"She's cold!" That's why the gymnast Oksana Kostina was buried in a wedding dress.... Oksana Kostina's fatal bracelet Oksana Kostina's fiance

Oksana Kostina - Soviet athlete, an outstanding Russian gymnast who performed with individual exercises.

First results

Kostina Oksana got into gymnastics at the age of seven. 1986, when the girl was 14, brought her the first results: she won the competition held between Penza schools. The athlete was appreciated, but the talent hiding in a gifted girl from Siberia was not noticed - in any case, they did not attach much importance to him, as is often the case. No one at that time could have imagined that she would take such a significant place in the history of domestic and world rhythmic gymnastics, that she would become her prima. But Kostina Oksana, gymnast , attracted attention two years later, when national competitions brought her to second place on the podium with a silver medal. The adult championship, which took place in the same year, 1988, ended for the girl in 16th position.

national team

The following year, 1989, Kostina Oksana was mentioned in sports circles exclusively as a contender for participation in competitions as part of the national team. The final positive decision was made after the honorary bronze in Krasnoyarsk at the allied competition. The World Championship, in which she made her debut this year, was very successful for the athlete: in Sarajevo, she became the first in the team event, won a prize, performing with the ball. Many would calm down, having achieved such an excellent result, but not her. Kostina Oksana did not know rest, she forgot about sleep - she seemed to be seized by an obsession, all the time she was occupied with hard training under the strict guidance of a coach on the way to truly outstanding victories. And they began to come one after another, wherever the athlete performed. Brilliant achievements were noted in 1991 by conferring the title of Honored Master of Sports of the USSR.

Canceled Barcelona Olympics

No one had any doubts that the Russian athlete Kostina Oksana would represent the country at the 1992 Olympics, held in Barcelona. Almost all the competitions that took place this year were won by her. Performances in 10 out of 12 programs brought her the highest score of the jury. But the political showdown that swept the highest circles did not allow her to take part in the main competitions in the life of any athlete, to defend her leadership at the Olympics. The government of the country and its influential deputies were involved in the struggle for the right of Kostina to participate in it, but the sports committee, even with their support, could not do anything, political squabbles prevailed. The resentment turned out to be strong, a large number of tears were shed. But even here Kostina Oksana showed herself to be a real fighter. She managed to overcome herself, to gather herself. Her return to the sport was a real surprise for her rivals, who were sure that the gymnast's sports career was over after such a strong shock. This return struck skeptics doubly when world championship, which was hosted by Brussels, proved that Oksana Kostina is the absolute champion.

Agreement with the coach

In an autobiographical book written by Oksana's coach, Olga Buyanova, a separate chapter is dedicated to the girl. The reader will learn from it what she faced on the way to the championship, what Kostina Oksana overcame. The biography set forth in this work shows how hard it was for both of them. From the very beginning, no hopes were placed on the girl. She herself understood that it would be better to go to college as an engineer than to waste time on gymnastics. But only thanks to the coach in the history of sports all her victories are recorded.

It was Olga Buyanova who did not let the girl go when her hands had already begun to fall. Them common goal received the title of master of sports international class- only after reaching it, the agreement allowed the gymnast to choose a different path. But it was destined to be different.

International Master of Sports

Oksana became them in Krasnoyarsk. To obtain the desired result, it was enough to take fifth place. Among the world champions, Olympic medalists, gymnasts included in the national team, it was not necessary to count on rising higher. But competitions can be unpredictable. The circumstances were such that Oksana Kostina entered the top three. A little later, it was decided to send all three girls to the World Cup, there was nowhere to retreat.

From that moment, hard training began with dozens of runs. Only multiple repetitions, a load that no other gymnast training in the team at that time could withstand, allowed Oksana to come to victory and bypass all competitors, confirming her leadership in the competition.

In Oksana, this was immediately noticeable - any business that she undertook was brought to perfection by her. Even if she then left gymnastics and became an engineer, she would have reached great heights in this profession. It could not be otherwise, that's how close people around her speak about the girl.

Geniuses go young

The girl's life was tragically cut short in early 1993 in a car accident on the way from Domodedovo Airport, where she met her fiancé. At the funeral, Oksana was dressed in the bride's dress. All that Kostina Oksana left behind is photos, videos of performances and the talent imprinted on them as an example of perseverance, endurance for future generations of gymnasts.

A commemorative plaque was installed on her house in Irkutsk. Every year the city hosts an international level tournament dedicated to the athlete. Participation in various championships brought her 14 medals, including 9 gold.

20 years have passed since the great gymnast died

On February 11, 1993, a car accident occurred near Domodedovo Airport, which shocked not only sports Russia- Oksana Kostina was loved in different countries of the world. Moskvich, driven by Eduard Zenovka, silver medalist of the 1992 Olympics in modern pentathlon, flew into the oncoming lane at full speed ... A few hours after the collision, the Moskvich passenger is a seven-time world champion in rhythmic gymnastics Oksana Kostina - died in the hospital from numerous internal wounds. She went to the airport to meet her fiancé - Eduard Zenovka. Buried Oksana in wedding dress. At parting with her, the musicians of the Pilgrim Theater played. We could not help remembering Oksana today, because there were no more such gymnasts and never will be. And it's not about grace, not about absolute control of your body, not about the highest skill. Oksana had a rare spiritual fullness. Watch videos of her performances, they are on the Internet. Those eyes are unforgettable. Oksana was a truly beautiful person, very strong, courageous and kind. Three people tell us today about Oksana: her mother, Galina Kostina; the coach who brought her to the sports Olympus is Olga Buyanova; and the composer who created the music for her performances - the artistic director of the Pilgrim Theater Vladimir Sokolov. Oksana was the only gymnast in the world for whom music was written specifically. She was the only one. And not just for my mom.

Galina Kostina, mother

It is always difficult to come to an orphaned house. Oksana's mom still lives in that
apartment on Utkina Street, where her girl grew up and grew up. On this house now
hangs a memorial plaque in memory of Oksana. Everything in the apartment still breathes Oksana:
her photos, medals, cups... And each new mother's day is similar to the previous one:
inhale - Oksana, exhale - Oksana. Relatives of Oksana Kostina are still not
I believe in the irreversibility of death, in the eternal departure of this tender girl.

When Oksana went to first grade, older sister took her to the Palace
pioneers to view. There were 200 children. Late evening. They are all non-existent.
We have already lost them. Suddenly we see - our girls are walking, and Oksana is running ahead:
"They took me, they took me!" "Where did they take you?" - I ask. "I don't know where
some gymnastics. But then she really liked this business, not a single
She didn't miss class. If she rested for 2-3 days, then she already began to suffer - in
the hall was pulling. The child was very responsible. I studied well at school, everything
did well. She was very good at math. She loved to ask her father questions and
later she was surprised: “Dad, how do you know everything? From books? I'll finish my business
I will read all literature.

She had many friends. Is there time for friendship?

There were many girls around. Whenever she came home from competitions,
In the yard, the news swept by: “Our bone has arrived!” Children ran from all over the area.
She loved children and the children loved her. When I was little, then everyone on the street
coached. She loved people. And in general, I loved life, I wanted to live. Nobody is
I thought that Oksana would die. And how do you think about this? Who could have foreseen?.. Home
she came - she dragged everything to the kids, to her nieces. She loved them very much. chewing gum
weren't in stores then. Oksana brought it to the children in boxes. I remember once we
with Nastya, the eldest, we meet Oksana at the airport. She let's sniff the bag:
“Oksanochka, it smells like chewing gum!” She is on any trip, as free time fell out,
immediately in Child's world” ran, bought gifts for her nieces. Loved children.
Apparently, she felt that there would be none of her own. Oksana believed in fate, but not
foresaw her tragic departure.

Once she told me: “I will finish gymnastics, then I will start living. We will live with
you, mom." We had a very warm, tender, trusting relationship. We lived
as a whole. I remember her every day, I think about her, I talk about her. Here
hanging her last picture from France, where she successfully performed. I loved very much
Paris, and in Paris she was loved and expected. And I still live like it's alive. But
everything is grey. After Oksana, the world seems gray. They say time heals. Not,
nothing heals. It all seems to me that she is flying somewhere. And I still wait for her
I will go to her myself. Galina Danilovna does not hold a grudge against Eduard Zenovka, who was
driving that day. What's to be angry about? This is destiny. He still calls his mom
Oksana, sends gifts to New Year. His parents call, do not forget. Olga
Buyanova and Anatoly Buyanov also support Oksana's mother well, they invite her to

If not for the people, I would not have survived simply. But the people around are good people. Give them
God of health!

Olga Buyanova, coach

It was very hard to lose such a gymnast. Still don't know how I do it
survived. Today I watch recordings of Oksana's performances and am amazed at how much she
was perfect. And at the same time I am surprised: I was still as young as ours
did it work? In her period from 19 to 20 years old, I experienced such delight, such
unity and understanding! .. Sometimes I sat at performances and thought: “How
a small child such a miracle has grown?

Do I think about Oksana? Certainly. Can I imagine how her fate would have turned out?
I'm sure it's very good. She was so talented not only in sports.
She was very smart, almost an excellent student, despite the fantastic
sports load. Intellectually, she was also gifted, had a penchant for
languages. She could also graduate from high school, she would be an excellent choreographer,
wonderful mother. Everything would be fine with her. Oksana was extremely rare not only
talented, but also a positive person.

Vladimir Sokolov, composer

Oksana and I didn't have different words. Now it is customary to discuss, to argue.
And we didn't have anything like that. It was like love at first sight. Lenya
Demin, our sound engineer, called her an athlete. We called her that after that. But
this was a great girl.

You immediately realized that the great?

Certainly. A lot of great people live in Siberia, but, unfortunately, not
they always open up. Different circumstances interfere with them. And Olga Buyanova -
great coach who helped some of them. I was able to keep working
despite such a terrible loss. In the film "Oksana", shot by our
East-Siberian newsreel studio, they show already little Natasha
Lipkovskaya. She also became the world champion, the Queen became the world champion, and
Dasha Dmitrieva had not yet been born. The Siberian land is inexhaustible. This is the main thing
for me. And the fact that I am sometimes useful to such people.

Olga Buyanova brought Oksana to your basement to see Lenin when she was just a girl. By
In fact, a child has come to you.

But she came and immediately said the word "yes" seriously. For me it was
the impetus for the realization of her beautiful yes. Our footballers have no word
“yes”, and Russian hockey has the word “yes” and the state of the winners. And our
the traditions of the winners must be preserved and multiplied. Oksana is eternal, she is a carrier
these traditions, human talent. How to preserve and increase these traditions -
here is the task. A person like Oksana creates the prerequisites for development. And if
think about her, going on some road, she will always help. Who do you want! And
Galina Danilovna is the same - they have such a breed. Oksana's mom comes and says
yes or no, we never have a moment to debate. I have to her
the deepest love, respect and admiration as a person, a mother. We have
there is a performance called "Mother's Heart" - it is about this, about mothers.

You said that people like Oksana were not born yet, that they are people

Yes, Oksana is a person of the future. Because still the level of her
I did not meet the performance skills. This is a clear gem. God bless Dasha
Dmitrieva to rise to such heights! She has everything for this: strength, stamina,
the beauty.

Even through the years and distances, it is clear that Oksana was a very
clean, bright, kind.

And she had no time for clothes, for a bank account, for the vanity of life. She is
strived to be perfect in what life offered her. And she rushed it
express. For whom? Yes, for you, for me, for us, for those who live today. And you can
choose her path, her aspiration or the path of a successful young lady at the competition "A

When such young and talented people leave, the feeling of acute

Her early departure is an absolute injustice. Following these modern
By standards, I believe that goodness on earth is 51 percent. But this extra percentage
demands such sacrifices. To be that 51 percent, the best must burn themselves.
That's how the world is supposed to be. Because, if God forbid, there will be only 49 percent
goodness, talent, some comet will fly in and it will become very hot for everyone.

Mom is sorry.

Of course it is. But the Lord gave her a great daughter. And this is forever. Here
no time, no concept of the past. She is a mother, and this is a great word. than a mother
Oksana Kostina is different from another great mother? They have one greatness, one
genes. This is Siberia, Siberians. Buyanova in Siberian is very strong, and beautiful, and
beautiful. Siberia is stronger than the middle territories - more pampered, spoiled,
compromise. Living in Siberia is harsh. The more beautiful are the actions of Olga Buyanova,
which continues this path of the winner, while maintaining the memory of

They say the road was slippery that winter day. In addition, according to some reports, Eduard Zenovka was in a state of mild alcohol intoxication. Be that as it may, the fatal maneuver that Zenovka made cost 20-year-old Oksana Kostina her life.

Oksana achieved everything exceptionally hard work, and, as you know, it is hardworking people who succeed in life more often than others. 2 years before her death, Kostina was awarded the title of Honored Master of Sports Soviet Union, and in a year she became the world champion in competitions in Brussels. The only pity is that we will never know about what else the athlete could have achieved. Future Olympic champion, future wife already in the grave. Now she is the eternal bride.

Shortly after the accident, Eduard Zenovka left big sport and went into business. Maybe the reason for this was the state of health, or maybe because he was tormented by guilt. Who knows…

Oksana Aleksandrovna Kostina is a Russian and Soviet gymnast. She was born in 1972 in Irkutsk. The girl represented rhythmic gymnastics in individual competitions. The athlete died in 1993. The cause of death of Oksana Kostina was an accident. This event shocked the entire sports world.

short biography

Oksana Kostina read a lot. Her mother was a nurse. It was she who instilled in her daughter a love of reading. Oksana's father was an engineer. The girl walked a lot and talked with her father. Alexander Kostin died in 1985.

The death of her father had a great impact on Oksana. She became very upset and went into herself. The girl had a sister named Tatyana, who helped Oksana return to normal life.

Carier start

The sports biography of Oksana Kostina began in 1979, when the girl decided to do gymnastics. Her first coach was Lyubov Dorokhin. At the age of seven, Oksana took part in her debut competition.

Later, Sarah Gorelik and Natalia Fursova became her coaches. At that time, Natalia was taking her first steps on the coaching bridge, completing her professional career gymnasts. In 1983, Kostina went to Olga Buyanova's group.

Career between 1985 and 1987

In 1985, under the guidance of a new coach, Kostina took part in a number of domestic competitions in the Soviet Union. It was this year that she was first called to the training camp before the USSR Rhythmic Gymnastics Championship.

Then Oksana won her first gold medal. The gymnast took the highest line of the podium in the fall on all-Russian competitions which were held in Penza. A year later, the girl decided to get the title of master of sports.

Career between 1988 and 1990

In 1988, competitions were held in Irkutsk. Oksana Kostina performed for the first time in her hometown. The athlete finished the tournament on the second line.

In the same year, she went to competitions in Kharkov. During one of the training sessions before the performance, the athlete received a serious injury, due to which she could refuse to participate in an international tournament. Despite the injury, Kostina was able to become the absolute champion. Oksana won 5 medals: 4 times the girl climbed to the highest step of the podium in different types finals and all-around. The athlete herself noted that these medals were the most important, since these were her first real victories.

In early 1989, Kostina and Buyanova began training in Novogorsk, where the base of the Soviet Union rhythmic gymnastics team was located. Six months later, the athlete took part in the USSR championship, which took place in Krasnoyarsk. Kostina was able to win a bronze medal at the tournament.

At the training camp, Oksana injured her leg, but again continued to perform, despite the pain. Continuing her training, the athlete was able to take part in the tournament held in Zaporozhye. Even with an injured leg, she managed to win another medal. At that time, the athlete became the third.

In early autumn, Oksana Kostina took part in the Soviet Union Cup to confirm her right to participate in the World Championship. After the competition, she learned that before leaving for the main tournament, it is necessary to complete a series of control training.

Based on the results of the athlete, Main coach The USSR national team decided to take Kostina to the 1989 world championship, which was held in Sarajevo. At the World Championships in team competition Oksana became a gold medalist, and in singles she was able to get a bronze medal in performances with a ball.

In the same year, gymnast Oksana Kostina went to her first competitions held abroad. It was a tournament in Lisbon, where the Soviet athlete managed to get gold. Brilliant performances allowed Oksana to receive the title of master of sports in rhythmic gymnastics.

Career between 1990 and 1991

In 1990, Kostina went to the USA for a tournament called the Goodwill Games. The competitions were held in the American city of Seattle, and later the girl took part in the gymnastics tournament, which took place in Spokane.

After some time, Kostina was admitted to the hospital. This caused a flurry of negativity from Buyanova. The coach of the athlete said that in anticipation of international competitions her ward was simply removed from the road.

A year later, gymnast Oksana Kostina was able to become the absolute champion of the Spartakiad of the Peoples of the Soviet Union. In the same year, she received the title of Honored Master of Sports.

Olympic Games 1992

According to the results of the selection for the 1992 Olympics, which was held in Barcelona, ​​Spain, the Federation Council decided to send Kostina and Timoshenko to the main tournament of the four years. However, in the summer the national team of the Soviet Union broke up, and a team formed from athletes from the CIS countries went to the Olympics. Gymnasts were recruited by decision of the Council of Ministers of the CIS.

Kostina and her coach went to Barcelona. A few days before the start of the rhythmic gymnastics competitions in Barcelona, ​​the third Council of Ministers was held. A day later, officials gathered for the fourth time to decide on the final composition of the national team.

Three athletes competed for two places in the team. Under pressure from Deriugina, 7 out of 13 members voted to have Skaldina and Tymoshenko on the team. Thus, Kostina remained outside the 1992 Olympics. According to the results of the competition, Skaldina became the third, and Tymoshenko won gold.

End of career

The fact that the cabinets decided sports fate Oksana Kostina, had a very strong effect on the psychological state of the athlete. After the suspension, she decided to leave the sport, which she announced to her coach. The girl stopped training and after a while went to live in her native Irkutsk.

Athlete Eduard Zenovka, whom the girl met during the 1992 Olympic Games, helped Kostina get out of depression. It was Edward who was able to convince Oksana to return to training.

Return to the world of sports

Buyanova and Zenovka together were able to convince Kostina to resume their careers and leave beautifully. To do this, she had to perform well at the World Championships in Brussels. That tournament was supposed to be a swan song for the athlete.

Despite the weight gained due to the break, Russian officials included the athlete in the application for the championship. During one of the training sessions, Kostina injured her Achilles. Buyanova asked the Federation to add Vitold Sivokhov, a doctor who worked with Kostina throughout the entire career of the Russian athlete, to the delegation.

In mid-autumn 1992, Kostina was able to win five gold medals, which allowed her to become the absolute world champion. She was very pleased with her results and stated that she was grateful to her boyfriend and coach, who made her return to the big sport.

After the world championship, Oksana flew to Japan, where she gave several master classes. demonstration performances in the Land of the Rising Sun allowed the Russian gymnast to win a sea of ​​​​fans. The Japanese literally fell in love with the athlete and repeatedly offered her to take one of the positions in the country's rhythmic gymnastics federation. Kostina also often received offers to become the coach of the Japanese national team.


In January, Kostina and Buyanova were again poisoned on tour. This time the athlete performed in France. Together with her, master classes were given by another 29 athletes who won medals at the world championships and Olympic Games.

Later, the athlete received an offer to go on another tour. Buyanova went to Irkutsk to begin preparations for a new trip. Kostina remained in Novogorsk on the basis of the Russian national team.


Oksana Kostina died on February 11, 1993. She was in a car with her fiancé. The couple was heading to the airport, as Eduard had to hand over some documents to the coach. Losing control, the driver drove into the oncoming lane - the car was hit by a KAMAZ.

After the accident, Oksana Kostina was taken to the hospital. It was there that her heart stopped beating. The athlete died from multiple wounds. Naturally, Oksana Kostina's fiancé also got into an accident. Fortunately, he was able to survive, but lost a kidney.


Since 1994, for 14 years, Irkutsk has been hosting international tournament in memory of Oksana Kostina. These competitions were won by such famous gymnasts as Chashchina, Utyasheva, Gizikova and Barsukova. In 2008, the last this moment tournament in memory of the athlete, but in 2018 it will be held again.

In honor of the Irkutsk gymnast in her hometown, regional competitions for the prizes of Buyanova are held every year. The tournament takes place in mid-April, since Kostina was born on the 15th of the fourth month of the year. As Buyanova has repeatedly stated, competitions are held so that no one forgets Oksana and the memory of the champion lives on.

Pavel Kushkin wrote a book called "Beyond Risk". In it, the journalist dedicated a chapter to Kostina. Olga Buyanova also wrote a whole book about Oksana. It was called "Oksana. The story of a great gymnast through the eyes of her coach. The electronic version appeared at the end of 2015 on the most visited websites of Irkutsk.


Olga Buyanova is not only Kostina's coach, but also her godmother. In 1993, Oksana was supposed to take part in 12 tournaments in different countries of the world.

At the championship of the Soviet Union, Kostina performed an element of incredible complexity. She caught a ball thrown into the air without visual control, while standing in a split on her toe. This element was the calling card of the athlete. Nobody has ever done this either before her or after the athlete died.


In 1990, at the Goodwill Games, Kostina won her first medals in sports. In exercises with the ball, she became a silver medalist, and with a rope and in the all-around, the athlete won bronze.

Oksana Alexandrovna Kostina is a seven-time world champion in rhythmic gymnastics. Her first medal was bronze in 1989 in Sarajevo in ball exercises. In the same year, she was able to become the world champion for the first time. The gymnast got her second gold in 1991 in Athens and again in team competitions. In 1992, at the Rhythmic Gymnastics World Championships, the Russian woman won five gold medals. She was able to become a champion in clubs, ball, hoop, rope and all-around performances.

In the same year, Kostina took part in the European Championship, which took place in German Stuttgart. The Russian athlete managed to win bronze medals in team performances and all-around, and performances with maces, ball and hoop ended with the first line of the podium for Kostina. Two years earlier, she got her first award at the European Championships in Gothenburg.

Memories of an athlete

Oksana's mother said that time cannot heal her wound. The longer her daughter is gone, the more painful it becomes for a woman. According to Galina Kostina, there is not a day when she would not remember Oksana.

Lyubov Dorokhin said that for a long time she could not understand how Kostina differed from other gymnasts of her time. Only with time did the coach realize that Oksana had a different outlook on life. The gymnast was wise and calm beyond her years.

Olga Buyanova considers Oksana the main person in her life. She was a great gain and a great loss in the life of a coach.

From the very beginning of its sports career filed big hopes. But thanks to her artistry and perseverance, by the age of 20 she became the owner of many awards, among which were gold medals from the European and world championships. How much more joy Kostina brought to her fans, we will never know now.

Successes and failures

Oksana Kostina was born on April 15, 1972 in Irkutsk. She, like many other girls of that time, wanted to do gymnastics, so one fine day Oksana appeared in sports section. And soon the young athlete was under the tutelage of an experienced coach Olga Buyanova. In 1989, Kostina was already in the national team of the Soviet Union. Soon she, along with her team, went to the World Championships in Bosnia and Herzegovina, where she became the champion in the team event.

Despite all the successes, Oksana never achieved her goal. cherished dream- participation in the Olympic Games in Barcelona, ​​Spain. In 1992, another gymnast Oksana Skaldina went there instead of her. Apparently, this circumstance was a real blow for the girl.

Death of a gymnast

However, in Kostina's personal life, everything went well. She met with Eduard Zenovka, also an athlete, only in the pentathlon. Young people were going to get married. But this wedding was not destined to take place.

On February 11, 1993, Oksana was on her way to Domodedovo Airport. Behind the wheel of "Moskvich" was her fiance Eduard Zenovka. At some point, Eduard drove into the oncoming lane, where a GAZ truck immediately crashed into his car. When the gymnast was taken to the ambulance, she was still alive, but on the same day she died in the hospital from her injuries. Zenovka survived.

Causes of the accident

They say the road was slippery that winter day. In addition, according to some reports, Eduard Zenovka was in a state of mild alcohol intoxication. Be that as it may, the fatal maneuver that Zenovka made cost 20-year-old Oksana Kostina her life.

Oksana achieved everything with exceptionally hard work, and, as you know, it is hardworking people who succeed in life more often than others. 2 years before her death, Kostina was awarded the title of Honored Master of Sports of the Soviet Union, and a year later she became the world champion in competitions in Brussels. The only pity is that we will never know about what else the athlete could have achieved. The future Olympic champion, the future wife is already in the coffin. Now she is the eternal bride.

Shortly after the accident, Eduard Zenovka left big sport and went into business. Maybe the reason for this was the state of health, or maybe because he was tormented by guilt. Who knows…