Hockey Ufa Amateur League. Office of Physical Culture and Sports Ufa Links. Along the razor's edge

On the opening day of the league, the clubs were first crossed by one of the youngest teams "Jame Green" and a participant in many Russian amateur competitions - the team "Ufimets".
The stands of Yulaevets were suddenly filled with fans from among colleagues and friends of amateur hockey players. Many contestants came with their families.
- The Amateur Hockey League unites the players of the most different ages and professions, - says the President of the regional public organization "Federation of Hockey of the Republic of Bashkortostan", player of the team of veterans "Salavat Yulaev" Alexander Nikolaev. - Amateur hockey is no less spectacular than professional hockey. Sports excitement always reigns on the ice, especially at the final meetings.
While "Ufimets" and "James Green" competed in agility and speed, the rest of the teams were in no hurry to disperse. The players of the national team of the aviation enterprise “Ufa Airport” watched the game with particular enthusiasm.
- Our team was created at the end of 2010, - says Andrey Bornikov, the captain of the Aviator team, without taking his eyes off the ice. – The average age of the players is 33-37 years. Last year, in the Cup of the Kirovsky District in hockey, we took third place. None of us played hockey professionally, but from youth everyone loves this sport and rushes to the ice after a hard day's work.
The first meeting of the Ufa amateur hockey league ended with the score 13:2 in favor of Ufimets. The season promises to be rich in bright goals and serious sports battles.

The final match of the United Russia Cup in the Ufa Amateur League took place, in which Sokol and BashGAU met for life and death. A large review of the final of the "Small" Cup - on the pages of "Ufa-Hockey".


In the Ufa League, the turn has reached the amateur finals, and the plural here is not a typo. The fact is that not one, but two whole trophies are played in the amateur division of the ULHL, however, this is a common practice in all Ufa non-professional championships. The practice is quite understandable and justified - amateurs who play for their own pleasure and at their own expense, who have not made their way into the cohort of the strongest who play the main trophy, it would be wrong to deprive hockey long before the end of the season and consolation tournaments are held for them with a special trophy. However, the word consolation does not fit here, on the contrary, the United Russia Cup, in honor of the founders of the award, is an incentive prize, designed to stimulate the desire to play better, become stronger and rise higher, so that next time you can fight for the main trophy, so to speak, "Cup For growth". It seems that fans of professional hockey easily recognized this tournament format the Cup of Hope familiar to them is the same one that the Continental League played quite recently among the teams that did not qualify for the Gagarin Cup. The comparison is the most correct, and the very name of the trophy tells us that the goal and calling of the tournament is the "losers" of the KHL. - similar. We will talk about the main battle of the ULHL season in the next article, and now we will talk about the “small” final.

Unlike professional clubs that invest a lot of money in their teams, for which it is a failure to stay outside the Cup Eight, there are none among amateurs by definition, because despite the difference in ambitions and weight categories, the first goal of all the teams here is to play hockey. Playing at the very the best game on frozen water, as one of the Olympic mottos, which puts participation above winning. Of course, no one likes to lose, and the clashes of ambition here are sometimes not inferior in intensity to another league of puck masters, but still, if you played in the championship, you have not failed. Unless someone for various reasons will not be able to finish the championship and refuse to continue the fight, but this happens infrequently.


From this topic, we will smoothly move from a boring educational program to the presentation of the finalists. Why? A team proudly representing open championship Ufa Iglinsky district and bearing the no less proud name "Falcon" almost went down in history, being on this short list of losers who did not finish the championship. The reason is easy to guess, it is typical and, unfortunately, banal for our reality - financial opportunities, or rather, their limitations. Hockey is not a cheap pleasure, it’s not for you to drive a ball around the yard: you need a lot of money for uniforms, equipment, sticks that are always breaking, renting a game and training ice, the invitation of the coach, you can’t list everything. And what if the team consists mainly of young students, who have not yet secured their prosperity and financial stability, and many more are villagers, where there is not enough good work for everyone? There may not be enough money to participate in a long championship. This happened in the course of the season with the Falcons, who for almost half of the season walked on the edge of a financial razor - they owed money for game ice, were forced to train at the Iglinsky open rink, refusing to rent ice and, on one not at all beautiful March day, stunned the author of these lines, following this nice, fighting and provocative team, the message on his VKontakte page about the difficult financial situation in which the team found itself. To a large extent, this was facilitated by the recent change in the leadership of the administration of the Iglinsky district, which previously at the very least supported the local team, which represents the district not only in the Ufa championship, but also in the republican championship held on open ice, for participation in which at least some of the clubs were purchased not with personal funds. By the way, the "falcons" are not debutants on the pages of our publication - they have already come to the attention of the inquisitive ornithologists of "Ufa-Hockey".

In the championship of the Republic of Belarus, by the way, the Iglints disposed of their equipment very worthily - they reached the semi-finals, losing in it to the traditionally strong Chishma team, where hockey gets much more attention and care from the local authorities. But in the Ufa championship, where the adequacy of artificial ice holders has long been questioned due to outrageous rental rates, everything literally hung in the balance. Pass almost the entire distance of the season, lead the second "junior" group of teams and finish the season without a fight for her trophy - real tragedy for the team and a sensitive loss for the entire League. Not to mention the headache of redrawing the calendar for the organizers. However, the Iglins are stubborn people and are not used to stopping halfway. They pulled themselves together, tightened their belts and got out of the financial hole on their own. God alone knows how many girlfriends of young hockey players it cost a Sunday movie with ice cream, and family children an extra fruit on the table, but the Falcon played in the playoffs and it would be unfair if they lost at an early stage, agree. Capricious fortune welcomes such resolute and ready to sacrifice - they did not give in. The second season for the Falcon was not only difficult, but also the most successful in two seasons of participation in the ULHL. Moreover, the “falcons” reached the final and fought with another no less young, provocative and fighting team, which represents the Agrarian University and bears its name - BashGAU.

Grooms for marriage

Let's explain the choice of the name - everyone who supports the team wants to see their brand as visible as possible, and one of the largest agricultural universities in the country, which last year achieved the title of the best university in the republic, is no exception. It is not for us to judge people who give the whole team the opportunity to practice their favorite sport, but, honestly, the name looks heavy, cumbersome and gives off unnecessary officialdom even on paper, to say nothing of the sound. What is good for a serious university is not always appropriate as a name for a fun and perky student team. Why not "agrarians", "students", or even "collective farmers" who are not afraid to laugh at themselves - after all, "Agrarka" is mainly engaged in training specialists who are needed in the countryside and will feed all of us after it ends. There is nothing shameful or offensive in this, self-irony causes only sympathy, and a non-trivial name will add flavor and originality to the team, attracting fans.

However, there is nothing to worry about BashGAU about fan support - the university team is the most visited in the Ufa League, invariably collecting a decent number of ardent fans for their matches, with a discount for the transport inaccessibility of the SC "Yulaevets", the number of ardent fans, as you might guess, mostly of the opposite sex . The team consists of 80% university students and, as the organizers of the championship joke, slightly, it seems, envying their popularity: "Why sit in the hostel on long winter evenings when you can cheer on your friends, classmates and floor neighbors on the podium?". Well, a considerable number of young, athletic and, most importantly, single guys in the team probably also play an important role for bored young ladies. Most of the fans are like that - they are more likely to personally worry about the players they like than for the team as a whole, whether they are professionals or amateurs. These are, one might say, enviable, judging by the number of fans, marriageable grooms became the second finalist of the Small Cup.

What is the plot for the final drama? The Cinderella team, which almost "flyed" past the final "ball", is fighting with the oligarch team, which has one of the largest universities behind its back.

However, the intrigue - the dream of any reporter was quickly dispelled harsh truth life. One might have thought that under the wing of such a powerful institution the team should feel no need for anything and be provided with everything necessary, but, as it turned out, this is not entirely true. As the captain and playing coach of the "agrarians" said Alexander Nikulin, who taught at the same university for eight years, the university only partially sponsors the team, shifting part of the financial burden onto the shoulders of the team. Of course, in the overwhelming majority of poor and visiting guys, they hardly pull the financial strap, I buy equipment and uniforms myself, and the captain and the university close the most expensive part, payment for ice, in equal shares. The university also provides on-the-ground gyms and assists its student ice skaters with their studies. Alexander bitterly complained that many students want and know how to play, but cannot afford it, being left out. No matter how much the captain would like to give hockey to everyone who is hungry to join, it is not in his power and it becomes absolutely clear that for a person devoted to the game with all his heart and soul, this is the hardest thing - to understand that you are not omnipotent. In comparison with the lone enthusiast Alexander Nikulin, the Bashkir Agrarian University has almost unlimited possibilities, and it is a pity that just hockey, among other sports, is a great hobby for many students, and is not held in high esteem by the leadership of the university. And if you think about it, what a holiday it will be if the teams of each Higher School of the Republic compete in amateur championships, challenging the title of the best university on ice - there is only one step left to the student league, the need for which, by the way, was voiced by the President of the country. And BashGAU, as a pioneer and initiator, will rightly have honor and a gaming advantage, because its team has been performing for three years and is ready to form a second team at any time - if there were funds. Mister Gabitov, Ildar Ismagilovich, do not miss your chance!


Well, enough about dreams, let's get back to reality, where two largely similar teams came together on the ice to determine the strongest among the "junior" group of teams. We presented our rivals, having simultaneously lost the intriguing plot of the confrontation, but without it it would not have been so interesting and it was found. For "Falcon" this final and this rival are unusual - a year ago it was BashGAU that sent the "birds of prey" on vacation, blocking their way in the first round of relegation matches. For the Birds, it was a rematch, a moment of revenge made even sweeter by the proximity of the trophy to the winner. The battle promised to be hot and did not deceive expectations!

The beginning did not portend a stubborn struggle. More experienced “students” immediately stunned the “falcons” and their goalkeeper Dmitry Podgainy starting assault, which was a success - pucks Evgenia Kolesnikova at the end of the first minute and Aidara Khasanova a couple of minutes later, they unequivocally promised to deprive the barely begun finale of any intrigue. The game did not lose its attractiveness because of this - the opponents did not think at all about tactics, defensive play and other tricks inherent in decisive matches, where the result is more important than the beauties of the game. No, this is not about them - as we have already mentioned, the teams met in many ways similar. Not only by the lack of Ufa registration for most of the participants, but also by the style of the game, the whole essence of which fits in one phrase: "Only forward - the brakes were invented by cowards!" The middle zone did not exist in this match - the players of both teams flew through it non-stop, like fast trains with a bad buffet, there was not even any talk of any traps and counter opposition. But the speed was outrageous! Why be surprised - healthy guys who did not grow up on the dioxin of the Ufa water supply. The “farmers” had a university gym, the “falcons” had an Iglinskaya hockey box, where their team with shovels and a hose during the season replaces not only snowplows, but also ice-filling equipment. Where spoiled artificial ice and warm locker rooms for the townspeople to their physical training- only envy.

As usual, nature loves balance - with an excess of something, there will always be a shortage of something else. Opponents in the "small" finals lacked tactical training, game cunning and the ability to sit out in the trenches, maintaining an advantage or waiting for the right moment - they compensated for the lack continuous movement from one gate to another, from which an unaccustomed viewer could easily feel dizzy. Roughly speaking, to their strength, but still a head - there would be no price! There are reasons for everything - "falcons" current season spent at all without a coach's sensitive hand, and BashGAU instructs even if he is sick of hockey, but still a self-taught coach, and even spending the lion's share of time on the court, and this is by no means the same as the commander on the bench - even Chapaev taught in the old film that the commander should be behind the backs of the soldiers in order to see the whole picture, and not ahead on a dashing horse.

He would be glad to transfer the created with my own hands the army is in safe hands, but everything rests on where our today's story has already turned too often - into money. Good knowledgeable coach, you know, it is very expensive and for both teams it is an unaffordable luxury. From this, of course, the spectator benefited - the hockey teams showed a very spectacular: cheerful, assertive, exceptionally active and sharp-attacking. Let a little courtyard, but lively and extremely interesting. That's what you need for the "small" finals, the ambitions of the participants of which do not yet extend into the future beyond getting into the "senior" group. Although it was obvious - both opponents were lucky with the opponent. Turn out to be one of the finalists a little more organized and tactically savvy - even with a weaker selection of performers and worse physical form such an opponent, any of the "cavalrymen" with their tactics of "checkers naked" would have had it sourly and the author would not have dared to bet on them. Just as on purpose, the ULHL guessed with the finalists, honestly - the teams were worth each other not only in excitement, pressure and the desire to win, but there was approximately equal chaos in their orders.

Forced to recoup, the "Falcons" flew forward a little more actively than the opponent, but they also lacked what BashGAU possessed - teamwork and interaction. Slightly more rare attacks “students” each time turned out to be more dangerous by playing the puck in front of the gate, but Podgainy coped with all attempts on his possessions. His counterpart Stanislav Andreev he was not inferior to his colleague, although the "feathered" stubbornly not seeing a partner in the most advantageous position asked him simpler tasks. Running from gate to gate continued for two periods, but in the third, the “Falcons” were suddenly able to turn everything upside down!

Helped, strange as it may sound for people far from superstition, hockey omen. One of the most famous is the replacement of an unlucky puck. Hand on heart, the author himself does not belong to those who believe fanatically in all these conventions of hockey life, but he tries not to deviate from the accepted one - they don’t go to a strange monastery with their own charter. And after such convincing examples, he is completely ready, having exclaimed "I believe!", Without a doubt, follow the prophet along the surface sea ​​ice, like dry land. As soon as one black projectile was replaced by another, it must be said, not without the help of a judge on time Dmitry Kashin, as the “newbie” fluttered in the net behind Andreev, and the forward of the “birds of prey” Nail Khusainov excelled in the numerical minority. There was still more than a quarter of an hour left before the end of regular time, and the Falcons had more than enough game minutes at their disposal to save, but the puck stubbornly did not go into the goal, besides, the “agrarians” finally came to their senses, curbed their emotions and under the coach’s shouts - the captain began to act on hold. They acted quite well, relatively reliably, and the Falcons were still hindered in completion by the complete lack of interaction, and Andreev eliminated individually created threats with a wave of traps.

Time was running out, everything was moving towards the victory of the "studios from agriculture" and the author, by a sinful deed, hurried to their bench to catch the first emotions of the winners in the lens of the video camera, who were also in the grip of anticipation of triumph. Hurry, however! Thirty seconds before the siren, which was supposed to be the final one, Nail Khusainov repeated his feat and forced the guard of the "agrarian" gate to capitulate in close combat, surrendering to the mercy of the winner. What a twist! Neither the players themselves in white and green, nor their female fans, who had already pulled themselves up with the flags of the university to the bench of the failed victors, could believe what was happening, nor your humble servant, who was dumbfounded watching the bacchanalia of joy on the Falcon's bench through the downcast heads of their rivals. Well, gentlemen, cynics and skeptics who do not believe in omens? Checkmate? Be present by some miracle at the match, the notorious militant fighter against superstitions and obscurantism Azamat Muratov I would like to see his eyes.

What happened in a small cozy "Yulaevets" - can not be described in words, the Russian language is powerless without obscene turns! The noise was such that not every match "Salavat" in the "Ufa-Arena" will happen to hear. What cannot be taken away from the Shakshin site is its excellent acoustics, multiplying and crushing the cries of a very small number of people who fit there into the roar of the Roman plebs on gladiator fights at the Colosseum. Some players in black uniforms and a tiny company of their fans were enough to stun and dumbfound those present. Judging by what followed, Stas Andreev was also stunned - whether with a puck "to the locker room", or an enthusiastic roar of "feathered ones", but the fact remains. A series of free throws, which decides the fate of the meeting in the event of a tie in regular time, was left for the Iglin team, as they say, one "wicket".

The caustic author, who does not pass by absurdities, adds that the hockey gods have turned away from the goalkeeper, who goes out on the ice all season in a sweater not of his team, but of a distant Californian club, who for some reason did not get to Shakshi that day. Therefore, perhaps, Stanislav did not cope with, let's pay tribute, perfectly executed throws Tagira Yunusova, who added a winning bullet to two assists and Roman Salimova who completed the job. In fact, how can "half of the team" look like they accidentally passed by and you were asked to play for a sick goalkeeper? Team spirit, it does not appear from space, it exists only when everyone plays for the emblem, which unites as a symbol. If you look like an alien element at all - I'm sorry, but even the best goalkeeper in the world and a guy on the board will not become one with the team. Draw your own conclusions, Stas.

Andreev's colleague in terms of playing role was more reliable, but it is doubtful that the point here is in the "correct" sweater - he did not concede in the last minute and was, whatever one may say, in a more psychologically advantageous position. Aidar Khasanov And Ruslan Ganiev performed their attempts no worse than their rivals, but Dmitry Podgainy was adamant in his desire to win and the BashGAU attackers had to remain slurping without salt, however, like all representatives of the agrarian sector that evening.

But the “Falcons” reveled in their well-deserved, hard-won and obtained by an enchanting return to the game victory! This season turned out to be extremely difficult for them and was given at a considerable cost of effort and money, but its final gave the proud representatives of the "feathered" such compensation, which was worth all the excitement and effort. It seems that any financial situation in the country and personal budgets for next year will never make Sokol give up the dream of competing with the strongest for the main trophy of the Ufa Amateur League and turn back. Too much has been done to turn back. And "The Song of the Falcon" by Maxim Gorky is about them, living in a dream of heaven and unattainable peaks so far.

Without a doubt, both finalists deserve praise and respect, a worthy confrontation between worthy opponents. But there's only one winner, because...

"To the madness of the brave we sing a song!"

P.S. It is a pity that they decided to award the winners of all divisions in the Ufa League on another day, May 11th. Still, the trophy won here and now, in your hands, is a completely different award and other emotions that the winner did not receive, but we did not capture. Therefore, you, our readers, unfortunately, will not be able to assess with your own eyes what prize the teams fought for, and this is not half as interesting.

Victors Captain Grigory Gradoboev in hot pursuit, he shared his first impressions of the bright victory of his team:

The full photo gallery of the match (189 photos) in the albums of the "Ufa-Hockey" VKontakte page at the links.

Ufa Amateur Hockey League completes the season

In December 2011, on the initiative of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin and the famous veterans of Russian hockey, the Night Hockey League was created in Russia. In amateur tasks sports organization includes the promotion of hockey and the organization all-Russian competitions among amateur hockey players. Now it includes teams from all over Russia.

The Ufa Amateur Hockey League started its work in the capital of the Republic of Bashkortostan 5 years ago. It consists of two divisions: "Master", where honored masters of sports, veterans of the team "Salavat Yulaev" Andrey Sidyakin, Andrey Likhanov, Denis Afinogenov play in 9 teams. And the "Amateur" division, uniting 18 teams. It includes people who love hockey, but have not been professionally involved in it: they are employees of the city's enterprises and students, aged from 18 to 55 years.

In addition to national teams, there are teams representing enterprises and organizations of the city, including Bashneft, employees of the prosecutor's office and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as media representatives - BST Comet, ”says Albert Ilyasov, chairman of the Ufa Amateur Hockey League. - The guys train several times a week, and we are waiting for everyone who has the form and desire.

Hockey amateurs finish the season with a large-scale city holiday. City Cup Final Ufa will pass in May and the winner in the "Master" division will be announced.

Among the "Amateurs" there are already winners: in the first division, the team "Comet BST" became the best, in the second division - "Region 102".

According to the materials of the site.