no case do not chase them, it is better to stay on the shore. You definitely won’t learn to swim right away, but the consequences can be quite deplorable. If you navigate well in the water, then you still shouldn’t run headlong to swim. Your body is not yet ready for this, and cramps, as you know, are very fond of unprepared swimmers. Don't be lazy and make some simple exercises to stretch your muscles, and then get into the water.

Do not immediately run to swim, it is better to prepare and stretch your muscles

Moreover, it is necessary to enter the river or the sea gradually. First, dip only your feet into the water, then slowly begin to immerse your body completely. After it gets used to the temperature of the water, you can safely enjoy and swim at your pleasure.

Water adaptation games

To make adaptation to water as fun and interesting as possible, we recommend playing two fun games:

  1. "Sea battle". For this game you will need small paper boats. All the guys must stand in the water (the height is not higher than the chest) and, on command, begin to tap their hands on it in such a way that all the splashes fly onto the boats, and small waves carry them to the shore. The winner is the participant whose boat reached the shore faster.
  2. "Ducklings and pike". Of all the participants, one "pike" is selected, the rest become "ducklings". Each player must throw a scarf behind the waistband of swimming trunks. Having heard the command, the guys should jump and walk in the water, imitating ducklings as plausibly as possible (“waving their wings”, “cleaning their feathers”, “quacking”). Then a “pike” suddenly appears, and the task of the “ducklings” is to escape and run ashore along with a scarf.

At a temperature of less than 16 degrees, swimming is not recommended at all, since hypothermia can cause convulsions or, even worse, loss of consciousness. But even if the temperature allows you to swim, you should not stay in the water for a very long time. Unexpectedly for yourself, you may notice that you are tired, and water is certainly not the place where you can sit down and rest at any time. Therefore, it is better to always control your strength and get out of the water every 10-15 minutes. However, there is also something to do on the shore: for example, sunbathe or play beach volleyball.

Also, you should not swim on self-made rafts, cameras and other home-made means. They can be unreliable and break/tear at any moment. And not the fact that at this time you will be close to the shore.

A homemade raft can break at any moment, and its elements will injure you.

It is forbidden to swim at high / low body temperature. Not only is there a high probability of aggravation of the disease, but there is also a risk of losing consciousness right in the water.

Do not forget that you can swim only in places specially equipped for this. The water should be clean, and the depth to the bottom (which, in turn, should be either gravel or sand) should be no more than 2 meters. To check the flow rate (no more than 0.5 m / s), you can throw a stick or a piece of wood into the water and watch it.

It's not a secret for anyone that in almost all areas designated for swimming there are special signs (flags or buoys) that limit the swimming area. This was done, first of all, for the safety of vacationers, so do not break the rules and do not swim for them.

Rules of conduct on the water in the summer

Rules of conduct on the water: video

Critical situations: what to do?

Unfortunately, even if you follow the basic water safety rules, unforeseen situations happen. How to behave and what to do in such cases?

Often people drown because of reckless panic and inability to control their bodies. First of all, you need to learn how to rest lying on the water. To do this, roll over on your back, and spread your arms and legs slightly apart. If the body continues to gradually sink into the water, try to keep it on the surface with light, relaxed movements.

If you find yourself in a thicket of algae while in the water, don't panic. To free yourself, do not make sudden movements, swim carefully and slowly, and make strokes at the very surface of the water. Over time, the algae will release you from their "captivity" and you will be able to swim freely.

If you get entangled in algae, row only at the very surface of the water.

There are also cases when people fall into a whirlpool. If this happened to you, again, the main thing is not to panic. Instead, draw as much air into your lungs as possible, dive and turn sharply under water in the opposite direction from the whirlpool.

Once in a strong current, do not try to swim against it - except for wasting strength, this will not work. It is necessary to go with the flow, but at the same time choose such an angle as to gradually approach the shore.

At sea, swimmers may encounter a phenomenon called a backdraft channel. Once in such a place, the waves, rotating back, will carry the swimmer farther and farther from the shore. In this case, you need to try to swim perpendicular to the channel, and when the current begins to weaken, head towards the shore.

Usually it is these waves that cause the “reverse thrust channel”

If you feel a cramp, you should immediately get out of the water. If this is not possible, try the following methods:

  • You can get rid of cramps by pricking the muscle with a pin. That is why it is recommended to pin a small safety pin on the side of the swimming trunks;
  • if you realize that your body has been seized by a short-term cramp, immediately roll over onto your back, rest and start swimming towards the shore in this position;
  • sometimes the spasm "affects" the fingers. To get rid of it, clench your fingers into a fist, then sharply point your hand forward and outward, and then also sharply open your fingers;
  • if the cramp struck calf muscle, take a bent position and with both hands pull the foot of the leg (to the stomach and chest), which was cramped.

Thus, you must always remember and follow the rules of safety on the water. You should not succumb to the provocations of peers and do rash things that can lead to sad consequences. Take care of yourself!

Summer is a great time to relax, and water is a wonderful means of healing the body. But bathing is good. only when used wisely. The ability to swim well is one of the most important guarantees of a safe holiday on the water, but remember that even a good swimmer must be constantly careful, disciplined and strictly adhere to the rules of behavior on the water. Swimming should begin at a water temperature of at least 18 degrees and in clear calm weather at an air temperature of 25 degrees or more.

It is not recommended to swim earlier than 1.5 hours after eating.
You should not enter the water tired, hot or sweaty.
If you are a bad swimmer, don't trust air mattresses and circles.
Panic is the main cause of tragedies on the water. Never panic.


Dangers in the water:

Piles, stones, debris;



How to avoid trouble???

  • Swim only in permitted and well-known areas.
  • Know how to use the simplest life-saving equipment.
  • Bathe better in the morning or in the evening, then you can have a good rest without fear of getting burned.
  • Enter the water quickly and do not stand still while swimming. When you feel chills, get out of the water quickly.
  • Do not swim immediately after eating and physical activity(playing football, running, etc.). The break between eating and bathing should be at least 45 - 50 minutes.
  • In cold weather, to keep warm, do some light exercise.
  • Do not swim for more than 30 minutes; if the water is cold, 5-6 minutes is enough.
  • In case of ear diseases, do not jump into the water with your head down.
  • Do not stay underwater for a long time while diving.
  • When you get out of the water, dry off and get dressed immediately.
  • Feeling even a slight fatigue, immediately swim to the shore.
  • A spasm is an involuntary painful muscle contraction during swimming. In case of convulsions, do not get lost, try to stay on the water and call for help.


  • you can’t dive in unfamiliar places - at the bottom there may be sunk logs, stones, driftwood, etc .;
  • you should not swim in wetlands and where there is algae or mud;
  • do not sail far from the coast on inflatable boats - they may be out of order, and this is very dangerous even for those who know how to swim well;
  • you can not cling to boats, climb on signs of navigational equipment - buoys, buoys, etc.;
  • you can not swim up to passing ships, swim behind the buoys that limit the swimming area, and swim out into the fairway;
  • you can not swim in stormy weather or in places of strong surf;
  • if you find yourself in water in a strong current, do not try to swim against the current. In this case, you need to go with the flow, but in such a way as to gradually approach the shore;
  • if you are caught in a whirlpool, take in more air, dive and try to turn sharply away from it;
  • if you have cramped muscles, lie on your back and swim to the shore, while trying to rub the reduced muscles. Feel free to call for help;
  • false alarms should not be raised.

It is forbidden:

  • Swim near spillways, sluices, bridges, whirlpools, sluices, dams, jetties, jetties and other hydraulic structures
  • Enter the water hot (sweaty).
  • Swim behind the established signs (fences of the area reserved for swimming).
  • Swim close to motor boats, barges.
  • Swim in high waves.
  • Jump from the tower if there are other swimmers near it.
  • Push a friend from a tower or from the shore.
  • Diving after a long stay in the sun (it is dangerous because the muscles contract sharply reflexively, which leads to respiratory arrest).

Use self-help techniques for cramps:

  • leg cramp - you take a deep breath, dive, grab yourself by the thumbs legs and pull strongly towards you;
  • cramp of the thigh muscles - you bend your leg at the knee and press it with your hands against the back of the thigh;
  • cramp of the abdominal muscles - pull the legs bent at the knees to the stomach;
  • cramps in the muscles of the hands - clench and unclench your fists, bend and unbend your arms at the elbows.


  • the movement of the reduced muscle accelerates the disappearance of the spasm;
  • if the spasm is over, quickly get out to the shore, because the spasm may recur.


If a person is within reach, kneel down or lie down at the water's edge and give him a hand or some object (a pole, a paddle, a towel).

If a person is far from the shore, throw him a floating object (board, life buoy). If a child is drowning, it is best to throw a floating object on a rope to the child: then you can pull the child to the shore. Lifebuoy you need to throw flat on the side of the drowning man. The circle should fall a meter - one and a half from the drowning person, otherwise you will hit the victim with it.

If the victim grabbed you, then dive with him. He will let you go and rise up to take a breath.
If the drowning man is in a panic, swim up to him from the back, grab him and swim to the shore. The victim's head should be above water.

If it is impossible to help the child while staying on the shore, enter the water and give him some object and pull the child to the shore.

If the person is not breathing, begin mouth-to-mouth breathing. Check his pulse and start resuscitation if necessary.

If the person is breathing, move them to a warm place, remove wet clothing, wrap them in blankets, and call a doctor.


rowing and motor boats(boats) only under the guidance of adults. Persons with special rights to independently control watercraft are allowed to drive motor boats and boats.
When riding it is prohibited:

  • overload the boat, boat in excess of the established norm;
  • use the boat for children under 16 years of age unaccompanied by adults;
  • take children under the age of 7 into the boat;
  • jump into the water and swim from the boat;
  • sit on the sides, move from place to place and transfer to other boats, boats;
  • ride in the evening and at night;
  • substitute the side of the boat parallel to the wave;
  • ride near locks, dams, rafts;
  • stop near bridges and under bridges.

An important condition for safety on the water is strict adherence to the rules of boating:

  • It is forbidden to operate the boat while intoxicated.
  • Landing in the boat is carried out by carefully stepping in the middle of the flooring.
  • It is necessary to be located in the boat evenly only on regular seats.
  • Do not board the boat as this may cause it to capsize.
  • It is necessary to change places, move from boat to boat without sudden movements, only near the shore.
  • You can not jump from the boat to the shore or bridge.
  • You can not rock the boat and dive from it.
  • It is forbidden to ride the boat for children under 16 years old, unaccompanied by adults.
  • The boat must not be overloaded.
  • You can not cross the course of motorized vessels, be close to them.
  • It is dangerous to substitute the side of the boat parallel to the wave. The wave must be "cut" by the bow of the boat across or at an angle.
  • It is necessary to be careful in shallow water in unfamiliar places, to watch for objects sticking out of the water and placed nets.

Violation of the rules of safe behavior on the water is the main cause of death of people, including children.

Rules of conduct on the water

Dangerous situations on the water

Topic 3. Dangerous situations and rules of conduct on the water

Questions for discussion at practical lesson


Topic: Safety in the city when crossing the streets

Topics of speeches (reports):

1. Rules for crossing streets and highways.

2. Rules for bypassing standing vehicles.

1. What are the advantages at a street crossing with a zebra;

2. How to bypass a standing bus and trolleybus;

3. How to get around a standing tram.

There are emergency and dangerous situations associated with ships, as well as dangerous situations that arise when people stay on the water (rest by the river, by the sea or lake, swimming in the water, walking and hiking in boats, rafts, etc.), or near water.

Emergencies leading to damage or sinking of the vessel may be:


Landing a ship aground;

Displacement of cargo or collection of passengers on one side;

Fire or explosion on the ship.

The sun, air and water, when used correctly, are a source of hardening and strengthening of human health. However, violations of the rules of conduct when staying near water bodies entail severe consequences, up to drowning. Every year, 15-20 thousand people drown in Russia, of which about 30% are children. That is why every person should learn how to swim in a timely manner, constantly observe water safety measures and be able to provide assistance to victims. It is especially dangerous for children to be near the water without adult supervision. A child can simply stumble and fall face down into the water even in a shallow place.

Most people drown not because they are bad swimmers, but because, having swum far or frightened, they give in to panic and do not rely on themselves.

It is useful to master the relaxation technique so that when you start to get nervous about something while swimming, you can simply relax and unwind. And then, having come to his senses, swim to the shore.

In the absence of waves, it is best to rest in the supine position. To ensure a horizontal position of the body, it is necessary to stretch straight, relaxed arms behind the head, spread the legs apart and slightly bend. If this is not enough and the legs begin to sink down, then it is necessary to slightly bend the arms at the wrist joints and raise the hands above the surface of the water, then the legs will immediately emerge. The body will take a horizontal position. You can rest on your back, performing slow and smooth movements of the legs and arms under water, while expending minimal effort.

To avoid trouble, children and adults must strictly observe a number of simple rules behavior on the water:

You can swim no earlier than 1.5–2 hours after eating;

It is not recommended to engage in swimming in open water, at a water temperature below +15 ° C, as sudden loss of consciousness and death from cold shock are possible. The development of shock is often facilitated by overheating of the body before swimming and suddenly fast dive into cold water;

You can’t dive in unfamiliar places - snags, stones, submerged logs may be at the bottom;

Do not jump into the water from boats, boats, moorings and other structures that are not adapted for this purpose;

It is advisable to choose specially designated places for swimming;

Do not swim far from the shore, beyond the buoys marking the boundaries of the safe zone;

Do not swim close to ships (motorized, sailing), boats, barges. When they approach, the water level in the reservoir rises significantly, and when passing, it drops sharply and washes away everything that is on the shore. There have been cases when under the bottom of the ship or barge dragged a number of floating people;

You should not swim in wetlands and where there is algae or mud. If the circumstances are such that you find yourself in a thicket of algae, keep your presence of mind. Algae can be easily dealt with, but you must not give in to the idea that plants can drown you. You have to swim in thickets of algae with frequent stops, as it is necessary to get rid of the stems of plants. Hand strokes are performed at the very surface of the water;

You can not enter the water after overheating in the sun or strong cooling of the body until the formation of "goose bumps";

You can not quickly dive and jump into the water after sunbathing, running, playing without gradually adapting to cold water;

In no case should you swim on air mattresses, car cameras, inflatable toys - handy tool it may turn out to be faulty, break, a person will suddenly find himself in the water, and this is very dangerous even for those who know how to swim well. In addition, even a weak wind can carry them far from the coast;

You can not swim in stormy weather or in places of strong surf;

If you find yourself in water with a strong current, do not try to swim against the current, you will not have enough strength to cope with it; in this case, you need to go with the flow, but in such a way as to gradually approach the shore;

If you get into a whirlpool, do not be afraid, take in more air, dive and try to turn sharply away from it;

One should never push anyone into the water, especially unexpectedly, as this prank can cause fatal shock in people who are very sensitive to cold water;

You can’t play pranks in the water, dip your friends headlong and trip them up. If you swim up to a friend under water and sharply pull his legs, and at that moment he will just take a breath, the friend will fall into the water and choke;

It is impossible to give cries of false alarm;

You can not swim if you have a high or low temperature. The consequences can be unpredictable. Being in the water in this state is very dangerous;

If you have cramped muscles, lie down on your back and swim to the shore, while trying to rub the contracted muscles, but it is best to have a safety pin with you. Even one injection can save a life. Tired of swimming? - take a break, don't try to set a swimming record. Overexertion can cause convulsions. Muscle cramp - a swimmer has a leg cramp. This happens not only in cold water. If this happens, immerse yourself for a second in the water with your head and, straightening your cramped leg, pull forcefully on the thumb step on myself. As a rule, the cramp recedes;

Do not swim in channels lined with concrete slabs or stones, as over time, they become overgrown with moss, become slippery. It is difficult to get out of such a channel. Even a trained swimmer, swimming in a canal, puts his life in danger;

Keep the recreation areas near the water clean, do not litter the reservoirs, do not leave garbage on the shore and in the locker rooms.

What does a drowning person look like?

Many people think that the signal to save a drowning man should be considered cries: “Help! Tonu! Help!" This is not entirely true (or rather not at all). In practice, a real drowning person does not scream at the top of his voice and does not wave his arms.

The fact is that a person who begins to drown (and often this happens next to the saving shore) cannot scream, because he has already “swallowed” water. All his efforts are aimed at taking at least one breath of air, but he does not succeed, because he is sinking at that very moment. He does not think about how to find a way out, but only dreams of having enough air to breathe.

Ask any experienced lifeguard what a really drowning person looks like. They will answer you that he does not wave his arms and does not shout: he simply does not have the strength to do so. As far as possible, he actively tries to rise above the water in order to breathe life-giving air. He is silent, trying to get out. Other people can frolic nearby, completely ignoring this silent comrade. Often people do not understand at all and do not know that a person is dying nearby.

If a person has goggle-eyed eyes, his head is half submerged in water, he silently deliberately tries to move towards the shore, but he does not succeed, he is floundering like a drowning dog - do not hesitate! He urgently needs help!

Summer is the sun, air and water, this is the time of holidays, travel and children's recovery. People go to the reservoirs with their families.

But one should take into account the fact that such a vacation is at the same time useful, pleasant, but also dangerous, especially if the little one cannot swim.

Yes, water is very beneficial for the health of the baby: he hardens, and actively spends time, getting his portion of physical activity, and morally rests, but at the same time, water is a very dangerous element.

In order to save the baby from trouble, parents should tell him in advance:

1. Children should swim only under the supervision of their parents.

2. You can swim only on equipped beaches, where lifeguards are on duty.

3. In no case should you swim in places near which there are boards with the inscription "Swimming is strictly prohibited!".

4. Children should not play and be near the reservoir if there are no parents nearby.

5. Children should not swim with fever and malaise.

6. Babies should not be in the water for more than 30 minutes, and if the water is cool - 5-7 minutes.

7. You can not swim immediately after a heavy meal. You need to wait 30-45 minutes.

8. Even if the baby knows how to swim well, he should not swim in deep places.

9. You can not swim behind the buoys, even in the presence of parents.

10. You can not dive in unfamiliar places.

11. You can not jump into the water from elevations unsuitable for this.

12. It is strictly forbidden to play games on the water during which you need to drown others.

13. You can’t spontaneously dive and grab someone by the legs in the water - a frightened person can accidentally injure a diving prankster.

14. On hot sunny days you need to swim in hats.

15. You can not swim in a storm and with a big wave.

16. You can not swim on damaged watercraft (mattresses, circles, etc.)

17. You can not swim on boats for buoys.

18. You can not swim on boats in strong waves and in a storm.

19. After bathing, you need to dry yourself thoroughly with a towel and pat your ears dry.

What to do if the child still swallowed water?

First of all, you need to give him the opportunity to clear his throat well. Take him out of the water, wrap him in a towel, calm him down and drink warm tea.

Rules of behavior on the water for children practically do not differ from the rules for adults. Adults should always remember that they are an example for their little ones. No matter how much you tell your child about how to behave on the water, if you yourself do not follow these rules, everything is useless.

So, we have considered, and now let's talk about what to do if the unexpected happened?

Muscle cramps - how to help yourself?

1. Leg cramps. You need to try to grab your big toes and pull hard towards you.

2. Cramps of the thigh muscles. It is necessary to bend the leg at the knee and press it firmly against the back of the thigh.

3. Cramps of the muscles of the hands. You need to bend and unbend your arms at the elbows, clench and unclench your fists several times until it becomes easier.

The movement of the muscle that has cramped hastens its disappearance.

How to help a drowning person?

First, let's define what a drowning person looks like?

After all, not always the victim, especially a child who begins to drown, has the strength to shout: “Help! Save! Tonu! Very often, a person who has found himself in a similar situation has already swallowed water and directs all his efforts to inhale at least one breath of air, but he fails to do this, he begins to sink. He is silent, with all his might, trying to get out.

If a person (child) has goggle-eyed, he tries to move towards the shore with his head half-immersed in water, but he does not succeed, he flounders, pay attention, this means that he needs help.

How to help a drowning person? First aid for a drowning person

If something like this happens, don't panic. Run along the shore to the place where you can swim closest to the drowning man. At the same time, remember some kind of landmark on the shore, so that if a drowning person plunges under water, you know where to look for him.

It is very important, having reached the place, to calm the swimmer, to make the lifeguard take hold of the shoulders. If a drowning person cannot control his actions, grab him from behind, perhaps by the hair and transport him to the shore.

If it so happened that a drowning man grabbed your neck, hand, dive immediately - the instinct of self-preservation will make him let you go. Otherwise, you risk starting to sink with him.

If a drowning person has lost consciousness, grab him in such a way that his face is constantly above the water. You can take your hand under the chin.

If the victim is already submerged in water, find him at depth. It is possible to bring a person back to life even if he was under water for 5-6 minutes.

If a drowning person (child) is conscious, his pulse and breathing are satisfactory, lay him on a hard surface so that his head is low, rub with a towel, wrap him in a warm blanket, give him a hot drink.

If the victim is unconscious, call a doctor immediately. But, remember that there is no time to waste. Begin first aid immediately.

First aid for a drowning person

1. Clean his mouth and nose from sand, silt, vomit.

2. Clear your airways of water. To do this, the victim must be laid on his stomach through his knee, head down. Shake it a few times. If the child is small, you can even take him by the legs, upside down and shake him well.

How to do artificial respiration?

First you need to lay the person (child) with his head thrown back so that his tongue does not sink. To do this, you can use a roller, about 20 cm high, which is placed under the shoulders of the victim.

Artificial respiration by mouth-to-mouth method:

1. Stand to the side of the victim.
2. With one hand, hold the chin of the victim, with the thumb and forefinger of the other hand, clamp the nasal passages, and with the edge of the palm of the same hand, leaning on the forehead, tilt your head back. In this case, the mouth should open.
3. Take a deep breath and, holding the exhalation, leaning towards the victim, press your lips tightly to his mouth. Do rapid exhalation. The main thing here is tightness.

In a pause before the next breath, make 5 massage movements on the heart. The whole cycle should be 16-18 breaths per minute combined with massage movements.

And in order not to have to provide first aid to a drowning child, there are, adhering to which you can avoid trouble.

Have a nice holiday!