Fencing Artistic Frunze. Stage fencing studio “VOLTE. Artistic fencing through the eyes of world champions

September 19 at the Festival of Ballroom Traditions of Catherine II on the open area of ​​the Museum-Reserve "Tsaritsyno" as part of the Great Catherine's Ball studio artistic fencing Espada will present demonstration performances and master classes in fencing. Event organizer: international union German culture (MSNK) with the support of the Government of Moscow.

The ability to wield a sword, or, as it was also called, "sword art" is an integral part of the life of the nobility, a means of developing dexterity and cultivating a military spirit. In Russia, "rapier science" was introduced in noble military schools by decree of Peter I, in addition, fencing was a mandatory occupation for all courtiers ...

Guests of the events of the Great Catherine's Ball are waiting for a colorful staged fight on the main stage at various types edged weapons from the masters of the Artistic Fencing Studio "Espada" - winners and prize-winners of Russian and international competitions.

In addition, on one of the paths of the Tsaritsyno Park, master classes in fencing with a cutting and stabbing sword will be organized for everyone. You will gain an understanding of the fencer's fighting stance, the basic techniques of defense and attack in fencing, and try to apply the acquired knowledge in exercises with partners.

About the studio:

Artistic fencing studio "Espada" (Moscow) is the leader of Russian artistic fencing.

The studio was founded in 2004 and is the founder and main driving force of a new sport in our country. Espada athletes form the backbone of the Russian national fencing team. At the last world championship, the students of the studio won 2 gold medals, "silver" and "bronze". At the 2014 Russian Championship, six of the studio's performances received tournament awards, including 4 gold medals. Based on the scores scored, seven Espada athletes completed the Master of Sports standard.

Head of the studio professor of the department combat sports Russian State University physical education, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Honored Coach of Russia Alek Movshovich.

About the project:

The Great Catherine's Ball is a large-scale annual event dedicated to the traditions and culture of the era of Catherine the Great.

The ball is the central event of a major cultural and educational project "Cultural and Historical Forum: formation and contribution Russian Germans in the development of the Russian state. Formation of a common civic identity” and is enlightening, educational and humanistic in nature.

Organizer: International Union of German Culture (ISNK) with the support of the Government of Moscow.

Project partners: Vera Hospice Charitable Foundation, Tsaritsyno Museum-Reserve, Institute of Ethnocultural Education - BIZ, MaVi Group, Imperial Porcelain Factory, Baltschug Kempinski Moscow Hotel, Commonwealth of Moscow Image Makers, BlackRabbit beauty salon, biletmarket portal. ru, MIRUMIR music publishing house, Ostankino rental company, Sergey Andriyaka watercolor school, ESPADA artistic fencing studio, AZIMUT Moscow Olympic Hotel 4*, Arsenal company, Entrée historical dance workshop, Impera company, company "Mosigra", studio-shop "Shkatulochka".

Information support: "Moscow German newspaper" (Moskauer Deutsche Zeitung); Informational portal Russian Germans Rusdeutsch.ru, Vash Leisure, Dobrye Sovety magazine, Lisa magazine.

On September 19, at the Festival of Ballroom Traditions of Catherine II, on the open area of ​​the Tsaritsyno Museum-Reserve, as part of the Great Catherine's Ball, the Espada Artistic Fencing Studio will present demonstration performances and master classes in fencing. Event organizer: International Union of German Culture (ISNK) with the support of the Government of Moscow.

On September 19, at the Festival of Ballroom Traditions of Catherine II, on the open area of ​​the Tsaritsyno Museum-Reserve, as part of the Great Catherine's Ball, the Espada Artistic Fencing Studio will present demonstration performances and master classes in fencing. Event organizer: International Union of German Culture (ISNK) with the support of the Government of Moscow.

The ability to wield a sword, or, as it was also called, "sword art" is an integral part of the life of the nobility, a means of developing dexterity, cultivating a military spirit. In Russia, "rapier science" was introduced in noble military educational institutions by decree of Peter I, in addition, fencing was a mandatory occupation for all courtiers.

Guests of the events of the Great Catherine's Ball are waiting for a colorful staging battle on the main stage on various types of edged weapons from the masters of the Artistic Fencing Studio "Espada" - winners and prize-winners of Russian and international competitions.

In addition, on one of the paths of the Tsaritsyno Park, master classes in fencing with a cutting and stabbing sword will be organized for everyone. You will gain an understanding of the fencer's fighting stance, the basic techniques of defense and attack in fencing, and try to apply the acquired knowledge in exercises with partners.

Details on the official website of the Ball www.katharinenball.eu and in the groups of the event in Facebook and In contact with.

About the studio:

Artistic fencing studio "Espada" (Moscow) is the leader of Russian artistic fencing.

The studio was founded in 2004 and is the founder and main driving force of a new sport in our country. Espada athletes form the backbone of the Russian national fencing team. At the last world championship, the students of the studio won two gold medals, "silver" and "bronze". At the 2014 Russian Championships, six of the studio's performances received tournament awards, including four gold medals. Based on the scores scored, seven Espada athletes completed the Master of Sports standard.

The head of the studio is Professor of the Department of Combat Sports of the Russian State University of Physical Culture, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Honored Coach of Russia Alek Movshovich.

About the project:

The Great Catherine's Ball is a large-scale annual event dedicated to the traditions and culture of the era of Catherine the Great.

Organizer: International Union of German Culture (ISNK).

Project partners: Government of Moscow; Department of National Policy, Interregional Relations and Tourism of the City of Moscow; Charitable Foundation for Assistance to Hospices "Vera"; Museum-reserve "Tsaritsyno"; Institute of Ethnocultural Education - BIZ; Commonwealth of Image Makers of Moscow; beauty salon Black Rabbit; image studio Stimage; biletmarket.ru portal; Moscow German newspaper (Moskauer Deutsche Zeitung); Information portal of Russian Germans Rusdeutsch; magazine "Good advice".

The ball is the central event of a large cultural and educational project “Cultural and Historical Forum: the formation and contribution of Russian Germans to the development of the Russian state. Formation of a common civic identity”, implemented with the support of the All-Russian public organization - Society “Knowledge” of Russia as part of state support measures for non-profit non-governmental organizations participating in the development of civil society institutions, implementing socially significant projects and projects in the field of protecting the rights and freedoms of man and citizen.

On the eve of the main ball event, a series of preparatory master classes will be held, during which the participants of the ball will be trained in various areas: cultural and historical, choreographic, arts and crafts, areas of historical reconstruction and historical etiquette.

The mission of the ball is to popularize the culture and traditions of Russian Germans and other ethnic groups of Russia, the development and popularization of enlightenment traditions established by Catherine II, the harmonization of social and interethnic relations in Russian society.

In 2015, the Great Catherine Ball will be held on September 19 at the Tsaritsyno Museum-Reserve. Details on the official website of the Ball and in the groups of the event in

It has been 3 centuries since the time of Dumas and Sabatini, but the beauty and romance of this era are still alive. Remember these wonderful films close to many hearts - "Midshipmen", "Three Musketeers"? Artistic fencing is what makes them spectacular and authentic. It's not just swordsmanship, physical training, stage skills, but also a sincere love for the era of knights and beautiful ladies.

Artistic Fencing is what brings this era back to us.

Artistic fencing is a duel staged and brought to perfection, when the masters, getting used to their roles, according to the script and without editing cuts, play the duel as a whole, recreating pictures past days and contractions. The work goes without protection, with strict safety procedures, real fencing techniques and creative acting.

We challenge the virtual life, unloved work, obsession with financial gain.

We want to get rid of the Internet and get a taste of real life, real fight, passion, feel the firmness of the hand and the endurance of the legs!

We want to create our own scripts and let our ideas come to life. We want to positively influence the world around! We want to grow up to full-fledged theatrical productions, where there is a text, acting skills, passion, honor, a sword, nobility!

Artistic fencing is:

  • Physical education;
  • Fencing;
  • Combat acrobatics;
  • Stage combat without weapons;
  • Fundamentals of acting;
  • Historical and cultural heritage;
  • Hobby;
  • Breathtaking theatrical costume show!

Feel like a brave musketeer, a desperate pirate or a cold-blooded aristocrat.

You can...

  • Try on the role of your favorite heroes of books and movies - nobles and musketeers, midshipmen and pirates, heroes and adventurers.
  • Feel the excitement of the fight, the drive of the battle.
  • To join the national and world history
  • Learn to control your body.
  • Learn theatrical techniques and tricks of stage combat and combat acrobatics.
  • Find like-minded people.

Prepare for battle, like in good movies!

We create conditions to meet the needs of people:

  • in cultural, creative, intellectual and spiritual development;
  • realize creative potential;
  • we create conditions for the socialization of young people;
  • we develop forms of leisure in accordance with modern world cultural development.

The fencing rally, which united the fighters of the Staritsa, Moscow, Balashikha and Rzhev branches of the Club, ended successfully. Filmed a movie, got invaluable experience!photo in VK

Results of fencing rallies "Summer 2017", 1st and 2nd shifts. Based on the results of the first session, which took place at the end of June 2017, 14 videos were created with their own scenarios. According to the results of the second July shift, there is still one video from the montage above. You can follow the release of the rest in the club's diary in the VK group: https://vk.com/kaf_vysov. We present to your attention several videos with the participation of our students and the head of the art fencing club "Challenge"

Learning fencing just like that is interesting in itself. But it is much more interesting if there is a scope for this art. Someone competes in championships, someone participates in festivals and reconstructions, someone arranges professional performances, and we, for the second summer in a row, find an outlet in the form of amateur filming.
First, we form script ideas, then we write them ourselves, make storyboards, assign props, cameramen, costume designers, assistant directors, make-up artists and, of course, rehearse fights in advance and sort out the psychological state of our characters.
This summer we had 2 shifts of 7 days each. Our plans included such scenarios as "Pretender", "Son of a blacksmith", "Sister's honor", "Do not give up", "Angard", "Letter", "Shadow" and "Ordinary miracle". Most of them are short (5-9 minutes), but there are also longer ones. For most scenarios, there were many who wanted to participate, so sometimes they filmed the same thing, but with different actors in the lead roles.
Started in January 2017 organizational training to fly. Since April, they began to rehearse fights and roles.
From June 26 to July 2, the 1st shift "shot back", and from July 22 to July 28 - the second. Filming took place in Bernovo, Staritsa (Museum of Local Lore, the house of the merchant Filippov, Praskov-Pyatnitskaya Church, the city itself) and in Chukavino (the historical ensemble and the Chukavino Country Complex).
Both children and parents participated in the filming, and with great enthusiasm: there was not a single person for whom there would be no role, or organizational, invaluable application for the film crew. For me, as a stage director, these were two wonderful shifts: my guys from Moscow, Balashikha, Staritsa and Rzhev became wonderful friends and worked well together. The self-imposed production crews have done a great job and I think we've made a good step up from 2016's The Chase.

Novikov Evgeny Vitalievich
CMS in Artistic Fencing
You can additionally get acquainted with the coach and direction here: Club page incontact,
Website of KAF "Challenge"

It has been 3 centuries since the time of Dumas and Sabatini, but the beauty and romance of this era are still alive. Remember these wonderful films close to many hearts - "Midshipmen", "Three Musketeers"? Artistic fencing is what makes them spectacular and authentic. This is not only fencing skills, physical training, stage skills, but also a sincere love for the era of knights and beautiful ladies.
Artistic Fencing is what brings this era back to us.
Artistic fencing is a duel staged and brought to perfection, when the masters, getting used to their roles, according to the script and without editing cuts, play the duel as a whole, recreating pictures of past days and fights. The work goes without protection, with strict safety procedures, real fencing techniques and creative acting.
We challenge the virtual life, the unloved work, the obsession with financial gain
We want to get rid of sitting on the Internet and feel the taste of real life, real combat, excitement, feel the firmness of the hand and the endurance of the legs!
We want to create our own scripts and let our ideas come to life.
We want to positively influence the world around!
We want to grow up to full-fledged theatrical productions, where there is a text, acting skills, passion, honor, a sword, nobility!

Artistic fencing is-

  • Physical education
  • Fencing
  • Combat acrobatics
  • Stage combat without weapons
  • Acting Basics
  • Historical and cultural heritage
  • Hobby
  • Breathtaking theatrical costume show!

Feel like a brave musketeer, a desperate pirate or a cold-blooded aristocrat.

You can...
  • Try on the role of your favorite heroes of books and movies - nobles and musketeers, midshipmen and pirates, heroes and adventurers.
  • Feel the excitement of the fight, the drive of the battle.
  • To join the national and world history
  • Learn to control your body.
  • Learn theatrical techniques and tricks of stage combat and combat acrobatics.
  • Find like-minded people.

Prepare for battle, like in good movies!

We create conditions to meet the needs of people:
  • in cultural, creative, intellectual and spiritual development,
  • realize creative potential,
  • we create conditions for the socialization of young people,
  • we develop forms of leisure in accordance with modern world cultural development

Studio manager - Ivanov Dmitry Alexandrovich– actor, director and stuntman, senior lecturer at the stage plastics department of GITIS, CCM in art fencing, silver medalist of the German championship in stage fencing and champion of Russia in art fencing.

"stage fencing is a combination of plasticity and acting skills, choreographic accuracy and well-coordinated actions of partners in skillful possession of weapons. This is the disclosure of the psychology of the fight through the dramaturgy of the fight and the development of the image of the character in extreme conditions fight."

"It is one of the mandatory professional disciplines in the training of an actor, it also exists as an independent direction in tune with artistic or staged fencing.
It reminds, explains and educates in modern man such concepts as honor and dignity.

Studio stage fencing VOLTE was founded in 2009.

During its existence, the studio took part in the festivals "Silver Sword" (Moscow), "Romance of the Middle Ages" (Kolomna), "Staging Fencing Festival" (Moscow), "Fencer's Day" (St. Petersburg), "Street Theater Festival" (Yaroslavl), "Silver Ring of the Blade" (Moscow), "Arena" (Vidnoye).

And also in the Russian Art Fencing Championship, and in the German International Stage Fencing Championship.