Interview. Yulia Balykina. Biography, tragic fate, interesting facts The end of a sports career

This summer season, the ward of the honored coach of Belarus Viktor Myasnikov, Yulia Balykina, does not know defeat at domestic starts. So, at the last national athletics championship in Grodno, the Minsker was the strongest in the final races at two distances at once: 100 and 200 meters.

Never won the summer championship of the country. There were successes in the winter season, she became the winner of the 60m, the 100m Cup of the country, so I am very pleased with the performance. Emotions overwhelm me to this day. After all, I managed to become the first in the 200m race, where I do worse than in the 100m.

- Conducted special training to the championship?

We worked according to the schedule, which was determined at the beginning of the summer season. Before the competition in Grodno, she won the final race at the Cup of the country, and at the tournament in Minsk "Prizes Olympic champions”, so I went to victory systematically, but I would never undertake to say in advance that I would win here, because the competitors are really serious. Much depended on personal trainer, Viktor Myasnikov. He is goal oriented and ambitious. Before the start, he said so: "Julia, stop being second, third numbers, it's time to take the lead." Viktor Nikolayevich always worries about our entire sprint group, rejoices in the success of everyone who trains with him, the same Sasha Linnik, Maxim Lynsha. And now I called, congratulated on the victory.

- Which of the two final races was easier for you?

Despite the unfavorable weather, it was more comfortable to run the 100 meters on the first day. In the morning, preliminary races took place. Then a break. In addition to the 100m final, in the evening there was also a 4x100 relay, where she competed for the city of Minsk, after dinner, a shower, emotions continued to beat over the edge, as a result, we fell asleep late. And the next day at the 200m we did not get such breaks. Forty minutes after the qualification, the finals took place, and it’s not so comfortable for me to start from a turn, and fatigue has already accumulated.

- What needs to be worked on to run even faster?

I know all my shortcomings. The coach identified them a long time ago and pointed out the mistakes, but so far I can’t deal with them. I have a power run, from the hip, and experts say that there is still a reserve in the foot, it needs to be more actively turned on while moving along the distance. So far, I confess, I’m not succeeding, I’m doing everything with strength, and if I add it in technique, then the results will be even higher. When you go to the start, emotions go wild, adrenaline in the blood does not allow you to think about technique, you forget about the feet and everything else, only forward - to the finish line.

In the current summer season on the domestic arena, you won all the main starts in the 100m. Did the final in Grodno differ from others where you won?

I tuned in well, and at the national championship from the start of the 100 m I took the lead, I had to prove to myself that I could win. As a result, she got ahead of Yulia Nesterenko herself. It’s not for nothing that I say so - “itself”. Nesterenko is an ideal for me, an idol in sports, and she knows about it. In 2004, Nesterenko fulfilled the dream of many girls when she won the Olympic Games. Thus, she proved that it is possible and necessary to win. Yulia did a lot for the Belarusian sprint, but on the treadmill, sorry, I'm not going to give in to anyone.

Who else would you like to look up to?

I really like to watch the performance of the American runner Carmelite Jetter. In early June, at the US Championships, she showed 10.70 - the work of her arms and legs is simply amazing. That's the level you want to reach.

- What can you say about the prospects of the 4x100 relay race of the national team?

We have a fairly experienced quartet. Same Lena Danilyuk-Nevmerzhitskaya, as she herself says, has been living in a turn for ten years, completing the third stage. I like to run on the final, I'm good at it. The main thing is that we need to hone the process of transferring the wand. Let alone we have not the highest results, but together, due to technology and high motivation, we are capable of much. At the last European Championship in Barcelona, ​​they showed a very good result - 43.18, but they came fifth, four years ago, with such seconds, the girls from the Belarusian national team became third. However, I see that we have not yet exhausted ourselves and can add with the prospect of both the World Cup and the Games in London.

- Calculate for a place in national team who will go to the Daegu World Championships?

I would very much like to, but so far the leaders have not said anything specific. I myself understand that in Korea it is necessary to show even better results. The standard has not yet been fulfilled (11.28), but there is still time to work. There are almost two months before the main start of the season, I will try to run up. For example, in May at the Cup of the country she showed 11.42, and Yulia Nesterenko - 11.30, but she performed out of competition.

- How would you comment on that result at the beginning of the season?

As we say, "fresh". There was a lot of strength after the collection, almost the first official competitions on the outdoors emotions were running high. And already in June-July the tournaments went on in succession: Brest, Cottbus, Minsk. I got a little hooked, that courage left, on which I almost exchanged forty-hundredths, although such a schedule helped to keep in shape until the very championship.

- How did the tournament in Cottbus turn out?

I would like it faster - 11.57, but I slipped off the blocks there. The spikes did not cling to the racks, and at the time of the start, the leg moved out. I thought the starter would bring everyone back, but there was no command, I had to catch up.

could be successful winter season, but at the tournament in Moscow you got injured, because of which you missed the Belarusian indoor championship. Experts have talked a lot about this. Is your health all right now?

It's nice that so much attention to my modest person. The winter is really off to a good start. At the Christmas starts, she confidently ran 50 m, then at the National Cup she overcame 60 m in 7.30. In Moscow, in the preliminary race, she also showed this time. In Belokamennaya summed up excessive self-confidence. I had a lot of strength, I ran easily, I felt that there was a reserve for the final. This is where I decided to stand out. I ran to the finish line with an inclination, giving all my best, but at that moment something twitched in my left thigh, a muscle ached, and I had to miss the final altogether. Damage is like a sign from above: do not be arrogant! Upon arrival, she began treatment, planned to recover by the European Championships, especially Main coach Anatoly Baduev said that he would like to see me in the team. She held control starts two weeks before departure, but Viktor Myasnikov asked not to force the form. God forbid, in Paris, the injury will worsen, then the rehabilitation period will take much longer. There was a risk of missing the beginning of the summer season, and given what plans I have for the current year, I could not allow it. Since moving to Belarus in 2007, there has not been a single serious injury, but in winter ... apparently, it was necessary.

- Julia, how did it happen that you moved from Ukraine to Belarus?

In Zaporozhye I started playing sports at the age of 18, even my first coach Vasily Yaroslavovich Bodnar said: you are no longer suitable for professional career. But I didn’t back down, I really liked running, especially since I succeeded, and a year later I caught up with my peers on the results.

- There was jealousy: who is she?

Oh no. It has absolutely nothing to do with jealousy. My coach from Zaporozhye received an offer to work in Iran, and the group broke up. It was a pity to leave athletics and he decided to help me. He says that I have a friend in Minsk since the times of the USSR, Viktor Myasnikov, I will ask him, he will work with you. Plus, at the same time, she met her future husband from Belarus, an all-rounder Nikolai Shubenok, so the question of continuing a career was no longer there. So I ended up in Minsk. I don’t regret the move at all, I really like my coach Viktor Myasnikov, how his classes are built, relations in the group: there are no scandals, claims, everyone does their own thing. There is no wall between a mentor and a student, which is very common in others. My parents are in close contact with the family of Viktor Nikolaevich. Mom and dad often come to Minsk, meet him, are interested in my success, find common interests not only in sports.

- By the way, did your parents support your intentions to become an athlete?

Dad was always in favor; when he sees me on TV, he says, tears well up. Parents can be understood: the only daughter, and they are very worried about me. My dad is a professional photographer, so my whole childhood was spent under the guns of film and camera lenses. At home we have a lot of albums, there is also my portfolio. Now my parents are closely watching my every start. I hope to please them with even more significant achievements.

Investigators have revealed the details of the investigation into the murder of athlete Yulia Balykina, whose body was found on November 16 last year in the forest near the village of Starina in the Smolevichi district.

- On October 30, a message was received from young man. He said that since October 29 he cannot find his friend Yulia Balykina, whom he broke up with the night before, - recalls Vladimir Rudishkin, First Deputy Head of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of the Minsk City Executive Committee.

Inspection of the crime scene showed that the disappearance of the athlete is of a criminal nature. There was information that Yulia's car was missing.

Investigators came to a young man with whom the athlete met for some time. The guy did not work anywhere, was registered in the Gomel region, lived for several months in an apartment rented by Yulia. He confessed to the crime.

- In Balykina's apartment, traces of blood were found in the bathroom and in the corridor. Also, a hammer was seized from the scene, and a car belonging to Yulia was found in Zhodino. In the entrance of her house, a package of chewing gum was found, in which were the keys to the athlete’s car and jewelry with traces of blood, says Evgeny Arkhireev, Deputy Head of the Department of the Investigative Committee for Minsk. - The blood of Balykina and her friend was found on the handle of the hammer. The suspect was arrested within a day. We found the culprit, but we didn't find the body.

The defendant was under the influence of drugs at the time of the murder. He struck Yulia 12 blows with a hammer, 11 of which were on the head. Packed the corpse in cellophane and took it to the forest. More than 300 people searched for Julia for 17 days.

Where is the body of the girl, the suspect could not really explain. He said that he did not know the area well and named different places of burial - in the Minsk, Logoisk and Smolevichi regions. As it turned out later, he did it on purpose.

“The young people broke up at the initiative of Yulia, perhaps the young man was not satisfied with such a decision, which became the motive for the crime,” suggests Vladimir Rudishkin. - The reason could be the repair that the man did in Yulia's apartment and the quality of which she was dissatisfied with.

The defendant admitted his guilt in part - he disputes the number of blows.

“Now the case is in the prosecutor’s office, but today it will be transferred to court,” he said. Alexander Reutsky, Deputy Prosecutor of Minsk.

For murder, the accused faces up to 25 years in prison, life imprisonment or execution.

Recall that on October 28, the athlete went home in a private car to the Zavodskoy district of the capital, after which. , wrapped in cellophane and carefully covered with moss, was found on November 16 in the forest near the village of Starina in the Smolevichi district. a 28-year-old man, a friend of the athlete, was detained.

Yulia Balykina was born on April 12, 1984 in the city of Bulgan (Mongolia). She started playing sports at the age of 18 in Ukraine, in Zaporozhye, in 2008 she moved to Belarus. Master of Sport international class, multiple champion of Belarus in the 100 and 200 meters. She spoke at Olympic Games ah 2012 in the 100 meters and the 4 × 100 meters relay for the team of Belarus.

In 2013 Yulia decided to graduate sports career(then she was disqualified for 2 years for doping, the period expired in the summer of 2015). Since 2014, she has worked as a trainer-teacher at the Minsk Specialized Children's and Youth sports school Olympic reserve No. 2 BFSO "Dynamo".

Sometimes a person lives, tries and suddenly leaves this world. Today we will talk about an athlete who may not have achieved great world fame, but for many she will remain in blessed memory. Unfortunately, this story does not have a happy ending.

Yulia Balykina. Biography

The path of the outstanding Belarusian runner began in the steppe Mongolia. On April 12, 1984, the future athlete was born in the city of Bulgan. In her youth, her parents, taking their beloved and only daughter with them, moved to live in Ukraine, in the city of Zaporozhye. At a rather late age (18 years), as for professional sports, Julia started easy athletics.

Even the first coach Bodnar Vasily Yaroslavovich was not very inspired, but the girl's perseverance and desire to practice and conquer the peaks did not leave her for a moment. Training hard, Yulia Balykina over the year caught up with the results of her peers of junior age. She was sincerely glad that she succeeded, and continued to train hard.

But then her coach received a lucrative invitation to train Iranian athletes, she had to leave the team in Ukraine and move. Since Julia trained hard and did not want to leave the queen of sports, the coach helped her. He asked for his good friend in sports since the times of the USSR, who lived and coached the sprint team in Minsk (Belarus), take her to him. So she got to her second and last coach in her career - Viktor Myasnikov.

Personal life

At the same time, the athlete met her future husband - Nikolai Shubenok from Belarus, who was engaged in athletics in the all-around discipline. Yulia liked to train in Minsk, but, unfortunately, things did not work out with her family. After five years of joint family life(from 2008 to 2012) the couple broke up. Everyone was told that they simply did not agree on the characters. There were no children.

Yulia Balykina (the photo of the athlete reflects her stubbornness and striving for the goal) was number one in the race for short distances in the Belarus team after 2010.

She even competed at the 2012 London Olympics at the crown distance of 100 meters, and ran for the Belarusian national team in the 4 by 100 meters relay. Repeatedly winning national starts, she was able to overtake even the legend of the Belarusian sprint, the champion of the Olympic Games in Athens in 2014 at a distance of 100 meters The namesake was her idol, as the athlete herself admitted in an interview. Of the foreign sprint stars, she liked Carmelita Jetter.

Yulia Balykina is an athlete with a strong spirit, but a modest disposition. She never complained about anyone from the team, there was always a complete understanding with the coach. In short, everything in her career was going great.

The end of a sports career

As often happens with athletes of the most prestigious distances, their doping tests turn out to be positive. So, in 2013, on June 11, the first unpleasant news came, and Yulia was disqualified for two years for detecting a banned substance in her blood. Because of this, Julia made the final decision to leave big sport and the end of a career. The years of the athlete were no longer the same, sport requires young and fresh, and her age was already approaching the “30” mark.

Personal achievements of Yulia Balykina with a height of 165 centimeters and a weight of about 60 kilograms were 11.25 seconds per 100 meters (2010). In the 50 meters run - 6.26 seconds and 60 meters - 7.24 seconds (set in 2012 Olympic year). In Belarus, the athlete was awarded the title of master of sports of international class.

tragic fate

After completing her career, in 2014 Yulia Balykina got a job as a coach in specialization at the school of the Olympic reserve No. 2 of the Dynamo sports club (Minsk), where she taught sports skills to children until her tragic death.

On October 28, 2015 Yulia went missing. She checked out after work and was never seen again (other than her killer). The body was searched for by many hundreds of employees of various authorities for a long time. On November 16, he was finally found in a forest near Minsk in a plastic bag. After a criminal investigation, a suspect was found - Dmitry Vishtalyuk (citizen Russian Federation, a native of Ukraine).

During the investigation and at the trial, the guy, who was three years younger than Yulia herself, confessed to committing a cruel crime. A year before the deed, the attacker met Yulia in social networks, did not have a permanent job, used drugs. Leaving Dmitry a certain amount to repair her apartment, Yulia left for Ukraine to visit her parents. Upon arrival, having not seen the promised repair, having discovered the loss of savings, the hostess was unhappy and expressed this to her ex-boyfriend, for which she received 12 blows with a hammer (11 of which were on the head).

Barely breathing, Yulia was thrown into the bathroom of her apartment, after some time the criminal returned, took the already dead body of the girl, her personal belongings and the car. The offender asked forgiveness from his parents, relatives and friends in court, realizing that it is difficult to forgive such a thing. Yulia's mother said with tears in her eyes: "God will forgive." The parents asked permission to bury their daughter in Ukraine.

Yulia Balykina is an athlete who will forever remain in Olympic history Belarus.

March 7, 2017

Sometimes a person lives, tries and suddenly leaves this world. Today we will talk about an athlete who may not have achieved great world fame, but for many she will remain in blessed memory. Unfortunately, this story does not have a happy ending.

Yulia Balykina. Biography

The path of the outstanding Belarusian runner began in the steppe Mongolia. On April 12, 1984, the future athlete was born in the city of Bulgan. In her youth, her parents, taking their beloved and only daughter with them, moved to live in Ukraine, in the city of Zaporozhye. At a rather late age (18 years), as for professional sports, Julia began athletics.

Even the first coach Bodnar Vasily Yaroslavovich was not very inspired, but the girl's perseverance and desire to practice and conquer the peaks did not leave her for a moment. Training hard, Yulia Balykina over the year caught up with the results of her peers of junior age. She was sincerely glad that she succeeded, and continued to train hard.

But then her coach received a lucrative invitation to train Iranian athletes, she had to leave the team in Ukraine and move. Since Julia trained hard and did not want to leave the queen of sports, the coach helped her. He asked his good friend in sports from the times of the USSR, who lived and coached the sprint team in Minsk (Belarus), to take her to him. So she got to her second and last coach in her career - Viktor Myasnikov.

Personal life

At the same time, the athlete met her future husband, Nikolai Shubenok from Belarus, who was involved in athletics in the all-around discipline. Yulia liked to train in Minsk, but, unfortunately, things did not work out with her family. After five years of marriage together (from 2008 to 2012), the couple broke up. Everyone was told that they simply did not agree on the characters. There were no children.

Yuliya Balykina (the photo of the athlete shows her stubbornness and desire for the goal) was the number one in the sprint in the Belarus team after 2010.

She even competed at the 2012 London Olympics at the crown distance of 100 meters, and ran for the Belarusian national team in the 4 by 100 meters relay. Repeatedly winning national starts, she was able to overtake even the legend of the Belarusian sprint, the champion of the Olympic Games in Athens in 2014 at a distance of 100 meters Yulia Nesterenko. The namesake was her idol, as the athlete herself admitted in an interview. Of the foreign sprint stars, she liked Carmelita Jetter.

Yulia Balykina is an athlete with a strong spirit, but a modest disposition. She never complained about anyone from the team, there was always a complete understanding with the coach. In short, everything in her career was going great.

The end of a sports career

As often happens with athletes of the most prestigious distances, their doping tests turn out to be positive. So, in 2013, on June 11, the first unpleasant news came, and Yulia was disqualified for two years for detecting a banned substance in her blood. Because of this, Julia made the final decision to leave the big sport and end her career. The years of the athlete were no longer the same, sport requires young and fresh, and her age was already approaching the “30” mark.

Personal achievements of Yulia Balykina with a height of 165 centimeters and a weight of about 60 kilograms were 11.25 seconds per 100 meters (2010). In running for 50 meters - 6.26 seconds and for 60 meters - 7.24 seconds (set in the 2012 Olympic year). In Belarus, the athlete was awarded the title of master of sports of international class.

tragic fate

After completing her career, in 2014 Yulia Balykina got a job as a coach in specialization at the school of the Olympic reserve No. 2 of the Dynamo sports club (Minsk), where she taught sports skills to children until her tragic death.

On October 28, 2015 Yulia went missing. She checked out after work and was never seen again (other than her killer). The body was searched for by many hundreds of employees of various authorities for a long time. On November 16, he was finally found in a forest near Minsk in a plastic bag. After a criminal investigation, a suspect was found - Dmitry Vishtalyuk (a citizen of the Russian Federation, a native of Ukraine).

During the investigation and at the trial, the guy, who was three years younger than Yulia herself, confessed to committing a cruel crime. A year before the attack, the attacker met Yulia on social networks, did not have a permanent job, and used drugs. Leaving Dmitry a certain amount to repair her apartment, Yulia left for Ukraine to visit her parents. Upon arrival, having not seen the promised repair, having discovered the loss of savings, the hostess was unhappy and expressed this to her ex-boyfriend, for which she received 12 blows with a hammer (11 of which were on the head).

Barely breathing, Yulia was thrown into the bathroom of her apartment, after some time the criminal returned, took the already dead body of the girl, her personal belongings and the car. The offender asked forgiveness from his parents, relatives and friends in court, realizing that it is difficult to forgive such a thing. Yulia's mother said with tears in her eyes: "God will forgive." The parents asked permission to bury their daughter in Ukraine.

Yulia Balykina is an athlete who will forever remain in the Olympic history of Belarus.