Which fish grows the fastest. How many fish can be grown in a pond? How to determine the age of a fish

growth conditions
Compared to other cyprinids, carp is fast growing fish. This circumstance, along with other valuable qualities, guarantees the advantage of breeding it in pond farming. Carp growth is highly dependent on temperature, food rations and stocking density in the pond. Fish productivity is characterized by the growth of fish per unit area.

In winter, carp usually do not grow, with the exception of wintering with sources of warm water at a temperature of 8 ° C, in which the fish should be fed with pellets.

In pond farming, when growing fish, they are primarily guided by market demands. Therefore, they strive to get the maximum yield of fish from the usable area. Commercial carp underyearlings have a length of 6-15 cm, two-year-olds - 23-24 cm, each weighing 250-450 g. Commercial carp should reach a mass of one individual from 1250 to 1500 g with a length of 38-41 cm.

There is a certain relationship between the length of the fish and its mass. The logarithmic relationship between them has the form of a straight line, which means that if the length of the fish is known, then its mass can be determined quite accurately, and vice versa. Steffens (GDR), based on the results obtained in the Saxon pond farms, gives the following data

The fatness factor is directly proportional to the water temperature. For example, in wintering ponds it is sometimes much less than in summer ones. So, Scheperclaus determined the fatness coefficient of a herd of fish in autumn to be 1.9, and in spring - 1.6. A decrease in the fatness coefficient due to weight loss to 1.4 leads to large losses of two-year-olds.

Planting Density

This is understood as the number of fish that are planted per unit area equal to 1 ha. Stocking density depends on the age of the fish. In shallow fry ponds of medium size (64), in which the larvae grow up in conditions of good feeding

the base is only a few weeks old, with good preparation of the pond, i.e. tillage, fertilization, 200,000-300,000 or more grown carp fry are obtained from 1 hectare (with a loss of 50-60%).

Fry in such rearing ponds of the 1st order are reared to underyearlings (Ki) (65) from July until the following spring, provided that the pond is deep enough to serve as a wintering ground. With good preparation of ponds and minor losses (up to 30%), you can get 25,000-35,000 yearlings of carp per 1 ha. Record yields of underyearlings in ponds on sandy soils, amounting to 75,000-100,000 per 1 ha, were obtained using Hornoska, a complete organic fertilizer. In this case, granules were used as top dressing. The growth of underyearlings was favorably affected by the timely renewal of pond water.

Two-year-old carp are grown in rearing ponds of the II order, which are usually drained in winter. The average productivity of these ponds is 2000-3000 two-year-old carp per 1 ha, and the maximum value reaches 5000 two-year-olds per hectare. Average losses in these ponds are 10-15%.

Growth control

A loop net (66) is used to control the growth of fish in ponds.

Before the control fishing, feed should be introduced at the feeding place. When the fish gather in the feeders, the fish farmer cautiously approaches and throws the net in a curve. If the water is clear, then the shadow from the net drives the fish away, making it difficult to catch them. It is difficult to catch them even if there is no food in the feeder yet or the feeder is already empty.

However, fish caught cap net, is not enough to draw correct conclusions about the increase in the control intervals. In addition, only large fish can be caught with a hook net. If you plan the future feeding ration, focusing on large fish, then in the fall you can get a productivity that differs from the planned one.

A more reliable control method is control fishing with seine (67). Feed is brought into the space covered by the seine. After 1 - 1.5 hours, two people remove the net. The catch is usually a large number of fish. According to their average weight, one can draw a fairly accurate conclusion about the increase, on the basis of which subsequent feed rations are calculated.

Since weight gain largely depends on stocking density, fish are larger at low stocking density than at high stocking density. Smaller carps grown at high stocking densities, when there is strong food competition, are called "stunting". This stunting is not associated with disease and does not adversely affect subsequent growth. And if these fish are placed in favorable living conditions, they will grow well.

However, there are often carps that are "stunted" not because of food competition, but because of hereditary causes or past diseases. They do not grow well in favorable conditions. It is recommended to remove such fish without trying to nurse them. Therefore, sorting during fishing should include not only sorting by age classes, but also the rejection of specimens that are lagging behind in growth.

The growth of carp can not only be restrained, but also promoted. The meaning of intensive fish farming is to obtain the so-called "stimulated" fish, i.e. through rational feeding for the same period of time to grow larger carps with less losses. This method will be even more progressive if spawning is carried out in a warm-water nursery. Then the cultivation of commercial carp will last 2 years instead of the usual 3 years. Such a method cannot be considered unnatural, since the results of carp breeding in the southern countries clearly show that what we achieve with warm water is obtained there in natural conditions.

Multi-age seating. Basically, ponds are stocked only with fish of the same age. However, there is an opinion that when planting two age groups, you can get more fish productivity, since only small, not large fish can find food in the shallow areas of the pond.

The planting of one age group is explained primarily by preventive considerations, since epidemics spread more strongly with two-age planting than with the same age. It is easier to isolate and neutralize fish of one age group, as it has been in practice more than once, than 2 generations at once. But if the pond has sharply defined zones with different depths, then perhaps one should not refuse to plant two age groups. In this case, both groups should differ sharply from each other in size, otherwise sorting during fishing will be difficult.

Fish grow throughout their lives. However, this process is uneven. If young individuals grow rapidly, then with age, the relative increase in body weight decreases markedly. In summer, during the period of active feeding, intensive growth is noted, while in winter this process slows down, and in some species, for example, in carp, it stops altogether due to the fact that it stops feeding at low temperatures.

Fish growth is affected by water quality as well as food availability. Growth also slows down after puberty, so young fish are of the greatest interest for commercial rearing. Usually fish are grown in pond farms for 1-2 years. During this time, it reaches the commercial mass (table).

Regulatory and maximum weight fish grown in ponds by the end of the season, g


Regulatory Maximum Regulatory Maximum

25-30 g

500 g

350-500 g

1500 g

When choosing a growing object, you need to keep in mind that the growth rate of fish is far from the only indicator. It is also necessary to take into account the quality of water, forage base and the climatic zone in which the farm is located. In relation to the water temperature, all fish bred in fish farms are divided into heat-loving and cold-loving. The first group includes the majority of cultivated fish. In fish farming, two methods of growing fish are known: extensive and intensive. With the extensive method, the fish are not fed. It grows only by eating natural food. This is essentially pasture fish farming. It allows you to get fish products at minimal cost. This direction is promising in the southern regions and in large reservoirs, where it is possible to effectively grow carp together with herbivorous fish. The intensive rearing method includes feeding the fish and creating a rich food base with the help of fertilizer and reclamation of reservoirs. In modern fish farming, there are various technologies for the intensive cultivation of fish. Familiarization with them will allow you to choose the most suitable one for your specific conditions.

The most widely used traditional technology, which includes a two- or three-year fish rearing cycle. According to this technology, carp and herbivorous fish are usually grown. At the same time, ponds of various categories are used: spawning, fry, rearing, wintering, feeding. Each category of ponds is designed to perform a specific technological cycle. A variant is possible in which there are no nursery ponds and planting material is purchased from another farm. Grow fish at different levels of intensification. At high level intensification (repeated feeding, joint cultivation of several fish species at a high stocking density), it is possible to obtain fish products at the rate of 5-6 t/ha. The effectiveness of this growing method requires compliance with a number of requirements: constant flow, technical aeration of water, regular liming of ponds.

In recent years, a simpler scheme for growing marketable fish has been proposed - according to the so-called continuous technology. It provides for rearing carp fry to a weight of 1-2 g and its further cultivation without transplants in one pond for two years. In this case, only two categories of ponds are required - fry and nursery, where fish are grown and hibernate.

One of the acceptable for the owners of small ponds is the method of growing marketable underyearlings. This technological scheme provides for the early receipt of larvae, their rearing on warm water to a weight of 1 g and their subsequent cultivation in a pond with a sparse planting. With a good fodder base and a favorable hydrochemical regime, it is possible to obtain marketable underyearlings weighing 0.4-0.5 kg in one season.

High-intensity method of fish farming - growing fish in cages and pools. Cages are installed in cooling ponds of energy facilities or natural reservoirs (lakes, reservoirs). Particularly promising is the cultivation of fish in cages installed in cooling ponds. AT summer period heat-loving fish are grown in cages, such as carp, and trout in winter. The use of a particular technology is also related to what types of fish you are going to grow.

Growing carp. The easiest and most affordable way to grow this fish is to stock the reservoir with yearlings in the spring and catch them in the fall. By this time, the carp reaches marketable weight. If it is not possible to purchase yearlings, then you can stock the reservoir with fry using the method of growing marketable fingerlings. In the event that it is difficult to purchase planting material and you decide to breed carp yourself, then you should keep in mind that for this you will need to have separate categories of ponds for breeding, growing and wintering fish. For those who want to specialize in the production of planting material, we will provide basic information on the reproduction and rearing of juvenile carp. Timely stocking of the pond with its own planting material will avoid the cost of its acquisition, transportation, wintering. Thus, fish farming will be more manageable and therefore more efficient.

Female carp are very prolific, so you only need a few males and females. With natural spawning, the ratio of males and females is 2:1, with artificial insemination of eggs - 1:1. The term of use of manufacturers is 5-7 years. Producers should be kept freely: in a pond with an area of ​​100 m 2 there should be no more than one nest (1 female and 2 males). The pre-spawn maintenance of producers is important. In spring, at a temperature of 8-10 "C, they must be fed. Feed mixtures must contain at least 30 % feed of animal origin.

For breeding, it is necessary to use high-quality males and females, without injuries, with clearly defined sexual characteristics. It is difficult to determine the sex of carp, and impossible in immature individuals. Only with the onset of the spawning season can males be distinguished from females. In females, the genital opening is larger, somewhat swollen, reddish, abdomen enlarged, soft to the touch. In males, the genital opening is a narrow pale-colored slit; hard warts appear on the head and gill covers - a kind of nuptial attire. When pressing on the abdomen, milk may be released.

Spawning results depend both on the quality of the spawners and on the preparation of the pond. Carp lay their eggs on the substrate, so there should be soft aquatic vegetation on the pond bed. If there is no vegetation, then turf, branches of coniferous trees can be used for this purpose, or an artificial spawning ground can be prepared (Fig. 35). Spawning takes place at a water temperature of 17-18 "C. The female lays her eggs on vegetation or on an artificial spawning ground, and the males fertilize her. The duration of the development of fertilized eggs, depending on the water temperature, is 3-5 days. The amount of heat required for the full development of eggs is 60-80 degrees days The most favorable temperature for the embryonic development of carp is 18-26 °C.

Rice. 35. Artificial spawning ground

The hatched embryos are inactive for the first one or two days and live off the nutrients of the yolk sac, but then they begin to move and actively feed. At first they consume rotifers, small forms of crustaceans and algae, then they switch to larger crustaceans and chironomid larvae.

One of the main conditions for obtaining large weight and good fatness of underyearlings in autumn is to provide them with a sufficient amount of natural food. This is especially important in the first half of the growing season, when juveniles need food rich in protein, vitamins and minerals.

From one nest of producers, 70-100 thousand larvae are obtained. The natural food resources of a small pond will obviously not be enough for the full nutrition of the larvae. Therefore, already on the 5-7th day, the pond must be fished. With further cultivation of carp, the stocking density of larvae should not exceed 10 ind./m 2 .

If carp fry are taken from another reservoir, then before putting the fish into your own pond, you must gradually equalize the temperature of the water in the tank where the fish is located with the temperature of the water in the reservoir. Otherwise, the fish may die from temperature shock. For the effective development of the natural forage base, the ponds are limed and fertilized. The dose of slaked lime introduced into the pond depends on the pH of the water (table).

Rates for the introduction of slaked lime into the reservoir, kg / m 2


bottom soils

Less than 4 4.0-4.5 4.51-5.0 5.01-5.5 5.51-6.0 6.01-6.5

clayey and loamy

0,42 0,32 0,27 0,17 0,12 0,07


0,22 0,17 0,15 0,12 0,07 0,05


0,18 0,15 0,12 0,07 0,05 0,02

The introduction of lime has a preventive effect, preventing many diseases of fish, and also improves the hydrochemical regime of the reservoir. Lime neutralizes soil acidity, converts accumulated organic matter into a harmless state, and contributes to the enrichment of water with biogenic elements. Thus, lime has both preventive, ameliorative and some degree fertilizing effect.

An increase in the reserves of natural food is facilitated by the introduction of mineral and organic fertilizers into the pond. Organic fertilizers (manure) are applied in small doses along the water's edge. The introduction of a large amount of manure can cause a deterioration in the hydrochemical regime, so it is advisable to simultaneously introduce mineral fertilizers into the reservoir.

Mineral fertilizers (nitrogen and phosphorus), stimulating the development of phytoplankton, contribute to an increase in the oxygen content in the water. Ammonium nitrate and superphosphate are pre-dissolved in separate containers, after which they are added to the water at the rate of 5 kg of each type of fertilizer per 1000 m 2. Fertilize once every 10 days. Frequency of application fertilizer is determined by the level of development of algae in the pond. With intensive development of algae, fertilizers should not be applied. You can determine the need for fertilizer in a reservoir using a white disk, which determines the transparency of the water. The disk is lowered into the water to the depth to which it is visible. If the visibility limit is at a depth of no more than 25-30 cm, then there is no need to fertilize; if at a depth of 50 cm or more, then the pond should be fertilized.

Rice. 37. Feeder "Reflex": 1 - feed container; 2 - rack; 3 - bridge; 4 - pendulum

In addition to natural food, juveniles need additional feeding. In the initial period of cultivation (in the first month), you need to feed the fish 1-2 times a day. As the water temperature rises, the number of feedings should be increased. For the convenience of distributing feed, you can use the Reflex feeders (Fig. 37), which allow you to reduce its consumption.

During the entire growing period, it is necessary to control the growth of fish. To do this, control fishing is done 1-2 times a month. At each control catch, the caught fish (15-25 specimens) are weighed and measured, and then released into the pond.

Juvenile growth chart carp

Date of control fishing

Number of days after hatching

Weight of fish, g

July 1
July 15

In order to leave the fish grown over the summer for the winter, it is necessary to carry out work in preparation reservoir and the fish. For wintering, only those reservoirs in which there are deep places are suitable. For the central regions of the country, where the ice thickness reaches 80-100 cm, the depth of the pond should be at least 2 m. 1m.

Before wintering, it is desirable to pass the fish through salt baths. To do this, it is necessary to prepare a saline solution at the rate of 1 kg of table salt per 20 liters of water. The fish should be caught from the pond and placed in a salt bath for 5 minutes, and then in a container with running water for 2-3 hours. For a successful wintering outcome of carp underyearlings, it is necessary to maintain a stable oxygen content in the water at the rate of 5-8 mg/l. If the amount of oxygen is 4 mg / l or less, then the water must be aerated, that is, enriched with oxygen. The simplest way is a hole device. If it is possible to supply fresh water to the pond, this should be done. You can also use a compressor to supply air to the pond. AT winter period underyearlings of carp are not fed. Feed the fish begin in the spring at a water temperature of 8-10 ° C.

Starting the second year of growing carp, it is necessary to know the state of yearlings after wintering. If their weight is at least 25 g, and the fatness is high, then the wintering went well and this is the key to successful cultivation of table fish. The planting density of carp yearlings in a reservoir for growing marketable fish should be determined by the planned output of fish products per unit of pond area, as well as the natural food resources of the pond and the availability of feed. An example of calculating the density of yearlings of carp, provided that the planned productivity of the pond is 1500 kg / ha, the area is 0.05 ha, the weight of two-year-olds by autumn is 0.5 kg, the average weight of yearlings in spring is 0.03 kg, the fish yield from the planted amount is 90%:

X= (1500 0.05 100) : (0.5 - 0.03)90 = 180 copies.

In summer, fish are fed twice a day. As a rule, in September, when the fish reaches marketable weight, they begin to fish the pond. Given that the fish grows unevenly, and also that individual individuals can reach marketable weight already in July - August, it is advisable to catch them earlier. Thus, the period of using fresh fish for food is extended. The fish remaining in the pond due to the sparse stocking will be kept in best conditions and reach marketable weight faster. Carp can be left for cultivation in the third year. In the third year, the carp gives a greater weight gain than in the second year of life. Usually the gain is about 1 kg. Three-year-old fish has more edible parts, its meat is richer in nutrients.

And what all the same fish to grow? Or it is more correct to ask the question: what hydrobiont to grow in aquaculture? This question is really the most important not only for beginner aquaculturists, but also for already seasoned aquafarmers. Many of the owners of existing farms have been using developments since the times of the USSR. It is clear that it is difficult to change and adapt to new conditions. “To break, not to build” – I often hear this type of excuse from the lips of experienced aqua farmers. And I just propose to calculate all operating costs and the cost of farmed fish. Then all questions disappear at once. Adapt or die!

Adapt or die!

Aquaculture is a fairly dynamic business. New developments in this area appear almost every month. It is clear that the scheme (backbone) remains the same, but new means are being developed for the production of highly competitive products by optimizing production. It is clear that innovations need to be introduced either in new areas of the farm or already in those areas that require modernization. In home fish farming, in principle, constant investments are not required, since with small volumes of farmed fish, these innovations do not significantly affect the cost of growing. You need to understand that the cost of growing 500 kg, 10,000 kg and 100,000 kg will be different. Between the first and last number, this figure will be up to 40% percent lower.

But before you decide to grow 100,000 kg of fish per year, you can and should train on a small module up to 10,000 kg per year. I believe that playing with micro RAS (recirculating aquaculture system) up to 1000 kg of farmed fish per year makes sense only as food for your own family, as well as for practicing basic fish farming procedures. The cost of raising fish in such systems is usually high, but it will still be cheaper than buying the same fish from a supermarket. Plus, you understand exactly and know where and under what conditions the fish was grown. Plus, watching the fish grow is a separate pleasure that comes as a nice bonus.

And so enough big words and beautiful expressions! Let's start discussing the main types of fish (and not only) that can be grown without any problems in the conditions of the RAS.


For me, as a beginner fish farmer, this fish is undoubtedly number 1 on the list. What are the benefits?

  • Fast growing fish. For 4-5 months it can reach a weight of 350-400 grams (portioned).
  • Undemanding to the content of oxygen. Can withstand transient drops in dissolved oxygen levels as low as 2.5 mg/L.
  • Delicious portioned fish. Fish at the age of 8-10 months with a weight of about 1 kg are excellent for obtaining tasty and healthy fillets.
  • Cheap feed. The advantage of tilapia is that for good growth she needs a small amount of animal protein (10-20% fishmeal). And the basis of all feed for these fish is precisely vegetable proteins. And they are cheap and can be grown in our country.
  • Low cost of cultivation. The cost of portioned fish in home RAS can be in the range of 3-3.5 dollars. Industrial cultivation allows to reduce this price to 2.5-2.9 dollars per kg.
  • With the help of oxygen generators, you can keep a fairly tight fit - up to 140 kg / m3.

One of the biggest disadvantages is that the fish need a temperature of 28-30 degrees for active growth. Tilapia can withstand temperatures as low as 14-16C, but at the same time it hardly feeds.

The most promising species for cultivation: Nile (Oreochromis niloticus), blue (O. aurea), hybrids of previous species, as well as Mozambique (O. mossambicus). I wouldn't recommend growing Mozambique in intensive setups as it's quite slow growing, but as a first variety it's perfect. In Africa, it is grown in feeding ponds.

In our country at the moment there are problems with high-quality fry. Our team just launched a tilapia mother plant at the end of last year. The main species is Nile tilapia, the original line is obtained from Thailand. Large males gained 900 grams in 9 months. We hope to increase the volume of grown fry up to 10,000 fry per month in a couple of months. There are plans to import hybrid lines from Israel, Malaysia, China.

With a wholesale cost of one fish in the region of $ 0.2, this can be a good addition to your basic salary.

By the way, organizing a small farm for obtaining tilapia fry can be a very interesting and profitable activity. To do this, you need to buy a uterine nest (1 male + 5 females). Such a nest will give you the opportunity to grow 3-4 thousand tilapia babies per month. With a wholesale cost of one fish in the region of $ 0.2, this can be a good addition to your basic salary. The cost of a spawning nest will be about $200. In a couple of months we will be ready to offer our producers for local aqua farmers.

The cost of growing tilapia should be in the region of 2.5-3.5 dollars per kg. Wholesale price - 6-7 dollars. Retail reaches up to 10 dollars per kg in Ukraine. I personally believe that this is the most promising hydrobiont at the present time. Therefore, he insisted on promoting this type of fish in our market.


Royal fish! No wonder they call her that. Delicious fish that is suitable for the nutrition of all age groups of people. Trout meat is considered an exquisite delicacy and is in great demand among all population levels.

For breeding under RAS conditions, rainbow trout (Onkorhynchus mykiss) are commonly used. This type of fish is native to North America. It prefers fast, cool rivers with plenty of dissolved oxygen.

Trout are very demanding on the amount of dissolved oxygen in the water. Minimum permissible value this indicator for trout is 7 mg/liter. If it is lower, then the fish is already starting to feel bad and look for sources of oxygen. This is the difficulty of growing this fish in small PAS.

Trout are very demanding on the amount of dissolved oxygen in the water. The minimum allowable value of this indicator for trout is 7 mg/liter.

Also, this type of fish has certain requirements for the quality of food: the fish is predatory, so it is important to feed it with balanced commercial food. The cost of such feed ranges from 1.8 to 2.2 dollars per kg. All feed available in our country is imported from Europe. The feed coefficient of such feed can be 0.95-1.1. Those. per unit weight of grown products, you need to spend 0.95-1.1 kilograms of feed. The cost of growing trout under RAS conditions ranges from $2.2 to $3.5. At present, the wholesale price of trout in Ukraine is $4 per kilogram. In retail, royal fish is sold for 5-8 dollars.

For cultivation, it is recommended to buy fry in the amount of 8-10 cm, weighing about 10 grams. In just 6-7 months, this baby can be grown to the size of a table fish (250-350 grams). During growth, be sure to sort the fish by size. This will increase the percentage of fish yield and reduce possible cannibalism. The largest individuals can be grown up to large individuals of 2.5-3 kg. At the final stage of growing this fish, special feeds are used (with natural astaxanthin dyes), which make the fish meat red. Such fish is ideal for filleting, salting, smoking, etc.

Well, the fish is royal, and therefore the cares for its cultivation are royal.

Well, the fish is royal, and therefore the cares for its cultivation are royal. But I am sure that these worries are more than paid off when you manage to grow tasty and nutritious fish.

It is especially profitable to grow trout in open super-intensive RAS near restaurant complexes. A good fish restaurant can sell at least 10,000 kg of fish annually. At the same time, selling grown fish at a price of 8-10 dollars, which allows you to very quickly recoup the costs of building a RAS.

Clarii catfish

One of the most unpretentious types of fish for growing in aquaculture. It is said that it can be grown with a very dense planting - more than 300 kg per 1000 liters of water. It is completely undemanding to oxygen, because in the course of evolution it has developed an organ that allows it to absorb atmospheric oxygen. You can read more about this interesting fish on Wikipedia.

And so, catfish is an omnivorous fish, i.e. you can really feed everything: slaughterhouse waste, cheap small fish, minced meat, etc. It is clear that the feed ratio of such feed is very low (2-2.5 of such feed is needed per 1 kg of weight gain), but this really allows you to reduce costs. Commercial feed for Ukrainian-made catfish will cost around $0.8-0.9 per kg. Imported ones are under $2, which makes them uncompetitive.

Aggressive predator - clariid catfish

Catfish also need warm water for active growth. But he is really capable of growing more than 1 kg in 5-6 months. The capital costs for cultivation are also very low, because they allow you to grow a lot of products per unit volume of water.

According to the economy, the cost of som ranges from 2 to 2.5 dollars per kg. It is sold on the market for 2.5-3 dollars per kg. As you can see, the margin is not very large, but when growing a large number of fish, this becomes a very interesting event. Plus, the fish can be processed (smoked, filleted), which will allow you to sell fish with a higher margin.

Catfish malek is available in any quantity. It can be bought at least in 3-4 farms throughout Ukraine. In the presence of warm water, cheap feed and well-established sales, catfish is a very serious player in the domestic aquaculture market.


This is the type of fish that people who want to start raising fish are most interested in. Apparently, this is due to the fact that in Soviet times sturgeon was considered a rare delicacy, it was a relatively expensive product, available only to a certain category of citizens. Another myth that is associated with sturgeons: they give black gold! But in order to get caviar from a female, for this it needs to be grown for 5-6 years. And, when you calculate all the costs of its production, you will understand that this caviar is really golden. In order to understand the scale of investments to obtain a commercially profitable amount of caviar (2500-4000 kg per year), this will be an amount with at least 7 zeros. Plus, you still need to survive until the first harvest of caviar. After all, the entire production cycle is at least 5-6 years. This is with others equal conditions when everything is smooth, without a hitch. Usually, such an economy reaches its full capacity in about 8-10 years. Whoever has an extra ten years or ten million dollars, then you are welcome to the black gold business.

In order to understand the scale of investments to obtain a commercially profitable amount of caviar (2500-4000 kg per year), this will be an amount with at least 7 zeros.

I personally have nothing against sturgeons. But I think that they are on my list in 4th place on the list. Trout, in principle, can even be put in third place, but the combination of a restaurant and an aqua farm, which gives excellent results and a quick return on investment, is painfully captivating.

And so, sturgeon from a fry of 10 grams grow to a commercially interesting fish of 1000 grams in 8-10 months. At the age of 15 months, this fish should weigh under 2 kilograms. The growth potential of sturgeons is quite good, at the level of trout. But compared to tilapia and clariid catfish, this is heaven and earth. But the sturgeon fish, as it were, will be “nobler”, they also call it the royal fish. Therefore, its price is much higher.

From my own experience, sturgeon weighing one kilogram is not very interesting business. There really is nothing to eat in this sturgeon. A good yield of meat is obtained in fish weighing 3-4 kilograms, and this fish needs to be grown for 2.5-3 years.

Sturgeons need special food. Although manufacturers and big fish fed with cheap frozen fish. Again, to get a kilogram of fish growth, you need to feed 5-6 kilograms of fish. Plus, this type of feeding is more suitable for cage farming because these feeds are highly polluting in the water in your closed system. The cost of imported feed is around 2.5-3 dollars per kg. QC (feed ratio) - 1.1.

The sturgeon is quite picky about dissolved oxygen (the minimum value is 5.5-6 mg/l) and water quality. It is second only to trout in terms of demand and difficulty of rearing. If you get used to it, you can grow 25-30 kg of sturgeons in 1000 liters of water without any problems. By forcibly adding pure oxygen, fish density can be increased by 2-2.5 times.

The cost of growing fish is 5-7 dollars per kg. Wholesale price - 7-8 dollars. Retail, respectively, about 2 dollars per kg. Those. income from sturgeons is minimal. One of the promising ways to increase the added value is the production of smoked salmon and carcasses. For balyk, individuals weighing at least 5-6 kilograms are needed.

Bester (a hybrid of beluga and sterlet), Lena and Russian sturgeons are best suited for growing under RAS conditions. The sterlet is rather lanky.


The next interesting and promising object for cultivation in our country can be barramundi. Barramundi (Lates, white sea bass, Australian sea bass, lat. Latescalcarifer) - ray-finned fish of the lat family of the perch-like order. The fish is predatory, in natural conditions it feeds on small fish and crustaceans. Distributed from the Persian Gulf to Indochina and Australia.

It is an object of industrial cultivation in the countries of South Asia, Australia. Recently, this species has been actively grown in RAS systems in Europe, the USA and other countries. In a year under natural conditions, it can grow more than 45 cm weighing 3-5 kg.

In Australia, it is one of the most important objects for sport and amateur fishing: the fish is very powerful, often reaching sizes of more than 100 cm and weighing up to 40 kg. Also very often barramundi is grown in domestic mini PACs for food.

The fish feels great both in completely sea, salted and fresh water. Therefore, it is excellent for growing in recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS). The fish is thermophilic, therefore comfortable and optimal temperature for growing in the RAS will be 27-29C.

Several Yet interesting facts about barramundi. In the first 3-4 years of their life, all barramundi are males. After reaching a size of 70-80 centimeters, they turn into females. Therefore, when breeding, it is necessary to constantly ensure that there are males in the broodstock. Fish are perfectly bred in artificial conditions with the help of hormonal injections. One adult female can produce more than 30 million eggs per year.

Also in Asian countries, they believe that this meat of this fish has unique qualities (aphrodisiac), which have a positive effect on people's sexual desire. No wonder many people call this fish "Passion fish". So, if you come across such a name on the menu of some Asian restaurant, know that you will eat barramundi.

Fish meat is considered a delicacy, therefore it is highly valued in the market. Gutted carcass is sold from 30 to 50 dollars per kg.


Another promising delicacy fish species is the European eel.


You see how many interesting things I could tell you today about the possibilities of cultivation different types fish. I have tried to give objective information on each species. I am sure that there are some inaccuracies and errors in this article, please let me know about them. After all, as they say, one head is good, but two is better!

I would also like to highlight separately the topic of growing crustaceans. I have written about . I consider this type of aquaculture to be very profitable and promising. Information about the project is already on our page. Also this year I want to conduct an experiment on growing our cancer using bioflocculation technology. There is a feeling that everything should work out and we will be able to grow a certain number of crayfish.

Do you recognize the fish I put on the cover of this article? Yes, this is the usual bream that you take with beer. I wonder if it would be commercially viable to grow this fish in PAC followed by drying. Who can do the analysis?

In the meantime, stay tuned for updates on this site, register on my forum Koigu.ru, subscribe to the page in

Many tales, fairy tales and legends have been invented about the pike. And this is not surprising. Pike is a well-known freshwater predator that can live in any lake, river, pond, small stake. She does not live only in mountain rivers and in ponds, completely freezing in winter.

Many people think that she can live 100 years or more. These are all fictions and myths. Like all living things, it has its own time period. So how many years does a pike live? The article will tell about it.

Cunning and evil

The body structure of the pike suggests that it is a predatory and voracious fish. Her body is oblong, compressed on the sides, adapted to fast and swift throws. Hunts from ambush, swiftly and unexpectedly.

Half of the head is occupied by a mouth dotted with sharp teeth, and the snout is flattened and elongated. The teeth are located on the palatine bones, tongue, lower jaw. They fall out one by one throughout the year, and new ones grow in their place. The fish has good vision, the structure of the eyes allows her to see in front, sideways and above herself.

Pike is a cautious and insidious predator. Few fish manage to escape from the sharp teeth of this hunter. She fearlessly attacks prey, which is 1/3 of her weight. In addition to fish, it feeds on frogs, lizards, and snakes. In times of famine, he does not disdain his relatives.

Waterfowl chicks are also targeted by pike. She loves to eat food waste that is thrown into the river. The pike swallows its prey whole (like a python) and, until it digests it, does not go hunting. It is enough for an adult pike weighing 10-12 kg to hunt 1-2 times a week.

Already in the 16-17 centuries, people thought about how many years a pike lives. Fish, it seemed to them, could exist for 100, 200, or even more years. How many tales have been invented about this! But in reality, the pike does not live that long. Catfish is considered to be a long-liver among fish, which often celebrates its 100th anniversary.

How does a pike grow and how many years does it live

It would seem that the predator is invulnerable and can easily live for more than a dozen years. But not everything is so simple. Pike, like any other fish, is prone to being caught and attacked by other predators, such as otters.

Her spawn she spawns in early spring readily eaten by migratory birds. Young pike are attacked by their relatives, which are larger and stronger. Those pikes that have grown up often fall ill with various diseases or die from poor environmental conditions. Well, how many years does a mature and adult pike live?

Weight and age

Body weight and age of this fish are closely interconnected. The older the pike, the heavier it is. The more likely she is to live to

Some sources claim that the pike lives for 30 years or more. Accordingly, the body weight of a fish of this age will be about 40 kg. This is due to the fact that the first 3 years the mass of an individual reaches only 1 kg. And then every year she adds 1 kg.

Thus, a pike aged 4-5 years will weigh 2-3 kg with a body length of 70-75 cm. Adults aged 10-12 years weigh approximately 12-16 kg. Old pikes, which live up to 25-30 years, weigh 30-40 kg.

river life

Is there a relationship between habitat and fish age? The question of how many years pikes live in the river remains relevant and open. If the reservoir in which the predator lives is rich in food, the ecological indicators are good, it lives well up to 20-25 years of age.

Pikes that have lived to be 30 years old are mainly found in the rivers of Siberia, the Far East, and the Urals. This is explained by the inaccessibility of water bodies compared to the south of the country. Where there is intensive catching of fish, where poachers hunt, pike do not live to old age.

There is a legend that King Frederick of Germany ringed a young pike. And after 267 years, fishermen caught it. It weighed 140 kg with a length of 5.7 m. In the same way, our Tsar Boris Fedorovich ringed a pike, which was caught after 100 years. Its weight was 60 kg, and its length was 2.5 m. But these are more legends than an answer to the question of how many years a pike lives.

Before you start, you need to know that this business will not bring you instant profit. At the most good conditions it could be in two to five seasons. It all depends on the growth rate and value of the breed. In order for the income to be every season, with extensive fish farming, it will be necessary to launch the fry into the pond every year, until the juveniles of the first year become sexually mature and begin to breed themselves.

Semi-intensive, will require cages for each year fry released. It is used as a feed

Breeding in pools will require as many growing tanks as the number of years it is planned to grow fish.

First, let's deal with the basic issues of fish farming.
  1. The economic component of business.
  2. What kind of fish to breed.
  3. Fish farming methods.
  4. Necessary activities for fish farming.

Economic component.
The most cost-effective in terms of fish farming as a business in the CIS is carp and trout.

Where to begin

Device action plan fisheries includes several items.

  1. Finding out the demand for the product in the market.
  2. Selection of fish for breeding.
  3. Selection of breeding and cultivation methods.
  4. Obtaining documents for the right to engage in fish farming.
  5. Purchase and installation of fish-breeding reservoirs.
  6. Selection and purchase necessary equipment(pumps, filters, aerators, etc.).
  7. Acquisition of fry, food, medicines.
  8. Working with suppliers and markets.


Carp, an artificially bred breed by carp breeding, is easy to cross, grows quickly, is prolific, not whimsical to water quality and oxygen content. Able to gain weight with good feeding, even in small artificial ponds and pools.

As in any other business, you will need a business plan, which means that you need to take into account all the costs and time to generate income.

Business plan includes

Initial investment.

1 hectare of a reservoir stocked with fry will require approximately 60,000-70,000 rubles.
Consider what the main costs fall on, calculation per 1 ha.

  • Paperwork 10,000 (lease agreement, registration of an enterprise, call for sanitary and epidemiological supervision specialists, purchase of a license).
  • Malek 17000
  • Arrangement 20000 (purchase of the necessary equipment, cleaning the pond and territory)
  • Feed for the first month 10000
  • Other expenses 3000-5000 rubles.

We get to start on 1 hectare you need about 62,000 rubles.
Figures are approximate and may vary by region.

Growing and fattening

It should be noted that some fish species, such as carp, crucian carp, catfish, sterlet, stop feeding in winter, go into wintering pits and fall into suspended animation.
For this reason, for such breeds, the cost of feeding is considered the arithmetic average.
Another factor, the larger the individual, the more food she will need.

Income for the third year of a stocked reservoir

Now we will calculate how much income we will receive from 1 ha S of the reservoir. 1 ha = 100m*100m

250 kg fry, after 3 years 2500 kg
The approximate wholesale cost of 1 kg of carp is 60 rubles.
2500*60=150000 rub.
150000-62000=88000 rub.

It is important not to forget that puberty occurs in the third year of life. Leaving a few individuals for breeding, the cost of fry can be removed. Thereby increasing the income.

In the future, you can remove the cost of purchasing equipment, since it is bought once for several years, and may require only repair costs.

Fourth year

Documents 5000 (lease certificates)
Arrangement 5000 (repair)
Other 3000
Total per 1 ha 13000
Realization 150000-13000=137000 rub.


Two types of productive trout, iridescent and brook, are most suitable for artificial breeding. The most profitable in terms of profitability is indoor cultivation on the principle of recirculating water supply systems (RAS), intensive cultivation.

Creating a trout farm requires the same activities as a carp farm.
  • Registration of necessary papers 10000
  • Purchase of the necessary equipment 1500000
  • Malka 300000
  • Feed 200000
  • Salary of employees 300000
  • Scheduled maintenance (replacement of filters, purchase of spare parts) 200,000 rubles.
  • Total 2600000 rub.

Trout wholesale price 300 rubles. for 1 kg.

With intensive cultivation from 1 ha, the yield is 10 tons of fish.
10000*300=3000000 rub.
3000000-2600000=400000 rub.

Sexual maturity occurs upon reaching 3 years of age. With a competent approach to artificial insemination of eggs, an article, the purchase of fry, you can remove costs from the list.


The cost of creating a farm will pay off in three years. With well-established sales, starting from the fourth year, the farm will begin to receive a good income.

  • Sanitary certificates and other papers 5000
  • Feed 200000
  • Employees 300000
  • Service 200000

The total cost from the fourth year is 705,000 rubles.
3000000-705000=2295000 rub.

Summing up

Carp breeding is simple, but the profitability is lower.
Trout farming is difficult, but income over the same period is higher.

Necessary activities for fish farming

What to buy and make.
  • Ponds or fish tanks
  • Hangar for intensive fish farming
  • Communications (electricity, heating, sewerage, treatment facilities and filters).
  • Pumps for circular pumping of water.
  • Aerators for water enrichment with oxygen.
  • Emergency generator.
  • Various nets, cages, nurseries.
  • OKVED area code 03.2.
  • Necessary papers for an artificial reservoir
  • Registration of sole proprietorship or LLC. Passport, copy of index, payment of duties.
  • Veterinary certificate from the sanitary and epidemiological authority.
  • Registration in the fish inspection.