Neck pain associated with computer work. Pain in the neck and shoulders during prolonged work at the computer What to do if your neck hurts

Moreover, she needs to move up and down, sideways and back. However, when working at a computer, we are constantly forced to look directly at the screen to make out tiny flickering letters - when we turn our heads, there is a risk of missing something important. The head must be fixed, and the neck does not move at all, even during breathing. This creates an incredible load on the articular joints of the spine.

If you sit for too long in the same position without changing the position of your head, then the joints, which are naturally supposed to constantly move, coarsen.

Prolonged work at the computer inevitably leads to coarsening of the joints. Moreover, the head needs to maintain a stable position, because with any movement the eyes can lose focus. So it turns out that the muscles of the neck are tensed all the time along with the muscles of the shoulders and upper back. Even the muscles of the lower back are subjected to additional stress, which can affect the movements of the torso. However, now we are most interested in the tension of the muscles of the neck.

So, in addition to the need to maintain an upright posture, which is the responsibility of precise postural muscles, the brain also forces us to keep our eyes on the screen. So numerous spasms appear in the neck.

If every day to hold the neck in a similar position for many hours, then unfavorable conditions are created for gas exchange in the tissues, as well as for the removal of accumulated lactic acid, especially when working in enclosed spaces, where oxygen access is limited and oxidation of by-products of vital activity is extremely difficult. As a result, a large amount of lactic acid accumulates, not to mention overstrain of the eye muscles (there are six different groups among them), because the eyes have to constantly focus on an object that is located at the same distance from the head.

In a situation where the muscles of the eyes and neck themselves are overly strained, and even the next project needs to be submitted on time, stress leads to even more tension. Such work is one of the most unhealthy occupations. Much worse than bungee jumping.

You might think that driving a car in this sense is no better. However, the person behind the wheel constantly glances in the rear and side mirrors, which changes both the focus of the eyes and the position of the head. The driving process is almost completely automatic. When you step on the gas or brake pedal, you don't have to give conscious commands to your feet, you don't have to think about it. Driving is one of the most complex automatic skills that can be taught to a person. But on a wide freeway, where most drivers still try to follow the established rules, you can relax a bit.

Knitting is also an automatic process that actively engages the motor centers of the brain. Yes, it involves repetitive hand movements, but you can also move your head and talk in parallel. Your neck is not fixed in one position. Crocheting or embroidery is perhaps more like working at a computer in this regard. As well as prolonged reading: even reading while lying in bed leads to overstrain of the neck muscles. Not only that, if you just lie on the couch or bed - and then the neck muscles can remain tense.

However, when you are engaged in all of these activities, the subconscious is more or less in control of the situation. But the same cannot be said about working at a computer. In addition, additional stress is associated with the need to ensure that you do not make mistakes. Even just chatting on the Internet, you must constantly be ready for the appearance of new letters on the screen. If you work in a bank or trade on the stock exchange, you cannot afford a single mistake. Your duties must be carried out impeccably. One tiny inaccuracy - and the authorities will certainly find out whose fault this happened. The burden of responsibility can be truly unbearable. Computers are a noose around the neck of mankind.

Prolonged improper handling of the neck can lead to degenerative damage to the intervertebral discs, and later to degeneration of the articular joints. But both problems can be easily avoided.

Treatment of neck pain associated with computer work

If you spend at least six hours a day at the computer, then you should, if not daily, then at least every other day, massage the neck area. It is recommended to independently massage the muscles of the jaw, temples and neck muscles. This must be done regularly - there is no other option. Otherwise, problems will inevitably accumulate. There are panic attacks, neck pain and severe stress, and all due to the fact that the muscles of the neck are too tense. The vertebral arteries are compressed, which contributes to the development of Ali syndrome. If you work at a computer, you must constantly engage in prevention.

Such pains, as a rule, are not associated with pinched nerves, but are rather of a spondylitis nature - this muscle pain due to muscle tension. Most often, during swimming or performing simple exercises, the muscles relax and the pain goes away. However, when it occurs, you need to take preventive or therapeutic measures, as sometimes massaging a local area does not help get rid of tension and chronic neck pain develops that interferes with normal sleep. The principle here is the same: you toss and turn in bed, and every time you think about something unpleasant, a long spasm seizes the neck muscles, as a result of which the access of blood and oxygen to muscle tissue decreases.

I emphasize: the tension of the neck muscles in this case is associated mainly with the accumulation of lactic acid. Remember that head movement does not necessarily prevent the eyes from focusing on the screen. The eye muscles work together enough to cope with this task. Thus, slight movements of the head while working at the computer allow both the neck and the eyes to constantly move. Such an approach, of course, does not guarantee a complete elimination of the problem, nor will it become a worthy alternative to the treatment prescribed by a doctor, but it is still very useful.

In today's computerized world, where people are increasingly working at computers, sitting on a chair all day, leading a sedentary lifestyle, spinal problems are becoming more common. It can be pain in the neck, pain between the shoulder blades or pain under the shoulder blade on one side, pain in the lower back, or even pain that radiates to the leg. Symptoms, causes and effects may vary. The diagnoses given by doctors also differ. The treatment of back pain has several basic points that need to be understood not only by the doctor, but also by the patient.

Why do back pains occur?

When you sit at a computer or just at your desk all day, your back muscles are in a tense state. There are spasms and violations of tone. This, in turn, can lead to disorders not only at the muscle level, but also to neurological symptoms (when pain radiates along the limbs). It should also be understood that the intervertebral discs are nourished by diffusion. This requires movement. And the state when there is no load on the spine, and the body does not change its position for a long time, leads to the fact that the nutrition of the intervertebral discs deteriorates, their structure is disturbed, which sooner or later can lead to the development of intervertebral hernias and protrusions of the intervertebral discs.

What to do if your neck hurts?

Let's consider three fundamentally different options.

If neck pain appeared due to an acute injury: a fall, a blow, any other forceful impact (for example, diving and hitting the bottom of a reservoir or the surface of the water), and this began to be accompanied by a feeling of numbness in the body, in the arms and legs, impaired movement, it is urgent to call an ambulance. During communication with the operator, it is necessary to inform the time of the injury, the circumstances, the patient's complaints. While waiting for an ambulance, the main thing is not to shift the victim from place to place, immobilize him as much as possible, fix his neck. The doctor of the ambulance team upon arrival will fix the cervical region with a special fixator. After taking a picture cervical spine, it will be clear whether there is damage to the cervical vertebrae or not. Diagnosis and treatment is carried out by a neurosurgeon or orthopedic traumatologist.

Second option, which is not accompanied by trauma to the cervical spine, but most often occurs against the background of hypothermia of the body. Moreover, this may not be a one-time effect of low temperature (for example, plunged into an ice hole), but a long sitting in a draft, near an open window. Such factors often lead to neuritis. People say, "I caught a cold in my neck." The tactics of treatment will also be different, it is handled by a neurologist. The basis of treatment: the use of anti-inflammatory drugs, often in the form of injections, the use of physiotherapy (heating, magnetotherapy, laser therapy).

Third option are pains in the neck that occur as a result of being in awkward posture(prolonged sitting at the computer, sleeping on an uncomfortable bed, on a high pillow, sitting in an uncomfortable chair, standing for a long time, without being able to walk). These are all very common situations. But you need to understand that the causes, and accordingly the treatment tactics, will differ markedly. In this case, there is practically no inflammation. That is why anti-inflammatory pills and injections are not needed. (They may relieve the pain, but they won't fix the cause.) The reason for such pain in the neck lies in the biomechanical processes: the position of the vertebrae, the position of the ligamentous apparatus, muscle tone. This is where the pain comes from. Accordingly, they can be eliminated only due to the same MECHANICAL impact.

Manual treatment of pain in the neck and other parts of the spine

The mechanical effect on the human body underlies all manual medicine (“manus” in translation means “hand”). That is - this is all that a doctor can do with his hands, without exposure to chemical or other physical (heat, radiation, current) influences. Manual therapy is clearly justified if the pain is not due to injury. Moreover, you need to start not with a massage, as everyone used to think, but with a consultation and correction by a chiropractor. Only he will be able to identify in which segment the cause of back pain, how much the muscle tone has been disturbed, and how exactly this problem should be eliminated. Most often, one or two sessions are needed to correct the spine and eliminate back pain. And then, if desired, you can proceed to massage sessions and physiotherapy exercises.

Many people engaged in hard physical labor are envious office workers. “Well, why are they tired when they sit in front of a computer in a comfortable room all day?” they think, and do not suspect how much they are mistaken. Sedentary and sedentary work is the main risk factor for the development of many, including very serious diseases.

Very often, prolonged work at the computer leads to chronic pain in the neck and shoulders.

The explanation for this is simple - man sitting for a long time, bowing his head down, while the muscles of the neck and shoulder girdle are in tension. The same forced posture is observed among representatives of some other professions, for example, accountants, cashiers.

Previously, such pains were capaciously called "accountant's withers", but now, in the era of universal computerization, they can be safely called "computer user's withers".

Why does neck and shoulder pain occur when working at a computer for a long time?

As mentioned above, one of the reasons is bad posture. A long tilt of the head causes static muscle tension, their overwork, which leads to a feeling of stiffness and pain in the neck and shoulders.

In addition, the insufficient level physical activity leads to the gradual development of atrophy of the muscles of the neck, back - the muscles eventually cease to support our spine in the correct physiological position.

The cervical spine by nature bears an increased load (weight of the head, a large number of movements). Due to the weakening of the muscles, the load on the cervical spine increases many times and contributes to the development of a degenerative-dystrophic process in the intervertebral discs, otherwise called osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.

With osteochondrosis, premature aging of the intervertebral discs occurs, they lose their elasticity and elasticity, cracks appear in them. Further progression of the disease turns into the fact that through the cracks of the intervertebral discs, the pulpous nucleus begins to gradually fall out, forming a hernia of the intervertebral disc.

The very first sign of osteochondrosis of the spine, experts include the appearance of pain in the neck and shoulders.

This symptom is called "cervicalgia" and its severity directly depends on the severity of pathological changes in the cervical spine.

Chronic pain in the neck and shoulders in people who are forced to spend a long time in front of a computer monitor is a reason for a mandatory visit to a doctor. The sooner cervical osteochondrosis is diagnosed, the more hope for successful treatment.

Modern medicine, unfortunately, can only slow down the further progression of the disease, but not restore damaged discs. Therefore, with an early start of treatment, when the degree of destruction of the intervertebral discs is minimal, the effectiveness of therapy is higher.

Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis includes:

  • the appointment of drug therapy aimed at relieving reactive inflammation;
  • relief of pain;
  • improvement of metabolic processes in the intervertebral discs.

An important role in the treatment of patients with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is played by manual therapy methods, medical massage, regular classes physical therapy. In some cases, a doctor may advise a patient with pain in the shoulders and neck to use special orthopedic devices when working at a computer for a long time.

Cervical osteochondrosis in people who spend a lot of time at the computer, it is much easier to prevent than to treat for a long time and sometimes to no avail. Prevention of pain in the neck and back when working at a computer comes down to following two simple rules:

  1. In progress watch your posture, try to keep your head straight and change the position of the head and body as often as possible.
  2. Provide sufficient level of physical activity. During the working day, take short breaks - “physical education breaks”, and in your free time, be sure to go to the pool or gym.

Here are the rules:
1. Both feet should be firmly planted on the floor (small chair or stand) and the knees under the table should be bent at a right angle.
2. The back must be kept at an even angle and fully supported by the back of the chair.
3. The child's elbows should be on the table.
4. The child should not rest his chest on the edge of the table.
5. So that the child does not slouch and lift his elbows high, the height of the table should correspond to the height of the child.

your neck.

As you can see, almost nothing is said about the neck, at least not directly. Let's try to find something about why sometimes the neck becomes numb at the computer, or frankly starts to hurt?

Why does neck and shoulder pain occur when working at a computer for a long time? Yes, because:
- The head weighs about 5 kg.
- neck muscles support these five kg in the correct physiological position.
- However, when tilted - the head begins to carry 19 kg !!!

How are your muscles? It is difficult for them to keep more than three times more weight in one position. For example, your handbag weighs 5 kg. Her hand is habitually wears. You even wave it as you move. And now put a weight of 15 kg in your bag - your comfort will disappear somewhere.

Prolonged tilt of the head causes static muscle tension, their exhaustion, which leads to a feeling of stiffness and pain in the neck and shoulders. In addition, an insufficient level of physical activity leads to the gradual development of atrophy of the neck muscles. Due to weakening muscles, the load on the cervical spine increases many times and contributes to the development in intervertebral discs of the degenerative-dystrophic process, otherwise referred to as osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.

All ... sailed. So much for idle sedentary work - led to disability (((

How to avoid osteochondrosis of the cervical vertebra?

Rule number 1. The first thing you need to pay attention to is the legs. Legs should be bent at the knees at 90 degrees. The feet should rest completely on the floor. In order for the legs to be in the correct position, adjust the height of the chair. If you don't have an office chair, find a high or low chair.

Rule number 2. Keep your back straight or completely lean it against the back of the chair, keeping vertical position back. If your back from an office chair dangles (like mine), then you can put a pillow behind your back. Try not to sit with your back bent and your shoulders protruding forward.

Rule number 3. In order not to hurt the neck and head, you need to conveniently position the monitor. It is desirable that the monitor is located in front of you, and not to the side. When you sit at a computer for a long time and the monitor is located to the side of you, then your neck and eyes will quickly get used to being in this position (turned to the side), and this is very bad.

Rule number 4. In order for the eyes not to get tired quickly, the distance from them to the monitor should be a long outstretched arm. The eyes should look at the monitor in a straight line, and not from top to bottom. If you have a small monitor, you can put a box or a couple of books under it. It is advisable, after every hour spent at the computer, to get up and do a couple of exercise for the body and exercises for the eyes.

Rule number 5. Arms should be bent at the elbows. Do not sit at the computer with straight arms.

How to restore the elasticity of the muscles of the neck.

I remember at school we were forced to mercilessly tilt our heads down in front of us, throw them back, tilt them left and right. It turns out it loosens the cervical vertebrae.

Then how do you strengthen cervical muscles?

1. Lean your palms on your forehead, lean your head forward.
2. Lean your palms on the back of your head - tilt your head back.
3. Lean with the palm of your hand, in the right temple, tilt your head to the right side.
4. Lean with the palm of your hand, in the left temple, tilt your head to the left side.

By performing these exercises, you can adjust the level of effort of the neck muscles by overcoming the resistance of your palms.


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Complaining of constant headaches? The reason may be a favorite chair. Has your vision deteriorated? The relationship is the same, albeit slow, but direct. Moreover, the comfort and anatomy of the chair will not count.

“Comfort is a conditional concept in many respects,” our expert believes, osteopath Boris Protasov. Comfortable doesn't always mean right. It is important to find the golden mean between correctness and comfort.”

The light at the end of the tunnel syndrome

The search for this golden mean is always individual. More and more professions are associated with in a sedentary manner life. This means that attention is not only to the chair, but also to the table. And at the table - to the hands. They should neither sag between the chair and the table, nor rise above them.

Doing a long monotonous sedentary work, a person will sooner or later encounter the so-called tunnel syndrome - disorders of the peripheral nervous system that are caused by pinching of the nerves in their natural tunnels. There is pain in the wrists, and the hands begin to go numb - right hand, which holds a computer mouse, or both at once, when a person hammers at the keyboard for hours. The reason is a kind of "suffocation" of the nerves in their natural "cases". At a minimum, pain in the hands, as well as the weakness and fuzziness of their movements, a person cannot avoid.

Tunnel syndrome is increasingly common in people professional activity which is associated with the tension of individual muscle groups. And the result is damage to the nerve roots and plexuses, as well as cranial and peripheral nerves.

How to avoid it? There are no clear algorithms. Comfortable armrests of the working chair will help one person, allowing you to maintain a right angle of the bend of the arm at the elbow. And the other is used to keeping his elbows on the table. Criterion: the angle of the arm bend is 90 °, it should be adhered to.

Wrong chair?

After long sitting a person should not feel tired. If the neck becomes numb, there is tension in the muscles of the back and lower back, this is an unequivocal call: we urgently need to correct the situation.

And this is not a reason to run for expensive "anatomical" furniture. If a person sometimes says that this particular chair or armchair is made as if for him, then first of all he notes that he voluntarily or involuntarily picked up furniture that was convenient for him.

“Alas, more often comfortable furniture is selected involuntarily,” says Boris Protasov. - And this should be the result of an analysis of your feelings. The result of the search and competent placement of surrounding objects.

The simplest example: if a person is used to sitting too low, his head also gets used to being thrown back. As a result, lordosis of the cervical region occurs. Too high a TV screen or computer monitor can also lead to lordosis.

From posture problems to neurology

And the price of lordosis? The arteries of the cervical region are registered in the neck, supplying oxygen to the brain and ensuring the outflow of blood. With our habitually wrong landing, we create for ourselves, firstly, those same headaches - migraines. This is followed by a gradual deterioration of vision. Apotheosis - detachment of the retina. In any case, sitting too low, we create problems with intracranial pressure. By the way, the “mirror situation”, when a person sits too high, leads to kyphosis, which is commonly called stoop. A stooped man with his wrong position at the table "clamps" chest and creates breathing and lung problems. Choosing the wrong furniture, we create neurological problems. The spine is like a case that protects spinal cord, which in turn governs the secondary autonomic nervous system. It is this “periphery” that is responsible for those questions that we do not think about: “How do we breathe? How do we maintain body temperature? Why are we sweating?" Explain the relationship between the elementary incorrectly selected table, chair and general condition can be long. Isn't it easier to eliminate errors at the very beginning, guided by the principle of "convenient - not convenient"?

Landing Rules

"Organizing workplace and a recreation area, you need to focus on the state of the body, - our expert is sure. - If you come home from work and your neck hurts, be sure to understand tomorrow that the workplace is organized incorrectly. If at home, resting, you get up with an even heavier body, see if everything is comfortable for you. Do you constantly watch TV with your head turned halfway? Expect trouble."

A lounge chair should not only be comfortable, but comfortable. Here it is important to look at the position of the legs. In a "falling" chair, a person necessarily stretches his legs. So comfortable for the joints. But in the end, the knees are high. And it would be right if the legs were bent at a right angle. It will be easier to get up, and the skeleton will not experience additional stress. Even in a chair or back of a sofa, support for the back and head is desirable.

And still it is necessary to sit correctly at the wheel. For example, if the driver leans back in his seat, then he should stretch his arms forward so that his hands hang from the steering wheel. At the same time, the hands should be bent. You can't drive with outstretched arms. This will lead to rapid fatigue.