The best six kettlebell exercises for mass. Kettlebell press with one and two hands - an alternative way to develop deltas Seated kettlebell press

Type of exercise: basic

Core muscles: chest, triceps

Accessory muscles: front delta

The complexity of the exercise: medium

Equipment: kettlebell

A good exercise to increase the strength and speed of the blow. A limited range of motion will help develop strength and overcome the dead center in the bench press. This exercise can be performed both alternately with each hand, and together, it's okay if you have one kettlebell at home. To load more pectoral muscles you need to lie on a bench or something similar. If it is not possible, then first you need to perform a preliminary exercise, such as dumbbell wiring or push-ups.

Starting position

Place the kettlebells on the floor, body-width apart, and position yourself between them so that they are at shoulder level. Lie on the floor with your legs straight and shoulder width apart. In the lower back, a natural deflection and tension, bring the shoulder blades together. Turn the body on its side, twist the arm slightly to the side, return the body together with the kettlebell to a horizontal position. The elbows are pressed to the body, the weight lies on outside forearm. Try not to bend your hands too much, if you keep them even, the weight will press hard, find your optimal position. Hold the kettlebell so that thumb was directed towards him.

Another position of the elbows is possible - spread them apart at an angle of 45 degrees, then the load will fall more on the pectoral muscles. The execution technique is exactly the same as with pressed elbows.

Technique for performing bench press lying on the floor

As you exhale, press the kettlebell up with your elbow almost fully extended and turn your palms outward. Squeeze weights at the level of your shoulders. As you inhale, lower the weights down, returning your elbows and hands to their original position.

  • To increase the load, bend your knees, placing your feet on the floor, and press your lower back to the floor, this will give you more insulation.
  • Perform supination and pronation, you can generally hold weights like a barbell all the time and not deploy them.

In the past few years, the popularity of kettlebell training has grown by leaps and bounds in all countries of the world. Thousands of people have developed muscle and cardiovascular endurance through kettlebell training. However, not everyone knows that kettlebell training is great way increase in muscle mass and strength.

Is kettlebell training the most the best way building muscle and increasing strength? Of course not. Progressively increasing load, for example, when training with dumbbells, will always reign in this plan. However, if you like to train with kettlebells, if this is the only equipment you have at home, if you want to become bigger and stronger, then this article is for you.

The best kettlebell exercises.

Let's take a look at the most effective kettlebell exercises to help you get bigger and stronger, and then move on to your training program.

Weightlifter Arsenal:

  • Mahi from the bottom up, the kettlebell is held with both hands.
  • Kettlebell snatch with two hands.
  • "Windmill".
  • Turkish rise.
  • Army bench press with kettlebells.
  • Pulling weights with both hands to the belt in an inclination.
  • Pull-ups on the crossbar with a kettlebell suspended from the belt.
  • Bench press lying on the floor.

It doesn't take a genius to figure out that most of the above exercises require two kettlebells. Why? The reason is obvious - the higher the degree of resistance, the faster the hypertrophy of muscle tissue occurs and strength arrives. Let's take a closer look at this point of view with the help of the military kettlebell press.

When you press a 32-kilogram kettlebell over your head, your body fights against the resistance of the 32-kilogram weight. And when you squeeze two such weights over your head, then your body is already overcoming the resistance of 64 kilograms. I say "body" because the military bench press involves the whole body working together when done correctly. To squeeze big weight above your head, you need to contract the muscles of the buttocks, legs, abdomen, back, shoulders, triceps and biceps.

The more weight your body has to overcome, the more more intense exercise and the higher the degree of hypertrophy of muscle tissue. If working with just one kettlebell was more effective, then why would thousands of bodybuilders and weightlifters suddenly focus on multi-joint exercises with two dumbbells?

Let's take another exercise as an example - squats with weights on the shoulders. Do you really think that squatting with one 40 kg kettlebell will be more effective than with two? Of course, when doing single kettlebell squats, your torso muscles work hard to maintain balance, but you're still only working with 40 kilos. And squatting with two weights, you will overcome the resistance of 80 kilograms. And believe me, it is much more difficult than it seems. Holding two large kettlebells in place while doing squats requires deep concentration, a strong body, and sturdy running shoes. Result? You will have muscular and strong legs.

One of the few exercises listed above that is performed with a single kettlebell is the Turkish Get Up. This is very useful exercise. Firstly, the "Turkish rise" develops the strength of the muscles of the body, which is necessary for performing heavy exercise for legs and overhead presses. Secondly, the "Turkish rise" develops flexibility and strength. shoulder girdle, which is necessary to perform a heavy bench press in the prone position. The "windmill" is also good for developing the muscles of the body and shoulders. However, "Turkish rise" is still the best option.

Plan of attack.

Weeks 1-4: 5x5 style training.

Training in the style of 5x5 is a standard scheme, the effectiveness of which has been proven by time. This is extremely effective method development of strength and muscle mass. This system was the favorite of the legendary bodybuilder Reg Park, who was the idol of Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Here's how it works. Choose a weight that you can do five sets of five reps with. When and if you can complete all five sets of five reps, increase the weight by 2.5-5 kilograms and try to do the same five sets of five reps. Rest between sets is three minutes.

Obviously, a progressive increase in load is impossible in the case of using kettlebells, so something else has to be invented. One factor you can manipulate is the time under load. When you can complete five sets of five reps at a fast pace, increase the negative phase of the repetition to four seconds, and the positive phase of the repetition to two seconds. When this becomes easy for you, try spending five seconds lifting the weight, maintaining a distinct pause at the top of the movement, and spending five seconds lowering the weight.

Another factor that is entirely in your control is the rest pauses between sets. Instead of a three-minute rest, pause for two minutes. When you can easily transfer this, reduce the pauses between sets to 90 seconds, then to 60 seconds. When you can do 5 sets of 5 reps slow pace and with a one-minute pause between sets, you will no doubt be ready to work with heavier weights.

The third factor you can control is the type of exercise. When you can complete five sets of five reps per army press in a standing position, switch to a bench press in a sitting position, and then a bench press in a squat position. When you can easily complete five sets of five reps in an exercise like two-handed swings, move on to a two-handed snatch. There is always something that can make the exercise more difficult, and training program more efficient.

Here is an example of a 5x5 kettlebell training program.

Day 1.

  • Army bench press with kettlebells.
  • Pull-ups on the crossbar with a kettlebell suspended from the waist with a special belt.

Do one set of the first exercise, rest for a minute, and do a set of the second exercise, rest for a minute, then do the second set of the first exercise, and so on. Continue like this until you have completed five sets of each exercise.

  • Squats with kettlebells on the shoulders.

  • Mahi from the bottom up, the kettlebell is held with two hands.

This pair of exercises is performed in exactly the same way as the first.

  • "Windmill" - 5x5 (first with the left, then with the right hand).

I decided to translate the article Mastering the Floor Press by Anthony Diluglio. Translation is free, not claiming to be professional. The original article can be found here:
Attention: despite the information in the article, before embarking on any self-treatment, it is recommended to consult the effectiveness of this treatment with sports doctor.

Kettlebell Floor Press... I always include the floor press with most of my clients. Believe it or not, getting people to include their chest in a chest exercise is quite a challenge. Sounds stupid, but it's true. The traditional bench press is the cause of many shoulder injuries. You go to a simple gym and, as a rule, someone will definitely stretch their chest and anterior delta along with the ballistic rebound of the bar from the chest.

I learned about the benefits of the floor press a couple of years ago after I accidentally injured my shoulder while rock climbing. I had a labral tear in my left shoulder. The doctor ordered to do the operation as the only the right way treatment. Fuck it! I returned to my gym looking for a rehab option.

The kettlebell press from the floor allowed me to engage my chest through the full range of motion without using/isolating my shoulder. I needed to work through this area without exacerbating the problem. The first important point this is "squeezing the shoulder blades together" or as I call it - "make a shelf of the shoulder blades and rest them on the floor." Also known as "shoulder compaction," this technique creates incredible tension in the chest... even before you even start the bench press.

Now pull the kettlebell towards your chest, as if you would like to explosively tighten your latissimus dorsi . Try to touch the floor with your triceps and release this tension in latissimus dorsi back to lift the weight up. It should feel like you are pushing yourself into the floor away from the kettlebell... BUT NOT PUSHING the kettlebell away from you. You have to understand this idea, otherwise you will start losing tension and raising your shoulder... which is very bad.

I'll give you an extra hint: to create even more tension and more pressing power, try the following:
Lift the leg opposite the working arm off the floor (for example, push with your left hand, lift your right leg), 15-30cm is enough. Keep your lifted leg tight. This will create tension in your serratus anterior muscle (read: rib muscles) and oblique muscles of the abdomen. By adding this extra load, you can squeeze out more and get bench press bonuses that you didn’t even know you had. I use this exercise with all clients. Many have avoided surgery, as have I. All these guys were ordered by doctors to stop training. In turn, you can offer them to lie down and die!

About the author.Antonio DiLuglio is a well-known trainer in the USA, who founded the Art of Strength corporation, with the aim of spreading physical culture. The result was a whole range of different adaptations, even a gym franchise and working with everyone from coaches and Hollywood stars to ordinary residents who were refused help by the health system.

I can already hear the screams from gyms around the world:
...with kettlebells you can only do CARDIO!
...with kettlebells they only do swings and nothing else!
... weights are pampering for schoolchildren!

Due to some trainers, some people have the misconception that kettlebells are exclusively related to cardio training and should not be heavier than 6-8 kg. Therefore, it is not surprising that many do not consider kettlebells as a base for building muscles.

But despite this, kettlebells are the best suited for building strength and muscle mass, but do not forget about the following important aspects construction:

Increasing loads

It doesn't matter what you train with, with your body weight, barbell, dumbbells or kettlebells. If you progress in weights, then your body will adapt, become bigger and stronger. The increase in working weights and time under load is the main factor in muscle growth.

Proper nutrition

How well do you eat? Literally, what do you have in your hands right now? If you want to build a powerful body, then your muscles must get enough protein.

Eat, eat and eat again, but remember that quality is just as important as quantity. Sure, you can build muscle from the thousands of calories in hamburgers and french fries, but the quality of your food should come first.

Complete rest

Roughly speaking, rest does not have to be paid for and it is easily accessible, as well as endlessly useful in building your body. Muscles have to work hard in training, muscle cells are destroyed during exercise.

But with subsequent rest, they are restored and become even a little stronger and larger - this is a natural reaction of the body.

And if you have achieved harmony in the above, then below you will find six exercises with kettlebells that are most suitable for building strength and mass.

#one. Rise to the chest with a bench press of two weights

This is a powerful exercise (technically consisting of two) - the basic one in mass gaining. Lifting with a bench press of two kettlebells involves large muscle groups, leading to their growth, provided that the weight of the kettlebells is correctly selected and the recovery is appropriate.

#2. Squats with kettlebells

Squats are the royal exercise for building strong legs. With them, you will increase the strength of not only the legs, but also strengthen the muscles of the core and muscles of the shoulder girdle.

#3. Alternate bench press

The problem with kettlebells is that it is impossible to perform a full-fledged classic bench press with them, but not everything is so bad. Lie down on any flat surface and alternately press weights, lower them without clapping your elbows on the floor.

Try to get the weights to meet in the middle of the lift-lower, in fact, this exercise is more difficult than it seems. To increase the load on the lower chest, perform a bench press from a half-bridge position.

#four. Alternate bent over row

Just like with the bench press, make sure that the kettlebells meet in the middle of their path. This exercise will keep your back in tension, and will also load your shoulders, biceps and core muscles well.

An additional advantage of this exercise is that it also loads the buttocks with quadriceps, due to which the body is held.

#5. Snatch of two kettlebells

A snatch of two weights will help build big, strong shoulders and back. Look at weightlifters and think about how they could lift heavy barbells over their heads if they had a weak top part body?

#6. twisting

Unlike the previous exercises performed with two kettlebells, this exercise is performed with one. By adding this exercise to your training program, you will see amazing growth and the ability to lift more weight in other exercises.

That's it, now you know six great exercise for building strong body. What's next? And then we will draw up a training program based on them!

Weight training program with kettlebells

Rest no more than 60 seconds between sets, perform exercises in the B1-B2 group in a circle, with a rest of no more than 60 seconds between circles.

A1: Double Snatch - 3 sets x 6 reps

B1: chest raise with bench press (Double Clean & Press) - 3 sets x stairs up to 6 reps *
B1: Squats (Front Squat) - 3 sets x stairs up to 6 reps *

C1: twisting (Bent Press) - 5 sets x 3 reps per side

D1: Seesaw Row - 3 sets x 8-15 reps
D2: Alternate Bench Press (Seesaw Floor Press) - 3 sets x 8-15 reps


* Do 1 rep of each exercise, then rest for a few seconds. Perform 2 repetitions of each exercise, rest a few seconds. Repeat until you reach 6 reps.

Try to reduce the rest time with the same weights with each workout. After the rest time is reduced to ~45 seconds, increase the weights of the kettlebells. AT different exercises you may need kettlebells of different weights.

Program compiled by: Marcus Martinez |

Reading time: 23 minutes

Girya is sports equipment for strength and cardio training, made in the form of a sphere with a cast handle. Kettlebell exercises have their own characteristics and differ from the more familiar to us.

We offer you detailed material on the advantages and disadvantages of kettlebell training, as well as a selection effective exercises with a kettlebell to strengthen muscles and burn fat.

Kettlebell: what is it for and efficiency

Kettlebell exercises are designed to train the whole body, developing functional strength, agility and endurance. Kettlebell training provides strength and cardio at the same time, so with the help of this projectile you can strengthen muscles, burn fat and improve body shape.

Kettlebell training develops strength, endurance, agility and balance, challenging both muscle and aerobic endurance. The birth of kettlebell lifting dates back to 1885, while Russia is considered the country of origin of this sports equipment. For example, in Spanish the kettlebell is called "pesa rusa" (literally - "Russian weight"). AT English language The kettlebell is called a kettlebell because it is shaped like a kettle (kettle).

Now weight-lifting has become popular all over the world, but it is especially popular in the USA. Kettlebells are used by American athletes both in games and in Olympic sports sports. Quite often, kettlebell exercises are found in CrossFit and other ultra-intense group programs. For example, Chris Hemsworth used weights in preparation for the filming of Thor.

Features of kettlebell training

Kettlebell training is equally suitable for both men and women. Kettlebell exercises are especially often used in such areas as:

  • team sports

Do not confuse kettlebell training with classic strength training for muscle growth. During the exercise with kettlebells, you will focus on the movements, not the muscles. Kettlebell training develops your functional strength, that is, it is more focused for education motor actions and development physical qualities: strength, endurance, flexibility, speed and coordination abilities. This sports equipment is great not only for training in the gym, but also for training at home.

Kettlebell exercises are generally not meant for bodybuilding and anabolic training. Kettlebell lifting helps accelerate muscle growth and move stagnation into strength training, but it practically does not affect muscle growth. Basic exercises with a kettlebell do not imply an isolating load, they are aimed at improving functional training and explosive strength. Therefore, kettlebell training is more suitable for those who want to lose weight, get rid of excess fat, accelerate muscle growth, shift the plateau in strength training.

What muscles work during kettlebell training?

During exercises with a kettlebell, as much as possible large muscle groups are included in the work: back and legs. The muscles of the arms and shoulders, chest, buttocks, and abs also work. Kettlebell workouts are ideal for general physical training, basic kettlebell exercises help to develop all major muscle groups at the same time. You can use the kettlebell in isolation exercises instead of dumbbells, but the true purpose of the kettlebell is still a full-body workout.

Anyone who has worked with a kettlebell at least once could feel the peculiarity of the load during the exercise. The unusual shape of the kettlebell makes work the stabilizer muscles by acting on them with a wide range of motion. For example, exercises with dumbbells and barbells affect the stabilizing muscles to a much lesser extent. Weak stabilizing muscles cause poor posture, as well as discomfort and pain in the neck, back, and lower back. This is due to the fact that the back muscles are not able to properly hold the spine.

So, during training with a kettlebell, they work especially actively:

  • leg muscles (quadriceps and adductors)
  • muscles of the back of the body (back, lower back, buttocks, hamstrings)
  • core muscles (abs and stabilizer muscles)
  • shoulder girdle muscles

In order for kettlebell training to be effective, it is very important to learn how to evenly distribute the load between the muscles of the back and legs. Many people make a mistake during kettlebell training, intensively working with their backs and arms, not including the legs, the strongest muscle group, in the work. This will not only reduce the effectiveness of classes, but can also lead to back injury. It is the muscles of the thighs and buttocks that should give an impulse to the implementation of swing and jerk movements, and not the muscles of the arms.

Are kettlebells effective for weight loss and muscle growth?

In one of the American studies on kettlebell training, an experiment was conducted in which they revealed the high energy consumption of kettlebell exercises. It was found that when performing exercises with a kettlebell, on average, about 20 kcal per minute is burned, or 1200 kcal per hour of training! The researchers explained this fact by the fact that during kettlebell training a large number of muscles are involved, and the high pace at which kettlebell exercises are performed is also maintained.

Therefore, kettlebell training is very effective for weight loss and fat burning. If you want to reduce the percentage of fat and strengthen the muscles, then you can do weight training 2-4 times a week for 20-45 minutes. Since kettlebell lifting already implies cardio and power load, then you don't have to add other activities to your plan.

But for muscle growth, training with a kettlebell is not the best option. Kettlebell exercises help develop functional fitness and explosive force, but for muscle growth it is better to use dumbbells and a barbell. However, kettlebell exercises help to avoid stagnation in strength training and accelerate muscle growth, so you can include kettlebell training in your plan once every 7-10 days.

Benefits of kettlebell training:

  1. Kettlebell training combines cardio and strength training, which means you will train less, but more efficiently.
  2. The kettlebell allows you to work qualitatively on all muscle groups without exception: shoulders, arms, chest, back, abs, buttocks, legs.
  3. Kettlebell exercises are great for training the heart muscle and developing endurance.
  4. This is a fairly durable and wear-resistant projectile that will last you a very long time, unlike expanders, for example.
  5. Kettlebell training helps build a lean, muscular body with toned muscles and minimum percentage fat.
  6. Kettlebell exercises involve a large number of muscles of the whole body at the same time, which means you can get in shape as quickly as possible.
  7. Kettlebell training helps to strengthen muscle corset which stabilizes your spine.
  8. Kettlebell exercises are aimed at developing agility, speed, coordination, which is why they are so popular in and game types sports.
  9. Kettlebell exercises strengthen tendons and ligaments, making joints stronger and less susceptible to injury.
  10. The kettlebell helps improve mobility and range of motion without static positions and prolonged stretching.

Disadvantages of kettlebell training:

  1. The kettlebell is not the most effective projectile in working on muscle growth.
  2. High risk of injury, especially for those who are just starting to play sports.
  3. Kettlebell exercises put stress on the back, which can lead to spinal problems.
  4. High-quality weights made of durable materials have a fairly high cost.

Kettlebell training is not recommended for those who have problems with the cardiovascular system, the musculoskeletal system, have injuries or have recently undergone surgery. Before starting kettlebell training, be sure to read the correct technique exercise, consult your doctor if necessary.

Top 30 kettlebell exercises

We offer you a unique selection of kettlebell exercises that will help you work out all the muscles in your body, increase endurance, burn fat and improve body shape. After the exercises ready plan activities that you can follow.

Read also:

14. Lunge forward with kettlebell

25. Kettlebell push-ups

29. Kettlebell pullover for triceps

Thank you youtube channels for the gifs: shortcircuits with Marsha, Live Fit Girl, Max's Best Bootcamp, RdellaTraining, CardioHatersTraining.

Ready-made plan for classes with a kettlebell

We offer you a ready-made plan for classes with a kettlebell: for the upper body, for the lower body, for the press and for the whole body . If you would like to work on muscle mass, then do no more than 15 repetitions with the maximum possible weight. If you want to work on fat burning and leaning, do 15-20 reps with medium weights.

If you set aside one day for kettlebell training and plan to train the whole body, then you can perform all the suggested exercises in one set. If you train the upper and lower part body, you can perform each exercise in several approaches or repeat the exercises sequentially in several circles.

Kettlebell exercises for the upper body:

    15-20 reps 10-15 reps (per arm)10-15 reps (per arm) 15-20 reps 10-20 reps (possible from the knees)
  • Triceps Kettlebell Pullover: 10-20 reps

Kettlebell exercises for the press:

    10-15 reps 10-15 reps (each side)20-25 reps (each side)10-15 reps (each side) 10-15 reps 30 seconds (each side)

Kettlebell exercises for the lower body:

    10-20 reps 15-20 reps 10-20 reps 15-20 reps 10-15 reps

Kettlebell exercises for the whole body:

    10-15 reps (per arm)10-15 reps (per arm) 10-20 reps 10-20 reps 10-15 reps (each leg) 10-15 reps 5-7 reps

  1. Be sure to warm up before training and cool down after training with a kettlebell. In preparation for performing exercises with a kettlebell, the muscles and ligaments should be well warmed up.
  2. Choose the weight of the kettlebell based on your strength capabilities: the last repetition in the approach should be performed at maximum effort. You can start training with a weight of 4 kg (for girls) and 8 kg (for men), gradually increasing the weight of the projectile.
  3. If you already have sufficient training experience, then on average the recommended kettlebell weight for men is 16-24 kg, for women: 8-16 kg.
  4. During the kettlebell exercise, keep your back straight, do not slouch. While squatting, take your pelvis back to protect your lower back from injury.
  5. Try to keep your brushes in a neutral position, there should not be any bend in them. You can use wrist braces to help support your joints.
  6. Perform each exercise slowly with full control. Do not swing the kettlebell and perform exercises quickly and at speed. Proper exercise form is the most important thing in kettlebell training.
  7. If you are working on muscle growth, you should not do kettlebell exercises more than once a week. Kettlebell training allows you to develop endurance and explosive muscle strength, which will help shift the plateau and provoke muscle growth. But for anabolic training, it is better to use dumbbells and a barbell.
  8. If you have two kettlebells available, then you can perform exercises using both kettlebells at the same time. Please note that in this case, the weights must be the same size to avoid imbalance in muscle development. Exercise examples:

How to choose kettlebells

If earlier kettlebells were sold in weights of 4 kg, 16 kg, 24 kg and 32 kg, now you can find almost any weight of kettlebell you want. The greater the weight of the kettlebell, the higher its cost. Depending on the material of manufacture, weights are divided into plastic, neoprene, cast iron and steel.

1. Plastic weights

Ideal for training at home, they do not create a lot of noise when colliding with the surface, and the furniture with the floor will remain safe and sound. The disadvantage of plastic weights is that their service life is shorter compared to, for example, cast iron or steel weights. Although if you buy plastic weights from trusted brands, they will last you a long time.

2. Cast iron weights

Such weights should be chosen by those who appreciate reliable quality. Cast iron weights have a high anti-corrosion property, they are time-tested and will serve you for a long time. But if used carelessly, cast-iron weights can scratch the floor or even cause injury to the practitioner.

3. Steel weights

Chrome-plated steel weights have a pleasant appearance and reliable design. In addition, there are such weights with collapsible design, which is very convenient in terms of weight control. The price of steel weights is slightly higher.

4. Neoprene weights

The peculiarity of this type of weights lies in the soft neoprene coating. Such weights are not so common on the market, but they are quite practical and safe. Especially suitable for beginners.

Plastic and neoprene weights are safer to use, more suitable for home use and less expensive. Cast iron and steel weights generally have a longer lifespan and are more reliable over extended periods of use.

If you plan to purchase all-metal weights, then it is better to take a shell covered with rubber or vinyl so as not to scratch the floor and not create a lot of noise. The weights are filled mainly with sand, cement and metal shavings.

Kettlebell Training Video

We offer you a selection of workouts for 15-40 minutes with a weight for home conditions that will help you strengthen your muscles and get rid of excess fat.

1. Kettlebell workout for the whole body (40 minutes)

2. Kettlebell workout for the whole body (30 minutes)

3. Kettlebell workout for the whole body (15 minutes)

4. Kettlebell interval training for girls (35 minutes)

5. Kettlebell interval training for girls (20 minutes)

Kettlebells are simple yet very effective sports equipment to strengthen muscles, burn fat, increase endurance, strengthen of cardio-vascular system and musculoskeletal system. Kettlebell exercises are a great addition to your workouts, whether you're trying to lose weight or build muscle.