Fitonyashki - an example of the right fashion. Proper motivation is the key to success

Now many girls want not just to lose weight, but to look like a fitness model. No wonder people who are not the first year in fitness are already sick of the word “drying”, which is not always used out of place. But fit girls look so cool not only because they have a low percentage of fat, but also because they have excellent muscle mass, which, in fact, creates the silhouette of a sexy woman. female figureelastic buttocks, slender legs, thin waist, sculpted shoulders, etc. Girls trying become a phyton they don’t fully understand what needs to be done, they are led by the myths of the fitness industry, and therefore they make the same mistakes.

1. Low-carb, low-calorie diets and drying
Even fitness professionals have a two-week transition period between muscle building and cutting cycles, the meaning of which is to adapt the hormonal system to new goals and new living conditions. A girl who ate pasta yesterday, and today decided to remove carbohydrates at best up to 1 g / kg (sometimes worse) in order to dry out what she doesn’t have, risks simply ruining her health and negating the whole process of reducing the fat fold .

The same goes for low-calorie diets. The average calorie deficit for fat burning is 500 kcal per day. Suppose a girl goes on a diet of 1200 kcal, therefore, she must burn 1700 kcal. Everything would be fine, only a diet of 1200 kcal will not be able to provide all the needs of the training body for nutrients that should help in fat burning. Instead, such a hunger strike will simply slow down the process.

Do not forget that carbohydrates are the main source of energy. If there is not enough energy, then you will have to forget about intense workouts that would help you burn a lot of calories and put you on a fat-burning track. Moreover, the thyroid gland reacts very sharply to a decrease in the caloric content of the diet, and the absence of carbohydrates changes the production of hormones T3 and T4 (which regulate body temperature, protecting the body from hunger). The levels of the hormone leptin also decrease. With a lack of carbohydrates, the production of ketone bodies increases. It is an intermediate form of fat metabolism. The risk of ketoacidosis increases, the main manifestations of which are slowing of breathing, heart rate, and heart rhythm disturbance. Lack of protein makes things even worse, and too much of it can lead to kidney stones, because the quality of the protein we eat leaves much to be desired. All this once again speaks of the importance of precisely that, in which there is an adequate amount of calories, there are proteins, there are fats and carbohydrates, and not just chicken breasts with broccoli, as in the photographs of top models.

2. Exclusion from the diet of products
Is it normal to cut out sugar and other things from your diet? simple carbohydrates, because it helps control appetite, stabilize blood sugar and promote the release of fat from the fat cell (for its subsequent burning). It is not normal when foods like red meat, eggs, vegetables are excluded from the diet. author Ekaterina Golovina Vegetables are an important source of vitamins, minerals and important for the digestive tract. Red meat and eggs contain B vitamins and minerals essential for our endocrine system. Especially red meat, especially for women who have higher iron requirements than men.

3. Wrong choice of training
ANY activity will help you lose weight, but not every activity will help you build muscle. Abduction and breeding of legs in multi-repeat mode- this is, of course, fine, but it will not help create the body of Wonder Woman. You can love the stepper as much as you like, exercises with own weight, Pilates, etc., but it should be understood that you can build muscles basic exercises and strength training. Again, you should clearly distinguish between training and your goals. suggest a completely different format of work in the hall. Creating the body of a phyton is a long and step-by-step process in which you cannot do without loads.

4. Improper timing
Many exercising girls fall into the illusion: “I went to the gym to squat and my work for today is done.” But training is one thing, and daily activity, which plays an important role in calorie consumption and fat burning, is another. Hence the solution to the most common problem "I eat right, exercise and do not lose weight."

5. Misconceptions about phytons
The biggest illusion is that the life of a phyton is perfect - a huge variety of products, sports nutrition, regular workouts, sound sleep, gorgeous appearance and a lot of time to work on yourself. Fitons always seem to look amazing. It is enough to look at the instagrams of each to understand that they are even in the gym with all the parade and are always in great shape.

But all this is nonsense, because not a single physically healthy and morally sane girl can look like she does on stage all year round. Some girls maintain a relatively dry shape all year round, and it costs them a lot of effort. And some have achieved excellent shape without any dryers and do not torture themselves with them at all. It’s easier for some - they work as coaches and have excellent genetics, which allows them to have a relatively good relief throughout the year without superhuman effort, it’s more difficult for others. Everyone has their own life, their own goals, their own conditions and characteristics. This is important to understand when trying to catch up with your ideal. And as for photos, don't forget that each person shows on the network exactly as much as he wants, and no more, and every successful photo has several unsuccessful takes.

Girls, answer honestly: how often do your plans to lose weight remain dreams? When will the cherished Monday come, from which you will definitely begin to monitor what you eat and when will you still go to the gym? If you can't or don't know how to motivate yourself to lose weight, read our article. We are sure you will find a lot of useful things for yourself!

Proper motivation is the key to success

There are many effective incentives that allow a woman to decide to lose weight:

  • the desire to flaunt a new swimsuit on the beach;
  • desire to become more attractive;
  • health care;
  • improving the quality of your life;
  • the ability to fit into your favorite clothes;
  • the desire to buy fashionable clothes "in miniature";
  • desire to become more confident;
  • the desire to find your soul mate or become attractive to men.

The main thing is to choose the right incentive for yourself. Without motivation to deny yourself sweets, going to the gym will not be easy. The main thing is to remind yourself about it more often.

Set clear and realistic goals for yourself. For example, lose two kilograms in a month.

Be sure to consult a nutritionist or a competent trainer who will make a suitable balanced diet for you and determine the acceptable level of sports load.

How to motivate yourself?

You clearly understand what you need to throw off excess weight in terms of health or for mental satisfaction? How can you motivate yourself?

  1. Take a photo of yourself from various angles without clothes during the day without pulling in your stomach. This will allow you to evaluate your figure from the side.
  2. Join communities of people who adhere to proper nutrition and workouts. Read their stories, recommendations and advice.
  3. Think about the benefits that you will get as a result of losing weight: you will be able to dress fashionably, you will feel better, more confident.
  4. Assign a gift to yourself when you reach your goal. You may need to identify a set of incentive gifts that you will use to encourage yourself along the way to your goal while achieving positive intermediate results.

Instagram is full of photos of slim and athletic girls who take care of themselves. But they will not follow you: take care of yourself!

Fitness nyashki: our motivation

These days, almost every trendy girl has at least a few gym photos. You will not surprise her with complex formulas for calculating the energy value of a daily diet, she knows why they drink protein shakes, and she understands exercise complexes. A healthy lifestyle is now a fashion trend, the symbol of which are phytonyashi.

Abroad, girls who frequent gyms are called fit chicks, or "fitness chicks" . These are not beefy bodybuilders, but they are not thin models either. Fitons should have a perfectly sculpted figure: tightened buttocks, slender legs, narrow waist, well-developed arm muscles (although, judging by popular publics, it’s enough to be thin and in a tight tracksuit). The perfect fit girl looks like Wonder icon-star-o Woman (Wonder Woman), a character from the popular MARVEL comic book series.

Many girls who have become fit girls publish their success stories on various websites, blogs, and especially popularly - in:

  • most often such stories begin with a description of life “before”. The description is accompanied by photographs;
  • then the emphasis is on the moment after which the girl decided to change her life. This may be a breakup with a young man who has ceased to like a non-ideal girl, or such a moment may be an example of a phyton girlfriend;
  • after the turning point follows a story about training, new habits, changes in appearance. Intermediate steps may also be illustrated;
  • finally, a summary is made and the fitonyasha demonstrates her current beautiful figure and the result “after”.

How to become a phyton?


Fit girls do not go on strict diets, because any unreasonable food restriction prevents them from getting an ideal athletic figure. So, a sharp reduction in the diet leads to the fact that the body begins to “make reserves”, the metabolism slows down and weight gain occurs even from low-calorie foods. Nutrition should be balanced, the option “salad for breakfast, lunch and dinner” is completely unsuitable for a fiton.

Fitonyashi consider not only calories, but also the amount of proteins, carbohydrates and fats consumed. Numerous tables and calculators of BJU (proteins, fats, carbohydrates) help them with this.

The usual daily allowance for a fitness lady is 2 g of protein per kilogram of body weight, 50 g of carbohydrates, 35 g of fat. Sweets and very high-calorie foods can be eaten a little and only in the morning, in the evening it is better to prefer protein foods. You need to drink at least one and a half to two liters of water per day. Eating should be in small portions with a break between meals of about three hours.

Building perfect figure, many fitonyashi use special sports nutrition. The most popular product is a protein shake, which has a high protein content and a minimum content of fat-carbohydrates, which helps to build muscle mass.

Various vitamin and mineral complexes are actively used. They regulate metabolism, make it possible to compensate for the deficiency of important elements, if for some reason these elements do not enter the body with food.


Fitness girls train by special programs, taking into account the features female body. Basically, these are various variations of high-rep workouts that allow you to quickly build up muscle mass and shape the relief of the body. It is better not to use programs designed for men: women have a different hormonal background, special reactions to stress. Men can train day after day in one mode, while women must take into account menstruation. Depending on this, the intensity of the loads changes.

You should not rush headlong to feats and strive to become a fiton in a month. A girl leading a sedentary lifestyle should start with short workouts: for the first time, twenty minutes three times a week is enough. Soon you can move on to more serious loads (two and a half hours of training per week).

Women cannot gain muscle mass as fast as men. A set of about 0.5 kilograms of muscle per month is considered normal, provided intense training three times per week. Intense loads are running, exercising on a simulator, cycling. Training without "days off" between them will not help build muscle, on the contrary, the mass will be lost.


I want to be beautiful, but life loves to present surprises. Today is my birthday, tomorrow I'm too lazy to go to the gym, the day after tomorrow my friend convinces "love yourself just the way you are" . In order not to lose the will to win, many fitonies and those who want to become them are members of various groups and “publics” on social networks. There you can boast of the first results, ask for advice, get new information.

There are a huge number of motivating videos and pictures, for example, look at or

The relevance of emo has passed and is ready, but how to become a fit girl? The name can be misleading, Japanese anime come to mind or a new group on facebook. Everything is quite simple, it is only necessary to disassemble the word into two parts. Fit is a fan of fitness, workouts and healthy lifestyle life. Nyashka - sweet, feminine attractive. These are exactly the girls who create their bodies themselves in gyms and at home, but do not pursue the goal of achieving the result of Schwarzenegger.

Sufficiently moderate pumping of muscles, forms beautiful smooth lines. The general impression is a toned luxurious body, so you need to urgently quit eating potatoes at night and sign up for the gym. To get those abs and Brazilian buttocks, even skinny girls will have to work and change their diet. The main thing is the motivation to achieve and maintain forms.

How to become a phyton? There is nothing impossible, you just have to start the morning in a new way, without shelving the desire to be beautiful. Employment and lack of free time is not an argument, but rather an excuse. So talk less and do more.


The basis of the basics, of course, is regular training, but without the right diet, you won’t work much in the gym.

Where to start:

  • counting approximately daily allowance calories, you need to reduce it by 300-400 units, this is not as much as it seems, one sweet bar or pie, a serving of porridge / pasta or a slice of bread, naturally you can limit these carbohydrates that are hidden beautiful body in folds of shapeless fat;
  • in order to lose weight, you need to reduce the intake of calories or increase their consumption, to maintain the already acquired form, it is enough that these indicators are equal;
  • - to lose a kilo on mono-diets, to starve, it is impossible for sure, it is fraught with a psychological breakdown, a slowdown in metabolism and health problems, slowly but surely go towards the intended goals, you can only earn gastritis in a week;
  • the standard is the calculation of the intake of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, at first it seems difficult, but no, simple mathematics to create perfect proportions;
  • the golden set is calculated as follows: you need two grams of proteins. for every kilo of total weight, carbohydrates for normal well-being will require one hundred grams, and fat - grams per kilogram of body weight;
  • necessarily a large amount of high-quality clean water, which speeds up all processes, helps to quickly reduce volumes and mold a beautiful frame;
  • proteins and carbohydrates are divided into different meals and alternate throughout the day;
  • only in the morning the future or real phyton is allowed to eat some harmful sweets or other forbidden delicacies;
  • in the evening, give preference to protein - boiled chicken or turkey breasts, fish and low-fat cottage cheese;
  • the entire daily volume of food is divided into five / six meals, that is, every two / three hours you will need to eat, so you can not be afraid of hungry fainting and a brutal appetite;
  • systematic eating at the same time allows you to get maximum energy that will not remain on the sides and buttocks;
  • protein shakes are actively used by sports beauties, they already have balanced proteins and carbohydrates, help facilitate muscle building in the right areas;
  • vitamin and mineral complexes allow you to provide all vital important elements and maintain the resources of the body with a fairly exhausting physical activity.


The fastest way to get the right shape and tighten the muscle relief in the gym. No need to be afraid that strength exercises make them look like men. Such reincarnations threaten only professional athletes who consciously take this step, connecting additional hormonal drugs.


  • in girls, the main muscles are located in the lower body, but do not forget about the back and arms;
  • thus, two / three exercises will go to the legs and buttocks, upper part each zone one at a time, as a result, more will work up, and the load distribution is balanced;
  • to improve the buttocks, a combination of aerobic and anaerobic training, this allows you to make the fibers more elastic and reduce the shape of the muscle itself;
  • last from forty minutes to an hour, intense exercise with a barbell and on simulators after completing on a treadmill or pedaling;
  • each repetition of the approach is performed from 15 to 25 times, depending on the preliminary preparation, between them the rest time is half a minute / minute, be sure to drink water;
  • you should not spend all the time in the gym, you can perfectly study at home, having mastered basic technique, complementing the morning / evening jog.

Basic exercises

  • squats with a barbell give the main load on the buttocks, due to the shift of the center of gravity back, that is, the fifth point is maximally rejected, in order to achieve muscle hypertrophy, having received neat forms, five approaches are performed;
  • lunges help strengthen the inner and back of the thigh, you can use a small load to protect the knee joints, the exercise is no less effective without a barbell, it is enough to do three approaches;
  • leg press is performed only with a fixed back, allows you to quickly pump your legs, remove excess volume, make them slim, fit, you need four approaches;
  • lifting the legs on the crossbar works not only on the press, but also on the back, the spine is stretched, the joints are protected from any injuries, enough difficult exercise for beginners, but effective, the maximum number of times, five sets each;
  • the end is a treadmill / bicycle, on which it is desirable to spend at least twenty minutes.


  • the desire to become ideal faster can lead to malfunctions in the body, emotional imbalance and depression, stable, calm work on oneself is the main key to success;
  • obligatory eight-hour sleep, otherwise it will become much more difficult to achieve volumes, plus hair problems and premature wrinkles;
  • only professionals can afford, for beginners, anti-carbohydrate nutrition threatens with huge problems with the hormonal background;
  • grueling workouts to the point of losing pulse, quickly get bored, three times a week is enough to create and maintain mouth-watering forms.
Tired of envying sports beauties, you need to urgently buy a subscription. And after two months of stable training, astonished girlfriends will be interested in how to become a phyton. Luxurious toned body, will become the best award after a tiring workout.

Hello dear friends! Today I will raise a topic that is usually avoided: the topic of women's sports, bikinis, in particular, and how all this is correct. Of course, on the one hand I am a man, and it would be foolish to say that I do not like beautiful girls in swimsuits. Moreover, I am sure that every guy will agree with me that if a girl has beautiful figure, which she herself created for herself in the gym, why not sparkle on the beach? But we will not talk about this, but about how to respond to the fact that thanks to the Internet, photo beautiful girls in bathing suits, and sometimes without them, has become an everyday routine. After all, literally twenty years ago, seeing a girl in a swimsuit for a guy was something extremely intimate and erotic, at that time Playboy magazines were kept as relics, but what do we have now? obvious degradation.

How to treat photos of beautiful girls in swimsuits?
the big word "degradation", I do not mean specifically individuals, but the degradation of the morals of all mankind in principle. After all, 200 years ago a woman with an open neck looked defiant, 150 years ago open ankles were considered erotic, and what happened then? Skirts got shorter, underwear got smaller and we ended up where we are today. A skirt below the knees is considered the height of chastity, like a T-shirt or jacket, without a cutout under the neckline. And I'm not against it, because every girl wants to look beautiful, and I'm far from being a hypocrite, but let's play a game: find on the avatar in social network a girl in a bathing suit in five clicks. You need to search like this - open your friend's friends and see his friends, continuing this until the moment of "finding". I assure you, every third click will be a "winning" one, but what does that say?

Men are happy that they can see all the charms of the female body without getting up from the couch, women stand up for their equal rights and it seems to be illegal to talk about the vulgarity of such photos. However, there is one “but” here. Since when did a girl's butt on the whole screen cease to be pornography and become just a "photo"? And I will answer you: since this girl began to go once a week to gym, pedaling there or squatting under the guidance of a coach. And here I’m not talking about those girls who really achieve impressive success, but about those who have not achieved anything in sports, but dishonor the very word “athlete” with their vulgar behavior. And personally, I like to look at photos of beautiful girls in swimsuits, but damn it, I'm not at all interested in "women" who position themselves as a product of our consumption. All good guys!