Weight training program 4 times a week. The best 4-day split workout program for muscle gain. Several options for four-day split training and their advantages and disadvantages

The exercises collected in this split system are perhaps one of the most effective, yes, they are simply the best, especially for those who seek to build muscle mass. Not surprisingly, many serious bodybuilders take them as the basis for their endurance training. They really work. Ok, enough water, let's actually.

There are many different options workouts designed for 4 days (I will describe some of them in this article), but there are two key factors: the modifications or varieties of exercises you choose are not particularly important here, the main thing is something else. You need to carry iron at least 4 days a week, and work on a specific muscle group every day. Got it? Now, we can continue.

Why 4-day split workouts are better than all other systems

If your main goal is to build muscle mass- it makes sense to take into account one decisive factor in your training - the intensity of your approaches. When I say "intensity" I mean the optimal level of effort that your muscles are working at during one training session. Their stamina and your capabilities are significantly increased compared to more intense workouts that allow you to pump only certain muscles, which are done once a week. Therefore, I recommend choosing exactly a 4-day split for mass. And generally speaking...

Four times a day (weekly) is the most optimal pace for such loads

Split workouts allow you to focus on working on one muscle group during one session, such as pumping your legs. It will also allow your muscles to fully relax, bounce back and even grow, i.e., prepare well for the next session, and this is the most important component for building muscle. Another important point is the increase in muscle mass. If you lose sight of this, then very soon you will overdo it, stop noticing the results of your work, and as a result, regression in everything, both in strength and in muscle growth. But do not go crazy, everything is much simpler than it seems. Let's continue...

Several options for four-day split training and their advantages and disadvantages

1. 4 days of intensive work 3 days of rest

The principle is to train 4 days in a row, then do 3 days of unloading and repeat everything again. It may seem to you that if you train 4 days in a row, this will lead to overheating of the muscles, but this is not so. You have nothing to worry about, because. every day you give a load only to certain muscle groups. On other days, you simply do not do exercises that involve already "pumped areas", but this does not mean that these days you can do nothing at all. In fact, you can, even rather, pay attention to exercises that strengthen the cardiovascular system, for example, take a quick walk, swim, work out. game types sports, and even do simple and short-term cardio, etc. - Here great options for weekends. It would be nice to get physical activity every day.

The real plus when choosing this option is that in fact after intense strength training and resistance training, you get 3 days to fully relax (in a sense) or work on cardio.

2. 2 days of intense training, 1 day of deload, 2 days of training, 2 days of deload

This is the second correct option effective exercises. The undoubted advantage of this technique is the lack of load throughout the day, which will allow you to recover and spend the next session more intensively. This is a great load for the average bodybuilder. More experienced athletes prefer split systems according to the scheme 4 days load 3 days of rest or even the 5/2 scheme. (This topic deserves a separate article, stay tuned for it).

3. Workout on any other day except Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday

This split program is chosen by a bodybuilder for whom sport is more of a hobby. It certainly works, but you need to strictly follow the schedule, according to which you should "fall out" for four days a week, you need to try to study several days in a row, otherwise you will be faced with the fact that you will form the habit of giving regular physical activity no more than 3 times a week. That's why I don't recommend this method for those who are really serious about doing a 4-day split training program.

Okay, now that we have figured out the obvious advantages of these activities, and we know what to do and what not to do- it's time for a more detailed analysis of what a good four-day training program for gaining muscle mass should look like. In this program, basically, the number of approaches changes, the number of repetitions is a kind of constant, in each of the exercises there will be a minimum of 8, and a maximum of 12.

Weight training program 4 times a week

Monday: rib cage and triceps

  • Bench press: 4 sets of 8-12 reps
  • Incline Dumbbell Press: 4 sets of 8-12 reps
  • Trapeze exercises: 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps
  • Mahi back through emphasis on bent arms: 4 sets, reps - as far as possible
  • Triceps extensions (extension of the arms on the upper block, extension of the arms using a rope handle): 4 sets of 8-12 reps
  • Triceps extensions (arm extension using a rope handle, curved plank): 3 sets of 8-12 reps
  • Arm extension with curved neck overhead barbells: 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps

Tuesday: Back and biceps

  • Pull-ups wide grip: 4 sets (until exhaustion)
  • Deadlifts with straight legs (death thrust): 4 sets of 5-8 reps
  • Vertical row: 3-4 sets of 8-10 reps
  • Deadlift: 3 sets of 8-12 reps
  • Dumbbell Raise: 4 sets of 8-12 reps
  • Pull-ups narrow grip: 4 sets of 8-12 reps
  • Dumbbell curls: 3 sets of 8-12 reps

Wednesday: Shoulders and Abs

  • Standing press ( army press): 4 sets of 8-10 reps
  • Shoulder press with dumbbells: 4 sets of 8-10 reps
  • Breeding arms to the sides: 4 sets of 8-10 reps
  • Front raises: 3 sets of 8-10 reps
  • Squats: 4 sets, the number of repetitions depends on your capabilities
  • Abs exercises: 4 sets, the number of repetitions depends on your capabilities
  • Plank: 4 sets, the number of repetitions depends on your capabilities

Thursday: Legs and Abs

  • Squats: 4 sets of 8-10 reps
  • Leg Press: 3 sets of 8-10 reps
  • Leg curls: 3 sets of 8-12 reps
  • Calf raises (sitting): 4 sets, the number of repetitions depends on your capabilities
  • Calf raise (standing): 4 sets, the number of repetitions depends on your capabilities
  • Twisting the abdominal muscles with the ball: 4 sets, the number of repetitions depends on your capabilities
  • Leg raises: 3-4 sets of reps depending on your ability
  • Scissors: : 3-4 sets the number of repetitions depends on your capabilities


Saturday: Rest, light cardio

Sunday: Rest, light cardio

Stretching: Stretch before and after your workout. Before lifting the bar, the stretch must be active, and after power loads, more static.

Soon I will write a detailed article on stretching. Stay tuned.

Rest between sets: Make sure that the relaxation between subsequent stages does not last more than 2 minutes, but less than 30 seconds. Listen to your inner voice to know when to move on to the next set. Be aware of the difference between muscle pain and mild fatigue.

Over time, every athlete has difficulty in building muscle mass. The fact is that experienced athletes already have a long training experience, which means that the muscles adapt better and it is much more difficult to shock them than athletes. entry level. Therefore, the load should change periodically, it can be diversified different ways. One of them is the distribution of muscle groups into separate days, the so-called split. In this case, we will consider a four-day split for mass.

For those who have just started their training this program is not suitable, they are better off using a full body or a two-day split. On initial stage training muscles are not so adaptive, only after a certain period of time you need to change your program. When you can no longer shock your muscles, you need to switch to a 3 or 4-day split for mass. There are many options for building a four-day split, consider the main ones and make up detailed program exercises for every day.

Four-day training program: what is it for?

Four day split is a logical continuation three day splits. The only difference is an additional training day, during which you can pay more attention to pumping a specific muscle group. Only five major muscle groups, and training days 4 means you can split one group and train with other large muscle masses.

You can separate the training of the arms, consisting of biceps and triceps, and attach to the training of the back and deltas. And you can train biceps after the chest, triceps after the back. Or divide the deltoids into three days, each head on a different day. A 4-day mass split is basically done in a 2-1-2-2 pattern, two days of training, 1 rest, then 2 workouts again and 2 days off. There are many splits, here are some popular examples:

The options considered are as follows:

  • In option No. 1, we divided the hands into 2 components and combined them with other groups;
  • No. 2 divides the shoulders into 2 days with a logical relationship (during training, the backs tense rear deltas, therefore we combine them, training the chest, the front deltas work, therefore we combine them);
  • #3 divides the leg workout into 3 parts (hamstrings, quads, and calves).

The main principle of the distribution of muscles in four day split is the lack of load on the muscle being trained on the previous or next day. Those. if you train chest today, you don’t need to pump triceps tomorrow, because today your triceps have already worked so much, so they need rest. In general, it should be so that the muscles being trained do not intersect with next workout. Now let's move on to the exercise program.

Four-day split for mass

The four-day muscle building program is done with an average of 8-12 repetitions of each exercise. Follow the sequence as indicated in the table, first basic movements, after them shaping / isolating - this is the main thing. This complex can be redone for other splits, just choose the exercises for those muscles that you want to transfer to another day. From the considered splits, we will write a set of exercises for No. 1:

Monday: back/triceps Sets/Reps Rest (sec)
Belt pull 4/8-12 90
Pull-ups 5/8-12 60
Block pull to the chest with a narrow handle 4/12-15 75
Shrugs 4/10-12 75
Hyperextensions 4/15-20 60
Close Grip Press 4/8-12 90
french press 4/10-12 75
Bench press in the block 4/12-15 60
Tuesday: legs
Weighted squats 4/8-12 120
leg press 4/10-12 90
Romanian draft 5/10-15 60
leg extension 4/12-15 60
Leg curl 4/12-15 60
Rise on socks 4/15-20 60
Wednesday: rest
Thursday: chest/biceps
Incline bench press 4/8-12 90
Horizontal press 4/8-12 90
Pullover 5/10-12 60
Mixing in the simulator 4/12-15 60
Lifting the projectile for standing biceps 4/10-12 90
Hammer curls 4/12-15 60
Concentrated Lifts 4/12-15 60
Friday: deltas
Projectile press up 4/8-12 90
Pull to the chin 4/10-12 60
Wiring to the sides 4/12-15 60
Raising the projectile in front of you 4/12-15 60
Tilted piping 4/12-15 60
Saturday, Sunday - rest

Let me tell you right now, this is not perfect option split, but a nice template that you can customize. Before training, be sure to warm up for 5-10 minutes, before starting training another muscle group, do a warm-up approach with light weight. The duration of the workout should not exceed 60 minutes. Do not forget to drink water, preferably with amino acids diluted in it. If you are straight and do not use sports nutrition then add honey to the water. The press can be trained on any days convenient for you.

It is unnecessary to observe all the nuances of this program, because you cannot do some exercises for any reason. Therefore, it is important to feel your muscles and give them everything they need. The 4-day mass split suggests some adjustments you should make use of:

  • Split options. You have the right to edit a 4-day split for mass at your discretion, because everyone has their own characteristics of the body and the sequence of trained muscles should be comfortable. Training should not strain you, experiment and choose the best split for yourself;
  • Other movements. As already mentioned, you can change the exercises at your discretion, the main thing is to follow the basic principle - change the basic ones to the basic ones and with the rest as well. For example, a triceps press can be replaced with back push-ups with weights, chest information can be performed in a bow tie or in a crossover, or you can finish it off with wiring. If you need hints, ask in the comments;
  • Various projectiles. We recommend periodically changing the equipment used, for example, replacing the barbell with dumbbells in the bench press, you will get a different load, which will positively affect the training. You can also change the exercises. Thus, the muscles will not be able to adapt to the loads, and each workout will be a shock for them, and this is what you need;
  • Reps and rest. This four-day split for mass shows the principle of building training and rest. There is nothing critical in the fact that you will increase the duration of rest by 15-20%, because some athletes really need to rest ten seconds longer. And the repetitions vary from the range indicated in the program.

Perform each set almost to failure, you could do a couple more times, but you don't have to. Finish muscles to complete failure only in the last approach of each exercise. Use a 4-day mass split for no more than six months, then rest for a couple of weeks to work and work on pumping or sculpting.

4-Day Relief Split

To make your muscles more prominent, you need to slightly modify the training regimen. You also need to additionally use cardio workouts in the program, which should be done after a power load. The set of exercises can be left the same as in the 4-day split for mass. You just need to increase the number of repetitions in each exercise by an average of 5, you will get 15-20 depending on the type of movement. Thus, you get a wonderful four-day split on the terrain.

After strength training (every second workout), do twenty minutes of interval cardio. Use treadmill And elliptical trainers rowing or jog with gym home. The principle of interval load is to periodically increase the intensity of traffic. For example, first run moderately for 3 minutes, then 2 at an average pace, 2 as fast as possible, 3 moderately, 3 quickly, etc., select the amplification sequence at your discretion, the duration of cardio is 20 minutes.

Sports mode

To achieve the maximum return from training, you need to follow some rules:

  1. A well-composed four-day split for mass;
  2. Proper nutrition;
  3. Sufficient rest.

Consider these points, because only when the muscles are attacked from all fronts, you will get a guaranteed increase in mass. Go all out for training and work to failure in the last sets. Provide the body with all the necessary nutrients, because carbohydrates and protein need to be supplied in large enough quantities and drink plenty of water. The main food products are cereals, milk, and meat. Muscles grow during sleep, so lie down on your side at 10-11 pm. You need to fall asleep with an empty stomach, for this do not eat food after 7 pm.

That's all, it remains to wish success and hope that our four-day split to the mass and recommendations for it helped to realize our plans.

Masses to you and relief!

Four day split - this is a training program for tre-na-zher-no-go for-la, pre-appointed-for-chen-naya for na-bo-ra we-muscle mass and increase-li-che-si -lo-out for-ka-for-te-lei at-le-ta. Che-you-reh-day-split can-gut-use-on-l-zo-vat at-le-you-of-the-th level of under-go-tov-ki, but pro-r-ram- ma and her goals will be once-whether-cha-t-sya. Na-chi-na-yu-at-le-you, someone already passed a sub-go-to-ve-tel-ny stage in 2-3 months, pe- re-ho-dya on the sys-te-mu split, can-gut-on-l-zo-va-t-sya this pro-g-ram-mine, so that tre-no-ro-vat all your we-shech-nye and not-we-shech-nye ka-che-s-t-va in sos-i-nii super-com-pen-sa-tion . At-le-you-of-the-middle-level of under-go-to-ki can-gut-use-by-l-zo-wat four-you-reh-day split for on-bo-ra ma- sy and increase-li-che-niya forces-of-for-the-lei of large muscle-muscle groups, one-new-re-men-but you-de-lyaya tre-ni -ro-voch-ny day under tre-ni-ditch-ku shoulders and arms. At-le-you prod-vi-well-of-the-th level can-gut use-by-l-zo-vat split at 4-you-re of the day for special-a-li-za-tion on any-be-we-shech-noy group-pe.

A four-day split has a number of advantages, pos-in-la-u-s-chih demons-pre-five-s-t-veins-but increase the volume of each tre-ni-ditch and provide -chi-va-yu-shchih-possibility of using such prog-res-siv-ny methods of training as stretch ching . Not-dos-ta-current about-g-ram-we are that it comes to spend more time and more forces on it, including it makes sense that to-ho-dit to her comes-ho-dit-sya even more from-vet-s-t-ven-but than to three-day-no-mu sleep-to , pos-to-l-ku, if at-let will be on-ru-shat di-e-tu, sleep, or, all the more, pos-in-lit se-be you-drink, then he doesn’t-ne-et-re-es-sta-but-vi-t-x to the next tre-no-ditch. As a trace-s-t-vie, co-be-t-sya graph, come-to-do a step back, reduce-press on-g-ruz-ku and pre-at-no- mother a whole series of measures just for the sake of getting back into the ranks. In a way, before joining this program, you need to answer yourself to the question, to-to-to-l-ko You go-you use it-on-l-zo-vat!

Four day split for beginners

The option for beginners is a split, dividing the body into the upper and lower parts, when at-years in one tre-no-ro-voch day -no-ru-et no-gi, and in the second, everything is os-ta-l-noe. Why, then, why are you-re-day-split, if there are only two tre-ni-ditches? The point is that tre-no-ro-va-t-sya at-years should be 4 times in no-de-lu: in no-del-nick, Tuesday-nick, Thursday verg and Friday. In the first 2 days, at-let is used-by-l-zu-et mak-si-mal-but possible working weight, tre-no-ru-yas to from-ka-for , on-g-ru-zhaya muscles and sti-mu-li-ruya their hyper-t-ro-fiyu. Two pos-le-du-yu-shchie tre-ni-ditch-ki at-years is-on-l-zu-et 50% of their ra-bo-chih weights, just pro-ka -chi-vaya muscles, in order to pour them with blood-view and help them quickly-t-ree-re-st-but-vi-t-sya, at the same time, tre-ni-ru-yut - energy-ge-ti-ches-kie functions of the muscles, which will allow in the future to use volumetric training.

Rules: at the beginning of the workout 10 minutes warm-ups , after something, at-years, it comes to tre-ning-gu, someone should not last more than 45 minutes, in- e-to-mu from-dy-hat between-du under-ho-yes-mi need-but 1 mi-well-tu. During the tre-ni-ditch-ki obligatory-for-tel-but drink the water, maybe sweet, but without gas. Re-ko-men-du-et-sya drink water with liquid-ki-mi ami-no-sour-lo-ta-mi, or eat during tre-ni-ditch-ki sho-ko- the way that it will be under-pi-you-vat your muscles with energy. The duration of the program is 4 months.

Beginner Program

First workout - legs

Front Squats – 4 sets of 12 reps
leg press
Romanian deadlift - 5 sets of 12 reps
Calf raises - 4 sets of 30 reps

Second workout - upper body
Incline Press - 5 sets of 12 reps
Dips – 3 sets of 10 reps
Wide grip pull-ups - 5 sets max
Barbell Row – 3 sets of 12 reps
Barbell row to the chin - 3 sets of 12 reps
Hyperextension - 4 sets of 15 reps

Four day splitfor intermediate athletes

This version of the four-day split is designed for athletes who are able to reap at least their own weight for 1-2 reps, sit down and you-half-thread of a hundred-but-vuyu traction by 130% of your own-with-t-vein-no-th weight. Duration of for-ny-ty in tre-on-zher-nom for-le from 4 months, that is, at-years should already be able to right-vil-but you-half-take ex-razh-non-niya, feel-with-t-in-vat muscles and, most importantly, have adapt-ti-ro-van-nye to power-training ditch-kam connections and sus-ta-you. Pro-g-ram-ma pre-naz-na-che-na for na-ra-schi-va-niya we-shchech-noy mass-sy and increase-li-che-niya power-lo-out -for-the-lei, the program-ram-ma lasts 5 months, after-le-go not-about-ho-di-mo from-breathe 2 not-de-li and 2 -3 months for-no-ma-t-sya in a more easy pam-pin-go-th style.

Rules: at the beginning of the workout, a warm-up of 10 minutes, before each exercise-no-no-eat 3 times-mi-night sub-ho-yes, some-ry on-chi-on-yut -sya from the empty neck, then at-let becomes 50% of the working weight, 75% and you-half-take exercise. The duration of the trip-ni-ditch-ki is 60 minutes, from-breath between under-ho-da-mi is 60 seconds, in basic exercises-no-no -yah, some-rye you-half-nya-yut-sya for 5 rep-to-re-ny, 120 seconds. During the tre-ni-ditch-ki obya-for-te-l-but you need to drink water, with time-ba-in-len-us-mi in it liquid-ki-mi-ami-no -sour-lo-ta-mi, pre-h-ti-tel-but BCAA. If you are still not a party to a dispute-tiv-no-go pi-ta-niya, then, yes, add water with honey.

Intermediate Program

Monday - legs

Barbell Squats – 5 sets of 5 reps
Leg Press - 5 sets of 15 reps
Romanian deadlift - 5 sets of 12 reps
Superset (2 exercises):
Leg Extensions – 4 sets of 15 reps
Leg curls - 4 sets of 15 reps
Calf raises - 4 sets of 30 reps

Tuesday - chest
Power Press – 5 sets of 5 reps
Incline Dumbbell Press - 4 sets of 10 reps
Dips – 4 sets of 8 reps
Crossover Raise – 4 sets of 12 reps
Hanging leg raises - 5 sets max

Wednesday and Thursday - rest

Friday - Back
Deadlift – 5 sets of 5 reps
Wide grip pull-ups - 5 sets max
Dumbbell row – 5 sets of 12 reps
Lower pulldown - 5 sets of 15 reps
Shrugs - 4 sets of 20 reps
Four day split for advanced

Advanced athletes who have already built up muscle-muscle mass, the experience of tre-ni-ro-wok is for some half-or-ra-two years, but for some, from-s- ta-yut ka-what-no-whether we-cheek-groups, can-gut-use a four-day split for something, whatever -li-ro-vat is from-with-ta-va-nie. It should be noted that spe-tsi-a-li-for-tion is a way to give on-g-ruz-ku to the target we-shech-ny groups in damage to all the rest of the os-tal-nym, s-kol-ku re-sur-owls for the restoration of the new-le-niya at the or-ga-niz-ma not without-limit-no-no-no- honestly. At-years should-wife-ho-ro-sho in a mother-to-mouth way and feel-with-t-in-vo-vat your body, knowing what kind of-g-ruz-ku it is able to -accept and re-re-var-rit, otherwise-che, at-let just for-go-nit yourself in re-re-tre-ni-ro-vanity, po-e- then-mu na-chi-na-yu-shchim at-le-there is-pol-zo-vat program-ram-we with special-qi-a-li-za-tion for-p-re-sche-but .

Training programs: specialization on the legs, specialization on the back, specialization on the chest, specialization on the shoulders and sp-qi-a-li-za-tion on ru-ki. Remember that special-a-li-za-tion is only a stage of training, someone should not last up to 3-4 me-xia-tsev, drive yourself into re-re-tre-ni-ro-van-ness -le-nii, about-go-nit be-gu-shche-go, knocking-she-go-sya out of the way!

The training program must clearly correspond to the goal that the athlete has set for himself. When gaining mass, one principle is used, and when losing weight, another.

It is important to take into account all the features, otherwise you will not be able to achieve a result.

Daily workouts are very exhausting. Not everyone will be able to withstand such a regime, and such an amount of free time is also not always available. 3-4 sessions per week will be enough to work out the whole body completely and provide the body with rest.

All the pros and cons of four-day classes

The three-day split is the most popular type of activity. We know much less about the four-day regimen, however, this option is often used in practice. It has its advantages and disadvantages, which must be taken into account.

The positives include:

  • there are 3 free days a week, which is enough for recovery;
  • you can conveniently “scatter” different muscle groups by day so that they do not intersect.

The main negative point is that, given the seven-day week, it will not always be possible to arrange a full day off after class. At least once, two training sessions will be held in a row.

You can partially solve this problem by exercising at different times of the day, for example, on Monday daytime workout, and on Tuesday - evening, the remaining two go on Thursday and Saturday. You can also train completely non-overlapping muscles these days.

Variants of complexes of basic exercises

The training program 4 times a week can be different. It all depends on the goal that the athlete sets for himself. For example, if you need to gain muscle mass, then you should divide the muscles into 4 groups and do your part every day, if you need to lose weight, then you can follow the principle of circular exercises and change the program every one to two weeks.

Attention! There are many options for training programs. Each must correspond to a specific task that the athlete sets.

Mass exercises

Mass training must take into account a number of factors, including recovery of the body. If the muscles are not restored, the next workout will only damage them even more, and the situation will not change by the next lesson.

With a four-day plan, you can use the following approach:

Workout 1. Legs.

Perform about 4-5 exercises for 3-4 sets of 6-12 repetitions. These can be squats, leg presses, lunges, leg extensions in the simulator, lifting on toes.

Workout 2. Chest.

4-5 chest exercises are needed, for example, bench press, incline press, dumbbell fly, crossover and dips.

3-4 sets for 6-12 reps.

Workout 3. Back.

4-5 exercises per back, as an option: hyperextensions, deadlifts, dumbbell-to-belt rows, lower block rows and upper block Per head.

Workout 4. Shoulders and arms.

2-3 exercises for the shoulders and 2 each for biceps and triceps, for example, standing press, sitting dumbbell press, biceps with a barbell, biceps with dumbbells, reverse push-ups and triceps on the upper block.

3-4 sets for 8-12 reps.

The training plan may be slightly modified. For example, you can do exercises on the legs and shoulders on the first day, then train your arms, then devote a day to your back and then only move on to the chest. Exercises can also be changed.

Important! From time to time it is useful to carry out power cycles, performing multi-repetition movements. This will give a new impetus to the growth of muscle mass, help to cope with stagnation.

Slimming classes

require high energy consumption. Alternatively, you can perform circular exercises, doing several exercises in a row 4 days a week, and then completely change the program. So the plan might be:

  • jumping rope, 100 times;
  • squats for 15 times;
  • bench press 15 times;
  • lifting the legs on the press 15 times;
  • dumbbell pull to the belt 12 times;
  • lifting dumbbells for biceps 12 times;
  • french press for 12 times;
  • hyperextension 15 times.

Exercises can be different, as an option to put something closer to aerobic activity, for example, do burpees, kettlebell swings, jumping push-ups, bench jumps, rope, pull-ups and dips on the uneven bars. All this is done in a row, without rest. The number of circles is five or more.

You can also train on the split principle. The same exercises are performed as for mass gain, but for 20 repetitions, and any cardio before and after training is added to them.

Relief training

The goal of terrain training is to reduce fat while maintaining muscle mass. After such training period muscles should be maximally traced and embossed.

As a rule, heavy exercises are performed, but for 20-25 times. This will maximize blood flow to the muscles, making them expressive and full. Option training program as follows:

Day 1. Legs.

Squats, lunges, breeding on the simulator, mixing on the simulator, lifting on toes, leg extension in the simulator. All exercises are done 20-25 times in 4 sets.

Day 2. Chest and triceps.

Bench press, dilution of dumbbells, push-ups from the uneven bars, French bench press, extension in the simulator. Everything is done 20-25 times in 4 sets.

Day 3: Shoulders and biceps.

Bench press standing, Arnold press, breeding standing, lifting the barbell, biceps in the Scott bench. 20-25 for 4 sets.

Day 4. Back.

Deadlift, pull-ups, dumbbell rows, lower block and upper block pulls. 20-25 for 4 sets, and push-ups - to the maximum.

Relief training can be somewhat different. For example, you can use the principle of supersets, combining 2 exercises, performing them one after another. There are many variations, the main thing is that the muscles are properly restored and trained in accordance with the established plan.

Useful video

Main conclusions

A four-day workout is also well justified. This mode is convenient in that it helps to divide the muscles into more groups in order to give them special attention every day, which would be impossible with three workouts in Week.

The main thing is to follow the established rules, follow the diet and diet plan. In this case, the result will not keep you waiting. Muscle groups will be pumped properly, without intersecting and without interfering with mutual recovery.

Numerous visits to bodybuilding websites convince me that one of the most relevant topics and the subject of active discussions on them is questions rapid weight gain and muscle growth, which excite not only beginners, but also quite venerable athletes. Although this is not surprising - it is worth looking at yourself from the side in those days when our main tasks were exclusively building huge muscles, gaining maximum mass, giving volume to the biceps, expressiveness of the chest or the width of the back.

Reading articles on mass gain found on the Internet, I came to the conclusion that there is catastrophically little really high-quality information on this topic on the network, you can even say that it doesn’t exist at all, well, maybe, with the exception of just some very common truths, and even then, unfortunately, not all. Having stumbled on the net more than once on similar questions about the same bodybuilding beginners, I decided to write a series of articles in which I planned to include detailed materials on the training program, nutrition, sports supplements. Today we will talk about a training program aimed at effectively gaining muscle mass.

Let's touch on the fundamental truths, without which high-quality muscle building is impossible:

  • It is necessary to do a warm-up before the main workout, which includes heavy loads for weight gain. The athlete must warm up well so that his joints and ligaments have time to warm up, and for this I would recommend using the athlete, running at an average pace for ten minutes will prepare the body for the next heavy exercise. Then you need a stretch, aimed specifically at those areas of the body that you have the most “problematic”, for example, elbows or shoulders - it is these that must first be carefully and thoroughly kneaded.
  • Before each main working set, you need to do one or two warm-up approaches. using a light weight, which should be about 40-50 percent of the weight of the worker. Warm-up approaches allow the athlete to also feel this exercise.
  • Don't go to the gym for too long- Quite enough intensive work for an hour. And remember this simple truth: In training, the main thing is not its duration, but only the intensity.
  • The end of the workout should be a small hitch to stretch the muscles and joints.. A good option is swimming in the pool.
  • During training for the mass, you should not be distracted by extraneous matters. The observable pictures of what often happens in the gym are depressing: someone is talking enthusiastically on the phone, someone is busy with a new toy in his iPhone, someone is talking to a neighbor and the like. That is, training people do not understand why they came here and lose the time allotted specifically for training in the gym, and then they get, as a natural result of this, the absence of any, even a little progress in bodybuilding. Make it a rule: since you came to the gym to train and your goal is to gain weight, so train without being distracted by extraneous matters and absolutely nothing at all.
  • Key condition for success is to work in a working approach until the very last repetition, performing it as well. It is the last one or two repetitions, done already through overcoming, that become the most effective in the process of training and it is thanks to them that effective muscle building occurs.
  • You need to follow a nutritious diet, on which success in bodybuilding depends in half. I can subscribe to my every word and responsibly declare that without food High Quality mass gain is impossible and you will never be able to build decent muscles. My next article will be devoted to this - it will be convenient for you to follow the news using the newsletters of this blog.
  • Sufficient rest before the next workout is also important.. Do not be surprised and do not be afraid now - the goal of bodybuilding training is precisely to injure the muscle fibers, however, in the safe sense of the word - during heavy loads, the tissue of our muscles receives microtraumas, which the body then seeks to heal and due to this, tissue growth occurs. So here's to this recovery muscle fiber the body needs several days and therefore daily training is absolutely contraindicated for the average bodybuilder.

In this list, I have listed the rules that should be followed during training aimed at gaining mass. And now you can go directly to the training program itself.

You will have to do three times a week: on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, or Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday - it's convenient for anyone, and here the main condition is a mandatory break between workouts of at least one day.

As a rule, athletes distinguish chest, legs, shoulders, triceps and biceps into separate muscle groups and, accordingly, each of our workouts will be focused on pumping a specific muscle group.

Three day workout

Monday: work on the muscles of the press, chest and triceps

The exercises of this workout are aimed at pumping the pectoral muscles and triceps. First, five approaches are performed, the purpose of which is the press. For this, any exercises are taken to work out the abdominal muscles. In any case, the pumping of the pectoral muscles is also associated with the study of the triceps (triceps muscle). Fully work out the triceps by bench press and bench press incline bench.

  • . After two warm-ups, four working sets of 8-12 repetitions follow. This exercise works best pectoral muscles increasing their volume and mass.
  • After one warm-up, four working sets of 8-12 repetitions follow. This exercise allows, in addition to gaining muscle mass, to give the muscles a beautiful relief and a good athletic shape.
  • After the first warm-up, four working sets of 8-12 repetitions are performed. When doing bench presses, do not forget about a partner! The exercise is effective for working out the triceps and the inner part of the pectoral muscles.
  • in four sets of 8-12 repetitions, but only after the obligatory warm-up of the muscles shoulder joint to reduce the risk of shoulder injury. This exercise perfectly works out the muscles of the upper chest.
  • in four sets with the maximum possible number of repetitions in each approach. This exercise is an excellent training not only for the triceps, but also for the entire shoulder girdle.

What has been done: the exercises allowed us, first of all, to pump the pectoral muscles through a heavy load - bench press, and thus we launched the mechanism of their growth, and also worked on their shape. Fully developed and all the bundles of the triceps to stimulate it effective growth. After such training, a hitch is needed and the best option here becomes a pool - swim to your health for 10-20 minutes.

Wednesday: back and biceps workout

This workout focuses on the muscles of the back, which should become wider and more powerful as a result, as well as pumping up our beloved biceps. Do not forget about the obligatory warm-up warm-up before training and five approaches to the press.

  • - perform five approaches for the maximum number of times. If it doesn’t work with pull-ups, then you can use the pull-up simulator, or block simulator with a pull of the handle to the chest. But my advice is this: since there is nothing better for the muscles of the back than pull-ups, try not to use the simulators, but pull yourself up in the classic way - on the crossbar and believe that this works much more efficiently.
  • , doing four sets of 8-12 times after two warm-ups. This is the most effective exercise for the biceps.
  • 8-12 times. The deadlift is a basic and highly effective exercise for both the back muscles and the whole body - in the process of its implementation, a large number of anabolic hormones are produced that stimulate muscle growth. A prerequisite is a thorough warm-up of the back before the deadlift, especially lumbar to avoid injury during the exercise.
  • in four sets, sitting, 8-12 repetitions. This exercise perfectly forms the biceps, emphasizing its relief and increasing its height.
  • . After one warm-up, perform four sets of 8-12 repetitions. Exercise effectively draws the muscles of the back, giving them a beautiful shape.

What has been done: Thanks to pull-ups and deadlifts, the mechanism of muscle growth was launched, all the muscles of the back were worked out to the maximum, which will now make it grow. Pumped biceps due to the most effective exercises. Now it's time to cool down and stretch.

Friday: shoulder and leg work

The emphasis of the exercise of this workout - a squat with a barbell on the shoulders, is done on the entire surface of the leg muscles. We will also pump shoulder girdle.

  • in four working sets of 8-12 repetitions after completing two warm-ups. Before training, it is necessary to thoroughly stretch the shoulder joints, given that the shoulder is the most vulnerable place in the bodybuilder's body in terms of injury.
  • . The squat is an exercise from the heavy arsenal and there is nothing harder than it. And here, as nowhere else, the athlete must be as concentrated as possible and have perfect technique. Before performing this exercise, especially thorough kneading is necessary. knee joints, ankle and lumbar spine. Having completed all four approaches and giving all the best at the same time, the athlete feels a real pumping. After doing just one squat on a leg workout, I usually have no energy left for anything else.
  • in four working sets of 8-12 repetitions after three warm-ups. When performing this exercise, the risk of injury to the shoulder joint is also high. It is necessary to perform lifting the barbell behind the head, concentrating as much as possible, without jerking, and always in the presence of a coach or someone who can put the barbell on the rack after the exercise.

What has been done

During the training, the leg muscles were worked out and a good impetus was given to their growth. Worked and shoulder muscles. Now we move on to the hitch and stretching.

So, here I have given the entire weekly training cycle, working on a set of muscle mass. An athlete can dedicate two or three months at the most to him, and then he must definitely change radically. This is done so that the body does not have time to get used to and adapt to monotonous loads. In my next articles, I will talk about and give an overview of the types acceptable for an athlete that contribute to muscle gain.