Under OFP understand the training process aimed at. Testing students' knowledge on the subject “Physical culture. Motto of the Olympic Games

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1. General physical training

General physical training (GPP) is a process of improving motor qualities aimed at a comprehensive and harmonious physical development person. FNA is a non-specialized (or relatively unspecialized) process physical education, the content of which is focused on increasing functional capabilities, overall performance, is the basis (base) for special training and achieving high results in the chosen type of activity or sport.

The objectives of general physical training are to provide high level comprehensive physical fitness, maintain it for many years, thereby contributing to the preservation of good health and creative longevity.

The main means of general physical training are preparatory exercises used in various sports, the content of which is focused on creating broad prerequisites for success in a wide variety of activities. General physical training is built using the patterns of transferring the training effect from preparatory exercises to the main ones, performed in the main activity. It increases the overall level of functional capabilities of the body by increasing efficiency, diversifies physical qualities, systematically enriches the fund of human motor skills and abilities.

2. Methodological principles of physical education

Physical education is one of the types of the pedagogical process and it is subject to general principles pedagogy:

* awareness and activity,

* visibility,

* availability,

* systematic,

* dynamism.

However, in the field of physical education and, in particular, in the field of sports training, these principles are concretized and filled with content that reflects the specifics of the process.

The principle of consciousness and activity. This principle provides for the formation of a meaningful attitude and sustainable interest in physical exercise. This is provided by a certain motivation, for example, the desire to improve health, correct the physique, and achieve high sports results. The motive may simply be the desire to actively relax or get a good mark in physical education. In any case, it is important that a clear personal motive for physical exercise is formulated and a sustainable interest in it develops. However, the necessary motivation to study for some students does not appear immediately. This will require individual explanatory work of the teacher with the student. At the same time, a conscious analysis and self-control of the successes and failures of the student himself is necessary.

The principle of visibility. Visualization is a necessary prerequisite for the development of movement. In the process of educational training session the main thing is to create a correct representation, an image of a motor task or a separate element before attempting to execute it. Immediate visualization is a demonstration of a motor task by the teacher himself or by the most prepared student. But it can be supplemented with manuals, and technical means, and imitation actions with the help of objects, and figurative expressions. The training task can be perceived not only by the eyes, but also by other senses. Rhythm plays an important role in some sports movements. In this case, the concept of “visibility” includes auditory perception, which complements the visual one.

The principle of accessibility. This principle obliges to strictly take into account the age and gender characteristics, the level of preparedness, as well as individual differences in the physical and mental abilities of those involved. Accessibility does not mean the absence of difficulties in the educational and training process, but implies a feasible measure of these difficulties that can be successfully overcome. The person involved in this process is not a passive subject, but an active person. Full correspondence between the possibilities and difficulties in mobilizing all the forces of the practitioner means the optimal measure of accessibility.

The principle of systematicity. The principle of systematicity is, first of all, the regularity of classes, the rational alternation of loads and rest. The regularity of classes involves a rational alternation of psychophysical stress and rest. Any load has four phases: energy expenditure, recovery, over recovery, return to the initial level. That is why physical education classes are never held for two days in a row. In addition, it is precisely the need to observe the principle of systematicity that explains the program requirement for the discipline "Physical Education" - regular attendance at all classes provided for by the curriculum.

The principle of dynamism. The principle of dynamism, or the gradual increase in requirements, is to set more and more difficult tasks as the previous ones are completed. This is expressed in a gradual complication of motor tasks, in an increase in the volume and intensity of loads (subject to the principle of accessibility). When implementing the principle of dynamism, it is planned to regularly update the training material, as well as increase the volume and intensity of loads. Without updating the exercises, one cannot master a wide range of skills and abilities - a coordinating basis for mastering new, more complex motor tasks.

3. Basics and stages of learning movements

physical motor education

In the long-term process of physical education, in fact, training in one or another motor action is constantly going on. Some of them are formed as skills, others as skills, and others are repeatedly transformed, acquiring the properties of skills and abilities. In general, this process is multi-stage and multi-layered. If, however, we consider the process of learning a single action, which is brought to the formed in some degree skill, then it is legitimate to talk about a relatively completed cycle of learning this action. There are three successive stages in this cycle:

Initial learning. Formation of the foundations of skill.

In-depth learning. Formation of skill in its integral contours and details.

The resulting processing of the action. The direct formation of a skill, its strengthening, improvement.

4. Development of physical qualities

Physical qualities are usually called those functional properties of the body that predetermine the motor capabilities of a person. Physical abilities are understood as relatively stable, innate and acquired functional capabilities of the organs and structures of the body, the interaction of which determines the effectiveness of the performance of motor actions.

In the domestic sports theory, it is customary to distinguish five physical qualities: strength, speed, endurance, flexibility, dexterity. Their manifestation depends on the capabilities of the functional systems of the body, on their readiness for motor ones.

Power upbringing

force (or power abilities) in physical education is called the ability of a person to overcome external resistance or counteract it through muscle tension.

Nurturing speed

Speed ​​is understood as a complex of functional properties of a person that directly and predominantly determine speed characteristics movement and motor response.

Endurance education.

Endurance is expressed through a set of physical abilities, maintaining the duration of work in various power zones: maximum, submaximal (near-limit), large and moderate loads. Each load zone has its own peculiar complex of reactions of organs and structures of the body.

Agility training.

Dexterity is usually called the ability to quickly, accurately, expediently, economically solve motor problems. Dexterity is expressed in the ability to quickly master new movements, accurately differentiate various characteristics of movements and control them, improvise in the process of motor activity in accordance with a changing situation.

Education of flexibility.

Flexibility - the ability to perform movements with a large amplitude. The presence of flexibility is associated with heredity, but it is also affected by age and regular exercise. physical exercises.

5. Formation of mental qualities

In the process of physical (sports) training, trainees have a significant impact on the formation of moral, volitional and mental qualities, which become permanent personality traits. This allows those involved to show them in educational, labor, social and other activities, as well as in everyday life and in the family. These qualities include diligence, discipline, a sense of responsibility for the results of their work, courage and determination, purposefulness, perseverance, endurance and self-control.

Physical culture provides unlimited opportunities for the aesthetic education of the individual. It brings up the ability to perceive and understand beauty in movements. human body, in the perfection of its lines and forms, the development of physical, moral, volitional and mental qualities.

Of particular importance is the formation of psychophysical resistance to different conditions the external environment: the ability to show the stability of attention, perception, memory, their concentration and switching in conditions of lack of time, mental fatigue, neuro-emotional stress, stress; the use of physical culture to optimize performance, prevention of neuro-emotional and psychophysical fatigue; increasing the efficiency of students' educational work and, in the future, their professional work.

6. General physical training. Its goals and objectives

General physical training (GPP) is a process of improving motor physical qualities aimed at the comprehensive and harmonious physical development of a person.

Physical fitness contributes to an increase in functionality, overall performance, is the basis (base) for special training and achievement of high results in a chosen field of activity or sport. The following tasks can be assigned to the OFP:

* to achieve a harmonious development of the muscles of the body and the corresponding strength of the muscles;

* acquire general endurance;

* increase the speed of performing various movements, general speed abilities;

* increase the mobility of the main joints, muscle elasticity;

* improve dexterity in a wide variety of (domestic, labor, sports) activities, the ability to coordinate simple and complex movements;

* learn to perform movements without undue stress, master the ability to relax.

The main target task of physical training of the main contingent of students is general physical training.

Intensity zones and energy consumption for various physical activities

When performing physical exercises, there is a certain load on the human body, which causes an active reaction from the functional systems. To determine the degree of tension of functional systems under load, intensity indicators (power and tension of muscular work) are used, which characterize the body's response to a given work. The most informative indicator of the intensity of the load (especially in cyclic sports) is the heart rate (HR).

7. Physiologists have identified four zones of intensity of loads according to heart rate

Zero intensity zone (compensatory) - heart rate up to 130 beats / min. With such an intensity of the load, there is no effective effect on the body, so the training effect can only be experienced by poorly trained trainees. However, in this zone of intensity, prerequisites are created for the further development of fitness: the network of blood vessels in the skeletal and cardiac muscles expands, and the activity of other functional systems (respiratory, nervous, etc.) is activated.

First training area(aerobic) - heart rate from 130 to 150 beats / min, This milestone is called the readiness threshold. Work in this intensity zone is provided aerobic mechanisms energy supply, when energy in the body is produced with a sufficient supply of oxygen.

Energy consumption when doing various sports per 500 m:

Track and field running - 50 kcal

Skating - 35 kcal

Swimming - 200 kcal

Cross-country skiing (10 km) - 550 kcal

Cycling (10 km) - 300 kcal

8. Meaning muscle relaxation when playing sports

Each muscle connected by a joint is opposed by another, attached to the same joint, but on the other side of it and ensuring the movement of some part of the body in the other direction. Such oppositely located muscles are called antagonists. Almost every large muscle has its own antagonist.

The ability to spontaneously reduce excess tension during muscular activity or to relax antagonist muscles is of great importance in everyday life, work, and sports, since it relieves or reduces physical and mental stress.

AT strength exercises unnecessary tension of the antagonist muscles reduces the magnitude of the externally manifested force. In exercises that require endurance, it leads to unnecessary expenditure of energy and to faster fatigue. But excessive tension especially interferes with high-speed movements: it greatly reduces the maximum speed.

Possibility and conditions of correction of general physical development, physique, motor and functional readiness by means of physical culture and sports

The possibilities of physical culture in improving health, correcting the physique and posture, increasing overall performance, and mental stability are very large, but ambiguous.

Correction of physical development. Not all signs of physical development are equally amenable to correction at student age: the most difficult thing is height, much easier is body weight and individual anthropometric indicators(circle chest, hips, etc.).

Experience shows that the most favorable effect on growth stimulation is sport games(basketball, volleyball, badminton, tennis, etc.). They are recommended to be combined with loads of moderate power (swimming, skiing, running) 2-3 times a week for 40-120 minutes. Contribute to growth and daily special jumping exercises (jump ropes, multiple jumps), hanging exercises on the bar or gymnastic wall. Hanging exercises, in addition, strengthen the muscular "corset", counteract the subsidence of the vertebrae and help maintain good posture.

Unlike height, body weight is subject to significant changes in both directions with regular exercise or sports (with a balanced diet).

Correction of the motor and functional readiness of student youth is closely related to the peculiarities of the development of coordination and functional abilities man in ontogeny. Numerous studies have shown that the most favorable period for mastering the technique of sports movements is the age of 14-15 years. But this does not mean that dexterity cannot be improved at student age. Coordination abilities can be developed through practicing certain sports. But for the first time, it is not advisable to start those sports that require high coordination in order to achieve the highest sports achievements at a student age - the most favorable age period already finished.

9. Special physical training

Special physical training is the process of educating physical qualities, which ensures the predominant development of those motor abilities that are necessary for a particular sports discipline (sport) or type of work.

Special physical training is very diverse in its focus, but all its types can be reduced to two main groups:

sports training;

professional-applied physical training.

10. The structure of the preparedness of an athlete

The structure of an athlete's preparedness includes technical, physical, tactical and mental elements.

Technical readiness should be understood as the degree of mastering by an athlete of the technique of the system of movements of a particular sport. It is closely related to the physical, mental and tactical capabilities of the athlete, as well as to the conditions of the external environment. Changes in the rules of the competition, the use of other sports equipment significantly affects the content of the technical preparedness of athletes.

The structure of technical readiness always contains the so-called basic and additional movements.

The basic ones include movements and actions that form the basis of the technical equipment of this sport. Development basic movements is mandatory for an athlete specializing in this sport.

Additional include minor movements and actions, elements of individual movements that do not violate its rationality and at the same time are characteristic of the individual characteristics of this athlete.

Physical fitness is the capabilities of the functional systems of the body. It reflects the necessary level of development of those physical qualities on which competitive success in a particular sport depends.

The tactical readiness of an athlete depends on how much he masters the means of sports tactics (for example, techniques necessary for the implementation of the chosen tactics), its types (offensive, defensive, counterattacking) and forms (individual, group, team).

Mental preparedness is heterogeneous in its structure. It is possible to distinguish two relatively independent and at the same time interrelated aspects in it: volitional and special mental preparedness.

11. Professional and applied physical training as a component of special training

As a kind of physical education, professional-applied physical training is a pedagogically directed process of providing specialized physical fitness for the chosen professional activity. In other words, it is basically a learning process that enriches the individual fund of professionally useful motor skills and abilities, the development of physical and directly related abilities, on which professional capacity directly or indirectly depends.

12. Forms of physical exercise

On the basis of state standards of higher professional education, universities independently (taking into account the content of an exemplary physical education curriculum, local conditions and interests of students) determine the forms of physical education classes. At present, obligatory lesson (educational) and extracurricular forms of classes are used.

Training sessions are the main form of physical education. They are available in curricula university in all faculties. Training sessions can be:

theoretical, practical, control;

elective practical classes (optional) and optional;

individual and individual-group additional classes (consultations);

self-study on assignment and under the supervision of the teacher.

The obligatory theoretical section of the program is presented to students in the form of lectures (in some cases, in group classes). The practical section consists of two subsections: methodical-practical and educational-training. The practical section is implemented on training sessions different orientation, and in the sports training department - at training sessions.

Individual, individual-group additional classes (consultations) are held according to the appointment and schedule of the Department of Physical Education for students who cannot cope with the test requirements, as well as for those who want to deepen their knowledge and practical skills.

Self-study can be carried out on the instructions and under the supervision of a teacher both in school hours and outside of school hours. A separate chapter of the textbook is devoted to this type of training. Control classes are designed to provide operational, current and final information on the degree of assimilation educational material. Control classes are held during the semester after passing individual sections of the program. At the end of the semester and academic year, students of all educational departments take tests in physical culture, and at the end of the entire course - an exam.

Extracurricular activities are organized in the form of:

physical exercises and recreational activities in the mode of the school day (morning exercises);

classes in sections organized by the trade union, sports club or other intra-university organizations;

amateur physical exercises, sports, tourism;

mass recreational, physical culture and sports intra-university and extra-university events (sports competitions, sports holidays).

The relationship of various forms of educational and extracurricular activities creates conditions that provide students with the use of a scientifically substantiated amount of motor activity necessary for the normal functioning of the body young man student age.

13. Mass sports and the port of higher achievements, their goals and objectives

Every person has been involved in mass sports at least once in his life, no doubt. With its help, people all over the world gain the opportunity to improve their physical qualities and motor abilities, improve their health and prolong creative longevity, and, therefore, resist the undesirable effects on the body of modern ecology, the frantic pace of information life, in which almost the whole world is now spinning. From this we can deduce the goals of mass sports, which are to improve health, improve one's physical health and getting active rest. Mass sport is a continuous social experiment, during which humanity learns its capabilities, accumulates and improves human capital, and expands its potential. Mass sport, performing developing, educational, patriotic, communicative functions, unites and coordinates individuals and social groups, develops the nation. In modern conditions, the importance of solving the complex task of training professional, in-demand and highly paid mass sports personnel - teachers of physical education and physical education, instructors, trainers, organizers sports events etc. At the same time, the development of mass sports in modern Russian society is extremely difficult. Shortcomings of equipment, high-quality inventory, modern information equipment gyms, the level of sanitary and hygienic conditions, a weak program and methodological base, steadily declining professionalism and low salaries of physical education teachers have led the Russian system of physical education to seriously lag behind the current level required. Mass sports in many respects repeats and converges with physical training (culture). Unlike it, the sport of the highest achievements sets itself completely different goals and objectives. In the elective course of the academic discipline "Physical Education", the departments of physical education can provide students with a choice of not only individual sports, but also the most popular systems of physical exercises.

Along with mass sports there is a sport of the highest achievements, or big sport. Target big sport fundamentally different from the purpose of the mass. This is the achievement of the highest possible sports results or victories in major sports competitions. Any highest achievement of an athlete is not only of personal importance, but becomes a national treasure, as records and victories at the largest international competitions contribute to strengthening the country's prestige on the world stage. Today, the sport of the highest achievements is so far the only model of activity in which the functioning of almost all body systems in outstanding champions can manifest itself in the zone of absolute physiological and mental limits of a healthy person. This allows not only to penetrate the secrets of maximum human capabilities, but also to determine the ways of rational development and use of the natural abilities that each person has in his professional and social activities, increasing overall performance. To achieve this goal, special systems of exercises and training are developed, with the correct implementation of which it is possible to achieve maximum results. Developments are carried out with the help of leading research institutes. Thus, the sport of the highest achievements allows, on the basis of the identified individual characteristics and capabilities of a person in a particular sport, to achieve maximum, record-breaking results.

14. Sports competitions as a means and method of general and special physical training of students

Sports competitions are one of the most effective forms of organizing mass health and sports activities. Competitions act not only as a form, but also as a means of activating general physical, sports-applied and sports training students.

Sports results are, in essence, an integrative indicator of the quality and effectiveness of a student's psychophysical training, carried out during training sessions. In the conditions of competitions, students more fully demonstrate their own. physical possibilities. That is why the acceptance of standards for general physical training in training sessions is carried out in a competitive environment at test competitions in a training group or on a training stream.

Thus, sports competitions can act both as a means of training and as a method of monitoring the effectiveness of the training process.

15. Sports classification

The number of international and national sports is now so great that it is difficult to review, and the emergence of new sports is clearly accelerating. In the future, in all likelihood, the field of sports will be replenished with new types. In principle, it can include the "material" of the most various kinds activity, provided, of course, that it is formalized as a subject of a sports competition and is used according to the laws of sports improvement. In the most general overview of sports that have received wide international distribution by now, it is possible, without detailing, to single out five groups among them that differ significantly in the nature of the athlete's activity, the source and method of achieving a sports result.

Group 1 - sports that are highly active motor activity, achievements in which are to a decisive extent derived from the physical and directly related abilities of the athlete. This includes most of the main sports, which, of course, have intra-group differences.

2nd group - sports, the operational basis of which is the athlete's actions to control external "self-propelled" vehicles (motorcycle, car, glider, airplane, yacht, ice floe, etc.), due to the skillful use of which sportsmanship is achieved. result.

3rd group - engineering and design sports, in competitions in which not so much the direct competitive actions of athletes are compared, but the results - objects of conditional modeling and design activities (aircraft, car models, etc.).

4th group -- shooting types sports (with the use of firearms or other small arms, in particular a bow), in which the athlete's motor activity is strictly limited by the conditions of hitting the target.

5th group - abstract game sports, the outcome of competitions in which is determined to a decisive extent not by the athlete's motor activity, but by the abstract and logical outplaying of an opponent (varieties of chess and drafts sports, etc.).

Although this list is not exhaustive, it is already clear from it that quite diverse types of activity manifestations of human strengths, abilities, and skills have historically entered the field of sports. At the same time, a number of "ancient" sports (such as, for example, the motive basis of which is running, jumping, throwing, defense and attack techniques in martial arts) historically arose on the basis of the initial forms of labor and combat actions. Labor practice and military affairs also significantly influence the formation of modern sports, especially professional applied and military applied sports. At the same time, the forms of sports movements and actions inevitably change, acquire differences from their original basis, developing in accordance with the laws of sports improvement. The formation of new sports in the last century is increasingly taking place on the material accumulated in the field of sports itself (in particular, by modifying its previously established types), and at the same time under the influence of the interaction of related cultural spheres.

So arose in due time sports acrobatics, artistic gymnastics, trampoline sport, sports freestyle, roller skating, speed skating short sprint and a number of other sports. It is also characteristic that the appearance of all more of which are due to technological progress, which allows expanding the scope of sports activities: parachuting, sports hang gliding, varieties of underwater sports, etc. As already noted, the vast majority existing species sports - the entire vast first group and a significant part of the second group - are the main means of physical education, used as the most effective means of directed influence on the development of physical qualities and the abilities of an individual closely related to them. In the future, such sports, one must think, will not lose their dominant position in the sphere of sports proper and education. This is primarily due to the specific social functions of sport, the most important of which is to be a factor in the physical improvement of a person in the conditions of a radical change in the living environment and tendencies to reduce motor activity in a number of areas of life. But this, of course, does not exclude the further development of the sports of all other groups that contribute to intellectual education, technical education and the general progress of the individual.

16. The system of student sports competitions

The entire system of student sports competitions is based on the principle “from simple to complex”, i.e. from intra-university test competitions in the study group, on the course (often according to simplified rules) to inter-university ones, etc. to international student competitions.

Intra-university sports competitions include test competitions within study groups, study flows on the course, competitions between courses of faculties, between faculties. Depending on the content of the “Regulations on the competition”, the competition can be either personal (for each speaker), or team, or personal-team; accessible to every student, or for the “sports elite” study group, course, faculty, determined at the preliminary competitive stages. But in any case, every student can participate in the first stages of this system of intra-university competitions, regardless of their level of sports readiness.

The strongest student-athletes usually participate and compete in interuniversity competitions personally or as part of teams of individual courses, faculties, universities.

The target tasks of interuniversity competitions, as well as their sports level, can be very different: for example, friendly sports meetings between students of the same faculties of different universities or between teams of the same educational institutions. The purpose of such competitions is rather to establish personal contacts between future colleagues in the profession than to find out sports advantage. However, a sports task can also be set - to achieve the best sports result in competitions between the universities of the city, region or universities of Russia. This determines the level of sports readiness of students of each university, and, consequently, the nature of the attitude in individual educational institutions to the sports interests of students and to the creation of the necessary conditions for the sports improvement of student athletes.

At the level of individual universities, on the initiative of the administration and public organizations, international sports meetings can be organized. International student competitions are also organized by interuniversity public sports associations.

17. Student's individual choice of sports (motivation and justification)

Striving to be healthy

Desire to look beautiful

Opportunity to express yourself

Intellectual and spiritual development

The presence of passion and struggle

Ability to chat with friends

Achievement of sports results

Along with the desire to be healthy, students emphasize the desire to look beautiful. What young person would not like to have slim figure, to be strong, enduring, dexterous, and all this plays an important role in the self-affirmation of a young person in the circle of his peers, in the educational and labor collective.

Health, physical development and image to a decisive extent depend on the level of the general culture of students, the nature and direction of value orientations, the awareness of physical culture not only as a tool for improving the motor apparatus, but also as a sphere for realizing the ideals and aspirations of a person.

As many years of experience show, when choosing sports (or systems of physical exercises), the majority of students do not have a clear, conscious and reasonable motivation.

Most often, the choice is determined by chance: sometimes with a friend or girlfriend; then the teacher is more likeable; that schedule is more convenient ... Much less often, the choice is based on a steady interest in a particular sport or on an understanding of the need to perform certain physical exercises in order to correct shortcomings in one's physical development or functional fitness. A random choice, as a rule, leads to a loss of interest and a decrease in activity, which means that classes will not be effective.

Brief psychophysical characteristics of the main groups of sports and modern systems of physical exercises

1) Sports that mainly develop individual physical qualities

The problem of accentuated education and improvement of basic physical qualities - endurance, strength, speed, flexibility, dexterity - is less complicated at the initial stages of systematic physical exercises, since during this period, beginners, as a rule, simultaneously improve all these qualities. It is no coincidence that at this stage of preparation, the complex method of training gives the greatest effect. However, as fitness increases in any individual physical capacity, with a gradual increase in sports qualifications from a beginner to a sportsman-athlete, the value of the mutual positive effect (“transfer”) gradually decreases. With a high level of preparedness, the development of one physical quality begins to slow down the development of another.

2) Sports that mainly develop endurance. The development of endurance in the process of sports training is one of the most effective means of achieving high performance, which is based on the stability of the central nervous system and a number of functional systems of the body to fatigue.

The physiological mechanisms of this process are very complex. High performance is ensured due to various changes in the body of an adaptive (adaptive) nature that occur under the influence of regular training: morphological and functional development of the heart muscle, increased elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, an increase in the supply of energy-rich substances in muscles and internal organs, high efficiency and stability of the nervous system. Sports that focus on developing general endurance include all cyclic sports in which physical activity continues for a relatively long time against the background of a predominant increase in aerobic (oxygen) metabolism in the human body: race walking, running for medium, long and over long distances, cycling, cross-country skiing and biathlon, swimming, most of the distances in speed skating, orienteering, triathlon.

A high level of general endurance is one of the main indications of a person's excellent health. With the help of regular sports activities that develop general endurance, it is possible to significantly improve certain indicators of physical development: increase chest excursion and lung capacity, significantly reduce body fat, i.e. excess body weight. Such exercises allow a practically healthy person, but with reduced functionality of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, to increase overall performance, to resist fatigue.

3) Sports that mainly develop strength and speed-strength qualities. In various sports, in life situations, strength can manifest itself in different ways, in combination with other physical qualities. That is why they say about individual manifestations of strength qualities: absolute strength, relative strength, strength endurance, speed-strength qualities. Behind each of these qualities are certain sports, different methods of developing strength qualities, different goals in achieving sports, work and life tasks.

4) Sports that develop mainly speed. Speed ​​should not be confused with the speed of movement (running, skating). In addition to the speed of reaction motor action, the speed of movement is determined by both strength readiness and rationality (technique) of a motor exercise.

In order to cultivate the speed of movements in students, specially organized classes are required in preparation for the implementation of mandatory test standards, for example, in the 100-meter run. improvement speed qualities in every sport.

The physical quality of speed is not essential in health promotion, physique correction. However, the development of speed is a necessary element in the training of representatives of a number of sports disciplines.

5) Sports that mainly develop coordination of movements (dexterity). Dexterity determines the success of mastering new sports and labor movements, the manifestation of strength and endurance. good coordination movements contributes to the training of professional skills and abilities. Therefore, the development of dexterity should be given time in terms of general physical and sports training of students. This is ensured by sufficient diversity and novelty. available exercises from various sports to create a stock of motor skills in those involved and improve coordination ability.

The greatest effect in the education of dexterity is provided by such complex coordination sports as sports acrobatics, sports and artistic gymnastics, diving, trampoline, ski jumping, slalom, freestyle, figure skating and sports games.

All these types (except sports games) do not have a significant effect on the cardiovascular and respiratory system, but make significant demands on the preparation of the neuromuscular apparatus, to volitional qualities athletes.

Due to the complexity and duration of the formation coordination movements it makes no sense to start specializing in these sports at student age in order to achieve top sports results. The foundation of complex coordination movements is laid in childhood and requires many years of regular systematic training.

6) Sports of a complex, versatile effect on the body of those involved

This group is characterized by a multifaceted impact on those involved: a whole complex of psychophysical qualities, motor skills and applied knowledge develops and improves.

Here we can distinguish characteristic subgroups:

* sports related to direct contact wrestling with an opponent, i.e. types of martial arts;

* sport games;

* all-around.

So, we briefly got acquainted with the basics of physical training and found out that health is affected not only by sports training and fitness, but also by the moral and psychological qualities of a person. Physical training has a positive effect on human health, increases the body's resistance, improves overall well-being. A person involved in sports should be ready for the load on his body, follow the training regimen, and also not disrupt the cycle of his work. In general, moderate physical training has a beneficial effect on the well-being of a person and on the work of all his organs.

List of used literature

1) Student's physical culture: Textbook / Ed. IN AND. Ilyinich. M.: Gardariki, 2000. - 448 p.

2) Matveev L.P. Theory and methods of physical culture / L.P. Matveev. - M.: FiS, 1991. - 347 p.

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    term paper, added 10/21/2012

    Mobile games for the physical improvement of schoolchildren. Organization of the study. Comparative analysis development of physical qualities and physical fitness. The influence of classes on the development of physical qualities and the dynamics of physical fitness.

As noted above, physical training in basketball is one of the essential parts sports training and is a process aimed at developing to the required level of physical qualities. Physical training is divided into general and special. General physical training is understood as the process of harmonious development of motor qualities that have a positive impact on the achievements in sports activities of a basketball player and the effectiveness of the training process. It is focused on creating a special basis necessary for the effective implementation of large volumes of work aimed at developing special motor qualities, technical and tactical training. A high level of functional readiness allows a basketball player to perform training work of a large volume and intensity, to recover faster after training loads, and a variety of means improves coordination abilities and facilitates the process of building, improving technical and tactical skills by acquiring new motor skills. The corrective value of general physical training is to correct the shortcomings of the physique that impede the mastery of the rational technique of game actions.

The main means of general physical training include non-specialized exercises, among which the main place is given to general developmental exercises and exercises from other sports - cross-country running, exercises with weights, sports and outdoor games, swimming, etc. Exercises from other sports are used for general physical development according to the specifics of basketball (Lvova Yu.I., 1973, Zatsiorsky V.M., 1970).

To develop general endurance and improve health, cross-country skiing, swimming, skiing, etc. are used, to strengthen the muscular system - exercises with weights of various weights, to acquire speed - sprinting, and to develop dexterity and coordination of movements - various sports and outdoor games and exercises on gymnastic equipment. General developmental preparatory exercises with various objects (sticks, ropes, dumbbells, etc.) and without them, as well as on equipment and simulators, are designed for comprehensive physical development, primarily for beginners and poorly trained basketball players. With their help, mobility in the joints increases and the ability of the athlete to coordinate their movements improves. These exercises are also used to correct defects in physique and physical development. All these exercises are performed in a wide variety of conditions - in the forest, at the stadium, in specialized gymnastics halls, barbells, etc.

However, non-specialized (general physical) means of training are not rational for the special training of a basketball player. Their use in unreasonable volumes leads to the expenditure of adaptive resources of the body due to the involvement in the work of non-specialized functional systems that do not take part or are secondary in the game activity of a basketball player and do not require significant development, as a result of which the balance of the content of training effects is disturbed. These inexpedient expenditures of the body's adaptive resource, as well as training time, occur due to a corresponding decrease in the volume of special physical training means, specialized exercises, and therefore the growth of a basketball player's sportsmanship slows down and his actually achieved indicators will be lower than potentially possible.

At the highest stages of sportsmanship, as a rule, a situation develops when the level of development of both specialized (special) and non-specialized (general) qualities in an athlete reaches very high rates. Their further retention at the achieved level, and even more so an increase, is associated with the maximum mobilization of the body's resources. In this regard, in the training of highly qualified basketball players, non-specialized exercises should be a relatively small part of the total training program ensuring that they are maintained at the required level. However, the same cannot be said about the training of low-skilled basketball players. For them, an increased volume of non-specialized exercises serves as the foundation on which it is possible to improve technical and tactical skills and special physical qualities (Zatsiorsky V.M., 1970).

In the practice of training highly qualified basketball players, one can often come across facts when in non-specialized (PPE exercises) they strive to achieve very high results, significantly exceeding the requirements. Such facts reduce the effectiveness of the training process due to the inexpedient waste of the body's adaptive resources. At the same time, the complete exclusion of general physical training means from the training of highly qualified basketball players is not advisable due to the fact that non-specialized exercises involve all components of the body without exception, which, in turn, stimulates the strengthening of these components and, consequently, the vitality of the whole organism in in general. The latter is a necessary condition for the effectiveness of the training process. Consequently, a variety of non-specialized exercises are necessary for every basketball player, but at the stages of higher sportsmanship they should act mainly as health-improving, rehabilitating means and provide motor training at the level of a non-specialized goal.

The use of non-specialized exercises in the warm-up. The specifics of the exercises used in the warm-up should correspond to the specifics of the upcoming main motor activity. This applies both to training and especially to competitions. The warm-up should contribute to the concentration of the body's reserves exactly where the most intense work is to be done. The inclusion of sufficiently intense non-specialized exercises in the warm-up (for example, long running) activates to a greater extent the functions and muscle groups, which in the main part of the training session will not function at a high and ultimate level. In this case, the adjustment of the body occurs "at the wrong address." There is a disorientation of the body. However, this does not mean that it is necessary to completely exclude non-specialized exercises from the warm-up. They should be included in it, but only in the initial part and necessarily in relaxed (in terms of volume and intensity) modes of their implementation - a variety of exercises under such conditions will increase the functional fitness of the body, prepare the athlete's musculoskeletal apparatus, will not even create a temporarily unnecessary regime of "the greatest favored” for non-basketball-specific motor functional systems. Reaching varied and uncomplicated physical training exercises general activation of the body, subsequent specialized exercises with their ever-increasing intensity, this general background is transformed into a directed activation of specialized functional systems that will have to perform hard work in the main part of the training or competition.


1. Basics of physical training

2. Physical preparation of the athlete

3. The structure of physical training

4. General physical training

5. Special physical training



Modern physical training should be considered as a multilevel system. Each level of which has its own structure and its own specific features.

Most low level It is characterized by a health-improving orientation and is built on the basis of general (conditional) physical fitness. As the level of physical fitness increases, its complexity increases and sports orientation, and the highest level is built on the basis of the principles of sports training in order to increase the functional reserves of the body necessary for professional activity. One of the most important conditions for the implementation of physical training is its rational construction over sufficiently long periods of time. Because neither in a day, nor in a week, a month, and sometimes even a year, it is impossible to prepare for work. This is a long process of formation of motor skills and abilities, systematic improvement of physical (motor) qualities, mental preparation, maintenance of the level of working capacity, preservation and strengthening of health. The construction of physical training classes is based on the laws of physical education and sports training.

General physical training creates the basis for mastering the exercises, promotes the development of motor abilities, and increases overall performance. For representatives of many sports, it is the same and contributes to the development of the qualities necessary for an athlete to successfully perform in competitions.

1. Fundamentals of physical training.

Basic sports are characterized by relatively low sports results and significant mass character. At this level of achievement, training of athletes is carried out in their free time from their main activity. It takes place under the guidance of trainers of various qualifications, including trainers-instructors working on a voluntary basis. Loads are small.

The sport of the highest achievements is associated with the desire to achieve the highest results (world records, victories in Olympic Games ah, World Championships, Europe, Russia, etc.). However, the higher the achievement, the smaller the number of athletes able to reach this level (3% of the country's population aged 16-25).

The sport of high achievements can occupy a dominant position at certain periods of an athlete's life. Training is carried out under the guidance of highly qualified coaches, it uses the latest achievements of science and technology, uses large amounts of training and competitive loads, and athletes undergo a thorough multi-stage selection. An expert assessment shows that only 1 out of 65 people who started to study continues to study in a children's and youth sports school(DYUSSH), the standard of the master of sports in swimming is able to fulfill one person out of 34,000 trained.

Analyzing the specifics of directions sports movement, scientists talk about the following main mechanism of interdependence between the mass nature of sports and the level of achievements of athletes of the highest qualification. Sports performance that high-class athletes demonstrate, especially in popular sports, serve effective tool propaganda active classes physical education and sports.

Thanks to this, more and more participants are involved in the practice of sports activities and, consequently, the chances of identifying new talented athletes among them, who in the future will be able to raise the highest sports achivments to a new level. Therefore, they conclude, the progress of each sport is based, along with other aspects, on the inseparable connection of all aspects of the sports movement.

In defining the concept of sport, we used the term " competitive activity". To explain it, we will have to specify a few more concepts.

All sports competitions are held according to certain rules, which regulate the activities of the participants. In addition, each participant in sports competitions tries to achieve a certain sports result (success). To be successful, competitors must realize their abilities or competitive potential. Therefore, competitive activity in sports is a process regulated by the rules of realizing the competitive potentials of participants, each of which strives to achieve the planned result.

common goal sports training - the development of spiritual and physical abilities of athletes.

The specific goal is to achieve high sports results.

Sports training is understood as a specialized pedagogical process of physical education aimed at achieving high sports results by an athlete.

Particular tasks of sports training are: health promotion and comprehensive physical development of an athlete, education of his moral-volitional and physical qualities, formation necessary skills, consolidation and improvement of the necessary skills of the chosen sport, the acquisition of special knowledge in hygiene, self-control, etc.

At the moment, there are several most common classifications of sports: Matveev L.P., 1977; Keller B.C., 1986; and others. The most widely used classification of sports included in the program of the summer and winter Olympic Games:

1 - cyclic (rowing, swimming, skiing, cycling, skating, running types athletics);

2 - speed-strength (jumping, throwing, weightlifting);

3 - coordination-complex sports (sports and artistic gymnastics, figure skating, diving, etc.);

4 - martial arts (wrestling, boxing, etc.)

5 - sports games (football, hockey, volleyball, basketball, water polo, etc.);

6 - all-around (athletics decathlon, modern pentathlon, Nordic combined, etc.).

2. Physical preparation of the athlete.

It is aimed at the development of physical qualities and is the basis for improving technology, is divided into general and special.

OFP - creates the basis for mastering the exercises, contributes to the development of motor abilities, increasing overall performance. For representatives of many sports, it is the same and contributes to the development of the qualities necessary for an athlete to successfully perform in competitions and good physical fitness.

SFP is the basis for maintaining sports form, quickly mastering the technique of exercising a sport, achieving a high level of athlete's functional capabilities and the ability to endure large training and competitive loads. The means of special physical training are exercises of "their" kind of sport, similar in structure to competitive actions.

Modern physical training should be considered as a multilevel system. Each level, which has its own structure and its own specific features.

The lowest level is characterized by a health-improving orientation and is built on the basis of general (conditional) physical fitness. As the level of physical training increases, its complexity and sports orientation increase, and the highest level is built on the basis of the principles of sports training in order to increase the functional reserves of the body necessary for professional activity. One of the most important conditions for the implementation of physical training is its rational construction over sufficiently long periods of time. Because neither in a day, nor in a week, a month, and sometimes even a year, it is impossible to prepare for work. This is a long process of formation of motor skills and abilities, systematic improvement of physical (motor) qualities, mental preparation, maintenance of the level of working capacity, preservation and strengthening of health. The construction of physical training classes is based on the laws of physical education and sports training.

3. The structure of physical training.

One of the leading experts in the theory of sports training V.N. Platonov (1986) notes that modern system training of an athlete is a complex, multifactorial phenomenon, including goals, objectives, means, methods, organizational forms, material and technical conditions, etc., ensuring the achievement of the highest sports performance by an athlete, as well as the organizational and pedagogical process of preparing an athlete for competitions.

In the system of training an athlete, there are: sports training, competitions, out-of-training and out-of-competition factors that increase the effectiveness of training and competitions.

The main aspects of an athlete's training are physical, technical, tactical, mental and integrative training.

Physical training is aimed at strengthening health, achieving a high level of physical development, and educating the physical qualities necessary for an athlete. It is customary to subdivide it into general physical training (GPP) and special physical training (SFP).

The purpose of the OFP is to achieve high performance. Its means are a variety of physical exercises (walking, running, skiing, swimming, rowing, outdoor and sports games, gymnastics, weight training, etc.).

SFP is aimed at educating individual physical qualities, skills and abilities necessary in the chosen sport. It is carried out systematically and helps the athlete to prepare for the competition.

Its means are special exercises and elements of the chosen sport. The ratio of OFP and SFP in the process of sports training changes as sportsmanship grows, the proportion of SFP gradually increases. Depending on the qualifications of athletes, from 70% (in the initial period of preparation) to 30% (for athletes of the highest ranks) of training time is allocated for general physical training.

Technical training is aimed at teaching the athlete a system of movements corresponding to the characteristics of this sport.

Technical readiness (or in other words technical mastery) of athletes is characterized by what an athlete can do and how he can master the mastered actions. The first group of indicators includes: volume, versatility, rationality of technical actions that an athlete can perform. Secondly, efficiency, mastery of implementation (D.D. Donskoy, V.M. Zatsiorsky, 1979).

In the structure of an athlete's technical readiness, it is very important to single out basic and additional movements. The basic ones include movements and actions that form the basis of the technical equipment of this sport, without which it is impossible to effectively conduct a competitive struggle in compliance with the existing rules. Mastering the basic movements is mandatory for the athlete. Additional movements and actions are secondary movements and actions that are characteristic of individual athletes and are associated with their individual characteristics. (Platonov V.N., 1986).

tactical training. Tactical preparedness in the theory and practice of sports training, - writes Platonov V.N., - is understood as the ability of an athlete to competently build the course of the struggle, taking into account the characteristics of the sport, his individual characteristics, the capabilities of his opponents and the created external conditions.

The level of tactical readiness of an athlete depends on his mastery of the means, forms and types of tactics of this sport. The means of sports tactics are all techniques and methods of their implementation, forms - individual, group and team actions, types - offensive, defensive and contracting tactics.

Tactics relies on strategy, so A.Ya. Gomelsky in the book "Bible of Basketball" writes that the strategy is the main theoretical focus of the entire work of the team, which determines the means and methods of preparing for the main competitions. The four-year plan for preparing the USSR national team for the Seoul Olympics is the team's strategy in 1985-1988. The strategy provides for the management of the team in competitions.

Tactics is a part of the strategy that solves the main tasks of training, taking into account specific capabilities - the resources of the team, the characteristics of opponents, the conditions of the competition. All this determines the tactical and combination baggage of the team.

Mental training - is associated with the education of athletes in the process of training moral, strong-willed and special mental qualities.

Classes in various sports contribute to the formation of a specific structure of mental qualities, so A.Ts. Puni (1984) found that representatives of each sport have their own leading volitional qualities.

4. General physical training.

General physical training (GPP) is a process of improving motor physical qualities aimed at the comprehensive and harmonious physical development of a person.

Physical fitness contributes to an increase in functionality, overall performance, is the basis (base) for special training and achievement of high results in a chosen field of activity or sport. The following tasks can be assigned to the OFP:

  1. to achieve a harmonious development of the muscles of the body and the corresponding strength of the muscles;
  2. acquire general, endurance;
  3. increase the speed of performing various movements, general speed abilities;
  4. increase the mobility of the main joints, muscle elasticity; improve dexterity in a wide variety of (domestic, labor, sports) activities, the ability to coordinate simple and complex movements;
  5. learn to perform movements without undue stress, master the ability to relax.

The achievement of physical perfection is associated with general physical training - the level of health and the comprehensive development of physical abilities that meet the requirements of human activity in certain historically established conditions of production, military affairs and other areas of public life. Specific principles and indicators of physical perfection are always determined by the real demands and conditions of society at each historical stage. But they also always have a requirement for a high level of health and overall performance. At the same time, it should be remembered that even a fairly high total physical fitness often cannot ensure success in a particular sports discipline or in various types of professional work. And this means that in some cases an increased development of endurance is required, in others - strength, etc., i.e. needed special training.

Modern physical training should be considered as a multilevel system. Each level of which has its own structure and its own specific features.

The lowest level is characterized by a health-improving orientation and is built on the basis of general (conditional) physical fitness. As the level of physical fitness increases, the complexity and sports orientation increase, and the highest level is built on the basis of the principles of sports training in order to increase the functional reserves of the body necessary for professional activity. One of the most important conditions for the implementation of physical training is its rational construction over sufficiently long periods of time. Because neither in a day, nor in a week, a month, and sometimes even a year it is impossible to prepare for work. This is a long process of formation of motor skills and abilities, systematic improvement of physical (motor) qualities, mental preparation, maintenance of the level of working capacity, preservation and strengthening of health. The construction of physical training classes is based on the laws of physical education and sports training.

5. Special physical training.

(SFP) is a process that ensures the development of physical qualities and the formation of motor skills and abilities that are specific only to specific sports or specific professions, ensures the selective development of individual muscle groups that carry the main load when performing specialized exercises. The main means of special physical training are competitive exercises in "one's own" sport. The ratio of means and methods of general physical training and physical training depends on the individual characteristics of the athlete, his sports experience, the period of training and the tasks to be solved. The principle of unity is based on the fact that the body's adaptive reactions to loads are selective and cannot ensure the development of all the qualities necessary to show a high sports result. Each quality, depending on the biological structure of the movements used, on the intensity of the load, develops specifically. Deviation in one direction or another when using either specific means or general developmental physical exercises does not give the desired effect. The level of development of physical qualities is not the same for representatives of various sports.

The only correct solution to the issue of using general and special physical training is their reasonable combination at different stages of the training process.

On the initial stage training, the basic general physical training should prevail, regardless of the sport. The use of general physical training means for versatile training is also necessary for high-class athletes. In different sports for OFP, various means specific to this sport are used. But at the same time, you can’t fall into another milking - use mainly specialized exercises, especially the same ones. This emotionally impoverishes the preparation process and, secondly, the body adapts to them - the result is the inefficiency of the training process.

Special physical training is very diverse in its focus, but all its types can be reduced to two main groups:

  1. sports training;
  2. professional-applied physical training.

Sports training (training) is the expedient use of knowledge, means, methods and conditions, which makes it possible to directly influence the development of an athlete and ensure the necessary degree of his readiness for sports achievements.

At present, sport is developing in two directions, which have a different target orientation - mass sport and sport of higher achievements. Their goals and objectives differ from each other, however, there is no clear boundary between them due to the natural transition of part of the trainees from mass sports to "big" and vice versa.

The purpose of sports training in the field of mass sports is to improve health, improve physical condition and leisure.

The goal of training in the field of elite sports is to achieve the highest possible results in competitive activities.

However, as regards the means, methods, principles of sports training (training), they are similar both in mass sports and in sports of the highest achievements. Fundamentally common is the structure of the training of athletes who train and function in the field of mass sports and elite sports.

The structure of an athlete's preparedness includes technical, physical, tactical and mental elements.

Technical readiness should be understood as the degree of mastering by an athlete of the technique of the system of movements of a particular sport. It is closely related to the physical, mental and tactical capabilities of the athlete, as well as to the conditions of the external environment. Changes in the rules of the competition, the use of other sports equipment significantly affects the content of the technical preparedness of athletes.

The structure of technical readiness always contains the so-called basic and additional movements.

The basic ones include movements and actions that form the basis of the technical equipment of this sport. Mastering the basic movements is mandatory for an athlete specializing in this sport.

Additional include minor movements and actions, elements of individual movements that do not violate its rationality and at the same time are characteristic of the individual characteristics of this athlete.

Physical fitness is the ability of the functional systems of the body. It reflects the necessary level of development of those physical qualities on which competitive success in a particular sport depends.

The tactical readiness of an athlete depends on how much he masters the means of sports tactics (for example, the technical methods necessary to implement the chosen tactics), its types (offensive, defensive, counterattacking) and forms (individual, group, team).

Mental preparedness is heterogeneous in its structure. It is possible to distinguish two relatively independent and at the same time interrelated aspects in it: volitional and special mental preparedness.

Volitional readiness is associated with such qualities as purposefulness (a clear vision of a long-term goal), determination and courage (a penchant for reasonable risk combined with thoughtfulness of decisions), perseverance and perseverance (the ability to mobilize functional reserves, activity in achieving a goal), endurance and self-control ( the ability to control one's thoughts and actions in conditions of emotional arousal), independence and initiative. Some of these qualities may be inherent in one or another athlete, but most of them are brought up and improved in the process of regular training work and sports competitions.

In the structure of a special mental preparedness of an athlete, it is necessary to highlight those aspects that can be improved in the course of sports training:

  1. resistance to stressful situations of training and competitive activities;
  2. kinesthetic and visual perceptions of motor actions and the environment;
  3. the ability to mental regulation of movements, ensuring effective muscle coordination;
  4. the ability to perceive, organize and process information under time pressure;
  5. the ability to form anticipatory reactions in the structures of the brain, programs that precede real action.


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6. Korobkov A.V., Golovin V.A., Maslyakov V.A. Physical education. -M.: Higher. school, 1983.

7. Kots Ya.M., Sports physiology. - M.: Physical culture and sport, 1986.

8. Malinovsky S.V. Tactical training in sports games. - M .: Physical culture and sport, 1986. - 167 p.

9. Matveev L.P. Fundamentals of sports training. - M.: FiS, 1977.

10. Nygof R. Some principles and criteria for increasing loads in the education of general and special endurance. Experience of our friends. - M.: Sports Committee of the USSR, 1982, 31 p.

11. Ozolin N.G. The development of the athlete's endurance. - M.: FiS, 1959, 128 s

12. Puni A.Ts. Psychological preparation to competition in sports. -M.: FiS, 1969.

13. Rodionov A.V. Psychological foundations of tactical activity in sports // Theory and practice of physical culture. - 1993. - N 2. - p. 7-9

14. Seluyanov V.N., Shestakov M.P. Physiology of activity by N.A. Bernshtein as the basis of the theory technical training in sports // TiPFC. No. 11,1996.-S.58-62.

Nearing the end academic year. Soon the last bell will ring, and final exams will begin in schools. For the first time ten years have passed since the program of final elective exams included for the first time an exam in physical culture, which involves assessing not only physical, but also theoretical and methodological preparedness of students. In addition, on the subject Physical Culture» The All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren is held annually, one of the tasks of which is to determine the level of knowledge of students in the field of physical culture.

One of the most popular forms of control in education at present is testing, the basis of which is a test, which is a standard task that meets the requirements of unambiguity, brevity and simplicity. Its implementation allows you to assess the level of knowledge of each student and determine the degree of assimilation of theoretical material.

To assess the knowledge of students, test tasks are usually used, which, in the form of answers, are open and closed:

a) open form has no answer options - to complete such a task, you must continue or insert the missing part of the statement. The subject is required to give an arbitrary answer to the question;

b) the closed form assumes the presence of options with one or more correct answers, which the subject must choose. To varieties closed form relate in a certain way the tests for compliance and tests for establishing the correct sequence.

The logical basis of the task form with the choice of one correct answer from several proposed ones is the law of the excluded middle. Choosing the right answer gives a true judgment, and choosing an incorrect answer gives a false judgment. There is no third. A methodological rule follows from this: in each task with a choice of one answer, there must be a correct answer, which gives unambiguity to the intent of the task itself and does not allow conflicting interpretations among the subjects.

Test tasks are built from tasks in a test form, which meet the requirements of the task's compliance with the purpose of its application, multiplicity, adequacy of the form to the content of the tasks. Test tasks must also meet the following requirements: content-pedagogical correctness of tasks; logical accuracy and consistency of statements; the need for empirical verification of the statistical properties of tasks.

The test task should be formulated from exact terms and not contain metaphors, superfluous words. An incorrectly formulated task can produce both correct and incorrect answers, and even cause bewilderment.

An example of a terminologically incorrectly formulated task of the Moscow School Olympiad in the subject of "physical culture":

A hallmark of a motor skill is:

a) automatism of motor action, stereotype of action parameters;
b) reduction of execution time;
c) conscious performance of a motor action.

Or, for example, some tasks All-Russian Olympiad schoolchildren in the subject "physical culture":

Physical fitness acquired in the process of physical preparation for labor or other activity is characterized by:

a) a margin of reliability, efficiency and economy of the body systems;
b) the level of development of respiratory, circulatory, energy supply systems;
c) the level of working capacity and versatility of motor experience.

Comments, as they say, are unnecessary.

The most important term healthy lifestyle life is:

a) hardening of the body;
b) balanced diet;
c) motor mode;
d) personal and public hygiene.

All of these factors, without exception, are the basis of a healthy lifestyle. In this case, it will be very difficult for a poor student to choose the right option.

The idea of ​​the validity of the content of the test is closely intertwined with the principle of meaningful correctness of the test task. Inaccurately or ambiguously worded tasks that generate several correct or conditionally correct answers should not be included in the test at all.

In addition, test tasks should be presented in a language understandable to all students and correspond to the level of preparedness of students. In this regard, let us once again return to the test task at the Olympiad for schoolchildren in Moscow in the subject "physical culture":

Ultra-long distance running is classified as work in a physiological background:

a) maximum power;
b) submaximal power;
in) high power;
d) moderate power

One gets the impression that the compilers of this assignment never looked at the school curriculum in physical education. Some of these questions can cause difficulties even for students of a physical education university, not to mention schoolchildren, who hardly received such information at physical education lessons at all.

The approximate number of tasks should be no more than 30 to ensure sufficient accuracy of pedagogical measurements, and the total testing time should not exceed 40 minutes. An increase in time, as well as its decrease, reduces the variance of test results, and, consequently, worsens the differentiating ability of the entire test.

One of the modern requirements for test tasks is manufacturability, which allows you to conduct the testing process using technical means and do it accurately, quickly, economically and objectively. Tests become technological if the subjects correctly and quickly understand their content and if the form of tasks contributes to the process of computerization of testing.

It should be noted that, being the result of many pedagogical innovations, test tasks allow not only to obtain an objective assessment of the level of theoretical and methodological knowledge of students in physical culture, but also to identify problems that arise in the assimilation of this academic subject.

The subject test control of students' theoretical and methodological knowledge, which we conducted, showed that testing can be successfully used in the current check of students' progress, preparation for an elective exam in the final grades and for admission to physical education universities.

To control and assess the level of theoretical and methodological knowledge of graduate students in the subject of "physical culture", we offer closed-form test tasks. To do this, use the test constructor in Adobe program Flash created a test task drive, which is a database of a special structure used to store information about the form and content of test tasks, test generation parameters and methods for evaluating test results.

An example of setting a closed form (view on the monitor screen):

If your school does not have such a computer program or you have not yet created it, you can use the paper version of the test. To do this, we offer sample test tasks and a sample form for answering questions.

At your own discretion, depending on the level of preparedness of students, you can complicate or simplify some tasks or create thematic tasks, for example, on the history of physical culture and the Olympic movement, sections school curriculum on physical culture, the basics of a healthy lifestyle, etc.

Students can be tested in an organized manner at a physical education lesson by preparing answer sheets in advance.

We give an example of test tasks.

    Grade "5" is given for the correct execution of 25 or more tasks;

    grade "4" - for the correct execution of 20 or more tasks;

    grade "3" - for the correct execution of 15 or more tasks;

    grade "2" - for the correct execution of less than 15 tasks.

Test tasks for monitoring and evaluating the theoretical and methodological knowledge of students in the subject "physical culture"

You are asked to answer 30 questions. Each question has 4 possible answers. You need to choose one correct answer. Mark the answers you have chosen in the corresponding column of the form for answering the questions of the test task. To do this, you need to choose the correct option (in your opinion) and circle the corresponding letter.

Be careful when marking the correct answers on the form. Corrections and erasures are scored as an incorrect answer.

Fill in the answer sheet with your last name, first name and the class you are in.

1. For the first time in the history of mankind, the Olympic Games were held:

a) in the 5th century BC.;
b) in 776 BC;
c) in the 1st century. AD;
d) in 394 AD

2. Olympionics in Ancient Greece were called:

a) the inhabitants of Olympia;
b) participants in the Olympic Games;
c) winners of the Olympic Games;
d) judges of the Olympic Games.

3. The first modern Olympic Games were held:

a) in 1894;
b) in 1896;
c) in 1900;
d) in 1904

4. The founder of the modern Olympic Games is:

a) Demetrius Vikelas;
b) A.D. Butovsky;
c) Pierre de Coubertin;
d) Jean-Jacques Rousseau.

5. The motto of the Olympic Games:

a) "Sport, sport, sport!";
b) “Oh sport! You are the world!”;
c) Faster! Above! Stronger!";
d) Faster! Above! Farther!"

6. The Olympic Charter is:

a) regulations on the Olympic Games;
b) the program of the Olympic Games;
c) a set of laws on Olympic Movement;
d) rules for competitions in Olympic sports.

7. For the first time, Soviet athletes took part in the Olympic Games:

a) in 1948;
b) in 1952;
c) in 1956;
d) in 1960

8. The founder of the national system of physical education is:

a) M.V. Lomonosov;
b) K.D. Ushinsky;
c) P.F. Lesgaft;
d) N.A. Semashko.

9. One of the main means of physical education is:

a) physical activity;
b) exercise;
c) physical training
d) physical education lesson.

10. General physical training (GPP) is understood as training process, directed:

a) the formation of correct posture;
b) on harmonious development person;
c) for the comprehensive development of physical qualities;
d) to achieve high sports results.

11. Indicators of physical fitness include:

a) strength, speed, endurance;
b) height, weight, chest circumference;
in) arterial pressure, pulse;
d) heart rate, respiratory rate.

12. The individual development of the human body throughout his life is called:

a) genesis;
b) histogenesis;
c) ontogeny;
d) phylogenesis.

13. Indicators of physical development include:

a) strength and flexibility;
b) speed and endurance;
c) height and weight;
d) agility and jumping ability.

14. Physical inactivity is a consequence of:

a) decrease in human motor activity;
b) increasing human motor activity;
c) lack of vitamins in the body;
d) overeating.

15. Lack of vitamins in the human body is called:

a) avitaminosis;
b) hypovitaminosis;
c) hypervitaminosis;
d) bacteriosis.

16. The pulse of an adult untrained person at rest is:

a) 60–90 bpm;
b) 90–150 bpm;
c) 150–170 bpm;
d) 170–200 bpm.

17. The dynamometer is used to measure indicators:

a) growth;
b) vital capacity of the lungs;
c) willpower;
d) hand strength.

18. Exercises that combine speed and strength are called:

a) general developmental;
b) self-power;
c) speed-strength;
d) group.

19. Learning a complex motor action should begin with mastering:

a) starting position;
b) the basics of technology;
c) lead-up exercises;
d) preparatory exercises.

20. C low start run:

a) on short distances;
b) at medium distances;
c) for long distances;
d) crosses.

21. Long-distance running develops:

a) flexibility;
b) dexterity;
c) speed;
d) endurance.

22. Cross country running is called:

a) steeplechase;
b) forced march;
c) cross;
d) show jumping.

23. Running shoes are called:

a) sneakers;
b) pointe shoes;
c) Czechs;
d) spikes.

24. One way to jump high is called:

a) stepping over;
b) rolling;
c) stepping over;
d) flipping.

25. The dimensions of the volleyball court are:

a) 6x9 m;
b) 9x12 m;
c) 8x16 m;
d) 9x18 m.

26. Duration of one quarter in basketball:

a) 10 minutes;
b) 15 minutes;
c) 20 minutes;
d) 25 min.

27. The following are prohibited in basketball:

a) hand play
b) kicking;
c) playing under the ring;
d) throws into the ring.

28. Pioneerball - a lead-in game:

a) for basketball
b) to volleyball;
VC table tennis;
d) football.

29. The main way of skiing is:

a) alternating stepless move;
b) alternating one-step move;
c) alternating two-step move;
d) simultaneously-alternate course.

30. A rest stop on a hike is called:

a) parking
b) overnight stay;
c) a berth;
d) halt.

Right answers

1 - b; 2 - in; 3 - b; 4 - in; 5 - in; 6 - in; 7 - b; 8 - in; 9 - in; 10 - in; 11 - a; 12 - in; 13 - in; 14 - a; 15 - a; 16 - a; 17 - d; 18 - in; 19 - in; 20 - a; 21 - d; 22 - c; 23 - d; 24 - a; 25 - d; 26 - a; 27 - b; 28 - b; 29 - in; 30 - g

Form for answering the questions of the test task on the subject "Physical Education"

Last name, first name _________________________________ Class ____

Question number


Question number


Question number


Number of correct answers: ____ Score: _______________

Associate Professor of the Pedagogical Institute of Physical Culture,

a) the ability to accurately dose the amount of muscle effort;

b) the ability to quickly rebuild motor activity in a changing environment with the mastery of new movements;

d) the ability to technically correctly repeat a given exercise.

a) flexibility;

b) speed;

c) coordination;

d) agility.

12. The sum of movements performed by a person in the process of life is combined into the concept:

a) biological activity;

b) motor activity;

c) optimal activity;

d) physiological activity.

Mark the type of physical training that provides the greatest effect aimed at recovery.

a) regular exercise health exercises outdoors;

b) aerobics;

c) mountaineering;

d) cycling.

14. Hygiene is ...

a) the field of ecology, which studies the features of the impact of the environment on humans;

b) a set of sanitary and epidemiological laws and regulations;

c) the field of medicine that studies the influence of the external environment on human health;

d) all of the above.

15. Posture is…

a) features of the human physique;

b) the correct position of the human body at the desk;

c) the usual position of the human body when standing, walking, sitting;

d) the shape of the spine.

16. The main sources of energy for the body are:

a) proteins and minerals;

b) carbohydrates and fats;

c) fats and vitamins;

d) carbohydrates and proteins.

The lack of vitamins in the body is called:

a) avitaminosis;

b) hypovitaminosis;

c) hypervitaminosis;

d) bacteriosis.

18. Which of the following species is not included in the program modern pentathlon

a) shooting

b) fencing

c) gymnastics

d) horseback riding

19. Which of the concepts is the most capacious (including all the others):

b) system of physical education;

c) physical culture.

20. What type of physical exercise is used to massage the intervertebral discs?

a) walking

b) twine

c) throwing

d) archery

Sport is -

a) a type of social activity aimed at improving a person and

development of his physical abilities;

b) a specialized pedagogical process built on the system

physical exercises and aimed at participation in competitions;

c) this is a competitive activity, special preparation for it, as well as

interpersonal relations and norms inherent in this activity;

d) a pedagogical process aimed at the morphological and functional improvement of the human body.

What is meant by the term "means of physical culture"?

a) medicines;

b) medical examinations;

c) healing forces of nature;

d) exercise.

General physical training (GPP) is understood as a training process aimed at:

a) the formation of correct posture;

b) the harmonious development of a person;

c) for the comprehensive development of physical qualities;

d) to achieve high sports results.

To assess the physical development of a person, the following are used:

a) indicators of anthropometric measurements;

b) indicators of the level of development of physical qualities;

c) indicators of the formation of motor skills;

d) indicators of functional systems.

The result of physical training is:

a) the physical development of a person;

b) physical perfection;

c) physical fitness;

d) physical education.

Physical Qualities- this is:

a) individual characteristics that determine the level of human motor abilities;

b) congenital (genetically inherited) morphological and functional qualities, due to which it is possible physical activity a person, manifested in expedient motor activity;

c) a complex of abilities involved in physical culture and sports, expressed in certain results;

d) motor skills and abilities inherent in a person.

27. Complete the definition: “Strength is the ability to overcome ... or resist it at the expense of ... ..”

a) internal resistance, muscle tension;

b) physical activity, muscle tension;

c) physical exercise, internal capacity;

d) external resistance, muscle effort.