Exercise therapy for gastritis: benefits, tasks, effective exercises. The effect of exercise therapy on the stomach. During the period of exacerbation

Exercise therapy for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as exercise therapy after surgery on abdominal cavity help relieve pain symptoms, improve blood circulation and prevent the development of complications. The frequency and degree of load during therapeutic training is assigned depending on how intensively the disease progresses, and how quickly the patient recovers after surgery

Types of exercises for improving the gastrointestinal tract (GIT)

Physiotherapy exercises (exercise therapy) are necessary for all diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, even after surgery on the abdominal cavity, it is necessary to make feasible movements (wiggle your fingers and toes), which will significantly speed up recovery. Physical exercises for the gastrointestinal tract help to reduce the stressful effect of the disease, improve blood circulation and, including in the tissues of the affected organ, thereby stimulating its faster recovery (removal of inflammation, healing of an ulcer or postoperative wound), prevent the development of complications.

Kinds exercise for the improvement of the gastrointestinal tract, their intensity and duration depend, firstly, on the stage of the disease: in the acute period, especially if bed rest is prescribed, the simplest exercises (squeezing and unclenching the fingers, turning the head) are performed lying or reclining in bed, when the exacerbation subsides, lying on a rug or sitting on a chair, and when recovering, standing, while Exercise therapy is joined by walking, jogging, cycling and other outdoor activities.

Of particular importance are exercises for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and other types of physical activity for the prevention of exacerbations of the disease.

Second, character exercise therapy exercises in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract depends on the location, form of the disease, type of disease. It has been established that with moderate physical activity, the secretion of gastric juice increases, and intense muscular work reduces it.

In this regard, in chronic gastritis with reduced secretion, exercise therapy should be aimed at improving sap secretion, strengthening the abdominal muscles, and activating blood circulation in the abdominal cavity. Therefore, to stimulate the secretory and motor activity of the stomach, exercises for the stomach and intestines are used, which strengthen the abdominal muscles, abdominal massage, general strengthening exercises of low and medium intensity. Exercise therapy is carried out before admission.

On the contrary, with gastritis with increased secretion, exercises on the abdominal muscles are limited, while the intensity of other exercises increases significantly due to increased load compared to those who have gastritis with reduced secretion. Physiotherapy exercises for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract should be carried out after taking mineral water, but before eating.

With GERD and especially with esophageal achalasia, loads on the abdominal muscles, tilts and other exercise therapy exercises for gastrointestinal diseases that increase pressure in the abdominal cavity, both in the acute period and for the prevention of exacerbations, are unacceptable.

A set of exercise therapy exercises for gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer is similar to that for gastritis with increased secretion, but somewhat more sparing in the acute and subacute period of the disease.

Exercise therapy for chronic gastritis: a set of physical exercises for pain in the stomach

Exercises for gastritis should be done either 0.5-1 hour before a meal, or 2-2.5 hours after a meal, since even a slight physical exercise can inhibit the secretion of the stomach.

Before starting a set of exercises for gastritis, walking around the room for 3-5 minutes:

1. Starting position: lying on your back, arms along the body. Raise your hands to your shoulders, then spread your arms to the sides and inhale, raise your hands to your shoulders again, return to the starting position and exhale. Repeat this physical exercise for gastritis 5-7 times.

2. Starting position: Same. Pull your right knee to your stomach and exhale, return to the starting position and inhale. Repeat 5-7 times with each leg.

3.Starting position: Same. Bend your knees, spread your knees apart, then bring them together and straighten your legs. Repeat 10-12 times.

4. Starting position: lying on the right side. Pull your left knee to your stomach, take your left hand back, exhale, return to the starting position, inhale. Repeat 8-10 times, then do the same physical exercise for chronic gastritis, lying on your left side.

5. Starting position: knee-carpal (kneeling and leaning on straight arms). Performing this exercise for pain in the stomach, straighten the right leg and take it as far back as possible towards the ceiling, return to the starting position. Repeat 5-7 times with each leg.

6. Starting position: Same. At the same time, raise, straightening, the right arm and left leg, return to the starting position. Then follow with your left hand and right foot. Repeat 5-7 times.

7. Starting position: sitting on a stool, hands on the belt. Rotational movements of the body: forward, left, back, right; then in the opposite direction. Repeat this exercise for the gastrointestinal tract 5 times in each direction.

8. Starting position: the same. Stretch your arms forward, while raising your right leg, return to the starting position. Repeat 5-7 times with each leg.

9. Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms to the sides. Turn your torso to the right so that you see the wall behind you, and inhale; stretch your arms in the same direction without lifting your legs from the floor; return to starting position. Repeat this exercise from the exercise therapy complex for chronic gastritis 5-7 times in each direction.

10. Starting position: Same. Lean forward, touch your left foot with your right hand; take your left hand back; return to starting position. Repeat 5-7 times with each hand.

A set of exercises for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and gastritis with high acidity

A set of exercises for gastritis with high acidity is also suitable for the prevention of exacerbations in gastric and duodenal ulcers. In this set of exercises for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, exercises on the abdominal muscles are limited, while the intensity of other exercises is significantly higher than with gastritis with reduced secretion. Exercise therapy should be carried out after taking mineral water, shortly (10-15 minutes) before meals. The intensity of exercises to improve the gastrointestinal tract gradually, as fitness increases, increases by accelerating the execution of exercises, increasing the number of repetitions, introducing exercises with weights (dumbbells) and others.

Before starting exercise, walk around the room for 3-5 minutes:

1. Starting position: lying on your back. Arms along the body, legs bent at the knees. Breathe diaphragmatic breathing(belly): at the expense of 1-2 - inhale, the stomach swells, at the expense of 3-4 - exhale, the stomach is retracted.

2. Starting position: Same. The legs are crossed at the ankles, the arms are slightly spread apart. Slowly rotate your pelvis and legs to one side, and your head, chest, and shoulders to the other. Repeat 6-8 times on each side.

3. Starting position: sitting on the floor, straight legs apart. Straight arms are extended in front of you. Stretch your arms forward, trying to touch the right foot, return to the starting position. Then stretch forward and touch the floor between your legs with your hands, return to the starting position. Stretch to the left foot, return to the starting position. Repeat 7-10 times.

4. Starting position: Same. Hands to the side. With your right hand, bending over, touch your left foot, moving your left hand back, return to the starting position. Repeat 6-8 times with each hand.

5. Starting position: standing. Feet shoulder width apart, arms along the body. On an inhale, raise your hands up, on an exhale, bend forward deeply, touching the floor with your hands. Repeat this exercise from the exercise therapy complex for gastritis 8-10 times.

6. Starting position: Same. Raise your arms through the sides up, inhale. Hold your breath for 4-5 seconds, return to the starting position and exhale. Repeat 6-8 times. The same exercise can be performed with dumbbells 0.5-1.5 kg.

7. Starting position: Same. Tilt your torso to the right, sliding your left palm to the armpit, return to the starting position. Perform the same movement, leaning to the left. Repeat 6-8 times on each side. The same exercise can be performed with dumbbells 0.5-1.5 kg.

8. Starting position: Same. While inhaling, raise your straight arms up, bend slightly at the waist and at the same time put your right leg back on the toe. As you exhale, lean forward slightly, lower your arms and put your foot forward. Do the same with your left leg back. Repeat 6-8 times with each leg.

9. Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms to the sides. Turn your torso to the maximum to the right so that you can see the wall behind you, and inhale; stretch your arms in the same direction without lifting your legs from the floor; return to starting position. Repeat 6-8 times on each side.

10. Starting position: Same. Lean forward, touch your left foot with your right hand; take your left hand back; back to IP. Repeat 6-8 times with each hand.

After class, if possible, take a contrast shower or wash yourself to the waist with cool water.

Exercise therapy complex for gastric ulcer: exercise for ulcer without perforation

Light physical exercises can be started already in the acute period, when the absence of perforation of the ulcer, bleeding is confirmed, acute pain is relieved and there are no other contraindications.

Exercise therapy for gastric ulcer is carried out in the initial position (IP) lying mainly on the back, less often on the stomach, avoiding stress that increases pain and discomfort; between exercises, you should take breaks of 30-40 seconds, the time for performing one exercise therapy complex is 8-10 minutes.

It is desirable 3 repetitions of this set of physical exercises for stomach ulcers per day - in the morning, afternoon and early evening, 1.5-2 hours after eating:

1. Starting position: lying on your back Arms along the body, legs extended and connected. While inhaling, squeeze the fingers of both hands into a fist, while exhaling, slowly unclench; breathing is calm, without tension of the abdominal muscles. Repeat 10 times.

2. Starting position: Same. Pull the toe of the right foot towards you, the toe of the left simultaneously goes away from you. Then do the same exercise from the complex with a stomach ulcer, starting with the left leg. Repeat 5 times alternately with each leg.

3 Starting position: Same. The arms are bent at the elbows, the elbows are pressed to the bed, the legs are extended. Simultaneous circular motions hands: left hand clockwise, right - counterclockwise (4 times); change the direction of movement of the hands (4 times). Repeat this exercise from the exercise therapy complex for gastric ulcer 5 times.

4. Starting position: Same. Hands along the body, legs bent at the knees and brought together. Slowly open and close your knees. Repeat 10 times.

5. Starting position: lying on your back. Arms along the body, legs extended and connected. Slowly turn your head to the right, then to the left. Breathing is arbitrary, without tension. Repeat 10 times.

Exercise therapy for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: exercises for the stomach and intestines

1.Starting position: Same. Arms along the body, legs extended and connected. Bend, without taking off from the bed, right hand at the elbow, lower: the same with the left hand. Repeat 10 times.

2. Starting position: Same. Feet shoulder width apart, arms along the body. Spread your toes apart, then bring them together, making sure that your legs turn completely from the hip inward and outward. Repeat 10 times.

3. Starting position: Same. The legs are extended and connected. Raise your shoulders - inhale, lower - exhale. Repeat 5 times.

4.Starting position: Same. Put your left hand on your chest, your right hand on your stomach and take a slow (about 4 seconds) breath, absorbing the air in intermittent portions. As you inhale, expand your diaphragm, then move chest to the position of the upper breath, reducing abdominal wall and relaxing the diaphragm, then exhale the air in small portions through the nose (exhalation - about 6 seconds). Repeat the exercise 5-6 times, then breathe calmly.

5. Starting position: lying on the stomach (in the absence of pain and severe discomfort). Legs extended, arms along the body. Bend and unbend the legs at the knees. Repeat 10 times.

6. Starting position: lying on your back. Arms along the body, legs extended. Arms, torso and legs are relaxed. Breathe calmly with your eyes closed for 2-3 minutes.

Therapeutic exercise in the postoperative period after abdominal surgery

Currently, it is customary to raise patients early after surgery, so the early postoperative period consists of 2 parts: the 1st part (1-2nd day), when the patient lies, and the 2nd part (2-3rd day, less often longer) when they are allowed to sit down, and then get up.

Therefore, for the first 2 days, all exercise therapy exercises in the postoperative period are done lying down, then exercises are added, in a sitting position, and then standing. Classes in the early postoperative period are preferably carried out 5-6 times a day for 8-10 minutes. After some operations, especially gentle ones performed with the help of an endoscope, it is allowed to get up on the same day, but it is not recommended to start immediately doing physical exercises while standing. It is possible, focusing on the state of health and the recommendations of the doctor, to slightly reduce the duration of these periods. After class, there should be a feeling of pleasant fatigue, but not fatigue.

Be sure to combine exercise physiotherapy exercises in the postoperative period with walks: first along the ward, then along the corridor, and, if possible, in the fresh air:

1. Starting position: lying on your back Breathe calmly, exhaling a few longer than inhalation, Five times.

2. Starting position: Same. Cough several times. Inhaling air through the nose, and exhaling with mild coughing shocks, trying to keep your mouth covered and pressing your ribs with each coughing shock.

3. Starting position: Same. Bending your elbows, clench your fingers into fists 8 times, then unclench.

4. Starting position: Same. The arms are extended along the body. Simultaneously with the inhalation, raise the right hand forward, exhaling lower. Repeat 4 times with each hand.

5. Starting position: Same. The elbows are pressed to the body, the hands are raised to the shoulders. While inhaling, spread your elbows to the sides, while exhaling, return to the starting position. Repeat 6 times.

6. Starting position: Same. Extend your arms out in front of your chest while inhaling and return to the starting position while exhaling. Repeat 6 times.

7. Starting position: Same. The arms lie relaxed along the body. Pull the toes towards you, then away from you. Repeat 8 times.

8. Starting position: Same. Arms along the body, legs extended. Alternate bending of the legs at the knees, sliding the heel along the bed. Repeat 3 times with each leg, and then 3 times with both legs at the same time.

9. Starting position: Same. The legs are bent at the knees. Spread your knees to the sides, feet in place. Repeat 8 times.

10. Starting position: Same. The legs are bent at the knees. Raise the pelvis, leaning on the elbows, shoulder blades and the back of the head. Repeat 3 times.

11. Starting position: sitting on the bed. Bend your arms at the elbows, then pull the hands to the shoulders. Repeat 6 times.

12. Starting position: Same. Leaning your hands on the bed, “walk around” while sitting for 1-2 minutes.

13. Starting position: Same. Stretching your arms forward, squeeze your fingers into a fist 9 times and unclench them.

14. Starting position: Same. Leaning your hands on the bed, pull the socks towards you and away from you 9 times, while not tearing your heels off the bed.

15. Starting position: lying. Right hand on chest, left hand on stomach. Slowly take 8 deep breaths and exhalations, trying not to connect the stomach to the breath.

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Physical inactivity is the main cause of many diseases, including the digestive system. Therefore, in their treatment, more and more attention is paid to therapeutic gymnastics. Movements stimulate blood circulation in the organs, improve their condition and work. In particular, exercise therapy for gastritis, which affects more than half of the population, contributes not only to a quick cure, but also to the prevention of exacerbations.

A set of exercise therapy exercises for gastritis not only helps to normalize the secretion of gastric juice and promote food. It improves blood circulation in the abdominal cavity, in all organs and tissues of the body, increases the body's resistance to diseases, including the digestive system.

Digestive disorders negatively affect the body as a whole, they cannot be eliminated only medications. The well-known oriental doctor Ibn Sina wrote: "If you exercise, there is no great need for the use of medicines." You can quickly and effectively bring the stomach into a good functional state by including a special set of exercise therapy exercises for gastritis in the treatment program.

The effect of exercise therapy on the stomach

It's no secret that there is such skepticism: can exercise reduce stomach pain during gastritis, relieve inflammation? “Gymnastics is the most healing part of medicine,” wrote the ancient Greek philosopher Plato, and this was confirmed by the centuries-old practice of healing and modern medicine.

Various body movements and muscle contractions work flawlessly, bringing great benefits:

  • contribute to the release of energy (calories), which is needed for digestion, cell repair;
  • increase blood flow to the abdominal cavity, improve blood circulation;
  • normalize the function of the glands that produce gastric juice;
  • stimulate the smooth muscles of the stomach, strengthen the sphincters, eliminate peristalsis disorders;
  • increase the tone of the abdominal muscles and internal ligaments that support organs;
  • reduce the impact on the body of gastric problems.

Tasks of therapeutic gymnastics

The purpose of physical exercises in the treatment of gastritis is to normalize the secretion of gastric juice, to ensure the normal time that food is in the stomach until it is completely processed, to eliminate the reverse reflux of the contents into the esophagus (with reflux gastritis). Gymnastics also helps to regulate the timely entry of gastric contents into the intestines, to prevent its delay or, conversely, too rapid evacuation.

Ultimately, this leads to a decrease or elimination of gastritis symptoms such as heartburn, a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen, nausea, belching, vomiting, epigastric pain, stool retention or disorder, and overall well-being improves.

Principles of exercise therapy for gastritis

A set of therapeutic exercises for patients with gastritis is selected individually, taking into account:

  • stage of the disease;
  • the nature of functional disorders.

In the acute stage of the disease physical exercise not shown, excluded sports training, fitness classes, swimming. Assigned only breathing exercises, which improves the supply of oxygen to tissues, and exercises for the muscles of the limbs. As you recover in the subacute stage of gastritis, a load is gradually given to the muscles of the back, and then the abdomen, starting with isometric (static) loads without changing the position of the body - lying on the back.

In the remission stage, gymnastics has a preventive direction, it includes a wide range of various exercises. The limitation is weight lifting and excessive power load.

The secretory and motor function of the stomach is taken into account. If it is excessive, exercise therapy includes exercises at a smooth pace, with an emphasis on a general health-improving effect and improved breathing, without a pronounced load on the abdominals. With a weakened function, the load on the abdominal muscles is increased, and the pace of gymnastics is faster and more energetic.

It is very important not to exercise therapy on a full stomach, and 1-1.5 hours before a meal with low acidity, immediately before a meal if the secretion is increased, and 2 hours after a meal.

A set of exercises for the treatment of gastritis

Today, on the Internet, you can find any kind of information, including all kinds of gymnastics complexes with video instructions. It is enough to enter the phrase “physiotherapy exercises for gastritis” into the search engine, and hundreds of options open up. Which of them should be preferred in order to benefit and not harm health? First of all, you need to visit a doctor, undergo an examination, and, in accordance with his recommendations, make a suitable and optimal choice.

Physical education with low acidity

Gymnastics should be started no later than 1.5 hours before meals and 40 minutes after drinking. The duration of classes is from 10 to 30 minutes, depending on the stage of the disease, it must be agreed with the doctor, as well as the number of repetitions of exercises.

Physical education with high acidity

Increased secretion and motility of the stomach does not require a large load on the abdominal muscles. Movement is more directed towards general strengthening body, nervous system, increased breathing volume. This complex of exercise therapy is performed immediately before meals at a measured, smooth pace, but the number of repetitions is greater, and the lesson time is longer.

A set of exercises outside the stage of exacerbation

Pain and discomfort in the stomach area is already behind, and you breathed a sigh of relief: taking medication, a strict diet and special exercises will no longer take time and distract you from business. But this is only partly true. Chronic diseases "like" to return as soon as suitable conditions appear, and the main among them is physical inactivity, impaired blood circulation.

To prevent exacerbation of gastritis, you need to regularly perform therapeutic exercises. The digestive organs work in commonwealth, they are interconnected in single system when failures in any organ will certainly affect the work of the stomach. Accessible home complex preventive exercises to improve the entire digestive system is presented in the video.


The exercise therapy complex for gastritis is not prescribed in cases of an acute stage or exacerbation of a chronic disease, when the following symptoms are expressed:

In such cases, only breathing exercises are indicated, because such patients are often prescribed a sparing half-bed regimen. Loads are possible after the subsidence of acute phenomena on the recommendation of a doctor.

Specialists involved in the treatment of diseases of the digestive system strongly recommend that exercise therapy be included in the treatment program along with drug treatment and diet therapy. According to statistics, recovery in these cases is faster, and the remission period is longer.

Today, doctors are increasingly focusing on the prevention of gastritis, and physical activity plays an important role in this. Regular and dosed muscle loads mobilize the “sleeping” reserves of the body, make it work as a whole and quickly get rid of emerging digestive problems. Preventive measures are especially important on the eve of the spring period, when exacerbations are most frequent.

Chronic gastritis should also be differentiated from a functional neurosis of the stomach (the so-called "irritable stomach", "hypergic irritated stomach", "convulsive stomach").

This form of gastric neurosis is characterized by pain in the upper abdomen (in some cases, the pain does not have a clear dependence on food intake, in others they are in the nature of ulcerative pains); heartburn, belching, constipation, intolerance to acidic and coarse foods. This form of neurosis is observed in patients with vegetative-vascular dystonia. The clinical picture of the disease is very similar to peptic ulcer, but X-ray examination reveals only an "excited" stomach without an ulcerative "niche". Histological studies do not reveal changes in the gastric mucosa. Gastric secretion is increased.

In addition, chronic Achilles gastritis should be distinguished from the "functional Achilles" seen in the elderly. The study of indicators of gastric secretion (intragastric pH-metry) in this disease reveals the absence of hydrochloric acid and pepsin in the gastric juice, as well as a decrease in the level of uropepsinogen. Along with this, the gastric mucosa, examined by gastroscopy and aspiration biopsy, seems to be absolutely normal.


    1. Methods of therapeutic exercises for gastritis.

With an exacerbation of chronic gastritis, exercise therapy should be prescribed only after the symptoms of an irritated stomach subside (pain, nausea, vomiting). In this subacute period, only therapeutic exercises are shown with the exception of exercises for the abdominal muscles, which can provoke an exacerbation;

Vascular dystonia and lability of the cardiovascular system are not a contraindication to the use of therapeutic exercises, since physical exercises will help to reduce (eliminate) them;

Violation of the activity of the intestine (diarrhea) requires a delay in the appointment of therapeutic exercises until the enteritis stops. Constipation is not a contraindication for the use of physical exercises, as they help improve bowel function;

Along with exercises without weights, it is necessary to introduce emotional exercises aimed at increasing the tone of the nervous system, especially in patients with reduced secretion (for example, combined movements accompanied by clapping, etc.);

Special loading exercises for the abdominal muscles in the first half of the therapeutic gymnastics course are not recommended, since even without these exercises the muscles are sufficiently involved in the work when bending and turning the body to the sides;

exercises with gymnastic objects (dumbbells, maces, etc.) should be swing and combined with breathing exercises; it is more expedient to use dynamic breathing exercises;

The total number of exercises in therapeutic exercises is 15-25, depending on the general condition of the patient. Patients with reduced secretion need fewer exercises, patients with normal and increased secretion need more (usually quite well-fed);

The dosage of exercises for chronic gastritis with reduced secretion should be moderate, and for chronic gastritis with normal and increased secretion - stronger. To do this, in chronic gastritis with reduced secretion, 3-4 repetitions of each exercise are recommended, exercises should be carried out smoothly, at a calm pace, and in chronic gastritis with normal and increased secretion, the number of repetitions should be increased to 5-6 and exercises should be performed at an average pace;

From the means and forms of physical therapy, various types of physical exercises, morning hygienic gymnastics, walking, swimming, skiing and cycling, and elements of sports games (tennis, volleyball, etc.) are shown.

Tasks of exercise therapy: to tone up and normalize the activity of the central nervous system and restore normal cortico-visceral connections; normalize the secretory and motor functions of the gastrointestinal tract; normalize metabolism; improve the activity of the cardiovascular and tracheobronchial system, ensure its adaptation to increasing physical activity. The method of LH in chronic gastritis depends on the form of the disease.

With a reduced secretory function of the stomach (gastritis with secretory insufficiency), therapeutic exercises are used for the purpose of a general moderate effect of physical activity on the body. The main focus of therapeutic exercises is the regulation of the processes of sap secretion, the improvement of metabolism, the strengthening of the abdominal muscles, and the activation of blood circulation in the abdominal cavity. To stimulate the secretory and motor functions of the stomach against the background of restorative exercises in therapeutic exercises, special exercises are used for the abdominal muscles in the initial standing, sitting and lying position with a gradual increase in load. It is advisable to use exercises covering large muscle groups, breathing exercises, complicated types of walking, exercises with gymnastic objects and equipment.

The task of therapeutic exercises with increased secretory function of the stomach is to normalize the function of the autonomic nervous system and balance the nervous processes. A positive emotional background is important exercise therapy condition in these patients. It is recommended to introduce more complex coordination exercises in combination with breathing exercises into the procedure of therapeutic exercises. The impact on the abdominal muscles should be limited. Patients with increased secretion of gastric juice should perform exercises with a greater load than those whose secretion is reduced. The intensity of the load can be increased by speeding up the execution of exercises, increasing the number of repetitions, introducing exercises with weights. When performing moderate physical activity, the secretion of gastric juice increases, and intense muscular work reduces gastric secretion.

In sanatorium-resort conditions, relay races are widely used in game form(with a ball, maces, with gymnastic hoops), walks, sports exercises (swimming, ski trips, skates, etc.) and abdominal massage (according to a sedative technique).

      Therapeutic exercise for gastritis.

It is advisable to include physiotherapy exercises in anti-relapse treatment as well. Physical education has a tonic effect on the entire body, improves metabolism, normalizes nervous reactions, changes intra-abdominal pressure, and improves blood circulation in the abdominal cavity.

Therapeutic exercise for patients with chronic gastritis occurring with secretory insufficiency should be moderate and aimed at strengthening the abdominal muscles, restorative. Walks are recommended, as well as dosed walking.

In patients with increased secretion, the load in the classroom should be much greater - at the level of submaximal power of work, but the number of exercises for the abdominal muscles should be limited and they should be performed with a moderate load. With a combination of dietary nutrition, intake of mineral water and physiotherapy exercises, it is most advisable for chronic gastritis with increased secretion of the digestive glands. mineral water drink before physical education, and take food 15-20 minutes after class.

With gastritis with reduced secretion, mineral water should be drunk after physical education 15-20 minutes before meals.

Compliance with the correct diet, the fight against smoking and alcohol abuse, the identification and treatment of other diseases of the digestive system, sanitation of the oral cavity - all these activities will prevent the occurrence and progression of chronic gastritis.

Running helps to normalize the acidity of gastric juice. So with reduced secretion of gastric juice before running, drink a glass of magnetized water - this will enhance the secretory function of the stomach. Run for at least 30 minutes and no more than an hour.
When the secretion is increased or normal, you can drink a glass of oatmeal or oatmeal before running to neutralize the increased acidity.

Approximate scheme in the period of remission

Walking simple and complicated (combines the movements of arms and legs). Rhythmically, calmly.


Gradual retraction into the load, development of coordination of movements.

Exercises for arms and legs combined with body movements and breathing exercises in sitting positions.


The same, a gradual increase in intra-abdominal pressure. Increased blood circulation in the abdominal cavity.

standing. Exercises in throwing and catching balls, relay races. Alternating with breathing exercises.


General physiological load. Creating conditions for the development of positive emotions. Development of full breathing functions.

Exercises for the development of balance in alternation with exercises on the gymnastic wall such as mixed hangs.


General tonic effect on the nervous system, development of static-dynamic stability.

Lying. Elementary limb exercises combined with deep breathing.


Load reduction. The development of complete breathing.


Exercise 1. Putting the right leg back, raise your hands up - inhale, return to the starting position - exhale. The same for the left leg. The pace is slow. Run 3-4 times.

Exercise 2. Torso twists. Hands to the sides - inhale, turn 90 ° to the right - exhale, return to the original position - inhale; turn 90 ° to the left - exhale, return to the starting position - inhale. The pace is slow. Run 3-4 times in each direction.

Exercise 3. Tilts to the side. Lean to the right - exhale, straighten up - inhale; lean to the left - exhale, straighten - inhale. Breathing is even. The pace is slow. Run 3-4 times.

Exercise 4. Exercise "woodcutter". Leaning forward - exhale, returning to its original position - inhale. The exercise imitates chopping wood. The pace is fast. Run 3-4 times.

Exercise 5 Full breath(see exercise 13 of the previous complex). The pace is slow. Run 3-4 times.

Exercise 6. Starting position - sitting. Legs are straight, hands are in support behind. To bend - inhale, return to the starting position - exhale. The pace is slow. Run 4-6 times.

To perform exercises from 7 to 9, the starting position is lying on your back.

Exercise 7. Alternately lifting the right, then the left straight leg. Raising the leg - exhale, lowering - inhale. The pace is slow. Run 4-6 times.

Exercise 8. Exercise "bike". Breathing is even. The pace is average. Perform within 15-25 seconds.

Exercise 9. Full deep breathing - 3-4 times. The pace is slow.

Exercise 10. Starting position - lying on your stomach. Bending the arms in emphasis. Pushing up from the floor, exhale, returning to the starting position - inhale. The pace is average. Run 5-10 times.

To perform exercises 11 and 12, the starting position is standing.

Exercise 11. Squats. Squatting, exhale, returning to the starting position - inhale. The pace is average. Run 5-15 times.

Exercise 12. Raise the straight right leg - exhale, take it back - inhale. The pace is average. Run 4-6 times. The same for the left leg.

To perform exercises 13 and 14, the starting position is sitting.

Exercise 13. Find a footrest. Lean back - inhale, return to the starting position - exhale. The pace is slow. Run 3-5 times.

Exercise 14. Starting position - sitting. Full slow breathing under the control of the hands. Put your right hand on your chest, left hand on your stomach.

At the expense of one or two, we begin to take a slow diaphragmatic breath, the diaphragm goes down, while the stomach protrudes. This movement is fixed by the left hand. On the count of three or four, we continue to take a full breath, but already with the chest. It fixes the right hand. At the same time, the chest rises, the shoulders turn around, and the head leans back a little. At the expense of five or six, we begin to make a slow diaphragmatic exhalation, the diaphragm goes up, and the stomach is drawn in. This movement is fixed by the left hand. On the count of seven or eight, we continue to exhale completely, but with the chest. It fixes the right hand. At the same time, the chest drops, the shoulders come together, the head falls on the chest. On a count of nine to ten, try to hold your breath while exhaling completely. (In the future, the time of holding the breath at full exhalation should be gradually increased, but not through force.) Repeat the exercise 3-5 times.

Exercise 15. Starting position - on all fours. Synchronous lifting of the arm and leg. We raise the right arm and right leg - inhale, lower - exhale; raise the left arm and left leg - inhale, lower - exhale. The pace is average. Run 3-8 times.

To perform exercises from 16 to 18, the starting position is standing.

Exercise 16 Breathing is even. Run 15-60 times, then switch to walking.

Exercise 17. Walking in place for 1.5 minutes.

Exercise 18. Full breath - 1.5-2 minutes. The pace is slow.

In addition to therapeutic exercises and walks, patients with hypocidic and anacid gastritis are advised to swim (especially when the stomach and intestines are prolapsed), rowing, volleyball, tennis, weekend tourism, skiing and skating. It is very good for such patients, along with exercises for all muscle groups, to perform exercises with a load on the abdominal muscles.

With constipation, which very often accompanies atony, you should perform additional exercises associated with shaking the body (running, jumping rope, horseback riding, sport games, skiing and rowing).

Thus, thanks to the complex use of health-improving gymnastics, anti-inflammatory and reparative therapy, hygiene procedures and diet therapy in combination with medical therapy, it becomes possible to solve the global problem of normalizing the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract at the stage of preparing the body for colon cleansing.


The value of physiotherapy exercises, as one of the main components not only in the treatment, but also in the constant prevention of gastritis, is very high. The use of exercise therapy in the treatment of chronic gastritis increases the effectiveness of complex therapy of patients, accelerates the recovery time and prevents further progression of this disease. It is important to keep in mind that many patients with gastritis in the active phase may be asymptomatic, which leads to an underestimation of the frequency of gastric ulcer and its relapses. Since the process is asymptomatic in many patients, the absence of characteristic pain does not exclude gastritis as the cause of gastrointestinal bleeding, signs of obstruction of the gastric outlet, or a sudden complication. Regarding the basic exercises given in the abstract, it should be noted that only a strict sequence in increasing the load and its individualization are the main conditions for all classes. This should take into account the condition, the reaction of those involved, the characteristics of the clinical course, concomitant diseases and the physical fitness of patients. In conclusion, I will say that the prevention of the disease mainly consists in eliminating possible factors that cause the disease: smoking and drinking alcohol; non-compliance with the diet, work and rest; stress associated with overstrain of the central nervous system, which in turn can lead to sleep disturbance, appetite, etc.

List of used literature

    Khrenov A.A. Chronic gastritis.

    Gastritis. Article on the site DR-Nona.ru.

    Gastritis. Article on the site Diagnos.ru.

    Gastritis. Article on the site Med2000.ru.

    Gastritis. Article on the site Health.rin.ru.

    Moshkov V.N. Therapeutic exercise in the clinic of internal diseases., M., 1952

    A set of therapeutic exercises for gastritis. Article on Rusmedserver.ru

    Methods of therapeutic gymnastics. Article on the site Dhelp.ru

    Yakovleva L.A. Therapeutic exercise in chronic diseases of the abdominal cavity., Kyiv 1968

    Physiotherapy. Article on Wikipedia.org

    Ivanov S. M. Medical control and exercise therapy, 3rd edition - M .: INFRA, 2003.

The use of exercise therapy for gastritis seems to many a dubious undertaking. At first glance, physical therapy is simply unable to positively affect the state of the gastrointestinal tract. In fact, well-thought-out exercises for gastritis contribute to a rapid improvement in the patient's condition, a noticeable decrease in pain.

The effect of physical therapy on the body

Gymnastic exercises have a positive effect on all muscle groups, and if used correctly, they can even improve well-being during acute attacks of gastritis.

Therapeutic exercise for gastritis affects the body as follows:

  • with active muscle work many useful substances are formed that are necessary for the body, including for the restoration of damaged tissues;
  • such exercises improve blood flow through the vessels, as a result of which more oxygen and nutrients enter the organs;
  • with chronic manifestations of gastritis, daily physical education helps to normalize the amount of secreted gastric juice;
  • along the way, classes improve the enzymatic and motor function of the stomach;
  • gymnastics helps to reduce the effect of the inflammatory process in the stomach on the entire body.

Of course physical activity must be correct and timely. For example, with gastritis with low acidity, it is better to do gymnastics either two hours before or after eating food. The fact is that such exercises significantly increase the level of secreted gastric juice, which subsequently affects the quality of food digestion.

Proper training can even stimulate the process of repairing damaged stomach cells. But to get a noticeable result, you will have to practice often and diligently. One workout twice a week will not give any results. Usually, doctors prescribe a daily course of exercises, which not only helps to normalize well-being, but also prevents relapses of exacerbation of gastritis.

Exercises suitable for patients with hypoacid gastritis

Exercise therapy for chronic gastritis is one of the most effective ways dealing with a problem that worries people. A set of exercises always depends on the type of disease, the stage of its development. Proceed to medical classes recommended 10 days after the onset of exacerbation. What exercises are considered the most effective in this case?

A set of exercises performed alternately should not be too tiring, and the number of heart beats per minute should not exceed 150.

It has already been mentioned above that it is better to do such gymnastics with gastritis with low acidity either 2 hours before a meal or the same amount after a meal.

In the acute course of gastritis, those exercises that are performed in a standing position should be avoided. It is better to give preference to training in a sitting or lying position.

Therapeutic exercises for gastritis with a high level of acidity

With increased acidity, it is necessary to perform a set of monotonous exercises with numerous repetitions. Moreover, you need to do such gymnastics either immediately before eating or immediately after eating, since this will noticeably improve a person’s well-being and reduce characteristic pains.

What physical activity is relevant in this case?

  1. Rotation of the head and hands, as in a set of exercises for gastritis with low acidity. The number of repetitions of each exercise is 15.
  2. Sitting on the floor, you need to spread your legs shoulder-width apart, put your hands on your sides. Next, the right hand should be taken to the right, and then up, while the body should lean to the left. Repeat the exercise for the left arm and do 8 repetitions for each limb.
  3. In the supine position, the legs must be bent at the knees, while keeping the feet off the floor. Now the legs need to be tilted to the right, without tearing off the feet, and then to the left. The number of repetitions is 8 for each side.
  4. Starting position - lying on the left side, the left knee is bent. The right hand, while inhaling, rises up, while exhaling, grabs the right knee and presses it to the chest. It is necessary to do 10 repetitions, then roll over to the right side and do the exercise 10 more times for the left hand.
  5. Standing on all fours, you need to raise your right hand to the side, then up. Do the same for the left, repeat 10 times for each limb.
  6. Starting position - standing, feet shoulder-width apart. The support is placed on the right foot, and the left slowly rises and shakes. The same is done for the right limb. The number of repetitions is 7 times.
  7. In a standing position, you need to lean forward, lower your arms. Relax your arms and shoulders by shaking your limbs in different directions for two minutes.

You can do such gymnastics daily, giving sports exercises 5-10 minutes of your free time. The pulse should not be more than 120 beats per minute.

A person's well-being improves after 5–6 days of active training, pain in the stomach area decreases, and appetite appears. If after training a person feels severe discomfort, he needs to suspend training.

Physiotherapy exercises with increased acidity affect large and medium muscle groups, but pressure on the abdominal muscles should be avoided. To pump the press with gastritis with high acidity means to increase the number unpleasant symptoms. The main thing here is the monotony of movements with many repetitions. It is necessary to avoid sudden movements of the limbs and torso, as this may affect the deterioration of general well-being.

There are such exercises and contraindications. It is not recommended to pay attention to exercise therapy for gastric ulcer, in the presence of symptoms such as nausea and vomiting, with severe bleeding. Such symptoms should cause immediate medical attention.

You can do physical therapy at home, without ignoring other methods of treatment. The effectiveness of such training in the fight against gastritis has long been proven, but their capabilities should not be overestimated. Gastritis is a serious and dangerous disease that develops rapidly in the absence of proper treatment, so physical education alone in the fight against it will simply not be enough.

The discovery of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori by Barry James Marshall in the 1980s made it possible to treat gastritis with antibiotics without surgery. Therapeutic exercise for gastritis is an important component of complex therapy. Adequate sports load in case of stomach disease, it stimulates the body's defenses, promotes recovery.

The role of physical education in the treatment of gastrointestinal pathologies

The problem of impaired functioning of the stomach covers about 60% of the world's population. Special exercises with gastritis are included in the treatment plan with the following goals:

  • increased metabolism, increased blood flow of the diseased organ;
  • normalization of the secretion of gastric juice and organ motility;
  • strengthening the abdominal muscles;
  • prevention of exacerbations of the disease;
  • stimulation of the nervous system, the general tone of the body.

Exercise therapy for gastritis forms the accuracy of coordination of movements, develops strength and endurance, helps to harden the body, and boosts immunity.

General rules for performing exercises

It is necessary to perform gymnastics with the obligatory observance of the rules for conducting training.

Precautionary measures

You can not exercise during certain periods of the disease. Do not do exercises when symptoms of exacerbation of gastritis are observed: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. An inflammatory process with high fever, pain and stomach cramps is a contraindication to exercise.

With erosive gastritis with bleeding, it is forbidden to practice. You should not go in for sports tired, overwhelmed, in a depressed state - the emotional mood is no less important than physical readiness.

Class times and duration

Begin the exercises no earlier than 9 am and no later than 7 pm. To cure gastritis, exercise one and a half hours before or after eating. You can drink mineral water after 15 minutes from the end of classes. The duration of the therapeutic complex of exercises is half an hour. Training takes place at the same time. Frequency of classes: at least 4 times a week, the best option is 5-6 times a week.

Load intensity and number of repetitions

The intensity of work depends on the type of violation of enzymatic activity. For the treatment of gastritis with low acidity, low-intensity training is useful. Monotonous exercises are performed with an unhurried rhythm, 5 repetitions each. The basic part of the complex is carried out sitting and lying, paying a lot of attention abdominal muscles. Maximum heart rate up to 90 beats per minute.

Patients with gastritis with high acidity show a load of relatively high intensity. The pace of training is accelerating, the pulsation is at the level of 120 beats per minute, each exercise is repeated 15 times. Movements require endurance, complex coordination.

The use of gymnastic apparatus and the creation of conditions

Sports activities should not tire or inspire boredom. A variety of therapeutic exercises for gastritis will give sports equipment. Use dumbbells weighing from 0.5 to 1.5 kg, gymnastic stick, ball, chair. Choose a spacious, well-ventilated room, turn on rhythmic music.

Clothing is preferably cotton, comfortable, not constricting and does not impede movement. Sports shoes, light, with elastic soles, you can wear socks.

Warm up

Before the start of the main part of the treatment physical culture always warm up for 5-10 minutes. Muscles are warmed up and prepared for the upcoming load, the risk of injury and sprains is reduced. Achieved desired effect a series of simple exercises:

  • Walking 60 seconds. Raise your knees higher, work in harmony with your hands.
  • Feet shoulder width apart, hands along the hips. At the same time, when inhaling, rise on tiptoe, hands smoothly go up through the sides. With an exhalation, press the feet to the floor, arms smoothly down. Do 5 times.
  • Five circular movements of the head clockwise, then in the opposite direction.
  • Alternate rotations of the arms 5 times forward and backward to warm up the muscles, ligaments of the shoulder.
  • Standing, hands on the waist. With an inhalation, smoothly deviate to the right, with an exhalation, slowly rise. Inhale again, tilt to the left, exhale gently up. The number of repetitions is 5 for each side.
  • Slightly bent at the knee, put the right leg in front of you with support on the toe. Complete a streak of 5 rotational movements foot without lifting the toe off the floor in each direction. Do the same with the left foot.

After warming up, go to the base load. The technique of this part of physiotherapy exercises is different for gastritis with increased and decreased secretory function.

Therapeutic exercises for patients with gastritis with low acidity

Training for chronic hypoacid gastritis is smooth, slow. They are engaged lying on the rug, strengthen the muscles of the hands with dumbbells of 0.5 kg.

  • Place your feet slightly wider than your shoulders, arms at your waist. The toes are directed forward. We sit down slowly. Inhale downward, exhale upward. Knees at a right angle, slightly springy.
  • Unroll the mat and lie on your back. Take dumbbells in your hands, lift. Slowly spread straight arms through the sides five times, touch the floor. When the muscles get stronger, increase the number of repetitions to 10.
  • Lying on the floor, straight arms with dumbbells are extended along the body. With an inhalation, raise your hands to a perpendicular with the floor, with an exhalation slowly down. Perform 5 times.
  • Remove the dumbbells. Place crossed legs bent at the knees on the stomach. Close the fingers in the lock on the back of the head, the back is pressed to the floor. raise upper part torso above the floor by 15 cm and gently lower. Do 5-10 times.
  • Lying on your back, arms parallel to the body. The legs are bent at the knees under and raised above the floor. Touch the toe of the right foot to the floor, take it to the starting position. Do each leg 5 times in turn.
  • Lie on your right side. With a slightly raised left leg, make circular movements in a small amplitude to the right and left 5 times. Repeat on the other side.
  • Sitting on the floor, spread your legs as far apart as possible. Try to touch the toe of the leg in a springy slope with the fingers of the outstretched hands.
  • Lie on your back with your eyes closed. Inhale slowly, exhale, relax.

Leisurely walks in the fresh air, swimming, aerobics in the water have a positive effect on gastric secretion.

Exercise therapy for patients with gastritis with high acidity

The training regimen of people with gastritis with increased secretion is characterized by a rather high rhythm. Before starting the complex, prepare a chair with a back, 1 kg dumbbells, an exercise mat on the floor.

  • Stand at the back of a chair, grasp it with your hands. Take a low swing with your right leg back. The back is straight. Do with each leg 7-10 times.
  • From the same position, a small swing with a straight leg to the side up to 10 times.
  • Sit on a chair, take dumbbells. Move the body forward, hands down. With an inhalation, spread your arms to the parallel with the floor and hold for 2 seconds. Exhaling, slowly lower through the sides. Do up to 10 times.
  • Arms with dumbbells bent at the elbows behind the head. Straighten them over your head and bend them again 10 times.
  • Put down the dumbbells, spread the mat and get down on all fours. Simultaneously with inhalation, we break away from the floor with our left hand and right foot. We pull up. Lower your limbs with an exhalation. Now we work with the right hand and left foot. Repeat 7 times on each side.
  • From a position on all fours, support on both hands. The right leg is raised to parallel with the floor and makes 10 swings up and down. Change your leg. Then do 10 swings with each leg left and right.
  • In the same position, while inhaling, arch your back upwards, like a cat. As you exhale, bend the spine down. We do 10 times.
  • Without changing the position, we smoothly lower ourselves onto our heels, arms extended forward along the floor, head down. Stretch your back, relax.

Can I play other sports

Dr. R. G. Hamer, the author of the doctrine of the psychosomatics of diseases, claims that the cause of gastritis is a protracted conflict between close people, mutual disagreement. Joint sports will improve mutual understanding in the family, develop a common interest and bring relatives closer. You can do easy running, skiing, skating, football, volleyball.