Press 8 minutes. Perfect abs in just eight minutes a day. Raising the legs up

Training effectiveness" Perfect press in 8 minutes "is quite high: in 2-3 months you can pump up the abdominal muscles and get a smooth stomach. The main thing is to follow the method of performing the complex correctly. It involves regular exercises several times a week and moving to a more difficult level after mastering the previous one.


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The complex is suitable for people of all levels. sports training. Giving exercises for the press about 8-10 minutes a day, you can soon get the desired "cubes".

How to pump up the press in 8 minutes?

The "Perfect Abs in 8 Minutes" program was published by the authors of Passion4Profession and has recently been considered one of the most effective for pumping the press. Most people are attracted to this method of training because 8 minutes seems like a fairly short period of time in which to acquire an attractive body shape. This time does not scare even beginners in sports. And having seen the first results and getting used to exercising regularly, a person no longer minds spending more time and effort on the beauty of his figure.

Results can only be achieved if you approach the classes with quality and dedication.

Who is this complex for?

The set of exercises is optimally suited for people who:

  1. 1. Not able to set aside a lot of time for training.
  2. 2. They can’t go to the gym for various reasons. It is not necessary to combine training in the gym and at home - in this case, the muscles will not have time to "rest". Muscles need 48 to 72 hours to fully recover.
  3. 3. They do not like to use sports equipment during sports activities.

The main idea: in 8 minutes to have time to do all the proposed exercises one after another with a short rest every two types. In this case, the training becomes quite intense. The complex includes 11 exercises. Each has 45 seconds of time. All of them are performed at a fast pace, actively, but without jerks. Smoothness and speed are the main criteria for the implementation of the complex.

Do not despair if at the first training you cannot complete all the exercises in the allotted time. The main thing is to set yourself the task of reducing the time each time, managing to complete the entire complex, slowly approaching eight minutes. Usually, after 1.5-2 months, even ordinary people who rarely went in for sports succeed in this. Exercises are selected in such a way that all abdominal muscles are pumped.

Perfect abs in 8 minutes (8 Min Abs Workout) are short-term exercises during which all layers are worked out to the maximum muscle fibers on the stomach. To pump up the top and lower press, you need to train all the abdominal muscles:

  • straight;
  • transverse;
  • internal oblique;
  • external oblique.

The press with the help of this workout becomes solid. Behind a short time the long-awaited effect of "cubes" appears on the stomach, even for girls.

The "Press in 8 minutes" complex is divided into 3 difficulty options. For more high level should be switched when, when performing exercises of the 1st level in 8 minutes, there is no feeling of severe fatigue and exhaustion. In this case, from the next week, subject to good health, begin to perform exercises in the technique of a new level.

The transition from one stage to another is carried out smoothly. During the week, the complexes should be alternated. When following the recommendations for the dosage of training after 3 months, a person calmly begins to perform exercises of the third level of complexity.

The table shows the training plan that should be followed:

Achieving a super-flat and firm belly with only 8-minute workouts is quite difficult. It is necessary to combine loads with proper nutrition, a healthy lifestyle and exercise complexes for general development body muscles.

  1. 1. Exercise regularly. There will be no result if you do exercises every day or skip workouts for several weeks. You need to make a schedule for yourself and stick to it strictly.
  2. 2. Pay attention to the technique of each exercise. You need to monitor the muscles of the neck - they should not strain, otherwise you can harm the body and subsequently get headaches.
  3. 3. Do not be afraid and do not quit training if it is quite difficult to perform some exercises in the first lessons. It is allowed to do fewer approaches or simplify the exercise to an accessible form.
  4. 4. Do not start classes immediately after eating. The period between eating and training should be at least 1 hour.
  5. 5. Do not rush to move to a new level of difficulty if the first one cannot be done easily. Even if the plan is to switch to new stage, you need to move it away, listening to your body.
  6. 6. Remember that everyone can get a flat stomach. But it is genetically arranged in such a way that it is easier and faster for men to pump up the press than for a woman.
  7. 7. Don't forget that this program allows you to strengthen and pump up the abdominal muscles of the press, but you will have to get rid of the fat layer using other methods.

The best exercises on the press bench - how to quickly pump up the cubes?

Description of exercises

A set of exercises for the press in 8 minutes is suitable for all somatically healthy people. It includes the following exercises:

Basic twists. To begin the exercise, you must take a supine position. Bend your arms at the elbows and put them under your head. Bend your legs slightly at the knees to an angle of 90 degrees and fix in this position. From this position, you need to raise and lower upper part body, while making sure that the lower part of the body remains motionless.

Lateral twisting with the elbow to the left knee. The body is in a prone position, the arms are bent and lie behind the head. You need to reach with one elbow to the opposite knee. The legs in this exercise should be bent at the knees, while one leg is on the floor, and the other, to which the elbow is pulled, remains in weight and in no case touches the floor. The amplitude of movements should be maximum: this will allow you to feel the work of the muscles and make the result more effective.

Lateral twisting with the elbow to the right knee. It is performed in the same way as the previous exercise, only the arm and leg are reversed. When connecting the elbow and knee, you need to lean on the lower back. If the exercise is done technically correctly, tension will be felt in the abdomen.

Foot touch. From a prone position, simultaneously raise both legs up and leave them in this position. Then raise your upper body, stretch your arms up and try to touch your ankles with your fingertips. If it is difficult to perform the exercise with straight legs, you can slightly bend them at the knees and keep them in this position throughout the exercise.

Reverse twists. Fold your legs in a cross and try to pull your knees as close to your chin as possible. The head and shoulders may be slightly raised. The lower back is fixed - so the tension of the abdominal muscles will be maximum.

Twisting to the side. Lying on your back, you need to bend your knees and lower them to the right. Bend the left hand and fix the palm on the back of the head, put the other hand on the stomach. Next, you need to try to pull the left elbow to the knees lying on the floor as much as possible. This exercise is performed smoothly, without jerking.

Twisting to the other side. Movements are performed in the opposite direction, respectively, the position of the legs and arms changes to the opposite. It is important to involve the abdominal muscles in the work, because the goal is to train them. The neck muscles should be kept relaxed.

Pushing between legs. In a prone position, bend your legs and place them on the floor shoulder-width apart. Cross your palms and begin to lift your upper body in jerks, directing your hands between your legs. It is necessary to control that the chin does not press against the chest, and the head does not tilt back.

Leg kicks. Stretch your arms along the body with palms down or put them under the buttocks. Slightly bent legs you need to lift and push them up. You can fold your legs in a cross, the main thing is to raise them as high as possible, so the effect will be more pronounced. In this exercise, the upper body should be fixed.

alternatingtwisting. Lie on your back and put your hands behind your head so that your palms are on the back of your head. Bend your legs at the knees so that the feet stand at a distance of 30-40 cm from the buttocks. It is necessary to smoothly raise the upper body and touch the left knee with the right elbow. At this moment, pull the leg towards the elbow. Return to starting position, then connect the left elbow and right knee.

Twisting with hands on the stomach or chest. The exercise is performed from a prone position. Hands should be placed in a cross on the chest or stomach. Bend your legs at the knees. It is necessary to lift the torso to the legs. The lower limbs must remain motionless. It is necessary to control that the muscles of the neck and back are not tense, only the press should work.

All the exercises used in the complex are thought out so that even the minimum amount of time spent per day gives a tangible and visible result in two to three weeks.

Levels differ in the number of repetitions and break times:

The whole complex of exercises at any level should be done in 8 minutes. Thus, in the second and third stages, you need to significantly increase the speed.

And some secrets...

The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

My weight especially bothered me. I gained a lot, after pregnancy I weighed like 3 sumo wrestlers together, namely 92 kg with a height of 165. I thought my stomach would come down after childbirth, but no, on the contrary, I began to gain weight. How to deal with hormonal changes and obesity? But nothing disfigures or rejuvenates a person as much as his figure. In my 20s, I first learned that fat girls are called "WOMAN", and that "they don't sew such sizes." Then at the age of 29, a divorce from her husband and depression ...

But what can you do to lose weight? Laser liposuction surgery? Learned - not less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - LPG massage, cavitation, RF lifting, myostimulation? A little more affordable - the course costs from 80 thousand rubles with a consultant nutritionist. You can of course try to run on a treadmill, to the point of insanity.

And when to find the time for all this? Yes, it's still very expensive. Especially now. So for myself I chose a different way ...

After all, we are weak creatures, girls ... So I would have been worried about my abs hidden under a layer of fat (after all, it is still there somewhere!), If it were not for my husband (by the way, regularly engaged in gym). He found for his beloved wife, however, a little lazy in terms of physical activity, a good program on the Internet, which was called. That's what I want to talk about today on the pages of the women's magazine JustLady.
To begin with, my missus himself reviewed all the exercises offered in the video "Perfect press in 8 minutes a day". Moreover, I personally tested everything, checked, so to speak, the effectiveness. Then he gave out his resume: wife, they say, you can do it and not doubt the benefits. As for the statement "", he says, I bet: it is advisable to train at least twice a day (in the morning and in the evening), but, otherwise, the sneakers are in your hands, and go ahead! Said it suddenly and bluntly. Well, I think, since the husband gave the go-ahead, it means that he needs to beg a fashionable sports suit for this business (it’s not in the old one to start a new life) and start training.

For the purity of the experiment, I measured myself in the waist area (so that later I could boast about the lost centimeters with pride), determined the time and place for classes. Although they promise us perfect abs in 8 minutes a day, but these minutes, too, must first be carved out of the daily schedule. So that you don’t eat either before or after class (for an hour), and so that the household does not interfere with their “practical” advice, such as: straighten your arm here, bend your leg there. I want to say right away: at first, the muscles hurt unbearably - apparently, my terribly "unsportsmanlike" past affected.

But I endured steadfastly, practiced regularly, and gradually began to even (do not believe it!) Enjoy training. Yes, and my tummy began to decrease in size - I’ll push it a little more, you see, and the press will appear. Let's try together? We will be doing it lying down, so you will need some kind of mat. Be sure to ventilate the room before training - during exercise, the body needs fresh air. Start each workout with a little warm-up: jump rope, do side bends, circles and swing your arms. Each exercise is given ~ 45 seconds, in total - the perfect press in 8 minutes a day, as promised by the creators of the video.

Perfect abs in 8 minutes a day

1. Initial position: lying down, legs bent at the knees (at an angle of 90 degrees), hands behind the head. We begin to raise the upper body to the knees - we stretch up chest(you should try to keep your neck straight to avoid injury). We do not tear off the lower back from the floor!

2. a). We do not change the starting position, we only slightly correct the lifting technique: we try to reach the left knee with the right elbow (we tear off the leg from the floor).
in). The starting position is the same, we change sides: now we stretch with the left elbow to the right knee. Try to feel the work of the muscles and make sure that the exercise is performed correctly: do not tilt your head forward! It is difficult, but what to do - remember our goal: perfect abs in 8 minutes a day.

3. Raise the legs above the floor (knees bent at an angle of 90 degrees) and stretch with straight arms to the knees. Try not to make unnecessary movements with your legs, all that is required of you is to get as close to them as possible.

4. The starting position is the same (very convenient!), only now we raise not the upper body, but the legs bent at the knees (90 degree angle). Hands lie freely along the body, feet are on the floor. We tear off the lower back from the floor - we stretch our knees to the chest - we return back to the starting position.

5. Now put your knees on the right side (back on the floor), put your left hand behind your head, your right hand lies freely along the body. Begin to lift the left side of the body, do not tear your knees off the floor. Then change position: put your feet on the left side, and do lifts right side torso.

6. We continue to lie, legs are on the floor, feet shoulder-width apart. Arms extended forward, palms one on top of the other. Do it with your hands translational movements forward and lift your upper body. Try not to turn your head back and do not press your chin to your chest.

7. Place your palms under your buttocks, lift your legs and cross your feet. Stretch your legs up, lifting your lower back. Do not take your shoulders off the floor!

8. Starting position as in the second exercise of the "Ideal press in 8 minutes a day" complex. Only the side of the rise is changed for each count: once - the left elbow to the right knee, two - the right elbow to the left knee. We perform the exercise at a fast pace.

9. We put our palms on the press and begin to raise the upper body. We do not tear off the legs from the floor, we do not press the chin to the chest. That's all - this is the last exercise of the complex " Perfect abs in 8 minutes a day". I wish you success and get in shape faster!

Svetlana Krutova

You have some important event ahead of you and you want to have a beautiful toned belly or strong press before beach season? There is a universal way to help you achieve this. This complex is called the press for 8 minutes a day, and it consists of 11 exercises, each of which is performed for 45 seconds, and the last 30 seconds. Do them alternately every day and you will be successful. So here are the exercises.

Straight twists

Lie on your back, hands behind your head. Feet on the ground and bent at the knees. This will be our main pose for most of the exercises. Bend your torso. lower part do not lift your back off the floor. Do as many times as you can in 45 seconds. Feel the tension in the press. Control the execution to make the complex truly effective.

Side crunches

Similarly to the first exercise, only bending over, try to touch the left knee with the right elbow.

Repeat the same for the left elbow and right knee. Stretch more than with straight crunches and feel the tension in your abdominal muscles Oh.

Raised leg crunches

Raise your legs and bend, touching your ankles with your hands. Try not to make unnecessary movements with your hands. Legs at a 90 degree angle.

Reverse crunches

Cross your legs, arms along the body. Pull your knees up to your chest. Try not to take your head off the floor.

Oblique twists

Turn your legs to the left side. Right hand behind the head. Pull the right side of your body towards your knees.

Similarly, repeat the exercise for the right side of the torso.

Stretching the torso

Put your feet on the floor. Stretch your arms forward to your legs, fold them into a lock and pull your body towards your legs.

Hip lift

Similar to side crunches, except in this case, pull your legs up, lifting your hips. This exercise resembles a birch, only the body should not come off the floor.

Alternate twists

Similar to the second exercise from this complex, only in this case, do lifts alternately on each side.

Press thrust

And the last exercise. Lie down in the main position, rest your fingers in the press and slightly raise your torso, feeling muscle tension. Do 30 seconds.

All this complex press for 8 minutes a day is finished.

I also want to note that it is not enough to have strong muscles belly if you want to have flat and slim belly or highlight the cubes on your stomach, then it is important for you to observe proper diet and food. Eat 6-7 small meals a day to boost your metabolism, instead of eating 2-3 meals a day. The meal should consist of 70-80 percent carbohydrates, 10-15 proteins and 10-15 fat. This doesn't mean you have to count your calories, just opt ​​for fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. These products are very well balanced.

Follow these tips, do the exercises and pump up the press in 8 minutes for you to become easy task. Also, so that you can better understand the technique, I post video. Be sure to check it out.

Reading time: 4 min

Do perfect abs in 8 minutes a day- sounds fantastic, doesn't it? Today we'll tell you, is it true? short programs to create a flat stomach are as effective as they are told.

Abs in 8 minutes: what is it?

Perfect abs in 8 minutes (8 Min Abs Workout) are short workouts from Passion4Profession that work out all the abdominal muscles: rectus, oblique and transverse. You will strengthen the upper and lower press, make it firm and move closer to cherished dream many: cubes on the stomach. The training is interesting because it is conducted not by a person, but by a robotic character. All exercises are performed on the mat. It is very convenient that you will see which specific muscles you manage to use during the exercises.

The 8-minute session consists of 8 exercises, each of which lasts about 45 seconds (30 repetitions). After completing two exercises, a half-minute break follows. Verbal counting is in the background, so you won't lose your rhythm. Eight minutes on the press have 4 difficulty options. You should only move to a more difficult level when you have fully mastered the current level. You can create your own training schedule, or you can follow this option:

However, it is important to remember that doing ONLY perfect abs in 8 minutes will achieve a flat stomach. very difficult. It is imperative to combine work on the abdominal muscles with cardio training and proper nutrition. Since the concept of "proper nutrition" is quite broad, we recommend starting with calorie counting. And at Jillian Michaels you can choose for yourself a high-quality cardio workout.

What you need to know about the effectiveness of eight minutes for the press?

2. In any class there should be regularity. It makes no sense to download the press 1 time per week. Make it a rule to do this at least 3-4 times a week, because it will take you only 8 minutes. You can do this complex in addition to any workout.

3. Carefully follow the technique of performing exercises. You should not strain the muscles of the neck, otherwise they will bother you later.

4. Perhaps at first it will be difficult for you to cope with all the exercises. This is absolutely normal, the muscles must adapt. Don't be afraid to simplify exercises if you can't do the variation shown in the video yet.

5. Don't exercise on a full stomach. After eating, at least an hour should pass.

6. You can move to the next level only when you completely and easily cope with the first. Don't force things. For someone, two weeks is enough to increase the level of difficulty, and for someone, a month will not be enough.

7. It is purely genetically easier for men than girls to come to 6 packs in the press. but a flat stomach is quite possible for everyone to achieve.

8. Remember that programs like 8 minute abs won't help you lose fat. They only work on strengthening the abdominal muscles. And if you do not get rid of the fat layer, you will not see cubes on your stomach.

Is Passion4Profession's Perfect Abs in 8 Minutes Effective? Yes, but only in combination with a moderate diet, aerobic exercise and preferably a full body workout. You can’t lose weight locally, but you can actively work on problem areas. True, do it only need to be comprehensive.

To do sounds fantastic, doesn't it? Today we will tell you if short programs for creating a flat stomach are as effective as they are told.

Table of contents [Show]

Abs in 8 minutes: what is it?

Perfect abs in 8 minutes (8 Min Abs Workout) are short workouts from Passion4Profession that work out all the abdominal muscles: rectus, oblique and transverse. You will strengthen the upper and lower press, make it firm and get closer to the cherished dream of many: cubes on the stomach. The training is interesting because it is conducted not by a person, but by a robotic character. All exercises are performed on the mat. It is very convenient that you will see which specific muscles you manage to use during the exercises.

The 8-minute session consists of 8 exercises, each of which lasts about 45 seconds (30 repetitions). After completing two exercises, a half-minute break follows. Verbal counting is in the background, so you won't lose your rhythm. Eight minutes on the press have 4 difficulty options. You should only move to a more difficult level when you have fully mastered the current level. You can create your own training schedule, or you can follow this option:

However, it is important to remember that doing ONLY perfect abs in 8 minutes will achieve a flat stomach. very difficult. It is imperative to combine work on the abdominal muscles with cardio training and proper nutrition. Since the concept of "proper nutrition" is quite broad, we recommend starting with counting calories. And at Jillian Michaels, you can choose a quality cardio workout for yourself.

What you need to know about the effectiveness of eight minutes for the press?

1. The ideal press program in 8 minutes is truly effective only in combination with proper nutrition and regular aerobic exercise. Read more in the Instructions on how to remove the stomach and pump up the press at home.

2. In any class there should be regularity. It makes no sense to download the press 1 time per week. Make it a rule to do this at least 3-4 times a week, because it will take you only 8 minutes. You can do this complex in addition to any workout.

3. Carefully follow the technique of performing exercises. You should not strain the muscles of the neck, otherwise they will bother you later.

4. Perhaps at first it will be difficult for you to cope with all the exercises. This is absolutely normal, the muscles must adapt. Don't be afraid to simplify exercises if you can't do the variation shown in the video yet.

5. Don't exercise on a full stomach. After eating, at least an hour should pass.

6. You can move to the next level only when you completely and easily cope with the first. Don't force things. For someone, two weeks is enough to increase the level of difficulty, and for someone, a month will not be enough.

7. It is purely genetically easier for men than girls to come to 6 packs in the press. but a flat stomach is quite possible for everyone to achieve.

8. Remember that programs like 8 minute abs won't help you lose fat. They only work on strengthening the abdominal muscles. And if you do not get rid of the fat layer, you will not see cubes on your stomach.

Is Passion4Profession's Perfect Abs in 8 Minutes Effective? Yes, but only in combination with a moderate diet, aerobic exercise and preferably a full body workout. You can’t lose weight locally, but you can actively work on problem areas. True, do it only need to be comprehensive.

Also Read: Top 10 Best Short Ab Workouts.

Home > Self-development > Health > Abs in 8 minutes, video

About the benefits of the press course in 8 minutes and other workouts

If you are not the proud owner of a fabulous flat tummy if your daily program does not yet include serious physical exercise, I suggest that you familiarize yourself with the following video course “abs in 8 minutes”, consisting of three levels of load (links to the video at the end of the article). Exercises are aimed at independent homework, take a minimum of time and allow you to quickly tone the abdominal muscles.

Do not be too lazy to read a few sentences further down the text so that training can give the maximum result in as soon as possible. However, if you are confident in your abilities and are ready to draw up a training program yourself, then immediately go directly to the desired level of load and start devoting just 8 minutes a day to get gorgeous abs. The results will not be long in coming, although they will largely depend on your entry level preparation and determination (read the article: “ Goal setting is the key to success«).

Let the exercises seem impossible in the first days, believe me, strictly adhering to the recommended training plan, by the end of the second week you will begin to feel the existence of your own muscles, maybe somewhere there, deep in the wilds of a flaccid stomach. Gradually, the press will begin to strengthen, the tummy will tighten, and all that is required of you is to continue training, devoting all the same 8 minutes a day.

If on the eve of summer you find that you have launched yourself, then with one set of exercises “abs in 8 minutes” you will not get rid of extra pounds and wrinkles. Especially for lazy and fat people, Nastya has released a small series of articles about rapid weight loss at home, I highly recommend paying attention to it:

How to lose weight fast at home

Surely not only a tightened stomach, but also the general tone made you go in for sports, so I can recommend you other types of loads, for example:

How to start running

Training program how to pump up the press in 8 minutes

The abs training program contains three levels of load, and although the network is full of fake videos about further levels, I want to warn you - do not fall for provocations. videos with loads of level 4 and above are just an illiterate fake. Balanced workouts above the third level specifically for this program were not created. If the loads seem insufficient to you, most likely you already have a good press and remember all the exercises from each level, all you have to do is choose the intensity and your favorite exercises for daily workouts aimed at maintaining the achieved results. For everyone else just getting in the way physical development and self-improvement, I propose the following plan, drawn up on the basis of thousands of successful initiatives discussed on the net, in dozens of forums. Here the main thing at the start is not to go too far and not beat off the desire, as always in sports:

  • 1 and 2 weeks - every other day, exercises of the first level of load are performed
  • 3 and 4 weeks - exercises of the first level of load are performed daily
  • 5, 6, 7 weeks - every other day, exercises of the first and second levels
  • 8 and 9 weeks - daily, exercises of the second level
  • 10 and 11 weeks - alternation of the second and third load levels
  • after 12 weeks - daily, exercises of the third level of load, until the desired result is achieved
  • to maintain - choose the exercises you like from any level and devote 8 minutes to them daily, set the number of repetitions and the rhythm yourself

Video lessons of the press in 8 minutes - three levels of load

Below are three video lessons from the press cycle in 8 minutes, someday I will be in the place of the robot demonstrating the technique, but now it is much clearer to repeat the exercises after it. At least he does not have shortness of breath and he is able to complete each complex to the end, which, alas, I cannot boast of.

Video, the first load level of the press program in 8 minutes

Video, the second load level of the press program in 8 minutes

Video, the third load level of the press program in 8 minutes

Happy training and long-awaited six-pack abs, in just 8 minutes of training per day. Let this be another great step towards a healthy future, but don't forget about other sports, like running, which, if done right, can make a big difference in record time.

If you liked the exercises and you are seriously thinking about continuing a healthy lifestyle, or at least getting on this path, then I recommend reading a few more interesting useful articles:

Good luck on life path and achieve your goals as soon as possible!

Be sure to tell your friends about us

Spend 8 minutes of your abs every day and it will look perfect. In fact, they say that fat from the abdomen cannot be removed by exercise, but only by diet. I believe that it is necessary to use everything in the aggregate. If there are several "tools" for weight loss that you can use, then why not do it? Video - exercises for the press will take you only 8 minutes a day, but the effect will be simply stunning (the main thing is regularity and perseverance).

The girl shakes the press

I would like to add that body shaping exercises are best started when you are close to your optimal weight.

If you are still far from the beginning exercise, or generally hate them, then subject to the rules fractional nutrition, water regime and a sufficient amount of protein in the diet, then classes for adjusting specific areas of the body can be omitted, and replaced with simple walking, swimming and dancing for weight loss.

So the duration is 8 minutes.

8 minutes for the press 1 level in Russian

8 minutes for the press level 2 in Russian

8 minutes for the press level 3 in Russian


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Beautiful legs in 8 minutes a day fitness girlfriend

2 years ago

Beautiful legs are a matter of technique. In this issue of Fitness Girlfriend you will see effective exercises for legs….

Pump up the press in 10 minutes! WomanOnlySport

6 years ago

Quickly pump up the press cubes easily! Best video with abdominal exercises. Easy and accessible trainer…

How to pump up the press in 8 minutes Andrey Kisly

5 years ago

Yet more exercise on the press and not only on the website

Press at home. Working out the abdominal muscles. Ludmila Mikhailichenko

3 years ago

How to pump the press, exercises for the abdomen, a slim figure without diets, download the press at home.

PRESS. Download the press at home II I'm losing weight with Ekaterina Kononova I'm losing weight with Ekaterina Kononova

How to quickly remove the lower abdomen II I'm losing weight with Ekaterina Kononova I'm losing weight with Ekaterina Kononova

A year ago

Personal programs ➟ My instagram ➟ Vkontakte group …

How to pump up the press in 8 minutes, level 3 Joker MDrus

3 years ago

How to pump up the press in 8 minutes, level 3.

We download the press at home. A set of exercises for the press in 8 minutes. beauty and health

2 months ago

We download the press at home. A set of exercises for the press in 8 minutes: In order to have a beautiful…

We swing the buttocks at home. Sportsmen's™

4 years ago

perfect abs in 8 minutes a day archeygg1

7 years ago

8 minutes for the press Brazil 2014 Edition Ludmila Spolnik

A year ago

Effective exercises for the press. Relief press for girls in a few minutes a day | Part 4 Reemala Pilates & Garuda studio

4 months ago

Create your perfect body with us▻ . Hello everyone! And this is the final part...

Press at home in 10 minutes a day! Workout program Musktsy.rf - a channel about fitness and sports

3 years ago

Grow Your Abs Faster With Rocket Nutrition Protein -

Press cubes in 6 minutes a day! Super workout! Beautiful body

3 years ago

How to quickly remove the stomach. Do thin waist. super exercises for slimming belly and waist. Lose weight…

Perfect abs in 20 minutes Alexandra Volkova

5 years ago

Universal pre-workout warm-up: 7 minutes fitness girlfriend

A year ago

Are you lazy and start your workout without a warm-up? Turn on Fitness Girlfriend. In this issue, coach Alina Khilko…

Effective exercises for the press in 8 minutes! 2 difficulty level! Dmitry Bogan

2 years ago

Effective exercises for the press at home. 2 difficulty level!

How to pump up the ass in 8 minutes a day Evgenia Tikhonovich

6 years ago

Sexy Abs - The perfect abs for girls. We clean the tummy in 5 minutes NUsilda or just Nyusya

2 years ago

Hello! Today's workout is the first workout in a series dedicated to the press! Exercises in this...